• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 14,068 Views, 375 Comments

A Demon In Ponyville - Terciel1249

Mathew fell into Equestria after being cast out by mankind. With no way to return home, Mathew will have to find his way in this land of talking multicolored ponies.

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The Ponyville Experience (Revised)

A Demon in Ponyville
Chapter 8: The Ponyville Experience.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to My Little Pony, all other characters are mine.

A city burns.
A thousand faces cry to be saved, to be delivered from evil.
Thousands of pale faces turned towards their would-be-hero.
But he could not save them all.
A woman, arrayed in purple and crimson hair sat upon the beast.
She rode atop the beast with ten horns, whose name is not written in the book of life.
She looked towards her hero, her face of gratitude.
She was grateful to burn with the beast.

Matthew shot up in his bed, his breathing heavy. Sweat covered his coat. Sleep had fallen easy to him, but the dreams swiftly changed. Images of fire, pain, suffering all converged on the single stallion. Lives he could not save. Blood flowed freely from their bodies, drenching the earth. Matthew held his head in his hooves, suppressing the sob he so desperately wanted to release. The strong do not cry. The strong do not give into the past so easily. Don’t let anyone see you like this. One face harmed him the most, her hair as red as the flames that consumed her. Push it back.

Taking deep breaths, Matthew forced calm into his body. Nightmares were nothing new. Many a night, Matthew would experience these lucid dreams. Matthew learned to live with them, learned to hide the past. It was a price he had to pay. Matthew rolled into a ball, shaking under the blanket. Find peace. Matthew regained control, slowly unrolling himself. Moving into a sitting position, Matthew rubbing his eyes to ensure there was nothing in them. Looking towards the clock on the far wall, Matthew groaned to himself. It’s not even three o’clock! Still shaken from his dreams, Matthew dropped onto the floor to look out the window at the peaceful starry sky. Sleep would not return to him this morning.

Might as well do something productive. Matthew thought, beginning to stretch his legs and wings. Taking his stretches slowly, Matthew moved from stretches to calisthenics. The stallion silently worked out.

0 0 0


The rooster took a second breath to continue, “COCK-A-“

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” The rooster choked on its call. Matthew shouted at the top of his lungs, his hind-legs positioned under the bed post as he performed his morning sit-ups. 315 and my side’s really hurting, a good start. The creaking of the wood flooring and grumbling flowing down the hallway notified Matthew of the house’s other occupants.

Matthew opened his door, surprising Applejack as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Woah!” Applejack yelled as she saw Matthew’s wide awake face. Noting the dark circles under his eyes, Applejack asked, “Sleep alright partner?”

“Sure,” Matthew answered, following the Apples down the stairs and into the living room. Big Mac was already sitting down on the large sofa next to Applebloom, waiting patiently for Applejack and Granny Smith. Applejack joined her sibling as Granny Smith slid into her rocking chair. Matthew decided to sit on the floor against the wall, waiting patiently for something. I really wish I had more sleep last night. Stupid nightmare! I hate you and your stupid face!

“Alright everypony,” Applejack addressed the group. “Today’s Saturday and we need to get an early start on selling some apples. Today’s chores involve transporting the hay to the cattle, loading the wagon, and feeding all the critters.” Finished Applejack looked at the surrounding group, Matthew’s eyes drooping slightly. “Big Mac and Ah can fill the wagon. Applebloom, you feed the animals. And Matthew?”


“Would you be willin to move the hay to the cattle?”

“Sure thing,” Matthew answered. Well that’s boring.

“I can help if ya need it?” Big Mac offered. A sly smile played across his face.

“Naw, I got this,” Matthew brushed it off. Cause I’m big and strong, Big Mac. I can do anything and – I just refused help for this boring stuff, didn’t I?

Applejack nodded, “After we’re all set, we’ll grab some breakfast. I’ll take the stall for the morning and Big Mac will finish in the afternoon.” Fun. Applejack turned to Matthew’s bored expression, “How about you join us in Ponyville? It’ll be nice for you to see the sights without getting plowed ten feet into the ground.”

