• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,507 Views, 200 Comments

Lanterns of Equestria- The Blackest Night - Moon Chaser

Writings for Moon Chaser's parts of the compellation story of The Blackest Night Equestria

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Bad Moon Rising

Aquastria; The Coral Castle of King Leo shortly before dawn six days after the Battle of Appleloosa.

"Are your instructions clear?" The old royal seapony asked, his voice sounding like a rumbling undersea volcano. The officers of the court floated next to the resting king who faced eight seaponies clad with the gold and silver bands and harnesses of the diplomatic service of the Kingdom of Aquastria.

"Yes majesty. Perfectly clear." Whirlpool replied. She closed her eyes and began reciting from memory her mission. "The royal envoy is to proceed to Manehatten and with aid of our magic wielders and the unicorns, then proceed to Canterlot where I am to give the Royal Sisters your majesty’s plea for aid against the monsters."

"Very good."

"Highness? Would not a pegasus messenger be more rapid? The Island of Feather Glow has a number of them from the Equestrian Guard for such messages."

The king nodded and gazed into Whirlpool's eyes. "Word of your mission has already been sent that way. An envoy is needed to show just how desperate our position is, and to have eyes at the Canterlot Court because we have heard there are powers in the world that can stop these Black Lanterns where even my magic has proven unable to do more than slow them down." Whirlpools eyes widened.

The king lowered his head scratching his muzzle with a fore fin. "Ask if they have any dealings with...the Lanterns of Light."

"Lanterns of Light?"

"Yes. There are other lanterns in this world apparently. Word has reached us that in Equestria there are Lanterns that wield light of singular colors and they have been able to check the power of the undead that plague us." The king turned to his Chancellor.

"Have we heard anything from our envoys to the Caribou?"

The old seapony dropped to the floor of the chamber while lowering his head. "Yes your highness. We have learned that the Earldom of the West is scattered. Earl Frost Song ordered his folk to disperse, hoping that such a move would save lives. Even now he makes his way with his brother and sister to the harbor of Snøen faller Holde, trying to draw the Black Lanterns to him and away from his folk."

"Brave." the king said while shaking his head. "Give him any aid we can. Whirlpool, take this news with you, the Royal Alicorns must hear what our neighbors face as well."

"It shall be done my monarch," the envoy said as she dipped to the chamber floor. Drifting backwards in unison, the Aquastrian mission to Canterlot left the chamber of the King, the large coral doors closing with a loud thud. The king turned back to the Chancellor and sighed.

"What do you think Prickly?"

"I don't know what to think highness, but I hope the rumors we have heard are true."

"Hope," the king rumbled. "I have heard that is one of the lights...the blue light of hope."


Equestria, Sweet Apple Acres, eight days after the Battle of Appleoosa, 10:15 A.M.

'…and he’s doing it again!' the Appleloosan Green Lantern thought.

Breaburn clinched his teeth. It had been like this for days, the yelling, and the constant practice. He didn’t like anypony telling him what to do, and not being family this old bat was wearing thin on the Appleloosian.

“The guy is starting to damage mah calm Macintosh,” he whispered to his cousin.

“What in Tartarus was that? That’s not what I taught you to do! I am not going to have anypony I’ve trained fly like that.” Boomerang Blitz snapped.” Do it again!”

“Yes Instructor,” barked Applejack. In the blink of an eye she was high in the air, making loops around a cloud before heading off to another cluster of clouds. The farm mare then started to fly between the clouds, weaving in and out through the fluffy white maze.

The green lantern’s new instructor watched, sitting on his rump peering through a pair of construct field glasses floating in front his eyes. A small smile graced his muzzle as he watched. He moved his head away from the binoculars keeping his eyes on Applejack.

“Ya know..Ya really got some nerve,” Breaburn grumbled. Behind him Macintosh rolled his eyes, ‘here we go.’

“You gotta problem with me pretty colt?” The bat pony turned and scowled at Breaburn. Rufus who had been standing next to him now slowly backed away to stand next to Big Mac. He raised his eyebrows at the oldest Apple brother and made a slight nod in the direction of his cousin and the bat pony.

“Ah’m tired of you treatin’ us like we are foals! Yellin’ in our faces, screamin to ‘do it again’. Goin’ on about tactics…feah! You ain’t that tough, and you don’t know everythin’! Heck ya got yer ring the same time Ah did! We’ve had it the same time!”

“Do tell. So you know everything now do you?”

“Ah know just as much as you do.”

“Uh-huh,” a smirk crossed the old warrior’s face.

Breaburn stomped with his ring hoof. He had had enough. ”Ah don’t think yer all that! Ya can’t treat any of mah kinfolk like this.””

Boomerang sniffed and stepped away from the water bucket he was standing next to. ”Oh Really? “

“It’s been like this fer days!” Breaburn was yelling now “You treat us like manure! Ah’ve had mah fill of it!” Macintosh had stepped back. Applejack continued her circuit flight, threading herself through the cloud obstacles. Raindrops rested on a large piece of cloud, ready to repair any damage to the course.

“We won in Appaloosa didn’t we?”

Boomerang Blitz rumbled,” We got lucky kid…and Oaton didn’t!” Breaburn growled like an upset dog.

“Ah had enough a’ yer mouth old stallion!” stepped closer to the batpony. Mac began to move towards Breaburn his ring glowing. Boomerang Blitz briefly looked at him

The bat pony faced the irritated Appleloosian “Alright youngster…what are you gonna do about it then?”

“Ah’ll show ya!”Breaburn yelled.

The young stallion brought up his ring leg, willing a hammer to appear that had half materialized when the old bat pony slammed into him with a body check. Breaburn was knocked off his hooves onto the ground. The construct he had summoned dying in mid-formation. He reached out with his ring, trying to form something solid to shield himself. A Wall of bricks had just formed when a battering ram smashed through as if it was made of thin plaster, knocking Breaburn nose over tail along the ground.

Boomerang Blitz stood still, his legs slight bent, apart and slightly staggered. The bat pony’s wings were opened and spread wide, making him appear even larger and more fearsome than before. His ears were flat, eyes narrow beneath a deep frowning brow. His tale lashed back and forth quickly and sharply. He had not razed or pointed his ring when he had directed its power.

