• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,508 Views, 200 Comments

Lanterns of Equestria- The Blackest Night - Moon Chaser

Writings for Moon Chaser's parts of the compellation story of The Blackest Night Equestria

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Leave us out of it!

Leave us out of it!

by Moon Chaser (DA CrazyMikePrime)

Ponyville high above the down town open market 10 AM.

With a deep breath and ears laying flat pointing at the ground to listen applejack’s senses took in everything. Even from this great height the smells and sounds of morning in the marketplace, the feeling of the winds blowing through her mane a levitating earth pony was calm, almost content.

The morning had been so busy. She had no time to see just how Pinkie Pie was getting along with the Blue Power Ring. The feelings she had experienced at midnight had spurred her into what she had been doing all morning. Applejack reasoned she had enough to worry about with the green rings and their corps-let alone a whole new ring and color. Hopefully there would be time enough for that later. Maybe Twilight and Rarity could help her.

The festivities of the previous night had been a much needed thing for Applejack. Seeing all the pony folk come out for her had fortified her in her decision to embrace what fate, or the ring, had placed in her hooves, but the blue ring choosing Pinkie Pie and the feelings that followed the light show after she accepted it cemented her to the path she now stepped upon. When she went to bed that night things seemed to be coming together; she had forgiven herself for Zacora, she had guidance with and an idea why the ring chose her and she now had that famous Apple family determination to see things through. When she had arrived home at after midnight even home life seems to agree with her decision; The Cutie Mark Crusaders had reunited in Applebloom’s room, the fillies looking so peaceful in their sleep. It was like the universe had started to click gears together to put in motion to support her decision.

She dreamed again! It was a dream she had before: flying through the deep sky with only the stars of Princess Luna as her company. In the dream she had wings that grew out of her forelegs. It was a simple and beautiful dream. It was peaceful sleep; the first since the attack on the farm. Her nightmares had largely disappeared.

When she woke after only a few hours of sleep, she felt fully rested for the first time in a while and hungry enough to eat a bushel of oats. She had been the first to rise and made breakfast for everyone. Big Mac woke next and came down to the smell of a hot cooked breakfast. The two siblings discussed plans of the day as they ate, Mac saying he was going to finish some chores, then report to Twilight later. Applejack said she was going ‘back to school’ in a way and planned to read from the Book of Oa about the selection process for a lantern to figure out how to grow their number. She stated that some misgivings remained about creating more green lanterns, but admitted it was necessary to do the job, whether she liked it or not.

When they parted after eating, Applejack went behind the main barn to do some ‘practice’ with the ring before settling down to ‘study’ recruitment. She created a construct of a lasso and decided to experiment with it, testing its strength and break resistance. At first the green ‘rope’ broke easily, becoming like smoke when it failed. She would recreate another and test it again, lassoing a post and pulling until it failed again. Each time a construct failed, it was like getting bad news, her mind was in a state of upset that the idea of the rope and its strength was wrong. She would then re-imagine the rope stronger each time, the construct getting ever stronger with each attempt and she found her mind became able to recover from the shock of the construct fail faster each time.

Eventually she created a rope so strong it started to bite into the post target, hurting its skin and began to pull it out of the ground slightly when she would bite down and pull hard on the energy rope. ‘Good enough for now,’ she thought as she dissolved the construct and got into the second half of her morning ‘work out’. It was a beginning. She intended to be the best with the ring…she needed to be if she was going to ask others to be likewise. She intended to lead from the front, and that meant being the best she could with the ring…others lives would depend on it.

Training done she summoned the Book of Oa and began to read about lantern recruitment. The answer she got was another surprise by the name of Mogo. After what the book had said the night before, Applejack was sure the great record of the Green Lantern Corps could surprise her, but Mogo was something entirely different. She chuckled at herself after she had read completely about the ring’s process of determination and the lantern steward responsible for it, “If’n that don’t beat all. HA!” She looked out over the vista of the farm, the orchard, the mountains…everything and shook her head.

Now, high above the open market of Ponyville, looking at the curve of the world while listening to the hustle and bustle of the markets with the winds blowing her mane behind her, Applejack waited for her other corps members to arrive and the choosing of a new lantern could begin. Mac had communicated via the ring that Twilight had received some bad news during the night, and there was need of lanterns to travel. Mac said he would go on the mission and that Fluttershy, Cadence and Trixie were to go as well. He also said he had some important paperwork he was bringing with him about Spitfire, head of the Wonderbolts to the meeting above the markets. Raindrops also responded that after she had finished placing her last morning clouds she would attend the meeting.

