• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 14,049 Views, 375 Comments

A Demon In Ponyville - Terciel1249

Mathew fell into Equestria after being cast out by mankind. With no way to return home, Mathew will have to find his way in this land of talking multicolored ponies.

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A Demon in Ponyville
Ch. 30: Preparations
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to MLP or any of its related mediums.

The train to the Crystal Empire was an interesting ride for the Princess of Friendship. The purple alicorn sat silently in her cushioned seat, Spike at her side. While she was enjoying her book, her friends were not so quite.

Sighing, Twilight lowered her book, looking around at the smiling, fidgeting mares. Now she would assume that was nervousness for the upcoming Equestrian Games, but the way they were smiling, the way all of their pure white teeth were flashing towards her. The weirdest one was Pinkie Pie. The pony was vibrating at such speeds she became translucent and all but disappeared from this reality, only to reappear a few seconds later wearing a sombrero.

“Alright, what’s going on?” she asked, ignoring the weird looks the group was receiving from the multitude of participants from Ponyville.

Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Applejack exchanged a conspicuous expression before Rarity began, “Well, darling… After hearing the Big news… uh… we decided to send a letter to Princess Cadence to schedule a-“

“Baby shower!” Pinkie screamed, unable to hold her excitement any more while wearing not only a sombrero but also a plaid kilt.

“Okay,” her purple hoof rubbed the bridge between her eyes, “First, Pinkie where did you get that stuff?”

The party pony shrugged, “I vibrated at the perfect frequency to enter into another parallel world. It’s kinda like the Flash in the Silver Age of Comics.”

“Uhhhhhhh,” her friend was unable o process that information. Instead Twilight continued onto her second point, “Second, why Cadence? You know my brother’s there and he doesn’t like my… fiancé.”

“Of course darling,” the white unicorn said in a soothing tone, “but this will be the best opportunity. Cadence was so excited to hear the news before the newspapers did.”

“Of course,” the purple pony seethed, her hooves wanting to strangle the reporters that decided to publish her personal life and cause the inevitable flood of mail from her parents, family and those weird ponies that called her their ‘waifu.’What even is a waifu?

“I’m sure your brother will be fine,” Fluttershy responded in a tone that almost made her believe it. Almost

With a sigh, the purple pony accepted her fate knowing that it was bound to happen at some point since everypony across Equestria knew she was present.

“By the way,” the yellow Pegasus began, “Where is Matthew? I haven’t seen him.”

“I thought it would be best he stayed in Ponyville,” the mare nodded knowingly, “He wanted to get started on hunting a wedding band and I left him a list of items to take care of. You know caterers, flowers, invitations and all that.”

“But,” the white unicorn raised her hoof and asked, “Wouldn’t he need to know what type of invitations to get and the colors for the bouquets? And is that why he was asking about where he’d find a rock for an engagement band?”

“I already had that planed out,” she nodded, “I wrote out all the instructions for each. Matthew just has to deliver them.”

The five mares stared at their mutual friend with shocked expressions. Rainbow was the first one to speak, “Let me guess, you already had this planned out?”

Spike nodded silently as Twilight smiled, “Ever since I was 8. I had to make a few changes for Matthew’s coloring and we’re still going at it at the whole naming convention.”

“What now?” the southern belle asked.

“You know, who inherits whose last name.”

“Wait,” Applejack held a hoof in contemplation, “What’s wrong with that? The stallion inherits the mare’s last name.”

“Not in Matthew’s world,” her purple friend responded with a sign. “It was the one thing he would not move on. He agreed to everything from colors, food, location, ordering dresses and suits from Rarity, but not the name.” Twilight continued to steam, doing a decent impression of her stallion, “There’s no way in Satan’s deep dark midnight black bung-hole that I’m going by Matthew William Sparkle! No you’re going as Twilight Sparkle O’Connor! My kid will be name Irish like my father and his father and his father before him and his father before him!”

