• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 10,147 Views, 677 Comments

A Different Sunset - Evowizard25

The dark bites, as the Equestrian saying goes. It bites, it devours, it destroys, but it can't really do any of that, can it? Sunset isn't going to take any chances.

  • ...

Part 4: Ponyville

Part 4: Ponyville

That quiet moment before the storm is always the most agonizing. The whole world seems to slow down to a snail’s crawl. Mayor Mare was vaguely aware of everything around her as though she was savoring her last moments alive. ‘Which I probably am.’

She could feel every single drop of sweat that flowed down her coat. The quiet, reserved breaths she and her associates took. {Although she noted Lyra’s breathing was much more frantic.} The gentle breeze swept over her, cooling her down a smidge. ‘I thought I told the pegasi to stop all breezes today. Leave it to Lightning Dust to mess that up.’

The train seemed to take forever to stop and the horn blared into her ears. She winced slightly at the sound, not quite used to it. After it came to a complete stop…nothing seemed to happen. Just silence that was killing her.

‘Just come out already' she hollered mentally. She wanted this over as soon as possible. She wanted her nice, comfy bed and peace after all this madness.

Finally, the door on the side of the train opened. The four ponies waited anxiously until the royal passengers stepped out.

The first passenger could not be mistaken for anypony else: Princess Sunset Shimmer.

All unicorns carry a layer of aura around them. The strength of the aura wavers from unicorn to unicorn depending on their strength, health, and magical prowess. A ponies aura, if strong enough, can be overbearing and manipulative, even causing others pain. As such, unicorns had developed a way to hide their aura. It was useful for stealth missions, fooling opponents into thinking you’re weaker than you really are, and modesty.

The fair Princess did no such thing. Mayor Mare had to take a step back from the massive aura that came off of Sunset Shimmer. If she did not know better, she might have mistaken this yellow mare for Celestia in disguise. A part of her even believed the rumor that Shimmer was the blood daughter of their goddess. Of course, it was just a silly rumor that Celestia proved incorrect, but still it was an easy mistake. Sunset certainly had many of Celestia’s attributes.

Her aura seemed to shine like the sun itself and radiated such great power, enough to shred the whole station to pieces with a mere thought and nary any effort. Mayor Mare would be lying if she didn’t say that this was the scariest moment of her life, standing before the young princess.

Princess Sunset Shimmer smirked upon seeing their reactions. Mayor Mare knew right then and there that her new guest was going to make the next twenty-four hours a living Tartarus. ‘Why couldn’t it have been a pompous noble? I could deal with that, but this? Did I do something horrible in a previous life that branded me with this travesty to come?’

“Sunset,” a male voiced called out from inside. “Conceal your aura.”

Out from the train stepped none other the Prince Spike. Honestly, Mayor Mare was surprised with his appearance. A part of her expected that he’d look like a blood-thirsty beast straight from her worst nightmares. Of course, that may be just Equestria’s stance on dragons affecting her.

It wasn’t as if she had heard terrible stories about the Prince. On the contrary, she had heard nothing but nice things about him. ‘Equestria’s greatest bachelor indeed.’ She thought as she eyed the drake up and down. He was actually very handsome, with his scaly features and exquisite suit. Why, if fate had been different, she would have jumped him the moment he stepped off the train.

Mayor Mare spared a glance over to her daughter, who was staring at Spike with much interest. She let loose a little smile. ‘I remember that look. Her father was indeed a handsome stallion back then. He still is.’

Still, even with the good rep the drake had, Ponyville was only a small town. Rumors spread like wildfire, and nopony really knew much if anything about the Prince from way out here. She was thankful Prince Spike was wearing gloves over his claws. She was sure she’d be a little jumpy if she had seen them on display. ‘Hopefully his teeth won’t do the trick.’

Spike stopped beside his sister and glared at her. “You know mother disapproves of you showing off like that.”

Sunset snorted. Her aura receded, allowing the four to take some comfort. “Pfft, I can show off my magic if I want to. It’s mine to do as I wish. Besides, I just wanted to make a good first impression.”

Spike raised a clawed hand and mimed her mouth. “I just wanted to make a good first impression.” The Prince said, in a rather mocking feminine voice. Sunset glared daggers at him.

Mayor Mare was taken aback by this behavior. ‘Surely our God Princess would have raised them better than this.’

Spike stepped a little further. “Sorry about that. My sister is a flasher.”

A blush seemed to appear on both Sunset and Lyra’s faces. Mayore Mare was puzzled for a second, before she remembered the term ‘Flasher’ was some kind of bad word between unicorns.

“You…You idiot!” Sunset stomped a hoof in rage. “I was just…”

“Showing off,” Spike cut her off, giving her a demeaning gaze. Sunset looked away from him. “Do I have to give you another pep talk about this, or should I pass on the torch to mother?”

“Okay, fine,” Sunset conceded. “I’ll stop showing off while we’re here. Happy?”

Spike gave her a small smile, which turned into an apologetic one when he faced the others. “Now that that’s out of the way, I think we can proceed with our goal. Don’t you think, dear sister?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sunset grumbled.

‘Well, this is certainly not what I was expecting, Mayor Mare admitted to herself. ‘Still, the Prince seems to be able to keep his sister in line. That’ll come in hoofy.’

The mayor cleared her throat. “It fills my heart with pride to be able to welcome the children of the sun goddess to our quaint town. I’m sure you’ll love your stay here in fair Ponyville.”

“I’m sure we will,” Prince Spike bowed his head.

“I highly doubt it.” Sunset muttered.

“As you are new to Ponyville-” Mayor Mare gestured to the Inquisitors “-I believe you will be needing guides to help you find your way. We wouldn’t want you getting lost, now would we?”

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” Sunset stated, looking keenly at her raised hoof. “I can find my own way around town.”

The four Ponyvillians looked at her in confusion. “Excuse me, My Princess,” Time Turner spoke up. “But shouldn’t we be the ones to escort you? I mean no offense, but if something were to happen…”

“If you are at all competent in performing your duties, Ponyville should be safe enough,” Sunset shot at him, sending him a disdainful gaze. “Unless you’re telling me otherwise, to which I would have to take away your title and banish you from my kingdom.”

“Mom’s kingdom,” Spike pointed out.

“Whatever.” Princess Sunset shot him a glare. Mayor Mare noticed that she tended to do that a lot. “Anyways, we don’t any guides, do we, brother?”

Prince Spike gave out a sad sigh and nodded. “Indeed we don’t.” From his from pocket, he pulled out what appeared to be a round, flat crystal.

"An info disk?" Time Turner looked at it curiously. "I haven't seen one of these in a long time." He tapped his chin. "Or near future." He shook his head. "Gah, it's best not to think about it."

