• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,507 Views, 200 Comments

Lanterns of Equestria- The Blackest Night - Moon Chaser

Writings for Moon Chaser's parts of the compellation story of The Blackest Night Equestria

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Lunch with Naked Avarice

Lanterns of Equestria The Blackest Night- Lunch with Naked Avarice

“There are two ways one is announced into Valhalla: one by the choosers of the slain, the other is by the sagas. Those who are announced by the sagas are mighty and dwell with both their ancestors and their descendants-forever!”

-old Caribou saying

Westmark Earldom, Snøen faller Holde six days after the launching of Operation Firebreak the same day as the appearance of the Orange Lantern.

“Hold this line no matter what!”

Screams erupted from a fallen caribou warrior as claws of dark light pulled his still beating heart out of his chest. The bloody organ disintegrated and a voice like a raven sounded out from the black ring on the un-living monster.

[=Charge 32.75%=]

Living caribou rushed forward, their war calls sounding through the falling snow that muffled all such sounds. The noise of clashing weapons was cut short by the screams of more who had their hearts torn from them. The awful voice of the dark magical rings announced more deaths.

[=Charge 32.76%=]

[=Charge 32.77%=]

[=Charge 32.78%=]

Several fell back, mad with fear and rage at the same time. One fell to the ground in despair allowing his heart to be taken from him.

[=Charge 32.79%=]

The caribou war leader pushed forward, shielding those behind him that gave ground to the walking dead that pressed forward like an ocean storm wave. “Flee to safety!,” he yelled.

The dark figures of the returned dead moved forward as she stood directly between them and his escaping fellows. Bared teeth flashed while he stamped the ground, “The doors of Valhalla shall open for me today-I dine with Odin tonight!”

“ThErE Is nO VAlhAllA mY sOn,” the old Jarl Black Lantern let out a guffaw laugh. “OnlY vOId AwAIts yOu.”




Frost Song glanced quickly behind him. Through the falling snow he could make out the lines of the old harbor guard fort at the end of the causeway he now stood across. His retreating comrades had gone from sight making their way back to the fortress. Frost Song then turned back and looked through the soft falling snow and saw the shadows of more returned dead moving up behind his father.

‘Today I die,’ he said to himself. ’Make it a good death.’

“YOu lEt them rUn lIkE cOwArds! MY chIldrEn ArE sUch A dIsapOIntmEnt.”


Frost Song lowered his antlers; the metal tipped points gleamed underneath the snowflakes that had landed on top of the sharpened artificial prongs. He brought his large round shield up with a foreleg and planted his rump into the ground. His spear rested in a notch in the shield’s edge pointing at the dark mass that was his father’s corpse.


“I’m not running now Blakkr Einherjar!”

“Ah FrOst SOng, mY mIddlE child, mY hEIr. You wErE AlwAys sO wILLfUl! ”

Frost Song beat the spear against his shield three times and let out sound like a bugle’s angrier cousin. He heard a faint response from the castle far behind him, the guards answering his war call to tell him they hear him and to call the valkyries down to claim him when he fell. The old Jarl sounded his own war horn call, the sound a mix of what his father’s had sounded of old, twisted with a gravelly tone that gave the monster a more horrorific presence. More ‘horns’ sounded behind the towering undead warrior as the shapes moved forward.

“I’ll tAkE yOur lIfE-sOn!”

Frost Song beat his shield again and barred his teeth.

“Come take it father!”

The dead Jarl charged, antlers lowered and crashed into the shield of his son. Frost Song groaned as his shield and muscles creaked from the force of the blow. The caribou took a deep breath and pushed, forcing the undead monster back. The old Jarl pulled back and grabbed a long sword with black unlight claws that had appeared at the end of his hooves. With another bugle call Frost Song’s undead father charged again, his long sword swinging down and hitting the rim of the large targ shield, biting deep and wedging into Frost Song’s defense. The chief pushed down on Frost Song’s defense, forcing him off balance.

Frost Song let go and retreated, spear still in his grip and caught his breath. His father was so much stronger than he remembered, his blows had more force. The movement in the corner of his eye warned him and he set the spear into the ground and pointed it into the charging form. The sickly, squelching sound of the spear point burring itself into the zombie brought a short lived smile to the living warrior’s lips. He leaned on the spear, to increase the leverage and hold his father fast. A hammer suddenly appeared arcing at Frost Song’s head and banged into his antlers, breaking off prongs and forcing his head down and sideways. He rolled sideways and kicked at the figure that had hit him with the hammer, his uncle by the looks of him. Kicking suddenly felt particularly taxing, like he had kicked for an hour instead of just for a moment. A weakness filled his body as he struggled to stand up. He kicked at another zombie that had approached from another direction, knocking it into the seawater.

