• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 14,070 Views, 375 Comments

A Demon In Ponyville - Terciel1249

Mathew fell into Equestria after being cast out by mankind. With no way to return home, Mathew will have to find his way in this land of talking multicolored ponies.

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Insert Broken Phallic Image Here

A Demon in Ponyville
Ch. 32: Insert Broken Phallic Image Here
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to MLP or any of its related medium.

Twilight stood before the great centaur Tirek. The sun cast his heavy shadow over her small frame. She stood before a mountain, his magic almost chocking the air with its presence.

Owlowiscious flew from her protective arms to give her space. It was safer for him to be as far away from the rage centaur as possible.

“Oh, I see how it is! You save the owl! But not me!”

Oh crap,the purple alicorn cringed. A blast of black energy exploded in Tirek’s face, the skacking of the earth next to his best lady announcing the rival of Matthew.

His dark eyes bore into the side of Twilight’s head, “Well?”

The purple pony mustered the most adorable puppy eyes she could, turning towards him, “I’m sorry.”

My heart,the stallion tried to be angry, but his heart was trying desperately to burst from his chest. “Fine. So who’s this clown?” he motioned to the centaur.

The great beast shook his head to clear of smoke.

“Evil magic stealer,” she quickly responded.

Before the golden pony could speak she teleported away in a flash of purple light and now stood before Tirek. He was taken aback at the sudden burst of multicolored light from her horn. The next surprise was the massive explosion of magic blasting into the red and black creature.

Tirek’s magic pushed against the small pony’s by covering himself in a glowing orange shield. The white light covered by flashing blues, yellow and purple soon surrounded him, engulfing both giant and shield. The earth vaporized as she put more and more magic into the attack until it completely engulfed her enemy.

Finally, the purple princess ended the powerful strike. With so much magic running through her, she felt a little light headed. Her focused turned on the stallion that suddenly appeared out of thin air next to her, “Ok… How’d you get this strong? Was it the God Hand? I bet it was the God Hand.”

Before she could speak, Tirek roared charging the magic between his horns. Twilight and Matthew turned toward the centaur, muscles tensing ready to spring. She vanished is a flash of purple, appearing directly in front of the beast. Her horn flared bright.

He looked down at the alicorn princess. In that split second, a hoof of dark energy smashed into his face.

The gold stallion felt the impact, but something was wrong. With that amount of force, the centaur’s jaw should have been broken. Something inside the wannabe kaiju metal album cover pushed against the Power inside his hoof and effectively decreased the damage.

Twilight unleashed her magic into Tirek’s monkey face. The stallion shot forward, driving both dark and crystal hoof into the titan’s face. Said titan reeled back, taking several steps with his building crushing hooves.

Before the two ponies could react, a bright orange aura covered their bodies. With a shout, Tirek threw the pair with all of his might. The roar of the wind filled their ears before a mountain was kind enough to stop their momentum. Twilight’s magic offered her some cushion as her body created a deep crater into the side of the mountain. Her coltfriend was not so lucky as his body was plunged into stone.

She turned to the deep cavern, “Are you okay?”

The sound of grinding rocks met her purple ears, before Matthew answered, “Okay. That hurt.”

“AGH!” she turned towards Tirek. The giant was flying through the air towards her at full speed.

His horns drove Twilight and then Matthew through the collection of mineral and into fresh air. Thinking quickly the purple alicorn teleported above the centaur, her horn ignited brightly. The stallion slammed his hooves together. The explosion of blue fire burned Tirek’s face.

She unleashed all of her magic into the titan’s back. The earth embraced both males in a rocky tomb. The rock vibrated violently as the purple pony landed.

The ground before her exploded in orange and blue light, throwing her into the air. With her magic, the princess was right herself finding the gold stallion dragging Tirek by the noise ring into the air. With a roar he flipped the centaur onto his back and into the earth.

Taking the distraction, Twilight unleashed a massive volley of spells. Each impacted the giant body, covering it with light. More and more built up until a pure dome of magic engulfed ever inch of the centaur. With the lightest flick of purple aura, she ignited the spell.

What followed was the equivalent of a nuclear strike, mushroom shaped explosion and everything but with rainbows.

