• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,507 Views, 200 Comments

Lanterns of Equestria- The Blackest Night - Moon Chaser

Writings for Moon Chaser's parts of the compellation story of The Blackest Night Equestria

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Angel of Wrath

Angel of Wrath

The Everfree Forest, the abandoned village of Sunnytown, 11PM

[=Rise=] the croaking voice of a Black Ring called out.

Like thick ooze rotting flesh flowed over desiccated bones. The material joined to itself, combining to form muscles and tissues over the skeleton. What had been the thin, frail husk of a zombie pony was transformed by the power of the Black Lantern Ring into a more complete figure of horror. Garments then appeared over the dirty white coat and faded orange mane.

“WhAt…whAt’s hAppEnIng?” Starlet asked as she stared at the black power ring on her leg. A tremor ran through her animated corpse, making her shiver. “ThIs Isn’t pArt Of thE cUrsE!”

“It Isn’t,” a familiar voice behind her answered. Starlet turned around and saw her old love interest Roneo staring back at her. His body was more filled out now than it had been in the whole of the time of their curse. The stallion moved forward and put a hoof on her shoulder as a strange sensation shook her reconstituted body. A sensation of what would be pain filled her being, like her soul and her body seemed to be constantly being torn asunder and knitted together at the same time.

“I…I…whAt…”Starlet stumbled.

“ThIngs hAvE changed!” he rubbed his hooves together. “And thAnks tO thEsE rIngs, wE cAn dO sO mUch mOrE.”

Starlet looked at the black ring again, her undead eyes trying to pear into the darkness that seemed to fill the ring and give it power. “WhY? WhY Is thIs hAppEnIng. WhAt Is thIs rIng?”

“YOU ArE A BlAck LAntErn nOw. ThE blAck rIng mAdE YOU mOrE whOlE. It Is whY wE sUffEr: YOUr sOuL Is bEIng pUshEd OuT bY thE black rIng, bUt thE cUrsE pUlls YOU bAck In tO yOUr bOdY. It Is cOnStAnt, UnEndIng, sO mOrE sUffErIng fOr Us.”

“WhAt’s A BlAck LAntErn,” she asked as a large pegasus mare came forward to look at her.

“A sErvEnt Of thE vOId,” the pegasus in ancient armor said. “WE brIng thE pEAcE Of thE vOId. WE End whAt mAkEs YOU sUffEr, EvEn nOw. WE BrInG thE BlaCkEst NIght And gIvE EvErYthIng thE pEAce Of thE grAve.” Hollow eyes stared at Starlet.


Equestria, Ponyville, The forest outside Ponyville Train Station, at that same moment.

The subdued sound of the train pulling into Ponyville Station grabbed Applejack and Twilight’s attention. The unmistakable ‘chug chug’ of the steam engine muffled by the vegetation around them. Applejack turned to look at Twilight.

The unicorn has returned to earth, her yellow aura glowed brightly around herself, the light blending with Applejack’s own green ring aura lighting up the clearing. The shadows cast by the yellow light emanated a coldness to Applejack, like something waited in the dark crevasses of the trees waiting to pounce. Spike evidently felt the same way because he continued to cling to the farm mare.

“Heeeyyyy!” Twilights face still wore the rectus grin and small pupils that unnerved the earthpony and the dragon, the frightening visage echoing the time she had enchanted her now missing Smarty Pants doll. “The train is here; but look,” she held up the glowing yellow power ring. “I have one of my own now!” Shadows on her face formed by the light of the yellow ring gave Twilight a sinister appearance.

“There’s two parts to this ring, right Applejack,” she said in a sing song voice. “A ring, and a battery..hum. Now, where is that battery?”

“Ya think about it and it appears, at least it did for me. Um, Twi…don’t ya think we should be headin’ back to the station for the train?” Applejack offered.

“No…I think we should wait.” Twilight gazed at the shining light of the strange ring. “You didn’t tell me what it…felt like.” She looked at the farm mare. “You didn’t tell me how invigorating it is.”

“Ah sugar cube,” Applejack pulled Spike behind her.”Why don’t we go on home? Ah don’t think we should go ta Canterlot tonight.”

The pupils of Twilight’s eyes started to become bigger and the intense grin on her face relaxed. She blinked several times before saying anything.

“Y-yes. You’re right. A lot has happened tonight.” She looked down at the ring on her foreleg. “a lot.”

The two ponies and the dragon stood still for a moment. Spike looked around with darting eyes casting his sight her and there before speaking. “Has anyone noticed how…quiet it is?”

Both Applejack and Twilight cocked their heads as their ears swiveled about, taking in all the sounds around them. Twilight felt something different than the other times she concentrated on hearing things. When her thoughts turned to trying to hear clearly; more sensation of pins and needles came. The strange feelings ran up her ring bearing leg to her spine and then into her ears! The sounds around her suddenly became more clear, and louder. Pitches and tones she had never really heard before flooded her ears, with such intensity it almost was madding. Twilight could hear things she had never heard before, the actual sound of Spikes scales as the rubbed against each other, the noise of the strands of her mane moving; she even heard the flowing of everypony’s blood in their arteries and veins. Twilight shook her head.

“Too much…” she groaned.

“Oh, yeah ya gotta watch that,” Applejack said. “Ya gotta be careful with a ring. When you think about doin’ somethin’ - it happens!”

The flood of sounds disappeared as Twilight thought about her hearing not being that sensitive. The storm of noise died down and Twilight could still hear clearer than she normally could, but now it did not overwhelm her. “It…it enhances your senses…yes?”

“Again sugar cube…if ya think about it.”

Twilight stood straight, her head erect, muzzle forward. She reached out with her mind into the ring and thought about perception…what she could perceive with her senses passively. Suddenly there was a twisting effect, her blind spots melted away with the mental instruction to the ring. She became queasy, the sudden and radical perception became disorienting. She concentrated on what and how she wanted to ‘see’ things around her.

The ring responded, adjusting to its wielder’s unconscious and conscious commands. At first she fought the rings influence but quickly learned that it was ‘learning’ about her. Twilight stopped resisting and allowed the yellow power ring to more fully meld with her mind. Suddenly things became easier and more controlled, a feed back like nerves in her legs or mouth reporting to her mind that enough pressure was being applied to hold something.

“Alright, I think I’m ok now.” Twilight’s grin had disappeared and her eyes we returning to normal. She cocked her head again. “Yes…Spike. You’re right, it IS very quiet.”

“Yeah, just when Ah thought the Everfree couldn’t get more frightenin’!”

Twilight looked up through the arching branches of the clearing, thinking how she wanted to be above the trees to get a better view when she suddenly hurled up into the air, shooting upward like a firework rocket. Twilight screamed as she rose higher and higher skyward. Spinning wildly as she went farther and farther into the night sky, she thought of how she would rather be on the ground. Her assent stopped and just as rapidly she plunged back to earth, almost colliding with a rising Applejack carrying Spike on her back.