Raindrops arrived first, pulling a large cloud behind her to position over the town. The weather pegasus sat on the cloud, her lantern uniform materializing over her body as she lounged.

”Good morning Applejack, you look well rested this morning, "Raindrops produced a muffin from somewhere and took a bite, “This is my last cloud for the day, so I’m off work now and I’ve taken the rest of the week off.”

“Did you even sleep last night?”

“Um-hum” she sounded as she munched the baked good. Raindrops swallowed her muffin while looking at Applejack when Big Macintosh appeared from beneath the two conversing lanterns, clad in his lantern uniform.

“Alrighty, before Ah start what’s the word from Twilight this mornin’ big brother? ”

“Two things; There’s pass letter ta meet with Spitfire the leader of the Wonderbolts at their trainin’ base near Cloudsdale. Since ya suggested it, AJ asked Shinin' Armor ta make it out ta you Raindrops as the 'authorized' lantern ta meet with her, "Mac pointed at the tree house home of the Yellow Lantern leader, "See Twilight after were done here.”

Raindrops nodded as she chewed on another muffin.

“The other thing is that somethin' happened yesterday. A small town called 29 Fronds got attacked by Black Lanterns. There was a fight with the guards and it went bad. The mayor and the guards emptied the town of the livin', most of them heading to Las Pegasus. The princesses asked if lanterns could check the area and help out any locals. Ah’m heading out in about 15 minutes ta meet up with the other lanterns already sent out and help look things over, check on anypony else nearby, make sure that the town was the only thing they attacked. ” Mac looked at his sister. His lips became flat and tight for a moment, "AJ, see Twilight later about the particulars. You need to know some things. I’d explain more but Ah’m short on time as it is.” The first lantern of Equestria nodded her head.

“Ah’ll get the skinny from Twi Mac, thanks.” The big stallion nodded and floated over to the cloud his corps mate was resting on.“Alright then…we need ta grow, we need more than just the three of us, "the two green lanterns nodded in agreement. “OK, the way the Green Lanterns were selected was by being chosen by the ring, NOT by other lanterns. What would happen is when a lantern died, its ring would go off and find another wielder like we saw. Problem is the ring must be told to look for a new lantern, and if the lantern died, it wouldn’t look. The corps gave the duty to a lantern named Mogo, "Applejack chuckled ‘Ah’ll tell them later, ought ta be a hoot,’ she continued. ” What Mogo did was tell the rings to look for another to wear it…just that and left the choosin' up to the ring itself. That got me to thinkin'; we got nopony like Mogo so maybe we could do it and let the ring choose instead of us.”

“You made me a lantern Applejack, you told the ring to induct me, "Raindrops swallowed.

“No, if’n you remember, the ring said you were worthy, THEN Ah said OK…nothin' more, "the earth pony winked, ‘so, yer still on the hook ‘alpha lantern’, "the pegasus half smiled.

The ring on Applejack’s foreleg flared and the green energy coalesced into a spinning hoop. Slowly the green light condensed into another green lantern power ring, hovering before her glowing with its own light and power. The farm mare smiled wryly, “Now, let’s see if Ah'm right, hope this works.”

She closed her eyes for a moment and became still, not frozen but relaxed, unmoving, quiet. When she opened her eyes, they glowed with green light that hid her irises and pupils. She was silent, staring at the sparkling band with her lighted gaze, when she spoke:

“Seek one who is worthy.”

The ring flared for a moment.

[=Scanning for Suitable candidate sentient=]

It stayed motionless for a moment, softly glowing with its inner light, it then made another sound:

[=Suitable candidate found=]

Suddenly the ring plummeted down, a tail of green light trailing behind it as it headed earthward. When the ring departed Applejacks eyes became normal again. She shook her head and blinked, “Follow it, "she cried as she went into a dive after the departing emerald band. Big Mac and Raindrops followed, the open market rapidly coming up to meet the lanterns.


“That will be 3 bits please, "Carrot Top said as she wrapped up the three bundles of carrots that Bon Bon had bought. “I also have some turnip and mustard greens just picked fresh this morning if you’d like.”

“Can I look at them please? Lyra loves eating those ever since Applejack got her to try them at the last Summer Sun Celebration. “

‘Well, I guess that’s SOME business the Apples have given me,’ Carrot Top thought as she lifted the bundles of green leaves on top of her counter with her teeth. She then spread out the two bundles of greens apart so they could be looked at separately. As she poked at the stacks of vegetation somepony bumped into Bon Bon’s rump.

“Hey roomie, you done getting stuff for dinner, "the deep voice of Lyra asked, "I’m ready to head over to the diary for some cheese.”

“Lyra, WHY do you always like sneaking up on me?”

