• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 14,049 Views, 375 Comments

A Demon In Ponyville - Terciel1249

Mathew fell into Equestria after being cast out by mankind. With no way to return home, Mathew will have to find his way in this land of talking multicolored ponies.

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The Day Twilight Went Crazy

A Demon in Ponyville

Ch. 21: The Day Twilight Went Crazy
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights of MLP or any of its related subsidiaries. All other characters are mine.

Ponyville glistened in the morning air. Rays of sunlight cast a thousand of diamond like reflections of dewdrops into the Victorian streets. The dark clouds from last night’s storm slowly dispersed to the callings of the wind, filling the air with a cleansing breeze.

Golden Oaks Library stood tall, surrounded by a glow of light from the multitude of reflecting dots. It was the image of peace in the early morning light, a beacon of tranquility.

Until one of its occupants decided to stir awake.

Slowly, Twilight Sparkle stirred in her bed. From the darkest recesses of her mind, Twilight felt something off about this morning. A tiny drip pelted her muzzle and mane. No matter how she rolled over, Twilight could not escape the assault of tiny cold dots. Then the sun decided to burst in on the scene, its pure rays trying desperately to penetrate the darkness of her sleep. Twilight pulled her comforter above her head trying to dig further in her bed. The pounding in her head and the bile sitting on her tongue were enough of a reason not to wake up. The sun wasn’t going to get in Twilight’s way of acquiring the sleep she so desperately wanted.

Thankfully her bed was quite warm. Her cheek rubbed against the firm fuzzy pillow. It smelt of dirt, fur and sweat.

Oh no…

Like the trickle of water through a slowly churning river, memories of last night’s transgressions entered the muddled mind of Twilight. The purple alicorn cracked open her eyes slowly. Horror slowly grew in her gut. Looking up, the covers slid from around her head as Twilight gazed upon Matthew’s sleeping face. He wore a relaxed expression. The sun’s warming rays reflected off his golden fur.

Twilight’s expression slowly changed. Her lips parted, her purples eyes sunk deep into her skull as the full horror replaced any rational part of her mind. Twilight’s body began to shake violently, disgust wrapping around her form.

Nice pecks, Twilight felt the bile enter her mouth.

Twilight moved away from the sleeping stallion. The movement caused Matthew to stir. Twilight suddenly found Matthew’s forelegs wrapped around her barrel. The warmth from his body was both a comfort and a cause for Twilight’s growing discomfort. Twilight groaned in annoyance, feeling Matthew’s muzzle rubbing against the side of her neck. “Don’t go. Cuddling time.”

Twilight’s horn ignited, forcing Matthew’s forelegs from around her. “Mmmmm, you smell like lavender,” Twilight gagged on the taste of her own bile. To her relief, Twilight managed to leave the defiled sanctity of her bed. Slowly, Twilight stretched her aching back and legs.

Twilight scanned her bedroom, mentally noting all of the property damage. The gaping hole in her roof was the biggest, but the dozen of holes in the walls from where she threw Matthew would be the second item fixed on her list today. Then there was the shattered remains of her desk along with the splintered remains of her bed frame. She felt rather horrified at how the bed was destroyed.

Twilight shook her head, Good thing my mom won’t find out about this. Twilight slowly trudged to her shower. She really needed to clean her fur and brush out her mane from last night’s activities. Hot water washed over her to lessen the aches in her muscles and dwindling patience.

0 0 0

Celestia sat across from Luna. Celestia sipped silently on her orange juice as Luna began her preparations for bed. Luna yawned widely over her plate of fresh greens topped with sautéed peppers and onions.

The two princesses enjoyed the silent company of the other. “So Luna,” Celestia began, “Was there an earthquake last night? I woke up in the night to a shaking castle.”

“No sister,” Luna shrugged. “From what I could tell an explosion went off in my beautiful night sky.”

Celestia raised a confused eyebrow, “What do you think caused it?”

“I can answer that,” A very jovial voice rang from nowhere.