Twilight thought of how much her fall would hurt and felt fear of the pain and of death. When the very tip of her outstretched hoof came in contact with the ground, the yellow ring aura appeared again surrounding her. Twilight crashed, tumbling nose over tail over the ground digging large gouges into the ground and breaking branches and cracking tree trunks before she came to a rest just outside the train station next to the loitering train with her nose buried into the earth and her tail and flank sticking up into the air.

The engineer of the train jumped down from the cab, running with a shovel in his mouth when Twilight erupted out of the ground the yellow ring aura blazing up like fire from the earth. The earth pony train operator suddenly became frozen with terror as he looked at the unicorn, bathed in the fire of fear. Twilight stared at him for a moment as a peculiar sensation entered her heart. The pony’s fear; it flowed into her, drawn to her like a whirlpool pulling in water and leaves from a stream! The feeling of his terror gave her a fortifying sensation.

Applejack landed next to Twilight, her ring glittering in green light as if waiting for the Yellow Lantern to do something. Spike jumped off her back and rant to his friend. The dragon stopped just short of the unicorn halting in mid reach with his claws. He then withdrew the talons as he took a step back, the yellow light suddenly leaving him chilled. Twilight felt the dragon’s unease and turned to look at him, her ring glow fading.

“Twilight, are-are you ok?” he asked quietly.

Standing up, she shook off the dirt. Twilight then looked over her legs and her body, twisting around to check herself over. She felt no pain and saw no wounds, the impact left no discernible impression on her at all. Twilight ran her ring bearing for hoof over her neck and chin. She touched her horn and gasped.

“My…my horn! It’s healed!” Twilight let magic flow from her formerly damaged extremity. The shovel the engineer had brought glowed in the purple of her magic and floated in the air. The shovels former bearer looked on, still rooted in place. Twilight turned to look at the earth pony.

“I’m sorry sir…here.” She floated the tool back to him. He raised up his forelegs in fright.

“Please…please don’t..” he turned away, his hind hooves throwing up dirt as he fled from the yellow lighted unicorn. The engineer clambered into the cab of the locomotive and disappeared. Hissing steam formed a cloud around the engine as it began to pull out of the station, the glow of its lights moving at a quickening pace heading out into the night. Twilight wheeled around frowning.

“Well, no loss I guess, we had decided to not go to Canterlot anyway.” The unicorn sighed as she levitated her book bag onto her back and magically lifted the travel trunk into the air. “Come on Spike, let’s go home.”

Spike slowly came closer to Twilight. As he approached, a crawling sensation crept over his skin. Twilight turned to face her assistant, like she could hear his disquiet as a noise that grabbed her attention.

“Spike! What is it?” Twilight snapped.

“I don’t know. It’s just real….creepy standing next to you.”

“Come on. Let’s go home then.” Twilight said with a snap of her tail.

As they walked, Twilight and Applejack talking back and forth about ring wielding and Spike simply walking and taking in the night air. The conversation had turned to constructs when a small shadowy figure scurried across their path. At first nopony took particular notice, but when it tripped and rolled under the beam of a street light, the two ponies and the dragon froze.

“Is that..?”

“Shush,” Twilight hissed. “It is…I’ve seen one before.” Sudden fear entered the unicorn’s heart, the beats becoming more rapid. The yellow ring on her foreleg gave her a buzzing sensation. Twilight’s mind raced her fear pushed her mind to think of something that could protect her. ‘If only I had mirrored sunglasses.’

The yellow ring flashed and a filament like glowing yellow taffy stretched out, the leading end landed on Twilight nose and over her eyes. The beating of her heart seemed to be the tempo the yellow material formed itself by. The material continued to flow and become more solid. Twilight felt actual weight on her muzzle from the material. When the yellow ‘energy’ finally stopped flowing, her vision was dimmed like she was wearing…

…mirrored sunglasses!

“Close your eyes!” Twilight cried out. Applejack and Spike’s eyes closed.

The creature pivoted on its two legs, a long tail whipping around, a flash of yellow light reflecting off smooth scales. Glowing eyes of red stared at Twilight intently as the creature let out a sound like a growling dog and a hissing steam engine at the same time. Leathery wings flared out, framing the monster trying to use its magic. Spike hid behind Applejack who hid her eyes beneath her hat.

“Wha…what’s a cockatrice doing here in town,” the diminutive dragon asked, his eyes closed tight.

Twilight stared at the monster through her construct glasses. A slight smile cracked her muzzle as she watched the creature continue to try and use its petrifying magic on her. The last time she had gazed into the eyes of a cockatrice she instantly became stone, but now the glasses of yellow energy created by her thoughts immunized her from the stone transforming effect.

The cockatrice dropped its gaze attack and recoiled from its reflection in the glasses, pulling its wings over it face and began shaking. The sound it than began emitting was like a growl and whimper at the same time.

Twilight’s ring flashed and mirror glasses appeared over Spike and Applejack’s eyes. “These will keep everypony safe from the cockatrice’s gaze power. “

Applejack opened her eyes and moved forward, lowering her head to peer at the creature. The small monster continued to make its pitiful noise and to shield itself from the ponies with its wings. A rustling sound came suddenly came from the bushes against the building they all stood in front of. A flurry of dark leaves and bright colors exploded onto the street in a ball that unfolded into another cockatrice, this one more brightly colored and larger. The monster glared at the trio with its stone gaze, growling ferociously as it did. Its ferociousness quickly evaporated when it understood that its petrifaction power was having no effect. The brightly colored cockatrice moved to be next to the other creature, attempting to shield the smaller and less flamboyant monster from the trio staring. Its attitude softened as it became apparent that nopony was going to attack the creatures.

“A pair of Cockatrices! What the hay are they doin’ in town?” Applejack lifted the construct glasses off her nose as she looked around and away from the cornered monsters. “They should be in the Everfree Forest...” Applejack froze. Something in her mind was itching, telling her to look behind her. The earth pony’s nose suddenly sniffed deeply then wrinkled her nose up with her lip in a curl of disgust as she turned to look behind her…

…and stared into green glowing eyes off far in the dark.

A wall of green bricks spring up between the Timber wolf far off in the shadows and the friends. Applejack called forth her uniform at the same time. The light flash caused the cockatrices to growl and scribbles around a bit. Twilight half turned to her right, trying to keep both threats in her view. The mirror glasses lost their definition and started to fade. Twilight remembered what Applejack had told her about constructs and put her thoughts back into the constructs, the glasses all became solid again.


“It a Timber wolf Twi…” Additional green construct walls appeared to shield the ponies and the dragon.