“Had enough?”

Breaburn coughed. “Fine…yer good with the ring, ah natural…Ah’ll give ya that, but yer not so tough without it.”

Mackintosh put a hoof up to his face and shook his head , ‘in for a bit, in for a bushel huh Breaburn,’ he thought.

Boomerang Blitz razed his right front leg. The glowing green ring slipped off. The uniform of the Green Lantern Corps melted away, the gauzy fabric of energy pulled off and away with the band.

“I can’t fly or glide without it so it’s fair.” He stomped at the ground with his right front hoof. “Come get me kid!”

Breaburn stared at the old warrior for a moment before standing up on his hooves. He mentally told the ring to remove itself, the lantern ring complying. The Appleloosian then charged, his teeth bared and his ears back in anger. He pivoted at the last moment to bring his hind legs up to buck…

…as a front leg smashed into his ribs.

He stumbled away from the blow, gasping for breath before a hot point of pain in his side stopped him. He couldn’t get a breath! When he tried to take in air, searing pain stabbed at his side. Breaburn stumbled as he circled around, looking for the old bat pony. Boomerang Blitz was standing on all hooves, legs wide and head down.

Breaburn gasped in pain as he took a half breath and jumped. He raised his front legs, driving them into Boomerang Blitz, hitting him in the shoulder. The old guard groaned a bit and was knocked onto his side, landing hard with a thump. Breaburn landed still standing. He started to chuckle a little when his hind legs were swept from under him, forcing his rump into the ground hard. The batpony had landed on the ground and swept his hind legs under Breaburn’s, causing the earthpony to fall. He then popped up from the ground and hit the Appleloosian in the neck, knocking him over onto the ground. Stars appeared in his vision as he coughed from the sting of the neck blow. It hurt to breathe and to swallow.

The old army stallion walked over and stood over him.

“You, you, you. That’s all I’ve heard out of your mouth today. Got news for ya colt,” the bat pony made a sweeping jeature that covered the other corps members. “It ain’t about you, it ceased being about you when you accepted the ring.”

Boomerang then raised his leg and the green lantern ring flew to it, returning to its perch, the action giving the trainer more gravitas.

“This ain’t a fight in a saloon where the constable is gonna come in, break it up and you spend the night in jail at worst…this is war,” he spat. “These Black Lanterns are playing for keeps. That means DEAD!”

The war horse stared at Breaburn with is cold eyes. It suddenly felt to Breaburn like a chilled wind ran over his skin.

“If you die…or anypony else dies, they become part of the enemy, they’re not just gone…they turn sides and come after you, and me and anypony else. I’m here to do one thing…to keep that from happening by making you and everypony else here ready to fight: period! Having the ring is only the first part…the why of the using and knowing how to use it and using it together with your fellow corps members…your family...that’s the rest.“

Breaburn’s face had a sour expression when the old soldier said that last statement.

“Yeah you heard me…family! Your family is all wearing green right now…doing a job others can’t.” Boomerang Blitz took a deep breath and pointed up at the sky where Applejack continued to run the air course. “And up there... is the matriarch of this clan.”

Boomerang stepped away from Breaburn. “You think I’m being hard on Jackie? You’re damn right I am being hard on her dreamboat, because she demanded it from me! Why? Because she’s willing to go through all kinds of suffering to get where she needs to go! She understands now what it is going to take. She wants to be the best, not for herself or to impress the Reds or anypony else; she doing it because she’s honest about the duty she took on…and honest about what it requires. She knows she has to be….for everyone! She knew that when she kept the ring and took the job after reading that book…it wasn’t about her anymore.”

GL Boomerang Blitz rose into the air on ring power, staring down at Breaburn. “She intends to live up to what the symbol on these rings means…and it’s a tall order kid and her first rule was…everyone fights: including her. I respect her for that. Too many ‘leaders’ don’t want to get their hooves dirty. Jackie? No, not her.”

“She’s smart, tough, able and willing, yet still not naive! Do you have any idea how rare that is?“ The old warrior spat at the ground again after a gurgling sound came from his throat. “Don’t ever think I don’t respect her…EVER!” the bat pony’s tail snapped adding emphasis to the statement.

A funny look came over his face. The old soldier then smiled, his pointed teeth giving him a slightly sinister appearance. Pointed teeth appeared as Boomerang Blitz smilled.

“This afternoon we are having some lanterns over for a practice, expanding our training by sparing with other colored lanterns. They wield their rings differently than we do, so the experience should be good for all of us. Since you know everything and can handle yourself dreamboat…you can play with the Blue Lantern this afternoon! “

He streaked into the sky to an overhead cloud, landing on the fluffy island in the sky. He began to yell and gesture at Applejack, who had stopped flying laps over the farm. “Take thirty Jacky, I’m going to talk to chuckles”, he called out as he flew up to where Raindrops was resting. The farm mare nodded and began to descend. Breaburn stared at the sky, still trying to recover. His sight was suddenly blocked by his large cousin standing over him.

“Ya never gonna learn to shut up are ya Breaburn,” Big Mackintosh asked. Rufus chuckled behind him, grabbing his tummy and covering his muzzle with his ring paw. His tale wagged wildly.

“Maybe this time…gah!” Breaburn groaned as he rose. He grimaced in pain as he labored to stand up.”He kicked my flank good.” The diamond dog was still snickering as he looked at the beaten earth pony.

“What’s so funny doggy?”

Rufus cleared his throat to speak, “We have saying in the mines: ‘there is a reason he is so old and still has all his limbs’.”

“What does that even mean?”

The Diamond Dog winked before uttering his retort; “Figure it out.” Big Mack voiced a deep chuckle.

“Ugh…old hard flank, ” Breaburn coughed.

“He has ta be. If we aren’t ready…he feels it’s his fault,” Big Mack said.

The Appleloosian stared up at his large cousin, “That presumes much don’t it Mack? Who asked him ta take that kinda weight on his back anyway?”

The great stallion pointed with his ring hoof at a course flying Applejack,” the same mare who took on a lot herself with all this ring business that's who.”

