• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 10,167 Views, 677 Comments

A Different Sunset - Evowizard25

The dark bites, as the Equestrian saying goes. It bites, it devours, it destroys, but it can't really do any of that, can it? Sunset isn't going to take any chances.

  • ...

Part 21: The End of the Adventure

Everything felt so much…lighter now. Sunset didn’t know how else to put it. It was as though all the negativity and pain she had ever felt had left her. She felt at peace with the world. She felt happy. She felt like she was on top of the world. Never before had she felt this happy….

‘Am I dead? I mean, come on. I can’t be this happy. I’m a grump!....Well, at least I took Nightmare Moon out with me. I’m sure the afterlife will be pleasant.’

“Sunset?” Fiddlestick’s voice reached her ears. “Are ya alright?”

‘….Well, the afterlife sucks big time.’ And just like that, she felt a gush of cold water slam into her face. Sputtering and thrashing about, Sunset jumped to her hooves. She looked over to see Lightning Dust smirking at her. A small piece of cloud was held in her hooves. “Not funny.”

“Maybe,” Lightning snorted in amusement. “But it got you up, didn’t it? I could have just done…” She tapped the cloud and instantly, a small bolt of lightning zapped Sunset. It felt like getting zapped with a toy buzzer. A little pain aside, something else happened.

All of her fur and mane puffed out. Sunset Shimmer looked like a giant fluff ball, or an oversized Fluff, which were small, fluffy ponies that lived on islands far north. They were quite competitive with the goblins when it came to engineering.

Lightning burst into laughter. “Ooops.”

“Ooops?” Sunset snarled. “I’ll show you oops.”

“Oh no,” Lightning snickered. “The ball of fluff is going to get me. What are you going to do? Snuggle me to death?”

“How about being burned alive?” Sunset cast a spell on herself to get her fur back to normal and readied another one to scorch Lightning.

“Pass,” Lightning flicked Sunset’s horn.

Sunset yelped in slight annoyance and mild pain. Having one’s horn flicked was uncomfortable and it often cancels out spells. It’s a technique unicorn instructors use on their students when they get ahead of themselves in class. Outside of that, it’s extremely rude. Of course, this wasn’t surprising since it was coming from Lightning. Rubbing her horn, Sunset glared at the Pegasus. “Why you….”

“Now, now,” Redheart got in between them. “Let’s not dissolve into violence.”

“Wasn’t violence the reason we were able to make it this far?” Quickfix pointed out.

“Not helping,” Redheart glared at her.

“Come on now,” Pizzelle spoke up cheerfully. “Let’s not get all sore over a little joke. That isn’t healthy. We beat Nightmare Moon. I think that’s a good enough reason for a celebration.”

“We did?” Sunset blinked in confusion, before her everything came back to her. “We’re….The Elements?”

“Of course we are,” Pizzelle chuckled and looked down at the golden necklace around her neck. For some reason, it had her cutie mark. “Why else would we have these?”

Sunset noticed a little weight on top of her head. Reaching her hoof upwards, she touched what could only be a tiara. It wasn’t that hard to guess. She’d dealt with tiaras for most of her life. “I’m….”

“A hero!” Fiddlesticks hugged her with both her forelegs, lifting her up off the ground.

Sunset gasped as the Earth pony’s grip tightened. “Can’t….breathe…..”

“Settle down, Fiddlesticks.” Redheart chuckled at the country mare’s antics.

Fiddlesticks let her down gently and pulled back. She blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry. Sometimes ah don’t know my own strength.”

Sunset didn’t say anything as she caught her breath. Instead, she looked around at the group. Surprisingly, everypony was still alive and, for some reason, had necklaces that matched their cutie marks. ‘They get necklaces and I get the tiara. Nice to know the Elements know a princess when they see one.’ She felt a little pride. She had the Element of Magic, the lost element. She was the one that brought them together. ‘Mother is so going to be proud of me….’ As she thought of her good fortunes, she couldn’t help but stop herself from going too far. Usually, she’d be patting herself on the back without a second thought of anypony else. Now….She took another glance around. They were chatting it up and giggling….She kind of wanted to join.

“Was this place so immaculate when we got here?” Redheart asked as she peered around herself.

Blinking in confusion, Sunset did the same. She gasped. The whole place seemed to be good as new. The white, marble floors shone as though they were just waxed. The walls stood firm against the wilderness outside. There wasn’t a speck of dirt or blood anywhere. “What happened?”

“Maybe the Elements fixed up the place?” Lightning offered. “It was kind of a dump.”

Sunset wanted to tell her that was stupid, but couldn’t. Before, the castle felt old and wrong. It was like it was dying, tainted by the horrors of the past. Now….it was like it was reborn. It was beautiful, easily being able to fit dozens and dozens of ponies. Obviously, this was sort of ballroom, with all the chandeliers and wonderfully detailed artwork. There was even a large fountain in the middle of the room. It was sky blue with water gushing out of the horns of two statues: one of her mother and a noticeably smaller alicorn. Sunset couldn’t place it right then and there, but the second one seemed familiar. ‘It’s almost like we’re forgetting somepony.’