“Twilight, what’s going on?” Spike gripped the unicorn’s leg tightly. “Why are the Everfree's animals suddenly here?”

“I don’t know Spike, but we can’t let them run loose. Applejack, we need to take them back into the forest!”

The green lantern nodded. A beam of green energy shot out of the ring and pulled itself into a cage around the beast of animated wood. The form of the timber wolf could now be seen clearly by the glow of the construct bars, the beast’s wooden body pushed against the cage, the strain of the bars to hold could be ‘felt’ by Applejack in her mind as she lifted into the air, towing the cage behind her.

Twilight formed a closed wicker basket around the two petrifying cockatrices. Growls and hissing erupted from the construct that Twilight could sense in her head was being fought against. The thought of the dangerous cargo of the basket shattering the construct scared her, and that feeling flowed into the ring and into the construct giving it a resistant durability.

“Ah got Spike Twi.”

Spike was surrounded in a green light and felt gravity disappear. The dragon was levitated by ring energy onto Applejack’s back which was now covered with a saddle that road over the bags that carried the farm mare’s traveling luggage. Applejack flew behind Twilight, the two of them heading in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

“Hang on Spike, could get a’ might bumpy.”

Spike swallowed hard and gripped the seat with his talons. “Sure Applejack but…why didn’t you let Twilight pick me up.”

Applejack pointed with her ring leg in Twilight’s direction. The unicorn wobbled a bit as she flew, her legs flailing about. Her path in the air wobbled her and there up and down making a gentle spiral path. Applejack looked at Spike who simply nodded his understanding and sat back into the saddle chair to enjoy the flight and be thankful the more experienced ring wielder was the one carrying him. She pulled up next to her struggling friend.

“Twilight, Ah found that if’n ya think too much about flyin’ it gets shaky.”

“Well,” Twilight half rolled to her left then righted herself,”How…how do you do it.”

“Think of it like swimin’. It’s a lot like that. Yer carried with a current, only you control the current.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and her body began jinking about. She licked her lips and closed her eyes and the wobbling flying stopped. Twilight pulled her legs together as her line in the air became more smooth and graceful. She opened her eyes and smiled.

“I did it! I’m flying…I’m really,” she dropped for a half second her legs flailing again. Ears laid back, eyes narrowed, Twilight concentrated on pulling herself up. She rose upward again. Applejack chuckled.

“It’s alright darlin’, just try ta not over think it.”

Flying above the tree tops, the pair of ponies and their dragon companion carried the denizens of the Everfree back to their home. When Applejack saw a clearing in the forest canopy she moved ahead of Twilight and angled downward and stopped, hovering in the clearing as her cage construct landed gently on the ground and opened. The timber wolf skulked away as Twilight dropped her basket with its contents to the grass softly. She recreated the mirrored glasses again before she allowed the basket to fade away. The cockatrices simply fled, disappearing into the thick vegetation of the forest. Applejack cocked her head to one side, listening for something.

“Applejack, what’s wrong?” Twilight ‘s ears swiveled about. “What do you hear?”

“That’s the problem, Ah don’t hear much of anythin’ at all. Ah’ve never heard the forest this quiet before.”

Twilight nodded. “I don’t see much of anything either, even with these senses the ring has improved. It’s as if there were no animals in the forest.” She stroked her chin wit the back of her hoof. “Where are they?”

Applejack circled the clearing slowly, using the ring to concentrate on hearing sound. Spike scanned the forest with his eyes and listened with his ears as well, hearing and seeing nothing he sat back into the construct saddle. Applejack circled back to the Yellow Lantern.

“Dang peculiar Twilight, maybe we should check around a bit.” Applejack now hovered in front of her friend pointing with her hoof at the glowing yellow ring. “That is if yer up to it.” Twilight nodded.

“But let’s take Spike at home first, he could use the sleep.”

“And you? Hay ya doin’ Twi?”

“I feel strangely…energetic!”

After dropping Spike off at the library, the lanterns combed the town for more monsters from the Everfree until the stroke of midnight. A few more creatures had been found, nothing as big as the timber wolf. Twilight and Applejack returned them all to the forest, whose oppressing silence still made both of the ponies uneasy. After releasing the last creature, the pair turned into the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack pulled next to Twilight who still flew with a bit of occasional wobble.

“Ah’ve never heard of the critters commin’ outta the forest like that Twilight. Sure occasionally one will wander into town…but a bushel of em’? That ain’t right.” Applejack flew backwards facing her friend.

“Something must have made the animals leave in such huge numbers,” Twilight rubbed her chin with the back of a fore hoof. “Those things that lured me away and attacked me…”the unicorn’s voice trailed off as they both cleared the tree line and saw the Apple Farm.

The fence was smashed, the posts scattered over the grounds of the farm house. The sides of the main bard showed deep scratches and gouges. Troughs and bins were overturned, their contents scattered over the ground. Twilight circled the over the scene, assessing the destruction and searching for the cause. Applejack went through her bedroom window like an arrow shot from a war bow. Moments passed and Twilight saw lights come alive in the house, all from the second floor.

“Applejack? Is Everypony alright?”

“Yah. Everypony’s ok Twilight.” Applejack came to her open window. “Did ya find any Everfree critters out there?”

“No, there’s nothing else out here. Is…is that what did this?”

"Yeah," Applejack gestured with her tail, "Come on in Twi, ya gotta hear this."


Equestria, Sweet Apple Acers, 4:30 in the afternoon.

“What happened then Apple Bloom?” Twist asked as she bit into the toffee she brought for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to taste.

Apple Bloom swallowed a cup of milk with a loud gulp, returning the container to its rest on the tree stump that the fillies were using as a table before continuing.

“Let’s see,” the filly said as she tapped one hoof onto another. “Applejack left for the train station, the animals of the Everfree started ta come onto the farm, little ones at first goin’ ta hide, then big ones,” she recounted. “Then there were the bats…the jackalopes eatin’ the pie apples..”

"Yeah yeah..." Scootaloo tapped her hoof on the ground. "You already told us that, and how Big Mac was breaking out weapons, how the big monsters of the forest tore up the farm! What happened after Applejack and Twilight arrived with Twilight having a ring like Applejacks?”

“Twilight Sparkle has a ring too,” Twist asked as she took another bite of her home made toffee.

“Yes Twist, Twilight has a ring,” Sweetie Belle squeaked as she bumped a ball she threw up into her air. “That is so cool.”

“Ah don’t know y’all, somthin’ about her ring gave me the creeps.” Apple Bloom shivered for a moment as she talked about the new ring. “Anyway, Twilight went home after that while Applejack stayed up all night and guarded the farm with her ring.” Apple Bloom crunched on a cookie, crumbs flying from her mouth as she finished. “She went ta bed as Ah was headin’ ta school.”

