• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,508 Views, 200 Comments

Lanterns of Equestria- The Blackest Night - Moon Chaser

Writings for Moon Chaser's parts of the compellation story of The Blackest Night Equestria

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A star defying the night

A star defying the night.

by Moon Chaser (DA CrazyMikePrime)

Sky Castle ‘Boiling Point’ headquarters of the Red Lanterns of Equestria after the reading of the Book of Oa 10:45 pm

A small shooting star streaked overhead, its white tail disappearing almost as quickly as it had appeared. A moment or two later there was another, smaller and shorter in life than the last one. This had been happening off and on through the night, but few in Ponyville seem to notice, or care. Rainbow Dash herself didn’t care…she had bigger hay bales to fry tonight.

“Everypony better be here,” Rainbow Dash growled as she landed on the common quad of her cloud fortress. Blood plasma began to slowly flow from her mouth and her eyes as the leader of the Red Lanterns could barely contain her wrath at the ponies of her corps for the treatment of Applejack. Though she had been upset with her friend’s absence, she honestly had feared the worst had befallen the earthpony: though her body lived, her heart was dead and the tough as nails farmer had been broken…

…by another of her friends, lost to them forever; a friend whose memory she would avenge if it took the whole of her life to do so.

As Rainbow Dash’s hind legs touched the cloud, the first to answer her ring call waited in burning rage filled silence. That pony now approached her.

Wildfire’s rage as second only to Dash’s herself. So intense was it that it allowed her to survive grievous wounds that would have ended the life of any other pony lantern. The burning fire of her wrath instead allowed her to become a living embodiment of the red light’s power, becoming like the energy of the battery itself. Because of this she had been made the protector of the red lantern’s power source. Rainbow Dash followed Twilight Sparkle’s suggestion and had also consigned her as a resource of last resort, only to be used in the gravest extreme for Wildfire once unleashed would not stop herself until all in her path had been destroyed and there was nothing left to slake the fury that burned like Celestia blazing sun itself.

The shimmering pegasus of red energy approached her corps leader, floating in the air off the cloud before Dash, nodding her energy body’s head in respect and acknowledgment. “They’ve started to arrive now. They’ll be waiting for you,” Wildfire said simply, her voice having a ringing lilt to it like she was speaking in a crystal or metal chamber while she pointed behind her with her ‘ring’ hoof to the assembled Red Lanterns, “Over there”.

That voice! The other red lanterns were all a little unnerved by the unreal quality of the sound of her voice. Other non lantern ponies would be shocked at Rainbow Dash for thinking this she found her new voice ‘awesome’ and loved hearing Wildfire’s battle scream, for when she was in a certain mood, to her ears it was the grandest of music.

“What’s this all about boss?” a metallic echo rang out from Wildfire’s form.

“I’m going to start with you and am going to ask this once: Did you call Applejack a coward? Did you accuse her of abandoning us,” Dash asked in a low voice that cracked and quivered as she exerted control to keep from exploding. It was all she could do to retain any semblance of calm. She badly wanted a target to vent her rage at. The thumping of her heart became stronger and quicker as she waited for a response to her query. The urge to butt her head into the pony or ponies that had insulted her friend and damaged their fidelity was becoming overpowering.

Wildfire raised an eyebrow and her energy construct ears pricked up in surprise. The pegasus of living energy landed on the cloud and crouched a little, appearing a little shorter than her corps leader. “What! Are you kidding? Applejack? Really, “the lantern of red light worked her ‘construct’ jaw back and forth in puzzlement, “I wouldn’t say anything even close to that boss. I know Applejack and wow…that is crazy! Sounds like you’ve been eating moldy rye. Who the hay would say something like that?”

A bright orange shooting star appeared, falling to earth brighter and lasting longer then any the two ponies had seen in a while, lasting until it looked like it would land on the ground somewhere.

The other lanterns were out of range to hear the Red Lantern leader and the battery guard. Some leaned forward a little straining to hear what the two fiercest of them were saying to each other, others were distracted by the starry light show. Dash growled a little under her breath, “I don’t know; but by Celestia I intend to find out-RIGHT NOW!”


Ponyville Library, Headquarters for the Yellow Lantern Corps of Equestria 11:30 PM

Spheres of yellow ring energy nesting neatly within each other like mixing bowls of a varying size but identical shape spun silently before Twilight Sparkle’s eyes. The layers of the construct became more opaque the closer to the center they were. Each sphere was labeled with a pointer and a note written in Scientific Equestrian. The slowly turning creation of Twilight’s mind had small points of light that flashed here and there, running about inside, indicating a point of interest of the moment it was still. A beam from the yellow ring lighted the floor of the yellow lantern’s bedroom. For an hour the ring had been generating this structure. The wait for a quick and dirty answer had been torture to Celestia’s best student, she had even turned away Rarity from a discussion, asking that it be put off until the morning.

[=Lithosphere stability within accepted parameters=] the Yellow ring said.

“How does it look closer to the center?” Twilight asked as she gazed deep into the yellow balls before her.

[=Mantel temperature and pressure nominal for planetary structure=]

“…and the Core?”

[=Initial measurements: planetary magnetic field nominal. Core dynamics including pressure and flow appear nominal. Initial assessment: planetary interior stable. Additional scan time will be required for a definitive answer to planet stability question. =]

The Leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps blew air out in relief as she sat back on her haunches. The construct model of the planet’s interior slowly dissolved away, layer by layer. Light faded away as the structure was re-absorbed into Twilight’s ring. She was lost in thought until from behind her a voice startled her out of her contemplation.

“Are these the last days of the world?”

Twilight wheeled about to face her new unwanted guest. If the voice she had heard had not identified the interloper, the distinctive cape and hat that shaded a gleaming smile firmly established who had come to call.

“So, are we doomed? Is all we do pointless? Isn’t that what you were trying to find out?”

The smirking face of Trixie Lulamoon greeted the Yellow Lantern leader. The show mare had been floating when she entered the room making not a sound. She now landed on her hooves and came to a rest on the floor of Twilight’s bedroom. Trixie had created a more flamboyant version of the Yellow Lantern uniform for herself, keeping her signature cape and hat but decorating them with the motifs of the lantern corps she now served.

“The Great and Frightful Trixie wonders if Lady Sparkle has finished her geological studies and can now talk.”