Breaburn grumbled, “And that line about the corps bein’ family…”

"Its mah experience that there's two kinds ah' family; blood kin and chosen family," Mac sniffed.

"The ring chose us Mac..." Breaburn started to point out.

"And we chose ta keep it, and do the duty of a lantern. Wasn’t that Boom’s point?" the big stallion replied. Mac's cousin frowned.

“Look. Let me try an say it this way: do you ever want ta let family down Breaburn?” The oldest apple cousin asked as he glanced up at the sky.

“What the…of course not Mac! “

“Well…like it or not the corps is family to him…you, me, Rufus, Raindrops; all of us. That's how he looks at it and he doesn’t want to disappoint any of us.“ Macintosh sighed, “I’ve thought about this Breaburn, and Ah think Ah know what Boom’s doin’, and I think he’s right: AJ needs to think of us that way too, that all us lanterns are a kind of family. It helps her.”

“How in the…none of this is makin' any sense ta me!”

The eyes of the big stallion seemed to bore into Breaburn with the intensity of their gaze,” Because Applejack won’t share her burdens with strangers, or even some of her friends…but she will share her burdens with family that can handle it. “Mack closed his eyes and took a breath, “and Boom’s job is to make sure we’re up to it……not just for the task…but for AJ, ta know she can count on us. That’s what he’s doing.”

Rufus nodded in agreement. “Mine team is the same way,” the dog said as he scratched behind his ear with a hind leg.

Breaburn’s eyes crossed as tried to comprehend when the thundering voice of the instructor came down from over their heads. “You next Bow Wow: Move!” Rufus rose into the air. He flew at a slower pace than the farm mare earning the instructors ire. Boomerang Blitz yelling could be clearly heard, telling the engineer to fly faster.

“Now…that whupin’ ya just got? That’s nuthin’,” the big stallion said quietly. Applejack now landed near them and took a drink from the water bucket that had been next to the instructor.

“Whadda mean that’s nuthin’?”

“Ya heard him…Yer gonna spar with Pinkie this afternoon…it was gonna be me but now ya up and volunteered! Ah want ta thank ya from the bottom of mah heart.”

Breaburn coughed as he recovered his ring. “Why?”

“Because Pinkie is a party pony, and she parties hardy.”


Big Mack let out a huge laugh, his great ribcage shook has he gafauled. “Pinkie likes to do things big, especially ring slingin’; that’s why Ah said thanks. Better you than me cuz.”

“What in blazes is gonin’ on,” Applejack asked. Breaburn had recovered his ring, the new bruises on his body disappearing underneath the corps uniform.

“Not much except Breaburn runnin’ his yap again sis.” Big Mac sighed. “He learned the old war horse still has some kick in em’.”

Applejack clicked her tongue and shrugged as she rose into the air. “I’ll ask Boom later. Ah’m taking a few winks under Flash……call me when it’s time again.


Though Flash and the other Zapp Apple trees had no leaves, the trunk of the oldest tree in the orchard was large enough to provide a shade that a pony could rest in. Applejack landed in the shadow the great tree and sat with her back leaning on the trunk. The grey bark of the magical tree tickled a bit as she settled in for a quick nap away from everyone and thinking under Flash’s branches seen to help and was comforting.

She took a breath and scooched into the side of the tree, letting her mind clear, giving no thought to training or duty. The tree radiated a warm feeling to her as she drifted into the lazy near sleepy rest she had come for.

“Applejack…” a whisper came to her ears on the wind.

“Ah’m restin’,’“ she murmured. Sleep seemed to be trying to cover her like the shadow of the tree.”Go away.”

“Applejack…don’t fall asleep!” the voice pleaded. “Please listen to me.”

The earth pony yawned, “Listen to who?”

“It’s Ruby…Applejack it’s Ruby..”

“Oh…hey Ruby,” she said sleepily. The restful darkness seemed to hover just out of reach.”Can’t we do this later?”

“Applejack…I can’t see you in your dreams and I can’t just leave my body when I want to and you rarely rest here!”

“Why is it important to be here?” Applejack stretched.

“Because it makes it easy if you are here; the Zapp Apple tree acts like a light, telling me you are here, allowing me to speak to you. “

“But…I saw you that night without bein’ under Flash’s branches.”

“You only saw me that night because my body was close by.” Ruby’s spirit floated over the semi dozing mare. “Please Applejack, you are the only one I can talk to this way and I have something important to tell you.”

“You gonna tell me where the Black Lanterns are darlin’?”

There was stillness for a moment before the voice of Ruby returned.”I…can’t. They move around and hide their tracks. They are all coming and going here and there. Hurricane does not want you to find us.”

“Sensible,” the napping farmer answered. “Boom would do that is he were her…”

“Applejack…they have a magician…I’ve never seen a magician that had so much power. He has cast a spell to hide our presence and their work...”

“Uh-huh. So yer invisible ta us now.”

“Yes.” Ruby’s voice became pensive.”Applejack……I know where we are, but there is a magic on the place...I…oh I can’t explain.”

“Dang that’s rough,” the dozing mare rolled over onto her other side.” Whatcha want then?”

“It’s Zecora…it’s about Zecora.”

“What about Zecora sugar cube? Is she a comin’ fer us again?”

“She…oh…no. She’s not coming, not yet anyway.” A hint of anger came to Ruby’s voice now, “She didn’t want to go after you at all! It was the black ring…it made her body do it! It makes all of us do it. Her spirit tried to resist…but it was no good,“ the voice then cracked for a moment, Applejack swore she could hear weeping. “No Zecora is unlike other black lanterns, her soul is still in her body!”

“Black Lanterns have no souls...then how come yer talking with me here…how come ya appeared ta me that night like a ghost?”

“I have my soul still,” the voice answered with a hit of bitterness. “, and Mitta too. I don’t know why we do…but we still have our souls in our bodies. It is why I can talk to you. We are trapped unable to fully flee our flesh, to be free of the suffering the black ring brings,” Ruby’s voice loosed another wail that echoed through the tree’s branches. “It hurts Applejack.”

“Ah’m sorry sugar cube…whatcha want me ta do? Find yer body and destroy the black ring? Ah’d free ya if ah could.”

