• Published 20th Mar 2012
  • 2,417 Views, 35 Comments

Pinkie my friend - BleedingRaindrops

the best of friends can come from the strangest of places, and in all sizes colors and shapes.

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I cried for about an hour. I couldn’t believe I had just hurt another friend. Pinkie Pie had seemed so, untouchable. Why did girls always have to do this? I’d say something stupid and they’d get offended over the tiniest thing, it just wasn’t fair. She really was insecure if she couldn’t handle me hanging out with Rainbow Dash. What did she think, that I was abandoning her or something? I felt a pain in my chest I’d had so many times before, it always happened when I lost a friend. I began to cry harder, a long melancholy wail escaped my lips.

“WHAT is all that racket about?!”
Dropping out of the sky, Rainbow Dash landed somewhere in front of me. “Oh hey there Sunspot, what’s wrong you big baby?” she joked. I glared at her. “Oh sorry” she said, her face suddenly serious. “You want to talk about it?” she asked softly, finding a spot next to me. I sighed.
“Pinkie Pie doesn’t like me anymore” I said, sniffling.
“Pinkie Pie?” she asked, surprised, “Oh I'm sure it’s nothing, come on, tell me what happened.”

I related to her what had happened at the party after she left, about how I had wanted to follow her and ask about my wings. Then I told her about Pinkie Pie’s reaction, and about the cupcakes. I ended when I got to the tree.

“Oh so that’s what that was? I was taking a nap up there” she pointed to a cloud overhead, before continuing “Oh my gosh you picked me? That’s so awesome, I’m so happy." She lifted off the ground in excitement, before ceasing movement, and dropping straight back down again. "Oh wait, that’s probably what she was so upset about.” She paused, as if trying to find some words to explain, “Um you should probably come with me” she said finally.

She started flying towards town. I tried moving my wings but I couldn’t quite get the hang of it, and followed reluctantly on foot. She led me back to Sugarcube Corner.
“Um Rainbow Dash, I’ve already tried talking to her. Remember the cupcakes?” She led me inside anyway.
“Look, I’ll get you in there but you have to fix this. Just tell her you like her, trust me it’ll solve everything.” she said. As we started up the stairs I tried to figure out how that was going to fix anything, she hadn’t even told me what the problem was.

When we got to Pinkie’s room I could hear her sobbing from outside the door. Rainbow Dash told me to stay quiet for a moment, and then knocked on the door.
“Pinkie Pie, you in there?” she called.
“Go away Rainbow Dash.” Came the reply.
“Oh come on pinkie pie, let me in, I don’t even know what happened, I need to talk to you.”
“I just want to be alone right now” Pinkie Pie sobbed.
“Pinkie, if you don’t let me in right now I'm gonna kick the door in.” She turned around to kick it, winking at me in the process.

The door opened slowly and a very distraught looking Pinkie Pie stared out at us. Rainbow Dash quickly sprang into action. Grabbing me she shoved me through the open door and closed it behind me.
“I’m really sorry about this Pinkie Pie, but you need to talk, and I'm not letting you out until you do.” She said quickly. We heard the sounds of moving furniture outside the door; no doubt she’d just barricaded us in. “I’ll catch up with you later Pinks.” The sound of her footsteps down the stairs slowly died away. Pinkie Pie looked at me for a second, then slowly walked across the room and flopped down by her bed.

I stared at her for a few minutes, a sad silence hung in the air. She looked pretty bad, her hair was no longer fluffy and curled the way it normally was. It fell straight now, hanging down from her neck, almost to the floor. I never really noticed just how long it was before; I was so used to seeing it all bunched up. Her ears were also drooping, and her tail had gone completely limp. She just sat there, eyes downcast, tears dripping from her face. She looked so miserable, and it hurt to think that I was the cause of it. I couldn’t let her stay like this, not after everything she’d done for me. My throat knotted up as I struggled to find something to say.

“Um-” I started.
“You don’t have so say it” she sniffed “I know you didn’t mean to hurt my feelings, I just thought you would’ve picked me instead of Rainbow Dash.” I still couldn’t figure out what was going on, what did she mean ‘pick her’ and why would it make her upset if-. My eyes widened as the realization of what was going on suddenly hit me. She liked me, a lot by the looks of it, and I had told her I wanted to run off with Rainbow Dash. Wow, it suddenly made sense now. Ugh how could I have been so stupid? Thinking for a moment, I tried to come up with something to say to make her feel better.

“Well that’s silly, why would I pick Rainbow Dash when I could party with you? I did talk to you online didn’t I?” she looked at me for a moment, before responding in a sarcastic and clearly hurt voice
“I don’t know. Why would you?”

Oops! I guess I had chosen to go with Rainbow Dash instead of party with her.
“Okay you’re right, that was dumb, I shouldn’t have done that I'm sorry.” I said. Pinkie Pie looked up.
“Really?” she said, still droopy.
“Yes” I responded “I like you Pinkie Pie, that’s why I clicked on your page online. Um, that was you wasn’t it?” She pointed to the computer screen on her desk and nodded
“But you don’t like me, the way I like you” she said, sniffling.

Man this was hard, I really hoped I didn’t screw this up. What Pinkie Pie didn’t know was that I did like her in that way, sort of. The way she bounced instead of walking, her random pointless comments, the way she could defy physics at times. Her bubbly laugh, her adorable smile, her sparkling sky blue eyes, her cotton candy mane. I chuckled

“Actually that’s the funny part. Ever since I became a pony, you started looking incredibly sexy” I told her. Her ears went up at that
“Oh?” she replied, questioningly.
“Well, cute and cuddly is probably more accurate. I love your smile and your adorable Squee, your sparkling blue eyes, that fluffy mane.”

As I began to name the many things I liked about her, her smile started to come back, and the color in her coat brightened.
“I like you Pinkie Pie, a lot.” I said, letting out a squee of my own. She laughed at that for a second, as did I. She was still crying a little, and her mane was still drooping, but at least she was smiling.
“Sunspot?” She asked, her tears finally drying up.
“Yes Pinkie Pie?” I replied, staring deep into her eyes.
“Will you be my very special somepony?” she asked. My goodness she looked adorable. Smiling I responded,
“Of course Pinkie Pie” and I brushed her snout with mine.