“I just thought…”

“You found out some new information. You found that a world can die and you wanted to make sure our world was not about to as well,” The show mare laughed ” when you find something new Lady Sparkle, you cannot leave it alone, you must at least sample it, ‘taste’ it you might say.”

“You don’t understand Trixie! I had to know…wait, you were listening in weren’t you!”

“I do understand,” there was mirth in Trixie’s voice as she approached her corps leader. “It’s all so crazy, so terrible and wonderful at the same time. It’s also…terrifying! “A blue hoof stamped on the floor and turned yellow for a second. “…and you had to know.” A black shoe impression was left by yellow by the ring energy Trixie had commanded. “See that? The power we have! Power undreamed of in all of Equestria! But think about it, what is it for? The power is to match terrors waiting for us, that is what it is for. You saw one of those terrors in a history book tonight. So…what does that mean?“ Trixie laughed a dry almost sad laugh. “If you think about it too much, you will go mad, or you discover something about yourself you did not want to know.“ The stage magician smiled,” and yes, Trixie was listening. She got back from scouting early and decided to not interrupt proceedings as your red friend is not Trixie’s biggest fan. It was interesting learning more…” The magician almost sounded ecstatic.

The construct had completely disappeared as Twilight addressed the lieutenant she had been reluctant to recruit. Trixie’s command of theater skills made the number two fear lantern particularly effective at instilling terror when she wished to. She was skilled with the ring, displayed cunning and seemed to relish the charge of power action brought. Twilight had half a mind to rescind the yellow ring she gave to her former rival save for one galling fact…

…Trixie was very good at her job.

“Enough! I’m not in a mood for riddles and mind games Trixie,” Twilight snapped. Her eyes flashed with the light of fear. As she lifted herself off the floor of her bedroom, the yellow energy aura appeared around her, her face becoming a frightening visage as she came to her full height. Trixie’s eyes widened a bit and her small smile melted away.

The scholar’s voice became a frightening symphony to Trixie’s ears for a moment, “Did you find anypony that would be a good member for our corps?”

The show mare’s smirk returned with her composure. She let out menacing titter before she spoke. “Corps member? Yes. Pony? No. Not a pony. No Twilight Sparkle, the Great and Frightful Trixie has taken inspiration from you and found another amazing recruit for the Yellow Lantern Corps. You might even say it’s too delicious a find, especially to you. ”

Twilight cocked her head a bit to the right wondering what in the world the show mare had found as a candidate for her to induct? “What in Equestria did you find Trixie?”

Lantern Lulamoon turned away from her corps leader and moved in the direction of the door, a coy smile on her muzzle. “Trixie is parched from all her labors and wishes Lady Sparkle to join her in a cup of tea so she can discuss this new find.” Peals of laughter erupted from Trixie as she descended down the stairs. “Lady Sparkle should find the new prospect…interesting. “

Trixie paused for a moment, looking off into space searching for something. Her face’s expression had changed; her ears drooped and eyes became full of sorrow. She spoke in a calm and low voice, the new tone having none of the arrogance that normally came out of Trixie’s mouth. Her voice became solemn and serious for a moment.

“After that, we must discuss something that will upset you. It upset me when I realized it but I don’t think you see it yourself Twilight.” Trixie was facing away as she descended to the first floor of the library and made her way to the kitchen. “I have some experience with this from my time on the stage but you I suspect have never experienced this phenomenon before, and I think I need to make you aware of it, for your sake as well as mine.”

Twilight’s ears twitched as she frowned. “Wha…what are you talking about? What don’t I see that you do?”

‘Fine. I tell you now.’ Trixie stopped moving down the stairs and turned around and using her left front hoof she lifted Twilight’s right front hoof up. “This is what I’m talking about. These rings, or rather what powers them or more importantly how it affects us.”

Twilight withdrew her hoof from Trixie, opened one eye wider than the other and curled up one side of her mouth, “OK…go on.”

The magician breathed out and then continued her decent down the stairs. “Alright. No games. I will say it plainly. We are intoxicated by wielding the power of fear! We feed off of the fear of others. We get a rush when others are in terror.” Trixie sighed and looked at her corps commander. Complete puzzlement was in the eyes of Celestia’s best student.

“I’ve felt this before, when a crowd cheers for me after a good performance. I bathe in their adulation. I get a kick out of that feeling and I crave more of it. I then want to do more to get that feeling. That’s part of why I am in show business, that…energy I get from the crowd. So I know what I’m talking about on this OK?” Twilight nodded slowly, her mouth agape in surprise.

Trixie raised her own yellow power ring, the fear powered weapon almost seemed to purr as she spoke. “Now I bathe in other’s terror Twilight! I feel the same way terrorizing others that I felt on stage receiving their applause. I LIKE what I feel! I also know something else… YOU feel the same way. I KNOW you do. I’ve seen it.”

At first Twilight Sparkle started to shake her head in an emphatic ‘no’ but stopped and looked at herself in her mind’s eye. She saw at how the ring made her act with others, how they recoiled at times when she let the yellow light of her ring burn bright. She saw the terror she instilled in others with the yellow power…and how it felt to her when she did so…

Twilight raised a hoof to her mouth in embarrassment and astonishment. She felt shame, but the reason why was lost on her for the moment. Was it because she caused terror and that was wrong, or because she enjoyed the feeling of power and that felt RIGHT! That horrified her. When she was a filly after her cutie mark appeared and her magical ability awakened, many other ponies murmured about her in their fear of her ability. That fear and her standoff bookishness kept other ponies from approaching her. Knowing that other ponies were in fear of her made her feel terrible back then…

…and now? Celestia help her, now it felt GLORIOUS!

…and for a moment she swore she could hear the buzzing of some giant insect, followed by a chilling laugh in her mind

Twilight looked at Trixie’s with eyes wide in horror. The implications of what her lieutenant had just said ran through her mind and her heart. The scholar began to dread, which in turn both repulsed and invigorated her. Trixie also felt the same ‘jolt’ of sensation in her corps leader, and herself. Both of their rings seemed to purr.

“What do we do Trixie? What did you do to cope with this? How did you handle the hunger for these… feelings? ”

“I didn’t.” Trixie’s muzzle scrunched up. “I never did find a way to stop the hunger for adulation. It is part of the reason why I was always hard on hecklers when I was doing my show. That’s why I spoke up when I became aware of what was going on. I thought maybe you might know what to do. In any case we must be mindful Twilight Sparkle, or we will lose ourselves to it and we may never WANT to be found!”

