• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 10,162 Views, 677 Comments

A Different Sunset - Evowizard25

The dark bites, as the Equestrian saying goes. It bites, it devours, it destroys, but it can't really do any of that, can it? Sunset isn't going to take any chances.

  • ...

Part 9: Selfless Acts

Spike groaned in pain as he groggily returned to the land of consciousness. Sparks of residue magic flicked across his scales, doing nothing else but irritate him. He wasn’t a stranger to being mishandled with the stuff, black magic aside. Sunset used him often to…relieve her stress, so to speak. ‘If only it was Sunset,’ He thought grudgingly….His eyes flew open at the thought. Boundless waves of worry washed over him. He remembered walking into the forest, seeing his sister scared out of her wits, the cultists wrapping him up in their magic, and his sister….

“SUNSET!” he cried out, hoping to hear his sister’s voice. Nopony answered. He’d be sweating in worry if he could sweat at all. He had to get to her; she was in danger. As he tried to jerk upwards, he quickly found himself indisposed as none of his limbs could move. ‘Why can’t I…’ He looked over at his arms and legs and found them encased in dark gray, metal gauntlets, keeping him still on top of a metal slab hovering a ways off the ground.

Spike snorted. “Obviously they haven’t dealt with an earth dragon before.” He smirked. Earth dragons were renowned for their strength and durability. Spike was sure that his captors hadn’t taken that into account. Spike grunted in effort, putting every ounce of his strength to the test as he tried to jerk his limbs off the slab… with no results. After a couple of minutes he fell back to the slab, panting in exhaustion. “I…don’t understand.”

“If you’ve lived as long as I have,” an eerily familiar, yet still terrifying voice said to him. “You’d quickly learn not to underestimate the strength of dragons.” The voice added extra venom to the word ‘dragon’. When Spike opened his mouth to spew forth fire, the voice cut him off. “And I wouldn’t if I were you. It’d be pointless, seeing as there is a bubble of flame retardant spells cast around you.”

Spike growled. Even though he was immune to magic, his body could still sense it. She was telling the truth. “Show yourself, coward. I won’t talk to somepony afraid to show their face.”

“My, my, my.” You could hear the contempt ooze from her voice. “Aren’t you the brave one?”

Spike prepared himself to face off against some nightmare cultist. His eyes widened in panic as the true mysterious being came into view. “Ni…Nightmare Moon.”

The incorporeal being grinned devilishly. “In the spirit.”

Spike’s mouth hung open and his eyes wide with shock. His mind reeled from the weight of situation crashing down on him. ‘Okay, let me recap. I’ve been captured by Nightmare Moon and fastened to a metal slab with no way out. This could go two ways….And seeing as I highly doubt Moon’s a tsundere, this isn’t going to be the pleasurable one.’

“Do you know why you’re here?” Nightmare Moon asked.

Spike attempted to shrug, but that proved fruitless. “Honestly, I’m surprised I’m still alive. You made it pretty clear you hate dragons back at the town hall.”

“Yes…Yes I do hate your kind and that’s why I spared you.”

Spike was silent for a moment. “Because you want to make up for your misguided hate?” The dragon sent her one of his most charming smiles. A little glimmer of hope sparked in his eyes.

“NO!” The daemon princess roared in his face. Her cheeks, or at least the ghostly image of her cheeks, were tinted a little red. “NOTHING LIKE THAT!” Taking a moment to calm herself, Nightmare Moon scowled. “I kept you alive as to play the final part in my summoning. You see, I’m not all here.”

‘No. Really?’ Spike thought and knew better than to say out loud.

“At the height of the planetary alignment, the realm of darkness will converge with this plain and I shall once again walk this earth. My armies of daemons and followers will tear apart the world you know and replace it with something…beautiful.” The mare of the moon sighed in bliss. “I will once and for all time take my rightful place as ruler of this world.”

“And you need me for…”

“Nothing more than a welcome gift.” Nightmare Moon sent him a predatory grin. “Travelling between realms of reality is a tiring affair. I shall need my strength when I eventually face my sister.” She traced a tendril over Spike’s cheek.

