• Published 14th Jan 2014
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Lanterns of Equestria- The Blackest Night - Moon Chaser

Writings for Moon Chaser's parts of the compellation story of The Blackest Night Equestria

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Raindrops the Mighty- who would not take a 'no'.

Raindrops the Mighty - who would not take a 'no' as an answer.
by Moon Chaser (DA CrazymikePrime)

She had seen what had transpired with Applejack and the Timberwolf on the ground below her cloudy vantage point.

“Now I have my chance,” Raindrops said to herself as she spread her wings fully open.

For days the jasmine pegasus had been trying to talk to the holder of the first green power ring to no avail. Applejack had refused all visitors and had only spoken to her family. Raindrops had used the pretense of meeting with her about the planned rainfall for the orchards, only to be turned away by her grandmother. Yesterday she had tried again to talk to the first green lantern to be told she was out of the house. A quick search for Applejack had yielded nothing and Raindrops had to return to work. At sundown she had tried again, and again the old green gray mare answered that Applejack was still out of the house. Raindrops then returned to Ponyville and searched a bit, hoping that the farmer had come into town, but everypony she talked to reported that Applejack had not been seen.

She had set about work earlier this day, dutifully arranging rain clouds for the orchards. It was her last job of the day and she had just about finished when she heard the roar of the Timberwolf. That got her attention. She had looked down through the clouds to see Applejack and Granny Smith below. Raindrops had been too high to help them, but it didn’t matter…the green ring stopped the wolf attack.

Today fate had placed Applejack directly under her. Raindrops began her dive to the ground.

Raindrops, in her heart, had recently felt the cold tearing grip of real fear for the first time in a very long time. But she also was determined to do something about it. To her, it seemed the answer was not to be found in the Yellow Light that powered the Rings of Fear. Rage? NO! Her fear of being enraged again, especially in the light of just how strong she was, had caused her to rein her anger under an emotional web of chains, locking it away behind a mask of stoicism. That mask made her appear too dull and stable, but it was better than her cutting loose. She just didn’t know if she could stop herself from hurting other ponies if she snapped. She rejected the draw of the power of Rage, especially after what Rainbow Dash had almost done to Cloudkicker and the dream she had, imagining herself as a Red Lantern, raging at everything in her path, then ultimately turning that hate in on herself to burn what she despised in herself away. It had been a chilling dream, and it had convinced her that Red Rage was not the path for her. Green was the color of Will she had been told, and the Light of Will seemed to hold her answer.

.. and Applejack was here, and it was apparent that the ring still worked for her, despite the accusations of the loose lips of the Red Lanterns.

Raindrops started to come in for a landing next to Applejack, when the Green Lantern leaped into the air and backed away from Raindrops’ landing spot. The Green Lantern landed on the ground, placing herself between Granny Smith and Raindrops, her foreleg up, presenting the blazing green ring as if she were about to attack with it. Applejack’s ears were laid back; she bared her teeth in a fearsome kind of smile. Her narrowed eyes seemed to burn with a green fire that was focused on Raindrops. The pegasus did not move, her eyes wide in wonder and shock. Applejack was quiet and still for a moment.

“Dagnabbit! Don’t DO THAT!” GL Applejack yelled behind gritted teeth.

She lowered her leg and the ring upon it down, the green glow of the ring’s light fading along with the fire from her eyes. The uniform of the Green Lantern Corps also faded away and Applejack became her regular self again. Raindrops closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Applejack’s reflexes were legendary among earthponies, but Raindrops had seen nothing like that, ever. Did all rings do that to their wearers? If so, Rainbow Dash was even more formidable then she had imagined.

“How…” the pegasus started to ask.

“The ring! It warns ya…especially if yer ‘on guard’… of a close threat, where it is, where it’s comin’ from…but it don’t identify it!” Applejack stamped her hoof. “Dang it girl! I might a burned ya!“

“But…then how did the Timberwolf take you by surprise?”

“It wasn’t close enough, an Ah wasn’t on guard!” Applejack blew air out in a hard puff.