Smartass, Matthew threw Applejack a playful smile.

Applejack rubbed her chin with a hoof, “You can always go to Twilight to learn a few things about Equestria or ya can always learn how to fly from Rainbow Dash. Seems mighty pointless to have wings and not know how to use them.”

Oh Yeah! Yeah! Well… That does sound like a good idea.

Matthew nodded, “Sounds like fun.”

“Alright ya’ll, let’s git to work,” Applejack dismissed the group.

Outside, Big Mac and Applejack went into the cellar to collect the apples. Applebloom introduced Matthew to the large pile of hay stacked against inside the barn. Applebloom waved her hoof, “All ya need to do is move a couple of these bales over to the pens over yonder.”

Matthew followed the filly’s hoof as she pointed towards the pens, containing several sheep, goats and cows. Matthew turned to the filly, “Thanks Applebloom,” before ruffling the little filly’s mane.

Applebloom trotted off towards the pig’s pen. Alright let’s do this! Propping three bales on his shoulders, Matthew’s horn ignited to lift three more bales into the air with magic. Magic is awesome! And because I can do magic, that means I’m even more awesome than before!

Matthew smiled, depositing the bales of hay next to the fence, “Here we go!” Looking at the cattle then the bales, Matthew wondered aloud, “I wonder if this is enough?”

A cow answered him, “You’ll need to move a couple more, young colt.” WHAT?

Matthew nodded absentmindedly, shocked to say the least, “Thanks for the help, Miss?”

“I’m Gertrude, a pleasure to meet you,” The cow offered Matthew her hoof.

The stallion accepted it without hesitation, “Matthew.” I am seriously having a conversation with a cow. Matthew had to process this for a moment, Now I’m suddenly feeling sorry for all those cows that made my hamburgers. Which is a shame because I could totally go for a burger right now?

“You haven’t been on a farm before have you?” Gertrude asked, smiling brightly.

“You caught me,” Matthew responded with a sheepish smirk.

“Don’t worry too much,” Gertrude chuckled. “You’ll get the hang of it eventually.” Matthew returned to his work, moving six more bales before saying goodbye to Gertrude, but not before meeting the rest of her friends.

Well. That happened. Matthew thought moving towards the kitchen, the smell of eggs and apples filled the air. Matthew entered the kitchen, seeing Granny Smith working on the old stove. Matthew asked, “Need any help?”

Granny Smith jumped at Matthew’s sudden appearance. Granny Smith chuckled after her initial shock wore off, “That’s mighty kind of ya Matthew. If ya want, ya can set the table. Utensils are in that drawer over there.” Granny Smith pointed at the door next to the sink. Matthew was more than happy to help, placing plenty of forks and spoons on the table for everypony. Applebloom appeared from nowhere, giving Granny Smith another panic attack.

After the food was ready and table set, Applejack and Big Mac returned to the table filled with eggs, wheat, grass mixed with apple slices, and topped off with a glass of Apple Juice.

“Looks mighty good Granny!” Applejack complemented, before sitting down.

The Appleas and Matthew enjoyed their simple breakfast, the eggs able to satisfy Matthew’s carnivore cravings. Does that make these ponies part meat eaters? And should I be disturbed by it?

After the meal and a round of quick showers, Big Mac, Matthew and Applejack made their way into Ponyville. Matthew and Big Mac took the reins of the wagon while Applejack enjoyed the casual walk. Matthew wondered what he was going to do today. First, I think I should visit Twilight to learn some more about Equestria, then pay a visit to Rainbow Dash. I can’t wait to learn how to fly. To soar like an eagle through the sky! To gracefully swim through the clouds. Too do stuff that only birds can do. But I don’t think pooping on a pony’s head is acceptable, though.

Applejack turned to Matthew, “So partner I’ve been thinking-” Don’t hurt yourself there cowgirl. “-and I was thinking that we could meet up later at Sugarcube Corner.”