"An info disk?" Lady Justice asked, eyeing the strange device. "What's that?” Lady Justice looked up from the device to peer at the Inquisitor.

"Basically a piece of magic turned solid," Time Turner explained. "It's hollow on it's own, but it allows the user to put any bit of information inside, whether photos, music, etc. Brilliant really. Simple brilliant." He turned to look at the royals. "So I take it that you won't be needing us."

Sunset smirked. "Very observant of you, Inquisitor Time Turner." Sunset used her magic to take the info disk and place it in front of herself. With another flick of her horn, the info disk lit up. Instantly, a three dimensional hologram of Time Turner appeared. A similar glow to the disk appeared in Sunset's eyes and she could feel the information stream into her brain. "Or should I call you 'The Doctor?"

Time Turner frowned. "Inquisitor Time Turner is fine."

Sunset shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." She turned off the info disk and handed it back to her brother. "So you see, we have everything we need already. A guide would only slow us down."

Time Turner bowed his head. “As you wish, Your Highnesses. But the Inquisition will still be monitoring your route in case of problems.”

“I would expect nothing less from the Inquisition.” Sunset walked passed them without sparing a single glance.

Prince Spike sighed and walked after her. “I apologize for her behavior. She’s a stubborn pony, but she’ll lighten up when the festivities start.”

‘I hope so.’ Mayor Mare thought to herself.

“Well,” Lady Justice spoke up, when the two royals were far enough away. “Princess Sunset’s a jerk.”

“The biggest jerk I’ve ever seen,” Lyra added.

“Lyra.” Time Turner glared at her. “Speaking ill of the Princess is heresy.”

“You didn’t say anything when the townsfolk sang about her,” Lyra pointed out.

“That’s different,” Time Turner grumbled. “No one can stop a musical number. No one.”

“Sunset, what was with you back there?”

The fair princess snorted in agitation. She knew where he was going with this. “Listen little bro, I don’t need anypony getting in my way. I want them to give me space so I can get back to saving the world. Besides, I wasn’t showing off my full power, just a smidgen. I didn’t want to mess them up.”

“But that doesn’t mean you have to push ponies away.” Spike gave her a look of pity. She didn’t need pity. She was the bucking Princess of Equestria, for her mother’s sake. “If you keep this up, you’ll die alone.”

“Are you implying that you’d leave me?” Sunset growled. Anger built its way up and was ready to burst forth. “That mom would leave me?”

Spike’s eyes widened. “No, we would never…”

“THEN I”LL NEVER DIE ALONE!” She roared. She didn’t care about the looks she was getting, or the fact some of the ponies were running and hiding. Instead, she focused on her little brother. She placed her snout against his. “You got that?” He nodded. “Good.” The princess tore her gaze away from him and started off. “Let’s get this over with.”

She heard her brother sigh. He did that a lot. She didn’t know why. ‘Probably because I don’t see his viewpoint.’
Her ears drooped as she noticed the defeated look on his face. She hated yelling at him. “I’m sorry,” Sunset nuzzled his side.

Spike snorted and nuzzled her back. “Don’t be. I’ve learned to live with your outbursts.”

“I don’t have outbursts.”

Spike chuckled, earning her ire. “Sure you don’t.” A moment of silnce past between them. “So, who shall we see first?”

“Pick one,” Sunset waved a hoof nonchalantly.

Spike took out the info disk and ran his claw over it. No sooner than it turned on, a light green pegasi sped right over them. The speed at which she was going nearly knocked Spike and Sunset over with the wind current it made. The disk let out a small ‘bleep’.

“I believe that would be our first contact.” Sunset said.

Sunset grumbled as she used her magic to fix up her messed up mane. “Name and occupation?”

“I believe that would be...” Spike read off the disk. “Lightning Dust, head of Ponyville’s weather team.”

Sunset spared a glance up to the clear, sunny sky. “At least she knows how to hit clouds.” The two walked on after the weather pony. Luckily for them, they didn’t need to go far.

Lightning Dust, a light green Pegasus mare, sat atop a small cloud. Her cutie mark was a white lightning bolt with three yellow stars beneath. “What’s my time, Cloudchaser?” she asked, peering down at the mare below her.

Said Cloudchaser, a purple pegasus mare with a crazy light blue and white mane, looked down at a stopwatch she was holding in her hoof. “Ten point one seconds.”

“WHAT?!!” Lightning Dust screeched. “That can’t be right.” She reached down and ripped the stopwatch from the other’s grasp.

“Hey,” Cloudchaser said in surprise.

Lightning Dust ignored her and focused on the watch. She then crossed her front hooves and grit her teeth. “This is horse-manure. I’ve done this five times today and still the same. I've flown way faster than this. Why do I suck today of all days?”

“Maybe you’re tired,” Cloudchaser offered. “We’ve all been working awfully hard for the Summer Sun Celebration coming up.”

“But I should at least be able to clear the skies in ten second flat, Cloudchaser,” Lightning Dust grumbled. "Princess Celestia is coming and I need to show her how awesome I really am."

“Excuse me,” Sunset cut into the conversation. The two pegasi turned their heads to look at her. “I take it you’re Lightning Dust.”

Lightning let a cocky smile spread across her face. “The one and only.” She fluttered onto the ground in front of them. “So who are…” She noticed Spike and her eyes nearly bulged out of her sockets. “Whoa! Who’s the cool looking dude?”

“Spike,” he answered with his trademark grin. “Prince Spike.”

“And that would make you Princess Sunset Shimmer,” Lightning stated. Sunset nodded, thankful she had some hint of intelligence. “Well, it’s cool to finally meet some royalty.” She peered over at Cloudchaser. “Yo Chaser, why don’t you come over and say hi.”

Cloudchaser did so, but unlike Dust, she looked rather sheepish about it. “Uh, hi.”

“Hi,” Sunset said back, without any enthusiasm. “So Lightning Dust, I see that you’ve been slacking off.”

Lightning Dust’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Slacking off? My team cleared the skies the first thing this morning.”

“Yet I see a cloud here before me,” Sunset pointed to Dust’s previous sitting spot.

“I was just using it to relax,” Lightning stated. “It’s not going to hurt anypony if I keep one cloud.”

“Get rid of it,” Sunset told her. “This celebration needs to be perfect, do you understand?”

Spike laid a hand on her shoulder. “Sunset, I think you should lay off her. A cloud isn’t going to kill anypony and mother wouldn’t care in the slightest about it. So you shouldn’t either.”

Sunset shot him a glare. “Be that as it may, fine job.” Spike’s grip tightened a bit. “And I’m sorry for being grouchy.”

Lightning Dust just chuckled. “No harm done. Everypony’s on edge with the coming celebration so I understand. You’re not the first to get on my case today.” She elbowed Cloudchaser’s side. “Lil’ Chaser here got on my case when I caught her in a tornado.”

