• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,638 Views, 753 Comments

Fangs - Sapphic

Octavia was a very content pony, she had many things, wealth, a small group of friends, a lovely career as a cellist for The Canterlot Royal Symphony. But she never had the one thing she wanted...something wealth could never buy... but it has secrets

  • ...


"Are you ready, Octi?" Vinyl asked with a wicked smile growing on her face as I gulped and redoubled my efforts in struggling against her magic which had me laid out like an experiment on lab table. My efforts, of course, were in vain as the magic clasp refused to move even an inch. By now, I was panicking, I didn't know how to even begin to get out of this situation, I was practically bolted to the ground by magic with a blood wanting vampire on top of me with a very clear intent. I tried to calm myself down, with some avail, and think of someway out of this, I looked around the ally, finding it void of any object of use. My gaze landed back on Vinyl's horn which was glowing with a hazy blue magic and I got an idea, only an idea, on a way to get rid of theses magic clasps. I remembered the time I had hit Vinyl's horn with my back hoof on accident, thought it was only an accident, it seemed to hurt pretty bad, maybe if I could do it again it would get rid of these magical cuffs.

'Now I just have to find a way to get to her horn...' I thought to myself as Vinyl seemed to be having some trouble getting into a comfortable position on top of my body. After awhile Vinyl seemed to be getting comfortable and eventually settled in, slumping her head down onto my shoulder, her horn out of view, and sighing.

"You're so comfy..." She said as she exhaled again, blowing up some of her blue multicolored hair, moments passed until she eventually raised her head back up again so that her horn was now only about a half foot out of the reach of my head if I raised it. 'Just a little closer...'

"You seem a bit quiet, you're usually asking me 'Vinyl, what are you doing?' by now" She said in a poor imitation of my voice, eyes glinting into mine.

"Whats going on up in this noggin of yours? She said, tapping a hoof onto my fore head.

"I-I'm just...uh." I stuttered before she finished the sentence for me.

"Trying to think of a way to hit my horn? Trying to see if you can get me close enough so you can hit my little ol' horn and free yourself of those cuffs?" She said with a smile as my eyes widened and I could feel my heart rate spike.

"H-how did yo-"

"Eyes can show more than emotion Octi, your eyes tell me more than only whats going on up there, more than those emotions of fear and panic, your face tells me those plain and clear. She said with a growing smile.

"I see other things inside that head of yours, but don't confuse me for some mind reader, I just saw how you were looking at my horn and decided to give it a shot."She said with a playful smile as I caught her meaning, she had only said what she thought, as if she had already knew it, then she waited for my reaction to see if she had guessed lucky, which in this case, she did.

"It's okay to feel a bit stupid Octi, you're not my first feeding after all,She said as she leaned her head in towards my ear until her mouth was close enough that her breathe tickled my ear, her body was pressed tight against my side, radiating warmth as if she were made of heat. "Not. Even. Close." She whispered in a bone chilling tone and then paused, letting the words and their meanings sink in.

"I can hear it Octi" She whispered, barely breaking the silence that had settled around us.

"H-hear w-what?" I stuttered in confusion, failing to catch her meaning.

"Your heart." She whispered in a lustful tone. I gulped and decided to give the magic clasps one last forceful thrashing, putting all of my strength into a single motion.

"You really are a resistant one aren't you? She said, putting a hoof on my chest and starting to rub small circles, similar to what an owner would to their dog, it was rather humiliating and enraging for me.

"I'll never understand it though, it's much easier, and enjoyable, if you want it too you know." She spoke in a soft, motherly tone. I felt her adjust herself into a fashion that would most likely provide ease of access to my neck.

"So try to enjoy it..."

The first feeling was pure pain, as you could have guessed, but not like when you get hit in the gut, or hit in the face where the pain was for a few seconds before your body adjusts, the pain continued to rise until I began to howl, only to be silence by Vinyl almost instantly. It felt similar to, well, someone biting into your skin, but that wasn't the surprise, the surprise was that I felt the opposite of what I would have expected to feel with the pain, rather than feeling something similar to my blood being sucked out, it felt as though something was being injected in. Similar to having a shot, but as if the doctor was injecting something similar to a more thinned version of molasses, slightly thicker than water, rather than medication, I could feel the unknown liquid entering my blood stream since it was sending a burning sensation up along with it. After a few seconds of constant injecting Vinyl drew away from my neck, which nearly every part of was now seemingly on fire, with me still struggling in vain against the magical clasps holding me to the ground.