All ponies turned away from the beginning of the Princess’s anger as she mumbled to herself, “Stubborn goat. I mean I could take a second last name. O’Connor doesn’t sound that bad. That’d be fine, but ‘Oh, your name sucks. It’s to girly for me.” I’ll show you girly. I’m going to take your testicles and twist them the next time I see you.”

Trying to break away from the fuming purple pony, Pinkie asked the rest of the group, “What do you think Shining Armor’s doing right now? Do you think he’s heard the news?”

The ponies nodded nonchalantly, turning their attention towards the upcoming sports event.

0 0 0

Deep within the bowels of the Crystal Palace, a lone white stallion sat at the grinding wheel. The slow, long vocals of the aria spoke of the fall of Valhalla a sigh absolutely mesmerizing to the mind’s eye. It was a sight so grand in its destruction, so puzzling in its death, so divine in its failure that it is a mind-blowing spectacle to behold. It is beautiful and heinous all at the same time, an incredible mixture birth and Armageddon. All that remained was the single pony in the darkness to be our Brynhildr riding the winged horse into the flames to signify Ragnarok has taken all that was good and holiness in the land of the gods.

Flashes of bright sparks illuminated the dark dungeon. Today would be the day. Today his sword would strike down the evil that had infested his one of his greatest treasures.

Today he would kill the plunderer, the defiler and the owner of the dumbest face in Equestria.

Today, Shining Armor, Prince of the Crystal Empire, Former Captain of the Royal Guard and soon to be Slayer of Matthew would rise to glory today.

The thick wooden door to the Armory, the pink alicorn stormed in with a huff, “Shiny! Stop this at once!”

“No,” responder her husband. He held the blade in his pink magical aura, checking its edge and making sure the item would be ready for use. Dark bags stood out from under his eyes, he had waited so long for this moment. Not a single moment of sleep until the day arose he would slay the defiler of Twily.

“Yes,” Cadence snapped, marching straight up to her stallion and looking deep into his eyes. “You will put that away and get ready to announce the Games this instance or else.”

The stallion gave her a disbelieving look, “What could you do to stop me? I will stop him. I will prevent his presence from contaminating the rest of our family. He will fall when he arrives.”

“Easy,” the mare smiled knowingly.

“Oh really, and what would that be?”

“No hoofball.”

The white unicorn could only stare at his wife disbelieving, his mouth open. “You wouldn’t…”

“I would,” she turned away from the white pony, “I could pull sex, but I want a baby. But so help me, I will make you work for that.”

Her blue magic flashed, slamming the door behind her and leaving the pony alone with his sword and shattered dreams of vengeance against Matthew. “T-t-that’s not fair.”

0 0 0

Miles outside of Ponyvile, torrents of rock and dirt exploded out of the various tunnels cutting deep into the planet’s flesh. This would be the second day since his bride-to-be had left and there was very little to show for all his efforts.

His hooves bashed into the earth again and again, breaking through the glistening jewels within them. On his sides were strapped the old saddle bags the false alicorn had borrowed from Big Mac. Unfortunately the farm pony was very broad around his barrel, causing Matthew to add new holes for the buckle to actual fit around him.

God, either he was a C-section or his mom’s Wonder Woman,the lone stallion thought to himself, reaching into the open crevices of the stone to rip out a violet gem. It looked nice, but he wouldn’t settle for nice. He wanted perfect. How else was he going to impress a princess?

Still, he pushed the large jewel into the worn bag with the others he had found.

I mean I already knocked her up, so that’s half the work already done.

The golden pony turned to the shifting winding tunnel he found himself in. Not for the first time did he wonder who made them.Maybe it’s the Earth Eaters from Hell. Oh my God! That would be amazing to see them again. All thousand shifting teeth consuming everything in its path, bigger than a bus,he eyed the wide tunnel through his feelings of nostalgia,This would be a really small one.