Cloudchaser frowned. “That wasn’t funny, Dust. I nearly threw up my breakfast.”

Lightning Dust laughed. “But you should have seen yourself. You were-" Lightning pulled a wheezy face. Cloudchaser blushed in embarrassment, causing Lightning to laugh again. "So anyways, I hear you’re an awesome unicorn.”

“That I am,” Sunset beamed with pride. ‘Looks like someone acknowledges my power.’

“Well, I’m an awesome Pegasus,” Lightning put a hoof to her chest. “So what’d you say? Wanna hang out later?”

Sunset pulled a face of surprise. “Hang out?”

“Yeah.” Lightning nodded. “I mean, we’d probably be the most awesome pair of mares in all of Equestria.”

“Errrr, no,” Sunset shook her head rapidly. “I have more important things to attend to today. Sorry.” ‘Not sorry.’

“No biggy.” Lightning Dust shrugged. Both she and Cloudchaser started to lift themselves up. “We can always hang out after the celebration.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sunset started off.

“Well, well, well,” Spike started a few second later. “Looks like someone just made a friend.”

“Spike,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “She is not my friend and if mother is merciful, I will never see that mare again.”

“Hey, let’s not be hostile. She just wanted to hang out.”

“I do not ‘hang out’. I study and have little moments with you and mom. That’s enough in my books.”

“Could you stop it with the books,” Spike groaned. “You spend more time with them then anything. A part of me thinks you’re having an affair.”

“Did I ever tell you that you’re humor stinks?”


“Then I’ll tell you again. You suck at comedy.”

Spike just rolled his eyes and ran his finger over the disk again. The information flashed before him. “Next up is the confectionary artist setting up the buffet: Pizzelle.”

“What kind of name is Pizzelle?”

Pizzelle lived like pretty much everypony else in town. A small, two-story sized house. Sunset wondered for a moment if pony engineers liked stacking similar houses together. ‘And I thought Canterlot’s houses could be bland.’

Spike knocked on the door. “Is anypony home?”

No sooner than he asked, the door swung open. “Of course, sweetie,” answered the mare. She was a white Pegasus with a dirty blond mane that was tied in a bun. Her cutie mark was three cookies with one bitten into. Her light green eyes went wide in shock when she saw the dragon before her. “Well…”

“Do not fear, madam,” Spike raised a clawed hand to stop her. “I mean you no harm.”

The mare giggled. “Of course you don’t. You’re Prince Spike. Oh I’ve heard so much about you. Is it true your dragonfire can transport messages?” Spike nodded. “Then that means Ditzy owes me three bits.”

“Can we get back on track,” Sunset spoke up, gaining the mare’s attention. “We’re looking for Pizzelle. Are you her?”

“I wouldn’t be anypony else,” Pizzelle giggled. “But look at me, standing in the doorway. How rude am I? Very rude. Please come in.” The mare moved aside, allowing the two royals access to her home.

Sunset wasn’t at all impressed by the modest dwelling. Pizzelle was a peasant after all. “We won’t be staying long. We’re just here to check if you’ve finished or not.”

“Oh I’m never finished baking.” Pizzelle smirked. “I’m a lean, mean, baking machine. Why I’ve been doing it for years, ever since I was a little filly. Why, my family has been bakers for generations. Did you know we even have a few royal bakers in our bloodline? My great-great-great grandfather baked a pie so great that Princess Celestia couldn't help but stuff her face with the stuff.” The pegasus giggled. "Could you imagine that?"

'I've seen it.' Sunset knew all about her mother's sweet tooth. “Fascinating.” Sunset gave her a deadpan gaze. “But let me rephrase myself: have you made enough food for everypony?”

Pizzelle nodded. “Of course I have. I’m not the type of mare to let everypony down. That’s more Caramel’s thing, but he doesn’t mean to. The poor dears a tad forgetful and that overbearing sister of his doesn’t do him any good I tell you.”

“Yes,” Spike spoke up. “But let’s get back on track here. What kind of confectionaries have you prepared?”

“Mostly treats such as cookies and whatnot,” Pizzelle stated. “I’ve made some more healthy choices to go along, just in case anypony wants to watch their weight. Like Berry Punch. Why, the poor dears been trying to cut down a couple sizes. I know she doesn’t say it, but I believe she’s got an eye on Mr. Breezie. Nice stallion, but a bit of loud mouth if you ask me.”

‘Does this mare know when to shut up?’ “And will everything be set up accordingly for the festivities?” She asked.

“Of course they will,” Pizzelle said. “My friends Love Tap and Ditzy Doo are helping me set up the table. You won’t find a pair of more lovable mares if you tried. It's not surprising though, seeing as they’re mothers and what not. And what cute children they have. I've thought of having a child of my own, but haven't met him yet. The other girls still take me out to places and such. I even remember our trip to Los Pegasus..." The pegasus's eyes twinkled. "Say, would you mind stopping by for one of our little get togethers?”

“Stopping by?” Sunset’s look of confusion caused Spike to smirk.

Pizzelle nodded. “Why yes. You seem a little stressed. There’s nothing more relaxing than spending time with good friends.”

‘Friends.’ Sunset’s left eye twitched a couple times. “Sorry, but…”

“OH MY GOODNESS!” Pizzelle cried out, covering her mouth. “I almost forgot. Here I am talking away and I haven’t offered you a snack or anything.”

“That’s not….”

“Well, we would like to sample your wares ma’am,” Spike spoke up, licking his lips. Sunset groaned. Spike wouldn’t leave this home without stuffing himself. He may have been a gentledrake, but he was a lover of food first.

“Then you’re in luck.” Pizzelle gave a triumphant smile. “I’ve finished baking some fresh loaves of bread.”

“Mmmm,” Spike let out a heavenly moan, while he chewed upon another loaf of bread. He was currently walking on his hind legs, something her rarely did, so he could carry an arm load of bread loafs. He swallowed. “You want some?”

“No, thank you,” Sunset said. “I already had my fill.”

“Suit yourself.” Spike then lobbed another loaf of bread into his mouth.

“So, who’s next?”

Spike hmm’d happily as he looked at the disk. “Well, well, well. It looks like I’m going to enjoy this next visit.”

“Don’t tell me,” Sunset said with a roll of her eyes. “she’s cute.”

“More than cute, my dear sister.” Spike’s eyes shown with mirth. “Much more.”

“Could you at least tell me her name.”

“Miss Rarity Belle,” Spike stated. “Owner of Carousel Boutique and resident fashion expert.”

Sunset groaned. If there was one type of pony she despised just by principle, it was fashionistas. Everything about them was fake and they were so full of themselves, believing in their superiority. ‘She probably has injections and false eyelashes,'Sunset mused to herself.

