• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 14,049 Views, 375 Comments

A Demon In Ponyville - Terciel1249

Mathew fell into Equestria after being cast out by mankind. With no way to return home, Mathew will have to find his way in this land of talking multicolored ponies.

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Dinner with Royalty (Revised)

A Demon in Ponyville

Ch. 6: Dinner with Royalty

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. All other characters are my own.

Silence filled the throne room, no one knowing what to say. Eyes went from Discord, to Celestia, to Matthew and back. Twilight finally broke the silence, “What do you mean by ‘equilibrium’?”

Discord ruffled the young alicorn’s mane playfully, “What I mean is the perfect balance of light and darkness, my little princess.”

“Why does that make him so special?” asked Rainbow Dash, “Just because he has both doesn’t sound so special to me.”

Discord thought about it for a moment, mumbling, “How best is it to explain this.” A light bulb appeared over his head. Literally! “Oh, I’ve got it!” With a twirl of his paws, Discord raised two tuning forks. With a flick of his wrists, Discord tapped the pair of instruments together. The room became filled with the rising and falling of sound. The lower tuning fork synced with the higher frequency, increasing the rise and fall of sound. Discord said, “Notice the increase in frequency when a higher tune and lower tune are rung together. The opposing frequencies increase the highs and lows of the sound waves.”

“But what does that have to do with him?” Rainbow Dash asked, motioning towards Matthew’s blank expression.

Should I be insulted? Hmmm. Tough choice.

Discord tossed the two musical instruments over his shoulder. The silver instruments vanished in a flash of light. “This means that both complement each other, making his strength and abilities unparalleled in this world.”

I can beat him. Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

Celestia silently ingested this information. Looking over to Twilight, Celestia chuckled at the young alicorn’s expression of wonder. Twilight’s purples eyes were filled with unbridled excitement, wanting to know more. Celestia noticed the sun sinking into the horizon, Wow, it’s getting late. Addressing the group, Celestia said, “Matthew, I would like to thank you for answering all of my questions.”

“No problem.”

“But I think it’s time for dinner,” Celestia commented. Free Food! YES! “And Luna will be up soon. We’ll be able to have a nice meal with her.”

“Who’s Luna?” Matthew asked Celestia.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Celestia giggled. Again with the giggling! I swear every time I hear it I get screwed. “Luna is my sister and co-monarch of Equestria,” Celestia smiled at Matthew.

That makes sense, two sisters as the rulers.

Returning the smile, Matthew commented, “Sounds like fun.”

Celestia motioned towards the guards, “Could you show our guest to the dining hall?” The guards nodded in compliance, Celestia told Twilight, “I’ll join you in a moment Twilight. I just need to ask Discord a few things.” Twilight raised a confused eyebrow. Never the less, Twilight followed Celestia’s instructions and left with the group.

When the doors were closed shut, Celestia turned to Discord. The trickster raised an amused eyebrow, “What is it Princess?”

Celestia took a deep breath, “I need to know, Discord. How powerful is Matthew?”

Discord chuckled, “If you’re wondering if he is a threat, then you do not have to worry.” Celestia didn’t appear comforted. “He is a good pony, just look in his eyes.”

“Are you sure?” Celestia asked. Discord offered the Celestia a reassuring nod. “Well, I guess we had best be going to dinner,” Celestia said awkwardly.

Discord stopped the Princess before she could move. His usual carefree manner replaced by a serious tone. “Even though you don’t have to worry about Matthew,” Celestia did not like the way this was going, “Matthew is beyond the limits of you and Luna.”

0 0 0

Matthew and the group were directed into a large and exquisite dining hall at least sixty feet wide and two hundred feet long. Enough room for a party. Decorated with light purple walls and a gold chandelier of pure diamond complemented the long table. The table was around forty feet long and five feet wide, draped with a deep purple cloth. Stacked atop the expensive table was the greatest feat one could imagine. Except it doesn’t have any steak. Light reflected off the smooth shining surfaces of the room, making the atmosphere even more mystified. Chair of polished dark wood and purple cushions lined both sides of the table. Each chair was matched with a spotless white plates and reflective silver utensils. What would these thumb-less freaks need with a fork?