“Wow,” Scootaloo said as she smacked at the ball with her head. “I wonder what’s going on in there to make all the animals leave. Did you see smoke or a fire?”

Apple Bloom swallowed, “Nope, an’ take a whiff.” Apple Bloom sniffed. “Nothin’! Ah never did see or smell any fire.” Apple Bloom crouched and narrowed her eyes, looking back and forth. She her tail curled up in a come-hither motion. The three friends came close to hear Applebloom whisper.

“Ah heard Applejack say that she an’ Twilight were attacked last night at the train station by – Zombie Ponies!”

“R-really?” Twist dropped her candy. “Z-Zombie Ponies?”

“Zombies? Like in the movies,” Scootaloo’s wings beat quickly, lifting her in to the air a couple of inches and out of the wagon hitched to her scooter. “That sounds so cool!”

Scootaloo then crossed her eyes and opened her mouth. She razed one fore leg up and started to walk forward at a slow speed, drifting left and right as she reached out wildly with the uplifted leg.

“BBRRAINES” the Pegasus filly called out with a groan. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasped and giggled, separating and circling around their friend. Scootaloo turned in place, stumbling in place and calling out more.


“AH!” Sweetie and Apple Bloom cried as Scootaloo grabbed them, pretending to bite into their heads. The three of them collapsed into a pile, laughing. Twist simply shook her head

“I wonder if Zecora knows about zombies running around the Everfree,” Scootaloo asked. Sweetie Bell looked over in the direction of the forest.

“Ah don’t know Scoots, but Ah’m willin’ ta bet that if a’ zombie comes around her place, she’s got magic that’ll knock em’ on their tails!” Apple Bloom glanced at Sweetie Belle, who was staring off to the forest tree line. Twist was next to her looking in the same direction.

“Whatcha’ lookin’ at?”

“I don’t know. I thought I saw somepony just inside the forest.”

Scootaloo stood next to her friends, shading her eyes to see better, “I don’t see anything Sweetie.”

“Speakin’ of Zecora, we ought to go see her. Ah promised Ah would bring her a few of the preserved Zapp Apples for a potion.” Apple Bloom rubbed the bottom of her chin. “Hey! Ya know what y’all, we aught ta go see her! Ah’m sure she knows somethin’ about what’s goin’ on in the forest. It’s always safe at her house.”

“I don’t know Apple Bloom. Didn’t Applejack say we should stay out of the forest?”

Apple Bloom put a fore hoof on Sweetie’s shoulder. “Technically she said to not go anywhere in the forest ALONE, and Ah’m sure that goin’ ta Zecora’s would be alright.”

Sweetie frowned. “I’m not sure…”

“Look Sweetie; we know the safe path through the forest that Zecora showed us right?

“Well…what if there are zombie ponies,” the unicorn asked in a cracking voice.

Zombies? Psh,” Scootaloo stuck out her tongue. “IF there are zombies you know what they’re like. We can walk faster than they can! If they’re out there, we could out run them easy!”

“Isn’t Applejack having Twilight come over later to practice with her ring later? I’d really like to see that.”

“Well then we should go right now Sweetie!” Apple Bloom threw her chest forward in a heroic pose. “We’ll bring back somethin’ from Zecora’s ta stop those shambalin’ busy bodies if they show up again! Ah know she’s got somethin’ that would stop em’!”

Turing around with her beaming smile she asked; “Who’s goin’?”

“I’m in!” Scootaloo sang out as she jumped and landed on her scooter. Apple Bloom climbed into the wagon.

“Sweetie?” Apple Bloom held a hoof out to the unicorn.

“Sure why not,” she said hoisting herself into the cart.

“Twist? Ya comin'?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders all stared at the curly maned confectioner filly, all of them wearing a broad smile.

“No thanks. I think I’ll talk to Mrs. Smith about my toffee recipe. I really don’t think it’s ready yet.”

“Alright then, we’ll be back in faster than a chickin’ chasin’ a June Bug.”

Scootaloo beat her wings harder and harder until the familiar buzzing sound came from them announcing that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were about to move. The scooter and wagon moved forward with Scootaloo’s thrust and rolled to a flat path into the forest and disappeared from sight.

Twist turned around and headed to the Apple family home, shaking her head as she went. She knocked on the door and sat on her haunches to wait for Granny Smith. Several minutes passed before the old mare answered the door.

“Well, what can Ah do ya for missy? Y’all tired of playin’ ball?”

“No mam. I thought I’d ask if you could help me with my toffee recipe.”

“Well sure come’on in,” Granny opened the door wide. She watched Twist walk into the house then moved just outside the door, her head making lazy sweeping movements back and forth. Granny’s shrill voice then called out to her granddaughter and her friends, the mare pausing between each call to listen for an answer.

“Apple Bloom…Sweetie Belle…Scootaloo…where are ya!” Granny returned inside and sat in front of Twist.

“Darlin’ did they ditch you?”

“No mam. They wanted to get something from Zecora that stops…zombies so they went to see her. I decided to stay behind.” Twist saw Granny Smiths face become almost colorless. “Did I do something wrong Mrs. Smith?”

“No honey child no, but mah granddaughter sure a shootin’ did!”

Granny ran out the door again, telling out for Applejack at first then for Big Mackintosh. The deep voice of the oldest Apple child boomed out from the back of the barn accompanied by the sound of his heavy hoof beats as he ran to his grandmother.

“Granny what’s wrong?”

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have run off to Zecora’s place Macintosh!”

“In the forest?”

“Yep. Where’s Applejack?”

Mac sat on his rump and sniffed. “She went in ta town to meet with Twilight an’ her friends Granny.”

Granny bit her bottom lip. Her eyes became wild, unfocused for a second.

“Go get her Mac quick! We gotta get to em’ before it’s too late!”


The Everfree Forest, the trail to Zecora’s hut some time later.

“Don’t you guys think its awful quiet?”

Apple Bloom looked back at Sweetie Belle. The unicorn’s ears were flattened. A slight grimace had come over her face.

“Yeah it is Sweetie. Ah don’t like it either.”

“Phusha…please,” Scootaloo sneered, her wings still beating to push the crusaders forward. “Ok it’s quiet. So? It’s daytime isn’t it?” Scootaloo’s eyes darted back and forth as she spoke while biting her bottom lip out of sight of her friends.

The shadows seemed to change as they went, twisting into new shapes that hinted at something sinister waiting to jump out at them. The buzzing sound of Scootaloo’s beating wings was the only noise the trio herd for a while, until a squirrel came through the trees.

“Ah! Wha-what,” Sweetie cried out.

Scootaloo stopped flapping her wings, bringing her scooter and cart to a stop. She cocked an ear up and listened carefully, then shook her head. “What’s the problem?”