The fear lantern leader nodded slowly. Trixie was right, she was not consciously aware of what the show mare was talking about until now. Her former rival had just pointed out a disturbing truth she herself could not even hope to see without being told about the nature of the problem. Why was she being so nice?

“I’ll ask the princesses, see if they can help us.”

Trixie nodded as she reached the kitchen door. The moment of her openness had lapsed and she seemed to return to the posture and airs that marked her normal public manner.

Entering the kitchen, Twilight levitated the kettle to the sink and began to fill it up with water. Then mint tea was levitated out of a cabinet and added to large tea strainer separated from tea pot. Magic placed the kettle on the cook top and a flame appeared underneath, beginning the process of boiling the water. It was a mundane way to make tea, but there was comfort in the ordinary.

“Trixie appreciates the tea, but would like something more substantial to go with it. Even a humble sandwich would do.”

“First things first; what about this new recruit you have found?”


Sky Castle ‘Boiling Point’ 11:55 pm

“They’re all here now boss,” the keeper of the red battery gestured over to her gathered corps, “The last few just flew in.”

“Took em’ long enough,” Dash loosed a bloody spit to the floor of the castle, the hiss of the plasma made as it burned through the layers of cloud-stone offering a beginning to the festivities the irate pegasus was about to unleash.

Rainbow Dash lifted off the cloud by a few inches and floated over to the Red Lanterns gathered together, her red aura began to grow very slowly with every passing inch she drew closer to her corps members, blood plasma began to flow from the corner of her mouth. The rage lanterns waited in silence, watching their leader’s approach with a mixture of dread and puzzlement.

Ba-boom, ba-boom ba-boom. The noise in her heart filled her ears.

As Rainbow Dash landed before the members of her corps, and took a long deep breath. Though the anger in her was a rolling boil, her visage showed that she was merely perturbed. Dash closed her eyes as she wiped the blood plasma away from the corner of her mouth. The aura around her still was slowly increasing in brightness, indicating the true state of her temper, though the other red lanterns did not understand what her shine truly indicated.

Wildfire herself floated forward to join the other ponies when Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder at Wildfire with her blazing eyes. Dash then held out her right front leg indicating to the keeper of the red battery to halt. She then gestured to Wildfire to drop back with a small waving of her hoof. The pony of pure rage energy complied and drifted back to land behind Red Lantern leader to her right on all four of her hooves.

“What took some of you so long to get here,” Dash asked with narrowed eyes.

Another small shooting star left a fading light trail.

“We got a little carried away at a party in town,” Score answered. He sniffed and scratched at the back of his ears. “It was OK, Earth Ponies love to party so why not.”

“You mean Pinkie’s party for Applejack?” Blood plasma began to leak at the corner of her mouth ‘You guys have some nerve going to that party after what you did.’

“Yeah, I guess, who knows.”

A large trident appeared in front of the derisive lantern, the glittering fork’s points touching his neck threatening to impale the pegasus.

“When I call you all, you MOVE! ALL OF YOU! GOT IT,” the corps leader bellowed, the lines in her face grew deeper in rage.

“Um, yeah boss, we got it.” The conclave of lanterns all nodded their understanding. The threatened red lantern simply nodded and gulped.

The war fork disappeared in a mist of red ring energy, the summoners calm became restored for a moment. “Now,” Rainbow Dash began as she turned her head to face her corps, the lines of her frowning face growing deeper as she brought her terrible visage around, “It has come to my attention that there is an issue between my corps and my friends.” The rage lanterns looked among themselves exchanging glances with one another wondering what their leader meant.

Restlessness caused Dash to lift off the cloud very slightly. She began to move back and forth in front of the audience. This was her form pacing. She often did this when she was trying to explain herself to some pony that was frustrating her. Now it was keeping her from flinging herself at all her lanterns with all the savagery her ring and her heart could dish out.

For a moment there was no word from the moving pony, her lanterns watching her quietly glide back and forth, her eyes closed and her muzzle dropped down slightly as she moved. Rainbow Dash’s ring aura had dimmed as she paced. “Um…boss,” a quiet inquiry came from to her ears, “what’s up?”

Dash stopped her gliding over the cloud center front of the Red Lantern Corps. Slowly the pegasus then pivoted to once again face the lanterns, her aura now soft and almost unseen. She ran her gaze over the assembly looking into their eyes searching for a clue to the culprit responsible.

‘Who betrayed us? Who dishonored us,’ Rage and Loyalty screamed in unison in Rainbow’s heart whose beating had become rapid. There was a feeling of a kind of ‘thumping’ at the back of her mind. ‘Who damaged our friendship?’

One came forward from the crowd, a stallion. He was without corps uniform, his brown coat was slightly unkempt and matted, the top of his mane flopped over his eyes, giving him a vaguely sheep dog like appearance. The cutie mark on his flank was three basketballs. His ring shimmered as he moved. ‘One of the party animals,’ Rainbow Dash smirked, ‘Brave of you Hoops,’ she thought.

"The only issue any of us got," Hoops snorted back at her, "is that your 'friends' keep gettin' in the way when we fight! So what if some ponies don't move fast enough when we're fighting those scuzzy zombies? If ponies don't want to get hurt, they oughta stay outta fights in the first place, let em’ stay home and cry, who needs em’!"

Gilda, sitting at the end of the front row clamped her wings tightly to her body. She covered her eyes and forehead with her ring talon, shaking her head. “Great,” she whispered, “this should go well.”

“…what did you say,” a growl came to Dash’s throat when she spoke. Rage plasma began leaking out of her mouth.


“I said…”

There was an explosion of crimson light. The glare caused everypony to shy away and shield them from the intensity of Rainbow Dash’s blazing aura. The pegasus of living energy was the only one not affected by the light coming from the red corps leader, she seem to actually bask in it.

As the multitude adjusted their eyes they beheld a strange and terrible image. Rainbow Dash was now hunched over like she was going to walk on all of her hooves, but she did not come in contact with the cloud layer. She was surrounded in her red lantern aura, but now it had changed. The energy field wrapped around Dash the way thick winter clothes did, conforming to the shape of her body but giving it bulk. The appeared larger and much more forbidding. The feathers of her wings now had sharp tips to them , their edges were now jagged, like a griffin knife. The multicolor mane and tail were standing out in a brush except for the top of Dash’s mane; that part of her hair had grown in length was drew itself up into two great branches from her head, curving up and looking very like the arms of the symbol of the Red Lantern Corps…

…or the horns of a minotaur!