Matthew’s mouth drooled in anticipation. Roasted garlic, tomato soup and many more seasonings tickled his nose. Matthew’s stomach growled loudly, ready to be appeased by the sacrifice of a delicious meal.

Twilight caught Matthew in her purple aura in midair. Matthew attempting to rushed the table. God dammit! Twilight commented, “Now! Now, Matthew! You have to meet Princess Luna first.” Screw the Princess! I’m hungry!

Matthew sighed, “Sorry. I got a little carried away.” Celestia and Discord walked into the room to find Matthew being held two feet off the floor by Twilight.

The girls chuckled at Matthew’s antics. Twilight gently placed the stallion back on his hooves, looking expectantly towards the white double doors behind the table. Matthew turned his head towards the same double door. A pair of dark blue ponies wearing black armor with an image of the crescent moon on the front plate, matching helmets and what appeared to be batwings pushed open the doors. Why didn’t I get something cool like that?

Princess Luna entered from the other room. She was a tall alicorn of deep blue coat, a crescent moon mark on her rear and a flowing blue mane of tiny white lights. Her hair’s all psychedelic man. Celestia greeted Luna with a smile, “Good evening Lulu.” Matthew had to repress a snort of laughter. Celestia gave her sister a quick hug before motioning to Twilight and the group. “I thought it would be nice if we had some company for dinner. Also…” Celestia motioned for Matthew to move closer. Which he obliged, moving directly in front of Luna where Celestia indicated, “I would also like you to meet a new friend. This is Matthew. He was the one who stopped the hydra that attacked Ponyville. Say hello, Matthew.”

“Hi, Princess Luna,” Matthew responded, offering the Princess his hoof. Twilight silently raged at Matthew’s direct nature.

“GREETINGS FELLOW WARRIOR! YOU ARE WELL MET!” Luna’s thunderous voice blasted into Matthew’s ears raising her hoof into the air for emphasis. Someone hit the mute button! Matthew’s internal monologue screamed. Outwardly, Matthew flinched at the assault on his hearing. Celestia smiled inwardly, having performed a sound softening spell for herself beforehand. “YE HAVE VANQUISHED A MIGHTY FOE FROM WHAT MY SISTER HATH TOLD US! WE THANK THEE FOR YOUR VALIENT SERVICE TO PONYVILLE! TONIGHT WE SHALL FEAST IN YOUR HONOR!” Make it stop! Make it stop! “NOW LET US BREAK BREAD AND SHARE TALES OF HEROICS! HAZZAH!”

Everypony laughed at Matthew’s cringing expression to Luna’s speech. Silence followed. Or in Matthew’s case, a high pitched ringing continued to go off in his ears. Luna noticed Matthew’s pained expression, taking a moment to calm her voice down, “I’m sorry. We sometimes forget to use a softer voice at times. It is a pleasure to meet you.” I can see her lips moving, but all I hear is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

“What?” yelled Matthew, surprising Luna and getting quite the chuckle from Celestia and Discord. “Your name’s Lulu! It’s nice to meet you! I am the only one hearing that annoying ringing sound?” Matthew turned to the ponies behind him, noticing their amused grins.

Luna turned to Celestia, raising a confused eyebrow, “Tia, is this a new kind of speech that we have yet to master in this modern world.”

Celestia smiled, trying to contain her mirth, “No Lulu, Matthew here is a very unusual pony. It would be best not to take his attitude personally.”

The pair turned back to Matthew. “It’s an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kind of sound.” Still they shook their head, chuckling. Matthew held his hooves against his ears to try and calm the constant annoyance. Discord enjoyed the fun, chuckling. Matthew asked loudly, “How come none of you are hearing this?”