The unicorn giggled. “It’s fun, that’s why.” Lyra’s horn glowed as she used her magic to remove a tin box from her saddle bags as she walked back out into the center of the market path, "I got the sassafras tea like you wanted.” She shook the tin as she looked at the earth pony. “Now we need…”

Bon Bon’s eyes were wide and her mouth agape just as Lyra was overcome with a blinding green light swirling around her.

[=Lyra Heartstrings of Equestria, you have the ability to overcome great fear=]

Lyra’s saddle bags fell to the ground as she was lifted into the air by the green shroud of light that slowly closed around her body becoming a second skin. The market crowd stood silent watching the sight of the ring choosing its bearer. The only sound came from a mare’s low voice saying ‘no’.

[=Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps=]

The light died away, leaving Lyra clothed in the uniform of a green lantern. The pattern the ring had chosen was different again, long bands of green, white and black ending in green socks. Lyra then gently returned to the ground landing on her hind legs. The unicorn’s eyes were open with surprise as she looked over her front legs then her body, marveling at the clothing made of ring energy.

“W…wow.” she whispered, “this…this is…” the unicorn cooed as she looked herself over, the uniform of the Green Lantern Corps complimenting and almost blending with her natural coat colors. She then looked at the glowing ring on her hoof, her golden eyes sparkling with its light. She could ‘feel’ the intelligence within it reaching out and touching her own, a resonance between them slowly growing like strings on her instrument vibrating in sympathy to one another , a note becoming a cord. “I…I wondered what it would be like…it’s so different from magic, “she whispered as she turned to face what new senses told her was approaching, grinning like a mad mare in delight.

The still hushed crowd parted as three green lanterns came down and landed in front of the selected new recruit. The silence of the watching ponies punctuated the awe the moment had generated. Many had missed Pinkie’s blue ring show the night before and thus missed seeing a ring choose its wielder, only hearing about it from some of their neighbors. The effect the selection process generated was dramatic to behold and even with the magic of unicorns failed to match the light show it made. There was a small ‘no’ from somepony and the occasional gasp and ‘ooo’ that onlookers normally uttered after seeing such a sight.

Applejack landed on all fours and approached Lyra but maintained the uniform of the corps. Lyra returned to standing on all of her hooves as well, looking the farm mare in the eye as she approached. The earth pony then sat on her haunches and thrust forward her ring bearing hoof and with a half smile said: “Welcome aboard Lyra.”

Lyra began to reciprocate, her ring bearing hoof rising up to meet Applejack’s when a scream caused her to stop, and everyone in the market to turn away from the lanterns briefly.

“NO, "shrieked a trembling Bon Bon. Terror filled her eyes as she charged forward. She ground under her hooves the food that had spilled from her saddle bags as she galloped forward and placed herself between the leader and the newly chosen lantern recruit.

“YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” Bon Bon bellowed, her muzzle pressing into Applejack’s. She turned and faced Lyra, tears dropping from her eyes as she gently placed a hoof on her friend’s chest. “ Lyra…please don't accept it," she reached up and gently put a hoof on the unicorns jaw, “Just say no…just take it off.”


Bon Bon wheeled and faced the Green Lantern Corps leader with a scowl that could peel paint off a barn, “STAY OUT OF THIS APPLEJACK! Where do you get off just picking anypony to be one of you crazy lanterns! Rainbow Dash was bad enough…but you? You’re supposed to be the sensible one! “ She stepped back from the farm mare “Now…you’re just like them..you’re all the same! You all think you own the world don’t you, flying around with the power of the princesses, pulling anypony you want into your rainbow colored insanity!”

Applejack's forhead wrinkled in a frown. She took a step closer to Bon Bon, "Ah didn’t ‘pick’ Lyra ta be a lantern mam! Ah told the ring ta find somepony WORTHY and the ring chose Lyra ta bear it, not me.”

Lyra twisted her face into a puzzled grimace. She spoke gently, "What's the problem Bon Bon? Why not keep it?"

The confectioner returned her attention to her friend, her tone softened when she spoke again, "Please Lyra no…not this. Normally I just roll my eyes at your ramblings about myth and your brassy attitude…but not this. I’m serious. Don’t do this, PLEASE! Say no!”

“Why?” the unicorn asked her best friend, “Tell me why Bon Bon.”

"Because it will change who you are! You’ll become one of them, "she thrust a hoof at Applejack.” It means fighting…maybe…dying! It means me waiting for you to come home, pacing all day wondering if you will come back. It means worrying if you’ll be OK and what you'll change into because of that…” she pointed at the sparkling green band on Lyra’s leg, “THING!"