The side locks of her mane had grown as well, they now protruded out from the sides of her head like the tusks of some great boar of the Everfree forest. Rainbow Dash’s eyes were now pure red in color and had no irises or pupils. Blood plasma ran from those frightful eyes and almost seems to pour from her mouth, burning through the cloud floor beneath her that had turned pure black and was rumbling, lightning danced at the hooves and arced over the body of the transformed corps leader. A construct shaped like a lightning bolt with framed with wings appeared around the neck of the iridescent form towering before them that seemed to grow larger and brighter with each passing moment.

Rainbow Dash let out a roar as she spoke, the voice gurgling as blood plasma sprayed from her mouth. She spoke words tortured by inchoate rage. Fear gripped all before her as the words she bellowed cut through the Red Lantern’s to their core. The light from Rainbow Dash became almost blinding.

“W-who…c-c-called…A-p-p-p-p-l-e-j-j-j-a-c-k…a-a-A…C-COWARD? W-H-O-O…DARED!?”

Gilda gritted her toothed beak in anticipation of what could only follow; a battle with the thing her friend had become. As she stared at her friend she was not quite sure if she and the other Red Lanterns could even fight what Dash had just become, their leader seemed to grow vaster by the second. The mightiest force of lanterns in all of Equestria, irresistible to everything that stood in their path, felt as if they were mere fleas compared to their transformed mistress. Their very souls withered under the raging gaze of her who lead them, they felt scorched by the righteous fury that burned in the heart of the bearer of the first red ring.

The Red Lanterns stood frozen in place as the passing seconds seem to become eons.

What had been Rainbow Dash raised her head up and let out a roar that sounded to all like fury itself given voice. All was then still for a moment, like the calm before the oncoming storm.

In that space between moments; the roar of Rainbow Dash had seemed to shake the very foundations of the world.

“Oh Crud” breathed Gilda, her own rage aura a mere spark compared to the bonfire that was before her “This is gonna hurt!”


Sugar Cube Corner, Ponyville 11:55 PM

“It’s a clear night! Let’s move this party outside! There’s more room to dance under the stars! “A pony yelled from somewhere.

“Ah could swear Ah heard some critter roarin’ a minute ago,” Applejack said. her ears pricked up in alert,”Sounded frightful!"

“Over all of this? Not likely.” Raindrops responded.

Pinkie Pie rode on the uplifted hooves of the gathered crowd of ponies, the limbs of the party crowd acting like the waves of the ocean with Pinkie in the role of surfboard. Like the crashing waves of the sea, the herd of ponies in sugar cube corner surged back and forth, splashing themselves along the walls, their laughter and conversation was the roar of the waves of a party tide.

“That’s a great idea! Everyone, dance in the square, while I’ll tell you all something special! Let’s GO! “

The bubbling command of the party animal supreme of Ponyville brought the crowd to their hooves and the tide of revelry began to flow out the door, the noise level slowing ebbing away as the celebration for the return of Applejack moved out of Sugar Cube Corner. Surfing until most of the party attendees had left, Pinkie Pie curled into a ball and rightly bounced as she landed on the floor, uncurling in front of a pensively cider sipping Applejack and a stone faced Raindrops. When Pinkie stood on her hind legs an explosion of confetti erupted and fell on the two green lanterns leaning at the main counter across from Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

The Cakes sighed out loud and visibly relaxed as relief washed over them with the departure of the party goers to a more open place. The celebration that Pinkie Pie had planned was without a doubt one of the biggest she had attempted in a long time, and though it had started slowly and quietly, the ponies almost pensive at the beginning, the hostess’s arrival with the guest of honor started the festivities as only Pinkie could.

Pinkie Pie stared at Raindrops for a moment, searching out the pegasus for any sign of happiness.

“You really ought to smile more.”

Applejack rolled the cider mug between her hooves then looked at the stoic pegasus, “Remind me WHY we’re here again? Ah shoulda headed home with Mac.”

“We’re here for you Applejack!” Pinkie answered her friend before the pegasus could speak. She took the mostly full mug of cider and guzzled it down, foam forming over her muzzle as she gulped the amber colored liquid. The farm mare did not make even a hint of protest, “This party is to tell you how we feel about you! Besides, you needed this.”

‘No Ah don’t,’ she thought, ‘But lil’ sis might.’

Applebloom worried her. The filly had been traumatized by attack, and the appearance of Zacora as a Black Lantern had just about devastated both of them. Her little sister had been more engaging than Applejack had been, she didn’t fall into depression driven sleepiness and withdraw from everypony, but still, something was very wrong with the child. It did not help that she was lying about it, telling everyone she was fine. The family was at a bit lost on what to do. Big sister had just managed to patch herself together right now; what was she going to do about lil’ sister?

Applejack curled one corner of her mouth into a frown and shook her head. “Ah don’t feel like Ah deserve any kind of hoe down just fer comin’ outta the house! Sure Ah just said ah’m gonna kick in an’ tussle with those Black Lanterns, but Ah ain’t done much of anything yet Pinkie!" The gears of her mind turned as she spoke those words ‘Ah’m a’planin’ to though, first thing in the morning.’ After the reading of the Book of Oa and hearing Avra’s tale she had an idea of what she should do, but it was only at that moment that she had the idea of how of how to do it. Fighting and family were going to be hard to balance. Was she abandoning Applebloom going off to fight?

Pinkie placed the now empty tankard on the counter and then turned around and hugged Applejack with a crushing embrace. There was a slight glow from the farmer’s ring as the party hostess tightened her forelegs around her friend who blew out air and then patted the poofy mane of her friend the hugger. “Yes you did need this,” Pinkie said.

Pinkie relaxed her hold and withdrew, tears were in her eyes but she was smiling, “and you did do something; you came back! The reds said you were gone, but they were wrong. I knew they were wrong! Everypony saw it today, everypony needed to see it.” Pinkie tackled her friend again, the fore of the hug this time almost dislodged Applejack’s famous hat off her head.

In the cold void of space, something watched and stirred.