Far down the well made tunnel, the flickering of light caught the pony’s attention. Curious, he slowly moved towards the source. The soft shifting of sand was the only sound emitting from his hooves as he approached.

Whoever held the light was quite the distance away, taking Matthew through a winding path until the tunnel opened up to a wide room. The pony’s eyes didn’t focus on the strange anthropomorphic dogs standing on their hind legs in the center of the room. Instead the biggest surprise was the room itself. It was full of sharp twisting precious minerals of all colors and shapes.

“We got to get these jewels back to den,” uttered the smallest of the Diamond Dogs, his red vest worn and dirty against his ragged coat. His hungry eyes were on the center piece of the room. It was as if all the swirling gems were growing brighter as they reached the most improbably sight. In the center of the room was a gem contorting colors of light purple, dark purple and pink twisting into the center of the jewel. It was bigger than Matthew’s eye.

Only one thought passed through the stallion’s mind,Perfect.

The leader of the Diamond Dogs snapped the stallion out of his metal thoughts, “Bring me that jewel.” The mutt pointed his claw towards the jewel that was going to Twilight’s,They just didn’t know it yet.

“Why boss?” asked one of the larger dogs.

“It’s the perfect gem,” he snapped, drawing all eyes to him. “Perfect mixture! I want it!”

When the trio of Diamond Dogs looked back to the spot, they found a random pony with a red mane ripping the gem from the wall. Unfortunately for them, Matthew didn’t know how dangerous tearing out large portions of rock from random walls in a cave system.

“Oh no,” the dogs whimpered.

The wall began to shake, drawing the stallion’s attention to his surroundings. “Oh,” he said, watching thick pieces of rock falling from the ceiling, the shattering of crystal and grinding of rocks filling the air.

He threw himself towards the surface, blasting through dozens of layers of sediment deposits until he was in fresh air. The sun was just setting into the distance. He knew the jeweler would close soon and time was running out to prepare for his proposal to his baby’s mamma.

As for the potential of killing three rugged Diamond Dogs… he just shrugged his shoulders, “They’ll be alright.” With that he took off towards Ponyville, unaware of the three pairs of eyes that lifted from the ground to watch his go.

0 0 0

“What do you think?” Matthew said, leaning against the display counter. Pebbles and dirt fell from his fur and mane with every movement. He ignored the disgruntle look the owner shot his way, almost giddy at the thought he finally found the perfect wedding ring for Twilight.

“This is quite the specimen, Mr. Matthew,” said the craftsman Ring Maker as he analyzed every angle of the large gem. “It’s very well formed. No blemishes or gas pockets. Quite impressive, how did you find it?”

“I was digging where Rarity said they were diamonds,” the gold stallion shrugged. “Took a few days, but I got lucky.”

“I’d say,” the shop owner responded, taking a magnifying device to look at the twisting colors in the center of the gem. Setting the gem gently down on his desk, Ring turned his full attention on his customer. “With some cutting and a little shaving, I can make a magnificent band for you and the Princess.”

“What’s the price tag?”

The owner smiled, “It’ll be five hundred and fifty bits. That’s includes the couple of days working on the gem itself, melting and shaping the metal band.”

“What’s it going to look like?” Matthew asked,Jesus that’s a lot of cheddar!

“I would like to experiment both standard gold and white gold to make a special pattern to run around Princess Twilight’s foreleg,” the owner shrugged, his eyes distant as he pictured the jewel. “It’ll be the most eloquent piece I have every made. It’ll make Princess Celestia’s Regalia look like a paper’s trinket.”

“So you’re saying I get to look good in front of Twilight and rub it into other people’s faces?” the gold pony couldn’t help but stop the smile from stretching his lips.

Mr. Maker cringed slightly, “I wouldn’t do that’s…”

“Who cares! You’ve got a deal,” his golden hoof wrapped around the owner’s with great vigor. “Before I get the money, do you take other gems as payment as well?”

The owner nodded and the two did business. The sun was setting as Matthew left towards the library. He could hardly wait. Twilight would get back and he had the perfect proposal for her. Everything would work out just fine in the end.