“I know…and later please release us if you can. No…it’s about Zecora……the Black needs her soul to stay with her body. She’s tried to pass on completely, be free, but the black keeps her…they need her to stay for some reason.”

The farm mare yawned. “They need her soul to…stay…in her…wait! WHAT?”” Applejack raised her head up and blinked. Suddenly she was awake. “What do ya mean they need her soul to STAY? “

“Her soul is trapped in her body more than mine or Mitta’s. The Black Lanterns don’t know about Mitta or me…but they know about Zecora…they mock her soul’s attempts to gain release. They have used the black ring, magic and her flesh to make a cage that holds her soul, keeping it from leaving. She sees everything, hears everything. She struggles to free herself or to try and control her body again.” Ruby’s voice cracked like it was weeping. “If her soul was free, it somehow hurts the black more than just any black lantern’s loss.”

“She’s still in there?” Applejack growled. The concept of what was being done to her friend finally was clear. She was a puppet……her friend’s body was nothing more than a tool for them to use; a thing…and they were making her watch everything it was doing and everything it did was against her will. Tears welled up into Applejack’s tightly closed eyes. She started to clinch her teeth together.

“Yes…the black ring uses her body as a puppet and her soul as some kind of…focus.”

Applejack’s ring aura appeared. Lightning flashed between her eyes. ‘That IS IT!’ “ Thanks fer tellin’ me.”

The voice was barely a whisper, “I must go now…lest they find me out.”

The green lantern faced the Zapp Apple tree. Her ring flared and the image of her friend the zebra shaman appeared. The picture changed at the will of its summoner, turning slowly into the hideous visage of the black lantern that had tried to take her family’s life.

A low growl came to her throat. “They are makin’ her do things she don’t want ta do…usin’ her to get us.” She rose into the air on ring power,” we’re gonna get her out!”

It was then she heard the call of Granny Smith. The old mare had dressed in her farming bonnet and apron to work on the trees in the east orchard. Granny was moving to her granddaughter at a quick pace for her, the strain of her walking showing in her face. Applejack flew over to meet her before she collapsed from exhaustion.

“Granny…what’s goin’ on? Why are you in such an all fired hurry?”

The eldest apple panted and gasped, getting her breath. “Ah’ found two ponies in the clearing near the ox bow in the road. They…they look like they're dead dearie!”


Private Apartments of Princess Luna, Canterlot Castle Eight days after the Battle of Appaloosa, 4:30 P.M.

“How are you feeling Princess?”

Luna looked at the nurse with a half smile, ”I am fine thank you. The arcane academy’s alchemist did an excellent job creating the potion that helped me survive.”

The earth pony nurse used a pen with her mouth on a clipboard. “Yes majesty, but it must be said that an alicorn’s powers of recovery also helped. To be honest mam, I don’t think any other pony except you or your sister could have survived, even with the phoenix regeneration potion.”

“It was reckless.” Luna’s secretary said. The bat mare stood next to her mistress’s bed opposite the nurse. “Highness, you could be dead right now.”

The moon princess frowned, “I had to know, and the red ring was different from the others, it seemed to contain a spark of magic.” Luna rose from her bed and stretched. “Yes what I did was dangerous, but it needed to be done and I needed to do it. Besides knowing what I know now, my sister is wholly unsuited to a red ring, so it would not have worked for her anyway.”

Luna's horn glowed as an apple levitated from a bowl of fruit on a table pushed up next to the wall. The green fruit hung still as she took a small bite of its flesh and chewed quietly, pondering on what she would do next. Her secretary looked downward at the floor then back at her mistress back and forth in a constant action.

Luna swallowed as she rose out of bed, ”Is there something else going on I do not know about?”

“Yes mam,” her secretary began. ”The Griffon ambassador is here at court right now. He is demanding an audience with you and your sister. He has accusations and grievances to register with your majesties.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “What grievance does he have with us Midnight Rain?”

The bat mare closed her green eyes and took a deep breath before speaking. “Majesty, the Griffon Kingdom accuses you and your sister of using black magic and inflicting it upon them.”

“Lies! We would not do such a thing! Outrageous! What vile thing does he say we have done?”

“He accuses you and your sister of creating and releasing the undead upon his folk…the Black Lanterns.”

Luna stood silent, her eyes wide and mouth half open. She then sat on her haunches on the floor and gritted her teeth.

“…it has gone beyond Equestria’s borders,” Luna said quietly.” It is no longer contained.”

“Yes mam…and to add to that we have had a call for aid from the King of Aquastria; the undead are in the oceans as well.”

The moon princess rose and slowly walked to the open glass double doors that led to her balcony. The deep dark blues and points of white glass reflected the daylight, casting colors across Luna, regalia, the crystal decorations twinkling as she moved. She stopped in the door frame and looked out over the palace campus, watching the grass ripple in the breeze like the waves of the sea.

“So…the panic has come on its own. We will have to abandon our original plans as circumstance no longer allows the illusion of being uninvolved. My hoof is forced.“

“My Princess? What do you mean,” Midnight Rain asked, pressing her lips and knotting her brows together.

The red mist she felt came over her again. It was lighter, less infectious but she could feel the sparks of a burning fury rise in her heart.

“I will get involved. It will show that we are on the same side, it will show the Griffons and the Sea Ponies are allies and friends, that we are in common cause with them…and to impress upon them just how serious these…walking dead really are.” Luna sighed.


“I am the night’s guardian, Princess of the Moon. I hunt the night horrors that plague the world remember? It is time for me to hunt again. It is time for the Moon to go to war.” Luna faced the tower where the Elements of Harmony were kept, also now the place that the rings of the lantern corps given to the Crown to be studied were stored. “…and this war requires a weapon, one that is suitable for this fight and for me!”

“Highness, no! Please don’t!” The secretary ran to her mistress, wrapping her bat wings around the alicorn. Luna shrugged off the embrace. An aloof coolness came over her demeanor as she walked through the door frame and opened her wings. The nurse bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes.”There are others…”

“Shining Armor will do what he must; what my sister and I have asked him to do…I must act directly now too.”