“Now are you going to be civil, Sunset?”

“I don’t know. Are you going to keep it in your pants, Spike?”

Spike didn’t answer her. Instead, he focused on eating the last of the bread rolls. Sunset chuckled. ‘Score one for me.’

It didn’t take them long to find Carousel Boutique. Honestly, she wouldn’t have needed the info disk to find it. The building itself screamed ‘boutique’, what with it’s intricate designs and colors. Not to mention the two, burly diamond dogs guarding it…. ‘Wait.’

“Spike, why are there diamond dogs here?” Sunset looked up at her little brother.

“I don’t know.” Spike growled, as the two neared the building. It was no secret that diamond dogs weren’t a welcome race in Equestria. They more often than not fought and enslaved ponies during their gem hunts. Dragons and diamond dogs were even worse foes, going to far as to say it was in their genetic code to be enemies.

The two diamond dogs, one stationed on each side of the door, were wearing grayish armor on their upper bodies. A large helmet seemed to cover their eyes, but that didn’t make them any less dangerous. Diamond dogs had superb hearing and smell senses. Still, they were able to see underneath their headwear. A long spear was held in their paw. The two beasts looked as if they were challenging anyone to come near them.

‘If they try something, I’ll just set them on fire,' Sunset told herself. She knew that the diamond dogs weren’t much of a threat to her or her brother, what with her magical prowess and his strength they could take them with ease. That didn’t stop her from hesitantly eyeing the diamond dogs’ fearsome paws.

Once they made it to the boutique’s doors, the dogs crossed their spears. “Stop. You’z not go furtha.” One of them spoke. ‘If you call this hogwash they spew speech.’

“Oh yes,” Sunset glared at him. “I go further. I need to see this miss Rarity. It is urgent.”

“Who’z you?” one of them asked.

“Princess Sunset Shimmer and Prince Spike,” Sunset answered.

“We’z ‘erd nuffin about’z you’z comin’.”

“You should have,” Sunset snorted in derision. “Now stand down. We need to get inside.”

“Not goin’ ta ‘appen, ponie,” the diamond dogs growled. “Miss Rarity aint seein’ anybody today.” He leaned downwards so his face was in hers. Being this close to him almost made her throw-up. She had heard about the stench of diamond dogs, but they were only putting it mildly.

‘Has he ever heard about taking a shower?....Probably not. It’s too complicated for him.’

“So scram.” The Diamond Dog nearly shouted at her.

“Make me,” Sunset responded. Her horn lit up as she prepared to send the dogs flying out of town….while being set on fire. Of course, she never got a chance to because of the door opening.
A few minutes earlier, inside Carousel Boutique

Rarity took a sip out of her teacup. “So you want me to help you ‘fancify’ Caramel so that he may ‘woo’ Princess Sunset Shimmer?”

“Basically yeah.” Apple Cobbler nodded. The two of them were sitting opposite one another on expensive purple ‘fainting’ couches, imported from Prance you might add. Her brother, Caramel, was currently downstairs on the main floor, while the mares discussed matters upstairs. Rarity had found it odd, but then again, this was Apple Cobbler she was dealing with.

“And pray tell,” Rarity said, quirkeing an eyebrow, “has he ever encountered her before? Has he shown interesting in pursuing our beloved princess?”

“Errr...” Apple Cobbler rubbed the back of her neck. “Well, not until recently. Ah’ve been nudgin’ him to get out more and he sorta…fell for her…Happened spontaneously.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. ‘Yes, spontaneously.’ She knew why Apple Cobbler was pushing her brother to do so. “Really, Apple Cobbler, I grow tired of your ‘get rich’ schemes.”

“This is not a get rich scheme,” Apple Cobbler shot back, glaring at her. “This is about true love.”

“There is nothing ‘true’ about this.” Rarity scowled. If there was one thing she cared about, it was true love…next was fashion of course. “You are pushing your brother into something far and above his status and I shall not be part of it.”

Apple Cobbler growled angrily and stood up from the couch. “Status? What does status have to do with love? Ah’ve seen the way he looks at her, how he feels….”

Rarity laughed. “How he feels? Dear, Cobbler, if that were true, he would have come to me personally. Not you.” She sent Apple Cobbler a harsh glare. “I know you. I know how much you lust after any sort of coinage or power you can get your grubby little hooves on. Do not take me for a fool, Apple Cobbler. I’m not exactly the type of mare you want to mess with.”

Apple Cobbler gasped and put a hoof to her chest. “Why ah never. Ah do not ‘lust’ after money and power. Ah just want the best for mah family.”

“Your family is content with what they have, unlike you. So please, explain to me how you are looking out for your own. And please don’t lie, Miss Cobbler, you are a horrible liar.” Rarity tapped her chin. “Seems that trait runs in the family.”

Apple Cobbler’s scowl deepened and she looked away. Her hooves fiddled on the ground. ‘She’s coming up with another lie.’ Rarity decided to look outside the window for a moment. She was glad she chose the seat next to it. It gave her a sort of calming feeling to look at Ponyville. The quaint little town of hers was simply marvelous in the day time. She peered down at her two guard dogs. ‘I do so hope they haven’t….Is that the royals?’

It was. Rarity’s eyes nearly took up her whole face as they widened in shock. There, both Princess Sunset Shimmer and Prince Spike, were butting heads {literally} with her guards.

“WAHAHAHA!” Rarity let out a cry of surprise and fear. “COCO!”

It didn’t take long before her assistant, a sweet young mare by the name of Coco Pommel, came into the room. “Yes, miss Rarity?”

Rarity turned to look at Coco. She was an off-white earth pony with two-tone blue mane and tail. She wore a white-bordered lavender sailor collar with a scarlet tie and a tri-shade hair clip in the back of her mane. Her cutie mark was a lavender floppy hat with a scarlet feather. Despite being an Earth pony, she was quite nimble with her hooves. She was a massive help to Rarity and she needed her help now more than ever.

“Would you kindly go and get the door. Our very livelihoods are at stake.”

Coco’s eyes widened and she nodded. “At once, Miss Rarity.” And with that, she raced out of the room.

Sunset was a tad surprised to see a petite earth pony mare answer the door, instead of miss Rarity herself. ‘Probably too lazy to get off her expensive couch to do anything.’

“Can I help you?” The mare’s voice was gentle and sweet.

Sunset didn’t like that. Not one bit. “Yes, where is Rarity? I need to speak with her about the celebration.”

“She’s in the middle of something at the moment,” the mare told her. “But I can help you in the meantime.”

“That would indeed be kind of you, miss…” Spike trailed off, hoping for her to answer.

The mare gave him a sweet smile. “Coco Pommel.”

“Miss Pommel.” Spike bowed. “It is an honor. Pray tell, may we enter the abode?”