“They needed to see you Applejack,” the pegasus’s demeanor suddenly became softer and she smiled! ”The town had to know you were back. They believed the rumors that you were broken. Many feared that if you were broken, which meant that ponies of lesser courage had no chance. It gave them comfort to know you were not lost. You brought them…”

Pinkie gulped as she looked up into the flashing green eyes of the first Equestrian lantern. “You brought them hope tonight.”

The farm mare prodded the floor with a hoof, “Applebloom’s still hurtin’ Pinkie. It ain’t right to…abandon her to go gallivantin’ around ignoring her sufferin’!”

“I know she is Applejack. I know it’s hard on you. Please don’t worry, we’ll help her. We’ll do what you can’t. You’re going to be protecting us all, stopping those meany zombie ponies from hurting any more of us. The least we can do is help you and your family. That’s what friends are for!”

“Thanks Pinkie. Believe it or not, it takes a powerful load off my mind just hearin’ that.”

Her pink friend grinned; her blue eyes sparkled with a light as the party planner turned for the door. Applejack returned to standing on all four hooves as she started walking to the door. Pinkie Pie bounded in front of her farm friend out the front door, the crown cheering as the hostess of the night landed among them to lead some dancing. Raindrops left next and waited outside the door. The keeper of the book of Oa approached the door and paused, looking out into the great herd of ponies, biting her bottom lip.

Mr. Cake walked up behind Applejack and came along her right side. The farm mare stared out the door at the ponies heading to town square and sighed. This spectacle was not really AJ’s style, it felt like bragging, and that was something she hated. It was one thing if you had done something, after all it wasn’t bragging if you could do it…

…but she hadn’t done anything, at least not yet.

“Ah’ve so much work ta do Mr. Cake. We’ve gotta a sayin’ in the family: Don’t count apples until they’re bucked!”

Carrot Cake stared out into the night like Applejack, watching the retreating tide of party goers as they moved the revelry to town square. “Heh, we say: Don’t cut a cake until it’s baked.” Carrot never took his eyes off scene in the street, speaking to the Green Lantern as they both watched the party goers. “I don’t know if I should say anything but let me tell you something Applejack. Raindrops is right; most of us believed you were gone and the rumors were fast and thick to that effect. We in town had heard about the attack on Sweet Apple Acres and when you did not appear after it was over, many of us started to fear the worst and began to despair. We heard so many versions of what had happened to you we didn’t know what to believe. We even heard a rumor that you had abandoned us all! Some of the Red Lanterns called you names. Many whispered that you were finished and the Element of Honesty was broken. “

Applejack continued to stare at the crowd. A small growl sounded from her throat at the mention of the accusation that some nameless red lantern had leveled at her. ‘Ah was hurt and Ah nearly was broken’ she thought to herself, ‘But Ah’d never willingly abandon mah family and friends...but I felt like had let them down.’

“Pinkie Pie kept telling us it was not true, and that you would be back. It was funny. She didn’t yell or frown, she didn’t call names; just kept insisting you would be back. Whenever somepony asked her about why she thought that all she said was: You’ll see.” Raindrops chuckled a little hearing Mr. Cake. ”She was so sure, and never wavered, and that started to wear down the doubters and our worries. It seems Pinkie always knows more than she lets on. How she could keep lifting our spirits even when it looked grim is a wonder.”

Pinkie had resumed surfing the crowd and was heading to the rostrum outside city hall, her cotton candy like mane bobbing up and down in Applejack’s line of sight. “She never lost faith in me,” she asked as she watched the disappearing spot of pink. The party now had turned into a festival like Nightmare Night, the character of the party changing in the open air of town square.

”No, she never did,” Raindrops said as she brushed her mane from in front of her face. “Truthfully she’s the one who told me to be patient when I was trying to see you. I’d come in to Sugar Cube Corner for breakfast and talk about you with her. She said to just keep at it but not to be too pushy. She said you were hurting and when you were hurting less, you would come out. I admit I had doubts but she would just cock her head click her tongue and say: just wait.”

High above Equestria, a blue ember began to glow.

Applejack shook her head. “Pinkie bein’ Pinkie. Raindrops, as long as Ah live, Ah’ll never figure her out. Ah suppose that’s the point of Pinkie, trust her ta be her.”

“Applejack” a bobbing pink point called out over the roaring sea of ponies, “Applejack! “ Pinkie Pie then leaped onto the rostrum next to the podium. “AAAAAPPLEJAAAAACK,” she yelled as she waved her for legs wildly, bouncing up and down trying to get her friends attention. The party host then frowned a little and pointed in her friend’s direction as she yelled out to the crowd.

“ Hey, somepony, get a-hold of Applejack! Please!”

Ring awareness. A number of ponies using their legs grabbed Applejack and lifted her into the air. Before she was grabbed the ring warned her of the reaching limbs, the alert was like she was rearing a buzzing insect in her ear. Applejack restrained any reaction from her ring. That was a side effect of being a lantern that a non wielder could not understand. Once the ring was imprinted on its host, the awareness it brought when active was disturbingly intense. Normally a lantern ordered the ring to drop the awareness, allowing the wielder to be ‘normal’ but for some reason Applejack felt she should leave her senses on alert and defenses on standby.

The farm mare started to be passed over the crowd like her friend, passed from hoof to hoof to the rostrum in front of town hall when she decided to move there herself. She pulled her hat on tighter she called for the lantern uniform. A glowing green field enveloped her body, cladding her in the distinct clothing of ring energy. There was a slight gasps as she lifted off from the crowd’s support and gently floated over to the platform, landing next to Pinkie. She did not fade the uniform this time, staying clothed as she sat next to her friend and hostess.

“I told you ponies, didn’t I,” the crowd roared back at Pinkie a chant of “Applejack, Applejack,” when she spread out her front legs in the Green Lantern’s direction. Applejack shook her head and waved at the crowd in a gesture of humbleness.

The farm mare shook her head as she approached her poofy maned friend, “Why Pinkie?”

“Why what?”

“Why didn’t you…give up on me? Ah’d pretty much given up on mah self. You couldn’t know Ah’d…”

“I didn’t know. I did worry about you, about what happened, about what it did to you. I almost believed the worst, and then I remembered two things: my friends were there for me even when I thought the worse about myself and about all of you, even though I didn’t know it or believe it, you were there for me. Sometimes you have to just believe. I know it’s silly, but sometimes you have to, even when others call you crazy.”