“Ah’m sorry Raindrops…having one of these rings ain’t all cider an’ tarts.”

The pegasus nodded slowly, indicating her understanding. Granny Smith walked up to her granddaughter and gently patted her on the side.

“Applejack,” Granny gestured at Raindrops with her hoof, “this here flyin’ filly bin tryin to talk to you fer most of the week now. Ya might say she’s got a real burr under her blanket.” Granny smiled.

“Ah don’t really feel like talkin ta anypony right now, Granny.”

“Ahhh…go on now youngun’. Talk to her…heck you probably scared her outta two years growth with that stunt ya just pulled.” Granny nudged her reluctant descendant in the side. “Go on youngun’, ya gotta talk to the outside world sometime. Now’s as good a time as any. Besides, every time she asked about ya she always started with askin’ how you were an offerin’ to run some rain water out for us. Go on…talk to her.”

Applejack sighed and waited for a moment, then turned to look at the visitor. “Ok…as ya can see, Ah’m fine. Now, whatcha needin’ from me then, girl? What is so all fired important that ya gotta come out here and brave Granny’s wrath ta see me?”

There was no other way to ask it. Raindrops’ stoicism and Applejack being the bearer of the Element of Honesty left no way but the plain simple truth and that meant a straight honest answer, and Raindrops’ determination to not accept no as an answer.

“I ask you to give me a ring like you have. I ask you to empower me as you have been empowered. I ask the Element of Honesty to make me part of the Green Lantern Corps. ”

Applejack’s face scrunched into a visage of rage that rivaled Rainbow Dash. She kicked one of her hind legs out in anger. “ NO!” she yelled “NO. There. Ya asked a question…an’ ya got yer answer. Ah ain’t gonna just hoof these things out like they’re candy on Nightmare Night. ‘Sides there ain’t no Green Lantern Corps...just me.”

“Macintosh?” Granny asked.

“That wasn’t mah choice an’ you know it dang it!” Applejack started to turn away; Raindrops held up her hoof and did something she had not done, ever. She pleaded.

“Wait! Please hear me out!”

Applejack paused at that. Raindrops had always been so serious and quiet. She never said much and when she did it was for a reason and to the point. It was a trait Applejack respected highly.

Granny looked at Applejack and gave her a slight frown. The old mare then motioned with her head to turn back and face the pegasus again. ‘If you won’t listen to me, listen to her,’ Granny thought.

“Ok then.” The farmer turned back to the weather team member and sat down. Applejack’s face showed a quiet but respectful annoyance. “ Ah’ll give ya a fair hearin’ an honestly weigh what ya say. Understand…ah ain’t inclined to let anyone else get hurt.”

“That is why I ask. I don’t either!”

One eye of Applejack’s opened a little wider in wonder, “Whatcha mean?”
“What have you heard of the Red Lanterns? What have you heard about what they are doing and saying? “

Applejack reached up under her hat and scratched her head. “Not much of anything really…why?”

Raindrops sighed. As much as she disliked Rainbow Dash, Applejack was a close friend of the Red Lantern leader. There was no way this was not going to hurt. “The Red Lanterns grow in number by the day. I understand your reluctance to give such power away to just anypony; I think it wise. Rainbow Dash shows no such wisdom or restraint. She is actively inducting ponies into the Red Lanterns.”

Applejack shook her head slowly. Raindrops continued, ”The Red Lanterns are using their power for more than fighting the Black Lanterns. They are using their power to ‘punish’ those who they say are guilty and deserve the vengeance of their wrath. Their power prevents anypony from standing up to them. The normal ponies in Ponyville are scared. Frankly, I am too.”

“Twilight Sparkle cannot balance them out with her Yellow Ring. ‘Queen’ Fluttershy shows no inclination to…”

Applejack raised a hoof, “Wait a second now…QUEEN Fluttershy? When did she start calling herself that highfalutin’ title?”

Raindrops shrugged. “A day or two ago the newly inducted members of the Star Sapphires started calling her that. By the way, the users of the Violet light are also expanding in number. The Indigo Herd grows in number, too.”