“Sure, what time?” Matthew asked, noticing the smirks Applejack and Big Mac wore. I know you’re planning something.

“I’d say around 5 o’clock,” Applejack answered. “Just don’t be late. Ya hear?”

“Yes ma’am,” Matthew offered her a salute. The three entered the marketplace, ponies already setting up their stalls. Matthew and Big Mac parked the wagon between one earth pony selling carrots and the other selling asparagus.

Applejack waved the two stallions away, “Have fun boys!”

Big Mac and Matthew nodded, before moving down the street. Matthew asked, “So what are you doing today?”

Big Mac said, “I’ve gotta help Caramel to move some lumber, but I think I’ll join ya for a little while.” A little protective of the Princess, aren’t you?

“Thanks,” Matthew nodded in gratitude. “I was going to head over to Twilight’s, but I welcome the company.” Matthew merrily had to project out with his senses, finding the strongest energy source in Ponyville.

Big Mac nodded, “Sure thing.” The red stallion led Matthew down the main street. “AJ’s right, Princess Twilight’s the smartest pony I know. She’ll definitely be able to teach ya a thing or two, maybe even show you some more magic.” If she doesn’t try to bite my head off again.

“It seems like ponies around here really respect her?” Matthew commented.

Big Mac shrugged, “She’s real nice. But when she gets her head set on a new spell or book. Woah Nelly! Look out!” I smell gossip, Matthew thought, raising an eyebrow. Big Mac continued, “Miss Sparkle has the tendency to go a little crazy at times.”


“One time she was going to be late on writing a letter to Princess Celestia about friendship,” Big Mac blushed slightly at the recollection. “She enchanted her doll for everypony to desire it and everypony in town started fighting over it. Princess Celestia had to intervene before the craziness continued, leaving Ponyville in ruins.”

I would love to have seen that. Matthew smirked at the thought.

Matthew decided to turn the conversation elsewhere, “So, how about you? Gotta girlfriend?”

Big Mac shook his head, mane smacking both sides of his neck, “Nope.”

“Really?” Matthew asked, genuinely surprised. Any guy should be able to get a girl with these odds.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac answered. “Why do ya ask?”

Matthew shrugged in response, “I don’t know. Me and the guys back home use to share everything. Food, attitude, and we even shared our love lives. I’m just trying to get to know the only other guy I’ve met.” Big Mac looked at Matthew, the stallion’s tone dropping with his ears and Matthew’s brown eyes looking into the distance, into the past.

Big Mac said, “I understand. To tell ya the truth, I’m just not that use to having long conversations with other ponies.”


“I tend to keep to myself,” Big Mac answered with some embarrassment. “I’ve always just kept to myself and my work. I just like to keep it simple, ya know?”

Matthew thought about it for a moment, the top of Twilight’s oak tree becoming visible through the cluster of buildings. Matthew said, “No offense bro, but that’s not healthy. You’ve got to get out there and live a little. You don’t want to do what I did and isolate yourself. It does not end pretty. Ya feel me?”

Big Mac looked into the stallion’s eyes, seeing some of the hurt behind them. “I guess you’re right.” Of course I am. Now respect my authority!

“Great! Later let’s grab some drinks and share some stories. I’m sure you’ve got some dirt on Applejack. Then, we need to get laid,” Matthew said.

Big Mac chuckled, “Oh, you have no idea.”

Matthew responded with a snort, “Which part?”


“And I thought you said you like to keep to yourself?”

Big Mac rolled his eyes, “Just cause I like to keep to myself, doesn’t make me a pansy. I can vouch for all the mares I’ve been with. How about you? How many girls you been with?”


Big Mac noticed the slight squint in Matthew’s eyes. Big Mac teased, “You’ve never been with a mare have you?”

“NO! No-no-no! I’ve been with a woman,” Matthew whispered in a hushed voice. “Just not intimately, that’s all.”