“I am no scholar or scientist Midnight, I have no skill with study or tongue for debate, no patience for research. I am a mare of action…so I shall act.”

“To take the field yourself?” Midnight Rain exclaimed, raising her voice as she pulled back from the moon princess. “You are still recovering from the thrice cursed red power ring! Please-do not do this!”

Luna continued to look out over the rippling grass. ’How much am I, are we like the grass, moving to the forces now acting on us?’

“My princess please! Are you sure?”

Luna’s wings beat quickly and lifted her into the air. She circled back and hovered in front of her balcony. She spoke a single cold and terse word, answering her pleading secretary.


She climbed higher and in a gentle curve, making her way to the tower vault. Midnight Rain slumped to the floor on her rump, a tear forming in her left eye.

“She is still...angry. Oh, what do you think Doctor?” The bat mare asked weakly.

“I was afraid of this,” A.K. Yearlings voice came from a dark alcove in the Moon Princesses apartments. “Her body may be healed, but it seems the red ring left a little bit of itself in Princess Luna.” She moved forward looking off through the door at the flying alicorn. “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t right. Oh well, at least we know what she was really doing now.”

Midnight Rain wheeled and faced the adventurer. "What do you mean by that statement Dr. Yearling?"

Daring Do laughed, in spite of the cold glare the royal secretary now used on her. Plainly the princess's actions were lost on Midnight Rain, hidden by the bat pony's devotion, or more likely by her innocence uninjured because of her youth.

"She was studying the rings to find out which suited her!" One corner of Midnight Rain's mouth curled up making the eye over that gesture become part closed. The confusion the bat pony now showed caused Daring to pause a moment. 'You really didn't see it did you! Poor girl.'

"Yes, she wanted to learn about them, but you heard her...NOT as a scholar or a scientist but as a warrior!" the pegasus snorted. "She wants to fight, but she just didn't want to rush in."


The shining white stone and the gold gilding of the building gave the princess of the night a sense of foreboding for what she came to retrieve. This time no servants came to retrieve an object for study by sages, or for her to sample its power. No…now she came to claim a horrid tool to do a terrible job.

Luna landed lightly and walked with an unhurried but determined gate through the entrance, passing through the magical door that glittered with light saying she was indeed the Moon Princess and not an imposter. The guards bowed and greeted her as she walked to the doors of the vault. She paused, looking at the banners and regale of the past before she lowered her head and plunged her horn into the magical lock opening.

Whirling and clicking noises came from the great sliding doors as the locks released and the vault opened. A shower of rainbow light filled the hall as the doors slid apart, dazzling Luna with their brilliance. The Elements of Harmony and the Rings of Emotion both set in their own cases, the light of the two very different artifacts melding, mixing, like they were siblings born of the same mother but very different fathers…related and connected somehow. Sadly, the Elements had proven impotent in the face of these Black Lanterns, unable to affect them save to disrupt their form for a while. Twilight Sparkle had theorized that the elements my not work on the dead…and that was why they were not effective.

She began to use her magic to levitate the ring case when the band of gold flared and leaped from its cushion, flying on its own to her reflexively raised hoof. As the golden band landed, Luna could feel the tendrils of yellow fear energy climb up her nerves, feeling like pins and needles walking over her coat.

'It knew...the ring knew.' she thought.

[= Ring Analyzing Mind of Host=]

The first time she had tried the yellow ring on; the feelings were much duller, more subdued. The feelings the creeping yellow energy now brought forth were more intense, almost consuming.

[=Searching Out Greatest Fear =]

Luna closed her eyes. Twilight Sparkle had told her what the process of bonding with a yellow ring was like, the fear it pulled out of you to connect with it. She let the ring’s light fill her mind and look for her fears…

[= Identifying Greatest Fear =]

…and she was in the dark…total dark, utterly alone.

[= Greatest Fear Identified =]


…a thousand years alone…

[= Greatest. Fear. =]

…a thousand silent years alone and unable to scream…

Ice and fire mixed in her heart, becoming a churning torrent, a flood of emotion the forced its way into her mind and out of her muzzle.

Luna, Mistress of the Moon, Princess of the Night and Lady of Dreams screamed! Her terror filled cry shattering glass and cracking the stones beneath her hooves. The ring on her leg buzzed, the icy needles of fear now drove into her being as an energy cocoon of the ring’s light formed around her. She turned in place, facing the hall guards screaming like a banshee. The guards trembled. A few chanted ‘Nightmare Moon’ while others abandoned their posts; the terror of their hearts coerced through the ring and into Luna…

…and she found it invigorating...intoxicating!

Luna began to laugh; a primal and sinister sounding rumble that bubbled up from within, feeling new…and very old at the same time. It was a laugh she had not used since that day she had returned to the world...

…and the guards that had not fled now froze, unable to move save two: a pegasus day guard and a bat pony night guard. The two guards approached slowly, kneeling before Princess Luna.

The laughter was chilling and the face of their princess had become terrible to behold! Nightmare Moon…some whispered…had returned, not cloaked in darkness but clad in blinding yellow light! Clothing began to appear over her body, the raiment and crest of the Princess of the Moon disappearing, replaced by the sigil and uniform of the Yellow Lantern Corps. Fear’s power rushed through her body as the ring intoned its verdict.

[= Luna Selena Nocturne of Equestria: you have the ability to instill and wield great fear. Welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps. =]

“You,” Luna called out to the two stallions kneeling before her. Her face was a leering, grinning mask of terror. “What are your names?””

“Sh-Shadow Bar h-highness,” the bat pony answered.

“Fl-Flash Sentry majesty,” the pegasus replied.

“Go forth and tell our sister and the Ambassador of the Griffon Kingdom we shall be joining them shortly,” the Royal Canterlot Voice of Luna thundered. The yellow ring gave her voice even more power.

“… and tell them one thing more…” her eyes burned with the light of fear as she focused on the guards before her.


“We have claimed the power of the yellow ring!”


Ponyville, Golden Oak Library, Headquarters of the Yellow Lantern Corps of Equestria at that moment.

