• Published 20th Mar 2012
  • 2,417 Views, 35 Comments

Pinkie my friend - BleedingRaindrops

the best of friends can come from the strangest of places, and in all sizes colors and shapes.

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pinkie's room

I stared in disbelief. No she, she could not be real, could she? This had to be a dream. Before I could think further she turned around and looked behind her for a second, then looking back at me, stuffed a muffin in my mouth. Yes a muffin. You’d think it would be a cupcake, but no it was a muffin. Why was she feeding me a muffin? I was surprised it fit in my mouth at all, but it was delicious. I can’t quite really describe the flavor. It was electrifying to say the least, and it was really spicy.

“Here quick eat this!” she said as I struggled to swallow it all. “Now come on hurry, I can’t keep it open!” and before I knew it, I was pulled through the glowing light, boy it felt weird, as I passed through the rift between our dimensions, I felt a strange tingle travel along my body, like I was being squeezed from all sides, by an electric eel. There was a sound like a rubber balloon, and then a loud pop as we made it through and landed in a heap on the floor.

As I picked myself up off the ground and looked around, I realized that we were in a small circular room that must have been Pinkie Pie’s. There was a wooden bed in the middle, with a balloon shaped headboard, and streamers carved into the posts. On it were two candy cane striped pink pillows, and a quilt that was covered in pink balloons, and outlined with cupcakes and lollipops. Tied to the bedposts were about a dozen balloons of all different colors. Against the wall was a tall wooden dresser, with a big pink balloon on each of its two door panels.

A few feet to the left there was a window that looked outside, and then some stairs that led up to a balcony that ran around the inside of the room. The stairs had an ice cream cone main post, and a twisted licorice railing. Near the stairs was a desk that held a record player and some purple flowers. The balcony itself was pink and had eight pointed stars painted in white on the underside, and outlines of teddy bears along the backing. Hearts were carved out of the supports and the pillars that held all it up were large candy canes. Across from the window was the door downstairs, and beside one of the main pillars was a bucket filled with giant lollipops.

Suddenly I noticed that Pinkie Pie wasn’t the only one there. There was another pony standing over me looking oddly perplexed. She was a Pegasus, with a grey coat, a blonde colored mane, and beautiful golden eyes.
“Sorry Pinkie Pie, I just don’t know what went wrong.” Pinkie Pie let out a giggle.
“Wrong? Silly filly, that went right! I couldn’t seem to break through until you bumped into me, boy what a shock that was. But then I punched through and accidentally hit our friend here in the face, sorry about that. I'm so excited I can’t believe I finally did it! I’ve been trying for weeks and weeks and weeks; nothing was working. And then I had this great idea, maybe I should try this little screen I’ve been looking at in my free time.”

At this, Pinkie Pie gestured to a small panel of what looked like glass, mounted to the wall behind the dresser, it was about a foot tall and a foot and a half in length, and underneath it was a pink keyboard with candy shapes all over it.
“And then suddenly it began to work, I can’t believe I never tried that before. Of course I couldn’t have done it without you Ditzy Doo, but come on we actually did it! We managed to cross dimensions into another universe, how awesomely amazingly terrific is that? And then I grabbed him and poof we fell back here! Isn’t this exciting? Are you excited? Cuz I'm excited. I’ve never been so excited. Well, except for that time when we threw that party for Twilight when she first came to Ponyville but I mean really what could possibly top that?"

I laughed; yeah that was definitely Pinkie Pie. Then I mentally slapped myself for not realizing who the other mare was until now.
“Derpy!” I jumped up and hugged her, then I hugged Pinkie Pie too, holding them both as tight as I could. I just couldn’t believe it, my two favorite ponies were now sitting right in front of me, and I could actually reach out and touch them. They both hugged me back, I felt so happy. Better yet, I was now in their universe: Equestria! After a few long moments I let go, and stared first at Pinkie Pie, who had the biggest smile I’d ever seen, and then to the cross eyed pony next to her

Suddenly I had a thought; everyone had been discussing it in chat boards and I just had to know.
“Is it Ditzy Doo or Derpy?” I asked. She laughed.
“Well I was born with the name Ditzy Doo, but everypony I know calls me Derpy, because of my eyes. I don’t really mind so much. I can see fine, but I'm really clumsy. I always try my hardest anyway though, and I knew one day I’d be able to do something really helpful.” She beamed. Then Pinkie Pie piped in,
“I just happened to mention I was trying to reach through my screen and she wanted to come see, and then she told me to give you that muffin after I bumped into you, I don’t know why but it looks like it did something really funny to you. You look silly."

I looked down; my body seemed to be changing. My fingers had already almost completely disappeared into my hands, which were slowly turning into small round flattened stubs. My skin was turning orange, and I suddenly noticed red hair starting to creep down in front of my eyes.
“Uh Pinkie, you wouldn’t happen to have a mirror would you?” I asked, a little nervous as to what was going on. Boy my stomach felt weird all of a sudden.
“Yup, here you go” She held out a hoof, which had a small mirror on it. I stared wide eyed at my bizarre reflection. My mouth and nose had begun to move forward into a sort of snout, my eyes had gotten enormous, and my ears were migrating towards the top of my head, which was suddenly flowing with long crimson hair. I turned around and noticed I had begun to grow a tail as well, and it was the same red color as the hair on my head. For whatever reason, be it Derpy’s muffin or simply the fact that I was a human in Equestria; I was turning into a pony.