Spike didn’t move a muscle. The dragon just let his eyes follow the black tendril as it slid across his scales. He gulped, noticing the barked edge it possessed.

“The soul of a dragon shall make for a wonderful first meal…Don’t you agree?” Nightmare Moon asked.

Before Spike could respond, or even think of a response, another figure appeared in a cloud of darkness beside the metal slab. The figure, turning out to be Apostle, bowed his head. “Your Majesty.”

“What news do you bring me?” Nightmare Moon inquired.

“The locals are offering far more resistance than was anticipated,” Apostle explained.

“Then double your efforts and slaughter the lot.” Nightmare Moon peered over at Spike. “And leave me be. I’m busy…playing with my new toy.”

‘For once in my life, I don’t like where this is going,’ Spike thought.

“Our soldiers can’t push their advantage currently without support, Your Majesty,” Apostle said.

“Then send the Shadowbolts,” Nightmare Moon said with a tired groan. “They’ve been cooped up for too long. I’m sure a good massacre will get their blood going and show my other subjects how it’s done.”

“Your Majesty’s ideas are brilliant,” Apostle said devoutly.

Nightmare Moon beamed with pride. “They are, aren’t they? Yes…Now release the Shadowbolts and be quick of it.”

“It shall be done.”

“And what about the peasant interlopers?” Nightmare asked.

Spike’s ears swiveled closer to the duo, hoping to catch any information he could.

“They are scattered and far from our location,” Apostle said. “They are none of our concern anymore.”

“Be that as it may,” Nightmare’s gaze once again returned to Spike. “I wish to know why they went into the Everfree Forest in the first place. Surely they had some goal in mind….Keep tabs on them. I want to know they’re progress…or lack thereof.”

“As you wish,” and with no further ado, Apostle teleported away.

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “You best hope your compatriots are smart enough to leave this wretched forest. Else, I might have some fun with them.” She tossed her ethereal head back and cackled.

Spike, having had enough of this daemon, sent out a deep growl. “If you so much as touch one hair in my sister’s mane, I’ll tear you apart.”
Nightmare Moon went silent. She didn't move for what felt like an eternity. Finally, she looked at him with an astonished gaze. “You’re Sunset’s brother?”

Spike nodded.

“Celestia adopted you?”

Spike nodded once more.

“My sister made it where I have to call a dragon my kin?” Even though she was only a spirit, the color seemed to drain from her face.

Spike nodded again, giving out the hint of a smile. ‘Oh this is rich.’

“Excuse me…I need a moment.” The Mare of the Moon took off for the exit. She stopped to look at the three female soldier guarding the doorway. Each one of them was wearing fearsome, spiked black armor and carrying a spear. “Keep an eye on him.”

Spike was left in silence….

“THAT CRAZY MOTHERBUCKER MOCKS ME! I”LL KILL HER TO DEATH!” The goddess’s voice shook the entire ruin.

“You can’t do that, Your Majesty,” another voice called out to her.


Spike sighed. ‘This is going to be a long night.’ He peered his head up to the doorway and cast his gaze upon the female guards. He raised an eyebrow. 'Maybe it won't be as bad as it could be.'

“Hello,” Coco Pommel weakly called out. “Is anypony out there?”

The frightened mare had woken up not long ago. Alone and scared out of her wits, she couldn’t stop shaking with every small step she took. Her eyes darted frantically about, searching for one of her friends. “Pizzelle, Lightning, Redheart,” she started to call out. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“P-p-please, anypony, just answer me.” Coco was on the brink of shedding tears. Here she was, cast away from her loved ones and doomed to wander aimlessly in the big, bad woods of the Everfree Forest. ‘I’m never going to see them again: my mom, my friends, not even Sunset Shimmer.’ Sniffing, she rubbed her eyes in an attempt to stop her tears from coming.

“I don’t want to die alone,” Coco muttered to herself.

The forest offered her no reconciliation. No remorse. It just was and that scared her more than anything. She could not read the thoughts of the spirit of the forest. It loomed over her, judging whether to spare her or to play with her and drag out her demise.

