• Published 20th Mar 2012
  • 2,415 Views, 35 Comments

Pinkie my friend - BleedingRaindrops

the best of friends can come from the strangest of places, and in all sizes colors and shapes.

  • ...

Best Wedding Evar!

Oh, silly filly. That was just a dream you had. I could never stop baking cupcakes

Hwuh?! oh, Pinkie, hahaha, you always manage to sneak up on me.

And you keep falling for it. I mean, really, you should just open your eyes. You’ll see a lot more that way.

Haha, okay. Thanks, Pinkie. I’ll try that.

Can I tell the next one, can I? Can I?!

Whoa, careful there! I love your adorable pronking as much as the next pony, but you’re due soon. Sure, why don’t you sit down and help me tell the next story. You’re the one who can see the audience anyway. I’m still having trouble believing I’m not just literally talking to this wall.

You are, silly filly. It’s the fourth wall.

Hehe, okay, fine. Tell away, my pink party love.

Okay, so I’m sure Sunny’s told you how we met already. It’s like his favorite story of all time and he looks for every opportunity to brag about it because he made me feel really special that day and it really was the best party ever and we had so much fun together and I’ll never forget that night because it was just amazingly superly aweomely terrific and funtastical.

But let me tell you about this other time when he made me feel really special. It was some point after we met, obviously, and probably before this bundle right here happened, but the time isn’t important, it’s how he made me feel.

Sunspot was trying to bake cupcakes again, but he’d put too much flower in. Oops, hahaha, I meant flour. Flowers would make some pretty interesting cupcakes though. Ooh, I should totally try that next time I experiment. Anyway, he was putting in too much flower, and so I rushed over to try to stop him, and he wanted to do it himself and I was like.

“No! Stop, that’s waay too much flour, they’ll be all dry and unsugary. Just one cup, silly. Remember the song? All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it too the mix

“Pinkie, I know. I can you just let me try this?”

He cut me off, and it hurt a little bit that he didn’t want my advice, but I knew he wouldn’t learn unless he actually ruined a batch or two, so I decided to let him.

“Okie dokie lokie.” I think I said it kind of medium slow, or just medium, not my usual medium fast.

Then he flew up to put the flower back on top of the cabinet and— and— Pfffttahahahahaha, I’m sorry, it’s just too funny. Sunspot’s wings kicked up so much flour, aaallll over the kitchen, everything was completely white.

“Ooh, I’m a ghostie,” I chuckled, admiring my fluffy new white coat of flour.
“Guess I’d better giggle at you, then,” white Sunspot laughed back. He really did look silly like that, heehee.

Scootaloo stopped by at that point, saying she needed him for flight practice, or Rainbow Dash was going to continue lying on clouds all day. Rainbow Dash does like to lie on clouds a lot.

I let him go, after licking all the flour off of him. I ran to get some sugar to wash it down with, and we headed off to the hill Rainbow Dash lives on. Sunny was so sweet as he stayed with me the whole way, and even tried to fly me up to one of the clouds so I could watch better. The silly forgot I have a telescope.

They both flew beautifully. Scootaloo actually flew better than Sunny, but don’t tell him that.

I’m right here, you know.
Heehee, forgot, sorry.

So, he got out flown by a filly half his age, but he was such a good sport about it, and he was so encouraging to her. I could tell they were going to be the best of friends. And I was right! But despite his lackluster flying skills, he looked amazing up there, and I knew we were ready for... this.

He didn’t know it yet of course, but I was ready to wait for him, and let me tell you, it took a lot of waiting. Anyway, totally unfun or funny but romantic story aside, a few fights, a week or three of baked bads, arguments and flimsy but adorable attempts at redemtion... he finally got me a balloon.

I know, a ring would have been nice, but I don’t have a horn, so it would look silly. He gave me an adorable band with party balloon symbols all over it, and I wore it on my tail— oops. Sorry, that’s getting ahead of myself. Wow, these stories are hard to tell in a straight line. It’s so much easier to tell the events in order of importance. I don’t get it.

But hey, the wedding wasn’t all bad. There was everypony in Ponyville there, and he was so sweet when we stood up there together, just staring into eachother’s eyes. I couldn’t wait for that night, when we’d spend the night together, partying. WHICH WAS AMAZING! We actually got Vinyl to come out of her house and DJ for us. She didnt seem to know Sunspot, which is totally weird, because the way he was following her around you’d think they were best friends or something.

She and I rocked the turn table, and I let gummy ride on the discs for a bit. He loves that. Sunspot stayed near the DJ table with me all night, even after Everypony else had to go home. I helped Vinyl pack up because we had so much fun together, and I even invited her to my next party. I hope she comes, that would be a lot of fun. It’s really a shame how much she doesn’t realize everypony appreciates about her. Her music is really fun too.

After that, Sunspot and I hung out in our room for pretty much the entire night. We didn’t get a wink of sleep either. Well, no we did, but after we had more fun than I’d ever had in my entire life. It was just like the day we met. He made me feel so special *sniff* I knew that I loved him that night. Well, I’d always known it during the time he was in Ponyville, but I knew it again, and it was amazing. I’ll never forget it.

Pinkie, you’re crying.

Hehe, so are you, silly.

What this? Oh, no, that’s just liquid pride.

heeheehee. Okay, that’s enough story telling for me. You tell the next one, you’re much better at it than me. Wait. I know, tell them YOUR side of the wedding. That would be so splendideryiffic. I love that story.

Um... not now, Pinkie, I uh... not now. Later.

Okie dokie lokie.

Did I ever mention how much I love the way you say that.

Yeah, hahaha. All the time.
Good. Don’t stop, it’s adorable.

Okie dokie lokie.

Author's Note:

You may now fling cupcakes at me. *cowers beneath hooves*

Comments ( 9 )

Yeah, I think hearing it from Sunspot's POV will be better. So we can get a more detailed wedding chapter. This wasn't bad though, keep up the goo work.

-reads title-

Any last words, writer?

2534488 Why, you little... You know what...
Any last words, kingdom?

2537865 ... Baka!:flutterrage: Watashi wa amerikahitoda!:rainbowdetermined2:Ho-ho-ha-ha-ha!:rainbowlaugh:

Pinkie looks so MAD in that picture!

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