With a few flaps of her wings, she landed on the ground. Her eyes were focused on the smoking crater of molten rock. Her stallion joined her, his dark eyes scanning the smoke. He could feel Tirek inside.

A strong draft of wind blew the smoke away, revealing a dusty centaur getting to his hooves. The ground simmered against his large hooves. The random scuff marks and scratches glowed slightly. Soon the light disappeared along with the damage.

“Hmmmm,” the giant hummed to himself. His dark eyes were focused on the pair with such hatred that Matthew could taste.

It taste like sulfur and brimstone with a hint of lime,the gold alicorn’s muscles tensed, ready to spring.

“It seems I have underestimated both of you,” Tirek’s gravelly voice rumbled through the air.

“Oh god,” the stallion muttered, “The villain monologue.”

“Unfortunately for you, I have an ace in the hole,” with a snap of his red fingers, six orbs of translucent came into existence around the giant horns.

Twilight gasped in horror at the sight of her friends, Spike, and oddly enough at Discord. They were slumped inside their imprisoning spheres. The eyes were drained of color along with their magic and cutie marks.

“How about a trade?” the giant offered with a sickening smile. “Your friends for all of the alicorn magic.”

Her purple eyes moved from one face to the next. Her friends begged her not to give up. Matthew’s eyes were on her, memorizing the fear and hopelessness creeping into the wrinkles around her eyes and the corner of her mouth. He knew what she would do. He would have to do the same. The amount of magic flowing through Tirek allowed the monster to withstand and heal from even the greatest of attacks.

He’d have to follow her lead, because if he didn’t, she’d get hurt. He wasn’t fast enough to save them. He didn’t know anything about magic to free her friends. He couldn’t so blatantly harm Twilight. They’d have to bide their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike at Tirek.

The pair of ponies flew down to stand before the centaur, Twilight calling out, “I’ll give up my magic as long as you release my friends… and Discord.”

“Disord? Really?” the monkey faced giant asked with a note of genuine surprise, “Why not leave him? He did betray you and your friends remember.”

The Princess of Friendship stood resolute against the criticism, “Discord too… and no you do not get a choice,” she snapped at her coltfriend.

“Fine,” he huffed in exasperation.

“Good,” the centaur’s voice rumbled from deep within his chest, shaking the earth and sky.

To Matthew’s confusion, the titan began to inhale loudly drawing in as much air as possible. A strange sensation overtook the stallion. Something was being pulled from the center of his forehead. The feeling began to intensify. His dark eyes caught sight of a red blistering aura leaching from his horn.

It was a strange feeling. It was as if something itchy was being extracted out of his body. The more red being drained from his body, the more free it felt. The magic being extracted felt as if all of his muscles were being freed for the first time. This aura, this poison was holding him back. And for the first time since the day his true name was made, he felt free.

He turned, his dark eyes finding Twilight. Her eyes were grey and she could barely stand. The bubbles enclosing the rest of the Mane Six and Discord popped and their occupants collided painfully with the ground.

Tirek’s body exploded in size and power. Lightning and bursts of orange power exploded from the expanding man/horse crossbreed. The mares and draconequus rushed towards their friends. Pinkie Pie screaming, “He’s roid-ing out!”

The mares plus baby dragon clamped onto Twilight in an effort to comfort her and crush the lone stallion in their group hug. Discord stood away from them, his lion claw wrapping around the necklace Tirek gave him. The necklace was a physical representation of his betrayal.

“I’m sorry,” his voice broke through to the ponies.

The ground rumbled ominously, fissure reaching out as the giant continued to rise in power and his physical presence.

The draconequus pulled the necklace from his long neck and offered it to Twilight. The ponies were surprised. Some held anger in their eyes. He continued, “I’m sorry about all of this. I thought I wanted freedom. Instead, I was just manipulated into thinking he understood me and wanted to be friends.Thiswas a lie. It’s not a sign of gratitude and loyalty. More importantly, I betrayed you… my friends.” Discord placed the medallion around Twilight’s neck, “But this is a sign of friendship, at least when I say it.”

All eyes were on the necklace, a shiver of rainbow rippling across the cold metal surface. “The key,” she muttered, looking up at the taller God of Chaos. She felt elated. Now they had the final key, “We need to get to the chest.”