Her mind was on high alert, scanning every shadow, every niche of the forest for danger. It was easy for her, since her species was a herbivorous one. Ponies had always been forced to watch their backs in the likely case of a hungry predator nearby. Coco was more used to this feeling then others due to her shy nature. For the most part, it was unwarranted. She lived up in Canterlot for most of her youth before moving to Ponyville. Not once in all that time had she come into danger…But now danger had found her and she was not prepared.

Hearing a resounding ‘crack’, made her nearly jump out of her skin. She didn’t though, but she did jump impressively high. “St-st-stay back. I’m warning you,” she pitifully called out. “I-I know miss Rarity. She’s a tough pony an-and my friends will be here soon. So please leave me alone.”
The rustling didn’t stop; it just grew louder and closer. All the while, Coco’s shaking got worse and worse. As the noise grew, so did her imagination.

‘Oh no, it’s the dingonek coming to get me…Or its Timber wolves…Or the dreaded queen of the Everfree…PLEASE DON’T LET IT BE THE QUEEN!’ Her panicked voice rang inside her skull. She hunkered down close to the ground and covered her face.

Finally the noise stopped. It took her a few seconds, but Coco was able to stop herself from shaking. Her ears pivoted around, searching for the noise again. ‘Is it gone?’

Slowly uncovering her eyes at the thought, she scanned the area. Noting no monsters had popped out of the bushes to eat her, she let out the breath she didn’t know she had been holding. “It’s nothing, Coco. Just your nerves getting the better of you…again.”

Of course, the universe is a jerk. The next thing Coco knew was something bursting from out from the trees and bearing its teeth at her. She had little time to think and reacted the best way she knew how.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She ran away, screaming at the top of her lungs.

If Coco had stayed longer and paid more attention, she would have known that the ‘beast’ was none other than a white rabbit. Said rabbit was now rolling on the ground in silent laughter.

Not so far away, the soldiers of darkness were at play.


And they weren’t happy with their toys.

“Find me something with a substantial soul,” a young, unicorn stallion said, using his magic to throw away a now lifeless squirrel. The last of the creatures soul still swirled around his horn in a purple haze. He was an acolyte of nightmare who had only recently passed into adulthood. His grey coat and purple mane was mostly hidden by the black cloak that his kind wore. “Our dark goddess will not be fed table scraps.”

Another of the three Earth pony, nightmare soldiers spoke up. “But all the larger animals have been scared off. None dare approach anywhere near our sacred temple.” The voice carried a harder, elderly tint to it.

“Then expand your sweep.” The acolyte pointed at them accusingly. “The false sun goddess is coming and we must prepare. I will not let sun touched fools defeat us so easily.”

“Mere animal souls won’t appease our goddess,” the soldier barked back. “This search is useless.”

“Not as useless as you.” The acolyte’s glare pierced the soldier to his very core. “I say expand the search or I shall use you to summon a daemon in our hour of need.” His smile grew bloodthirsty. “What a noble sacrifice that’ll be.”

“Just because you’re a warlock, doesn’t mean you can threaten me like that.” The soldier barked at him. His hoof neared the hilt of his sword. “I’ve been killing loyalists since before you were ever conceived. I could easily kill you, little worm.”

The acolyte took a step forward, preparing to unleash a spell. Before a fight could break out, they heard a loud shriek.

“What the hay was that?” The acolyte jumped backwards, scanning the area around himself.

The older soldier chuckled. “Nothing, little worm. Sounds like one of them young mares stumbled upon one of the many horrors of the Everfree. Good riddance.”

“I still don’t see why we couldn’t have used them as sacrifices,” the acolyte complained.

The soldier snorted. “You acolytes and your soul magic.” The nightmare soldier pulled out his sword. “All I need is this. It does its job just fine enough without your fancy-shmancy powers.”

Before the argument could continue, the lot of them heard a faint rustling in some nearby bushes. Raising an eyebrow, the acolyte stated “It seems we have some company…Bring it here.”

“That was too close,” Coco patted a hoof over her heart to try and stop the constant beating. She walked ever onward, hoping to find some sort of lead out of the forest, or her friends. “I hope I lost…whatever that was.” ‘I just hope that’s the last thing I bump into.’