The farm pony put her hooves to her head in dismay. ”Celestia daggit…it’s growin’. That was what Ah was afraid of.” She looked up at Raindrops, “Ok…what else have Ah missed from bein’ locked up in grief.”

Now Raindrops’ eyes widened a bit. ‘Oh ho…grief is why you shut yourself in your house! That explains a lot.’ she thought to herself.

”Days ago Rainbow Dash tried to induct me in the Red Lanterns. I refused after I had a night to sleep on it. I dreamed of what I would become wearing the Red ring.“ Raindrops shuddered. ”I do not wish to be that…creature. I saw that creature the day the filly destroyed the school, and later after somepony else said no to Rainbow Dash. I simply told the Red Lantern no.” She took a breath.” Cloud Kicker said no and then insulted Rainbow Dash over her use of the Red ring, calling her out on the violence the Red Lanterns had used. Your friend did not take it well. She raged! I do believe Rainbow Dash was capable of…anything right then and I do mean anything! We…no, I was powerless to do anything to help Cloud Kicker. I wanted to but what could I do? I had no chance against Rainbow Dash with her Red ring.”

Applejack bared her teeth and shook her head “No!”

“There is something else you should know too, Element of Honesty. There have been other fights in the last few days with the Black Lanterns. Small ones, but many have asked where you were. It is being said among the Reds that you have abandoned your friends and your duty.” Applejack’s mouth dropped and her eyes went wide. Raindrops looked at Applejack directly in the eyes. The green lantern could see for an instant the spark of green will in the pegasus. “It is being said that you have let ponies down.”


“That is what is being said,” Raindrops stated flatly.

The farm pony looked at the ground and then closed her eyes. “Maybe Ah have…maybe ah have…” she said under her breath.

Granny Smith’s face became a scowl. “Who in Tartarus is sayin’ such things about my granddaughter! That ain’t true at all!”

“No it’s not Mrs. Smith. I know it’s not.” Raindrops looked at the old mare. “But I have an obligation to tell her. As for who started it? I do not know which pony began the accusation.”

Applejack breathed quietly, her lips drawn into a frown.”No.” she said softly.

The pegasus and old earth pony looked at Applejack as she stomped her hoof and said more loudly, “NO! Ah can’t help anypony if Ah can’t help m’self. My friends can’t help me if Ah won’t let ’em help me! “ Applejack got up and faced Raindrops. ”Ah didn’t help a friend, an’ now she’s gone. You ready for that, Raindrops? Yer askin for a bushel of brambles takin’ on one of these rings.” Applejack kicked the dirt.

“There is more,” Raindrops said.

“Oh course there’s more…there always is!” Applejack snapped. ”What else is there? Let’s see: RD’s gone plum loco, Fluttershy’s settin’ herself up as the ‘Queen of Love’, Rarity is making herself into some kinda crazy councilor with groupies, and Twilight’s making herself into Nightmare Moon part 3. What else? Pinkie’s marryin’ Discord?”

“Twilight Sparkle quietly has said to some other ponies from Canterlot that she thinks and feels that this is just the beginning of a storm, that we may be facing a war, a REAL war for the first time in centuries! That the Black Lanterns are only beginning.”
Raindrops looked Applejack in the eye again. ”If this is so, somepony will have to fight. To fight the Black Lanterns a pony will need a weapon that can stop them. I have decided to fight them.” She opened her wings wide. “I have decided for the sake of balancing out the brutality of the Red Lanterns, to face the Black, to be able to do SOMETHING in all this…chaos, I must get a ring. I will not be a destroyer consumed with blind rage, or a monster of fear! Too many ponies are already afraid, including me. I will not be afraid any longer! I will no longer sit by, I will do something! I do feel for others, that is part of why I’m here, so no Indigo ring will have me. Green holds my only answer. I ask to be a Green Lantern!”

Applejack looked the pegasus over. Clearly she was weighing what she had been told. Granny Smith stroked the side of her granddaughter. “Applejack, you said it yerself, to me and to Flash and you know it…ya can’t do it alone.”