“Why yes, you may,” Coco looked at both guards. “Umm, could you guys please stand down. I don’t want to impose, but you’re being mean to royalty.”

“’Kay,” one of the diamond dogs said as they took their original positions.

“Come on in.” Coco opened the door wider for the two.

“Thank you,” Spike said, as the two entered.

Sunset had to admit, she was liking Rarity’s style. ‘Pompous and full of herself, but she’s got class. I’ll give her that.’

She then spied a yellow earth pony stallion who was currently looking at her. She’d seen that look, but only in horror films. She couldn’t help but quirk her eyebrow. “Is there something wrong?”

Before the stallion could think of anything, a voice rang out. “CARAMEL! GET YOUR SORRY HIDE UP HERE!”

“Gottagobye,” The stallion quickly said, before speeding on upstairs.

“How odd,” Sunset uttered.

“I’m sorry about that,” Coco spoke up. “Miss Rarity’s client isn’t the nicest of ponies.”

“She has my sympathy,” Spike said. “And if you could, tell her I know her pain.” He took a glance at Sunset.

Sunset, seeing it, sent him a fierce glare. “Spike, do you want me to throw you through the wall?”

Coco gasped. “Please don’t. I don’t think he meant anything bad by his remark.”

“Miss Pommel,” Spike addressed her. “My sister likes to joke in such a manner. No harm shall come to me…or the wall for that matter.”

“Who said I was joking?” Sunset pouted.

“Anyways,” Spike said, trying to steer the conversation back on track. “Are the decorations for the celebration in place?”

Coco nodded. “Yes. Everything was finished yesterday and I was able to do some last minute tweaking this morning.”

“I take it your Rarity’s apprentice then.” Sunset said, to which Coco nodded enthusiastically. ‘An earth pony dress maker? Now that I got to see.’ Sunset chuckled, thinking of all the ways Coco would mess that up.

Spike sent her a small glare. “It is good to hear such a fine young mare takes such an interest in the craft of fashion.” He placed a clawed hand on his chest. “I myself am an art connoisseur, so I shall not lie when I support you and your master’s decisions while working on the town.”

‘You haven’t even seen the decorations.’ Sunset wanted to point out, but it was useless. Coco was already turning her head away in an attempt to hide her blush. ‘Darn it Spike. I told you to keep it in your pants.’ “Yes, thank you for that.” Sunset said, starting for the door.

“Umm...” Coco looked confused. “Don’t you want to see the decorations?”

“I don’t need to,” Sunset put in. “They are finished with. Tonight is the celebration so there is no real time to change them.” While that was kind of true, it could still be done if she worked them overtime. But Sunset had a world to save and ribbons and bows weren’t worth giving a passing glance today. “I can look at them tonight.”

“And then you’ll tell miss Rarity your opinion?” Coco asked.

“No,” Sunset was not going to compliment some backwater fashionista. “I’ll be too busy.”

“Oh,” Coco’s face fell, before she perked up. “Then how about you tell me tomorrow over a spot of tea? Miss Rarity will be busy then, but I can relay your thoughts. If that’s okay with you.” She shied away a little.

Sunset grit her teeth. “I’ll think on it.” ‘Not.’
Near Ponyville’s hospital

“What is with these ponies and being so…”

“Friendly?” Spike offered. He was back to walking on his four legs. It hadn’t taken him that long to finish the loaves of bread.

“Yeah,” Sunset grumbled. “I don’t have the time to…”

“Make some friends?” Spike finished her thought. “Mom’s personal order.”

“Yeah.” Sunset nodded. “That.”

Spike sighed. “It’s a small town, Sunset. The ponies here all know each other and have a strong bond because of it. They just want you to feel welcome and happy. That’s what friends do.”

“If having friends mean I have to spend any more time with these losers,” Sunset said, “Then I am one hundred percent sure I can live without it. And stop sighing. It’s annoying.”

“I can’t help it.” Spike rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re a pain in the neck to deal with.”

“I’m going to ignore that remark.” Sunset knocked the door this time. “Open the door, or I’ll burn it down.”

“Sunset.” Spike glared at her. “This is a hospital.”

“I can pay back the damages,” Sunset scoffed. “I’m not a princess for nothing, you know.”

Spike gave her a look a complete and utter agitation. Of course, before the conversation could continue, the door opened to reveal a white earth pony mare with light pink hair that was done in a bun with a nurse cap on top.

‘She kind of looks like Pizzelle…Eh, a lot of ponies look similar.’ Sunset noted to herself.

“Can I help you?” The nurse asked.

“You would be Nurse Redheart,” Spike said. “Correct?”

“I am.” Nurse Redheart smiled and bowed. “How may I help you, Your Majesties?”

Sunset smiled at the display. “We need to talk about your services in the upcoming festival.”

“Oh.” Redheart looked a tad bit surprised. “Please come in.” The two royals, like the other times, headed inside. “Can I get you anything?”

“No.” Sunset shot her brother a look as if to say ‘you already stuffed your face’. “We’re good.”

“Good,” Redheart said. “I wouldn’t want our royals to starve themselves. That simply isn’t healthy.”

“That goes without saying.” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Sorry,” Redheart said. “I’ve traveled around Equestria and beyond and quite a few celebrities have shown clear signs of starvation. I could see their ribcage.” She shook her head. “Dreadful. Simply dreadful.”

“I know,” Spike piped in. “They think that it makes them attractive, but it doesn’t. I prefer a mare with a supple, voluptuous form. Like yours, Miss Redheart.”

Nurse Redheart blushed. “I am in no way voluptuous or supple.”

“You could have fooled me,” Spike chuckled, causing her to blush more.

Sunset roughly elbowed him and whispered into his ear. “Cut the flirting.”

“Alright, alright,” Spike conceded. “Now, Miss Redheart…”

“You can call me Nurse Redheart,” she said. “Or just Redheart. Whichever you prefer.”

“Redheart,” Spike started. “You are in charge of the local health and security forces correct?”

“I am in charge of the hospital and it’s staff,” Redheart nodded. “But I only work in conjunction with the honored guardsponies of our Holy Majesty.”

“Do not be modest, my dear nurse.” Spike sent her a charming smiled. “You are a leading member of the Order Hospitaller. That is a great honor.”

“Yes it is.”

“If it’s so great,” Sunset started, “then why aren’t you off at the border where the fighting goes on, instead of hiding in this backwater town.”

Nurse Redheart sent her a glare. “Because this ‘backwater town’ is on the edge of the Everfree Forest. I wouldn’t for the life of me abandon loyal Equestrians when they are so close to danger.”

