• Published 20th Mar 2012
  • 2,415 Views, 35 Comments

Pinkie my friend - BleedingRaindrops

the best of friends can come from the strangest of places, and in all sizes colors and shapes.

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The Cupcake Incident

A special request has been made, so I think I’ll tell you the story of one of the most peculiar predicaments I’ve ever found myself in: The Cupcake Incident. Pinkie Pie was rather traumatized by the whole fiasco herself, and Twilight is far too mortified to ever mention it, but here we go.

I was out flying, as I often did when I wasn’t busy helping Pinkie plan her next party, or being Twilight’s test dummy for one of her many experiments. It was a bright sunny day, as I had just finished helping Rainbow Dash clear the clouds. Actually I had cleared the clouds; she lounged on her favorite one and instructed me on how to rearrange the sky. This had become a hobby of mine lately. I was all too happy to help Rainbow after she had taught me to fly; it was the least I could do. A familiar voice called out to me from below.

I looked down, it was Twilight. She was staring up at me from just outside the library. I circled down and landed next to her.
“What is it this time, Twilight? You’re not going to make me glow in the dark again are you?”
“No no no, nothing like that. Come inside and I’ll show you.” She beckoned with her hoof and I followed her into the library. “You know I really do appreciate your willingness to help, Sunspot. Pinkie Pie was my usual guinea pig before you came along, but getting a straight answer out of her is like trying to get Spike to wake up early.”

“Well what are you gonna do eh? And I’m happy to help, it certainly keeps things interesting.” I replied. “So what are we doing today?” I asked. She began levitating several books and shuffling through various paper that were scattered around her little dungeon.

“Remember back when you first came to Equestria?” Twilight asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “How could I forget? I was just sitting in my room and Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere.”
“Yes and what was it you said she fed you?” Twilight asked.
“A muffin,” I answered
“Exactly, a muffin. Somehow that muffin caused you to turn into a pony. I’m not sure how it did that, or how Pinkie knew to feed it to you, but that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out, and I think I’ve stumbled upon something.

She pulled out a small metal tray with cupcakes on it.
“Cupcakes?” I said, curious.
“Sort of,” She replied. “All ponies have an intangible substance known as spectra; it’s why we all have different shades and hues. Spectra gives color to our own unique personalities, it molds us based on who we are. It’s what makes up rainbows, and is most likely the source of Pinkie Pie’s… Pinkie Pieness” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. We exchanged a silent ‘I know what you mean’ before she went on. “In your case, your coat and mane color, as well as your eyes and wings were all crafted from your own personal interests and dreams. Basically your entire pony form is crafted around your personality; it matches who you are, which leads me to believe that that muffin contained spectra.”

“So, what? You just gathered up some spectra and baked it into these muffins?” I asked
“More or less.” Twilight replied. “I don’t know much about baking, so I couldn’t make any muffins, but Pinkie was all too eager to bake some cupcakes for me, especially after I told her I was experimenting on them. I’ve been working on drawing the spectra out of my own body, to become tangible, and I think I’ve almost got it. What I want to do is try to draw it out of you and place it into one of these cupcakes. If I can pull out all of it, in theory, you should become human again. Then all we’ll have to do is just feed you the cupcake and you’ll turn back. Of course this is all just theory until we actually start experimenting because I’ve never done something like this before. And that’s why you’re here.” She finished.

I stared at her for a moment.
“So let me get this straight, you’re going to try to rip the color-“
“Spectra” she corrected.
“You’re going to try to rip the spectra out of me, make me human, put the spectra into a cupcake, and feed it to me to make me a pegasus again?”
“That’s the plan.” She replied.
“Well, I’m feeling adventurous, let’s do it. This should be fun” I said. I was feeling a bit nervous because this sounded like Twilight’s most dangerous experiment yet, and I was her test dummy. But she always managed to put me back together afterwards, so I had faith that by the end of the day I’d at least be a pony again.

I watched and waited as Twilight’s horn began to glow. I started to feel the usual effects of her magic: my stomach felt a little queasy, and my skin tickled a bit.
“What’s the point of all this again?” I asked.
“To figure out how that muffin turned you into a pony!” she replied
“I know, but why do you want to recreate the effects?” I said.
“Because, if I can recreate it, then once I figure out how to open the portal to your world, I can turn others into ponies too, if they want to of course. Plus, I want to figure out how to reverse the effects, so I can explore your world as a human.”
Suddenly her horn grew even brighter, and my form started melting. I could feel myself liquefying, and getting smaller for some reason. Then my gloopy form began to collaborate itself on Twilight’s desk. When it all finally stopped, I could tell something had gone horribly wrong.

“Twilight, why can’t I feel my legs, or my wings? Or really anything for that matter.” I looked up at Twilight from the table. Her upper lip was drawn back, and she was biting her hoof.
“Oh oops. I’m really really sorry Sunspot; I’ll fix it, just hang on.” At that moment, Pinkie Pie happened to come bouncing in.
“Heya Twilight, how’re the cupcakes coming? OOH, this one looks really tasty! I wonder what flavor it is. Maybe it’s a strawberry orangey flavor! That sounds super yummy, or maybe tangerine, or orange sherbet.” To my horror, Pinkies eyes darted to me she said this, and a pink hoof shot out and tossed me up into the air as I suddenly realized what must have happened.
“No Pinkie wait, don’t!” Twilight shouted in alarm, “That’s-“

The last thing I saw was Pinkie’s gaping mouth zooming up toward me, before everything went black. I was squeezed on all sides as I slipped down her throat, before sliding into something gooey.
“MMMM that was super-duper yummyriffic! You sure are great at making cupcakes Twilight”
I could hear Pinkie Pie’s voice from everywhere at once. “Huh? What’s wrong? Is it something I said?”
There was a moan and a thump, as if somepony had just collapsed on the floor.
“Um Twilight, it’s not nap time yet.” Came Pinkie Pie’s voice.