0 0 0

Big Mac, Granny Smith and Applebloom stared in amusement and confusion at this morning’s guest. Matthew, the farm hand and bringer of annoyance, sat at their table enjoying the large breakfast. Since Matthew helped around the farm, breakfast was a small show of appreciation to the help.

Today however, the stallion was acting very unusual. On his way through the gate, he appeared to be skipping. He was bouncing as he entered the worn house.

“So,” Granny began, “what’s got ya’ll so bubbly this morning, Matthew?”

“Oh,” the stallion hummed to himself, “Today Twilight’s ring is finished and I can’t wait for her to see it.”

“Didn’t she already agree to marry ya?” Applebloom asked, remembering the shouts reaching across the open land between Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville.

“She did,” the stallion nodded, “but I need do this right. And that means creating a romantic evening, dropping on my knees and asking her the biggest question ever.”

“Alright,” Applebloom shrugged, not truly understanding what the older pony was talking about.

Granny’s hoof shuffled the young filly’s mane, “Don’t worry squirt, you’ll find a special somepony someday. Just give it time.”

“Does that mean I’ll get those lovey dovey eyes Mac gets when he sees Fluttershy?”

Her older brother turned a darker shade of red as his granny cackled madly, “Sure will. Just you wait.”

Mac and Applebloom groaned at the concept. One pony focused on how ridiculous she’ll look then and the other planning on how to threaten said pony within an inch of his life.

0 0 0

Today was starting so wonderful, no angry Twilight, no annoying ponies getting in my way, and now this…

Matthew’s brown eyes took in the scene at the jewelers. The once pristine building of pleasant tan and dark tiled roof with jewelry prominently displayed through crystal clear glass. That visage of manufactured pristine beauty had been destroyed by the gaping hole in the front of the store. Small fires burned the splintered wooden posts and flooring, a beautiful contradiction to the horror of this reality.

“What happened?” Matthew asked, his voice carrying over the fire fighters and the shaking store owner,Fire so pretty.

“It was terrible,” the pony said, shaking under the blanket one of the fire fighters drapped over his shoulder. “They came in through the ground! They took everything and smashed my shop! They took all of the gems!”

“Wait a second…”

Matthew thought for a moment, coming to a very important fact. He was in front of the shop owner in a literal heartbeat, “Where is Twilight’s ring?” The fire fighters slowly backed away from the stallion, the calm almost casual tone of his voice was the first sign of a major problem.

Thoughts were rushing through his head at a speed his brain was not use too. He imagined the failed proposal, finding himself broken as his baby mamma had the baby without him. Then he was forced to watch his son grow up from a distant after a messy divorce just like he did. Twilight would get married to a spineless sap. He’d have to share custody. His son would grow up to hate him just like Matthew did his dad.

Oh my god… He’ll grow up into a son of a bitch… just like me.

“Who took the gems?”

The fire fighters were smart a slowly fleeing the two ponies. “Diamond dogs,” the shaking pony answered, watching the entire left side of Matthew’s face was twitching erratically.

“Mangy looking bastards, one wore a red vest?”

“Uh yeah,” Ring Maker nodded.

Three mangy mutts stole the perfect ring for his fiancé.

Before any of the ponies could react, the false alicorn blast into the air, his voice rising with his rage as he flew towards the mountains he knew they would be. Ring Maker and the other ponies were scattered in a blast of displaced air.


In the vast orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, Applebloom looked to Big Mac as they were feeding the animals. The yellow filly asked her older brother, yelling to be heard over the noise, “Do you hear that?”

“I feel it sugarcube.”

The lone’s stallion’s voice broke across the lands, breaking the concentration of the ponies in Manehatten. Many looked up into the air questioningly asking the world, “What on Gaia is that noise?”