"I’m just glad this is all over,” Coco sighed in relief. She moved closer to the fountain. “Miss Rarity would love this place. It’s so pretty and calm and…..” Suddenly, something burst out of the fountain. Coco screamed. “KILL IT WITH FIRE!” Coco rushed over and cowered behind Sunset.

Said something was none other than….a really wet, blue alicorn. She was gasping for air, clinging to the side of the large fountain. She was small, easily the size of a young teenager. Her hair was a much lighter shade of blue, in contrast to her coat. Her eyes, while the same color as Nightmare Moon’s, were normal. She seemed utterly exhausted….or just out of breath since she was underwater for a while. The alicorn turned her gaze to them and she snarled. “You…haven’t….won….yet.” She seethed. “I still take breath.”

“Nightmare Moon,” Sunset snorted, aiming her horn at the mare. “I would say it’s a pleasure to see you again, but let’s not kid ourselves here.”

“Wait a sec,” Lightning Dust put up a hoof and made a ‘rewind’ motion with it. “Let’s take a step back. That’s Nightmare Moon?” She gestured at said pony.

“Yep,” Sunset nodded.

“And we used the Elements of Harmony on her?”


“….So she’s a little mare now?”


“SHE’S SO ADORABLE!” Pizzelle squealed. To everypony’s surprise, she flew over and scooped the now small alicorn out of the fountain. “Oh, I could just eat you up.” She snuggled her up in the air.

“Unhoof me, you simpleton!” Nightmare Moon struggled vainly to get out of Pizzelle’s hold. “I am the night!”

“Not now you aren’t,” Pizzelle chided as she snuggled the wet goddess. She giggled. “Now you’re just a cute, little pony.”

“APOSTLE!” Nightmare Moon screamed. “Get this wench off of me! APOSTLE!”

“Ugh….” Apostle groaned as she stood up. The other mares turned around to see him clearly. His eyes were normal looking now and he didn’t have the killer aura he did before. “Your Majesty?...” His eyes widened. “YOUR MAJESTY!!!”

“Apostle!” Nightmare Moon glared down at her pupil, which didn’t look at all intimidating. “Cease this mare’s snuggling. NOW!”

“Right,” Apostle nodded and then pointed his horn at Pizzelle. He closed his eyes in concentration, but nothing came out. “What? My magic’s been drained!” He glared at the other Elemental bearers. “Fix this, or I shall kill you where you stand.”

Quickfix laughed. “Ah’d like to see you try, but ah don’t like curbstomp fights. Way too short.”

“Too short?” Apostle snorted and took an aggressive stance. “I assure you that your suffering will be anything but short.”

“And what are you going to do about it?” Sunset smirked, shaking her head condescendingly. “Stomp your hooves? Taunt us?”

“…….Maybe,” Apostle looked around sheepishly.

“APOSTLE!” Nightmare Moon screamed at the top of her small lungs. She waggled her legs about, trying to gain her freedom.

Sunset had to admit that it was rather adorable.

“She’s so cute I’m going to die,” Pizzelle giggled. “Oh I can’t wait to show you to my friends.” She paused to look at the others. “I mean, my other friends. Not that my new friends aren’t important, mind you…Anyways, they’ll just eat you up. Yes they will. Yes they will.”

“How dare you talk to me like an infant,” Nightmare Moon scowled. Her efforts to escape Pizzelle’s iron grip were futile. “I will devour your soul and torment your loved ones for an eternity.”

“Awww,” Pizzelle squealed. “She’s threatening my eternal soul. That’s so cute~”


“Right,” Apostle turned to glare at Pizzelle. He raised his hoof and pointed at her dramatically. “Unhoof her now, or I shall throw a rock at you!” Everyone paused and just looked at him. “A very big rock!”

“From where?” Sunset asked. “We’re in the middle of a castle.”

“The forest outside of course,” Apostle smirked.

“So your plan is to go outside into monster infested forest, without any powers, grab a big rock, bring it back inside, throw it at Pizzelle, all while dodging us and not hitting your goddess?” Sunset gave him her best ‘really?’ face.

“Errrr,” Apostle worked his jaw, his ears and tail twitching in agitation. “If I need to…But I won’t, you know why?” He grinned deviously. “I have your mother. If you want her alive, you’ll do as I…..”

Just then, a bright light filled the room. A motherly warmth fell over everyone present, but it also carried such fiery passion that any foe would certainly cower before it. Such as Apostle, who had jumped back in fright. Everypony else had shielded their eyes, until it vanished. Standing at the entrance of the large, ballroom was none other than Celestia herself. She was wearing her thick, draconic armor that shined elegantly in the surrounding light. In her magical grasp was ‘Night Slayer’, a large, broadsword engulfed in holy flame.

“MOM!” Sunset rushed over to her.

“Sunset,” Celestia cried out as well. The two embraced swiftly, with Celestia having to avoid hurting her daughter with her jagged armor, or flames. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Pfft, as if some goddess could kill me,” Sunset sniffed. Tears were falling out her eyes and she noticed the same went for her mother.

“Sunset!” Spike’s voice rang out. The drake ran into the room on all fours, looking ready to tear into whatever lay inside. Once he got inside, he gasped. “Mom?” Celestia just nodded. Spike didn’t say anything. Instead, he just rushed forward and hugged them both. “I thought you were….”

“A goner?” Celestia chuckled through her happy sobs. “For a second, so did I.”