“Pinkie, that cupcake you just ate wasn’t a cupcake.” Twilight moaned.
“It wasn’t? It sure tasted like one, and it was super yummy too.”
“I was just experimenting with Sunspot, and I accidentally turned him into a cupcake. You just ATE Sunspot!”
“WHAT?! OH EW EW EWEW, BLEGH! What do I do what do I do what do I do?” Pinkie Pie panicked. I was jostled around as she must have been running back and forth across the room.
“I was just about to turn him back when you came in and… Oh I’m so so sorry.” Twilight moaned. I would imagine that right then Twilight resembled Fluttershy the day Philomeena caught fire and disintegrated before her eyes. I decided to say something.

“Calm down Twilight, I’m fine; I'm just in a bit of a sticky situation.”
In truth, I was downright terrified, but I needed both of them to calm down and just focus if I was to get out of this. If I could just get Twilight’s attention she could quickly resolve the matter.

“WHAAAAHH!” came Pinkie Pie’s voice again, very loud this time.
“Pinkie Pie you’re very loud. Twilight, it’s dark down here.” I said.
“Uh, would you like me to light up her insides?” Twilight asked. Hearing that Twilight had calmed down enough to focus on getting me out allowed me to relax a little. I imagined for a moment what the inside of Pinkie might look like.
“Um, on second thought, maybe you should just-”
“AAAAAAAAAAAH!” My would-be ears now ringing from her scream, I was tossed around once again as Pinkie Pie suddenly started moving.
“Wait Pinkie, come back here, I just need to…” Twilight’s voice trailed off. I’m really not sure where we were going, but Pinkie Pie was running somewhere in a blind panic. I heard the door to some building open, and the sound of hooves running on wood. Finally we stopped, and I could hear pinkie mumbling to herself.

“Oh this is just awful, really really bad. Bad pinkie. Why did I have to eat that cupcake? Oh now poor Sunspot’s going to be all digested and it’s all my fault. I’m never going to see him again.” She began crying at that point. I could tell because the sound of her sobbing is unmistakable.”
“Um, Pinkie, you know I can still hear you right?”
“Ahh!” She screamed. “Don’t scare me like that”
“Well what else am I going to do? I can’t just sit here all day.” I said.
“I’m really sorry Sunspot, I didn’t know.” She said.
“Well I can say this, we’ve never been closer.” That got a laugh.

Ha-ha, you can say that again, but how do we get you out.” She asked.
“Well there’s a couple of options there.” I said, “We could just wait it out, or we could get me out the same way I came in. Or we could head back and have Twilight just teleport me out of here. I don’t know about you but I like the third option the best.”
“That sounds like a great Idea, I was just gonna try to make myself sick, but I like your plan better.” She said.
“Well, we best get moving then.” I said, “Not that I don’t like spending time with you, but it’s getting pretty gloomy down here.”
“Okie dokie lokie.”

We headed back toward the library. I could hear Twilight muttering to herself in a panic when we got close.
“Oh I’m so stupid. How could I think I could possibly- Oh Pinkie Pie good you’re back. Is Sunspot still…?”
“Mmhmm.” Pinkie replied nervously.
“I’m still stuck in here if that’s what you’re asking Twilight” I called out. “Pinkie’s a little shaken up but more or less okay. Do you know how to get me out of here and back to normal? Being sugary sweet is all fine and dandy, but I much prefer my wings to frosting.”
“Oh, right.” She said, sounding a bit jittery. There were sounds of exertion and the walls of Pinkie’s stomach started glowing.
Everything was pink, well, most of it.
I looked around to see an assortment of sweets, mostly cakes.
“My goodness Pinkie do you eat anything other than cake?” I asked.
“I eat cupcakes sometimes” she replied.

“Alright hold still Sunspot, I’m trying to locate you, try not to move around too much.” Twilight called.
“You got it Twilight,” I called back, “although you might want to ask Pinkie not to move, I’m only made of sugar here, it’s not like I’m going far.” Before long the glow started to collect around me.
“Alright I’ve got you, now this may feel a bit strange.”
“I’m a sugary sweet dessert, sitting in a pile of chocolate cake in my marefriend’s stomach. I doubt you could make me feel any stranger right now.” I replied, forcing a chuckle. Suddenly I felt like I was being squeezed from all sides. The purple glow condensed around me until there was a pop, and I was once again sitting on a table in Twilight’s study.

I looked up at the two ponies in front of me.
“Sweet, now just don’t eat me again.” I said chuckling. But Pinkie Pie looked too distraught for laughter at that point. I guess seeing me as a gooey blob on Twilight’s desk reminded her of what had just happened.
“Alright now I just need to…” Twilight’s horn began to glow, and I got that weird queasy feeling again as my skin began to prickle. I started growing, and I could feel my wings coming in again. Before long I was standing on top of Twilight’s desk. I hopped down and looked over at Pinkie Pie, who seemed on the verge of tears. I then received an attack hug.

“I’m so sorry Sunspot; I’ll never touch another cupcake ever again.” She sobbed.
“Well I hope you don’t mean that.” I laughed “How are you going to provide snacks at your next party if you can’t bake cupcakes?” She stopped crying and thought for a moment.
I laughed. “Pinkie Pie, you are so random. And that’s why I love you, just promise me you won’t stop baking your delicious cupcakes.”
“Okay,” she said, smiling.