After several minutes, Matthew’s hearing was finally restored and everyone was able to take their seats. Matthew sat with Celestia to his left and Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy to his right. Across from Celestia sat Luna, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack. Discord sat at the head of the table between the Princesses on what appeared to be thin air. With a snap of his paw, Discord animated the dishware to offer the patrons any assistance. I’ve stopped asking question.

Small talk didn’t follow the start of this meal. Not that everypony was eating their food, but their attention was drawn to Matthew. In a madman’s rush, the gold alicorn was trying to consume everything within reach of his hooves. Everypony except Discord, Celestia and Luna looked on Matthew’s table manners with disgust. The Princess of the Sun wore an amused smile. Luna commented, “It is good to see a pony with a healthy appetite! All of the nobles these days eat such dainty dishes! They’re barely worth a single bite!”

“Here! Here!” Matthew announced through his mouth full of some kind of honey pastry. I don’t know what you are! All I care about is that you are delicious!

“Are you enjoying the Honey Almond Cakes?” Twilight asked, annoyed Matthew’s disregard for the Princesses present.

“I am not leaving until all of these Cakes are in my mouth!” came the muffled reply

“I know right!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, shoving as many sweet treats into her mouth as possible. How did she just eat an entire cake in one bite?

Celestia sighed, I was going to eat that.

Rarity commented, Matthew shoving two cakes into his muzzle, “Such manners in front of royalty. You should be more refined Matthew.” Hmmm… I’m getting the vibe that Rarity’s a bit of a bitch.

Matthew swallowed his food, whipping his muzzle on his fetlock. “Ummm Rarity? Right?”

“Yes,” the white unicorn answered with a flip of her mane. At least he remembers my name

“You are quite right, I have been acting without manners,” Matthew said. Everypony leaned forward over their plates, “And frankly my dear, I just don’t give a damn.”

Rarity’s face turned bright red, I will DESTROY you!

Celestia smirked, “Yes thank you.” The milk container poured the chilled milk into her teacup. Discord chuckled before taking a bite out of a similar white tea cup like it was a cookie.

Rarity had quiet the retort, “We’ll I can see your parents or any pony have not taught you any manners.”

It is on like Donkey Kong!

“My parents are dead,” Matthew answered in a very empty voice.

Rarity squeaked at Matthew’s response. The rest of the table turned their heads towards their plates, not sure how to respond and leaving the room in awkward silence. Spike decided to speak firt, “Do you mean both parents or one parent?”

“Mom and sisters went first. Dad went a couple of years later.”

All of the ponies and Discord wore sad expressions. Luna said, “We are sorry for your lost and offer thy sympathy.”

Matthew shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t be, you didn’t have anything to do with it. Besides, I don’t remember my mother and sisters that much. I was ten when they died.”

Fluttershy offered Matthew a comforting whisper, “At least your father was there. He must have done his best being a single parent.”

“HA! HA! HA!” Matthew laughed uncontrollably falling backwards in his chair. The ponies watched in confusion. Matthew’s legs flailed in the air as he gasped for air. “Oh God! I haven’t laughed like that in years!” Taking a moment to compose himself, Matthew returned to a sitting position. His cheeks a rosy red color. “Yeah, my dad was a bit of a bastard after that and I sure did hate his guts until he finally kicked the bucket.”

“What!” yelled all of the ponies.

Shining Armor hollered, “How could you say that! That’s your father!”

Matthew threw Shining Armor a dark look that made him flinch. Remembering how fast he had gotten his rump kicked, Shining made the wise choice to shut up. “Let me tell you something,” Matthew spat out, “I stayed with that son-of-a-bitch until his dying breath. My father was not a good person. He left me, a ten-year-old-child-mind-you, in the hands of a sadist military group to spend the next twelve years being beaten to an inch of my life, dealing with a commander who had the tendency to physically abuse her men, and all the while, saving the planet. And I never got a thank you for saving it! Not ONCE!” Matthew leaned over the table, “I’m not going to say I didn’t love my old man. I loved him with the bottom of my heart.” Very, very deep down. “I just didn’t like him that much.”