I’ve never seen a pony get that red before! Big Mac thought, chuckling when Matthew’s face turned as red as his mane.

Matthew asked in a hushed whisper, “You won’t tell anyone will you?”


“Good,” Matthew said, his voice returning to its proper volume. The pair to moved closer to Twilight’s house, Matthew having to add, “Cause if you do, I’ll have to kick your a** from here to the moon and then back again.”

The pair laughed heartily, turning around the corner and seeing Twilight’s tall oak home. Matthew asked, “Why does Twilight live in this town’s library? Isn’t it public property?”

Big Mac nodded, “While it is public property, the oak tree has was built with two upper floors and three bedrooms. Originally, the local library used it as her home until she retired. She decided to buy a home and spends her time with her grandchildren.”

Matthew nodded, stopping in front of the red door. Matthew turned to Big Mac, “Would you do the honors? I’m kind of on Twilight’s bad side right now.”

“What did ya do?” Big Mac asked in a deadpanned expression, looking the stallion in the eyes.

“I kind of threw a six hundred pound boulder into the air. She came at me screaming and hollering about safety this, safety that, are you out of your mind. You should have seen it man! Her mane was all on fire!” Matthew answered, grinning at the memory.

Big Mac grunted, I don’t think I want to know the whole story. Bam! Bam! Bam! Big Mac’s hoof pounded on the door three times, the door rattled in its frame.

Soft footsteps were heard behind the door, a high pitched voice yelling, “I’m coming!” Matthew smirked. Spike pulled open the door, rubbing his eyes of sleep.

“Hey Big Mac. Hey Mat. What’s up?” Spike greeted them with a wide grin, offering them his small fist. Big Mac bumped the dragon’s fist with his hoof, Matthew following after. Ah, the good old fist bump. Even across dimensions, it’s still cool.

“Hello, Spike,” Big Mac grinned. “I was just joining Matthew to see Twilight. Is she home?”

Spike sighed, “Yeah, but she’s currently drooling over some books right now.” I would love to see that. I bet she looks so cute in her native habitat. “She said something about doing some research on the void, ancient ponies and Spike don’t eat ice before bed it gives you a stomach ache.”

Matthew smirked, I’m beginning to like this kid more. “Mind if I come in and wait for her to wake up? I want to ask her some questions.”

Spike shrugged, “Sure thing. Catch ya latter Big Mac.”

“I’ll see ya’ll later,” Big Mac turned, leaving Matthew with Spike.

Matthew entered the library, following Spike to the cushions and taking a seat. The pair sat awkwardly in silence, Spike fidgeting in his seat. Matthew asked, “So Spike, what do you want to do?”

“Um,” Spike started, “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” Hmm, what to do?

A very evil thought entered Matthew’s mind, “I think I’ve got an idea.”

Spike raised a confused eyebrow as the edges of Matthew’s smile curled, “What do you have in mind?”

Matthew jumped to his hooves, “Do you happen to have any whipped cream?”

0 0 0

“This is a REALLY bad idea,” Spike hissed into Matthew’s ear. The dragon rode on the pony’s back, his horn glowing red. Inside the basement, Twilight’s head resting peacefully in the pages of a thick leather bound book. Drool dripped from her open muzzle and onto the dry parchment. Twilight’s soft snoring filling the small room. Twilight’s frazzled mane spilled over the desk and book.

Hovering over one of her hooves, a cylinder of Cool Whip sprayed the white foam onto the appendage. Matthew gently applied a large portion of white foam. Pulling a single feather from his wing, Which hurt like a bitch mind you, Matthew gently floated the feather over to the sleeping alicorn’s muzzle. Using the tip of the golden feather, Matthew brushed the tip directly between Twilight’s nostrils. Gasp! Spike and Matthew sucked in their breaths, Twilight stirring restlessly.

“Hmmm,” Twilight groaned before repositioning her head to the other side. Once again, Matthew dabbed Twilight’s nose with the soft end of his feather. This time Twilight scratched here muzzle with her hoof.