The corpus of his father let out a laugh that seemed to shake the ground. He began to walk down the spear, sliding down the shaft until he reached the anchored end stuck in the ground. The old Jarl raised his sword and cut the shaft the rose up and walked forward, pulling the damaged spear from his body with the sound of flesh being torn. Frost Song saw the wound closed as soon as his father had removed the weapon.

“HA! BEttEr sOn…bEttEr!” The old Jarl then pointed at the fortress with a fore leg. Thundering hooves sounded as undead charged past their leader and Frost Song, heading down the causeway making their way to the fortress. “BUt nOt gOOd EnOUgh.”

“N..n…no,” the wounded warrior coughed.

“YEs. All fOr nOt.” The dead Earl laughed. "YOur brOthEr wAs AlwAys wAs A bEttEr fIghtEr thAn yOu."

Frost Song stood and braced his legs. Another war bugle began to sounded from his mouth when he saw his father begin to charge. Frost Song lowered his antlers as his prongs clashed with his ansestor. The war stags locked and began thrashing back and forth, the sound of clattering horn was muffled by the falling snow. A clacking sound told Frost Song that they were locked together. He dug his hind legs into the ground when he was pulled into the air by his antlers and smashed into the ground. More prongs broke and he rolled onto his side, free of the fighting embrace. Pain shot into his head and his side, acute pain stabbed him in the side as he tried to breathe. His vision fogged as he pushed and forced his muscles to move. Frost Song stood up, shaking from shock and cold, his antlers lowered out again in defiance.


“Is…th-th-that all you got old stag!”

“HA! YOu dOn’t EvEn hAve A wEApOn!”

Frost Song stomped the ground, shuttering as he struggled to stay on his hooves. He looked behind him trying to see through the now increasing snow. Silence enveloped him, the only sound he could hear was his heart beating and his labored breathing. Off in the distance he thought he saw flashes of light, each flash a pure and different color.

“FrOst SOng thE ScAttErEr Is thE nAmE yOu shall hAvE In dEAth.”

Tears fell from his eyes as his muscles tightened for his final charge.

“Feryja! Odin!”

A blinding green light caused him to pause. A strange voice came from the light.

[= You are worthy. You have been chosen. =]

Was this a Valkyrie? Has she come to claim him and bare him to Valhalla? The unearthly voice became louder and he saw what called to him…a blazing emerald ring.

[= Frost Songr Issonsöngurson of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear. =]

The ring flew to him and placed itself on his weapon for hoof. Waves of warmth, like being immersed in a hot spring flowed up from the ring and into his body. His wounds pain eased and he felt filled with light.

[=Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps. =]

“YOu ArE A lAntErn Of wIllpOwEr nOW Eh? A chIld Of IOn? SO mUch thE bEttEr,” the old Jarl laughed. He took one step forward before he was engulfed in green flames.

Frost Song’s rear legs folded under him and he sat on his haunches. A wall of green light appeared between him and the Blakkr Einherjar, the light cutting through the falling snow. It suddenly became apparent to him that he no longer felt cold, or wet. He looked at his for leg and saw that his clothes had disappeared and he was dressed in something that looked a bit like threads of pure light woven together.

“Hang on,” a voice called out from above.

Bathed in green light and dressed in the same garb that had appeared over him, a unicorn stallion landed like a falling piece of star iron, the ground cracking under his hooves. Armor that looked made of brilliant green light was on the unicorn’s body. A large poll arm made of the same green light hovered in front of him, moving in the air in circle. He saw his father’s body begin to charge into the glowing wall separating the green warrior with him and his father.

“Wh…who…,” the caribou stammered.

“Shining Armor. Prince of Equestria, Captain of the Canterlot Guard, Green Lantern.” The unicorn said as he glided backwards to stop next to him.

“You are?”

“Frost Song of nothing.”

“Frost Song? The Earl of the West?” Cracks had appeared in the wall of light where the monster continued to hammer.

“I am no Earl, not anymore. The Westmark is scattered to the wind.”

A large gathering basked appeared around him, holding him like eggs from gathering. The unicorn floated over him now, watching the cracking barrier.

“We need to go.”

