• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,187 Views, 15 Comments

Maybe Love Bites - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Should Be... series, part 60. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – About my post

It has been two and a half long hours since the two ponies left the castle grounds to take on the highly undesirable job that is known as train station duty. The point of the post is to make sure no threat to the city is allowed in...This point has never made much sense to the dark cream coated stallion who continues to sit on the empty white wood bench. The idea of a threat literally taking the risk in boarding a train and then just walking into the city is something that seems quite idiotic to the stallion and pointless.

But, staying true to his word the young stallion has not left his post; even if that does mean he's been forced to listen to the slightly annoying pegasus continuing to relive what happen earlier.

"...Oh and his face! He looked speechless!"

Aerolight gives a little sigh to the comment as he nods, "Well he did say something so I don't know if speechless is right."

His words do little to Gust as the sprawled out winged stallion shakes his head, "Still he looked so...You know."

From his seat on the bench Aerolight just gives a simple nods as he rest his head back to the back of the bench, "When is the next train again?"

Gust turns his head to the empty tracks as he speaks up, "Um, it's the north train...I think a few minutes."

A groan comes from Aerolight as he closes his eyes.

"You shouldn't sleep on the job."

The comment brings a slight smirk to Aerolight as he sits up a little more, "Ya because so many ponies are going to report us." His hoof points to the empty train station as he waits for a response.

Gust rubs his hoof to the other as he shrugs, "Well ponies should start coming for the train soon."

Aerolight just gives a little sigh as he puts his head back to the wood benches back, "Ya."

"Oh ya I forgot." The voice again brings Aerolight's head up as he watches the stallion reach into his armor, "Here, this stuff came this morning."

The young stallion looks over the slightly sweat damp letters as he slowly extends his hoof, "Oh...Thanks."

Gust lowers his head a little as he speaks up, "Um, do you think you could get your mail sent to your house from now on? The letters have started to get a little more angry."

Aerolight cocks an eye to the comment as he smirks, "You been going through my mail?"

The words quickly bring a response from the stallion as he shakes his head, "No no, b-but some of the letters don't really stay folded...And it's hard to not read a letter when an angry mare kinda shoves it in your face."

A faint chuckle comes up from Aerolight as he starts to hoof through the letters without reading anything more than the first few letters,
Hi I was wondering... Hi it's.... Can we go... Hey do you...

As Aerolight continues to move through the last few mare written letters his eyes lock to the last piece of paper with a light blue glow.

Gust notices the longer stare as he speaks up, "Ya that one looked the most interesting...Who's it from?"

No answer comes up from the earth stallion as he looks over the first few lines,
Dear Aerolight,
Your sister and I have something to tell everypony, and we...

The young stallion does not read anymore as he just blows to the letter. Within moments a light green glow of his magic comes to the paper as it burst into flames along with the others as they fall to the ground.

Gust looks over the pile of black remnants as he speaks up, "Um you're not supposed to litter..-oh okay."

Before the stallion can even finish the comment Aerolight has stomped his hoof to the pile as it now blows to the wind. As the little burnt scraps float away the gray stallion speaks back up, "So who sent that letter?"

Aerolight rolls his tongue in his mouth for a moment as he just shrugs, "My sister, she probably having twins or something."

Gust blinks to the comment but before he can ask another question the sound of chattering ponies starts to ring to the train station.

"Oh ponies." Gust straightened his posture as he turns back towards the tracks with a little whisper to the still sitting stallion, "You should probably get up." Aerolight groans a little as he comes to his hooves.

- - -
(A little later)

The small group of ponies that trotted into the station now numbers close to fifty as the noise to the small cover bounces down to the two silently standing guard pony's ears.

However, the constant noise of either a foal crying or some old pony having a coughing laugh fit is shattered as the new sound of the quickly approaching train's wheels now squall to the station.

Aerolight squints his eyes as he now regrets his last night little outing, but he maintains his posture as he turns his eyes between the few doors of the dark wood and metal train.

The north train has never looked as cheerful as the south train he's seen in Ponyville. However the more rustic look to the train, definitely does help to wash away how childish the job of watching ponies getting on and off a train is.

Within moments the doors come open as a few train conductors step from the cars, following them are more crying foals and older ponies.

Aerolight halves his gaze to the train as he watches a few ponies trotting into the station or to the baggage compartment near the end of the train.

Gust nudges his friend as he speaks up, "I got the left part of the train, you look out for anypony at the front."

The fact as to how serious the pony takes his job brings a slight smile to the stallion's face as he widens his eyes to the train's front stairs.

However...The young stallion's pink eyes catch something in his peripherals as he now turns to a light brilliant yellow coated mare with darker freckles on her nose that run up a little in between her two green eyes. Aerolight starts to slowly turn his head a little more as he watches the two tone blue maned mare trotting towards the baggage compartment.

The mare who has still yet to even turn her head from the side of the train starts to bring a smile to Aerolight's face as he turns to the stallion next to him, "I think I have a suspicious pony."

Gust's eyes widen as his wings flair out, "Oh Celestia where!?"

Aerolight pats his hoof to his friend as he speaks up, "Shh, I got this. Just make sure if StoneGem stops by you tell him I trailed the um...Suspect."

