• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 10,162 Views, 677 Comments

A Different Sunset - Evowizard25

The dark bites, as the Equestrian saying goes. It bites, it devours, it destroys, but it can't really do any of that, can it? Sunset isn't going to take any chances.

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Part 3: Arriving

Part 3: Arriving

“My dear Sunset,” Spike read aloud from the letter as the train sped to its destination. “There is more to a young pony’s life than studying. So I’m sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year’s location: Ponyville.”

Sunset groaned, peering out the window. The beautiful Equestrian landscape strolled past her as the train raced on. It wasn’t enough that her little brother was reading the letter to her again. No, he seemed to be enjoying it. ‘And who names a town ‘Ponyville’? Is Equestria just filled with morons who can’t come up with clever titles?’

“And I have a more essential task for you to complete.” Spike’s smile grew. “Make some friends.”

“That’s the stupidest task I’ve ever heard of.” She sat up and looked at him.

“Oh come on! Would it kill you to make one friend?”

“I don’t need any friends. I have you and mom. That’s all I need.” She turned back to gazing out the window. ‘That’s all I’ll ever need.’

“No it isn’t. You need friends, Sunset. I can’t always be there to help you or steer you back into the world of the sane during your ‘moments’.”

Sunset blushed in embarrassment and glared at him. “I don’t have ‘moments’. I just get a little stressed here and there. It happens to everypony.”

“Does everypony have such awe inspiring powers…or pyromaniac tendencies?”

“I AM NOT A PYROMANIAC!” Sunset’s horn was ablaze with blue fire magic. Her eyes shone dangerously.

Spike sighed. “Just try. Please, Sunset.” Spike gave her an imploring look. Sunset silently cursed herself for looking back at him at that exact moment. She was a sucker for her little brother when he did things like this. “For mother’s sake, try to be more friendly.”

“Fine,” Sunset droned out.

Spike smiled at her response.

“I’ll make friends…tomorrow.”

Spike face-palmed hard and groaned.

“Hey, Nightmare Moon’s coming tonight. I don’t have the time to waste on ‘friendship’.” Sunset made air quotes with her hooves on the last word.

“You are insufferable.”

“Pfft, says you,” Sunset countered. She smirked and let out a small snicker. “I’m just being truthful.”

Spike lifted the scroll up so Sunset could see it clearly. “Do I have to read this to you again?”

Sunset Shimmer answered in her own sort of way. The scroll went up in blue flames for a couple of seconds before it petered out, the remaining ash fell to the ground.

Spike didn’t flinch when the flames touched his fingers. He was a dragon after all and Sunset wouldn’t hurt him…much. Spike let out a deep sigh. “I guess that’s a no….pyromaniac.”

Sunset then shot a ball of blue fire at his head. The flames just flickered over his scales, not harming him in the slightest.Spike threw back his head and let loose a loud, hearty laugh.

“SHUT UP!” Sunset yelled, stomping a hoof in frustration.

Ponyville was a simple town about a day’s journey from the Holy City {Canterlot}. It was small and rural-backwards compared to many of the larger settlements that were strewn around the country. The citizens didn’t care about that though. They liked how things were and preferred to keep it that way. Which wasn’t surprising as Ponyville was established by Earth Ponies. They were a very stubborn race at heart.

The small town was known for many things: the home of Sweet Apple Acres, Zap Apples, etc. It was peaceful and always upbeat. But one of the things that kept many visitors away was its located right next to the Everfree Forest. The Everfree followed none of the known pony laws: the weather managed itself, the animals took care of their own needs, and all sorts of deadly creatures and plants roamed the dreaded woods. That sounds rather crazy, doesn’t it?

Now, most ponies wouldn’t ever consider setting up next to such a death trap. But the first settlers were Earth Ponies. Their race was the hardiest of the pony races. They never backed down when the land itself turned against them. So they stayed, and over a hundred years later, the town, still stood strong as ever. Though the occasional monster will still find its way out of its domain.