The unicorn looked at the farm mare then up above the crowd at the other two hovering Green Lanterns silently watching."Who I am won’t change Bon Bon, I’ll still be me. But….what about Applejack or Raindrops? What about Big Mac? They're going off to fight those things. Don't you think they need the help? If I can help, if this ring picked me for the task, don’t you think I should help? Don’t I have a responsibility to help them?"

"Does it have to be this way? Does it have to be me, or you, or any pony else we know? I'm not responsible to Applejack or anypony else but my family and friends, especially you! Please, just say no," Bon Bon pleaded. “I can’t deal with the thought of you…”

Lyra bit her lip. She wanted this, to be a lantern. Ever since the first rings showed up she had wondered what it was like. At home she would chatter on about the lanterns out loud and about how amazing it must be. Bon Bon had done as she normally did, shrugging her shoulders and carrying on as usual, chocking it up to another of her crazy obsessions and nothing more. Now it was different, she had been chosen…Applejack said a ring CHOSE her to carry it, to use it against the undead horrors threatening them; that the green glowing bobble had found her worthy…WORTHY! What an awesome and serious word that was. She could hear the ring singing to her in her mind, asking to her to take it up. She felt she should help, that she should…fight.

The earth pony wiped some tears from her eyes," I know you are not afraid sweetie, you never are, It’s part of your charm! I am afraid Lyra! I'm afraid of losing you. I couldn't take that! Please, for me…Say no."

The friends were still for a moment, neither saying a word. The crowd looked on as quiet as Lyra and Bon Bon themselves, wondering what would happen next, Many were worried about what could happen next. The dreadful silence was broken by the Green Lantern’s leader. "It’s a free choice Lyra. Ah'd appreciate a unicorn with us, but if ya don't think or feel ya can do this… ya can say no, "Applejack offered.

Bon Bon sat on her haunches looking confused and a little relieved."Really? Do you mean that? You're not going to explode like Rainbow Dash and berate us for not wanting to fight or for…being afraid of what you turn ponies into?"

Applejack frowned, her lips curled into a a slight frown," If you fear us, Ah'm sorry. But that's your problem Bon Bon, not Mahn! Mah problem is fightin’, "she turned to look at Lyra. “If’n ya can't commit Ah understand, but that means Ah can't use ya an' it's better to find out now before we spend time and trouble for no harvest. Ah can give ya some time ta think about it if ya need it.”

"Bon Bon...you don't think that Applejack...."

“I don't care about Applejack! I’m sorry, but I don’t! If she wants to go fight let her. Don’t get me wrong I'm grateful that she will, but I'm not ready to let this into my house...no, not you! Not you!"

Lyra stared into her friend’s eyes, biting her bottom lip as she mulled over what to do. She felt wonder, excitement and apprehension. Bon Bon had put up with more strangeness than anypony else, and given up much for Lyra, how could she not do likewise?

"I...I...I, "the unicorn looked at her earth pony friend, a pained look on her face. Lyra then closed her eyes, her ears flattened in sadness. She looked into the eyes of the first lantern in Equestria and shook her head. It wasn’t in Bon Bon to let her do this, it wasn’t in her to just ‘go along’ this time. No.

“I have to say…no. No Applejack. I guess I can't. I’m sorry!"

There was a collective gasp from the on looking crowd.

The ring slipped off Lyra’s foreleg, surrounded by a bubble of green energy. The uniform faded away. Applejack then floated into the air with the loose ring in tow. "No shame Lyra, Ah understands more than ya think. Ah’ll just take back the ring an' be on mah way."

Bon Bon hugged Lyra and looked up into the air at Applejack her face a mask of confusion and fear. "That's it? You're not just going to take her?"

“The Green Lantern Corps don't work that way."

“It doesn't matter, "Bon Bon cried out while squeezing her friend tighter than she ever had before. “In Celestia’s name keep your war out of Ponyville, leave us all out of it!"

"Ah’d like ta leave y’all out of it but like it or not, it's here!” Applejack turned to address the still listening crowd, her face clearly annoyed at Bon Bon’s attitude and aspersions. ” We lanterns will do what we can ta keep y’all safe, but the truth is, Ah can't promise nothin' bad will happen’, heck it’s already cost some of us dearly! Remember that…an’ remember they took Zacora an Ah’m all fired sure they didn’t give her a choice about it! The honest truth is the fight is here whether we like it or not."

There was a flash of light as Applejack flew away straight up. Mac and Raindrops followed and the market place returned to its normal routine. Bon Bon had to be peeled off Lyra before the two friends could return to shopping for dinner. Lyra for her part watched the lanterns fly away and she wondered if she had made a wise decision.