“Wow,” groaned Twilight.

Celestia thought to herself, And I thought my had family problems.

“That’s so sad,” Pinkie Pie’s ears flattened against her head.

Discord coughed a few times, drawing everypony’s attention, “I think it’s best if we move the conversation to a different subject.”

Good idea.

Silence filled the room, each pony munching softly on their salads, fruits or pastries. I seriously need to work on my people skills. Or is it pony skills now?

Matthew just looked at his plate, seeing only the red manned pony contemplating on how to remedy the situation. Matthew turned to Celestia, seeing her sip quietly from the tea cup levitating in her golden aura. “Hey Princess Celestia, how do you move stuff with your horn?”

Celestia answered, placing her cup neatly on the table, “Well Matthew, levitation is a simple spell. All it requires if for you to concentrate on an object and allow the energy to build up into your horn. Then move the object wherever you want it to go.”

“So all I have to do is concentrate hard enough and objects will start to move?” Matthew raised an eyebrow. Because the mystical powers of the universe are so easy even a child can use them! Matthew focused on the silver goblet in front of him. Matthew’s brow furrowed, Nope, still nothing. A pressure began to form in his horn. Well that’s new. Continuing his concentration, a red aura began to engulf the cup until it covered the shiny surface. And now up. Matthew lifted the cup up with only his mind, bringing it towards his muzzle. Taking a grateful swig of water, Matthew thought to himself Refreshing. Matthew returned the cup to its original place. OK, I’ll admit. Magic is freaking awesome.

Celestia smiled at Matthew’s wide grin, “Very good Matthew.”

Luna asked Matthew, “Why dost thou ask about magic? Hath no one trained you in the art?”


“Why doth thy talk more about your history? We are quiet intrigued,” Luna said, resting her head between her hooves as she leaned forward.

Matthew groaned, Why do I have to keep talking about myself? I’ll get bored with repeating the same information again and again. Hell, I’ll probably get sick of hearing my own story. “Sorry Luna, but I’ve had to talk about me all day. So why don’t you tell me about yourself. I’m sure raising the Moon is a fun job.”

Luna raised a skeptical eyebrow, “Doth thou not know about myself or my sister?”

“Well,” Matthew started with a long emphasized drawl, “no. But I’m not from these lands, so sorry about my ignorance.”

“Then what land are thou from?”

“America,” Matthew answered. Land where rednecks roam, beer is great and where what happens in Vegas ends up on Youtube.

“America?” All of the ponies muttered, tasting the foreign word on their tongues.

“What’s America like?” Cadence asked, intrigued by this new word.

Matthew shrugged, “When I was a kid it was ok.” Wow, I feel old saying that. “It’s got some problems; like the overpopulation, big business trying to squash the little man down, Ke$ha. Oh god, Ke$ha! But the average citizen is ok. They’re just people trying to go about their daily lives.”

Celestia smiled, “It sounds like a nice place.”

Discord commented, “Sounds boring to me.”

Matthew smiled, “Oh trust me. There is plenty of trouble to get into. You’ve got booze, kart racing, basketball, Youtube and other sorts of fun stuff.”

“What’s Youtube?” Twilight asked. It sounds ridiculous.

Matthew explained, “Youtube’s a website where people around the world can post videos of them doing stuff: some educational, some awesome, and some really stupid stuff.”

Discord asked, “What kind of stupid stuff?”

“Imagine some of the dumbest stuff you can think of, and it’ll be on Youtube.”

“Like… A pony getting drunk and having a total meltdown?” Pinkie Pie asked.


“How about a pony making love to an inanimate object?” Discord asked.

EW! “Ok, almost anything weird you can think of,” Matthew responded. “Like epic fails, police brutality, funny videos and stuff. Can we move on, this topic’s getting awkward?”

It sure is. Rainbow Dash asked, “What’s a website?”