“Leave me,” Frost Song said. “Let me die here. I have failed to stop these Blakkr Einherjar and to save my folk. They will get to the castle and…”

The unicorn shook his head. “Your folk are safe,” he said with a smile.


“When the seaponies told us of your plight, we came as fast as we could. The refugees are being moved to safety.

“Leave me anyway. Let me enter Valhalla with some honor now that my folk are safe.” The stallion shook his head. The Jarl’s bugling was growing louder, as was the thumping sound on the green wall.

“Look, I know about your religion, that caribou want to die in battle, but fate has other plans for you.”

“How would you know pony! What know you of wyrd?”

The basket lifted into the air as the barrier shattered. The dark figure charged forward only to have a large green pony leg step on him squashing the old Jarl like an insect. Frost Song saw the body beginning to reform, putting itself back together almost as fast as the damage that had been dealt to it had done.

“I know that ring chose you to wield it. Lantern rings decide who will use them, who is worthy of their power. It cannot be ‘assigned’ to you, it picks you.” Shining Armor chuckled. “You should have seen my sister when a yellow ring told her I was not suitable.” He laughed, “She was…a bit frustrated. “

The unicorn smiled at the new green lantern. “So…that ring says fate has something greater planned for you. Besides, isn’t it better to enter Val-hall-a announced by the song of your…what’s the term… Saga?”

“There is no song to be sung. I couldn’t even slow them down,” the caribou snorted.

“No weapon forged or magic cast of our world can stop a Black Lantern. Only rings of light can end a lantern of darkness. With that ring; you can stop them.”

The caribou rubbed the glowing green band. There was a growing feeling entering his body from the ring a kind of warmth began to flow into his veins. Frost Song felt a new kind of strength fill his being. He looked up at the Equestrian Prince. “Where did they come from? What did we do to cause these ‘Black Lanterns’ to attack us? What did we do to rouse them?”

Shining Armor shook his head. “We don’t know where they came from. All we know is that the black rings raise the dead which come after the living, spreading death where ever they go. Also: you aren’t the only ones being attacked. There are major battles going on in the Griffon Kingdom right now and we’ve had parts of Equestria wiped out by these things. They’ve appeared in Neighpon, Cameloo, Saddle Arabia, Zebrica, Prance; even Aquestria has been attacked.”

Frost Song’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. The unicorn nodded and the corners of his mouth turned down. “They are starting to appear all over the world.” He pointed on the glowing green band on Frost Song’s leg, ”so…we need everypony we can get.”

The caribou stared at the green lighted ring. The unicorn’s armor faded away as they approached the walls of the fortress. Glowing lights of other colors glowed through the falling snow.

“Don’t worry Earl,” GL Shining Armor said as he headed to the castle. “You will get another chance to face them in battle if you wish. I promise: you will fight them again.”

“If what you say about this ring is true,” the caribou smiled wickedly “I will make it a glorious fight!”


Equestria, Manehatten, West 46th Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues a.k.a. ‘Restaurant Row’ That very day. 4:30 PM

“Um…Miss…,” A finely dresses Maître d' asked nervously. Two towering orange figures stared down at the unicorn, glaring at the head waiter. The stallion swallowed hard and smiled nervously his eyes met the gaze of several other of the staff, all standing silently, construct lanterns watching their every move.

“Orange Bloom,” the filly rumbled. “LADY Orange Bloom, ya got that?” he waiter nodded. “This here food is hardly worth eatin’ ya hear me! It ain’t any better than the last thin’. Bring me somethin’ else!”

“H-Have you found nothing to your liking..m….my lady?”

“Better.” The filly smiled. “SOME of it is ok…but nuthin’ satisfies, an’ you guarantee satisfaction!”

“But my lady, you have sampled just about everything on the menu.”

“Have Ah now?” A large ornate menu with gilded lettering levitated off the table top and glided in front of the orange wielding filly. Pages turned by ring power as the orange lantern read, scanning the text. She paused for a moment, smiling.

The menu floated to the waiter, a large orange construct arrow pointing to an entry on the page. The waiter looked at the listing then looked at the child eyes open.

“Ah want ta try that,” she purred.

“But, my lady this is griffon food!”

The tiny lantern leaned back on her dining couch and scratched her side. “So?”

“It’s MEAT Madame!”

Sweetie and Scootaloo both looked at each other.

A plate flew into his face, covering his muzzle in half eaten food and thick sauce. The plate clattered on the ground, ringing as it came to a rest. The avarice wielder suddenly was in the face of the waiter, dirty teeth flashing and eyes blazing in orange light. A hunger pang shot through his body as the child floated close to him.