So great was his rage, it reached the coldest parts of the far North as the participants of Ponyville prepared to return home. Medals of gold, silver and bronze reflected in the light of those happy competitors. The ponies stopped all conversation, confusion spreading across all their muzzles. Fluttershy turned to Rarity, “Does that sound familiar?”

Across the ocean and through the wide open plains of Zebrica, a wise old shaman rose from his rest. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he asked, “Who’s making that noise?”

Deep beneath the earth, through the flames of perdition and into the Underworld itself stood King Minos, the temperamental, cynical Judge of the Damned, who resides in the circle of Limbo. A towering figure of sickly black skin, a fusion between pony and serpent waited to send those who have sinned to their proper afterlife. A crown of flesh was fused to his head above his hollowed eyes. The ancient voice spoke as he judged, “Pergatory… Hell… Hell… Wait?”

The turned his massive head up, towards an unusual sound.


“Denise,” the ancient spirit called to his secretary, “Denise, do you hear that!” He paused for a moment, listening again. Then his face turned horror stricken, “Oh god Denise, it’s my wife!” The Old King trembled at the through, before screaming back, “Leave me alone! You already took the kids! What more do you want?!”

He tore through the air at high speeds, leaving false images through the space between Ponyville and the mountain those Diamond Dogs were.

Such speed and acceleration smashing into a mountain leaving a thick scar of wounded earth. So great was the stallion’s rage, his fists were blurs as he tore through stone and straight out the other side. “What the!” he turned back to the mountain.

The mountain’s weakness infuriated him. Its weakness was preventing him from getting his fiancé’s ring and potentially ruining the life of his unborn child that he swore was a boy in the visions in his head. And no the red cloud spreading across the vision of those dark brown eyes was nothing to be concerned with.

At least the raging fire in his head was agreeing that red was a perfectly logical reaction to this scenario.

Deep within the bowels of the planet, Rover, Fido and Spot trembled as the earth around them shook violently. Through the rumbling earth and grinding of rocks, their sensitive ears could almost pick up the nonsensical speech of an enraged stallion.

The three canines slowly moved towards the most protected spot of the entire cave, the treasure room. Through falling debris and stones, they were able to make it to their precious gems. The thicker rock formations provided a natural source of protection and alleviated some of their fears. Even if they were buried, these canines would simply dig themselves out.

Rover turned towards the large treasure pile, his red shirt almost brown with so much dirt. Atop the stolen collection of rings, necklaces, hairclips and more was the greatest piece of the hoard. Wrapped in slim golden leaf over a white band was the perfect gem. Its cut was flawless, the colors in perfect symmetry surrounded by delicate golden vines. It was a treasure to be held for all time. He reached his claw over to it, lifting it from the pile with such gentleness one would expect the jewel to be his first born son.

He enjoyed the feeling of cool metal and gem between his digits. Even with this random earthquake would not stop him from enjoying the treasure.

A loud explosion shook the cave, a single figure landing before the three Diamond Dogs. Three pairs of eyes watched the pony standing before them. Spot and Fido were correct in the deep sense of fear entering their hearts at the sight of Matthew’s red tinted eyes. The whites of his eyes were currently being flooded with red as the blood vessels were bursting violently.

“I am here for it,” came the cracking voice of the pony. His face was twitching, trying to maintain some appearance of normality.

“Want what?” asked Spot, eyeing the pony before him, feeling the pressure of those dark eyes on them.

“M-my Twilight’s r-r-ring,” the gold pony continued, “N-need it… go…going to be married. Ne-ed it for Twilight.”

“Uh,” Rover began, trying to decipher the intruder’s words.

“That!” Matthew snapped, pointing at the wedding band between the Diamond Dog’s claws.

“No” Rover snapped, holding the jewel to his chests, his claws against the smooth surface of the gem. “It’s ours! We found it and it’s our!”