“Ummmm.” Matthew’s brow furrowed, “A website is a customized amount of data posted by someone for a particular reason, whether for business, education or fun that’s available on the internet for everyone to use.”

“What’s the internet?” Pinkie asked cheerfully, “It sounds like fun!”

Especially porn sites. Matthew scratched the back of his head, “The internet is a collection of processors that share information and broadcast it so the world can access it.”

“Oh!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly, “How does it work? What kind of information? Can it be used for education?”

Matthew held up his hoof, stopping the purple princess, “Do I look like a college graduate with a degree in computer sciences?”

“No, you look like an alicorn silly!” Pinkie Pie smiled cheerfully.

Matthew groaned inwardly, “I was conveying sarcasm, Pinkie.”

“What’s that taste like?”

“Ugh!” Matthew groaned, rubbing his temple with a hoof.

“It seems your world has many wonders,” Celestia chuckled.

“Yep,” Matthew answered, “But what about you guys. What’s your story?”

Celestia answered, “Luna and I have raised the sun and moon for hundreds of years. We have ruled these lands for the same amount of time.”

“Wait-wait-wait!” Matthew interrupted, his jaw dropping. “Hundreds of years? How old are you?”

Twilight shot daggers at Matthew, no ponyone ever dared interrupt Celestia. Celestia merely nodded, “I am almost two thousand years old. Luna is just a few years behind me.”

“How’s that possible?”

Luna answered this one, “Alicorns have a long life span. Our magic allows us to live longer than most ponies. It is also our magic that allows us to move the sun and the moon.”

“Wow, you’re like Crypt Keeper old.”

“What was that?” Luna asked, annoyance filling her voice. I think we have just been insulted.

Matthew changed topics at lightning speed, “How many alicorns are there? I’ve only seen you, Luna, Cadence and Twilight.”

Celestia nodded, “We are the only alicorns in these lands, at least until you arrived. You are alicorn number 5.”

Talk about being a minority. Matthew pondered this, Luna looking over to Twilight, “We forgot to ask, Princess Twilight, how was the hydra stopped? Celestia was vague with her description.”

“I’d like to know that too,” Shining Armor said, giving Matthew a very skeptical look. Not believing for one instant that he was capable of beating a fully grown hydra.

Twilight finished her mouthful of tomato basil soup, “The day was starting out as a nice break from duties. The ground suddenly started to shake.” You forgot psycho over there using me as a personal battering ram. “I went outside to take a look and I saw this huge hydra stomping on the houses outside of Ponyville. I teleported myself to the marketplace to see what I could do and I found Pinkie Pie with Applejack. Together, Pinkie Pie and Applejack were able to distract it while I powered up my spell…”

“Hey! I was there too,” Rainbow Dash interrupted.

“Sorry, Dashie,” Twilight blushed slightly. “Rainbow Dash also assisted in distracting the hydra. When I fired my spell, a dark energy stopped my spell. The hydra was able to knock Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash out of the way.”

“Actually,” Pinkie Pie jumped up, “Matthew picked me up and set me on the ground when I was riding the hydra’s head. I think I broke my old record of 1 minute and 43 seconds.” How am I not surprised she would ride hydras? Does that sound dirty to anyone?

Twilight continued, “Before I could do anything else the Cutie Mark Crusaders were about to be crushed. I teleported myself next to them and tried use a barrier to stop the hydra.” Twilight looked down in shame, “But my barrier wasn’t able to hold up. It shattered in an instant.” I feel kinda bad for her. I mean she looks so sad. Matthew thought, Twilight rubbing her eyes with a hoof.

“What happened after that, Twily?” Cadence asked, trying to be as warm as she could by putting a wing over her sister-in-law. Aw, that’s sweet.

“That’s where I come in,” Matthew said, inserting himself into the conversation. “I was working on moving all of the ponies away from the hydra when I heard three fillies scream. When I got to the scene, I saw the hydra about to crush Twilight and the fillies. As fast as I could, I put myself between the hydra’s foot and Twilight.”