“Now, for the grand finale!” The roar shook the very heavens themselves. The mountain of a beast raised one of his hooves to crush the opposition. It was the size of an entire village. The flat grey surface came rushing down at the group.

There was nowhere to go. The other ponies, baby dragon and Spirit of Chaos were not fast enough to flee the area of impact. Pinkie Pie wrapped her limbs around the entire group except for one. At the same time, she was making Stretch Armstrong a very jealous action figure.

The hoof struck, splitting stone and earth. The fissures reached to each corner of the valley, hundreds of feet of damage that revealed the various layers of mineral deposits.

The girls and Spike were screaming loudly. Their high pitched voices mixed inside the stallion’s ears, but he had to ignore the pain in his ears. All that mattered was holding up this mountain of beast. The weight was excruciating, pushing his golden hooves into the soft earth.

“If you’re all done trying to deafen me,” his growl of a voice broke through the screaming, “Can you kindly get the hell away from here.”

All eyes turned to the stallion, his muscles straining against the sheer weight of the literal mountain of centaur. Taking control of the situation, Twilight turned to her friends and Discord, “Quick girls! We need to get to the box!”

With that slightly command, the group ran as fast as their hooves/claws/paws would take them. Her coltfriend’s words followed behind them, “Twi you really need to work on that sexist attitude of yours. Not everybody has a vagina. Don’t worry, after I’m done with this a**hat we can get the help you need.”

“Shouldn’t you be fighting more than mocking me?!”

With a powerful strike, Matthew’s right hoof exploded with power. Tirek yelled, taking an instinctive step back as his front hoof burned. “Don’t think I can’t do both… I am quite the mutitasker!” the stallion smiled vengefully, disappearing in a displacement of air to deliver a powerful right hoof to Tirek’s monkey face.

“Ah!” the giant screamed, gathering energy between his horns.

The irritating stallion appeared at the base of one of his horns, slamming his hooves together. The resulting shockwave of blue fire burned the top of the giant’s head and blinded him with bright light and pain.

Tirek roared, reaching up to grab the annoying former human.

Said human swiftly disappeared before those building sized fingers intertwined to crush him. A solid kick into the knee sent the centaur down on one knee. Snarling, Tirek swung a meaty fist out to strike Matthew, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

A sharp tug on the massive horns sent a nearby hill into the villain’s vision. Said hill was not appreciative of the contact and was very abrasive to Tirek’s sudden advances.

The gold stallion hovered above the giant, watching him struggle with pulling his face out of the earth’s cold embrace. When his opponent finally managed the free himself, the stallion cocked an eye, “Huh… not my best work, but considering the subject of this piece I’d say it’s close to perfect for you.”

Unfortunately for the pony, Tirek was not amused. With a roar, he sent out orange and red electricity shooting through the air in all directions. Trees burst into flame. The ground was cut several feet deep. The grass turned black. Thousands upon thousands of spears of voltage converged through the air.

The gold alicorn was thrown from the sky by the equivalent of Zeus’s thunderbolt at the speed of sound into the ground.


The great titan snorted in derision, a thick cloud of steam billowing from each nostril. He began to turn, the hills and plains shaking with his every move.

“Of course you know,” the centaur stopped, turning back to the alicorn shaped hole in the dirt, “This means war.”

A large chunk of stone and earth exploded towards Tirek. With a flicker of his magic, he blasted the makeshift projectile into dust. That did not stop the enraged pony smashing at full speed into the center of his forehead.

With reckless abandonment, Matthew continued to drill into the center of the centaur’s forehead. His fists pummeled against the thick skull. He couldn’t feel the pain in his hooves. To be quite honest, he didn’t feel much outside of the high frequency tingling flowing through his veins and muscles.

Tirek’s massive head slowly began to bend backwards. Thick veins and muscles bulged, trying to stay upright. But Matthew was running at full speed and he felt great. His muscles and soul just felt alive. It was as if some weight was lifted off of him and he was going to deliver the most epic beat down in the history of Equestria.

Bar none.

No matter how much Tirek’s neck and back protested, his horned head continued to bend unnaturally. Pain shot up and down the titan’s body increasing as the angle between humanoid spine met the equine one.