Pinkie then started prancing about, dancing to music no one else could hear, swaying her rump back and forth, her hooves clopping out the beat she moved to. She turned to face GL Applejack while she ‘danced’ and continued, “I worried, but then everypony seemed to start to despair, and I remembered how wrong I was to despair on my birthday, and that got me thinking.”

The party mare stopped her moving for a moment, looking at the sky. She then returned her attention to her friend .“Have you ever heard the saying ‘hope is a bird that sings in the dark?’”

Applejack smirked, “Yeah”

Pinkie resumed dancing again, ”Daddy used to tell me hope was three things. He told tell me that hope was like the morning and the evening stars. When light was lost, you remember it, you knew ‘it was’, like the evening star that would shine bright after the sun was gone saying ‘I know the dark is here, remember this light.’ Holding on the promise of a tomorrow was like the morning star, it would shine brightest in the deepest dark before dawn saying ‘hold on, the new day is coming’.”

“That’s when I asked him about the middle of the night, that there were only the regular stars in the sky…there was no evening or morning stars, and with no moon it was scary dark. He told me that was my job…to be the one to carry the light in that darkest time, to shine alone in the dark not just for myself but for others as well. ‘Carry hope with you and others will remember it, even in the blackest night.’ Others had forgotten, but I remembered, so I started to carry it and show it, first for myself, then my friends including for you, then for everypony else.”

[=Suitable candidate found=]

Pinkie Pie, standing on her hind legs and dancing about suddenly froze still as a statue. Her tail began to twitch furiously. Returning to standing on all four hooves, a shutter began, rolling in waves through her body. Up and down like a rapid steam piston her body shook for a few seconds, the shutters then ceased for a moment. In that pause between shutters and tail twitches, Pinkie looked up into the clear night sky.

“It’s a doozy! A DOOZY is coming, and it’s going to fall on ME!” she cried out. There were murmurs and then gasps from the crowd. Pinkie Pie raised a hoof to the crowd while looking into the sky, “Don’t worry everypony…it’s OK…it’s…a good thing this time…”

Her eyes darted about, searching the heavens until her ESP directed her into a spot of the sky without stars, a black and forbidding abyss. In that void, a falling star suddenly appeared.

Applejack’s brain tingled. Something was coming…FAST! She looked around, reaching out with her enhanced senses, trying to find what was coming.


She snapped her head up to look into the same patch of the sky Pinkie was staring at. In that part of the sky high above Ponyville there was a blazing blue star streaking down from the sky looking very much like a comet. The Green Lantern did not hesitate, her aura began to glow, brighter than it had before as she lifted into the air. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Raindrops also glowing brighter than normal, lifting off to support her. The cobalt point of light was growing more intense as it fell.

“Ah’m goin’ up after it! Protect the folks,” GL Applejack yelled. In a burst of green light she was gone, the winding trail of fading green showed she was rising into the path of the falling star.

“Tarnation that thing is fast!” she began to form a shield to protect the party goers from the unknown object when her ring spoke.

[= Blue Power Ring Detected =]

“What? BLUE!” the question came half out of her mouth when the blue object she had rose to intercept flew by her with speed she could not imagine it possible. The ring’s voice had distracted her, and the thing’s speed made the lantern miscalculate, the tiny object was bright, almost blinding, even as it receded away from Applejack.

[=Affirmative. Object is a Blue Lantern Power Ring. =]

She began to follow, reducing her speed only coming back down to the ground slowly in comparison. A rings appearance meant that a pony had been selected by the ring to wear it, and like it or not, AJ decided to not interfere in the process.

“Raindrops,” the pegasus’s image appeared hovering above the first pony lantern’s ring, “It’s another ring, and it’s comin’ for its chosen its bearer. Ya know what that means.”

“I do. I won’t try and stop it. Let us see who it is the ring has chosen and what blue means,” the image replied before melting away.

“Ah know who it is,” Applejack said to herself shaking her head a little at the thought, “she got the notice before anypony else did.”

The crowd of ponies was now transfixed, silently watching the blue shooting star come closer and closer. They showed no fear or worry strangely enough, but seemed awe struck. The ring then spiraled around Pinkie, forming a cyclone of light around her. Applejack had landed on the stage across from her friend running through her mind what she should do deciding to do nothing, after all: the ring had chosen.

All was silent when the multitude, all murmuring ceased. All of the ponies heard the blue ring’s voice speak:

[= You have been chosen. You are worthy. =]

The ring slowed and landed on Pinkie Pie’s right front leg. An aura like the other lanterns then enveloped. The blue energy was a new one, no pony had seen this color of ring before. The party mare started to rise into the air, hovering above the stage as the glow of the energy surrounding her began to grow brighter. Applejack floated into the air again, quietly watching. She knew what this moment meant, what it felt like. Surprisingly she felt at ease about this.

[= Pinkamena Dianne Pie of Equestria, you have the ability to instill great hope. =]

A wave of blue energy washed over Pinkie’s body, feeling like a warm blanket on a cold winter night over her coat. Her heart beat faster than it normal and she felt invigorated in a way she had never felt before.

[= Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps. =]

The cocoon of blue light faded away as Pinkie landed on her hind legs on the boards of the rostrum. She was now wearing a body suit much like the other lanterns had only colored cobalt blue. Pinkie contorted like a twisting rope trying to look at herself; marveling at the clothing made for ring energy. The ring on her limb spoke again and flared.

[= Will detected. Constructs unlocked. Potentiality Enabled. =]

Applejack and Raindrops rings chirped in answer:

[= Hope Detected. Ring capacity expanded. =]

A large mirror made of blue ring energy appeared allowing the new Blue Lantern to appraise herself. Pinkie was busy looking at image in the mirror when she started to rise into the air. She stopped half way between the tip of town hall and the rostrum. She giggled for a moment and came back down.

Pinkie remembered the times she had seen Applejack and Rainbow Dash charge their rings and she felt an urge to make the battery of her ring appear. As if by magic a glowing blue lantern materialized before her, floating in the air before the blue clad party pony. The gentle cobalt glow of the object was soft when it first appeared, but as Pinkie reached out to touch it, the light’s brightness increased. Her hoof bearing the ring came closer and closer to the vessel of power.