“How did you stop the hydra’s foot?” asked Shining Armor.

“I caught it,” Matthew answered with a shrug.

“With magic?” asked Cadence.

“Nope, I caught it with these guns,” Matthew responded, flexing his forelegs. Shining Armor rolled his eyes along with Cadence and the rest of the girls.

Applejack added, a small chuckle releasing from her muzzle, “I saw the whole thing and Matthew here caught that hydra’s foot with one hoof.” The three looked to Applejack, her expression saying she was serious.

God I love that expression.

Luna, Shining and Cadence had to catch their jaws before they crashed into the table. Luna said, “Please continue.”

Matthew smirked his broad shoulders, “I threw the hydra out of town and told it to go home.” Who knew a pony’s jaw could open that far? Matthew thought. The three couldn’t stop their jaws a second time. “When it didn’t, I beat the living hell out of it. The hydra shot some of its lasers at me. It got a few good hits, but I still won.”

“By good, do you mean being shot out of the air?” Applejack commented offhandedly.

“Anyway,” Matthew continued, throwing her an annoyed look. “When the hydra tried to use some ultimate attack, I overpowered the attack with one of my own. When beaten, the hydra’s eyes did something weird.” You should really be careful, your eyes may popped out of your heads, Luna’s, Shining’s and Cadence’s eyes bulged in their sockets.

“Weird like funny ha ha or the not good kind of weird?” Spike asked.

“Its eyes turned from green to blue.” Matthew turned towards the Princesses, “Does that make any sense to you two?”

Celestia hummed to herself, “I can think of a few causes, but any of them mean trouble.” Celestia gave Matthew a worried look.

I should be worried, but I'm not. I wasn’t even at full power and I could still beat that hydra. I can take on anything even in my weakened state. Bring it on Equestria!

Celestia turned to the window, watching the disappeared behind the horizon, “Well my little ponies…” I swear that must be a catch phrase for something. “I think it’s time for us to retire. Have a goodnight everypony.” With that the ponies left the table, Celestia walking to her room as a castle staff guided Twilight and friends to their rooms.

Luna left the dining hall to the outside balcony, thinking deeply to herself. Just who is that stallion? While he had been honest with them all throughout diner, Matthew had not told them everything.

0 0 0

Matthew flopped down on the large squishy mattress. Oh my god! An actual bed! YEAH! Matthew’s room looked like a single apartment, a full size mattress covered with deep blue blankets to accent the dark wood of the bedpost, nightstands, and dresser. A small door to the left of the entrance lead to a small bathroom complete with toilet, sink and shower. Matthew’s head rested against the pillow. It feels like laying on a cloud. Matthew’s eyes drooped lower.

I guess the Princesses are alright. Celestia seems nice, but I sense she’d be really fun to party with.

Luna… What’ with the whole thee and thou? Whatever. But over a thousand years old! How do they look so young? You could patent their secrets and make some bank.

Shining’s a douche that needs to pull the stick out of his ass, and I can’t even think about Cadence without wanting to punch something.

Twilight’s nice, but screams perfectionist.
Spike’s a fun little dude. Kinda reminds me of a younger Matthew, only scalier and less depressing.
Applejack’s got an interesting sense of humor going on.
Fluttershy’s just too quite. I’ve had flatulence louder than her.
Rainbow Dash is a jock. It would be fun to do some crazy extreme stuff with her.
And there’s Pinkie Pie. I don’t think I need to say anything on that subject.

Matthew droned on for several more minutes before drifting off into a light sleep. Many of the castle’s inhabitants soon joined him.

0 0 0

A grey Pegasus calmly moved through down the empty halls of the palace. His gold armor reflected the bright moon light. Turning into the closest room, the Pegasus was rewarded by the empty study decorated with only a worn wooden desk, a tapestry of Equestria’s flag and a single grandfather clock tucked away in the corner. The Pegasus moved over to the clock. With a grunt, the Pegasus pulled the clock from the wall, revealing a square patch of darkness descending into the mountain.