In a last desperate move, the giant strained to pull power into his horns and focused all of his attention on the lone pony.

Matthew flew up as soon as the magic began to pool in an attempt to gain distance. This was a mistake as his opponent quickly straightened up and unleashed all hell on him. His golden fur body was completely engulfed in a roar of red and orange light.

“Hot! Hot! Hot!” the pony screamed, his arms instinctively folded in front of his body.

Such power pummeled the false alicorn, pushing him higher into the stratosphere. Chunks of fur and skin flew off of him. The open wounds sizzled as the magic tore at his body. Trying to think quickly, he leaned towards the right, trying to force his body out of the line of fire. More and more power unloaded on the stallion burning him with such anger and hate. His lungs began to burn as the magic tore at his very being.

Finally he broke through to fresh air. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he spun and threw of bolt of black energy.

“ARGH!” screamed the giant, stomping as he rubbed his injured eye.

Didn’t aim there, but who cares. Not me, that’s for sure,the stallion flew down onto the burnt, black earth.

Tirek turned to him, veins threatening to burst free from his forehead, “How? How are you so strong? You should be nothing! You are nothing! I am-“Oh no… It’s the hissy fit.“- the superior being! I have taken all of the power from all of the ponies, from their gods! Who are you to stand against me?!?” Across the soft breeze of the wind, only Tirek’s labored breath could be heard.

“Are you done?”

The stallion’s voice only grated the centaur. That voice threatened to burst all of the blood vessels in his brain, “I’m going to kill you. I will make it as slow and as painful as I can.”

“Cool, cool,” the stallion rolled his shoulders, wincing when he realized a chunk of his shoulder was missing. “There’s just one problem with that.”

“And what is that?” the grinding of the giant’s teeth rattled the earth, causing the dirt and pebbles to vibrate in a strange and exotic dance of hatred.

“You’re not a superior being,” the pony’s smile was something Tirek could only place as the three way stop between cruelty, madness and Sinicism. It was a look so outlandish and crazy that Discord felt the chaos like a shot to the heart.

“Oh dear, we are in trouble,” the draconequus muttered to himself.

Tirek watched as the pony took a peculiar stance on his hind hooves. The muscles flexed under the golden fur. Blood vessels pulsed against his skin, making themselves visible under the layers of fur.

To the surprise of the centaur, a mighty wind burst from the smaller pony. It felt as if a hurricane was unleashing its rapid furry from within the body of flesh and bone. The pony’s voice rose above the chaos of the wind.

The wind speeds increased as Matthew pushed further against his own physical bonds. Power was building, sending a wave of pressure out into the world. The mountains trembled, the sky darkened in response to the oncoming storm. The tides churned violently, swelling and bashing against the shore of Equestria. Ponies limped and crawled to safety as the tremors, winds and a lone stallion’s voice rose.

The giant took a step back, the building pressure and power forcing back.

This should not be happening. The same thought rolling though the giant’s head over and over again. The power only continued to grow without hesitation along with the shout.

But it did not remain a shout. It was turning into a scream of pain. The centaur watched the muscles pulse against their flesh confines as the pony’s strength reached to his true heights.

Glass from the tall buildings in Manehatten cracked and showered the asphalt and concrete turf. Shining Armor limply pulled himself into his palace, the walls were shaking and there were worried voice echoed through the crystal chambers.What on earth could be causing this,the white stallion thought to himself.

Good lord, the lungs on that boy,thought Tirek absentmindedly as Matthew’s voice continued to scream into the heavens.

Every fiber of the pony’s being was ablaze, casting bright light onto the broken and burnt landscape. His horn was the unusual sight. The hollow cone appeared to be cracking. Bright light was spilling from the fractures running down the calcium formation.

He could feel the power. It was just like before, the rising tension and pain into his body. He was reaching that point, the height of his being. Matthew felt it within his very soul the power he was denied since coming to Equestria. It was intoxicating and made his head swim.

Now he will show the world just how powerful he really was.

”Lord Tirek,”boomed the combined voices of six mares.