The ponies of Ponyville continued to watch, some started to squint their eyes from the brightness coming from Pinkie and the blue battery. Many had seen Applejack’s first battery charging, but none had ever seen a ring choose its wearer before. All of the lantern business had made the town folk ill at ease, and Pinkie had helped them with their fright and doubt about everything. Many now found themselves staring at the spectacle, feeling drawn to watch not in fear or doubt or concern, they felt strangely buoyed and for the first time relieved by the sight of this: the Element of Laughter being chosen to bear a new colored ring. They felt like they were witnessing something sacred, like the Summer Sun celebration, an almost holy ceremony.

[= Do you accept? =] The ring asked.

“Absotootlylootly,” the cobalt clad pony declared.

“Here we go,” Applejack sighed, ‘Ah wonder what she’ll see.’

Pinkie plunged the ring into the opening of the blue lantern facing her.

[=Commencing Charge Imprinting.=]

When the ring was immersed in the shimmering light a chain of words came to her mind, the words as if on their own accord finding their way to her muzzle and she found her mouth speaking the words. Her eyes became filled with the blue energy of the lantern, becoming almost as bright as the moon. The light began to grow more intense as she gave voice to the oath in her mind and her heart:

“In fearful day, in raging night,”

Blue light began to swirl around her, forming a gossamer bubble around Pinkie. She saw a flat faced biped that looked a great deal like Avra from Applejacks book. It appeared taller and dressed in blue, not green. The creature had no tail, but its head was long like a mane only with no hair at all; just smooth skin. Its eyes glittered like stars, warm and welcoming. The image smiled at her as it opened it fore limbs wide, almost like it was offering a hug.

“With strong hearts full, our souls ignite,”

The image of the being began to evaporate. Slowly from the light filling her vision a new shape started to form. To her ears there came a sound. It sounded like a bird’s song, but not just any bird’s song. It was the most beautiful sound Pinkie had ever heard in her life! Her heart fluttered in time with the song and she again felt the joy of that day long ago when Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom brought her the first epiphany of her life and her cutie mark.

“When all seems lost in the War of Light,”

Pinkie felt like she was being tickled. Her body shook as she began to laugh. The image of a huge bird appeared to surround her, its feathers gently holding her in a kind of hug. The large bird looked almost like a phoenix, it had a head with three beaks which bent down and gently nuzzled the Element of Laughter. Pinkie responded by nuzzling the bird of blue light back as she began to laugh louder. The bird seemed to trill with approval, almost like it was giggling with her.

Outside the blazing bubble of blue energy, the ponies could hear their friend’s laughter and began some began to chuckle themselves. Others began to hum in harmony a melody that they had never heard before but felt in their hearts.

“Look to the stars-- For Hope burns bright!”

The first Blue Lantern of Equestria felt the power of the battery fill her body, torrents of energy churned within her, waiting to burgeon forth. There was an explosion of blue light as Pinkie released the power within her like a geyser erupting. Like a mighty wave from the ocean, the Light of Hope enveloped everything around her, an advancing curtain of energy that washed over everything on the ground and in the air, chasing away all shadows and filling all the dark places with its radiance. Soon all of Ponyville and its immediate environs would be bathed in the blue brilliance that was briefly as bright as day.

Applejack had been joined by Raindrops in the air, the two green lanterns quietly watching the blue power ring’s selection and imprinting on their friend. While the color of ring was different and the light display more dramatic, the actions and meanings were the same: Pinkie Pie was now a lantern, and like the other Elements of Harmony she had her own color and emotion: the Blue Light of Hope.

When the battery appeared something from within both of the green lanterns ignited. They become engulfed in a blazing green fire that burned from within them. They did not feel any pain or fear; they felt a rising sense of purpose and resolve. Their willpower became more intense, stronger and it was…growing. Applejack felt flooded with power that filled her as the blue light shown into her heart, the earth pony’s very soul blazed in unison with Pinkie’s light and banish all of her misgivings about being a Green Lantern, about her family, her sorrow over Zacora. She felt strong, stronger then she had ever in her life! All weariness disappeared from her body and her mind, like grime washed away by a hot shower. She turned and looked at Raindrops and saw that she too was brimming with power and purpose, the pegasus’s eyes shining like emerald suns. The beginning of a smile showed her approval of what was happening.

“I feel…” Raindrops growing grin stopped her from speaking.

“Ah know…me too,” the Keeper of the Book of Oa responded, cracking her own grin.

The two floating ponies, burning with green light almost as bright as their blue wielding friend then circled each other, laughing like Pinkie was. The trails of green light the left as they circled each other formed a shifting spiral pattern, expanding on the light show the blue lantern had started. The two Green Lanterns made wild noises, Applejack belting out her characteristic ‘YEE-HAW’ she orbited around the blazing blue star of hope. Peals of mirth came from the normally stoic pegasus.

[=Ring Capacity 82.5% and climbing=] Applejacks ring reported.

[=Ring Capacity 138.9% and climbing=] Raindrops ring sang out.

“Ah declare! This is more nifty than electric socks on a winter mornin’, ”cried Applejack.

These was a shower of shooting stars above, all short lived but brilliant. It was as if the night itself approved of what had just happened sending a curtain of light to punctuate the event and announce to any who saw that it would not yield to the Black Lanterns.


Ponyville Library, Headquarters for the Yellow Lantern Corps of Equestria 12:01 AM

YL Trixie Lulamoon munched on a magically levitated dandelion sandwich calmly as her corps leader sat across the kitchen wearing a scowl that could strip paint.

“So let me get this straight Trixie, you think we should recruit….”

A flash of blue light enveloped the two unicorns and filled the kitchen with its scintillating brilliance. Twilight stopped speaking as she was overwhelmed with a feeling of weakness, her legs almost completely buckled beneath her. Gravity’s pull seemed to have become three times as strong, pinning Twilight down. She felt her strength flowing out of her into the ground like she was bleeding. Shaking her head trying to clear the sudden fuzziness from her mind, Lady Sparkle looked through the kitchen table legs at her compatriot.

Trixie was on her side on the floor. Like Twilight, all strength was deserting her body and she was feeling that energy drain out of her, like air rushing out of a punctured balloon. The magician blinked several times clearing her vision, “What’s going on? I feel…weak! It’s…like the opposite of what I feel when I charge my ring! ”

Twilight’s mind seized on what her lieutenant just said: ring charge! She was right, she was feeling the opposite of what she felt when she charged her ring, or felt the terror of others! ‘Could it be,’ she asked herself. Maybe Trixie had hit on what was going on.