The Pegasus entered the pitch black passageway, closing the door behind him. Engulfed in darkness, the Pegasus revealed his true form in a bright flash of green light. Encased in a black exoskeleton, pale blue beetle eyes, a twisted horn on his head, and thin see-through wings, the changeling ignited his horn to produce a green light to lead his way down the carved stairway into the grey rock of the mountain.

The changeling slowly made his way down the stairs. The grey stone slowly turning into clear crystal. The changeling passed through the glittering surrounding. The passageway opened into an open space thirty feet wide surrounded by large chunks of minerals. Small green fires surrounded the clearing, illuminating the area with a soft glow. The changeling’s attention was solely on the individual sitting in the center of the cavern. She was tall, her long pale blue mane flowing freely off the side of her head, her green eyes glowed in the pale light, her black exoskeleton and thin wings reflected the green light, a broken and warped horn stuck out of the front of her head. “General Thrall, so good of you to join me.”

Thrall bowed deeply to his queen, “I am humbled, my Queen. I bring news from the castle.”

“Oh! And what is that?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

“A new alicorn has arisen,” Thrall said, Chrysalis gasping in surprise. “He calls himself Matthew and from what I overheard from the conversation, he singlehandedly beat a hydra. We must be wary around him, for even the ponies do not know his full potential.”

“Hmmm,” Chrysalis hummed. “We will have to rethink our strategy. What do you think General?”

“A wise choice my Queen,” Thrall answered. “We need to take our time with the invasion. With the elements and the princesses on guard after the hydra attack, we must move slowly or all of our plans will be for not.”

“Yes,” Chrysalis agreed. “But we will persevere. We will conquer the Princesses, the Elements of Harmony and rule Equestria! HA! HA! HA!” The high pitched laughter echoed in the small cavern.

“Are you so sure?” a low growl echoed in the cavern. Chrysalis and Thrall jumped to their hooves, looking in every direction for the source. A dark shadow, with bright green eyes looked at the pair with amusement, appeared in front of them. “It is good to see you again, Chrysalis.”

“That’s Queen Chrysalis to you!” Thrall shot at the shadow.

Chrysalis held a hoof up to silence her General, “It has been a long time, hasn’t it Sombra?” Sombra chuckled, Chrysalis throwing him a dirty look, “Is there any particular you’re here? Or did you want to see a true conqueror succeeding where you failed?”

The shadow quivered in amusement, “I wouldn’t be so confident. You might regret underestimating this Matthew.”

“And why’s that?” Chrysalis asked, showing no sign of interest.

“I have witnessed his abilities firsthoof,” Sombra stated, “and they are nothing to take lightly. You would be best to take my assistance when taking over Canterlot.”

“Don’t underestimate me, Sombra,” Chrysalis growled. “I will take over Canterlot and defeat this Matthew. Proving to you that my army and I have what it takes to defeat these ponies. And we will do so without any acceptance from the likes of you.”

“Very well!” Sombra cackled, fading away in the shadows. “But remember my warning, or you might regret it.”

I hate that pony! Chrysalis turned to Thrall, “How are the preparations for the invasion going?”

“So far so good,” Thrall reported. “Every night, Princess Celestia slowly succumbs to your mental control. Soon she will do your bidding. As for the army, over half of the castle’s staff has been replaced along with small fractions of the population. The rest of the army is waiting inside the caves of the mountain. Every changeling is ready to attack at a moment notice.”

“Good, good,” Chrysalis smiled. “And what about Princess Cadence and Shining Armor?”

“They will remain in the capital until the end of the week.”

Chrysalis chuckled, “That will work out perfectly. I will have Canterlot in my hoof and be ablet enact my vengeance upon Shining Armor and Cadence at the same time.” Chrysalis stopped herself, “Now we need to figure out what to do about this Matthew character.”

“My Queen, are you really going to take the word from Sombra?” Thrall asked in disgust.

“I may hate Sombra, but with another alicorn in the picture we must have a plan of attack.” Chrysalis hummed to herself.