Applejack sighed. ”Ah know. Ah just don’t want to drag ponies into this if Ah can help it…Ah don’t want to send ponies off to get hurt or…die! But it looks like that just ain’t in the cards.”

“She’s here askin’, that ain’t draggin’ anyone… got no right to do that. No. She’s here offerin’,“ the old mare smiled. “Please, sugarcube. Don’t let your brother be the only one ta help you. Mah gut says Twilight’s right. Yer gonna need all the help ya can get. The best ya can do is give the willin’ the means to do a bad job and show ‘em — the right way.” Granny chuckled a little. “Besides, if li’l Miss Dash has really got outta hoof, they need ya. Yer the only pony Ah know who has ever been able to put Miss Dash in her place.”

Applejack sighed, “Fine. Why not.“ She brought up the leg with the ring on it. “Ah just wish Ah knew how the ring made another, or why and how it chose who would get to have it. Ring?”

[=information request?=] the green ring asked.

“Um, yes.” Applejack was startled.”How do Ah know that somepony is ok to have a ring?”

[=Green Lantern Power ring is programmed with criteria and personality matrix biases for determining who is suitable for induction into corps.=]

“Ah only understood one third of that. Come again?”

[=Green Lantern Ring can determine who is worthy of service to the corps.=]

“Ok. Um…can Ah tell you to look at somepony and see if they’re worthy?”


“Um…please look at this pegasus and tell me if she is ok for a ring?”

A beam of green light shot out of the ring and played out over Raindrops. She felt the light looking into her, especially in her mind. The beam stopped.

[=Subject sentient Raindrops scanned. Assessment: suitable candidate. Necessary Willpower strength and moral make up found.=]

And there it was. The ring had found Raindrops was worthy. Applejack resigned herself to what she was about to do.
“Can a new ring be made for Raindrops? How do Ah do it?”

[=Mental command is all that is required for duplication and deputation process. Warning! Ring charge critically low! Recommend recharge before proceeding with process or remaining ring charge of 1.6% will be split between prime ring and secondary ring.=]

Applejack pushed the thought into the ring, ‘duplicate’.

The ring burst out green light with sparks which twisted and formed slowly into a loop. The sparks condensed into the loop and slowly the loop formed into a Green Lantern ring. It hovered in the air, pulsing with green light as if waiting for something. Then the ring felt around Raindrops, circling her like a tornado wind of green light.

[=You have been chosen.=]

She put her left hoof up off the ground and the ring placed itself on the end of her leg. She felt filled with a strange feeling as it attached itself. She could feel the light running up her leg into her body and into her mind. It touched her here and there like it was a kind of tree making its roots bore into the ground. It was strange. She could almost hear another voice in her mind…like it was singing notes trying to make harmony with her own mind’s song. Slowly a uniform of black and green like the one Applejack wore formed over her body. She stood on her hind legs up into the air, her wings opened wide, her feathers seem to grow a bit too, flickering with green light.

[=Rebecca Deloise Showers of Equestria:= ]
[ =You have the power to overcome great fear. = ]
[ =Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps= ]

Granny gasped at the sight. She had seen Mac’s induction that terrible night. This one seemed different.

Raindrops looked at herself and marveled. The costume fit perfectly and it had come from nowhere, formed from the green energy of the ring. She also became aware of what Applejack had said. She could sense things around her if she reached out with her mind and told the ring to do so. No wonder Applejack moved like she did.

[=Induction Green Lantern 0002 complete. Warning Ring charge critical, recharge immediately!=] Raindrops’ ring screamed. She looked at the ring and asked, ”How much charge do you have, ring?”


“ Ok. Ah guess I gotta get the battery out for ya. Hope yer ready for a real strange feelin’.” Applejack used her ring to summon the battery from its dimensional pocket.
A lantern-shaped object appeared in front of Applejack and Raindrops, floating in the air between them. The farm pony used a hoof to turn the lantern around so that its opening faced the pegasus.

“Put yer ring in the openin’ against this lantern-shaped battery and say the oath. Don’t worry, you’ll know the oath. It’s in yer head now…and be ready for a ride!”