Fate isn’t going to be kind to our little Coco in that regard.

The sound of a pained scream reached her ears, causing her to jump into a nearby bush with a frightened squeal. ‘Please don’t find me. Please don’t find me.’

“Grab a hold of him, you foals!” A young stallion’s voice rang out.

“Huh?” Coco let out, curiously. She at once thought that the evil warlock had found her, but the voice was different. It was still harsh and vile, but younger. The owner of said voice sounded around her own age, but it carried such a deathly tone that she wondered if it was a griffon or some other non-pony. The voice wasn’t far off.

In fact, it sounded like it was only a short distance away. Now normally, Coco would have stayed hidden, out of fear of discovery, but her curiosity got the better of her. ‘They…They could be nice ponies. Just because they sound mean, doesn’t mean they are.’ Crawling forth, she opened up a little opening in the bush to see what was going on. Instantly, she regretted it.

There, in the middle of a small clearing, was a small group of shadow cultists. There were only four out there, but that was four too many for the weak mare. Three of them were normal, earth ponies soldiers, clad in black, twisted armor. ‘Miss Rarity must be having a fit over these horrendous designs.’ The fourth was by far the scariest. He was clad in nothing but a black robe with Nightmare Moon’s cutie mark on the rump. ‘Tacky.’ Yet, the unicorn was the most dangerous, what with his crazed eyes and massive grin.

Coco’s breath caught at how close they were. If the warlock had looked closely enough, just turning his head to the right, he’d see her.
What was making him smile was the creature the group had found. It was an odd creature, to say the least. It was a biped with grayish, brown leathery skin. Its pointed ears were droopy and its short tail didn’t seem to have a purpose other than rudimentary balance. Its face looked flat and it had a horrendous overbite. It wore a dirty, red overcoat and a light blue collar anointed with a silver jewel.

Overall, the fashionista side of Coco thought it a grotesque creature. She briefly wondered if this creature was a human, but she remembered humans didn’t have tails in the tales she had heard.

“Well, look what we’ve found,” the acolyte warlock stated. “A grundle. What luck.”

Said grundle was whimpering. He—Coco noted that it was male—cowered before the soldier of night. “P-p-please don’t hurt grundle. Grundle no hurt anyone, swear.”

The cultists laughed.

Coco couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor thing. She knew what grundles were. Miss Rarity often complained about them, saying that they were ‘uncouth barbarians’. They often raided her mines. Diamond Dogs and their ilk were mortal enemies and Rarity had the same mindset. That was her clan and she wasn’t one to let something mess with her things.

“You think we’re just going to let you go because you asked?” The acolyte sneered. “Your kind must be dumber than I thought. It almost makes me think your soul worthless, but no matter. A soul’s a soul.”

“But grundle need soul.” The grundle hugged itself in a vain attempt at hiding its soul.

“You don’t even know what a soul is,” the acolyte pointed out. “A soul…”

“Little worm,” an older sounding soldier spoke up. “Just kill him and be done with it. I’m sick of hearing this thing talk.”

The acolyte rolled his eyes. “There is no fun allowed anywhere near you, is there?” The older soldier just snorted. “At least let me keep a memento.” The unicorn plucked the collar from around the grundle’s neck.

“NO!” The grundle lurched forth, but was stopped by a strike to the head by one of the soldiers.

“Stay still, if you know what’s good for you.” The acolyte looked the collar over, staring intently at the jewel. “I say, this is an exquisite jewel. No doubt stolen from the local mine.” When the grundle just whimpered in response, the acolyte snorted. In a flash of magic, the jewel and collar went up in a black smoke. “I’ll think I’ll keep it for later.”

“Are we going to kill it or not?” The older soldier spoke up.

“Well, let’s just get this done. Apostle is expecting us back for the glorious return of our dark goddess in the flesh.” The unicorn pointed his horn at the grundle.

“No,” the grundle bawled and pleaded. “Don’t kill grundle. Let grundle go.”

The unicorn ignored him and lit up his horn. Now, Coco didn’t need to do anything. The cultists were too busy with the grundle to pay attention to anything else, so she could just sneak off or lay still until they moved on. She could have done either of those things and looked after her own hide. Nobody would fault her for it.