Sunset eyed her for a moment. She had to concede to her point and was actually impressed with her decision. That was saying something. ‘The mare’s got guts. I like that.’ She offered a bowed head. “Forgive me for speaking out of line.” Spike looked a tad surprised at her apology, but she didn’t think much of it. Redheart was a medic and to be truthful, she had seen many during her younger years. A few lollipops and treats along the way and she learned to like nurses….Still didn’t mean she couldn’t be herself and push her weight around.

Nurse Redheart let out a relieved smile. “Apology accepted. Now, shall we make this quick? I have some important research to get back to.”

“Research?” The two royals said together.

Nurse Redheart beamed with pride. “I’m trying to rework the genetic code of the Holu to make it more durable.”

“The what?” Sunset asked.

“The Holu is an extremely rare plant,” Nurse Redheart explained. “It was only discovered a decade ago and has the medical world clamoring for it.”


“Because the juice of the Holu has been proven to cure any and all pathogens,” she explained. When she saw the looks of confusion, she sighed. “Basically, it’s a cure-all for all diseases and poisons.”

“What?” They said.

“Yes!” Nurse Redheart was practically giddy. “Isn’t it wonderful? The Holu extract actually purifies the receiver’s body, fixing and curing any and all damages incurred by foreign elements.”

“That is incredible,” Spike said in awe. “But, why haven’t we heard of this before?”

Nurse Redheart gave out a tired, sad sigh. “Because the Holu is so rare and we can only extract so much juice from it, unless we want to kill the plant. And since it takes decades for it to mature enough for the juice to be potent- and we have age spells to check that- we can’t take that risk. We’ve tried planting more, but it will only grow in its natural habitat. I myself only have one vial of the substance.

“But-” she beamed with pride “-I’m working on that. You see, I am a master of genetics. I even created a whole new strain of dogs during my college years.”

“Wonderful.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “More mutts.” ‘I hate dogs.’

Nurse Redheart ignored her. “I’ve been trying to combine the genes of the Holu with some more versatile plants, such as weeds or grasses. So far, no results, but science has proven time and time again that you just need to keep trying. I could show you after the celebration is over. Perhaps we could hang out and talk over tea. I’ll try and not bore you with my ‘nerdage’.” She giggled.

Sunset groaned. ‘More friendship? Gag me with a spoon.’ Sunset was tired with these offers….as well as with Nurse Redheart’s science talk. ‘She talks more than Pizzelle…that’s not a good thing.’“Just say if you’re ready for the celebration or not.”

“I’m ready.”

“Good.” Sunset started for the door, hoping to get out of being roped into another science talk. “Come on, bro. We have one more pony to meet.”

Spike bowed his head as he left. “It was an honor to meet you, Nurse Redheart.”

Redheart bowed her head in turn. “And it was an honor to meet you, Prince Spike.”
Sweet Apple Acres

“Why did the musician have to live on a farm?” Sunset complained. She had been impressed by the famed Apples farm. It was certainly big, but that was also a problem. “WHY? Don’t they know what the filth does to my coat? I spent two hours prepping my image this morning.”

Spike rolled his eyes at his sister’s antics. “Sunset, a little dirt isn’t going to kill….as well as some friendship.”

“Shut up about the friendship thing.” Sunset Shimmer shot him an annoyed expression. “You’ve been on my case all day.”

“And I’ll stay on your case until you make a friend.”

“Which is never going to happen.”

Spike sighed and the two continued on in silence, until they nearly were run over by two fillies. Luckily Spike took the hit and was sent to the ground.

“Ah’m so'ry, mister,” a small yellow earth pony filly said. She had a red mane and wore a big red bow. Sunset had to admit, she was pretty cute. “We didn’t mean t'run ya on over.”

“Yeah,” the other earth pony filly said. She was pink with darker pink and white striped mane. “We were just hiding.”

“Oh I don’t think he minds being run over by cute little fillies like you.” Sunset shot him a sly grin, to which he glared back.

He got up and dusted himself off. “And who are you two?”

“Ah’m Apple Bloom,” the yellow filly stated. She pointed at the other filly. “An' this here is mah best friend, Diamond Tiara; the richest filly in Ponyville.”

“Oh stop it,” Diamond Tiara chuckled. “They don’t need to know that.” She turned to the royals. “And who are you two?”

“Princess Sunset Shimmer and Prince Spike,” Sunset stated.

“PRINCESS?!!” Diamond Tiara yelled and quickly bowed. “I’m so sorry for being disrespectful. Please don’t banish us for assaulting your brother.”

“They wouldn't banish us.” Apple Bloom looked at them with a tinge of fear. “Ya'll wouldn't, would ya?”

“Of course not,” Spike spoke up. “You’re just playing. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

The two fillies sighed in relief. “Close one,” they said in unison and giggled.

“Apple Bloom,” a deep masculine voice called out. Sunset, despite of herself, couldn’t help but find the voice charming. “Diamond Tiara. Come out now. We still have some work t'do.”

The fillies gasped and hid in a bush nearby. Sunset and Spike looked at each other questionably and shook their heads in mirth. ‘Kids will be kids.’

Just then, a large red earth pony stallion with an orange mane came out of the foliage. Sunset couldn’t believe what she saw. He was so muscular and tall. ‘I wonder what his muscles feel like.’ She knew he was a hick, that was obvious from his green apple cutie mark…Which she totally wasn’t staring at for longer than she should. The wind blew his mane to the side and Sunset could have sworn it made him even more attractive.

“Sunset,” Spike spoke up with mirth in his voice. “You’re drooling.”

Sunset Shimmer noticed that her mouth was indeed open and quickly close it, wiping away the excess drool. She could tell there was a blush on her cheeks from how warm they were. “I’m hungry, that’s all.”

“Hungry for some apples, I see,” Spike chuckled. Sunset prepared to bombard him with her magic, when the hick talked to her.

“Could ya mind explainin’ t'me why there's a dragon on my family’s property?” The stallion asked.

“He’s my brother,” Sunset said, finding her voice. Her eyes were on the ground, not willing to look at the hick before her. ‘Filthy commoner.

“Then y’all the royals ah heard were comin’ to town,” he said. She nodded. He leant out a hoof. “The name’s Macintosh. ‘Course, most folks call me Big Mac.”

Sunset unwillingly took the hoof and was pleasantly shocked by what she felt. Little bolts of electricity worked their way up her body. She was glad he was being gentle with her shake. “Nice to meet you.”

Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion at the display. “Nice to meet you too.” He shook Mac’s hoof next.

“Yer here to see Fiddlesticks, aren’t y'all?” Big Mac said.

Sunset nodded, still unwilling to look at him. ‘What the hay is wrong with me? Why is he making me so meek. Stupid hick and his…’making me feel weird ways’.’

“Then come on,” Big Mac started off. “She’s on over at the barn practicin'…Hey, did y'all happen t'see two fillies?”

“Yes.” The siblings started following him.