The three lanterns returned to the original spot they had started from, Raindrops taking up her spot on the cloud again. The spare ring floated inside the bubble next to Applejack. A flash from Mac’s ring grabbed their collective attention. The big stallion stared at a construct image of a clock face that then disappeared.
“Ah gotta get goin’ AJ. Ya need anything else?”

“Yeah…here, "the loose ring floated over to Mac and hovered before him.

“Take that ring with ya and do like Ah just did, find us another lantern. It’s easy, just put yer mind inta that ring through yours and tell it ta seek one who’s worthy...that’s all there is to it.”

Mac pushed his bare foreleg into the bubble and the spare ring placed itself on. “Gotcha…an’ Ah’m gone.” With a flash of green light like his sister had just done leaving the ground Big Mac was gone.

Applejack was silent for a moment holding her ring bearing hoof out in front of her. A bubble of light twisted around and became a hoop which became another ring. The new creation of Applejack floated over to Raindrops placing itself on the leg bereft of adornment.“Good luck in Cloudsdale with Spitfire Raindrops.”

Raindrops left her cloud and approached the farmer, “What about you? “

Applejack smiled “Ah’m goin’ ta recharge, make another ring an’ go huntin’ too, "she looked down at the town beneath them then returned to looking at Raindrops. “We need to cast our net wider Ah do believe…Bon Bon is right about one thing, this is gettin’ too close ta home.”

“I agree, "the pegasus said as she began to drift away. “Good Luck.”


The Turquoise Hills, outside of Appaloosa 10:20 AM

A group of lanterns flew high over head. Their height was such that in the daylight normal residents of the ground could hardly see them in the sky, even with their ring auras lighting their bodies.

But the eyes that watched the streaking forms from the ground were not normal. From the hiding place in the shadows as cold and dark as the caves beneath the rocks, the lanterns were as bright as the full moon to their undead eyes.

“HOw mAny dO yOU sEE BrAss HOOf, "the cold voice of BKL Seagull Strike asked from the darkness.

“SIx, "answered the decayed dull yellow pegasus. “OnE Of fEAR, twO Of cOMpAssION, twO Of lOvE And OnE Of rAgE.”

“NO wIll? IntErEstIng, "BKL Summer Fury added, her dead form moving forward to peer up into the sky.”ThAt mAkEs OUr tAsk EAsIEr! WhEn dO wE strIkE?”

“NoT yEAt. WE ATtaCk wHeN ThEY laNd iN tOwN Or WItH tHE buffalos aND sEPeRAte…wE NeEd tO cAtCh tHEm oFf gUArd. WE waNt mAXim EFfeCT AnD eMoTIoNaL dAMmAge, "BKL Brass Hoof pulled back from the cave entrance. “We nEEd To kEeP tAbS On THeM, qUiETly. BReEzY?”

“I aM here. “

“BE rEAdY FoR WhEN wE ATTaCk. We MaKe nIcE, SuRroUNd tHe tOwN, AcT 'nOrMaL, tHeN sTrIkE. ReMEMbEr, We KeeP thE lANtERnS bUSy, "Brass Hoof coldly said as her returned to the cave mouth and looked back up at the lanterns flying in the direction of Appaloosa.

“GO!”ReMEMbEr, We KeeP thE lANtERnS bUSy, "Brass Hoof coldly said as her returned to the cave mouth and looked back up at the lanterns flying in the direction of Appaloosa.


“ToO bAd We DIdn’T gEt BoOMeRanG BLitZ tO joIn Us, hE aLwAyS lOvEd opERaTiOnS liKe ThIS.” Summer Fury said with some hollow mirth in her voice. “You KNoW lIKe tHE oNE THaT gOt Us KIllEd. AH WeLL, At LEaST CoMManDer HuRriCAnE apPReCIatEs tHaT wE aRe RarE: MoDeRN pOnIEs tHaT hAVe fOuGHt wItH sKiLL.”

“YEs…aNd dOn’T wORry mY FUrY, wHEn wE sEE hIM aGAiN, BoOm Will bEcoMe oNe oF US. hE hAS cHEaTEd death OnE toO ManY tIMes nOW, "Brass Hoof chuckled, “He wILL paY fOR hIS sINs.”


Ponyville Library Head quarters of the Yellow Lantern Corps 11:00 AM

“Flim and Flam are with Princess Cadence’s group heading to meet with the Buffalo tribe, the members of the Cabal are now working with you at Princess Luna’s request on figuring out these rings Twilight. I’ve completed my work for the day at the shop not for the Indigo Herd, but now I need to talk to you about something else my dear.”