On this particular day, Ponyville was safe and calm. A regular day in the lives of the faithful citizens. The ponies bustled about in the markets, gathering supplies and such, while the sun shone in the sky and birds chirped happily. It was the perfect time for a musical number…

What? You didn’t know?

It is a scientific fact, proven by several leading pony scientists, that ponies, as a species, have the innate urge to burst into song. Scientists have argued back and forth as to why it is so. Sometimes in song no less. Some claim it was a way to strengthen the bonds of the ancient herds. Others say it was to attract mates. Some even pointed to the funny bone as a means to explain it.

To this day, no conclusive answer has been found…And the ponies of Equestria couldn’t give a flying feather about it.

Sitting at a table on the outside of a café were two Earth ponies: a mare and stallion. The mare was pink with a light green mane with a cutie mark of three daisies. Her name was, in fact, Daisy. The stallion sitting opposite her had a yellow coat with a light blue mane. His cutie mark was two bunches of green grapes. The stallion’s name was Sir Colten Vines III.

The two were lost in each other’s eyes with the outside world all but forgotten.

”Ponyville is dreamy.”

The waiter, a tan stallion with a dark blue mane and small moustache, smiled at the couple as he went about his business. He had a small moustache and his cutie mark was a silver platter on a pedestal. His name was Horte Cuisine.

”Ponyville’s unique."

On another table at the café sat two elegantly dressed unicorns. One was a striking white mare with a stylized purple mane framed her face well. Her cutie mark, which was obscured by a light blue dress with a few sapphires lining the collar, was three diamonds. Her name was Rarity.

The smaller filly sitting beside her was also white, but had a two tone mane; pink one side, purple the other. She was currently wearing a simple white dress with a large purple bow in her mane. Her grumpy face portrayed how happy she was in the outfit.

"Ponyville’s got style that’s neat and chic.”

The townsfolk started up.

"Oh nothing could dampen our joyful mood today.
Except for the important pony coming here this way.

A fearful tone hit the ponies.

"Have you heard
About Princess Sunset Shimmer?
Have you heard
About her horrible temper?”

Roseluck, a pretty cream colored mare with a red and pink mane with a cutie mark of a single rose. She sat behind her little rose stand, talking with one of her customers.

“Although perfection we do so strive,
We may not make it out alive."

The rest of the townsfolk chipped in.

“With Princess Sunset Shimmer!”

A pair of passing musketeers glared at the populace, causing them to shrink away.

Roseluck looked to her customer, fear etched on her face.

“But please do not repeat.”

The townsfolk started singing once more.

“She’s unpleasant,
Blood thirsty.
Somepony avoided at all cost,
Or it’s your loss.
If she’s angry,
We’ll all be history."

Granny Smith, Ponyville’s oldest member, was currently talking with the carrot’s salespony, Carrot Top.

“They say that dear sweet Celestia
Can tame that mare’s spite."

The townsfolk picked up where she left off.

“Let’s hope that she comes to aid us soon.”

As usual, the ponies of Ponyville devolved back into small talk. Rumors started to fly about the oncoming royals.

Filthy Rich, the richest stallion in town, had stopped by a couple of the officials of Ponyville.

"They say that her brother’s a dragon,
I swear."

Berry Punch, the owner of the local tavern and the town drunk, piped up.

“They say that she’s got the temperament,
Of a bear."

Lily, a long time friend of Daisy and Roseluck, was shaking in fright next to Colgate, the local dentist.

That dragon’s going to kill us,“
Just set us all aflame.”

Colgate shook her head.

"That’s nothing on that sis of his,
She’s a real nasty dame."

Not that far away, an Earth pony mare was standing on her back legs while she leaned back against the side of a building. Her forelegs held a newspaper showcasing the missing ponies in Manehattan. The mare folded the newspaper and smirked, her blue eyes shining with mischief. She was a light brown mare with a blond mane. Her cutie mark was an apple cobbler, which fit her name Apple Cobbler perfectly. Weird how pony names do that occasionally.