“So we took em’ to the hospital. Ah never seen the like Twi. Both of em’ are alive but unable to speak an’ their cutie marks are gone,” Applejack shivered a bit. “Gives me the creeps just thinkin’ about it.”

“Yea…this is a new one on me too Lady Sparkle,” Boomerang Blitz added.

“ The first one was the night we won at Appaloosa.” The yellow lantern leader said flatly. “Another occurred two days later. Those two are the third and forth victims.”

“Another thing,” the bat stallion offered. “Rufus said he could smell apples, gold and silver on the grass of the clearing where they were found. The apples make sense as the orchard is so close by, but the metal? Not sure what that means."

“Diamond Dogs can small metals?” the yellow lantern asked eyes wide. This was a skill she had not heard of before.

“Yes, they can but only if it is near enough to the surface. Rufus also said that there was no trail he could follow, so it had to leave by air or by teleport.”

“There was a robbery of Silversmith’s shop last night…that could be a link.” Twilight said as her ring began to buzz. That the ring made noise was not strange but it was the kind of buzz it now made. It had not made that sound in a while…the last time was when the cockatrice…

She turned away from Applejack and Boomerang Blitz for a moment, gazing into a rising bubble of yellow ring energy. The form of a pony slowly appeared in the glowing yellow marble, becoming more defined as the heartbeats passed. “The only loose ring……is the one in Canterlot. Who…”

The image became more defined, clearer. Suddenly a laughter came from the bubble…laughter Twilight had heard before and hoped would never be heard again.

“Twi…Ah……Ah just heard Nightmare Moon’s laugh,” Applejack exclaimed, her green eyes as wide as saucers.

[=Report from Ring 7219: Yellow Lantern Luna Selena Nocturne bonding process complete. =]

“Yellow Lantern Selena Nocturne? Who the hay is…"

“It’s Princess Luna’s full name Jackie,” the old bat pony shook his head. “A yellow Lantern eh? Dang! I kind of hoped she would not get involved any more than she already was. This changes things.”

Twilight Sparkle grinned a bit. “Well…I really do have to go to Canterlot to look in the Forbidden Archives for a spell that might penetrate whatever wards the Black Lanterns are using to hide themselves…and a soul finding spell may let us find Zecora.” Her eyes narrowed and she rubbed her hooves together. “I really should see my latest recruit.”

Boomerang Blitz’s face suddenly became deeply creased with lines as Applejack spoke. “Ya wanted to ask the Book somethin’ right? What do you want outta the Book of Oa right now?”

Twilight raised her head again. “Does the Book of Oa have star charts in it?”

“Star charts?”

“They’re maps of the stars in the sky.”

“Star Maps? Ah don’t know…guess it don’t hurt to ask.” Applejack looked up and to the right, closing one eye as she pondered the question. “Whatcha doin, Twilight?”

“You can use star positions as a location fix, and I wonder if we can do the same. I want to find out just where we are…where our world is in the universe. My ring does not really have any star charts in it at all, nor does Rainbow Dash’s, Rarity’s or Fluttershy’s.” Twilight frowned. “Maybe you can do better.”

Applejack nodded. “Ring, ah gotta question.”

[= State the inquiry please=] the ring chirped.

“Do ya have….star maps in yer….records?”

[=Affirmative. This ring has access to Corps astrogation charts for most sectors. =] Twilight uttered a squee at the ring’s statement.

“Um…can ya tell us…where we are? “

[=Location fix possible. Warning: Green Lantern Corps Navigational Guides not detected. Position assessment would require match with stellar positions only. Depending on number of charts to check and comparison time, location fix could take a great deal of time to assess.=]

“Well,” Applejack looked at Twilight whose large eyes glimmered. “ Go-ahead please. Tell me where in we are in the…universe.”

[= Checking stellar positions and light magnitudes’ for reference check…completed. Comparing reference stellar positions to astrogation charts. =]

“Ok,” Twilight breathed, “now it may take a while to…”

[= Position located. =] Applejack’s ring announced.

Suddenly the image of a spiral whirl of light alone in a great void appeared. A circle appeared around one of the arms of the whirl. The circle expanded, and became the whole image the ponies viewed. Individual points now appeared in the image. The action repeated, circles expanding and bringing finer details until a blue globe frosted with white with a large moon appeared.

[= References in recent memory conform to present position, using local labeling from database for commonality. Location: Sector 2814, Milky Way Galaxy, Perseus Arm, Orion Spur, Stellar Cluster SW-19-357M, Sol Star System, Planet Sol 3, local name: Earth.=]

Twilight’s eyes widened, her unnerving smile becoming larger as the ring spoke. “This never ceases to amaze me.”

[= Recalibrating planetary origin fix for lanterns in corps registry. Passing update to Green Lantern Corps database, completed. =]

“Earth,” Twilight whispered the name. “Planet Earth. Ok, this tells us where we are. Sector 2814. So, who are the Green Lanterns of sector 2814?”

Applejack repeated Twilight’s question, the ring creating the images of three biped looking creatures all apparently of the same species.

[= John Stuart of Earth. Honor Guard and Sector Lantern 2814.1 =], the ring chirped describing the short maned darker figure. Twilight frowned and made some notes as the ring continued.

[= Guy Gardner of Earth. Honor Guard and Sector Lantern 2814.2 =], the fiery maned creature was called. The image wore what Twilight could swear was a smirk on his flat face.

[= Kyle Rainer of Earth. Torch Bearer, Honor Guard and Sector Lantern 2814.3 =], the ring named the final image.

Applejack and Twilight gasped recognizing the image of the lantern named Kyle. He had been the last lantern of the long chain of green lanterns before the image of Applejack herself getting the ring appeared.

“Kyle was…the one before me,” she whispered. “Hum…Torch bearer? That’s ah new one. Haven’t heard that title before,” she looked at the ring.

“….Of Earth? I’m sorry no creature that looks like that lives here.” Twilight said with a tone that hinted at agitation.

“Twi's right ring, there just ain’t no critter that looks like that a’ livin’ here,” Applejack responded to the rings report with a hint of stress in her voice.

[= Lanterns Stuart, Gardner and Rainer home world a matter of record and confirmed: Sol 3 native designation: Earth =]

“Something is wrong,” Twilight’s voice began to have an edge to it.