“Bring it to me,” the filly growled.

“Y…y…yes Madame.” The waiter said as he levitated a kerchif to wipe the food from his face. The child then pointed at the waiter while looking up at one of her orange ‘bodyguards’.

“This here guy is gonna follow ya.”

“Yes Madame.” The waiter bowed and turned away, the construct lantern following behind him. Orange Bloom landed on her couch and let out a huge belch before laughing.

“Ah well maybe this food will do it,” she sighed. A fork of orange energy appeared and stabbed at a slice of kiwi on a plate and brought the fruit to the lips of the lantern of avarice.

“Um, Apple Bloom…Why did you settle on this place?”

“Orange Bloom if ya please Scootaloo, LADY Orange Bloom, cuz of the color Ah wield! Yer mah friends so you can leave off the title.” An orange tooth pick appeared and began to work itself in between the filly’s teeth. It then disappeared and the orange lantern rubbed her tongue across her teeth before returning to her answer.

“Why did Ah pick this place? Cuz It’s the best restaurant in the city and it has such a large menu with so many different kinds of food. Maybe somethin’ here will scratch this itch in mah belly.”

“Ok. Orange Bloom.” Sweetie kicked Scootaloo under the table quietly. The pegasus spilled a bit of water on herself from a glass she levitated with her red ring power. Sweetie looked over and winked so the orange lantern could not see.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” the unicorn said softly.

“Um, yeah…so do I.” Scootaloo placed her forelegs between her thighs. “Bad.”

Orange Bloom nodded and waved with her ring hoof.

“Go on, Ah understand. Here,” she pointed at a unicorn mare construct. “You take this here gal with ya, ya know ta keep the riff raff at bay.” The orange energy mare turned and looked at her mistress.

“Bring em’ back safe and sound. They’re MY friends after all.” Orange Bloom said.

The two children made their way to the back of the restroom, the construct ‘guard’ following behind them; its orange light shining off of the wooden floors and the crystal and silver fixtures of the restaurant. Reaching the large ornate carved door marked ‘Mares’ Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo entered, with Scootaloo looking at the energy unicorn and asking her to wait outside. The construct nodded and sat on her haunches as the doors silently swung closed. Scootaloo blew air out hard.

“At least I’m not hungry anymore,” Scootaloo sighed. “Just being around Apple Bloom makes me thirsty and hungry. What about you Sweetie?”

Sweetie Bell patted her belly with a hoof. “A little bit but nothing like anyone else apparently.” The unicorn filly then looked at the mirror on the wall, staring into her own eyes. “We need to help Apple Bloom. We need her to see reason.”

“How? She’s so different now Sweetie! That orange ring has turned all of her ‘wants’ up to eleven! The orange ring is like my red ring…but different, so different. I don’t even know if there is anything that we can do.” Scootaloo threw her hooves up. “She ordered meat Sweetie…Meat!”

“I know I know but she’s in there…somewhere! I know she is! What we need to do is reach the real her, get around that ring.” Sweetie Bell put a front hoof to her chin.

A few drops of plasma dropped from Scootaloo’s mouth, causing her to cover her muzzle. She closed her eyes tight and her ears flattened. She started to rock back and forth as she spoke under her breath

Sweetie looked at her with a raised eye, and saw a shiver run through Scootaloo’s body. The cradled the red ring close to her chest as ruddy tears fell from her closed eyes. Hissing plasma scorched the floor, filling the air with a strange smell. Sweetie placed a hoof on the wing of the pegasus. The tiny red lantern’s head snapped around, eyes glowing with rage energy over a wrinkled muzzle. Moments ticked by then the light faded and Scootaloo’s eyes softened.

“What’s wrong? Is your ring running out of power?”

“No,” RL Scootaloo answered. “Th…there’s something you don’t know about Red Lanterns. We…we sometimes lose control of ourselves and get taken over by pure rage. It makes us all…crazy. We don’t know who our friends are, or who we are, we just…go off.” She shivered again.” It makes us into…rabid animals.” Scootaloo stared into the eyes of the unicorn filly then pulled away.

“I feel it coming on…the rage madness. It’s why I haven’t tried to use my ring here or at school. See…Rage Madness can really get you when you use the ring, especially when you fight and because of that…it didn’t seem like…I dunno Sweetie. I’m afraid soon it won’t matter and I’m going to pop off and hurt Everypony,” she swallowed hard, “and I know we need to do something about Apple Bloom.”