She rolled up the newspaper and looked at the sleeping stallion beside her. He was Caramel, the clumsiest stallion in town and also her brother. She bonked him on the head with her makeshift club.

“Hey,” Caramel grumbled. “Ah was nappin’.”

“Ah know ya were,” Apple Cobbler gave him a glare. “That’s why ah hit ya. This ain’t the time for nappin’, bro.”


”The Princess,
She’s comin’
Ta Ponyville.
It’s Princess Sunset Shimmer that’ll be your bride." Caramel blushed at the idea.
"You and ah bro
Will do this.
Have no fear.
We’ll get that Rarity gal to dress ya up an’ teach ya what ta say,"

Apple Cobbler held out the paper, which had a picture of Sunset Shimmer on it. Caramel took it hesitantly. He gaze at the picture with a mixture of fear and interest.

”Ask her out to the café.
Imagine the riches when her heart ya do sway,
Who else could spend ‘em well but you an’ me.
We’ll be rich."

Caramel, caught up in the moment, smiled brightly.

“We’ll be rich.”

“We’ll be out.”

“We’ll be out."

The two chimed together, heading over to the carousel. “And Equestria will have somethin’ ta talk about.”

The townsfolk started one last time.

“Have you heard
About Princess Sunset Shimmer?
Have you heard
About her horrible temper?”

Gossip flew through the air. Tellings of evil dragon and enchantresses were rampant.


Some of the villagers mimed setting something on fire.


Others mimed a dragon rampaging about.

Have you heard
About Princess Sunset Shimmer?
Have you heard?
Ponies, what do you suppose?"

The town all agreed. “Some horrible fantasy.”

Apple Cobbler put a foreleg around her brother and gave a sweeping motion. "The biggest weddin’ in history!”

"Princess Sunset Shimmer!
Happy or mad?”

Roseluck shrugged.

“Who knows.”

Mayor Mare looked at her pocket watch as she and her daughter waited at the now deserted train station. “Well, I’m glad they got that over with. The Princess is almost due to arrive.”

“I thought it had a nice tune,” Lady Justice piped in. “I’m sure we can try and come up with some happier lyrics in the future. Might make for an interesting tidbit for the tourists.”

Mayor Mare nodded, continuing to look at the watch. ‘The others are cutting it close. I hope they know what’ll happen if we screw this up.’

“Mom.” Lady Justice sent her mother a concerned gaze. She nudged the older mare’s shoulder. “Try to loosen up a bit. Worrying isn’t doing you any good.”

“Worrying is exactly why I’m still mayor of this town.” Mayor Mare looked away from her watch for the first time in an hour. “I want this to be perfect. Princess Sunset Shimmer isn’t a mare I’d like to tick off.”

“And it will. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?”

“INCOMING!” a voice called out, causing both mare’s to instinctively duck. A large grey blur sped right on past and smacked into a trashcan, which spilled its contents all over the ground. “Oops, my bad,” the grey blur, turning out to be a blond maned Pegasus mare, spoke up.

“Ugh.” Mayor Mare face-hooved. “Just who I need,” she said with heavy sarcasm. Ditzy Doo was honestly the last pony she wanted anywhere near the Princess….with the exception of Caramel, who somehow found a way to be even clumsier.

“Are you alright, Miss Doo?” Lady Justice asked.

“Yeah.” Ditzy Doo nodded, looking at the duo with her derped eyes. She was currently wearing the overall blue uniform of the postal ponies with a bag of letters at her side. Her cutie mark, hidden under her clothes, was some bubbles.

‘Why, I’ll never understand.’ Mayor Mare thought to herself. Cutie marks were something of an enigma.

Ditzy looked at the mess. “I’ll clean this up right quick.” She pushed the can back up and started picking up the loose litter.

“Yes, do that.” Mayor Mare rubbed her head, trying to get rid of the small migraine that was working itself up.

“Let me help.” Lady Justice walked over to the mess and grabbed a small pile of cans.