Matthew and Spike tried desperately to hold in their laughter. Twilight smearing all of the white foam across her face and muzzle

“W-w-what’s going on?!” Twilight spluttered looking at her foam covered hoof in confusion. Retreat!

In a flash, Matthew and Spike were out of the basement and in the kitchen. Silently, they huddled under the table. Spike wrapped his little arms around Matthew’s neck. Matthew whispered to the little dragon, “Be honest Spike, does Twilight take jokes very well?”

”SPIKE! IS THIS WHIP CREAM SMEARED ALL OVER MY FACE?!?” Twilight’s voice shook the building to its foundations. Ponies outside the building fled in terror, knowing whoever was in the library was better off dead.

“To answer your question Matthew, it depends on the joke.” Spike trembled.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Twilight hoofs echoed in the silent home. Matthew and Spike looked in horror at the four purple legs slowly entering their vision. She was getting closer to the table, the air ripped asunder with her angry snorts. If I die today, there is one thing I would like to say. Totally worth it. Matthew and Spike gasped in horror. The table lifted off the ground by a purple aura. Twilight bore down on the pair, I have never felt so terrified and so turned on before in my life. White foam dripped off the end of her muzzle and across her face along her forehead.

Twilight asked, venom lacing her words, “Who’s idea was this?”

Spike pointed at Matthew. Traitor! “Heh-heh. I can explain,” Matthew tried to talk some sense into the angered alicorn.

“You have ten seconds to explain to me why I shouldn’t send you to the surface of the moon,” Twilight’s eyes flashed red. Hay! That was my threat! Get your own!

“Um, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You look very pretty today,” Matthew mind went blank, not able to come up with a good response. I can’t believe you just said that dude.

Twilight simply starred at the gold alicorn in disbelief. Did he just say that? Twilight’s horn stopped glowing in her mental stupor. The table came crashing down on Matthew and Spike. Matthew catching the table before it hit him. Twilight’s cheeks grew hot for some reason, forcing her to turn away from the pair. Matthew and Spike slid out from under the table, Twilight noticing the stallion’s burning cheek.

Let’s try not to end up on To Catch a Predator, shall we?

Matthew looked at Twilight, Twilight to Matthew. Silence fell, Spike turning from one to the other. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Matthew has a crush on Twilight.

Matthew said, “Sorry about that Twilight. H-here let me help you.” Matthew levitated the kitchen rag before offering it to Twilight. A gesture of good will… And nothing else. GOT IT! Cause if anyone says anything else, I’ll personally murder them and their families!

Twilight couldn’t help but turn even more red, “Thank you.” Matthew’s face turned redder. Twilight grabbed the rag, dabbing away at the foam sticking to her coat.

By sweet Celestia’s sugarcoated mane! Matthew’s got a crush on Twilight! Oh this is going to be good! Spike thought, rubbing his claws together along with the curling of his lips into a very disturbing smile.

Twilight finished her removal of the whipped cream, turning back to the issue at hand. “Why are you here?” Twilight asked, changing from angry Twilight into annoyed Twilight.

Aw. I miss the yelling, Matthew thought. “I was wondering if you could teach me a few things about Equestria. I barely know anything about this place.”

Twilight’s eyes brightened, smiling at Matthew’s interest in history. “Of course I’ll help you!” Grabbing his hoof with, Twilight exclaimed, “I’ve studied Equestria’s history since I was a little filly! It’s one of my favorite subjects!”


Twilight dragged Matthew into the reading room, “Where did you want to start? Pre-Equestria? The cave-ponies? Ancient civilization? The industrial revolution? Current events?”


Behold, the glory of the wing-boner.

Matthew wasn’t really paying attention to her at this point, instead noticing a different phenomenon. Twilight’s hoof was still wrapped around his. An empty hollow sound filled Matthew’s head, warm bubbly feelings entering his stomach. Rarely did Matthew ever get to hold a girl’s hand and only one of those was a very special someone. Matthew didn’t know whether to drop her hoof or keep holding it, leaving him in a Catch-22. Not wanting to drop Twilight’s hoof, but not wanting to be a creeper at the same time. Damn you Joseph Heller! You made me read a book just to understand that reference!