Both alicorn sisters groaned in exasperation at the sudden arrival of the Spirit of Chaos. The draconequus head buzzed around the pair’s heads upside down along with his body. From the way he was smiling, Celestia felt the sudden compulsion to blast Discord into the next area code.

“What do you want Discord?” Celestia forced the calm into her voice.

“Wellllllllllll” Discord’s singsong voice was grating against Celestia’s nerves. “I decided to try my claws at a new hobby.” Celestia waited patiently for an answer. Discord’s smile faltered for a second after a minute of silence pasted. “Aren’t you going to ask me about it?”

“Fine. What new hobby are you trying?” Celestia drawled.

“Journalism!” Discord exclaimed, tossing a newspaper in front of the Princess Celestia.

Celestia looked closely at the front image of the wrinkled paper, “Is that?” Celestia’s jaw dropped, her eyes widening at the picture of two ponies in a slightly destroyed bed. The caption read as such:

Lone Stallion Conquers Unexplored Territory

Residents of Ponyville were rudely awaken by
a unknown earthquake and loud explosion.
Don’t worry folks. This is no forgotten evil
or weekly monster attack.

Instead, all the ponies of Ponyville quake in
fear as the flowers of love blossom late last
night. Princess Twilight Sparkle and recent
Ponyville resident Matthew William O’Connor
met together as lovers, releasing an explosion
of more than just earth shattering energy.

That’s right! Tartarus has frozen over,
pigs are now working on a aeronautics
program, and I have become a monkey’s

The Princess of Friendship has had
her cherry –‘

Celestia could not continue reading as the article began go into great detail about how the two performed the mattress mambo. “Discord, how did you know about this?”

“I felt the sudden spike of Chaos and I just had to investigate,” Discord shrugged, smiling innocently.

Before Celestia could respond, Luna shot up straight like a steel rod was in her spine. “OH NO!”

Celestia and Discord turned to Luna. Celestia asked, “What’s wrong Luna?”

“Tis horrible Sister!” Luna’s eyes went wide in sudden horror, “Shining Armor still resides in the city!”

Discord and Celestia turned to each other. One wore an amused expression while the other was pale at the sudden realization hitting her like a freight train.

0 0 0

Only the early riser walked the cobblestone streets of Canterlot, the harsh clip clop of their hooves echoed in the early morning light. A calm peace fell over the worn stone streets. Inside the expensive homes, the standard pony or noble began to stir and wake in their beds.

The soft stone appeared to growl, shaking violently as one voice rose above the tall spires. A roar of unholy rage filled the morning air. Its power shook the glass windows in their frames. Children cowered as they were abruptly awoken from sweet dreams of delight.


0 0 0

After a warm shower, Twilight silently trudged down the stairwell. Her head held low as she descended the stairs. Thoughts swirled around Twilight’s worn mind, feeling as if her skull was too compacted and pushing against its protective walls of calcium.

Reaching the ground level, Twilight’s inner thoughts were interrupted by five distinct voices. “We were wondering when you’d show up.”

Twilight turned to the group, finding all of her friends sitting directly in eyesight of the staircase. All of the mares wore hard expression. Within each of their hooves each pony held a single object. Some could be considered a weapon, while other objects could be considered friendly. Applejack held the family hatchet. Small dots of brown rust dotted its grey surface. Rainbow Dash held a rather large meat cleaver in her hooves. The feral grin she wore told of the pleasure she would receive for Matthew’s transgressions. Rarity held a not so lady like chainsaw in her light blue magic. She was now perfectly cleaned and pampered for the day. The grinding teeth and sharp eyes were an indicator for what she desired to do. Pinkie Pie held Gummy in her hooves. She didn’t appear angry, but Twilight had a sneaking suspicion that she wanted to prank Matthew for his duck tape inspired prank. Fluttershy held a basket in her shaking hooves. Twilight could make out a fresh loaf of bread and a single jar of honey. The looks Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were really scaring the yellow Pegasus.

“Hi girls,” Twilight groaned, her headache was just about to upgrade to a full blown migraine.

“So,” Applejack began, her southern drawl sounding forced and frightening to Twilight’s ears. “What exactly happened last night?”