“Little Apple Bloom thought it be a great time t'play hide an’ seek,” Big Mac shook his head. “She an' her friend had t'pick now of all times t'run off like that. She knows she has some more chores to do ‘fore days out.”

“We could help look for them,” Spike offered.

Sunset shook her head rapidly. ‘The less I spend around that hick, the better.’

“Much obliged,” Big Mac said, causing Sunset to groan in agitation. Unintentionally, she happened to catch glimpses of his behind. She was behind him, she reasoned. It happened.

“Sunset,” Spike asked. There was enough distance between them and Big Mac for them to talk without him listening.


“Why are you as red as a tomato?”

“Sh-shut up.”

The three soon found themselves in front of a typical red barn. You know, the type you’d always find on a farm. ‘No surprises so far.’

Soft, muffled musical notes seemed to be escaping the barn. Big Mac chuckled. “Seems she’s still practicin’. Don’t know why. She’s the best darn fiddler this here side of Equestria.”

“My mom will be the judge of that, hick,” Sunset snorted. ‘Yeah, show that hick who’s boss…That incredibly masculine hick.’

Big Mac rolled his eyes and opened the door. The scene before them was…fierce. Fiddlesticks was a light yellow earth pony mare with a blue mane and a blue treble clef cutie mark. She wore a light green shirt, with two orange sashes: one on her abdomen and one on her neck. A white cowpony hat sat upon her head. The mare was currently prancing around the barn on her hind legs. In her front legs, she was playing a country tune faster than any other musician the princess had ever seen. “YEE-HA!” Fiddlesticks cried out in joy. Sunset had to admit, she had skills. ‘Still a backwards hick.’

“Cos’, you've got visitors,” Big Mac spoke up over the musical notes.

“Visitors?” Fiddlesticks stopped her playing and gave them a toothy grin. “Why didn’t ya say so?”

“Ah thought ah did,” Big Mac grumbled.

Fiddlesticks set her violin down next to a bale of hay and walked over to them. Quickly, and without asking, she took Sunset’s hoof in her own and gave it a mighty fast shake. “Howdy-doo an' welcome t'Sweet Apple Acres; home of the best apples in all Equestria.” She let go, but Sunset was still shaking from the hoof-shake. “The name’s Fiddlesticks. How can ah help ya’ll?”

What are they feeding this family?’ Sunset lamented as she still shook all over.

Spike grab the tip of Sunset’s horn between his fingers, which stopped her shaking…somehow. “We came to see if you were ready for the celebration. You see, we were went by our mother, Celestia, to oversee the preparations.”

Fiddlesticks gasped. “So ya’ll the royals ah’ve heard about?” They nodded. “Well cover me in pickles an' throw me t'the rattlesnakes, it’s nice to meet ya.”

‘Cover in what and throw her to what?’ Both Spike and Sunset sent questioning stares at Big Mac. He shook his head, as if to say ‘don’t question it’. “Well…” Sunset started. “It has been…interesting to meet you.”

“Interestin'?” Fiddlesticks chuckled. “Can’t say that ah is. Ah’m just a small town mare with the best darn family ya could have.”

‘Debatable.’ Sunset thought, but didn’t want to have an argument on who had the better relatives…Spoiler alert, she did. “Anyhow, I saw you playing. It was…acceptable.” Spike sighed in relief at her statement.

“Well that’s a mighty nice thin' for ya to say,” Fiddlesticks smiled brightly. “That piece back there was just a li'l somethin’ to warm me up for the celebration. Don’t you worry a li'l hidely hair on yer mane, Princess. This here piece ah’m workin’ on is goin’ t'blow yer ma’s mind.”

‘Yeah, make her blow her top at how ‘country’ it is.’ Sunset grumbled inwardly. “That’s good to hear.” Sunset tapped her hoof in agitation. She was getting tired of meeting new ponies when she should be preparing for Nightmare Moon’s return. ‘Stupid assignment.’ “Well, I think that’s all we need to know.”

“That’s it?” Fiddlesticks looked rather confused. “Ya don’t wanna hear one of my songs?”

“I think I heard enough,” Sunset said.

“Then howsabout ah play ya’ll a song o' two after the celebration,” Fiddlesticks chimed. “Ah could even learn ya t'square dance.” She chuckled. “Ah bet they don’t learn that up there in fancy shmancy Canterlot.”

“No, they don’t.” ‘And for good reason.’

“Then what’ya say,” Fiddlesticks asked, getting a tad too close for Sunset’s comfort. They were almost touching snouts.

‘Personal space. Personal space.’

“Wanna hang out? Huh, huh, huh?” Fiddlesticks asked.

Sunset glared at her. “I’ll think about it.” Fiddlesticks seemed pleased with the answer and back away. Sunset quickly turned to leave. 'The sooner I get away from her, the better.' “Come on, bro. We’re done here.”

As the two royals left, Big Macintosh couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow in their direction. "Was it just me, or did they come off as mighty strange?"

"'Course they were strange 'cos," Fiddlesticks picked up her fiddle and prepared to play. "They're city folk."

Big Macintosh decided to roll with his cousin's idea. 'City folk are mighty strange....And rude. 'Course they weren't rude or anythin' but were mighty odd. 'Specially that Princess. Why was she so red? Was she from up North or something?

“Oh cos’,” Fiddlesticks called over to Big Mac, breaking him out of his thoughts.

He turned his head back to her. “What?”

Fiddlesticks pointed her bow over to a nearby hay bale, before she started on a slower country tune. Something you’d dance with your sweetheart to. Big Mac smirked and headed over to the bale. “Gotcha,” he stated, putting his head over the side.

The two fillies squealed in surprised. “Big brother/Big Mac.” Fiddlesticks let out a loud, mirthful laugh at their expense.

“Ah thought ah told ya to finish yer chores,” Big Mac started.

“But we did them already.” Apple Bloom crossed her front hooves.

“Yeah, mister Macintosh,” Diamond Tiara said. “We did. Honest.”

“Then why is the pig-sty still a mess?”

“Cha, because pigs are dirty animals of course,” Diamond Tiara answered.

“No.” Big Mac shook his head. “It’s ‘cuz ya skipped out on cleanin’ out the sty for a game of hide an’ hoof it seek. ”

“We weren’t hidin’,” Apple Bloom said.

“Then why was ah seekin’?” Big Mac raised an eyebrow.

The two fillies were silent for a moment, brooding over their defeat by the hooves of Macintosh. “Fine, We’ll clean the pigs…again.” Diamond Tiara relented.

Big Mac chuckled. “Ya’ll say it like it’s a bad thin'.”


“Yeah sis?”

“Press it.”