Twilight noticed Matthew’s eyes locked onto their hooves, Oh, my! Twilight panicked, dropping Matthew’s hoof like it was a striking snake. Twilight looked to find a disappointed Matthew, “Let’s get started then.”


Twilight sat Matthew on a cushion, levitating a large black board next to her. “Originally Equestria was founded by the three pony tribes, each questing out for a new land to escape from the harsh winter that threatened to engulf their lands…”

Twilight tutored Matthew, moving from Hearth’s Eve, to the imprisonment of Princess Luna, ending on the recent loss of the Elements of Harmony.

Noon rolled around, Twilight finished her abridged history lesson. I use abridged loosely. Twilight turned away from the chalkboard filled with random doodles of ponies to see Matthew staring blankly at her. “Now, any questions?” Matthew raised a hoof, Twilight smiling, “Yes, Matthew?”

“I started to listen, but then I stopped. Can we go over all that again?”

Twilight’s face twitched in anger, a vein starting to bulge in her forehead. Matthew’s lips began to twitch upward, a smirk beginning to form. Twilight noticed this, her mood suddenly changing upon seeing Matthew’s smirking face. “That was a pretty mean joke,” Twilight giggled.

“Sure, a joke,” Matthew said, scratching the back of his head absentmindedly. Dodged a bullet.

Twilight raised a bemused eyebrow, “Now that we’re done with the lesson, how about a pop quiz?” Twilight turned around, levitating a quill and parchment from her desk. In the second Twilight turned away, she found the previously occupied cushion empty. The library’s front door was wide open. Twilight groaned, “Ugh! Why doesn’t any pony like to take a test?”

0 0 0

Let’s see. . . Where is Rainbow Dash?

Matthew wondered through the streets, passing all manner of ponies. Until a very familiar energy entered his perception, yellow with overflowing sweet kindness. Matthew moved over to the mare buying several carrots from a stall. A white rabbit sat quietly on her back with her green saddle bags. “Hello, Fluttershy.”

“AH!” The Pegasus squealed in alarm, throwing the carrots into the air in her panic. Turning towards the voice, Fluttershy gasped at Matthew holding her carrots in his hoof. “Oh hello Matthew,” Fluttershy offered, trying desperately to hide behind her pink mane. Fluttershy blushed madly, taking her carrots from Matthew’s hoof. “How are you doing?” Fluttershy offered in the barest of squeaks.

“Fine. How are you?”

Fluttershy looked at Matthew with those large pink eyes. Matthew tried to be as non-intimidating as possible. Kinda hard when you’re just at this level of badass. Fluttershy answered, “I’m doing fine. I was just picking up some carrots for Angel bunny here.”

Matthew turned to the rabbit, starring deep into its black beady eyes. Matthew delved into those bottomless pits of nothingness. There was only evil in those eyes. An unholy alliance of all that is wrong in the world peered at the stallion through those small, little eyes. Abandon all hope for ye who enter here.

Matthew shivered, There is something seriously wrong with this bunny. Turning back to Fluttershy, Matthew asked, “Would you know where Rainbow Dash is? I was trying to find her today.”

“Yes, but why do you want to see her?” Fluttershy asked.

“I want to learn how to fly.”

Fluttershy nodded sagely, “I see. Rainbow Dash would be the perfect teacher. She’s the fastest flyer in all of Equestria.” That’s quite the title. Fluttershy motioned down the street with her hoof, “If you follow me, I’ll show lead you to her.”

Fluttershy and Matthew made their way through the streets, Matthew silently following. Angel looked from Fluttershy then back to him. Seriously Bunny! Look away! Or does Matthew need to smack a bitch!