Twilight Sparkle looked up from her desk at the leader of the Indigo Herd. Rarity was in rare form today, altering her normal Herd ware for something new; creating a lattice of what looked like macramé or crochet of subtle patterns that resembled the symbol of the Indigo tribe in its weave, jewels woven into her mane sparkled as she walked. She rested on a normal bench fortified with embroidered cushions made of the indigo light.

“I keep forgetting that somepony that has mastery of their compassion can make constructs out of the Indigo Light, like mastery of rage allows a red lantern to make constructs out of the Red Light, ”Twilight said as she looked at the ever finer detail in Rarity’s constructs. ’By the sun she can make very complicated things’ “What’s up?”

“Appropriate opening Twilight; I’ve come to talk about a red lantern-and a green one. I’ve done a foolish thing, but I did it to help our friends and while I made a Pinkie Promise, I feel compelled to say something lest a disaster come about. I’ve learned my lesson from the last time I made such an agreement. I also don’t understand our friend’s thinking on this…her feelings are genuine, but her thinking confuses me.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “What’s going on Rarity?”
Rarity’s vestments faded away along with the construct cushions. She got up from the library bench and approached Twilight. Cocking her head to one side she began, ”Let me tell you what happened between Rainbow Dash and I after you all left the spa to run after Applejack…”


Wonderbolt Academy Base, outside Cloudsdale. Office of the Commanding Officer 12:30 PM

“Lantern…Raindrops is it, "the stallion office clerk asked as he looked over the sealed orders and passes, checking the documents again making sure they were authentic. The clerk looked at the seals of the Crown carefully. The Wonderbolts were used to getting a royal order to perform, but an order to grant a meeting on a non performance issue was very rare. The orders that had come in that morning from Canterlot via phoenix fire made the documents the Green Lantern presented even more perplexing. After two more shuffles of the papers, the clerk gave them back to Raindrops.

“Please wait here mam, Group Captain Spitfire will see you shortly.”

GL Raindrops nodded. She looked around at the office area, taking in the sight of the Wonderbolt staff members gawking. She smiled. It was quite a stir she had caused showing up. The Wonderbolts like other parts of Equestria had only heard of lanterns through rumor and occasional reports from the capital, so the picture of what a lantern was varied from an angelic guardian to an agent of Discord himself. The stares and whispers of the clerks and other members of the base staff annoyed the Green Lantern somewhat. She was here on an official errand, not a publicity tour or to show off and she was not in a mood to answer annoying questions from nattering staff.

A pegasus with a blue mane wearing a duty uniform approached her directly. He removed his sun glasses and put forward his right front hoof in greeting. Raindrops reciprocated.

“Lantern…Raindrops? Hi, I’m Lieutenant Soarin’, the Wonderbolt’s executive officer. We’ve confirmed your pass and everything looks correct. Major Spitfire is waiting on me for this meeting, "the Lieutenant moved to the door and knocked while looking at the Green Lantern. “Spitfire I’m here now, can we come in?”

There was a muffled “enter” from behind the door. Lieutenant Sorin’ opened the door with a wing brush, the door swung open without a sound. He then gestured with his right wing to the office interior.

“After you mam, "he said. GL Raindrops trotted on all fours into the office of the Wonderbolt ‘s leader.

Group Captain Spitfire sat behind her desk, looking over some sort of chart. She looked up from her work, acknowledging GL Raindrops with her glance. She was silent for half a moment before she spoke.

“Welcome. I’m sorry were a little jittery and formal today, a lot of things have happened in the last two days. Please be comfortable, "Spitfire gestured at the sitting cushions in front of her desk. “May I see your pass paperwork please?”

The papers bearing royal seals were pulled out of a construct saddlebag by hoof and place on the Wonderbolt’s commanding officer’s desk. The group captain gently took the papers and reviewed them, quietly shuffling the papers before refolded and pushed them back at GL Raindrops. “Yep…looks in order. So what can the Wonderbolts do for you?”

“I am here as a representative of the Green Lantern Corps. We are looking for somepony to be a trainer of our corps. We are expanding and we need teachers, particularly for flying as several of us are not pagasai and have not flown until now. We need to learn how to fight as a group.”

Raindrops held up a foreleg. A green power ring materialized to show the Wonderbolt leader that she was carrying two rings. “I came to ask you to become our instructor and offer you this ring, providing the ring finds you acceptable.”

Spitfire’s eyes opened wide and her mouth opened in disbelief. She stared at the Green Lantern ring; its light seemed to shine into the core of her being, peering into the corners of her mind and her heart.

[= Prospective candidate is suitable=] the ring chirped.

“It finds you worthy, "GL Raindrops said, holding the glowing band still.