“How?” Apostle seethed. “How did you escape my trap? It was perfect! No god could break free.”

“You don’t live as long as I without picking up a few tricks,” Celestia smirked. She broke free from her children’s grasps and turned to Apostle. “Now, what to do with you.”

Apostle gulped, but kept an aggressive stance. “I will not fall to a false goddess.”

“Apostle,” Nightmare Moon called to him. “Now is not the time to fight. Now is the time for flight.”

“Isn’t that what you’re already doing, little sister?” Celestia chuckled.

Nightmare Moon growled. “I will not take any lip from you! I am Nightmare Moon, commander of the legions of the damned. Leaders of those who have no name. Devourer of souls. All that and more am I. You are nothing but a fraud. A charlatan. I…..”

Whatever she was going to say was cut off when she was ‘winked’ out of Pizzelle’s grasp into Celestia’s. Pizzelle pouted and landed.

“Luna…..” Celestia fell to her knees, clutching the smaller alicorn like her life depended on it. Her face was stained with tears. “Luna….It is you.”

‘Luna?...Oh right, the prophesy and all that,’ Sunset felt a little silly for forgetting about that.

“WHY MUST YOU CUDDLE ME?!!!” Nightmare Moon, or Luna now, squirmed in her hold. “I AM A GODDESS OF UNIMAGINED MIGHT! FEAR MY POWERS!”

Celestia laughed, nuzzling her. “Now, now, fear can come later…..I just want to hold you....Just like old times.” Her tears fell upon Luna’s head. She gazed around the room. “Do you remember when we built these halls?”

“Yes,” Luna seethed. She never relented in her struggle, only getting more and more angry. “You made it so white. WHITE! I hate that color. I hate you! Let me go!”

“You don’t mean that,” Celestia said as if she was begging Luna to take it back.

“YES!” Luna slammed her hooves into Celestia’s armor plated chest as hard as she could. It didn’t do anything obviously. Tears were falling down the younger alicorn's cheeks in almost the same intensity as her sister. “I hate you. With every part of my being I hate you. I want you dead. I want your carcass splayed about before my throne. You hold me back. You ruin everything! Let me have my night! LET ME HAVE IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!” Luna started blubbering, breaking down into tears. “My night is eternal. The sun dies. Everything dies.”

“No,” Celestia pleaded. “No more death. No more suffering. Please Luna, listen to me.”

“Silence,” Luna put her hooves over her ears. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.”

“Luna…please,” Celestia whimpered, sounding so scared that it stunned everyone. “I love you. Come back to me.”

“LIES!” Luna thrashed about. “Lies. Lies. Lies. All of your words lies. There is no love. Love is weakness. I’m not weak. I’m strong….I’M STRONGER THAN YOU! LET ME GO!” She tried to stab her elder sister with her horn, but it was futile against the thick armor. “I will kill you. I will!”

“Luna,” Celestia pulled back and looked her in the eyes. “Stop this right now. This isn’t you.”

“You never knew me,” Luna shot at her. “You lie! The sun lies! DIE!” She pointed her horn at her head and tried to use any sort of spell. Nothing worked. “Work, shoot, kill….Why won’t you just die?”

“I’m on it, Your Majesty.” Apostle tried to bodyslam. “My shoulder,” he cried out, clutching it. He turned to his other side. “Alright….Ow, my other shoulder.”

“Apostle, you are useless!” Luna berated her student.

“No,” Apostle shook his head, limping. “I’ve got this, Your Majesty. She will bend to our superior….” A golden aura flittered around his head. “Sleep magic…Curse you.” He fell down and broke into loud snores.

“You dare use magic on my subjects?” Luna seethed. “Only I can do that. They are mine!”

“Luna….” Celestia started.

Luna cut her off. “Stop calling me that. My name is Nightmare Moon. Luna was weak. Luna listened to your lies. Luna sat in your shadow! No more!” She growled. “If you’re going to kill me, do it and get it over with.”

“I said no more killing,” Celestia snarled. “This night has seen enough needless bloodshed. It ends now. This war ends today.”

“It will never end. I will never stop fighting you,” Luna sobbed. “I am the night! I….” Celestia’s golden aura flittered around her head. “I…am….ruler.” She fell into a deep slumber.

Celestia kissed her cheek, rubbing her head alongside hers. “I’m…sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

Sunset quietly trotted beside her. “Mom….” Her tone was questioning, asking if she was alright. She lightly nuzzled under her muzzle.

Celestia looked over to her and Sunset was taken aback by how devastated she looked. Still, her mother smiled. “I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” Using her magic, she brought both Apostle and Luna onto her back.

“What’s going to happen to them?” Sunset couldn’t help but think of a few, proper punishments. ‘Being banished to the sun sounds nice.’

“They will be taken to Canterlot,” Celestia explained. “There, they will stay within our deepest dungeons until I can help her….” She seemed fine while saying it, but her eyes made it seem like she was broken. “I think….I think I need to retire for the day. A little break will do me good, but I believe a celebration is in order. My ponies are in dire need of something to smile about.”

Fiddlesticks smiled and bowed her head. “Leave it to me, Princess.”

