• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 14,049 Views, 375 Comments

A Demon In Ponyville - Terciel1249

Mathew fell into Equestria after being cast out by mankind. With no way to return home, Mathew will have to find his way in this land of talking multicolored ponies.

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Pray For Salvation… Doom Has Reached Ponyville and It’s Matthew’s Faul

A Demon in Ponyville
Ch. 29: Pray For Salvation… Doom Has Reached Ponyville and It’s Matthew’s Fault
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to MLP or any of its related mediums.

Stomach purging into the porcelain throne was not normal on Princess Twilight’s agenda, but the last few weeks would say otherwise. “Alright Matthew! I’ll go to the doctor!” she snapped before the stallion could say anything from her purple covers.

“Sounds like a plan. Want me to go with you?”

“No. I’ll be fine,” she responded with a sigh before standing on her hooves. “I’ve got a few items to go through for the Equestrian Games. Are you sure you don’t wanna go? I’ve got an extra seat with your name on it.”

“You’re horn’s glowing,” Matthew pointed out, eyeing the phallic glowing object. They continued to stare at each other before he reconsolidated. “I don’t have a choice do I?”

“No you do not.”

“Agh,” Matthew took a pillow, pressing the soft material against his muzzle.

“Great,” the purple alicorn cheered up instantly before merrily leaving the room to see what Spike made for breakfast.

The answer was blueberry pancakes. Matthew joined them shortly. The only female in the house noticed that Spike was engaging Matthew in casual conversation about comic books. She could only roll her eyes as the little dragon drew out the upcoming plot for the Power Ponies’ current crossover event called ‘Civil War.’

Why were the Power Ponies being broken in half? What were the politics behind the Hero Registration Act? Why were the Range Saddler and Masked Matter-horn being douches?

Twilight didn’t really care, but Spike did and a few bits put on top of his allowance would make him the happiest dragon in the world.

As for Matthew… he can buy whatever he wants to, she didn’t care what he did half the time.

After a stack of eight pancakes, the mare made her way across town with a little skip in her step. The ponies were happy and singing in this bustling morning to Matthew’s continuous threats to ‘shut up or face extinction.’

The hospital tried to be comforting, but the sterilized chill pulled any comfort from the air for the purple guest. She could only sit on the cold plastic seat waiting for the receptionist to call her name or for the ticking off the clock to drive her insane in the cold teal lounge.Which one would happen first?

“Princess Sparkle,” the unimpressed voice called into the waiting room.

With a bored sigh, Twilight quickly followed the nurse to the observation room. It bore a similar sterile colors and smell as the last room with a tall plastic mattress to sit on. The material was cold against her flank. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long as Doctor Stable entered.

The unicorn was flipping through the papers in front of his eyes as he asked, “Princess Sparkle, how are you today?”

“Hanging in there.”

“Yes, it seems you’ve suffered from repeated stomach sickness for the past two weeks,” he turned his eyes toward the Princess of Friendship, “Could you elaborate further?”

“Yes,” she began, “It’s been happening every few mornings. I wake up and I’m suddenly hit with this nauseous feeling. I go to the bathroom and sometimes I vomit. Most of the time it’s just bile and I have to make room for Matthew.”

The doctor raised a confused eyebrow, “What’s wrong with Mr. Matthew?”

“He’s an alcoholic.”

With a flash of magic, Stable summoned a colorful pamphlet, “There is a weekly group meeting for addiction available.”

The purple mare cringed, “Yeah I’m not trying that again.”

“What happened?”

“He blew up the roof of my library,” the mare rubbed her forelegs together. “He didn’t take to the idea.”

“Yes,” the professional doctor said slowly, banishing the evil parchment to whatever PC hell it came from. “Well, please lay back and I’ll perform a quick scan.”

The mare obliged watching the waves of green magic flow over her relaxed form. When she sat back up, the older stallion wore a rather confused expression. “Um, Princess Sparkle… have you had intercourse recently?”

“Um… I had a few dalliances with Matthew, but we were safe. He wore a condom,” she was quick to point out that fact.

“Except for the first night that woke up the entire town…”

“Oh… you heard that,” her purple cheeks burned red at the comment.

“Yes… but moving onto the main issue with your stomach, have you heard of morning sickness?” the doctor tried to use a little tact with his wording.

“Well yeah, that what mare get when they’re…


“Yes,” Dr. Stable nodded with a hopeful smile, “Congratulations, you’re-“


“Um, Princess Sparkle the test doesn’t lie. You’re pre-“


“Are you alright, Princess?” the stallion asked, slowly backing towards the door as purple light began to bleed into the environment.

“I’m going to kill him. Then I’m going to bring him back to life just to kill him again.”

The stallion knew that the cold, emotionless tone was not only a warning sign of danger, but a sign to flee with his life and sanity from the vengeful mare. “Good luck with that. Be sure to stop by the nurse’s office to schedule your check-up. Bye.”