The two royals were currently standing in front of a strange looking building. It was thrice the height of any of the other buildings and four times as wide. Unlike the other building in town, which were made of wood, this one was made of cold, hard steel. Sunset doubted a canon could pierce the thick looking walls. ‘A good blast of my magic could though.’ The sign on the top read ‘Aperture Science Inc.’. Sunset had heard about the company before, but that just made her feel even more uncomfortable. ‘Bunch of nutjobs if you ask me.’ There were rumors that the corporation had a high death risk for the employees. Given how many scientists she’d seen with metallic or magical artificial limbs and body parts, she was inclined to agree.

Currently, standing at the door, the two were perplexed. The door had no handle. Honestly, they could barely make out the door, except for the indenture and outline. The only thing they could definitely make out was a big red button that said ‘push’. The two most certainly didn’t want to try it, since big red buttons were always bad news.

“Look Spike. You’re a dragon. Whatever happens to you, you’ll pull through, no sweat.”

“Oh, just because I’m a dragon means I can’t be hurt?”

Sunset pouted. “Would you really like to see me in pain?”

Spike just looked at her for a moment, before sighing in defeat. “Only for you.”

Sunset sent him a beaming smile and nuzzled his cheek. “Thanks, little bro.”

Hesitantly, and sparing Sunset a few glances here and there to get a ‘vote’ of confidence, he extended his hand out and pushed the button. The response was immediate. Spike lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. Electricity sparked about his body. Unluckily for Spike, while he was immune to fire based attacks, electric attacks were super effective.

Sunset just watched in awed surprise as her brother fell to the ground, in a pained heap. “Oww…” He let out in in a pained groan.

No sooner than he let out the groan, the door slid open. There, standing before them, was a light brown mare with a pale tan mane. Her cutie mark was a wrench. She looked at Spike with worry. “Are ye a'right?”

“Yeah,” Spike gave out little groans of pain as he stood up. Luckily for him, the little episode didn’t damage his clothing. “I’ll live.” He brushed off the dirt from his suit.

“Ah'm ever so sorry aboot that. Ah meant to fix that infernal thin' this mornin', but the celebration's 'n' my own creation have got me so busy,” Quickfix tapped the wall near the button. “The wiring must have shorted oot.”

“Well, get to fixing it,” Sunset glared at her, giving her brother a concerned gaze every few seconds. Sunset could tell as of now that she wasn’t going to like this mare.‘Her stupid northern accent doesn’t help either.’ “That doorbell nearly killed my brother.”

“I’m fine really,” Spike spoke up.

“Again,” Quickfix said, bowing her head in shame. “Sorry about that. It won’t happen again. ”

“It better not,” Sunset warned her.

Quickfix gulped nervously. “How about we start over. My name’s Quickfix Aperture. If tis goosed, ah can fix it. How can ah help ye?”

“We’re here to see you about the upcoming celebration,” Spike told her. “You’re in charge of setting up the automatic defense system, am I correct?”

“Ye sure are.” Quickfix looked him up and down. “Ye know, yer much cuter than ah thought ye’d be.”

“I get that a lot.” Spike sent her a charming smile, causing her to blush.

Sunset shoved herself against him. “Talk now, flirt later.”

“Later?” Spike’s eyes shone with mirth.

“Never!” Both Spike and Quickfix were tad off put by this. Sunset rolled her eyes. “So, can we conclude this meeting?”

“Not ‘til ah show ye some good ol’ Aperture hospitality.” Quickfix moved to the side. “C’mon in.”

Sunset spared a glance around the mechanic’s house. It was nothing special, save for some blueprints and tools strew about on the tables. ‘My mom, she’s a total slob.’

“Sorry the house is a bit o’ a mess.” Quickfix used her magic to clear up some of the rubble near the few chairs in the room. “I’m currently workin’ on somethin’ very important.”

“Very important?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. She and Spike took their seats on some regular, wooden chairs. They were lucky that the little things were big and strong enough to support Spike’s weight. “More important than the Summer Sun Celebration? The celebration is sacred to the ponies of Equestria. If your defense mechanisms aren’t put up…”

“Put ‘em up this mornin’,” Quickfix waved a hoof as though to get rid of the question. “Didn’t want anythin’ distractin’ me from my creation. Besides, magical turrets, or MTs, aren’t hard to put up. Ah even put up a few in my own home without any fuss.” With a flick of her magic, two holes, one on each side of the door, opened up and revealed two domes. The domes quickly ejected a gun barrel and pointed it at the duo. All that in less than a second.

Spike and Sunset jerked back, but were too stunned by the sudden appearance of the weapons to move another muscle. “Yeah,” Sunset’s eyes never left the turrets. “We see.”

Quickfix flashed her magic again and the turrets disappeared back into the wall. “So,” Spike spoke up. The two of them shook out of their stupor. “What was so important that you forgot to fix your doorbell?” He rubbed his shocked appendage slightly.

“An automobile.” Quickfix’s smile was bright and beaming. She was noticeably excited with talking about her invention. “It’s goin’ to revolutionize Equestria’s transportation industry. No longer will we have to walk everywhere or take the train. All ye’ll need is yer automobile and yer walkin’ days are over.” The mare put a hoof to her chin. “Though that doesn’t mean ye need to use it everywhere. A little travelin’ on hoof never hurt anypony.”

“Fascinating,” Sunset inwardly groaned. ‘This is just as boring as Redheart’s explanation of Holu.’ Sunset stood up from her chair. “I think that’s all we need to know. We’ll be going now.”

“Bit ye just got ‘ere?” Quickfix’s ears fell backwards against her head, showing that she was a bit upset.

“Yeah, so?” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. ‘Do ponies around here like hogging other’s free time?’

“Ah kind o' wanted ta show ye around the place.” Quickfix leaned her head towards to inner parts of the house. “Ah have a few inventions that ah think might interest ye.”

“I’m not interested,” Sunset stated.

“Oh.” Quickfix looked a bit off-put, but brightened up. “Well, how about after the celebration’s over? We could hang out then.”

“What?” Sunset was getting real tired with all these invitations to hang out.

“Yeah,” Quickfix said. “We could stop by the local café ‘n’ have ourselves a friendly blether over mechanics. Ah know ye might not know much about it, but ah could explain the inner workin’s ‘n’ such. It’s not that hard really.”

“I’ll think about it.” Sunset said through gritted teeth. She stomped her way on outside.

“Take care then,” Quickfix waved them off.

Author's Note:

FINALLY!!! I'm sorry that this chapter took a while to write, but establishing the main cast is a bit trickier then I thought it would be. There were quite a few other ponies that I wanted to have as the elements, but I decided on these six here.

And before you ask, Pizzelle is a background pony from 'Wonderbolt's Academy' and 'Simple Ways'.

{Quickfix's accent is Scottish.}

Please leave a comment below and I hope you enjoy my work.