“YEE-HAW!” Fiddlesticks danced amongst the crowds, playing her fiddle as fast as she could. Everyone was cheering, dancing, or eating. It was probably the biggest celebration Ponyville had ever had. It deserved it. It had survived Nightmare Moon. The citizens were obviously happy it was over. Yes they had lost loved ones, but in Equestria, a death was honored and the pony celebrated. They would be remembered, but they wouldn’t show remorse. The fallen wouldn’t have wanted that. Well, unless said fallen were huge jerks.

The ponies all celebrated their own ways. Fiddlesticks danced and sang, making sure that everyone had a smile on their faces. Ghoul was watching her, sometimes aiding in a song or two. Lightning was showing off to a large group of fillies and colts and even some adults as well, telling them about her adventure. Pizzelle did the same, but without all the flying, strutting, or combat moves. That and she was keeping Hikaru sheltered on her back, with her wings protectively over him. Other mares couldn’t help but coo over the little guy. Spike was surrounded by a swarm of mares. Grundle and the goblins, were all chatting away, or rather, the goblins were trying to explain some stuff to them and some of the mechanic ponies. The sphinx was letting some of the other fillies and colts play on her back, the adults watching her intently. Redheart and Quickfix were both bobbing for apples and Coco….

Was trying to hide behind Sunset.

Sunset sighed. “Coco, come on. Stop being a coward. They aren’t going to hurt you.”

“I know,” Coco said sheepishly. Her ears were tucked backwards and her tail curled around one of her hindlegs. “But…I just don’t feel comfortable around so many ponies.”

Sunset honestly didn’t know what to say right now. She was still new to the whole friendship thing, especially with such a cowardly pony such as Coco. However, she didn’t have to.

“Coco!” Rarity raced over and hugged the younger mare. “I was so worried about you, darling. I thought for a few minutes here and there I would never see you again. That would have been THE! WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!” She blubbered, crying rather over dramatically.

“I’m fine, Miss Rarity.” Coco blushed in embarrassment.

“No, no, no, no,” Rarity shook her head furiously. “You went through so much. I promise to never let you out of my sight again.” She looked over at Sunset. “Thank you, Princess. Thank you for looking out for her. I would have simply died if something happened to dear little Coco.”

“No problem,” Sunset nodded. She wasn’t going to add that she hadn’t been with Coco that much, nor the one that saved her. Of course, now that she thought about it, she kind of did. She was the one who activated the Elements after all. ‘Okay, that was a team effort, but she did need my help.’ “Although, if there’s anyone you should be thanking, it’d be Steven Magnet.” She nodded over to the River Serpent.

Steven was keeping to the large intersections and such where he could easily fit. The ponies, while at first distrustful, had warmed up to him and his over the top ways quite quickly. He was talking up a storm with a mare named Carrot Top. While he stuck to rivers, he could leave the water occasionally. It was awkward and uncomfortable for him, but it was still possible.

Rarity nodded. “I shall, don’t you worry. I will have my dogs build a statue in his honor. DOGS!” Automatically, two dogs were at her sides. Diamond Dogs could be quite quick when they wanted to be. “I want you to go get Rover. I have a job for you all.”

“Yes, Mistress Rarity.” They bowed their heads and dug. Quick as lightning they were gone. Rarity used her magic to cover up the holes neatly. She then trotted over to Steven and Carrot Top with Coco in hoof.

Sunset sighed, a bit happy to be alone….that was until Shade bumped into her. “Watch it.”

“Excuse me, Princess.” Shade sneered. He wasn’t wearing any formal gear, or had any of Nightmare moon’s aura to him anymore. He seemed like a normal unicorn.

“….Do you want to burn quickly, or piece by piece.”

Shade gulped. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.”

Before she could get ahead of herself there, Sunset was cut off by her mother.

“Who do we have here?” Celestia smiled kindly at Shade, stopping at Sunset’s side. She wasn’t wearing her armor, just her regular regalia. She placed a motherly wing around Sunset. “Shade, was it?”

Shade shivered in fear. “Y-yes, Princess.” He bowed lowly.

“There is no reason to fear me,” Celestia said, her motherly tone stilling Shade’s fear instantly. “From what I hear, you helped my daughter survive this night. For that, I am forever grateful.”

“I am honored to have been helpful,” Shade smiled nervously.

“And please, do not bow,” Celestia bowed herself. “It is I who should be bowing to you. You saved Equestria.”

Shade and Sunset were both shocked. Celestia, bowing to a heretic? Well, a former one, but still.

Celestia frowned. "And merged your aura with my daughters. Shall I ask why?" Both the unicorns blushed, sputtering nonsense. Celestia just laughed. "I think that's a story for later. We have more important matters at hoof than my daughter's love life."

"MOM!" Sunset screeched, blushing harder then she had ever before. Shade looked like he was going to die from fear alone.

Celestia just laughed again. “As I said, that's for later." She patted Sunset's head with a wing. "Now, I think it is time to honor those who fought this day. Sunset, Shade, can you gather the others?” The two nodded. “Good, I have a few announcements.” She walked over to a large intersection. The crowds peeled away for her, bowing as low as they could. Other ponies cheered and sent her praises. She smiled at them like she would her own children. Stopping at the middle of intersection, she opened her mouth.