“What kind of critters are they anyway? The closest thin’ we have is ah dang monkey!” the farm mare said. Twilight nodded in agreement with Applejack.

[= Species designation: 2814-MWG-A4-S2-SCSW-19-357M-Sol-Sol3- CA-ON-B-V-SP-2P-HO-112 CiD-0.8. Native Binomial nomenclature: Homo Sapiens. Native vernacular designation: Human. Dominant species of Sol 3/Earth. =]

“I think the ring is broken,” Boomerang Blitz offered. “Or at least the Book of Oa is wrong.”

Twilight face became creased with worry. Wrong…the book was wrong. Very wrong. No creature called human had ever been seen. The book had givin' so many answers…were they all wrong, all in error? It was the danger going on few sources. Sinestro’s notes backed up many of the Book of Oa’s assertions, but this? It was completely in error.

“I wonder what species we are called,” Twilight said. She was throwing things at the wall now, trying to find something that made sense.”What does the ring call us I wonder?”

Applejack asked the ring the question, unsure where Twilight was heading. The rings answer was very concise.

[= Lantern Applejack Species Designation 2814-MWG-A4-S2-SC SW-19-357M-Sol-Sol3-CO-ON-B-V-SP-4P- EQ-001.1 CiD-0.6. Suggested Native Binomial nomenclature: Equus Ferus Sapiens Terra. Native vernacular designation: Earth Pony =]

Twilight and Applejack frowned as a knock on the door of the library sounded. She turned and looked at the Chief Instructor, who had turned around to address the door.

“Twilie?,” Shining Armor’s muffled voice sounded through the door. “There are some things I need to talk to you about.”

‘BBBFF is here!’ “Come in Shining…were having a very…frustrating fact finding session with the Book of Oa.”

Captain Shining Armor entered the main room of the library, looking at his sister then Applejack and the bat stallion. He saluted the retired officer who waved off the honor, “I’ve retired Captain…please, none of that for me anymore from the guard.”

“I do it as a token of respect Colonel, I have read your record.” The instructor of the Green Lanterns simply bowed slightly with a nod of his head. Twilight Sparkle, a slight twitch in her eye stared at the two stallions. “You’re all here, lucky for me. So what are you up to Twilight?”

“I was just figuring out some things Shining…We have apparently found an error in the Book of Oa”

He half smiled. “Really?”

“Yes. It says we are on the planet Earth…which we are…but it also says that creatures called humans are the dominant species here.” She shook her head. “I’ve never even heard or seen them before, beyond …maybe the ramblings of some mad-mare or legends in a book so something is wrong.”

“Doesn’t..Lyra talks about those things sometimes?” Applejack asked.

Twilight groaned. “Maybe, but she’s into crypto zoology and legendary creatures in general. She was in here the other day looking up something about what was it? The Chupacabra.”

“Oh,” Applejack said as Twilight faced her sibling. “So, why are you here big brother?” He seemed a bit uncomfortable all of a sudden. There was a fear coming out of him. Though small, she could perceive it, his fear. It had a smell to it; like the thin odors of muffins that had passed by. It grew as she looked at him. It was…something hidden.

“Shining…what’s wrong? Why are you afraid? Has something bad happened? Why are you here to see me?”

“ No, nothing bad has happened…” Shining Armor, under the intense stare of his little sister fidgeted like he was wearing his armor too tight. ““Well, actually Twilie I’m not here to see you per sea.”

Applejack and Boomerang Blitz were silent, both ponies’ eyes darted back and forth between the two siblings,

The fear in him was growing with his discomfort. “ Then why are you here? Oh! Cadence, you’re here to see Cadence. I should have…”

“No Twilight. I’m actually here to see Applejack and Boomerang Blitz,” he answered.

“Why?” the Yellow Lantern leader asked.

“Well…things have changed at court. The Princesses have given me a command, and I’m here to see if it can be done,” he turned to face Applejack. “If the offer is still open?”

“What offer Captain,” the Green Lantern trainer asked.

“Applejack’s offer sir. The one she made to me when we read this Book of Oa.” He took a breath before continuing. Twilight’s mane seemed to be sprouting hair strands that popped out at random. “I have dispensation and command from Princess Celestia and Luna and from the Grand Marshall.”

He turned to look at Applejack, bowed slightly to the farm mare then looked straight into her eyes. “I’ll take you up on your offer Applejack…if your offer is still open. I request to be empowered by a lantern corps so I’ve come to see if I can become a Green Lantern to protect Canterlot.”

Applejack blushed as Boomerang Blitz chuckled quietly behind her. “Heck yeah it’s open Shinin’ Armor…”

The rest of Applejack’s statement was drowned out by Twilight Sparkle’s grumble of exasperation.


Equestria, Sweet Apple Acres, at the same time:

Sweetie Belle finished off loading the books and papers out of her cart, placing the stack of school work on the living room table. The tower of academic tasks became a bid frightening to her, the shear number of things Miss Cheerilee had been sending home to Applebloom was enormous.

Applebloom’s ability to do the school work was even more frightening.

It wasn’t the work itself that was the frightening part, Apple Bloom was very smart, and always studied hard, Sweetie knew she would catch up. It was the speed her friend had done it in. A week had passed since Applebloom had been getting make up work and she was just about to pass the class!

Granny Smith came into the room, walking up slowly and pausing to look at the pile of homework for her granddaughter. The old mare’s eyes widened as she looked at the pile of assignments on the table.

“Land sakes, Ah never did see so much school work for a filly in my entire put-together! It’s like she’s tryin’ ta go ta collage right now!” Granny turned and looked at Sweetie. “Thanks again child fer bringin’ Apple Bloom her school work.”

The small unicorn looked away from Granny and smiled. “It’s nothing. I‘ll do anything to help.”

“Half pint is lucky ta have such good friends.” The old mare patted Sweetie gently on the head with a trembling hoof.

“Where is Apple Bloom?”

“Oh, she’s in the kitchen havin’ another snack.” The elder Apple clicked her tongue, “the appetite on that girl.”