“What do you mean?” Twilight’s face heated rapidly at the comment. She just desperately wanted to bury herself under a rock and just be left alone in the darkness for a few days.

“You and Matthew, spending the night together,” Rainbow Dash clarified.

“Oh, that.”

Twilight didn’t look into the eyes of her friends. To her surprise, Pinkie and Fluttershy wore rather confused expressions. “Um, what about last night?” Fluttershy asked.

“Turns out that Twilight decided to roll in the hay with Matthew,” Applejack’s hooves wrung the smooth wood.

Fluttershy looked even more confused. Her eyes moving from Applejack’s stone like anger and Twilight’s flushed face. “What’s wrong with rolling in hay? I mean it’ll be messy when all that hay flies everywhere, but a little bit of cleaning should clear it up.”

Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack looked to the confused Pegasus. “She means sex, Fluttershy,” Rainbow rolled her eyes in exasperation. She was itching to find Matthew and expend justice.

Fluttershy’s lips twisted into an O as her face turned into a bright scarlet. Turning away, Fluttershy whispered, “As long as Twilight and Matthew are okay with it, I think we shouldn’t intrude on their business.”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity all looked to Fluttershy with dropped jaws. Fluttershy turned to Twilight, offering her the basket, “I thought I’d check up on you after Matthew performed his prank. And if you were sad, I brought fresh bread and honey.”

“I would like to know,” Rarity forced the conversation back on track. “Did he force himself on you?”

“W-what?!” Twilight asked in slight horror. The implication alone was beyond the subtle means Rarity was normally known for.

“Did he do something to you that you didn’t like?” Rainbow Dash asked. Her voice was scratchy as she forced the words through her teeth.

“N-no!” Twilight expressed. Her voiced was a stressed as her brain in this early light. “He just wanted to talk. He brought some cheese, crackers, wine and other stuff. We spent most of the night talking with Spike. After Spike went to bed, we were laughing. Then we were arguing. And then we… um… uh… went to my bed after throwing him into some of the furniture.”

Twilight had expected the looks of scandal, horror and confusion on her friends’ faces. They certainly did not disappoint as their jaws hang loose in the open air. Pinkie’s actually managed to touch the worn wood.

Twilight wanted silence this morning, but the air was heavy with awkwardness and her face refused to cool.

“So let me get this straight,” Applejack said slowly, her gears slowly grinding as she tried to process this new information. “Ya went from laughing, to arguing, then to sex in that order. And Matthew didn’t do anything ya’ll didn’t want to do”

“Yes. We both were getting a little tipsy and his muscles are quite impressive.”

Before any of the ponies could continue, a light scuffling of feat could be heard over their heads. The sound grew louder until Spike entered the main common area of the library. He rubbed the sleep of his eyes, calling out, “Good morning girls. I’m about to make breakfast. Want any?”

The five mares shook their heads no. Their minds where desperately trying to rid themselves of the image of Matthew and Twilight. They spluttered a quick goodbye and quick threats of Matthew’s imminent demise if he ever did something to harm her. Right now however, they needed to desperately remove the golden furred muscles from their active imaginations.

Twilight sat silently on the cold hard floor. She wanted to either scream in frustration or groan in exasperation. She was a grown mare and she could make decisions on her own about whoever she wanted to bed. I just hope mom and dad don’t find out.

A loud belch and whoosh of dragon fire caught her attention. Spike’s high pitched voice called from the kitchen, “Twilight! You’ve got mail!”

“Thanks Spike,” Twilight called back. She didn’t want to get up from her dark sulking. Her mind questioned the ramification if ponies suddenly found out about last night. “Can you read it out for me?”

‘Dear Twily,

It’s Mom. It’s been a while since you’ve sent a letter to me or your father, but enough about that. Congrates on your first coltfriend! Your father and I heard Shiny screaming about him and we both knew we just had to see you. We’re packing for a few days and would love to see you and Spike. Be sure to invite Matthew. You’re father wants to get to know the lucky stallion.

Oh, Shiny and Cadence want to join us for some reason. He looks really mad. The vein in his forehead is still visible and it’s been visible for the last two hours. I’m worried about him popping a blood vessel, so I didn’t deny his request.