Raindrops thrust her left hoof into the lantern face and suddenly she felt something like fire shoot into the ring and then into her.

[=Imprinting Lantern 0002.=]

She was in darkness and then the light from the lantern seemed to grow. In her mind words came and she found herself speaking the words out loud.

“In brightest day, in blackest night,”

She was surrounded by a swirl of green light. Points appeared in the maelstrom of green fire. The points slowly grew into shapes of beings. Some looked like monkeys from the zoo, another looked like a diamond dog, another like a jellyfish, others she could never describe they were so strange…what were they?

“No evil shall escape my sight.”

More of them appeared. It looked as if she was one of them — a multitude around the lantern-shaped object that now was glowing bright like the sun. All the creatures seem to be reciting the oath with her.

“Let those who worship evil’s might,”

She saw one of the beings look at her. It had 2 legs and 2 arms. Its head was like a bird’s with a beak and a crest, but the crest on top of its head was like a fin from a fish.
What were these things? So many! So different! Who were they? Was this what Applejack had seen that time she charged her ring in front of everypony? Where these beings the Green Lantern Corps?

“Beware my power , Green Lantern’s Light!”

She felt the power surge into her ring and into her. It was familiar for some reason, but different…and it felt…alive!”

The images faded and she was again in the zap apple grove with Applejack and Granny Smith.

[=Imprinting lantern 0002 complete. Ring capacity 100%.=]

Raindrops seemed dazed for a moment. Her eyes glowed with green light just like Applejack’s had.

“Well?” Applejack prodded Raindrops with a hoof. ”How was it? Whatcha see?”

“Was…were those…”

“The Green Lantern Corps? Ah think so. Ah’m more of a do-er than a talker. Ah should have asked this ring more. Every shape of critter with a mind seems to be able to be a green lantern. It also seems that the ring gives you basic…ideas as to what a green lantern is and… ”

A beam of light shot out from Raindrops’ ring. The beam struck Applejack’s ring.
[=Assessment revision upon imprinting Lantern 0002. Psychological and Moral matrix indicates Recruit Lantern 0002 Raindrops suitable candidate for consideration of Alpha Lantern status after requisite experience and assessment of record.=] both rings said in unison.

Applejack made a ‘what the hay’ face. Raindrops herself was perplexed. Alpha Lantern? No pony had ever mentioned an Alpha Lantern. Not the Red, the Violet, the Indigo or the Yellow! What were those?

“Um, ring,” Applejack asked, “What did ya mean Alpha Lantern? What is an Alpha Lantern?”

[=One of the designations of office and position of the Green Lantern Corps. The function of the Alpha Lanterns is to serve as a special detachment to enforce the laws of the Green Lantern corps according to the prime dictates of the Book of Oa and to police members of the greater Green Lantern Corps. One of the many offices and designation in service. These are outlined in the book of Oa along with the Prime Rules all lanterns must obey. =]

“Prime rules?” Raindrops asked.

[=Yes. Fundamental principals have been imprinted on recruitment. They are as follows:
1. The protection of life and liberty within the assigned sector.
2. Following the orders of the Guardians without question.
3. Noninterference with a planet's culture, political structure, or its population's collective will.
4. Acting within local laws and obeying the local authority within reason.
5. Taking no action against anyone or anything until they are proven to be a threat against life and liberty.
6. Avoiding the use of equipment, resources, or authority of the Corps for personal gain.
7. Showing respect for and cooperating with other members of the Corps and the Guardians.
8. Showing respect for life, which includes restraint of force unless there is no reasonable alternative including lethal force.
9. Giving top priority to the greatest danger in the assigned sector.
10. Upholding the honor and tradition of the Corps.
All Green Lanterns are expected to adhere to these principles.=]

The two lantern mares stood quietly for a moment. Sectors? Guardians? Book of Oa?

“There are other kinds of Green Lanterns?” Applejack was confused. This was more than she had thought it was.

“Well what other kinds of Lanterns are there, dearie?” Granny Smith asked.