Gust nods as Aerolight starts to slip a little more into the crowd, his eyes still pinned to the mare that now removes one bright white satchel from the baggage compartment. The insignia on the back matches her cutie mark, which is a milk bottle inccidentently.

The dark cream coat stallion squints his eyes to the mare as he waits to see if anypony comes out with her. She looks to be a little older than he is, but at most by only one or two years.

As she starts to trot away from the train Aerolight straightens his posture a little as he moves to the edge of the train station. He post up against the train station's wall as he turns his eyes around the few ponies that trot in front of him, both to see when the mare moves past him and just in the off chance he sees a pony with fangs or something strange.

However, as the mare trots a little in front of him the stallion strikes as he moves next to her, "Excuse me do you need any help with your bag?"

Despite all the other bag wielding ponies that trot past him the young stallion holds to the initial comment knowing he can not change it now.

The mare stops her trot to the words as she blinks a little confused to the pink eyed pony's comment.

"My bag?" The well spoken southern drawl has a uniqueness that is almost unheard in Canterlot as it rings in Aerolight's ear, "Yes ma'am."

To the comment the light brilliant yellow mare cocks a slight smile as she nods, "Why yes you can."

Aerolight holds the smile as his plan works and the mare lets loose of the bag and towards the stallion. But to his surprise the one satchel is a little heavier than he expected, still maintaining his persona as the stallion speaks up, "So um where to?"

The mare sparks her trot up as the smooth southern drawl comes up, "Fantaisie Gras."

The name flicks the stallion's ear as he turns an eye to the earth pony mare, but the question as to why this mare would be staying at one of the most expensive places in the city does not come out. Instead the young stallion is slightly hypnotized as he just stares to the mare's sway of her hips.

- - -
(Further into the city)

The trot into the city has been held at a fairly speedy pace despite the constant conversation the young stallion has shelled out to slow her down.

And now as the two story dome white block building comes into view the mare that has continued to trot in front of Aerolight now speaks up without Aerolight leading the first comment, "So tell me Mr.Guard, why was my bag so important?"

A slight laugh rings up from Aerolight as he speaks up, "You looked like you could use some help."

"Hmm...So you are implying that I am weak looking?" The earth pony cocks her head back for a moment as she starts to take control of the conversation.

Aerolight picks up on this as he blinks to the idea of her trying to take the lead especially on the last leg of the trip, but he does not let the words stall him as he speaks up, "Well I don't really know you, so I can't say for sure if you're weak."

A slight laugh comes up from the mare as she nods her head, "Interesting response."

The building's overhang now comes over them as the mare halts her trot, "You seem to have a quick mind."

The mare's stop in her trot confuses the young stallion for a moment as he just looks to her, but before he can ask a question a voice shoots his ears up.


Aerolight quickly turns his head to the voice as he takes a step back in disbelief to the dark blue stallion that now trots towards him with the same angry stare he already saw earlier.

StoneGem's voice is quickly changed as he turns his attention to the mare beside him with a little bow of the head, "I'm sorry Lady Way did you find your way alright?"

The mare gives a pleasant giggle as she nods her head, "Of course, I know the city fairly well." Her hoof comes up as she gives a little smile to Aerolight, "This stallion was gracious enough to guide me."

StoneGem blinks to the comment as he speaks up, "Lady Way, I do believe the invitation said to stay with the guards on the train."

The mare shakes her head as she smiles, "I understand what the invitation said, but I had no intent to wait for everypony." Her eyes come back to Aerolight as she holds her hoof out, "My bag...Aerolight was it?"

Aerolight gives a little smile as he removes the mare's bag from around himself, "Yes, here you go..." The new proper voice holds the smile to the mare's face as she takes the bag around herself, "Good day."

As the mare trots away StoneGem takes a step forward with a quick whisper, "I told you to stay at the train station and make sure there was no problems."

Aerolight swallows a little as he nods.

But the dark blue stallion just shakes his head as he looks over the stallion, "You are lucky the mare you decide to escort was one of the guest."

Despite the fact the young stallion has no idea what kind of party is going to be held he gives another nod as he speaks up, "Yes sir."

StoneGem sighs as he starts to trot back towards the doors the mare already walked through, "Now get back to your post, Celestia called for every lord and lady of the outer cities for some kind of get together."

Aerolight straightens his posture as he waits for the stallion's gaze to turn from him, as it does the stallion gives a relieved sigh as he starts back down the road he traveled from.

- - -

The trot back from Fantaisie Gras was definitely not fast as the stallion continues to enjoy the afternoon sun on his back before he is back under the station's cover.

But despite his slow trot the young stallion has returned to the now empty train station as he continues to trot to rejoin the other guard standing near the empty benches.

Gust takes a step forward as he speaks up, "You missed it Arrow!"

"Missed what?" Aerolight halts his trot as he waits for the stallion to continue.

"There must be some kind of royal party going on, there were royal guards and everything. It's a good thing you trailed that one suspicious pony." Gust's smile brings a responses from Aerolight as he flops back to the bench, "...Ya good thing."

End of chapter 5