The next moment would be something Coco would remember through the ages.

Something sparked within her: a hidden fire that lit her very soul, and had she been given a mirror at that moment, she would have noticed a star-lit twinkle in her eyes. She knew what she had to do. Coco, the meek earth pony mare who cowered before a rabbit…

…Jumped out of the bush and head-butted the side of the acolyte, sending him flying. Now she may have been weak, but only weak by earth pony standards. Her race was incredibly strong and sturdy, giving her just enough strength to body check an evil doer into a tree. She was just lucky he was a unicorn. An earth pony of his size wouldn’t have been thrown like that and she’d have a massive headache right about now.

“Get on,” she told the grundle. The grundle hopped on without a single second thought and in an instant, Coco was off.

“GET HER!” She heard the acolyte scream.

She picked up her pace. Being an earth pony gave her immense endurance and speed, but that also gave the soldiers the advantage as they were larger and stronger than her. She just hoped their armor would slow them down enough to let her escape.

‘Oh please, Celestia, help me. Please help me,’ she shouted internally. The chase went on for a couple of minutes, allowing Coco to get farther and farther away from her pursuers, until she came across a large river.

“Oh no,” She pranced in place, swiveling her head around. There wasn’t anywhere to cross the river and going back wasn’t an option. The soldiers would out run to her and catch her before long. “Oh no, oh no, oh no. This is the end!”

“Grundle don’t like this,” the grundle spoke up. “Grundle scared.”

Coco turned her head around to look at him. “Don’t talk like that,” she told him, in an attempt to calm them both down. “We’ll make it.” ‘I hope.’

“No you won’t.”

She froze in place when she heard the sound of the soldier from before. Turning around completely, she saw the soldiers exit the forest several feet apart.

“You gave us a lot of trouble, back there. But I’ll let it slide.” The older soldier chuckled. “Body-checking that little worm got a laugh out of me. So this is how it’ll play out. You give us the grundle and I’ll let you go. It’s a good deal.”

Most ponies would have taken that deal. There wasn’t any love between her race and the grundles, especially given the grundles harsh, idiotic, and thievish nature. It was a great deal.

“No.” Coco shook her head and lowered herself so that the grundle could get off, she put herself in front of him. “If y-you want him, you’ll have to g-go through me first.”

“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” The soldier unsheathed his sword. “A little thing like you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

She knew he was right, but she didn’t care. Looking back, she spoke to the grundle. “Run. I’ll hold them off.” The grundle nodded.

“Why are you protecting that thing?” The soldier shouted. “It’s not even a pony.”

Giving him her best glare, she spoke “Because that makes me the bigger mare. I look out for others, unlike some.” Normally she wouldn’t be so brash, but right now, it was life or death. She wasn’t going to let someone die on her watch, even if she got hurt.

The soldier shook his head sadly. “It’s a shame. You’re a real pretty mare…maybe I’ll have some fun with you before the end.”

The way he said that last part sent shivers of despair down his spine. Coco didn’t want to think about what he wanted to do with her. She stood her ground though, ready for what was to come next. Be it death or foe.

“Why, hello little ponies. Funny seeing you here in the Everfree.”

Or a giant, moustached, purple river serpent.

“I thought you bunch hated the forest?” The giant serpent asked. His voice was as flamboyant as his neat, poofy orange mane and moustache. Coco’s body shook in fear as she saw how large he was. She had heard tales of the dangers of serpents.

The soldiers went into a tight, defensive formation with their weapons drawn. “Leave now, serpent, or in the name of Nightmare Moon, I will cut your hide into pieces and wear it as a coat.”

The serpent’s eyes widened in surprise and he put a hand to his chest. “Why, I never. I thought you ponies were more civilized than that.”

“Shut it, monster.” The soldier spat at him. “Leave us. We have business with the mare here.”

Coco whimpered and shrunk back. Her earlier courage was gone now, taken by the surprise visit of the serpent. ‘I’m going to die. I’m going to die.’