Sweetie looked at Granny, eyes half closed. “Is she still holding on to…”

“The sack? Yeah it never leaves her side. The pea-sy…psy…the head doctor says it makes her feel better ta hold onto it so we’ve left it alone. Ah can’t say she was wrong…Apple Bloom even cleaned up her room.”

“Is there anything in it?” Sweetie asked. Granny shook her head.

“None of us have even had a’ chance ta see if’n there’s anythin’ in that bag. Apple Bloom don’t let it outta her sight.“ Granny glanced in the direction of the kitchen. “Ah’d rather her cling to a bag then that awful hordin’ she was doin’ earlier.” Sweetie Belle looked at the floor. “Look sugarcube, why don’t you go on in an’ see her, share a snack. Ah’m sure she’d be happy to see yah, she never stops talkin’ about ‘her friends’."

Sweetie looked back up at Granny Smith and nodded, then rose off the floor and trotted to the kitchen. As she approached she could hear the sound of munching and smacking that if Sweetie had not know better , she would have swore that she was hearing a pig eating. Sweetie gently pushed the kitchen door open a crack and saw Apple Bloom devowering a large plate of the Apple’s famous brown betties. Her muzzle was covered in the remains of the snack as she took huge noisy bites. Next to the eating filly was the large sack she had begun to cling to, the ends of the drawstring looped around one of her legs.

Sweetie pushed the door open and walked in, putting on a broad smile as she entered the kitchen. “Hello Apple Bloom,” she said with her characteristic squeak to her voice. Apple Bloom paused from her eating to smile at her, saying “howdy” with a filled mouth. Sweetie Belle pulled up one of the sitting stools and sat near her friend, finding herself hungry as well.

“How are you doing Apple Bloom,” she asked as she reached at the plate of Brown Betties.

The kitchen became strangely silent, and what felt like a chill wind went over Sweetie’s coat. She looked at Apple Bloom and saw her friend teeth barred glaring at her. Apple Bloom's eyes seemed a blaze with a strange light like a predator staring at Sweetie from the darkness of the forest. Her brow was furrowed and her ears pointed back in anger. There was a growing feeling in Sweetie that she was about to be attacked when Apple Bloom broke her silence with words that carried a menace she had never heard from her friend before.

“If ya want any get Granny to give ya some, “ the plate of snacks started to slide closer to the Earth Filly. Apple Bloom then uttered a noise that was more growl than words; “these, are, MINE!”

Sweetie put her hooves and muzzle on the table top. Her ears flopped down. “O…Ok Apple Bloom. I’m sorry.”

The scowl that had suddenly appeared melted away, Apple Bloom took another bite, keeping her eyes on Sweetie. “ Ya just…ya shouldn’t eat others food is all Ah’m saying Sweetie.” The littlest Apple then let out a belch that rivaled one from the largest stallions as she reached down and pulled the large sack close to herself.

“Granny,” she yelled. “Get Sweetie a Brown Betty will ya?”

Sweetie then pressed her front hooves together. “Um…I heard you will be coming back to school soon.”

Another bite and smacking chew came from Apple Bloom before she answered. “That’s what Ah heard.” She swallowed hard. “Ya know Sweetie, Ah’m gonna tell ya somethin’. Ya know how we want our Cutie Marks?”

The unicorn sat up, her eyes darted up in thought. ‘Cutie Marks, maybe this is her being normal.’

“Yeah, I know I want mine.”

Beneath her hooves, Sweetie felt a vibration in the table top. She looked back at her friend. Apple Bloom, muzzle dirty from eating, had pressed her hooves into the wood of the table. A slight creaking sound came from the pressure of the filly’s hooves. Apple Bloom’s eyes were alight, her lips curled into a wild smile. “Ah want mine more than ever…but it ain’t enough! I want more!”

Puzzlement spread across Sweetie’s face. “What do you mean…more? More…Cutie Marks? Apple Bloom the last..”

Apple Bloom’s smile changed, becoming the slight curve that told Sweeite her friend was scemeing. “Naw Sweetie…it’s just not about cutie marks, it’s about everythin’. Ah want more of everythin’! “

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“Ah mean everythin’! “ Apple Bloom looked at her blank flank. “An’ Ah’m startin with respect…time ta get more respect Sweetie. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon haven’t given me what’s mine…Ah think it’s time ta change that.”

“Apple Bloom…I still don't understand. Explain it to me please.”

The earth filly suddenly made a sour face then jumped down from her stool, stuffing her face as she left the table, sack in tow. Apple Bloom then trotted to the bathroom saying with a full mouth ‘Ah’ll be back’ as she entered and closed the door. She then pushed the lock catch and pressed her rump against the door, calling for her orange power ring to appear.

The glittering copper band appeared in a flash of light and then disgorged a ball of orange ring energy the became the image of a large dragon moving down a cave tunnel. Apple Bloom watched as the dragon in the image entered into a chamber filled with objects of all sorts. Gold, gems, furniture, carpets all around. The dragon snaked his head around, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. Glowing figures of orange appeared in the image and began attacking the dragon, piling on top of him.

“Don’t let him use his fire!” Apple Bloom snapped. She called the uniform of black and orange over herself as she gripped the sack with her ring power. The bathroom window began to glow with orange light as the sash opened. Apple Bloom lifted in the air and hovered by the new exit.

“Sweetie…Ah’ll meet ya at the club house!”

“What? Apple Bloom what are you doing?” the muffled voice of Sweetie Belle came through the locked door.

“Ah got somethin’ to do…right now!” Apple Bloom answered as she used her ring to unlock the bathroom door. She then streaked through the open window, flying out of sight so quickly that when Sweetie opened the door and looked out the window she could not find her friend at all.

Author's Note:

The Battle of Appleloosa:Aftermath
Inspired by the art of Cynos-Zilla
For BrutalityInc story of the Lantern's of Equestria: The Blackest Night.
Original here

The greens begin to gain strength and skill as Breaburn learns Boomerang Blitz is tough without a ring, and the nature of Zekora's part of the Black Lantern Corps changes. Luna claims what she feels she needs and Sweetie for a brief moment unknowingly stairs into the face of Avarice, and survives.