“My little ponies,” Celestia said, her voice carrying over the whole town. “Today is a day of celebration. The forces of Nightmare moon are no more.” Everyone erupted into cheers, silencing the moment she raised a hoof. “Yes, be joyous. We must honor those who gave their lives to make this so. They didn’t die in vain. Let our hearts be with them and our spirits as light as the air.”

“TO THE GLORIOUS DEAD!” The crowd cheered.

“But we should also honor the living. The ponies and assorted races that stood defiantly against the dark foe. They held their ground, they spilled the blood of dozens of heretics, they are something to be admired. Ponyville Guard, I am honored to know that there are such like you in my nation.”

“WE FIGHT FOR YOU!” The guard thundered. “PRAISE THE SUN!”

“No,” Celestia shook her head. “Praise the guard. Praise Ponyville. Without you brave souls, there would be no Ponyville. When Equestria needed you most, you faced the challenge head on.” She bowed. “I am eternally in your debt.”

Ponyville bowed back. “WE ARE HONORED TO SERVE!”

Celestia stood and so did her ponies. “You are not the only ones who fought today. Know the ones responsible for taking down the dreaded Nightmare Moon.” She gestured over the group coming over to her. Ponies threw flowers petals over them, a sign of life and love. They cheered, they stomped their hooves in approval. As the group came to stop before her, she gazed over all of them. She walked over to Shade. “For your services to the crown, you shall be forgiven of your sins and given a place in Ponyville’s guard. They have need for talented battle unicorns such as yourself.”

Shade nodded. “Sounds wonderful, Your Majesty.”

Celestia walked over to Steven Magnet and looked up at him. “For your chivalry, Steven Magnet, I hereby give you noble status. You will be welcome with opened hooves wherever you go.”

“I am humbled by your generosity,” Steven bowed.

“Aki Hikaru,” Celestia smiled down at the little kitsune, even giggling when he waved at her. She returned the gesture.

“Hi~” Hikaru said. “I really like your mane, miss goddess.”

“Thank you. I like it too,” Celestia said. “You distracted Apostle long enough for my son to attack him. It was your efforts that aided us in our time of need. For that, you will awarded knighthood.” She tapped each shoulder with her horn. “I expect great things from you, young one.”

Celestia stopped before the goblins, giving them a wary eye. They did the same, tensing up. Goblins and Equestria never had good relations, especially when it came to Celestia. She didn’t hate them, but they did to her. It’s only natural to feel that way when she burned down your capital city centuries ago, single hoofedly one might add. “I….”

“Let’s just be clear here,” Xed Gonk was the only one smiling. “The past’s the past. The name’s Xed Gonk, owner of Gonk Industries.” He stretched out a little hand.

Celestia smiled back at him and shook it delicately with her much large hoof. “Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.” They let go of the hand/hoofshake. “I am thankful to see some goblins willing to look forward instead of behind them.”

“What can I say,” Xed shrugged. “I’m a strange goblin.”

Celestia nodded. “True and your services shall be rewarded. Any and all damages that you have received to your equipment shall be paid and fixed immediately, with extra bonuses for each and every one of you.”

“You hear that,” Xed smirked. “We’re going home rich as dukes.” The others cheered.

“Arkarkhentkats,” Celestia smiled as she made her way to the sphinx. “It has been ages, my old friend.”

Arkarkhentkats nodded in response. “It has.”

“I am sorry for not visiting you more often,” Celestia frowned. “If I had….”

“You could not have known what would have happened,” Arkarkhentkats interrupted her. “I am your loyal servant. I do what I’m ordered and I know the risks.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. Coming to stop before Ghoul, she frowned. “My dear little pony….”

“It’s alright,” Ghoul chuckled. “I’ve gotten used to it.”

Celestia shook her head. “No, we must fix this.”

“Fix it?” Fiddlesticks asked, appearing by his side. “But I thought you couldn’t bring back the dead.”

“That is because the retrieval of a soul is outside my powers,” Celestia explained. “The god of Death, Grim, would not allow it. However, we are fortunate our friend her still has his and a body to boot. We should be thankful he did for bonding a soul to another body has…its own hazards. It may take some time, but I think we can safely say that you will be breathing once more.”

“YES!” Fiddlesticks hugged Ghoul tightly, who just laughed.

“Thank you, Princess.” Ghoul smiled up at her.

“No, thank you.” Celestia looked at the Element bearers and her son. “Thank all of you. You wielded the Elements of Harmony, a feat thought impossible by even myself. You gave me back my sister. Equestria shall always be within your debt more than most. You are the true heroes today.” The crowd erupted in cheers.

Celestia stopped before her daughter. “Come Sunset, we have a lot waiting for us in Canterlot.”

Sunset didn’t say anything, instead she frowned. She wanted to go home. She wanted to forget this day ever happened, but as she looked around her, at the ponies she had fought with tonight, she couldn’t bring herself to go. The other Element bearers were gazing back at her, wondering what her decision was going to be. “Mom…I don’t want to go to Canterlot.”

“Why?” Celestia tilted her head in curiosity.

Sunset still found it odd how winged creatures would be so birdlike from time to time. “I….I want to stay. My friends….”

Celestia’s smile nearly broke her face. She hugged her daughter so tightly to her chest. “My daughter finally made some friends. Oh I’m so proud of you. Of course you can stay, but I want you to keep me posted on your progress.”