“We’ve got to get you out of here and get word to somepony.” Sweetie Bell declared.

"With all those construct toadies of hers and me not able to fight? How?"

"Hum," Sweetie thought. "How about using your ring to call for help instead of fighting?"

“I already tried to call Rainbow Dash earlier in the carriage, but something was blocking me! That’s never happened before!”

“Try again. Maybe being out of the carriage will help.” Sweetie offered. Scootaloo nodded and held up her ring. A red bubble appeared and turned into the tumbling image of Rainbow Dash. The figure of the Red Lantern leader was fighting something by the looks of things; she breathed plasma and roared at something the fillies could not see.

“It worked!” Scootaloo said.


“But Rainbow Dash?”

“I’ll call back.” The image then let out a roar before winking out of existence.

“We’re on our own for now then,” Sweetie sighed. “I’ll go to the bathroom now then we’ll head back to Apple Bloom.”

The children returned to see the Orange Lantern reaching over to a basket that contained coins and gems and plunging her hooves into the treasure. She scooped up and pushed her face into the glittering metal and precious stones, sniffing deeply as she ‘washed’ her face in the treasure. She pulled back facing her friends with a beaming grin.

“Ah! I love the smell of money in the mornin’!”

“It’s the afternoon,” Scootaloo said, a slight squint had come to her eyes, like she was fighting a headache. Orange Bloom frowned at the pegasus.

“Ah know that…it’s a figure o’ speech. Dang you are a kill joy today Scoots. What’s gotten into you?”

RL Scootaloo growled. Her coat seemed to bristle and her eyes glowed red. “What’s gotten into me is you APPLE Bloom!”

“Scootaloo,” Sweetie placed a hoof on the red lantern’s shoulder. “Just…”

Clanging metal and creaking wood echoed off the walls of the restaurant as four large stallions in guard armor marched into the main dining hall. The four pony squad of a pegasus, a unicorn and two earth ponies then stood across the main door of the room, their eyes scanning the chamber and assessing. The unicorn moved forward and stamped his right front hoof down hard.

“Attention! Her Majesty Princess Celestia will be arriving with diplomatic guests as planned. We are…here…to…”

Orange Bloom floated forward, her face twisted into a kind of smile that no normal pony would wear. She turned on one of the head restaurant staff and glared.

“Princess Celestia here for a meal! Shame on y’all for not tellin’ me that a Princess was comin’! That explains why all y’all have been tryin’ ta leave.“ The Orange Lantern played with a loose curl of her mane. “That would be somethin’ else, dinnin’with a princess.”

“A lantern!” The unicorn said under his breath as he stared at the orange power ring. He looked over his shoulder at his squad mates, whispering when a waiter with a levitating platter appeared followed by a large stallion of orange light.

“Take me ta see the princess,” the Orange Lantern demanded.

“There is no way we will allow you to see the Princess,” another guard growled. “You need to…”

“Ah don’t need ta do anythin’!” Orange Bloom yelled. Her aura became brighter as she spoke. “Ah WANT you ta take me to the princess!”

“App-uh Orange Bloom,” Sweetie said as she reached out to her friend. Her friend smiled, broadly.

The pegasus guard moved forward suddenly, his for legs out for a flying hoof punch. One of the orange construct lanterns caught the pegasus and held him. The pony of orange energy suddenly spoke.

“Lady Orange Bloom is not to be attacked.”

“Let go,” the captive yelled. The unicorn stepped forward his horn glowing as shooting stars shot out of his horn. The streaking fire flew at the orange energy creatures and their master. Orange Bloom raised her blazing ring and the magical bolts suddenly were drawn to it like grime pulled down a bath tub drain. As the sparks disappeared, Orange Bloom’s teeth flashed brightly in a smile.

“That wasn’t very nice,” she said.

One of the guards charged as the orange lantern smiled, rushing at the filly and her lantern. The stallion as seized by the construct lanterns as one of his fore hooves actually touched the glittering copper battery. His eyes suddenly twinkled with orange light just like the glow of Orange Bloom herself. The guard eyes quickly narrowed as his head snapped around to look at the filly.

MINE!” he snapped. His gaze locked with the lantern’s.

Sez you!she screamed.