“I thought I heard something,” Sweetie said meekly.

“Ya did; a squirrel,” Apple Bloom sighed.

“Look, let’s just calm down. We haven’t seen anything…” Scootaloo stopped talking. She leaned forward over the bars of her scooter narrowing her eyes trying to pear through the gloom the forest shadows. The pegasus’ ears suddenly flattened as her head reared back suddenly as her wings began beating furiously. The scooter and cart shot forward then turned back hard. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were thrown into the floor of the cart, falling over each other trying to sit up.

“Scootaloo! What…what,” Apple Bloom stammered as she finally pulled herself off the cart floor. Scootaloo was leaning over the steering bars. Nostrils flared over gritted teeth as her wings generated what felt to Apple Bloom like a gale wind.

“Look behind,” she yelled.

“A…A…Apple Bloom,” Sweetie t voice had a trembling in it. She was sitting low, her head and one fore leg barely over the edge of the cart wall. Apple Bloom clambered to the cart rear next to the unicorn and looked to see what must have been at least 10 figures galloping behind them. They looked half rotted, deteriorated, a kind of stretched but cracked appearance to their skin. Their colors were dull, muted, the manes and tails were stringy, matted, and filthy. They were clothed in some kind of black clothing.

“Zombies…real zombies!” Apple Bloom gawked. “Yer gettin’ away Scoots! Keep goin’!”

“They’re fast!” Sweetie Belle cried. She turned forward. “Should be jump on the scooter with you Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo half turned her head to answer, “There’s not enough time for that and if you jump you could..”

“Look out!” Apple Bloom screamed.

Scootaloo looked forward as the front wheels of the scooter ran into the large rock in the path hidden by the shadows. The scooter bucked, upending the cart, flinging Apple Bloom and Sweetie into the air. Sweetie landed on her side, rolling to a stop beneath a large willow tree. Apple Bloom tumbled nose over tail coming to a rest on the path. The earth filly stood up, down the path when she heard a groan.

“Scootaloo! Scootaloo are you ok.”

Underneath the crashed cart and scooter the pegasus coughed. Apple Bloom ran over and kicked the edge of the cart, half flipping it back onto its wheels. Scootaloo hissed as she tried to stand up. She kept her right front leg off the ground as she tried to stand up on all fours.


“I think…I might have broken my leg,” Scootaloo swallowed hard as she put her leg on the ground. Sweetie came over and let Scootaloo lean against her.

“Guys, there’s coming!” Sweetie Belle whispered. “Maybe we can hide.”

“Gah! I can’t run.” Scootaloo moaned.

“Let’s get the Scooter,” Apple Bloom said as she bit into the scooter’s board and started to pull. When she bit down hard she saw that the front wheels were broken.

“It’s busted!” The thundering of approaching hooves began to fill the filly’s ears.


A large stallion appeared on the path, galloping at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. His corrupted flesh seemed to billow on his skeleton as he moved. What sounded like a hiss combined with gurgling water came from his muzzle through broken exposed teeth.

The Crusaders huddled together, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle clasped Scootaloo between them. Scootaloo groaned as they squeezed tightly. Tears started to flow from the fillies eyes as the undead stallion closed reaching out when a blur of cyan rushed by them, a gust of intense wind throwing dirt into their eyes.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both let go of Scootaloo and rubbed their eyes with the back of their fore legs. The sound of a dull thumps reached their ears as they blinked to clear their eyes. There was another dull thudding sound as their vision returned to see Rainbow Dash, flying in a fast and tight circle hitting the zombie repeatedly, each blow pushing the creature back until it fell over a tree branch and landed on its side.

Rainbow landed, looking at the monster she had just felled when she saw two more of the undead leaped from the shadows. She began to beat her wings to take off when a beam of green light appeared over her head and struck the attackers. The light then pooled and twisted itself into the shape of a large hay bale that held the zombies within its bindings. Applejack appeared behind the green light, hind hooves leading. The farm mare struck the construct in the center, sending the trapped monsters flying off into the forest. She landed facing the crusaders and Rainbow Dash, deep lines and glinting teeth showing anger in her face.

“Nice move cowgirl!” Rainbow Dash said a she turned to face the three fillies. “You guys ok?” The fillies nodded.

Green Lantern Applejack ran forward and pulled Apple Bloom close, poking and prodding her little sister. Apple Bloom flinched with each touch. The Farm mare then touched the other cutie mark crusaders briefly like she had their friend. Sweetie almost giggled from the welfare checking by applejack, Scootaloo winced and groaned, recoiling a bit from each touch.

“What in blue eye’d Tartarus,” the farm mare growled. “I outta tan yer hide fer…”

“Wha,” a voice called out from over head. The ponies looked up to see Twilight Sparkle dressed in clothes like Applejack but yellow in color descending. She came down in a gentle spiral, turning slowly until she landed behind the group in front of Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who bounded into the middle of the group and landed sitting on her haunches.

“I’m still not used to flying with this thing,” Twilight sighed.

Fluttershy nosed her way to Scootaloo, pulling off the saddle bags she had carried. The pegasus repeated Applejacks actions poking Scootaloo abet more gently. She then opened one of her bags and pushed her muzzle inside. Applejack’s and Twilight’s rings flashed at the same time.

The lanterns eyes went wide as their heads moved about, ears turning in alert. Both rose into the air, the auras glowing brighter. Applejack looked at Twilight, bighting her bottom lip.

“We got company,” she said while raising her ring up before her. Twilight moved backwards leaving Applejack, raising her own ring. “All around us,” Twilight added.

Applejack turned her head over her shoulder and spoke in an even, ferm voice,” All y’all git outta here. Twilight and Ah will stay an’ protect ya until you get outta the forest!” The yellow lantern nodded.

“No way I’m leaving you two to face those things alone!” Rainbow Dash said with a bit of a gurgle in her throat. Dash circled over the ponies on the ground. Her eyes moved about. Her back flank was to the shadowy figure that grabbed her.


“Look out!” a yellow beam shot out of Twilight’s ring, striking the figure that attacked Rainbow. A hole the size of a pony hoof was burned through the things body, letting everypony see the brush through the hole. Fluttershy began to tremble as she applied antiseptic to Scootaloo’s wounds a small whine sounding as she did so. Pinkie and Rarity had gathered the other crusaders, Rarity placing Sweetie Belle on her back, Pinkie muzzle tossing Apple Bloom over her head and on to her back. Both mares shivered.

Rainbow circled around and saw two more zombies coming from the shadows, reaching out with hooves that bore black rings. Rainbow Dash flew forward and pivoted, streaking at her targets with both hind legs out. She struck both hard, knocking them to the ground. Dash looped up and came down on one of them with both hind legs; a dull thud followed the sound of breaking ribs.