“Wait…IT finds me…'worthy'? Not You?”

“Indeed. A ring will only serve one who is of strong willpower and acceptable ‘morality’ you might say. It is far more than just a tool or a weapon, it is different than magic; it is almost…alive. It is more like a partner; a wing pony if that helps you understand what it is like.”

Spitfire leaned back, closing her eyes and scrunching her muzzle while making a quiet clicking noise. She then opened her eyes and looked at the green hoop of light. “Dang, "she said as she reached to her right pulling some papers to her that looked like the ones Raindrops used to gain entrance to the Wonderbolt Academy. Soarin shook his head as the papers were placed in front of the Green Lantern.

“These are orders from Royal Command, Office of the Grand Marshall. Came in today. In short it says that any active member of the Equestrian Officer Corps that accepts membership in a lantern corps without express written permission of the Marshall himself looses their commission.” Spitfire pulled the papers back and folded them with her hooves and mouth then placed the papers into her desk drawer. “I’m fired if I take that ring, any of us are, "she said, the tone of her voice revealing her disappointment. Raindrops reviewed the decree and then returned the document.

“I’m sorry Lantern Raindrops. I have to refuse.”

“I understand. Sorry to have wasted your time. ” The lantern rose off the floor and started to turn to exit the door when the Wonderbolt commander held up a hoof and called out “Wait! There is somepony I know who COULD help you but I have a question: You said those things allow anypony to fly right?”

The Green Lantern rose into the air not with her wings but with the power of her ring. “Yes. The first Green Lantern chosen was an earth pony: Applejack the Element of Honesty. She flies well considering that before the ring she had no flying experience at all. The first yellow lantern was a unicorn: Twilight Sparkle the Element of Magic and with her ring she flies too.”

Spitfire tapped at her muzzle with her hoof for a moment, then pulled out a quill and blank parchment and began using her mouth to write. Minutes passed as she carefully wrote line by line what looked like a letter. When she had finished she folded parchment and placed it inside an envelope then addressed the letter and after completing her task, slid the letter in the lantern’s direction.

“Here! The pony you want is Boomerang Blitz. He trained me, Soarin and half of the senior Wonderbolts before we were Wonderbolts. He’s one of the few ponies around that has actually fought a full out battle. He’s a real honest to Celestia war horse and one of the best drill instructors Equestria ever produced.” Soarin nodded in agreement.” He retired from the service to 29 Fronds and then....”

Raindrops looked at the letter on Spitfire’s desk then into the Wonderbolt’s eyes. “29 Fronds…” Raindrops began.

“…was attacked yesterday; heavy casualties, town lost. We know. Even up here we’re in the loop. I know he got out. I read the report saying he’s safe. He was evacuated to Las Pegasus. The address on the envelope is his daughter’s place; she lives on the west side of Las Pegasus.” Spitfire chuckled, “Seems he went a round or two with those Black Lanterns.”

Raindrops picked up the letter with her ring. Reading the address on the envelope she noticed that it said ‘From: Squeaker To: Flappy’

“Um…Squeaker…Flappy, "she asked making a construct of a pointer at the names in question.

Spitfire laughed a moment, smiling as she did. She shook her head. “Ok..I might as well tell you, there are three things to remember about Boomerang Blitz. First: he used to drink, and trust me he had a good reason. If you ever saw his service record you’d see he’s been to Tartarus and back! He doesn’t drink anymore, hasn’t taken one in years. His wife and kids got him to stop and he’s stayed straight. If he signs on keep him away from anything stronger than coffee. I do not believe it's a problem any more, but you deserve to know. The second thing is: he loves a good fight. Most of us thought he was part Caribou Viking or Griffin the way he would tussle. When he was younger he wound up in the guard house a lot for fighting, but when he became a commander and then an instructor, sister could he teach you how to fight!” Soarin nodded. Spitfire looked at a picture on the wall of a big Bat-pony Stallion standing behind a group of pegasi in training overalls in front of a gate of some kind. “Third: he loves to give everypony a nickname. It didn’t matter how high or low you were; he always came up with a nickname for you. He called me ‘Squeaker’. Soarin over there he used to call…what it was…oh yeah: ‘Pie Face’.” Soarin grimaced at the name. Spitfire raised a hoof, “to be clear, Flappy was OUR nickname for him, please don’t call him that.”

GL Raindrops created a small saddlebag and placed the letter within. The saddlebag then closed.