“Ring; charge capacity,” Twilight asked through gritted teeth, her breathing was slightly labored.

[=Ring capacity 62.7% and collapsing=] the ring replied, its yellow glow seemed to be diminished, softer than it had been just a moment ago. “Trixie?”

“Ring! Charge level,” the magician snapped as she raised herself off the floor. Trixie held herself up on her front legs, her haunches rotted to the floor. She felt truly tired for the first time since she had bonded with her ring of fear.

[=Ring capacity 47.3% and collapsing=] the show mare’s ring alarmed.

“S-something is draining our energy,” Twilight said as she placed her ring bearing foreleg on the table top. The effect was easing but she still could feel the ring charge drain…no not drain; that was not right. It wasn’t draining, it was evaporating!

“Ring, where is our charge going,” Trixie asked in a labored breath, placing her band bearing appendage on the table like her corps leader. Gravity’s pull had eased, but there still was a fatigue in both Yellow Lanterns bodies that was not leaving as rapidly as it had appeared.

[= Hope Detected. Ring capacity diminished. =]

“Hope? Hope detected,” the purple unicorn stretched, arching her body back stretching out her neck. The yellow of her uniform looked ‘tarnished’. “Was that the flash of light we just saw? Is blue ring energy…impacting our ring charge?”

[= Affirmative. Blue Power Ring and Battery’s proximity impacts Yellow power ring operation. Hope affects Fear’s power negatively. =]

“The blue ring has chosen a bearer. I wonder who it could be. ” the yellow corps leader pondered out loud. The moment of weakness had passed and she felt like her normal self again.

“That was weird! Not only did our rings lose power,” Trixie shook her head, her ears twitched as a tendril of yellow ring energy played about in her ears, “ for the life of me I could swear I heard…somepony laughing about it in that blue light.”

Twilight Sparkle spun on her hooves, biting her bottom lip she approached her best corps pony, coming within inches of her muzzle,

“Did you say…laughter?”

The Great and Frightful Trixie shrugged and rolled her head around, working stiffness form her neck, “yes that was even stranger. It wasn’t laughter like hecklers in a crowd, it was like…Oh, never mind what it was like, what does it mean? Why would I hear laughter from that blue energy?”

‘I can guess why,’ Twilight answered in her head. She had not heard the laughter Trixie described with the blue light. Why not? Was she too focused on the power drain problem to hear it?

The claim of laughter of some kind flowing with the blue energy, a non mocking laughter of joy did tell the Element of Magic one thing for certain: who the blue ring had chosen in this world to bear it.

“Pinkie…the blue ring chose Pinkie,” she said softly."Celestia save us all; Pinkie has a power ring!


Sky Castle ‘Boiling Point’ headquarters of the Red Lanterns of Equestria, 12:01 AM


Rainbow Dash’s voice was indeed like the roar of the hurricane. At the eye of the storm of wrath was the huge form of Rainbow Dash, her transformation had become more ‘solid’ and her might and power had increased beyond anything the lanterns imagined possible. She stood as tall as a mountain, clad in red radiance that arced out and danced around her vast body. She was almost as large as a full grown dragon.

“Um-how-how did we betray…” Dumb-Bell stuttered having difficulty talking through constriction of the red energy bands. Dash cut him off with the booming thunder of a volcano.


“Way to go dweebs,” Gilda snapped looking at the three trouble making pagasi trying to melt back into the crowd of lanterns. “Good call; I didn’t think you guys could get any more stupid!”

“You called her names too Gilda” Dumb-bell’s face scrunched up like he had tasted something sour.

“I call everyone names fool…even Dash. But even I knew the dirt pony was hurt! Wow, you really are a ‘dumb’-bell!”

Score giggled a little,” I knew she had a beef but I didn’t know she’d turn into a beef.”

“N-O-T H-E-L-P-I-N-G,” growled Gilda as she inched away from the trio of trouble makers.

An explosion of blue light broke over Boiling Point Skycastle, like a blue sun’s dawn. Cobalt light engulfed all of the red lanterns, their red luminescence drowned out, and the red glow of their rings but a dying ember. Their leader however only slightly dimmed for a moment. All the Red Lanterns felt weak, Wildfire in particular was unmoving, almost lifeless; her energy body glowed dimly. The rest of the lanterns collapsed to the floor of the castle, may felt an ache in their chests like their hearts were giving out.

A tittering song voice from the blue light played about in Enraged Dash’s mind.”WE ARE ALL HERE NOW, GO BACK TO SLEEP.”

The transformed Rainbow Dash turned and looked into the blue light. The voice of her mind was a vast as the voice of her new body had become. “THESE BROKE OUR BOND AND WILL BE PUNISHED. BREAKING OUR FIDELITY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED!”

The blue light pulsed subtly. Its melodious voice answered. “WE ARE NEW HERE. SLEEP AND GROW. TAKE ROOT. LET YOUR VESSEL’S OUTRAGE SUSTAIN.”

The blue light faded away, dispersing out to the country side and the mountains beyond. The red energy bulk of Enraged Dash evaporated away like spent steam from a locomotive. Smaller and smaller the pegasus became as the trans-formative rage energy departed. The construct necklace disappeared as her bulk melted away leaving Rainbow Dash much as she was before the light explosion. She shook her head like she was trying to shake water out of her ears.

“What…wha…” she remembered why she was enraged. AJ! But what was that…typhoon of feelings that filled her? What was that? She had felt as if all the anger and rage in the world had filled her at once, looking for an excuse to lash out, and in her heart, she felt the reason was right…just. And what made it stop?

‘AJ’ she thought as she rose into the air on ring power again. She looked down on her corps, the Red Lanterns looking shocked, shaken, acting almost respectful. What had they seen from her? It was then she heard a murmur in her head, it sounded like Atrocitus…

Beware…beware of that which is Rage Incarnate.”

‘What the hay does that mean? What just happened,’ Rainbow asked herself.

Author's Note:

Inspired by the art of Cynos-Zilla

For BrutalityInc story of the Lantern's of Equestria: The Blackest Night.

Rainbow Dash intends to give out punishment to those who kicked a friend who was down but calls on something that is far more vast than she can imagine. Pinkie Pie celebrates being right about Applejack and the town...resulting in the final choice of the Emotional Spectrum being known as Adara chooses its vessel.