The pegasus began to lift off when the pony she had landed on suddenly reached up and grabbed her. Dash felt a sudden chill run through her body, like when she flew into the teeth of a gust at high altitude her coat bristled. She heard a sound like bones banging together inside a bag and looked down to see the area she had just struck push out just as suddenly, the damage she had done disappearing.


“JOIn Us,” the zombie’s eerie voice called to her. She felt a sensation, like blood was being pulled from her heart. Dash kicked the things muzzle as she took of, getting beyond the creature’s touch.


Another zombie pony appeared and Rainbow Dash repeated what she did before using her speed to hit the monster and knock it down. She circled around and punched with her fore hoof, smashing the face in and turning the head. The rotted flesh did as before, returning to its original shape, the evidence of Dash’s punches disappearing. She used another kick into the zombie’s side to launch herself back to her friends.

A green glowing fence in front of Applejack held a couple more of the Zombies at bay. Rainbow Dash passed over the fence and landed next to Fluttershy. Twilight, floating above them had created what looked like a net made of barbed wire, the thorny strands dug into the flesh of the undead and held three of them fast.

“These are the Black Lantern you talked about?”

“Uh-Huh.” Green Lantern Applejack nodded as she moved forward and set her hooves in the ground.

“Applejack, how did we stop these things last night,” Twilight asked, a gruesome kind of smile had had started to appear across her muzzle. "There's too many of them! We have to retreat now or we'll be overwhelmed!"

“Sugarcube if’n Ah remembered we’d be doin’ it right now!” A green lasso tied up another attacker. “Twilight, you go with em’, get everyone outta here.”

“We’re not leaving you AJ!” Rainbow Dash yelled. "So what if there’s a lot of these creeps; I can take them!"

“There’s nuthin’ ya can do Rainbow. Get Scootaloo and git outta here! Ah’ll hold em as long as Ah can!”

White teeth flashed from behind cyan lips. Rainbow felt a burning sensation in her mind. These things, attacking kids, hurting her friends, trying to kill them! Rainbow fully bared her teeth as she leaped into the air. She could do something, she wasn’t helpless! She let the fire in her mind grow and flow, filling her limbs with strength. She’d prove she could do something.

Dash shot forward over Applejack’s head into a couple of zombies, her legs flayling as she flew at them. The sounds of hooves on flesh sounded as she struck and flew in a curve, gaining speed. She saw them rise, the strikes healing as she stood up.


Faster and faster she flew, forming a whirlwind as she went. Pushing herself to go faster and faster, Rainbow Dash reached into herself, digging deep to call up the strength she needed. She was angry at these things; she wanted them gone, away. She wanted them to stop hurting her friends.

“Rainbow! What in Tarnation are ya doin’?”

“What…I…can…” the pegasus answered. The whirlwind was growing; the leaves and branches of the trees were bending toward the vortex. Rainbow Dash grunted on lest time and burst forth from the funnel back to her friends. The creation of her weather magic ran in a looping path down the path, sucking up undead as it went. The grim muzzles of the monsters sweeping past as Rainbow’s mini tornado ran along. Rainbow landed next to Scootaloo panting from the exertion. She knelt down and scooped up the injured filly with one wing and fore leg, placing the child on her back.


“R-Rainbow Dash?”

“Rarity? Can you tie her to me?”

Rarity’s horn glowed as a line of fine rope flowed from one of her saddle bags, moving like a snake coiling around Dash and Scootaloo. Looping around the rope then twisted itself into a not with loose bow.

Twilight hovered overhead gritting her teeth as the yellow ring flared, disgorging a flight of spiked balls that struck more horrors. “We have to go-NOW!”

“Come-on squirt, we’re getting out of here!” Dash flapped her wings and gently rose into the air keeping the wounded filly on her back. “Hold on.”

A dark, croaking voice was heard in the forest, like a raven or a crow, sick from some illness that rasped it’s throat.

[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]
[=Emotional tether detected=]

Applejack had backed up to her friends floating in the air, when the shadows of the forest exploded like a flash flood, death falling at the ponies like the waves of an ocean storm. A log fence of green appeared just as quickly, holding the torrent of undead.

“JOIn Us,” the voices of the zombies said as they pushed against Applejack’s construct. Cracks began to appear in the glowing shafts of ring summoned wood. The sound of cracking wood followed. On the floor of the little fort they sheltered in a sky chariot of yellow ring energy appeared, looking a bit like Princess Luna’s.

“Get in!” Twilight yelled as a beam of light from her ring cut into another zombie.

Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy paused. A collective unease went through them as they stepped onto the construct. A nervous smile flashed across Rarity’s face as she sat down next to her sister. Pinkie bounded on next, letting Applebloom roll off her back. Fluttershy touched the chariot then gasped. Her wings suddenly opened, flapping furiously. She shot up, passing Twilight and Rainbow Dash before coming back down.
Monsters spilled over the top of the fence, reaching out for Twilight. The chariot had began to rise into the air when she was tackled. She felt a cold touch in her chest just before the aura of yellow seemed to ‘thicken’ and disconnect the creature. She flailed her legs, knocking the attacker off. She was about to lift off when a scream form Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash almost made her loose the idea of the chariot from her mind.


A dog pile of corpuses buried the Element of Loyalty, only her head and fore legs were free from the pile of flesh. The rope holding Scootaloo had broken, throwing the pegasus clear of the zombies and into a tree. She was back onto her rump shaking her head when two more of the dead things struck her.

“NOw You jOIn Us,” one croaked.

“NO!” Rainbow Dash screamed.


Rainbow Dash began trying to buck, her body rolling along its length. At first she gained a bit of slack from the crush of undead on top of her, but each moment she touched them she felt like her body was becoming heavy. She also felt like her heart was being pulled at like it was stuck in tar and the more she felt fear, or drive and tried to use them to push herself to get out, the more she felt mired. He chest had suddenly began to hurt.

"I - I can't fight them off! I can't! I - "her voice had suddenly dropped and the only noise she made was a groan. She looked through fogging vision and saw Scootaloo had crawled away, only to have one of the monsters stomp on her. With a last groan, the filly laid down at the blood stained hooves of her attackers.

"Hang on! Ah'm comin'!" Applejack called out.

A large lawn roller crashed into the zombies trying to pull something out of Scootaloo’s chest. They smashed into a huge tree and were mashed into paste between it and Applejack’s construct. The farm mare came to a stop over the still filly as her ring flared again and a long rope of green energy shot out and coiled its way around Rainbow Dash in an eye blink. Applejack then pulled hard as green hay bales smashed against the pile of undead on top of her friend. Rainbow Dash came free and slid to a stop at next to Applejack and Scootaloo, the pain in her chest and the weakness in her body already fading.