“I hope this works out for you and for him. The reason I asked about the flying is that Boomerang Blitz can’t fly with his wings anymore, "Raindrops raised an eyebrow in questioning. Spitfire read the expression and continued. “He was badly hurt on his last mission. It was a rescue. Saved a lot of lives that day but the cost was high…too high. He was crippled after that and could not fly again. The doctors and an alchemist said he should have died. Some of us thought that he was alive only because he refused to die. That’s how strong his will to live was.”

“Good, "the floating lantern responded.”Green Lanterns must possess strong willpower to make the ring work. They also have to be able to overcome fear.”

“Then you’ve hit the jackpot if he’s in…I’ve never meet a pony more fearless than him. He’s also got a burning desire to teach again. He can be as hard as horseshoe nails when he’s teaching, but you can’t find a better instructor than him.” Spitfire looked at the clock on the wall, "I better let you be on your way to see him and I do have another meeting to attend.” The door was opened by ring energy, "I’ll have you escorted out. Thank you for your time and consideration Lantern Raindrops. Windy, please have our guest escorted out as a friend.” Spitfire’s secretary nodded and gestured with a wing for a guard to come over.

“Good day and thank you Group Captain, "GL Raindrops closed the door behind her as she left.

Soarin walked over to the picture on the wall and touched it with his hoof, “Are you sure about this Spitfire? I mean I understand not taking her offer and all, but Flappy? I love him too but..a reformed drunk is still a drunk!”

Spitfire came and stood next to him, placing a hoof on the picture. “He’s been straight for 3 years Soarin! He’s getting his old edge back and the last letter I got from him he said he was itching to teach again. He needs something like this as much as they need an actual combat instructor…and he’s retired; the order doesn’t affect him!” Spitfire looked over her shoulder at her executive officer, “after what General Landslide did to him, the retirement and all…he’s owed! Flappy should have been out to grass a Brigadier!” She turned away from the picture and returned to her desk opening the drawer she had closed earlier and removed the papers she had shown to GL Raindrops before, shuffling the papers to place a different one on the top of the pile.

“He still has something to offer. Besides…I’m going to have my hooves full with the Wonderbolts. Take a look at this..” she moved the papers to Soarin who pick them up and started reading. His eyes became wider as her read more of the document. He dropped the orders back on the desk and took a breath.

“I knew about the lantern order but I didn’t know about this. When did it come in?”

“About an hour ago. You’ve read it…all shows and tours are canceled indefinitely and all Wonderbolts are to return here at once.” Spitfire opened another drawer and pulled out a bottle of sparkling apple juice with her lips and placed it on the top of her desk. She then pulled out two glasses and placed one in front of Soarin and the other in front of herself. “As of now the Wonderbolts are activated. We are in the top rank combat status, "Spitfire poured the golden fluid into XO’s glass first then her own.

Soarin took the containers into his hooves gently as he stared into the juice. “Have you heard what our missions will be?”

Spitfire took her own glass and rolled it between her hooves, "Recon mostly. Some Deep Strike. We also are to support the Air Wing of the Royal Guard.” She lifted the glass to her mouth and took a sip. Swallowing hard she then looked over her desk and shook her head. “The Crown needs eyes and reach and we’re it. When you’re finished call an assembly for everyone. I’ll tell the troops.” Her ears flattened as she put the glass back down with a ‘thump’ and glanced at the orders again.

“It’s getting serious Soarin….and I have a feeling we’re going to need as many friends as we can get. The tone of this whole thing just got a whole lot darker.”


“Amazin’ that y’all showed up just now. Had some mare with a yella ring stop by earlier but Ah appreciate any help that crown can offer. We saw some of the folks that made it outta 29 Fronds headin’ to Las Pegasus, "Sheriff Silver Star smiled. “ If things are gonna get testy, havin’ the guard a’ hoof is a relief. “

The Sheriff mopped the sweat from his muzzle with his foreleg and turned away to look at a small detachment of guards marching down the main street. “That night armor yer wearing must get hot in this sun. Never seen guard armor like that before, or that crest. Ah well, Ah don’t get out much. Anyway…thanks again for bringin’ troopers….beg pardon, what’s yer name again sir?”


“Sorry about that: Sergeant Major Silver Shard Equestrian Guard and the pegasus leading that marching detachment is my second Breezy Blaze. Yeah, all we had time to get out with was our special black night armor. Hey sheriff tell me something…I heard a rumor that a real princess was here, is that true?”

Author's Note:

Inspired by the art of Cynos-Zilla

For BrutalityInc story of the Lantern's of Equestria: The Blackest Night.

The Green Lanterns begin to grow, allowing the rings to chose who to bear them, and the first choice a green ring make causes a bit of trouble. Raindrops goes looking for a teacher and finds one...only to be shut out and shown another.

(this Spitfire as written before Rainbow Falls aired)