• Published 20th Mar 2012
  • 2,415 Views, 35 Comments

Pinkie my friend - BleedingRaindrops

the best of friends can come from the strangest of places, and in all sizes colors and shapes.

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birthday cake

As my body finished morphing itself and my hair reached its full length, Pinkie Pie let out a huge squeal of excitement. “Oh my gosh this is so great! Now we can go throw a party and invite everypony so you can meet all my friends! It’s gonna be the bestest most terrifically amazing party I’ve ever done!" Suddenly she gasped, floating into the air slightly as she did. "And I know just what this party needs!” I chuckled a bit at her excitement.
“Wow Pinkie Pie, you are so random.” To this, she responded with another round of Pinkie Pieness

“Wow what a coincidence, Rainbow Dash says the same thing all the time. Oh and speaking of Rainbow Dash, I can’t wait to show you to all of my friends, they’re just going to love you! And then we can party party party till the sun goes down and back around. This is so exciting.” And with that she let out the most adorable squee I think I’ve ever heard. I didn’t even know Pinkie Pie could squee. Well, obviously she could; I had just never seen her do it. It was so cute, I just couldn’t contain myself. I burst out laughing, which caused Pinkie Pie to start laughing too and we both fell over giggling.

I hadn’t expected to have wings. I fell quite awkwardly as my wings got in the way of landing on my back, and sort of leapt up in surprise as I came down on them, only to lose my balance and fall on my side, pinning one of my wings under myself again, before rolling onto my knees. This of course sent pinkie pie into another fit of laughter.
“HEHEHEHEHOOHAHAHAHA! Wow, hahaha I’ve never seen a Pegasus do that, hahahaha”
“yeah” I laughed “I guess I'm just not used to having wings on my back”

Deciding I should familiarize myself with my new body, I walked over to the mirror on Pinkie Pie’s bedside table and looked myself over. Having wings clearly meant I was a Pegasus. My coat was brilliant orange, my favorite color. My mane and tail were bright red, and very fluffy. A closer look revealed that they were actually multi-shaded, flowing from a red-orange scarlet to a light crimson. My eyes were enormous, but I loved their emerald green shine, I had always wanted green eyes.

Come to think of it, my pony form was an excellent extension of me. Red was always my favorite hair color and I had always longed to be able to just lounge up in the clouds, floating on the breeze. Of course at other times I would want to fly through the air at top speed, the wind whistling in my hair and on my face; I was definitely cut out to be a Pegasus. Thank goodness I was a stallion though, being a pony was weird enough, and having wings was going to take some getting used to. I don’t think I could have handled being a mare on top of that.

“Wow, I look amazing!” I gasped, admiring my new pony body. I flexed my wings a little to see how they worked.
“Yeah, you do look amazing” Pinkie Pie added, placing her face next to mine and staring at me in the mirror. After about five seconds she perked up again, “Oh I almost forgot! Now we can show you off to my friends, let’s go have a party, Whoohoo!” She jumped almost eight feet in the air and hung there for a second as she cheered, in classic Pinkie Pie fashion.
“Wait a second,” I asked “why would I need to be a pony for you to throw a party for me?”
“Well duh, we couldn’t have you running around Ponyville as a human, everypony would freak out! Of course, I wouldn’t have any problem with it, but everypony else just doesn’t see everything the way I do, so it’s easier this way.” She smiled. I smiled back.

“So what was that you said about knowing just what this party needs?” I asked, smirking a little. At this, Pinkie Pie’s face lit up like a fireworks display; her mouth formed an even bigger smile than before, and her eyes grew huge and developed little stars in them.
“A BIRTHDAY CAKE!” she exclaimed, “THAT’S WHAT THIS PARTY NEEDS! I don’t know when your real birthday is but we should still celebrate your becoming a pony in Ponyville, and the best way to do that is with a nice big birthday cake!”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” came Derpy’s voice. I had honestly forgotten she was still there, but Pinkie Pie hadn’t. “Of course you can! You can help me pick out the cake come on!” She grabbed both of us and whisked us downstairs faster than I had thought possible, but then again, it was Pinkie Pie. Once we were downstairs, Pinkie Pie showed me all around the inside of sugar cube corner. Most of it was just a house, but there was a big storage room with a walk-in freezer where the ice cream and the cakes not on display were kept. I'm not really sure what happened to Derpy, but I remember seeing her staring at some muffins behind the counter.

Pinkie Pie dragged me around as she collected party supplies, all the while singing "party party party". It seemed thrown together, but she pulled it off. It sounded like this:

Oh party party party!
I wanna have a party
I need to have a party
we’re gonna have a party!

Oh party party party
you’ve gotta party hardy
I'm gonna throw a party
or else we’ll all be sorry

Oh party party party
the party’s gotta starty
I know I’ve got to party
I love to party

Sweet sweet party
party party party
you’ve got to party
and I want to party

Who’s gonna get this party started?

As soon as she had rounded up enough balloons and streamers, she handed me the cake and we headed off toward the library, the usual venue. “Just wait till you meet everypony” she said excitedly, bouncing along effortlessly as she always did “they’re gonna love you!”