Thrall scratched his head for a moment, “You may be able to subdue him with you mind control.”

Chrysalis thought of this for a moment, “The problem is, we know nothing of his abilities. He may be able to resist a simple mind control spell.” Chrysalis continued to contemplate, “Physical strength and magic are always a choice with the Colony’s numbers alone. But numbers may not win the fight. Remember what happened last time?”

“How do you suppose we precede, my Queen?”

Chrysalis thought deeply in silence, “If we can’t win through mind control or brute force, then how?” Chrysalis growled when the answer came to her, “Then we can attack his heart.”

“Are you referring to the Lichen spores?” Thrall asked, worry creeping into his voice.

“I am.”

“But that is a poison, you can potentially kill this pony,” Thrall interjected.

“You are quiet right,” Chrysalis said offhandedly. “But that is only if we do not act on counteracting the poison fast enough.”

“True,” Thrall said. “The spores will start by causing severe hallucinations, amplifying your ability to sway his mind. He’s heart will be vulnerable to you my Queen.” Thrall took a deep breath, his heart skipping a beat as he thought of the long term affects. “But if not treated soon enough, the spore will attack his body. He will experience worst pain and suffering imaginable. His body will slowly be destroyed and the hallucinations will become even more severe. Wouldn’t that be a waste of a pony full of potential food?”

Chrysalis answered, “You are right General. However, one life will not stop us from protecting the Colony.”

“How do you suppose we get the spores to him? We may be in the middle of combat and using the spores will potentially harm any food source that happens to be in the crossfire.”

A creeping smile formed on Chrysalis muzzle to reveal her fanged teeth. A plan began to form in her mind. “And I have an idea as to just how we can capture him and the rest of these ponies.”

0 0 0

Celestia slept soundly under a canopy of pink with gold frills lining the edges. Surrounding the sleeping Princess, pristine wooden desk and dresser drawer lined the wall with a large door leading to the master bathroom. Celestia’s cutie mark adorned her mattress cover.

Silently, the door to Celestia’s room opened long enough to allow a blurred space of air to enter the room. Chrysalis moved next to the Princess, her horn glowing green. Chrysalis’s aura spread over Celestia’s horn. The princess’s peaceful expression turned to disturbed, her mind being assaulted by the Changeling Queen. Muttering into the air, Chrysalis smiled “Soon, Celestia. Soon, Canterlot will be mine.”

0 0 0

Matthew laid sprawled eagle on his bed, pillows and blanket thrown all around the room. Loud snores escaped the stallion’s muzzle, drool lining the side. “Uh… Little… Little Kim’s got my sandwich.”

Matthew’s door opened slowly, Chrysalis met by Matthew’s loud snores, “S-shut the d-damn door… before I shove my boot up your a-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.”

Chrysalis was quick to abide, the door silently sliding close. She moved closer to Matthew, snickering at how easy it was to move about the castle. “My sandwich… bitch…”

What was that? Chrysalis had to cover he muzzle with a hoof to stop herself from laughing out loud. Chrysalis began to charge her horn, preparing the magic. The green light was enough of a warning to cause Matthew to react.

“Letgo my sandwich!”

Chrysalis had a second to teleport herself back into the mountain, a gold hoof striking the air she was previously occupying. “Who… Who’s there?” Matthew pushed his senses out, trying to push past the drowsiness. Mathew stood on his hind legs, his hooves ready for a fight. Sensing nothing within twenty feet, Matthew shrugged, plopping back down on the bed before returning to sleep. Must have been some kind of glowing green bug.

Chrystalis breathed heavily in the open space of the cavern, calming herself from the close encounter of the Matthew-kind. “It’s alright Chrysalis. This was just a fluke. The next encounter will be for real.”

“Are you talking to yourself again, my Queen?”

“Uh! Can I have like five minutes alone, General?!” Chystalis yelled.


Author's Note:

This may not be my best chapter, but I hope you've enjoyed it.