The stallion slammed the door and took off down the pristine hall like a bat out of hell screaming at the top of his lungs, “Code Purple Ponies! Code Purple!” The hotel was filled with the cries of alarm and fear.

If there was a deity watching over the defenseless ponies, they were gracious enough to give Twilight’s rage a target: Matthew.

0 0 0

Matthew and the little dragon Spike lounged about lazily on the plush cushions in the center of the library. Both had their legs raised over the back of the couch, comic books held in front of their faces. The purple dragon was enjoying the pre-Civil War comic, unready for the disappointment the comic event would be. The movie turned out so much better, but there wasn’t as much bitter regret as there should be. None at all.

The pony next to the dragon was enjoying a comic that included a large stallion on the cover, the front of his chest emblazoned with a white skull. The title ‘The Punisher’ stood bold against the dark grey coat of the pony and the darker background. “How’s the comic Spike?”

“Pretty good, how’s yours?”

“Gotta admit, a little too PG for my tastes. I miss the Punisher from my world, especially the work of Garth Ennis on Punisher MAX. That’s how you make an antihero,” the stallion slowly turned the page.

“That’s cool. Can I read that when you’re done?” the dragon asked.

“As long as Twilight’s not looking,” the other male pointed out.

“Sweet,” responded his little buddy. The two were quite enjoying the free day without the compulsiveness of their purple overlord and ruler hovering over their heads.

But all good things must end.

In a flash of purple light, the sky cracked open above the hospital. The stones of the very earth itself shook in utter fear. The wind screamed, flowing away from the abomination above the medical facility. Pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns flew through the air, their screams lost in the howling of the wind. Bright violet light spilled from a warping of time and space from the center point above the facility. The light shifted, contorting itself into the warped visage of Twilight Sparkle.

From Canterlot, Celestia looked out the decorated window of the palace keep. The same light flooded through the glass, giving her a perfect view of her student’s magical avatar.

When she opened her mouth, rocks crumbled, trees shook and the world felt the coming of Armageddon. “Matthew! Tremble in despair! You’re reckoning has arrived and I am the destroyer! You will experience pain and suffering unlike anything you have ever known! I will hunt you to the end of the earth and into the stars! It is useless to flee or fight! I will bring upon you the destruction of unknown eons! Fear me!”

Celestia slowly backed away from the shattered window. Her skippered hooves ground and cracked the fragments of glass under her, “I’m gunna stay out of this one.” Quickly and quietly the Princess of the Sun fled to her panic room. Luckily for her the thick steel walls and magic wards would protect her and her precious cakes from the evil Matthew had unleashed upon Equestria, “That poor bastard.”

Spike looked to the shattered window, then to the golden pony. The pony asked, “How mad is she?”

The dragon took a moment to think, “I… really don’t know. I’ve never seen her this mad before.” His reptilian green eye, turned back to the violet light spilling into the room, “If I had to guess, I’d say ‘you’re f****d’.”

The pony turned his dark eyes towards the door. The light was burning around the door in an unsettling way. The wood appeared to be burning under such intense light, as if some horrible goddess was drawing out the tension in this situation. “Buddy, I think you’re right.”

When the words slipped from his lips, the thick wooden door turned dark before falling into itself. An avalanche of ash blew through the room, leaving a sad trail of what was once a good door.

What entered was so bright that even with his eyes closed Matthew could still see the Twilight’s outline. The library tree shuttered. Books of all sizes flew through the air.

Spike jumped towards Matthew, wrapping his stubby arms around the only solid thing not flying around the room. The dragon watched the furniture soon follow everything not nailed down to the floor. The stallion was upright, looking at the purple mare through his eyelids.

“Matthew, son of the damned! How do you plead?” the choir of unholy sounds hit both males’ ears, so far from the preferred vocals of his mare.

The stallion wet his lips, tasting the air. It was a mixture of spicy rage, sour resentment, thick desperation with a light hint of lavender. He was a stallion of many talents,All two of them.He could punch or he could take a situation on with the greatest of graces. “What’d I do now?” That last bit was a lie, but he felt a little bit of back patting was needed in the face of annihilation.

“You know what you have done!”

“Uh… no I don’t! You went to the hospital and didn’t want me to go with you!”

“Oh… Well that is beside the point! You will face judgment for your crimes! For through me is the city of woe, Through me the despair of everlasting darkness,” the power of her voice was so great that the stallion felt his hooves dragging against the floor away from their source.

“Okay!” he snapped, “I may not have read Dante’s Inferno, but a lot of people have quoted it to me to say I’m evil and I sure as hell know you quoted it improperly. Next, what crimes? It’s all generalized BS with you. Talk normally you crazy bitch!”