The orange power ring became a point of blazing light as the child came down on top of the guard. Orange Bloom growled, teeth barred like a feral animal of the Everfree. The guard struggled as an orange aura enveloped him. His eyes suddenly opened wide and his mouth gaped, his lips contorted in a ghastly expression. Giggling exploded from the child as an image of the guard made from orange light arose from his body. The stallion’s eyes glazed and became blank and his head fell to the floor. Over him his ‘ghost’ made of ring energy started to become more defined, clearer as the moments passed. What looked like a cutie mark made of crossed lances crawled across her face like an insect scurrying to hide. The avarice wielder then turned to look back at her friends, her face a mask of glee illuminated by the copper battery she held close to her like a foal with a beloved stuffed toy.

Orange Bloom pointed her ring and a wide beam of the orange energy shined on the other guards. ‘Ghosts’ rose like steam from the now still bodies of the royal guards the mist twisting and changing into more guards made of ring energy. Again images of cutie marks appeared on the Orange Lantern’s face, moving over her coat and disappearing into the creases of her face.

“Apple Bloom…you…are…the Cutie Mark thief?” Blood plasma now started to drip from RL Scootaloo’s mouth and her eyes began to glow with the light of rage. Her voice had becoming rougher, her speech more broken.

Orange Bloom half sneered, half smiled as she waved her ring hoof at the Red Lantern,” Ah-ah-ah! Ah only took em’ if they were tryin’ ta take what was mine Scootaloo!”

The pegasus filly now levitated in the air before her friend, her red light growing by the moment.

“You’ve…gone…too…far.” Scootaloo growled. Red fire now arced over the filly’s body from her ring.

“Have Ah now?”

Sweetie Bell jumped from the dining couch and ran to place herself between her friends when a guttural roar and a burst of crimson plasma erupted from the mouth of the filly red lantern. Scootaloo’s plasma fire blinded Sweetie and the living wait staff. The unicorn shielded her eyes with her hooves as rage fire burned walls, furniture and tapestries. Fixtures of metal melted then flowed like water.

“NO!” Sweetie squeaked. Uncovering her eyes she saw Apple Bloom inside of an orange bubble, resting on some kind of cushion construct. The orange guards became like shredded fabric, torn and twisted. The ones that had removed themselves from the red fire reformed themselves almost instantly, becoming whole.

The Orange Lantern within her force bubble shook her head. “Now, now Scootaloo that wasn’t very nice.”

“Stop Apple Bloom!”

“ORANGE BLOOM Sweetie!” the unicorn closed her eyes and took a breath.

“Scootaloo, can’t help it! Red Lanterns get…taken over by their rage sometimes. She’s not in control of herself. Please be easy on her.” The Orange Lantern’s eyes narrowed. Scootaloo suddenly was inside of a globe of orange energy, the pegasus’s red fire floating and churning inside the sphere like a strange kind of snow globe.

“Wow! Ah can feel her strength pushin’ against that bubble, pony is she strong!” The Lantern of Avarice faced her friend. “She’s contained for now, let her have her red tantrum. Come’on Let’s head out.”

Sweetie was suddenly sitting on another platform chair or orange energy. Two glowing figures hefted her up and began to move out of the burning restaurant.

“Ok now…take me to the princess,” Orange Bloom said to her new ‘orange guards’.

“Um…shouldn’t we put the fire out?”

“Humph! Fine!”

Cutie marks appeared on her face again then filaments of orange energy flowed off Orange Bloom’s body, becoming more orange construct figures. The construct ponies then began to fight the fire, putting out flames, ripping out damaged panels, throwing burning tapestries into the kitchen and dumping water on them. A construct stallion brought a platter of steaming food to his mistress, the filly used ring energy to manipulate the food into her mouth. Loud smacking sounds and hums of approval followed.

“Mmmm, now that’s tasty!”

“What are you eating?”

“Chicken! Dang Ah didn’t know they were so tasty Sweetie. You should really try it sometime.”

Sweetie Bell stared into the smile of avarice and swallowed hard trying to keep from throwing up in the face of her friend. She placed a hoof over her muzzle, suppressing the gag reflex as the Avarice user turned away from her.

“Oh Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said quietly as the orange procession exited the restaurant. “What you have become?”

Author's Note:

Inspired by the art of Cynos-Zilla
For BrutalityInc story of the Lantern's of Equestria: The Blackest Night.
Original here

Orange Lantern Apple Bloom has gone to get a meal and the restaurant she went to has gotten a customer they may not be able to satisfy...ever. The Caribou of the Westmark are saved as Shining Armor takes the field directly.

MLP-FIM copyright Hasbro
Green Lantern copyright DC-Time/Warner
this is a fan work and is non commercial.