“It doesn’t seem like she wants to be in your company.” The serpent narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, she does.” The soldier chuckled darkly. “She just doesn’t know it yet.”

The serpent snorted and crossed his arms. “Oh, that just makes me all the more suspicious.”

“You don’t need to be suspicious. This is pony business and you…non-ponies have no place in it.” The soldier shook his sword in irritation.

“I am a gentleserpent,” the serpent spoke up, with a soft growl. “A lady is in trouble and I won’t just sit back and let you have her.”

“Then die!” The soldiers ran at him, but they didn’t last long. The serpent brought its tail out of the water and with a simple swing, sent them flying deep into the forest.

“Good riddance.” The serpent peered down at her. He still spooked her and by how the grundle was hiding behind her and shaking, he was scared too. “Are you all right, my dear?”

“Yes,” she said meekly, wishing she could hide.

The serpent sighed in relief. “Good…May I ask why you’re in the Everfree Forest? This place isn’t somewhere a lady of your caliber should dwell.”

“I’m looking for my friends,” she told him. She thought for a second that she shouldn’t have said that, but he had saved her life. He was obviously trustworthy enough. “I got separated from them on our way to the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

The serpent rubbed his chin in thought. “Say, why don’t I take you there? If you were going to the castle in the first place, then there is no better place to look.”

Giving him an astonished look, she spoke “You’d help me?”

“I told you, I’m a gentleserpent. Helping a lady in her time of need is in the job description.” He chuckled.

“Thank you.”

The serpent leaned down, letting them hope aboard his scaly hide. “Next stop, the Castle of the Two Sisters.” And with that, the serpent was off.

Coco couldn’t help but smile. ‘Thank you, Celestia.’ But her good mood soured a bit when she noticed the dour expression on the grundle’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“Grundle loose favorite collar,” the grundle sniffed and rubbed his eyes. “Grundle love collar.”

Frowning, Coco peered at her own collar and touched it with her hoof. ‘Should I?’ The collar wasn’t something she could just give away. It was something special, something precious….but the grundle was so heart-broken. She couldn’t stand seeing him like this.

She took it off and put it over the grundle’s head. “Here.” she fastened it nicely around his neck. “That’s better.”

“You give grundle collar?” The grundle looked at her incredulously. “But collar important.”

“Oh, it’s just a silly old thing.” Coco swiped her hoof in front of her, smiling pleasantly at him.
*Three years before, in Rarity’s shop*

“I do believe you need something,” Rarity peered at her.

Coco was in a daze. The young mare couldn’t believe her luck in being chosen to be Miss Rarity’s apprentice. Rarity was one of the leading fashionistas in the country. Rarity gave a short gasp. “Idea!” Using her magic, she snipped and span several clothes together. Not a moment too soon, a collar, similar in color to her cutie mark appeared. “This will look lovely on you.” She held it in her magic in front of her. “Go ahead, try it on.”

Coco’s mouth went ajar. “You…made me something?”

Rarity nodded. “Of course, darling. You are my new apprentice.”

‘Miss Rarity made something for me!’ Taking the collar in her hold, she gently put it on, afraid it might break. Once she put it on, Rarity put a mirror in front of her.

“You look smashing.”

Miss Rarity was right. Coco looked great in the collar, which seemed to be absolutely perfect for her…She wasn’t used to getting gifts from other ponies except her parents. She couldn’t help but start to cry.

“Coco?” Rarity spoke up. “Are you all right?”

Coco responded by hugging Rarity for dear life. “Thank you…Thank you so much.”

Rarity was surprised by the gesture, but she gladly returned the hug. “You’re welcome, dearie.”

“I’ll treasure it always,” Coco muttered, meaning it with all her heart. “Always.”

Author's Note:

And that's the first Element...Phew. It's been a while and I'm sorry I didn't get a new chapter out sooner. A lot of things have been coming up and it's getting kind of hard to juggle my writing in...but no matter. I'm going to soldier on. I'm having a vacation next week from work, so I should be able to churn out some more chapter soon.

Also, tell me what you thought of this chapter. Did I do everything right? Was it lazy or anything?

I hope that it was able to satisfy my fans and please leave a comment.