With a slight shutter she sat up and looked around. The haze of her sight and her mind were starting to clear when she saw Applejack being surrounded by no less than nine of the Black Lanterns. A pile of them had pulled down the chariot and were all around her friends. Twilight was in the middle, creating what looked like a bubble studded with thorns. The monsters were beating on the bubbles in rhythm like drums. Small cracks started to appear in the yellow barrier.

"Oh no!” Tears fell from Rarity’s eyes as she hugged her little sister. “We're surrounded! Oh my stars, why do we have to end like this!"

Dash then saw Scootaloo lying still next to her, blood dripping from her mouth and eyes. She saw the filly still breathing and pulled the child gently to herself.

‘There’s nuthin’ ya can do Rainbow. Get Scootaloo and git outta here! Ah’ll hold em as long as Ah can!’

Nothing she could do-her friends needed her –now more than ever-

-and she could do nothing!

“No!” Dash growled quietly into the ear of the child that held her in regard higher than the princesses of the land. “I am not letting that happen.”

‘Dig deep girl!’ Dash felt a fire in her heart as the thought of the whole thing passed through her mind. As it passed, the fire in her heart seem to spread into her mind. Her body began to tremble…

…and caught the attention of a small red star.

“Yes,” it said to itself. “This one is different. She as magic, special magic. Maybe, this is the one.”

Rainbow Dash started to take deep breaths, trying to clear her mind, but found the opposite. Like a bellows blowing air into a fire that grew with each blast the fire in her mind and in her heart grew with each breath. Slowly she looked around, taking deeper breaths as she watched her friends fighting for their lives.

‘There’s nuthin’ ya can do Rainbow.’

Breathes came quicker now, shorter. Her mouth trembled as lips pulled back from grinding teeth. The fire in her changed. She felt a prickling sensation alone her spine and nerves, like lightning but from within herself. Tears fell on the face of the filly she cradled.

“ThE wOrld shall End, lIfE shAll fAIL…stArtIng yOU And yOUr friends.” A voice standing above her said.

Rainbow Dash felt a flow of fire and electricity explode through her, a new life filled her limbs as she spring into the air and on top of the two Black Lanterns that Applejack had knocked down. She had no thought or control as her hooves beat into the dead flesh of the undead things. Spittle and tears flowed from her as she struck, her muscles driven by the anger she felt.

A twinkling crimson light saw this, felt the anger at being helpless, the outrage at violation and the malice that drove her body now. The light smiled as it fell to earth.

[=Suitable candidate found=] growled the red power ring.

Rainbow Dash thrashed with her hind legs, smashing the skull of a Black Lantern in, the undead thing falling away as Rainbow turned with teeth barred on the other monster reaching for Scootaloo. She fell on it with no other thought then smashing it. She drove the body of the thing against the tree next to them and continued to smash. Gore flew out of wounds, covering Rainbow Dash. She didn’t care about it, about anything. She just wanted to hurt them, stop them. If they were living, she would want them dead with all her heart.


Pinkie’s tail twitched, then her whole body began to shake, like a massive earth quake was using her body as its start point. Just as suddenly she stopped and looked up unto the sun lit sky and pointed.


A point of light appeared, bright even in the daylight high above. Very quickly it became a red comet, streaking down; its tail a mix of light and fire unseen before. The crimson bolt sparked and pulsed, petals of strange energy furling open and closed in a rhythm almost like a heartbeat.

[=Red Power Ring Detected=] Applejack’s green ring chirped.

[=Red Power Ring Detected=] Twilight’s yellow ring buzzed.

Rainbow Dash was suddenly being crushed again under a pile of bodies. Other black lanterns had come up behind her and covered her in another dog pile. The weakness she had felt returned, her struggles began to weaken. Her friends saw the hollow expression that seeped into her face. Her eyes were almost pleading…

‘Something…anything to stop these guys.’

“Rainbow…NO,” Twilight Screamed!

The falling red power rings light was blinding as it came down, falling with a purpose. The glowing band landed on the bare hoof of the pegasus as the last of her life almost flowed out of her. Rainbow then felt a searing, piercing feeling like a hot metal poker driven into the depths of her soul. A growling, sneering voice filled her ears as something impossibly hot placed itself on her fore leg.

[=Scanning for Rage=] the red ring growled.

Bright sunlight shining off of sparkling clouds where what she saw. Beautiful swirls of white linked by bridges of flowing colors. Wind blew through her mane, sending a cool rippling sensation over her coat. Looking behind her she could see pearl white columned cloud buildings towering into the sky and descending to the ground, pegasi flying to and fro all around. Rainbow took a deep breath, pulling thin air into her lungs that brought familiar scents that tickled her mind.

She heard the voices of children in the distance, laughing. Flapping her wings she lifted off, following the sound seeing in the distance two stallions and a familiar looking filly, tears beginning to fall from her eyes.
“Hahahaha! Nice going klutzershi. They ought to ground you permanently.”

Bully! Somepony ought to knock that smile off their face…

“Yeah, my baby brother flies better then you.”

…and that pony is me!

[=Scanning for Rage=]

Everywhere around her was the sound of buzzing. In front of her was a wall of a wall of changelings, glowing eyes and flashing fangs. She hovered over her friends, staring into the face of Queen Chrysalis’ soldiers. Hissing changelings began moving forward as her friends stood in place. Twilight scanned the invaders with her ears and eyes while Applejack crouched like she was going to spring.

'To Tartarus with the Queen and her bug ponies.'

Dash stretched her body, joints cracking as her muscles flexed, preparing herself for the hoof stomp she was joyfully about to give.

“Looks like we’re going to have to do things the hard way,” she said as she knocked her front hooves together.

[=Assessing Rage=]

Scootaloo’s blood was calling out to her! She could hear the blood… screaming, screaming for her! The image of the filly lying on the ground dying…her friends fighting…

“There’s nuthin’ ya can do Rainbow.”

A rhythmic booming sound filled her ears as cloud of red fire fell over her mind. Rainbow Dash’s anger became intense and pointed; like a spear made of fire and lightning. The urge to lash out became unbearable as fury grew in her heart.

“ThE wOrld shall End, lIfE shAll fAIL…stArtIng yOU And yOUr friends.”

Something like two searing prongs drove themselves into the back of her mind and she became lost in blinding crimson light. A low rumbling voice came to her ears as the light filled her soul.


[=Rebecca Bayard Daschle of Equestria=]

Fire, burning liquid fire shot into her veins, flowing up into her almost still heart. Intense pain filled her chest. It felt like Celestia’s sun itself was in her chest, consuming her from within.