“My progress?” Sunset pulled back to look her mother in the face. ‘What the hay is she talking about?’

“You are the Element of magic,” Celestia said. “Do you know what that means?”

“That I’m good at magic?”

Celestia threw her head back and laughed. “Yes and no. The Element of Magic doesn’t just mean ‘magic’ in the way of spells. It also means the bonding force of magic. It is the force that binds us all together. The ‘magic’ is what makes you strong. Yes, you are the Element of Magic, but that also means that you represent it’s fundamental quality: Friendship.”

“So I’m really the Element of Friendship?” When her mother nodded, Sunset scuffed the ground. “I got gypped.”

Celestia chuckled. “How about we just keep calling it the Element of Magic for present moment?” Sunset nodded. “Good, but now comes your most important task. I want you to stay in Ponyville and study the magic of friendship. I expect letters with your findings.”

“Sounds easy enough,” Sunset chuckled. “A little cheesy when you think about it, but easy enough.”

“Friendship is never easy, but you’ll find out about that soon enough.” Celestia smiled. “Now, let’s party.”

Nearby there stood a large armored caravan. Within each carriage, the remaining Nightmare cultist were chained up inside, awaiting their fate. In the largest one, guarded by four Knights and two Bearers of Flame, was none other than the dark goddess herself: Luna. She was chained tightly to the ground, her wings bound, and an anti-magic collar around her horn. She growled and strained against her bindings. “You think you can hold me forever? I will escape. I will feast upon the souls of millions. I am Nightmare Moon, the bane of the light.” She seethed and shouted with all her might.

Even with all of her boasts and shouts, secretly she knew she was trapped. They couldn’t hold her forever, but they could for a while. She couldn’t stand for that. A goddess should not be imprisoned. ‘My sister has no shame. Her evil will be undone.’ Still, even in her current predicament, she had hope. She was not a fool. Fate would roll in her face. ‘Besides, a master never reveals her tricks. They are fools to believe they have best my forces. FOOLS!’

Luna could hear the party outside and her anger burned anew. “Celebrate all you want. Soon, I shall return to my rightful place as your leader, your master, your princess. You will all bow before me and beg me for forgiveness before the end. I shall give it for I am merciful. You will have forgiveness in death. Isn’t that merciful? Isn’t that just, you sun touched foals?!! I shall give you mercy. I am Nightmare Moon, your savior. Let me save you, my little ponies. Let me save you.” Her laughter resounded across her metal cage.

Author's Note:

I'm done...I can't believe it...I actually finished a multi-chapter story....YES!

I want to thank all of you for going through the motions and actually reading this story. You have no idea what that means to me...

I hope you all enjoyed this adventure. This isn't the last time you'll see something from this verse. If you want to add to this universe, please contact me first. I am going to make this an open verse, so others can contribute. (Like the Lunaverse and such.)
You can also go over and join the group Shimmerverse

I hope I made this worthwhile and please, please leave a comment.

Comments ( 106 )

The end of an interesting adventure, the Shimmerverse did keep me entertained.

5464063 And I hope you enjoy future installments to come.

This is going to be an interesting series to keep an eye on.

5464213 I'm glad you liked it.:pinkiesmile:

I'm curious how this universe would handle King Sombra. I imagine his form of dark magic would be much darker than in canon.

5464231 Yeah...that's not much of a spoiler really. I do plan to do him, possibly season 2 or somewhere down the line. Matters on how I do the series.

Something that I think would be an interesting conflict for a story would be dealing with the idea of magi-tech prosthetics that make the user physically better, ie. Deus Ex: Human Revolution style cybernetics, replacing wires connected to the nerve endings with spells that read the user's intent, and act upon it. Perhaps have one of the Mane 7, probably Lightning Dust, considering getting one of these prosthetics to enhance her speed, or make her stronger, or something. I'm god with ideas, not writing.

5464243 While I already decided to have magical limbs such as that, I honestly never thought about making it a plot point. More of a show of veterans and such getting them. Interesting idea.

Did not expect that kind of ending...:rainbowderp:


5464258 Glad to have made you smile.:pinkiehappy:
For curiosity's sake, what was so surprising?

5464262 The teenie-tinnie Luna part.


5464264 I couldn't resist. Little Luna is so cute~

5464268 *Throws images of Little Luna at you*

This was absolutely fantastic!
I'm gonna keep following you for stories like this.

I expected this outcome for Luna.

But I wouldn't have it any other way!


But... the elements cured Luna's insanity:fluttercry: y u do dis?!:raritycry:

5465174 In canon, the Elements purified Luna of her taint. (The Nightmare forces that corrupted her.)

In this universe, Luna went mad with her own violation and no outside intervention. She chose this power, so the Elements took it away. She's still herself.

5465182 fix her! Make her sane! :pinkiecrazy::flutterrage:

5465218 That's Celestia's plan, but it's going to take a while to fix over a thousand years of insanity.

5465241 that's as good as I'm gonna get, am I?

On another note: why is Coco scared shitlesd even by FLUTTERSHY standards?