What the…Matthew’s brain stuck on the rising ball of rainbow light behind the centaur. Twilight and her friends floated, their magic pulsing bright in the dim light. What surprised both males the most was the new appearance the Mane Six had.What in the actual Hell? They look so stupid.

The lone stallion’s power fled from him, trying to process the ridiculous big hair, extra rainbow colored markings on their forelegs and Cutie Marks.There just… so much going on there. It’s like the Magic of Friendship Twilight’s always spouting about decided to take a book from Anime and pick the most ridiculous hair it could with more color.


Just no.

”You have disrupted the balance of these lands,” the Main Six said in unison, “You will be punished for your transgressions against the forces of Planet Gaia.

What Matthew saw next just fried his brain. The giant centaur he was going to beat up was being beaten by rainbow magic. “That’s not fair.”

Tirek screamed as the magic he stole was forcefully expunged from his body, causing him to shrink rapidly. And quite painfully from the screaming monkey face.

“That’s not fair.”

The centaur continued to wither, until he was little more than skin and bones. Twilight and her friends banished the fiend to Tartarus, bringing back the banished princesses.

“That’s not fair! That was my kill!”

Matthew’s words were left unheard under the roar of magic rushing across the sky. Each pony felt their magic return to them. Their Cutie Marks appearing on their flanks as strength returned to their bodies.

The gold stallion was not so happy when the wasp of red aura made its way to his smoking blackened horn. The red miasma forced its way into his head. Like a lance of electricity, it shot through his brain into his body.

He collapsed onto the ground. The magic pushed through his veins. Feeling like acid was working its way into his system and was trying to kill him. “This hurts, so much. Still pissed about Tirek. Damnit Twilight.”

Speak of the devil and she appeared in all of her silly colorful appearance. “Sweet Celestia!” she screamed, scrambling over to Matthew and taking his head into her forelegs, “Are you alright?” Her purple eyes scanned the various burn marks and missing bits of Matthew’s body, noticing the penitent horse wearing the crown of thorns materializing on his flank.

“I don’t think magic likes me.”

“How?” she asked, trying to work her brain about the strange news.

Before she could move him, the mystery cube shot into the air in a cacophony of light and flew towards Ponyville. The ponies watched the seed disappear into the earth. Without much warning, a mighty crystal tree burst from the fertile soil to form a glistening structure that stood high above the thatch rooftops.

“A castle,” Twilight mumbled numbly, trying to process the sequence of events. First she looked down to her stallion, her horn glowing. “Don’t worry Matthew. I’ll get you help. Then-“

“Oh just put me in a bed at the sparkling castle,” he groaned, “Screw the hospital. I just need sleep, food and maybe a little nookie.” The stallion winked at the purple alicorn.

Said mare couldn’t handle the randomness of the gesture. She smiled widely, “You’re the worst. You know that right?”

“And yet you’re marrying me. It’s funny how things turn out.”

With a laugh and her friends in tow, Twilight made her way to her new castle with her stallion held aloft with her magic.

0 0 0

Deep into the Badlands, the King of Shadows waited in the throne room of previous queens. His eyes were closed, his horn glowing a dark purple as he continued to scry across the land. In his mind’s eye, Sombra saw the ponies rebuilding from Tirek’s attack.

His red eyes shot open as the thick doors to the throne room. Trakeena slowly made her way into the darkened room. In her green magic was a rather unassuming object. It was barely as round as his hoof, made of brown stone.

He knew the new changeling queen had checked every image written across the stone’s surface. She would have inspected every hieroglyphic on all sides before she would bring it to him.

“Here’s your bobble,” the female changeling’s voice was cold, the absence of emotion.

“Thank you kindly,” the King smiled, his sharp teeth flashing in the poor light. He took it within his hooves, inspecting to make sure it was in one piece. Not that he expected any. The changelings were an industrious race and they knew how to follow orders.

Trakeena turned, saying over her shoulder, “Our business has concluded. Leave my home and never return.”

“Don’t you want to know what this is?” Sombra’s scathing voice almost drove the young queen to murderous rage by how it implied she was still a child.