[=You have great rage in your heart=]

Her heart beat again, this time the liquid fire flowed through her arteries, carrying the strange energy to her limbs. Her whole body was on fire from within, burning with the energy of the red power ring. Lightning shot through her mind as…the ring…the ring learned her, connected with her….became her.

[=You belong to the Red Lantern Corps=]

Silence fell for a moment, an uneasy stillness enveloped everypony, living and undead alike. The silence ended with a sound that sounded like the roar of an animal of the Everfree; ferial and dangerous. A crimson glow began to shine underneath the pile of dead on top of Rainbow Dash. Suddenly they were a blaze, red roaring flames exploding followed by the bodies of the Black Lanterns flung out, charred and blackened. Dirt, brush and what looked like blood swirled around, like a dirt devil in the desert, spinning around Rainbow Dash where the undead had tried to cover her.

A wind came up and cleared the air, red light shown anew. The dust cloud settled revealing Rainbow Dash standing firmly on her hind legs amidst a spread of damaged, charred and unmoving Black Lanterns. On her front right hoof was the Red Lantern Ring, burning brightly in a blood crimson glow. She was clad in strange clothes like those of Applejack and Twilight but deep red colored. An aura of red energy surrounded her being, churning and moving about her creating arcing bolts of red ring energy.

Her visage was ferocious now, gone was weakness and helplessness her face had showed just a moment ago. Now the once fearful eyes of the pegasus had shifted into a sinister, harden glare that could had killed. Rainbow Dash’s teeth bared and clenched the white shine streaked with blood that seemed to flow down her cheeks from her bleeding gums. An acrid smell filled the air along with an overwhelming feeling of rage. Rainbow Dash’s appearance was like that of a vengeful angel from ancient myth bringing the wrath of justice.

“B-By the sun and the moon,” whispered Twilight.


A lone Black Lantern had started to reach for the still breathing Scootaloo. Red eyes flashed and the riquis faced Rainbow Dash turned to face the fell thing on the ground.

“BURN!” she roared.

Lightning flowed from the Red Lantern like water. The red electric arc hit the zombie, pealing the corpse’s skin then shredding the rest of the body with the curling, writhing ring energy. The black ring on its hoof became shiny for a moment as the red energy flowed through it.

Her friends all wrinkled their noses save Twilight and Applejack who could no longer afford to watch Rainbow Dash. The stench of the immolated undead was overpowering. Rarity grimaced and put a hoof to her mouth, barely holding down her lunch. Fluttershy rubbed some kind of ointment on her nose and passed the jar to the other ponies, each trying to keep from vomiting.

“It helps,” she offered.


Scintillating crimson light showed forth as more ring lightning tore through the Black Lanterns like a storm. Bolts of crimson ring energy surrounded Scootaloo, forming a kind of cage around the filly. She moved forward until a Black Lantern came between herself and the other lanterns. The red lantern roared again into the face of the monster and a torrent of burning liquid erupted from Rainbow’s mouth like dragon fire. The obstructing thing melted like a block of ice under dragon fire.

Sighing Rainbow Dash lowered her head, gazing into the red ring. “Your right Twilight, let’s go.” Twilight and Applejack had started to follow Rainbow Dash’s example, sending out bolts of their own ring energy trying to burn the Black Lanterns. Rainbow’s red ring began to boil and burn the Black Lanterns, wounds appearing and growing on the undead bodies faster than they could regenerate. Several slowed under the energy assault. Every so often a croaking voice was heard over the din of battle.

[=Connection Severed=]
[=Connection Severed=]

“It’s- it’s happening again Twi just like before!”

[=Connection Severed=]
[=Connection Severed=]

“Keep doing what we’re doing, whatever it is its working!” Twilight recreated the chariot next to her friends.” Get ready to leave girls!”

[=Connection Severed=]
[=Connection Severed=]

“RRAAAAAAAAAA! BURN! BURN….THEM…ALL!” the pegasus growled.

[=Connection Severed=]
[=Connection Severed=]

Applejack circled the battle site. The Black Lanterns were reforming very slowly. For the moment the attacks stopped; the still undamaged Black Lanterns melting beck into the forest. ‘We need ta get everypony outta her,’ she thought. A new ring had appeared; along with more undead her friends were still in danger...as were the kids. She hovered over her friends and the crusaders.

“Let’s get outta here Twi, now! Ah’ll take Everypony here, you grab Scootaloo and Dash!”

“I agree. “ Twilight descended and gently picked up the unconscious filly. “I’ll get Rainbow Dash.”

The scholar floated to her friend she stood glairing into the darkness. Dash twitched and jerked, like she was about to launch herself on to purse the Black Lanterns in retreat. A burning madness filled her far off staring eyes. The smell of burning, chard plants and flesh was around her. Twilight could see the drops of blood falling from the Red Lantern’s lips consuming whatever it fell on, a hissing, sizzling sound at the hooves of the red ring wielder.

Twilight gently tapped on Rainbow’s shoulder. The mare’s ring bearing leg whipped out, knocking touching lib away. The glowing red figure wheeled on her. Burning eyes focused fixed on the Yellow Lantern of a second, then shifted to the wounded child she carried. The impressively spread wings drooped and furled as their owner shook her head like she was trying to get trapped water out of her ears.

“T-Twilight…Scootaloo….”Sparks suddenly flew from her ring aura as she spoke. Again blood flowed out of her mouth as she spoke. “Hurt…them…for…Scootaloo….”

‘Think fast Twilight’ “Rainbow Dash We've got to get out of here.”


Twilight swallowed hard. The red ring had said she had great rage in her heart. Rage…the ring used rage like her ring used fear. She needed to find a way to deflect the rage.

“Scootaloo needs you Rainbow!” Twilight held out the filly before her, levitating inside Twilight’s magical levitation spell. Seeing her number one fan seemed to give her enraged friend pause. Dash came forward and reached out to gently touch Scootaloo.

“She needs you Rainbow! She needs to get out here and she needs you to protect her. Scootaloo needs you to leave with her, now!”

The red lantern paused, trembling. Her body fidgeted back and forth as her face seemed to run through a host of emotions. Rainbow’s face then became fierce once again and she half turned to go into the forest. Twilight reached out again, softly pulling on of her wings. The pegasus stopped and turned around. The mask of anger she had worn against the Black Lanterns disappeared completely.

“She…hurt…bad isn’t she.”

“Yes and she needs help. We need to leave…now!”

Sighing Rainbow Dash lowered her head, gazing into the red ring. “Your right Twilight, let’s go.”

Author's Note:

Inspired by the art of Cynos-Zilla

For BrutalityInc story of the Lantern's of Equestria: The Blackest Night.

Original here

Rewritten from Ardashir's BrutalitiyInc's and Alex+Warlorn's thread writing about Rainbow Dash receiving the red ring incorporating and expanding on their writing with permission.