5465258 That is a bit of a spoiler, but she's had a sheltered life....for the most part.

5465270 But you promise to fix Luna, right?

Pinkie Pie Promise:pinkiecrazy:

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, it's finally over! Now, with an ending like that, I expect many more happy stories to come forth from everyone's brilliant minds! This isn't an ending, it is merely a beginning for more great things abound!

The chapter itself was very sweet and light-hearted. There was no big sacrifice that people pull out of their asses just to make do for some drama, there was no grand plot twist that just leaves people facepalming at the absurdity of the situation, and there was certainly no unanswered questions. Everything an ending really needed.

I really love the fact that everyone got the Hero's Return. In the series, it's just so FRUSTRATING when nobody gave the time of day to the goddamn saviours of the world. But now, I'm sure everyone would be happy to see them and help them. Hell, they'll probably get some form of special treatment or something from everypony once in a while! I expect that to happen.

Speaking of which, I wonder how you're going to do that whole Boast Busters shtick. I mean, Equestria KNOWS Sunset is the Element of Magic, and she is in no way humble. Sure, there could be someone trying to usurp her status, but Sunset would burn that guy's ass in the blink of an eye.

Now, as I have promised, the rest of the characters.

Princess Celestia (7/10)
She was never my favourite princess, but in here she's pretty cool. It's great that she has a more active role than in the main series. I haven't read the side story and probably never will because I'm not into action heavy fics, but maybe one day I will.

Nightmare Moon/Princess Luna (8/10)
Oh God, she's a riot! One minute boasting to everyone and the next blushing and just so confused at what the hell is going on. She serves as a good villain and a good leader. I have to say that the image of her with nothing but muscles and bones is sorta creepy. Urgh...

Apostle (6/10)
I'm not really a fan of him, but he is well written and fun to watch. He didn't have any memorable scenes, but he is in itself a memorable character. I guess it's because all of his best scenes are shared with NMM, so he's more of a duo than a single character.

Ghoul (6.5/10)
Oh God, Fancy Pants. You're still awesome even as a zombie! I don't care if he isn't Fancy Pants. He is to me. the shipping with Fiddlesticks is really... fitting for her character, but he isn't really that interesting on his own. I guess he just needs more screen time, is all.

Grundle (4/10)
Why does he exist? I'm sorry, dude, but Grundle just seems to exist to help Coco get her element. You really need to give him something to do, man. I mean, he didn't even do anything in the finale...

Steven Magnet (5/10)
Meh. He's still the same as the TV series, but at least he has some really funny lines! And God, that Hydro Pump is just brilliant! Just... I dunno, Coco's friends are just so inactive in the series.

Shade (8.5/10)
Man, I am SUCH a sucker for cute ships! Shade really plays off well with Sunset, and their interactions are always hilarious to read. Still, sorta weird how he willingly fought off against all of his former workmates even if he reformed. Maybe if he felt a little reluctant and got the cold shoulder, it would be more believable.

Arkarkhentkats (5.5/10)
Sorta weird how Lightning is the one who befriended her. I guess it's just their rather violent and cruel natures talking. But all in all, Arkie needs more scenes in the fic. At least when she does appear, it's awesome. Just... let's see how her character grows, okay?

Goblins (6/10)
I guess you could say that even though their characters are pretty good albeit generic for goblins, the chapter they appeared in is one of the weakest. That, and the fact that they sometimes get no mention or are referred to as a group just makes them hard to stand out as individual characters.

Aki Hikaru (10/10)

I have a plan for my own fic for the Shimmerverse, though I'll need to write it first. I'm posting it in the group, okay?

5466547 I'm going to be honest with you. When I first wrote this fic, I planned to have that fight scene much longer. I wanted to give each side character a moment to shine, but as I was writing this I realized something:

It's just padding...
It'd be the same as the Battle going on in Ponyville. Interesting and cool, but we already get the gist. They fight off the bad guys to give the good guys enough time to use the Elements. I....Honestly thought it would be for the best as I was writing the chapter to cut it. So some characters...yeah, they didn't get to shine.

Grundle...yeah, there wasn't a lot I could do with him. At least, for now. Maybe he'll have some stuff to do in the future.

And the reason why Shade turned on his cohorts: He didn't like them at all. Redheart saved him and he owed her his life. (That and the solution she gave him kind of got rid of some of the taint plaguing his system. Just enough to not go 'kill, destroy' when he got better.)

Also, PM me first. If you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas for this universe, contact me through PM or the group threads. Thank you for your support. :twilightsmile:

Ah, yes. I understand what you mean. In my own fics, I tend to avoid fight scenes even though the series is mainly around action, adventure and fighting. Once, I even made an entire comedy based chapter just to see what develops. It was one of the least received chapters I ever wrote. God, I'm never doing THAT again! But at least we know what the characters are doing, and you even made good reasons as to why Aki, Grundle and Steven didn't join in the last fight. So it isn't too far out of the realm of reality.

Huh, didn't know the cure did that. But then again, they don't call it a Cure-All for nothing. Mind adding that to the fic, or at least showing hints of it? But man, if the potion could do that to one character, then I'm terrified at what it could do at a larger scale! So I guess it is in one way a good thing that it's so hard to come by.

I'm posting in the group right now. I'll have to draft out the story, though. I've only ever done that once, and that was the only fic where I knew where it was gonna end. 20 chapters should be enough, I guess.