“But this is such a unique piece of history,” he continued, sounding like an enthusiastic teacher reaching his most favorite subject. “This piece belongs to a long lost tribe of ponies from the distant past. The tribe spoke of the Great War between the pony gods and the multi-limbed creature of Chaos. They spoke of how the alicorns and the draconequus fought for this world, using the very sky themselves. They broke the sun, the mood and the earth. Magic poisoned the lands, twisting it into something deadly. Many died and they had no power to stop it.”

Sombra held the item up to eye level, “In their despair, the alicorns, their gods, gave them a gift before they returned to the heavens. Or as the ancient scrolls say, escape Samsara. They gave them one of their own, a pony to control the movement of the heavens. To deal with the rampant magic, he used such a talisman to consume it. He kept this piece around his neck, even when he was felled by the Last Son of Chaos. You may know him as Celestia’s and Luna’s father, but to Discord he was the destroyer of his race. His talisman was collected by his daughters when they were old enough to face Discord.”

Trakeena waited in silence, wanting nothing more than to leave or remove the dark King. “And what does this have to do with you?”

“That’s easy,” he smiled, looking directly at her, “With a little tinkering, I can take and seal more than just rampant magic. I can seal the princesses and much more with it.”

“You plan is to remove the princesses and Discord,” she hummed unimpressed, “I think Tirek just did that. That didn’t end well for him.”

“You forgot the more part,” pointed out the grey stallion, “the important part is what I can do with it.” With a flicker of dark magic, Sombra implanted the disk directly into his barrel.

Trakeena’s horn glowed green, readying to strike the unicorn dead.

Sombra’s grey flesh appeared to shift. It twisted and turned around the talisman as if it was less than flesh. His eyes burned brighter as his formed shifted and churned, “Since I’m an Umbra, my body is stuck between the physical and magical.”

Trakeena’s green magic hit the pony, tearing through his flesh without much resistance. Said magic shot out the other side, leaving a trail of red blood.

But Sombra did not fall.

He smiled, his flesh glowing an ominous color beyond the changelings comprehension. “My flesh can mix with the magic inside this device and make it may own.”

He moved towards the changeling, more bolts of green slicing through him like a hot knife through butter. “That also means things like, love and life itself.” With a nimble grey hoof, he grabbed the changeling queen’s horn.

She was wondering where her guards were and why they were not charging in like they were ordered. The answer was Sombra’s glowing horn, “Now if you don’t want me to leave you the only surviving changeling of your hive, you will serve me. Any questions?”

Trakeena turned her eyes, she knew she had made a mistake. The explosive spell didn’t go off the moment Sombra’s hoof had touched the disk and the twenty guards had been incapacitated without so much as a chance to fight back. She knew the spell had stuck, but the moment Sombra touched the stone surface, it just vanished.

The King of Shadow’s enjoyed the furious look in the young changeling’s eyes. He felt sick pleasure in watching the fear of loss wiggle its way into those eyes.

“That’s a good girl. Now I have a throne to take and if you’re good, you can have a few ponies to drain for love.”

Comments ( 14 )

Dammit, going through a badass transformation and then a Harmony ex Machina just had to show up :c

Sombra has a magic sealing artifact? Matthew can call dips on this one. He was desperate to unleash his true power.

I wonder where Chrysalis gone to? And what will she do knowing all other changelings are now under Sombra's control?

Chapter 25. I don't want to spoil anything I. The comments

Taking the distraction, Twilight unleashed a massive volley of spells. Each impacted the giant body, covering it with light. More and more built up until a pure dome of magic engulfed ever inch of the centaur. With the lightest flick of purple aura, she ignited the spell.


They broke the sun, the mood and the earth.

Is this supposed to be moon?
Excellent chapter by the way! :pinkiehappy:

Greetings from Gozer the Gohzarian and Mr Stay Puft.

Nuuu this is enjoyable and it’s over for now! I can’t wait to see more so for now thanks for the awesome read!

What followed was the equivalent of a nuclear strike, mushroom shaped explosion and everything but with rainbows.

Who needs rainbow lasers when you can have rainbow nuclear explosions, amiright?

I love this story

Please don't tell me this story is dead it's really good

Any new chapter this year? :fluttershysad:

You've most likely already heard similar comments to this, but i am curious wether or not you currently have any new chapter planned or partially finished for this story?

Still waiting for next chapter

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