[=Unauthorized query.=]

“Huh?” Applejack frowned, and her ears went flat for a moment. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

[=Unauthorized sentient attempting to access AI database. Query to sentient refused. Authorization required.=]

“Listen here, bauble…my granny asked you a question, an’ you can answer it. That there is an order!’

[=Authorization accepted. Yes. Lantern designations within the corps are: Recruit Lantern, Frontier Lantern, Sector Lantern, Honor Guard Lantern, Alpha Lantern, Warden of the Citadel, Protocol Officer and Training officer. The most revered office in the Green Lantern Corps is Keeper of the Book of Oa.=]

“Well, this is new,” the farm pony said. “Ah had no idea about any of this, let alone to ask…Ah’m not in the habit of talkin’ to jewelry.”

“Outlined in the ‘Book of Oa’?” Raindrops wondered out loud. “What is this book of Oa?”
[=The book of Oa contains the history of the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Corps.=]

The two lanterns turned the statement over in their heads. It was ground shattering. A record. A real record of a Lantern Corps, something to guide them, to show them what to do. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash had a smattering of information from their rings. Twilight complained about how frustrating the lack of information she could get from her ring, and RD just raged on about ‘Manhunters’ whatever they were and vengeance.

“Where is this book, Applejack? What did it say?” Raindrops asked.

“There was no book that came ta me…just the ring an’ the Battery. Ah don’t have any book. Ring, there was no book when ya came to me!”

[=Incorrect, Lantern Prime Applejack.=]

The ring flared and an image of a large heavy bound book appeared. The cover of the book had the symbol of the green lantern Corps on its face. The book appeared very old.

[= This ring contains an abridged copy of the Book of Oa. As contact with central database has been severed, and no other copies have been contacted, this book is considered the only viable copy in existence. As such, Prime Lantern Applejack, you are also considered pro tem Keeper of the Book of Oa.=]

Applejack was lost in thought for a moment. This was a lot to take in all of a sudden. All the weight of what she was carrying. This book, the power. Now she was adding to the burden, making somepony else a lantern with this responsibility and history to live up to.

None of this helped her about Zecora, if anything she felt guiltier than ever. She had failed her friend and her corps.

“You have three legacies to live up to now…” Applejack said under her breath. “Now Ah know what she meant.”

“Applejack?” Raindrops nudged the Keeper of the Book of Oa with her ring leg. “What now? Shouldn’t you charge your ring? How do I use this ring.”

The green eyes of the farm pony met the blue pegasus’ eyes. “Well, ya gotta learn how ta use it, right? Ask Mac, he should be ahead on chores anyway. Have him show you how ta make stuff, fly with it. Ah’ve got to get to town, Ah need to see mah friends, see Twi about this here book…and see just what ponies think ah me. Ah gotta face that. As fer chargin’ my ring…no, not yet. It don’t feel right, at least not right now. Besides, Ah can always call it back if Ah need to and charge then.” The power battery slowly faded away and was gone.

Raindrops stood quietly for a moment.”Applejack, I know now you lost a friend. I am truly sorry. I did not know the zebra witch of the Everfree. Grief can cripple anypony, even the strongest. You did not fail us.”

Granny Smith came up and nuzzled Applejack. The young mare responded by leaning into her grandmother. “Oh…but Ah did. That’s the honest truth. Ah let guilt eat me…still lettin’ it now. But Ah got a choice to make — either hug it or hang it up… ”

Raindrops opened one of her eyes wider in wonder.”What does that mean?”

“Go on or quit. Except there is really no choice! Ah’m an Apple…” she looked at Granny and hugged her. “An’ Apples never quit!”

Author's Note:

Inspired by the art of Cynos-Zilla

For BrutalityInc story of the Lantern's of Equestria: The Blackest Night.

Raindrops will not stay idle nor will she willingly join Rainbow Dash's Red Lanterns, and so she seeks her answers in the green Light of Will. Applejack does not want anypony else involved but realizes she needs help and in adding a Green Lantern discovers something priceless to her and the other lanterns: a Copy of The Book of Oa, the grand record of the Green Lantern Corps. Raindrops here patterned after the Lunavese version of her.