5467254 Actually, I enjoy fight scenes. It's just that this scene wasn't important. If it was about the other Element Bearers fighting their way out, then I would keep it. Fight Scenes can improve or make a fic stand out. It's just that they need to be important, not just there because it's 'cool'.

Well, not really. It was more of the near death experience that got him thinking, but yeah, it did cure him in some way. I mean, you notice how he was before and after.

Right now? That was fast...Don't see anything yet.

what country are the fluff
Iceland maybe ?

Ooh, let me guess.
Luna is actually going through a severe Emo phase and is just seriously lashing out, while Sombra was the dead beat boyfriend who tainted her with the darkness and then destroyed her self worth after he dumped her.
Anywhere close to the ballpark?

5468674 ...Not even on the same planet.

Didn't think so:scootangel: but it was still a fun guess :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, right. He did start acting that way after he was cured, didn't he? I guess near-death experiences really is the only way to change people drastically. And so we have that to thank for an awesome character!

No, I meant talking about my fic. I haven't finished planning the story out, but I probably will soon enough. Can't wait to write it down!

5469774 Me either. :twilightsmile: Thank you for the help and support.

What a great wrap up to the story. Thank you for reminding us that adorable Luna is best Woona of all!
I like how Luna and her cultists, including Apostle, will share the same fate, that seems fitting to me. Is Spike going back to Canterlot or staying in Ponyville? It might be good to have another character in Canterlot, for the inevitable (and highly anticipated) stories on Celestia trying to reform Luna and her followers. I like your idea that ponies party after a battle, it makes the post-changling invasion wedding make more sense.

Oh, and I'm glad that you've taken steps to make FiddleGhoul not gross.

5473303 Yeah, while Luna may not be my favorite character, she's still so adorable in her depowered state.

Spike is staying in Ponyville, but Sunset is still a mommy's girl. She'll be visiting her mother often. (Not to mention that some of the other nations are going to get wind of Luna's return....some more keen then others.)

Hey, it's a land of magic with gods that walk among them. Giving life back to a ghoul shouldn't be too hard. I mean, vampires do it all the time. (Of course, it's a little simpler with vampires.)

I want to thank you for commenting and following my story through all this time. :pinkiehappy: It's been a joy reading your comments. I hope you enjoy any and all installments in the Shimmerverse, whether they be my own, or anothers'. (Open universe, anyone can write in it as long as they contact me.)

5473404 I eagerly await the development of new Shimmerverse stories, and I want to thank you for being so good at responding to your readers' comments.

5473642 It won't be long. Though there might be some wait on my part, since I want to get some of my other stories further along, but I should have the next story up sometime next month. (Or later this one. I've already gotten the same artist for this coverart to make the next, so I'm waiting for that.)
However, Festus has an idea for a story and he probably won't be long to get it going....It's actually incredibly nice to know I already have other writers willing to help. You can get a general idea over in the group for this universe.

Though sadly.....I lost a lot of fans apparently as I've been writing. Most of the other major commenters haven't commented in months and I'm sure all the other alt-Element writers don't fancy this verse, so I doubt crossovers can happen.....I just really appreciate any and all people who take the time to write their thoughts....I really want to thank you for being there and I hope I do make it worth your while.

5473702 I think that's an unfortunate part of these long stories, some people drop off once they feel they've got the concept. But I bet you have a whole lot more followers than before you started this story, and you probably learned a lot about writing too, so you'll be starting from a higher point next time around.

And of course you made it worth my while, there's nothing I love more than interesting worldbuilding, new ways of looking at Equestria, how it could work, how it should work, how everything could change with just one different detail. This story has been a feast of AU worldbuilding, just like your other major story (Love Needs No Reason and Smaug's story are connected) is a feast of main worldbuilding. You've also added in lots of hilarious and heartwarming bits, which are my other favorite things. I think you've made the read quite enjoyable for a lot of people, and I hope you are proud of yourself. :scootangel:

5473826 I am proud and I'm grateful for your support. :twilightsmile:

Well done ending, I especially liked your Luna. Making Nightmare and Luna the same pony was genius. :raritywink:

5508251 Which is the point. She's going to grow out of it through the magic of friendship. (Ignore how corny that was.)

Overall a few errors but nothing particularly glaring. A good read and one I would recommend to others. The characters are diverse rather than just carbon copies of the Mane 6 with slight things changed.

I feel that somehow Luna seeing a therapist with Celestia would go a long way there at the end. Her entire personality just screams to me 'I'm in pain.'


Actually I think that even further presses that the characters are written well. I only have one question, and I fear the answer on levels I cannot express...

Just where exactly is Pinkie?

5513159 Pinkie's a changeling Princess....Yep.


.... I can see it happening.

.... I can see it happening far too well.

Do I dare question just how that situation came to be?

thumbs down for leaving Luna evil

5508258 Twilight was decent if anti-social, but naturally friendly if you look at it(see the way she reacted to the guards and her trying not to hurt anyone's feelings when she met the others) You shouldn't be able to get the element of magic and use it to grow into a better pony. Something like that should not be the start of a journey

I see Fiddlesticks and Lightning Dust.

Also I'd totally be down for a crossover.

5624689 What can I say, I couldn't resist. :twilightblush:

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