“Here we are,” Fluttershy announced, trotting into the open field. Ponies of all kinds were playing, chatting and having a good old time. Fluttershy’s eyes slowly moved over all of the ponies, but Matthew already spotted Rainbow Dash. A rainbow tail falling from a tree branch as a loud snoring filled the air from its leafy canopy.

Matthew tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder, motioning with his hoof towards the tree. Fluttershy floated up to the branch next to the cyan Pegasus. “Um,” Fluttershy whispered, “Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash snores continued unabated. “Rainbow Dash. If you don’t mind, would you please wake up?” Rainbow Dash rolled onto her side in response, not waking.

“Now wake up sleepy head,” Fluttershy whispered into her ear.

“ZZZzzzzzz” Rainbow Dash responded.

Matthew groaned to himself, Sweet God help me. She’s so sweet, it’s hurting me.

“RAINBOW DASH, WAKE UP!” Fluttershy shoated, flustered at her friend’s sleeping form. The cyan Pegasus cried out in surprise before plummeting onto the hard grass.

“Ow!” Rainbow Dash groaned, dusting herself off. “What was that for?!” Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy, then to Matthew. Who was trying to hold in his smirk and failing miserably.

Fluttershy moved next to her friend, fidgeting madly, “I am so sorry Rainbow Dash. I was trying to wake you up. I guess I was a little too loud.” If she were any sweeter, my face would melt off.

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, “It’s alright Fluttershy, I’m sorry I yelled at you.” Fluttershy gave her best friend a quick hug, Rainbow Dash asking, “Did you need anything? Or did you just want to see me fall out of a tree?” Is it wrong to want to see that?

“Matthew wants to learn how to fly,” Fluttershy motioned to Matthew.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin thoughtfully, before rocketing into the sky leaving a streak of multiple colors in her wake. The Pegasus flew in a graceful ark around a cloud, before slamming into the earth in front of Matthew. And that was entirely pointless. “Oh course you’d want to learn from me! I am the fastest flier in all of Equestria!” Rainbow Dash flashed a cocky grin, “Of course I’ll help. I was the Element of Loyalty and it is my duty to grace all of the ponies with my awesomeness.”

My god, her ego. It’s huge!

Matthew rolled his eyes, looking at Fluttershy, “Thanks Fluttershy.”

“You’re very welcome,” Fluttershy smiled before taking off.

Rainbow Dash asked, “So Matthew, why do you want to learn how to fly?”

“Because I have wings.” Duh!

Rainbow Dash circled the stallion, “I guess I can give you a few tips, but under one condition.” There’s always a catch. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, before dramatically pointing into the air, “We have to race! Not now of course. But after you get the hang of flying, you and I have to race.”


“YES!” The mare responded, stomping with her hoof before she shoved her face into his. “I’ve seen you in action, and I will not allow some jumpstart punk from another dimension get the wrong idea. I’m the fastest in Equestria! And there is only one pony that can wear that crown! AND! THAT! MARE! IS! ME!”

Rainbow Dash breathed heavily, her eyes telling Matthew all he needed to know. This mare meant business. Matthew hummed to himself, a smirk spreading across his muzzle, It is going to be fun knocking you off that high horse. “Sure thing.” The pair shook their hooves firmly, both grinning.

“Now I want you to start by closing your eyes and spread your wings out to full length,” Rainbow Dash commanded. Matthew followed her instructions, holding his wings out to each side. “I want you to clear your mind. Not that that should be hard for you.”

Rainbow Dash grinned at Matthew’s quivering mane, Oh, you are going to get it! As soon as I learn how to use these stupid wings, your ass is mine! Then I’m going to wreck you! Wait if your flank isn’t covered, does that mean I’m a pervert for thinking about it? I mean what are the social norms for ponies? Do ponies get offended when you think about their butts? Especially with those tattoos or whatever marks? Isn’t that a little perverted? Those marks do draw attention to their a**. I mean whose idea was that? That’s just wrong, thinking about pony butt. And I just realized I’m ranting about pony butt. I think I have issues.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. The stallion remained silent for far too long, “Hey in there! Are you asleep or something?”

