• Published 20th Mar 2012
  • 2,415 Views, 35 Comments

Pinkie my friend - BleedingRaindrops

the best of friends can come from the strangest of places, and in all sizes colors and shapes.

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Pinkie Pie's page

“HEY, that’s what I said!”
Breaking the fourth wall yet again, the little pink pony grabbed the blackening screen and forced her head through, so as to claim ownership of her previous advice. I smiled, oh that Pinkie Pie. As I sat back from watching yet another episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, I thought about how much I wished Pinkie Pie could reach into our dimension and cheer us all up. It was a common thing among fans, or Bronies as we liked to call ourselves, to discuss Pinkie Pie’s frequent shattering of the figurative “fourth wall”. We all loved her so much, and she seemed almost like you could just reach through the screen and touch her, smell her cotton candy mane, see Ponyville through her eyes. Wishful thinking I suppose.

I sighed and settled for the next best thing. Grabbing my laptop from my bedside table, I opened it and opened up the internet. I clicked the bookmark for my favorite pony page, titled Pinkie Pie’s Page, and was greeted with a screen-size image of the pink party goddess herself pressing her adorable face against the screen.

“Hello Pinkie Pie” I said, smiling as I admired the background. I scrolled down, browsing the many pictures pinkie’s admin had posted. Many of them were fan made. My favorite was of Pinkie Pie from when she had taken photos of herself in a photo booth, while imagining her time at the Grand Galloping Gala. I just couldn’t get over that enormous smile that bordered on scary. I laughed a bit when I noticed her eyes were a little ‘derped’ in this shot, meaning one was pointed up and the other was pointed down.

I copied and pasted the photo as my profile picture, I just couldn’t resist, the image was just so me. I loved Pinkie Pie so much because she was exactly like me; such a party animal; so random and energetic, but also making little sense to those around her. I had been diagnosed with ADHD but that wasn’t a thing in Ponyville. Oh how I wished to live there, the party would never end! Another photo showed Pinkie Pie breaking through the screen, and was titled, “Pinkie Pie broke the fourth wall so we could all come and join her in Ponyville”. Many people had brohoofed the photo, I did as well, and of course added my two cents to the comments below.

brony1: one day this will be true
brony2: we love you pinkie pie
brony3: /)
me: if only it were true, I’d party with pinkie all day, it would never stop.

I scrolled up to the most recent post,
“Hey everypony, how are ya all doin’ today?”
I gave my usual reply, “Feelin’ Pinkie keen” making a pun off of my favorite Pinkie Pie episode. I chuckled, before long I received a couple of updates saying a few people had brohoofed my post. Another update informed me that Pinkie Pie had also commented. “Lol I see whatcha did there ;)” By the time I had refreshed the page to see it, it too had a few brohoofs.

“So how about you Pinkie, what have you been up to today?” I wrote back. I loved starting conversations with the admin, I knew it was just a human who was role-playing as Pinkie Pie, but I liked to believe it was really her.
“Oh just starin’ through a screen at you humans lol.” came the reply.
“You should come through the screen and join us!” I replied. I always loved these kinds of comments; it was interesting to see what the admin would come up with.
“Hmm well, I’ve been trying without much success lately, maybe Twilight can help.”
“Maybe” I posted.

A few minutes later the reply came, “She says she doesn’t know any spells that involve inter-dimensional travel sorry :(” I refreshed the page and noticed Pinkie Pie’s latest post. It was a picture of a very excited looking pinkie pie, at the top was posted “LET’S PARTY!” Smiling I made a comment, “YAY PARTY!”

A few hours later, after many Pinkie Pie songs had been played, I posted directly on the page.
“I wish I could come party with you wherever you are Pinkie Pie” The alert came that she had posted.
“Yeah! That would be awesome XD!” For some reason I felt the need to emphasize,
“I do really mean it though, most people don’t get that” Her reply soon came
“Well you seem like a pretty cool guy, I hope we do meet someday”

Suddenly I got that weird feeling again. It’s not something I can really describe to you; I suppose it would be best to say it was sort of a ‘spark’ in my brain if you will. In any case I’d gotten this funny feeling only a few times before, there was no mistaking it. I posted immediately “Whoa! I get the feeling we’re definitely going to meet someday, the only problem is it doesn’t specify when”

It had been over a year since this sixth sense of mine had gone off, it was never specific, but it had always been right. “Twitchy tail? Wow you and I really are alike” came her response.
“Yeah, it goes off at random, and it’s usually right too, there was only one time I didn’t actually meet the person but it could still come true technically” This of course was a lie, well sort of. I got the feeling I would meet Pinkie Pie, but I knew that couldn’t be true so I likened it to her admin, still possible.

“Ooh sounds interesting, oh now I really really do want to meet you.”
I thought for a moment
“Maybe we could meet at the next Bronycon, where do you live?”
“Bronycon? What’s that? I live in Ponyville silly.” Wow, I forgot this was a role-playing page.
“Oh it’s this big event where all of us humans who watch you guys gather to have a big party”
“Ooh sounds fun can I come?” She really did sound like Pinkie Pie. “Sure Pinkie Pie, just break through the fourth wall and come join us!” I laughed, if only the real Pinkie Pie could.