“Thanks.” Ditzy sent her a smile.

“No problem.”

“Yes, no problem,” Mayor Mare mimed. She hoped that the klutzy mare would leave soon. Not that she hated her….okay maybe a little, but that was only because of the amount of damage she had wrought. Cleaning up after her was a nightmare.

As she finished putting the last bits of garbage away, Ditzy spoke up. “I am so sorry about this. I was trying to be careful, but Lightning Dust…”

“Was practicing again?” Lady Justice finished the thought. Ditzy nodded.

“Oh great.” Mayor Mare’s migraine seemed to be getting worse. Lightning Dust was the head of the town’s weather ponies. As such, she had quite a bit of power in town and could get away with a lot of things without any repercussions. Thankfully, she didn’t abuse this power…except for personal training of course. ‘Blast that mare. I told her to knock it off with her insane antics.’

“Mom,” Lady Justice said, “don’t worry. I’ll try and talk some sense into her.”

‘Key word is ‘try’.’ Mayor Mare remarked inwardly. “Where is Inquisitor Time Turner and that apprentice of his? They should have been here thirty minutes ago.”

“Right here,” a stallion called out. Mayor Mare turned her head to look at the two ponies approaching. Both of them were wearing ornate, golden clothes with broad hats. The stallion, Time Turner, was trotting erect and with determination, his brown fur was trimmed and proper. He was the local Inquisitor, not to mention a leading member of the local Time Charger populations.

The mare hopping beside him with glee was the exact opposite. She was his anxious apprentice, Lyra Heartstrings. The green mare had an abundant supply of joy, something she loved to share to everypony’s annoyance.

“You’re late.” Mayor Mare glared at him.

“A Time Charger is never late, Mayor Mare.” Time Turner smirked. “Nor are they early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.”

“Yeah,” Lyra stopped bouncing and nodded enthusiastically. “What he said.”

Mayor Mare sighed. An argument would get her nowhere. “Just try and work with me here, Time Turner. I want this day to go swimmingly.”

Time Turner nodded. “And it will, Celestia willing.”

“Time Turner?” Ditzy spoke up.

Time Turner, who hadn’t noticed the gray pegasus yet, yelped in surprise. “Ditzy?”

Ditzy flew over Mayor Mare and hovered in front of the stallion. “It’s so good to see you again. I wanted to apologize for the package mix up a couple days ago.”

Time Turner had a slight blush present on his cheeks. “Th-there’s no need to apologize. No harm done.”

“Oh, there was harm done all right.” Lyra pitched in. “My lord was furious. He had been looking forward to having that new radio for such a long time. You should have heard what he…” The rest of his words were muffled by Time Turner’s hoof to her mouth.

He laughed nervously. “What she means to say is that I have no ill towards you. We all make mistakes.”

Ditzy smiled brightly. “Okay then.” She started to fly away. “See you later.”

“Yeah,” Time Turner stared on after her, with a dreamy expression. “See you later.”

Mayor Mare rolled her eyes and then cleared her throat, getting back his attention. “Now, you know where to take the Princess?”

“Yes,” Time Turner tapped his noggin. “I memorized everything. And don't worry. A Time Charger never forgets.”

"It thought that was elephants." Lyra said.

"Well, they weren't always so clever." Time Turner stomped his hoof in agitation.

“Anyways.” Mayor Mare gave them a small glare, shutting them up. The train’s whistle blew as it came into the station. “Then let us make her feel welcome. Our jobs are on the line.” Everypony else gulped, afraid of what was about to come off the train.

Author's Note:

Hopefully, I was able to pull off the musical number in this chapter well enough to you're liking.

And I'm sorry about the wait. Life's been hectic.

Now I know you guys are getting impatient, but next chapter will be up soon...hopefully.

{On a side note, when I joined this fandom, I was more of a Twilight/Doctor Whooves pairing fan myself...Over time, I switched it to Ditzy/Time Turner, which is OTP in of itself.}

I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment below.