“No, I’m waiting for you to continue,” Matthew snapped back, keeping his eyes closed.

“Fine,” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Now I want you to gently flap your wings in a steady rhythm. With each flap I want you to begin to add more strength into each flap. Be sure to feel the air caught under each wing. Feel yourself being lifted into the air. Feel in your heart that desire to join the air, to truly be free.”

Matthew began to slowly flap his wings, muscles lifting and lowering the feathery appendages. Air flowed across the soft feathers, Matthew shivering at the gentle fingers danced across his feathers. I feel ridiculous. Matthew thought, imaging himself in the middle of the field flapping his wings up and down like an idiot. With each beat of his wings, the force increased. Uh! I feel like an idiot. Seriously, this is so stupid. If I just flap my wings and want to fly, I’m suddenly going to start flying. Was Peter Pan right and all you need is happy thoughts? Why can’t I feel the ground? Matthew’s hooves flailed in the air helplessly.

Matthew’s eyes popped open. His hooves dangled uselessly three feet from the ground. Matthew whinnied like a little school filly. “I’m flying! I’m flying!” In his excitement, Matthew brought his wings down with all of his strength. The stallion rocketed high into the sky while screaming “THIS IS AWESOME!”

Rainbow Dash followed Matthew, “Just relax.” Rainbow Dash called, noticing Matthew stiff movements, “You’re way to stiff to fly properly. Just flow smoothly through the air.”

Rainbow continued to instruct Matthew, moving from ascending to descending and landing. Matthew and Rainbow Dash continued to train over the lush grasses of the park. Rainbow Dash watched as he moved from basic flying and hovering.

Matthew’s reveled in the air, the crisp air flowing past his wings and through his mane. It felt like freedom. Matthew may not be the sharpest knife in the crayon box, but must be what it felt like to be free. Here, Matthew was not bound by anything and allowed to roam the open world. With Rainbow Dash’s help, Matthew saw himself fly through the air with ease, floating around puffy white clouds to rush between the trees at higher speeds, and proceeding to crash into the boulder that came right out of nowhere.

Maybe I should pay attention to where I’m flying and not on the novelties of flight, Matthew groaned. Matthew pulled his muzzle away from the hard grey rock he was face kissing to flop onto the soft green grass. Stars raced across Matthew’s vision.

Rainbow Dash landed next to the stallion, laughing so hard she nearly fell from the sky. “Nice faceplant! I wish I had a camera right now.”

“I’m so glad my pain is so amusing to you Rainbow Dash,” Matthew shot back, slowly rising onto all four hooves. Matthew waited patiently for the cyan Pegasus to end her fits of laughter.

Whipping a tear from her eyes, Rainbow Dash finally regained her breath, “I think we can call it a day.” But I was having the best of times. Rainbow Dash took to the air, hovering in front of Matthew. “I’ve got to be somewhere. But before I leave,” Rainbow flashed a nasty grin, “I’ll say you’ve got some potential, but you’re still nowhere close to me. Maybe one day you can be just as awesome as yours truly!” With that the mare flew towards the center of Ponyville, leaving a trail of rainbow light in her wake.

Her ego! It’s like the size of a planet. Be careful or you might get sucked in. Matthew turned towards the clock tower, the small hand only ten minutes before five o’clock. That’s convenient. With a mighty flap of his wings, Matthew rocketed into the air before turning towards the gingerbread house.


Matthew cursed slamming into the ground, cracks forming in the worn road and probably costing somepony a few bucks. Landings harder than it looks! Matthew stood in front of bakery, noticing something very unusual. No pony was walking the street.

Moving his head from side to side, Matthew confirmed that not a single colorful character was in sight. Matthew pushed out with his senses, finding all of the occupants of Ponyville.

“I know you’re all in there!”


This is going to be a long night

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. It's been difficult here, but I hope things get better soon.