It’ll be so much fun. It’ll be like a little reunion after your coronation!


P.S. Please write me more. It’s been a long time and I want to talk to you more.’

Spike turned from the hastily constructed letter, “Hey Twilight! When did you and Matthew become a couple?” Spike heard Twilight swear loudly, purple light shining from the other room as her brain started its meltdown procedures.

Spike tossed the letter to the side and returned to the stove, preparing an extra plate for their guest. He could hear Twilight stomping up the stairs. Her muttering was indecipherable, but Spike had a sinking suspicion about who that anger was targeted on. “Thank goodness it’s not me,” Spike sighed with relief.

“SPIKE! Can you prepare a list for tonight’s meal? We’ll be having a few extra mouths tonight.”

“Sure,” Spike answered rapidly, grateful Twilight was upstairs and not with him.

Her bedroom floor slammed with excessive force, shaking the entire library. I think spaghetti will be fine. I can slow cook the sauce in the Crockpot and prepare a few loaves of garlic bread. Hmmm… Also a nice salad will go along nicely with the meal.

“Will Matthew be joining us?”

“He will if he wants to keep his testicles!”

Spike winced in sympathy, his knees twisting to cover his crotch in reflex. “That poor bastard.”

“What was that Spike?!”

“Nothing! I was just thinking spaghetti, garlic bread and salad would be great for tonight!” Spike felt sweat develop over his brown. He was walking a razor’s edge with Twilight’s nerves being this strung out.


Twilight stood before her bed, watching the sleeping form of Matthew. His golden fur appeared to absorb the sun’s rays. His expression was a rare bliss. No anger or ego to blemish the strong chin and straight muzzle. Big Mac has a better jaw line, Twilight thought as she considered just how to wake up the sleeping Matthew.

A sly smile crossed Twilight’s violet muzzle. She felt like she needed to rid herself of some of these aggressive feelings. Fortunately, Twilight had just found a unsuspecting punching bag.

Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie made their ways home. Some by air, but most were by land. A sudden roaring and burst of air ripped through the quite air of Ponyville. Spinning around, each of the five mares witnessed a pillar of pure purple magic be unleashed into the air above Golden Oaks Library. The ground and the tree house shook at the sheer force of Twilight’s magic.

Two of the Mane 6 felt some reptilian pleasure at the sudden violence set upon the sleeping. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy shivered in fear at the sudden onslaught of light and sound. But none dared step in. Twilight was in a mood and the best course of action was to give her some space and allow whatever unholy vengeance do whatever it wanted to Matthew.

Applejack decided to give Matthew a few days off. He’d be needing it after Twilight was through with him.

Matthew blinked from the ashen bed that he had once shared with Twilight. A fine black dust covered him from head to tail, along with the rest of the room. The memories from last where fresh in his mind and he had a sinking suspicion that his actions last night where responsible for the sudden pain he was feeling.

“Instead of blowing up half the room, you could have just called my name a few times or a bucket of cold water,” Matthew’s voice was rather flat, his fur felt singed and he was sure one of the spikes of his mane where on fire.

“Yes, but this way was more satisfying,” Twilight responded, feeling some small satisfaction and a little less stressed at the sudden turn of events.

“So what do you want?” Matthew asked in an un-amused tone, looking down to see Twilight standing just at the edge of the ashen wood.

“My parents are arriving today and you’re my coltfriend,” Twilight responded with just as little amusement as Matthew. The fury behind her eyes dared Matthew to refuse.

“Will that position involve any more explosive interactions?”

“Less than what will happen if you refuse said position,” Twilight said, turning to leave. “Now get a shower and be sure you’re ready for tonight. Spike and I are taking care of food. You’ll be responsible for taking care of drinks tonight.”

“Anything in particular?”

“Something to take the edge off of tonight,” Twilight responded as she left the room

Matthew merely lay on the fine ash. His wings where getting sore under him, but that didn’t matter. Twilight’s face was sculpted like the raging goddess of old. And she was more than ready to smite Matthew with all of the power in her body. It wouldn’t kill him, but Matthew was certain to feel it.