Normally, he knew it was a bad idea to argue with a crazy woman. Especially when woman said could eviscerate him. However, this was a special case. If he would die, he’d at least laugh all the way to hell.I’d rather hang with the sinners, than hang with the saints.

“You’re crimes include the conception of Life!” her voice tore chunks out of the wall, her fury building with every word.

The stallion could only stare at her for a long time, “Uh… What?”

She snorted, sending streaks of magic from her nostrils, searing into the wood and searing its polished surface. “I am pregnant and you are the father!”

The facial features of the stallion shifted, going from annoyed to blank. He stared at the ragging alicorn in silence. The words rattled around in his simple mind, trying to process the sequence of events that lead to this and the words uttered by the purple mare.

“I-I’m gonna be a dad?” were all that he could manage from his mind as it tried furiously to melt into a puddle of grey matter and leak out his ears.

“Yes and now that you understa-“

“Don’t interrupt! That’s rude!” he snapped, causing the mare to flinch in shock.

She was in control of the situation. She would deliver the fate of one thousands suns on his head. She would control how this turned out.

Matthew continued, “And you’re carrying the baby?”

“Yes and now you wil-“

“Shuff it, Dark Purple Mistress of Magical doom!” again the stallion refused to let her continue her monologue. “That means…”

The three remained in the same positions. Twilight full of fury in the doorway, Matthew looking at her through the lids of his eyes and Spike wrapped rightly around his neck. His bladder had already released at the shear amount of power his caregiver was exuding and didn’t know if she would know he was still there.

“I’m going to be a Father!”

The sheer joy caught the other two completely by surprise. So much so, that the raging Princess of Friendship forgot her rage. The magic fell from her, revealing a frazzled alicorn looking at the only partner she had ever had smiling with so much joy. Faster than she could perceive, his lips pressed against hers. Her eyes were wide, her lips unable to respond at the sudden flip of the situation.

He broke the contact, his eyes still closed, “Love you babe! I’ve gotta tell everybody!”

The purple dragon, released his grip, sliding to the floor as the golden pony jumped out the room, screaming at the top of his lung, “Hey, f***wads! I’m gonna be a dad! I banged Twilight and I’m gonna be a dad! Isn’t that wonderful” When no one cheered at the happy news, he yelled, “Cheer or else I finish the job Twilight started!”

“Yeah,” came the forced cheers from the ponies that remained in their homes or pulling themselves from the craters in the ground or walls.

The shocked mare shakily moved next to her Number One Assistant, taking a seat on the ashen floor. Her limbs were shaking as she began to contemplate the realization that she was going to be a mother. She wasn’t ready for this. She had so many things on her plate. A baby at this time would destroy her perfect schedule and orderly life. There was a darker fear in there. She didn’t know how to be a mother. Would she be a good mom? Would she make a mistake and the baby resent her for her transgressions? What was she going to do?”

“So,” the dragon asked, taking a seat next to his caregiver. He wrapped one of his arms around her back, “Congrates on the baby. You’ll do great.” He put as much emphasis as he could feeling the happiness that he was alive and Twilight was having a baby.

“Will I Spike?” she turned to him, dark lines lining under her eyes as she calculated all of the possibilities at her failure and meticulously picturing each and every one. One of those included eating cupcakes and exploding because Pinkie Pie forgot that her ‘Super-duper Exploding Cupcakes’ have been banned in Equestria after the failed Los Pegasus party that ended in 30 ponies suffering from blackened faces and ringing ears. No fatalities, but Twilight knew it could happen. Her paranoia whispered the daunting dark thoughts and possible failures.

“Sure you will.”

His voice broke the purple pony from her reveries, finding his eyes willed with admirations. “You raised me, remember.”

That touching though, quelled the raging mind of Twilight Sparkle and she wrapped a foreleg around her little dragon, “Thanks Spike. You’re the best.”

“I know, but I could hear that more often,” he said smoothly, raising his eyebrows in amusement. She just patted him on the head with a light chuckle. She’d have to apologize to the town and make it up to the ponies and her friends, but right now was all that was important.

Her purple eyes looked out at the beautiful day, knowing she had a busy day ahead of her. The voice of her unusual partner could still be her, “Oh S**t! I need a ring! I can’t marry a woman after the baby’s born! That’s what my parents did! I’ve got to marry this bitch before the baby’s born!”

“You’re damn right!” Matthew heard the voice of Twilight, now normal and not causing the lives of these ponies to flash before their eyes.

“Oh my god!” She heard through the empty doorframe, “I’m getting married! Someone buy me a drink! We need to celebrate!” Several groans of pain and annoyance met the announcement, his response was thus, “Hey! Shut up or I’ll hit you!”

“No,” some unfortunate stallion responded.

“Ow!” the purple alicorn winced at the sound of hoof meeting flesh and the cries of pain filling the air. She could only sigh, knowing that even more was about to be pilled on her plate.