The other two canines tried to console their boss, pleading with him with whimpers, before the pony spoke again, “D-don’t understand… need to be—be with son… must marry Twilight…”

“I don’t care about no puny pony!” snapped the leader of the Diamond Dogs, “I will break it before you can have it!” The canine threatened, using one of his nails to pierce directly into the center of the jewel. Its flawless surface now ruined. Instead of smooth compressed atoms was a single gouge that appeared to have six points.

It was ruined. Twilight’s perfect wedding band was now destroyed by a bunch of mutts. In seeing that act of defilement, something broke in Matthew. Spot and Fido felt their stomach fill with heavy coldness as the pony’s contorted face became slack. The blood vessels in his eyes burst, filling the whites with red.


The stallion began to approach them, floating through the air without moving a single muscle. The air trembled and shimmered through the power being dispayed.


“Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,” the stallion continued, not moving as the canines swiped at him with their large arms.

In the town of Ponyville, the ponies were going about their daily lives without a care. Until the horrifying screams of those unfortunate fools filled the valley, sending all the sensitive ponies into a panic and plunging the town in fear.

0 0 0

Night had fallen over Ponyville, Twilight sat patiently in the library waiting for a certain stallion to arrive. Slowly, the door squeaked open as said pony stepped through the threshold. The mare asked, “Matthew, what did you get all over you?”

The stallion looked down at himself; his unusual golden fur appeared to have a rust colored liquid splattered across his front hooves and barrels. He turned his brown eyes to the mare, “Uh… I had an accident with ketchup.”

“And that accident would involve the a large amount of screaming… wait-wait, you know what,” she rubbed a purple hoof against her head to relieve the oncoming headache, “It’s you. You’d scream at anything, even inanimate objects.” The purple alicorn continued to scan the stallion, noticing the item in tangled in his red and black mane.

With a flash of magic, Twilight summoned the object before her coltfriend could say anything further.

Oh no,he thought, now just realizing that the jewel he was rescuing lost in his hair while he lost himself into the bloodlust. The next thought at seeing the surprised expression on his fiance’s face was that she would see the damage and hate it.

“Oh my Celestia…

It’s beautiful.”

“What?” the very confused male responded, his brain getting jammed between second and third gear.

“It’s so pretty,” she cooed, taking in every exquisite angle. “You even got my cutie mark etched into the stone!” She pointed at the gem in excitement.

The confused pony could only stare blankly at what looked like a six pointed star in the direct middle of the flawless gem. His lips turned up into a forced smile, showing all of his teeth, “Only the best for you. I went through a lot to get it that way.”

“Oh thank you so much,” She couldn’t contain her joy, wrapping her hooves around the stallion’s golden neck. “It must have been a pain getting this done with Mr. Maker’s shop being destroyed. I hope you didn’t put too much into this! It looks expensive.”

Having no clue what was going on, Matthew mechanically made his way towards the bedroom with his mare still wrapped around his neck. Her happy tears fell onto his fur and he was happy she was happy. “Don’t worry about it. You’re worth the work and a fight with a ketchup bottle.”

“How do you get into a fight with a ketchup bottle?” Her voice was full of happiness and warm, he couldn’t break her smile.

“You don’t wanna know. It was messy.”

“Alright,” she finished, closing the door and heading to bed while her stallion headed towards the shower. “Oh, before I forget. Tomorrow I’ve got to organize a search party to locate the Diamond Dogs who stole Mr. Maker’s jewels.”

“Uh-ha,” came the low voice over the running of water, “Have fun and keep safe.”

The next day was a blessing for Matthew. All Twilight found was a cave full of the stolen jewels and three thoroughly frightened Diamonds Dogs begged for the Princess of Friendship to take them to jail and away from the ‘Loud Angry Horror.’ They didn’t talk much, only saying, “It’s from Tartarus.”

After that experience the purple princess decided that her coltfriend deserved a reward for going all out on her engagement ring. So they cuddled.

In actuality, Twilight was reading a new book while Matthew nodded off right next to her smelling the lavender of her shampoo as he enjoyed the moment of peace and the fear he inspired.