“I have the most awkward boner right now.”

0 0 0

Twilight passed the open spare in the library, waiting for the fated arrival of her parents. Everything had to be perfect. She had reorganized the library twice, making sure every book was in its proper place. There was not a single particle of dust in the room. Twilight had made sure of it. A nice vase of tulips sat on the large reading table surrounded by enough chairs for her family plus Matthew. Spike was finishing his salad. The noodles where just about finished cooking. The garlic bread filled the air with a heavenly smell along with the scrumptious tomato sauce.

Matthew had come through with his missions. The paper bags were filled with various bottles of white and red wine, whiskey and scotch. Twilight didn’t know if she wanted to grab and funnel and drain a few of those bottles before her parents arrived with her brother and sister-in-law.

She could only image what was going through her dad’s and brother’s head right now. Were they talking about how to bury Matthew in the garden and how to get away without a trace? Were they strategizing how to intimidate Matthew? Twilight was certain they would fail.

What concerned her most was what Twilight Velvet was thinking. Twilight shivered at the memory of what her mother had done to the spare room. Instead of a second guest room, Velvet had constructed an entire map of notable stallions from Canterlot to Manehattan. Each one was color coded to outline which one was better suited to dating her daughter.

Twilight remembered the conversation with Cadence when she had divulged this startling revelation. The Princess of Love had described the situation as ‘creepy’ and did not enjoy Velvet when she had given Cadence a personal tour of her work.

Shining Armor ended up bribing Cadence with ice cream and several hoof massages just to get her into the same house as Velvet. Night Light had also tried desperately to remove all of the various pictures and articles covering the walls. He didn’t like the idea any more than she did.

Twilight turned towards the kitchen, her ears shifting to focus on the light conversation between Spike and Matthew. A low chuckling and quick murmurs floated from the room.

At least somepony is having fun, Twilight took a deep breath in attempt to calm her quaking nerves.

Knock. Knock.

Twilight’s head spun towards the front door fast enough she felt the sudden whiplash. Twilight flung herself to the door, almost ripping it from the its frame to great the four ponies on her door step.

“Mom! Dad! BBBFF! Cadence!” Twilight practically yelled, her smile almost spitting her face in a desperate attempt to show all of her perfectly white teeth.

“Twily!” All four ponies called. Shining Armor and Cadence stood behind the older ponies. Twilight could just make out his strained expression and the infamous forehead vein pulsing under his white fur. His smile looked force and his eyes were piercing, trying to locate the pony of his unyielding rage. Cadence gently laid a hoof on his shoulder. She looked to Twilight with a pleading smile.

Standing directly in front of Twilight was her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle. Twilight Velvet was a unicorn mare with a light grey coat and a shifting purple, white mane. Her light artic blue eyes glowed with some inner light. Her smile was wide as she wrapped her forelegs around her daughter. Night Light joined his wife. His azure coat matched the dark blue mane. His moderate amber eyes where happy, but guarded at the same time.

When they disengaged smother their daughter, Night Light gave his wife a rather worried look. The smile she wore was far too wide and was really starting to creep him out. “It’s good to see you Twilight,” he said in a warm voice.

The train ride to Ponyville was a rather uncomfortable ride. With his son foaming slightly at the mouth and continuously muttering dark thoughts along with his wife talking about just how cute their alicorn grandfoals where wearing down on his endurance.

Plus, Velvet had already threatened to throw him into the dog house if he messed up the relationship between Twilight and Matthew. ‘It’s a match made in heaven,’ Velvet had commented with dreamy eyes. Night Light however thought of the Tartarus Matthew was about to endure.

Screw trying to intimidate the kid. I’ve gotta warn him to run for the hills and never stop running.

“Please come in,” Twilight stood aside, her smile losing its forced edge.

“Oh yes!” Velvet leads the party into the library. “Let’s meet this stallion of yours. I hope he’s up for some conversation.”

Twilight groaned inwardly after Shining Armor passed, Cadence sharing her dread as she passed the threshold.

This is going to be a long night