"Aww, I know it hurts now, but just wait, soon it will feel all better." She said this similar to how a school nurse in an elementary school would say to a school filly, and it honestly angered me. At least her belly rubs stopped when she bit into my neck.

As she finished speaking she, of course, put her hoof back on my stomach and began rubbing in little circles once more, normally, I would have been angered even more by this humiliating gesture, but the way she was rubbing me was honestly starting to feel quite...good, pleasant almost. Every growing second her small rubs began to feel more and more softer and comforting as my body seemed to be heating up, resulting in me beginning to pant slightly as small beads of sweat began to form around in various places. The pain that was in my neck was now dissipating into some new form of feeling.

I shook my head in an attempt to try and shake the haze that was beginning to cloud my mind, but the way she kept rubbing around my stomach in little circles wasn't helping. I felt the heat still increasing in my body, I could feel myself growing dizzy and unstable along with the feeling of my perception of things altar, it was then that I realized what the new feeling, that was steadily growing in intensity, was. It was pleasure, currently small, but I had a feeling it would increase over the next few minutes. Vinyl must have injected me with some sort of poison or something that would make me feel all tingly like I was now. The heat of my own body was beginning to get to my head, things started to seem less and less important as I relaxed myself in the small circles Vinyl traced around my stomach.

'It is okay if I didn't get to practice tomorrow,' I thought to myself. 'I' already farther ahead than most others in my group anyways.' I stopped struggling against the magic clasps, there wasn't a need to anymore, I was happy feeling this and, in all honesty, I wanted to feel this.

"That's it, relax...feels good right? She spoke out in that lovely motherly tone of hers, honey seemingly dripping off of every word spoken. I could only nod my head heavily now. I was panting, almost heaving, with my tongue slightly lolling out of my mouth when I turned and looked at her. I took another moment, I'm not sure whether it was from how heavy my head felt or because I just wanted to actually admire her, to look into her captivating scarlet eyes, partially covered by her blue and teal hair, and a beautiful smile that gave her such a unique appearance, but not a bad one, not at all. She was right, why would I resist? Surely letting her have one little drink from me wouldn't harm anypony, right? I hadn't noticed, in my train of though, but my head had begun to tilt backwards, relaxing itself in the pleasant feeling of Vinyl's belly rubs.

"Octi?" The honey coated voice brought me back to this world, resulting in me nearly jerking my head back up to look at Vinyl.

"Mind if I take a little sip?" She asked in an innocent tone, I smiled at her request, it felt wrong, but I did anyways, she deserved something for giving me all of these pleasant feelings of relaxation, right? Well...she did bolt me to the ground, but it was only to make me feel good and help me relax. I was so uptight most of the time, always worrying about the next thing I had to do instead of enjoying what I was doing right then and there. She deserved this, I owed her after all.

"Not at a-all Vinyl." I stuttered through my pants, giving her a big smile, one that she returned to me.

"Thank you Octi, really, thank you." I felt the restraints on my hooves release, relieving me of the constant stress my hooves were put through when they were clamped into the ground. Something in my head told me to run, but I ignored it, it would be rude to run away from Vinyl, not to mention lie about letting her take a drink too. I relaxed my body, embracing myself in the pleasant feeling coursing through my veins, so much that I never felt Vinyl sink her fangs back into my neck and the sucking feeling that accompanied it, the feeling I felt was...fuzzy, but it was a good fuzzy, the only thing that irritated me was that Vinyl had stopped rubbing her small circles when she had released the cuffs.

"V-Vinyl?" I called out. I received no answer, so I called again, I needed her to start again, it felt too good to have it stop now.

"Vinyl?" This time I felt her body stir, seeming to awaken from some kind of trance, accompanied by the feeling of something being removed from my neck.

"Hmm?" She responded.

"Y-you stopped r-rubbing." I felt rather silly saying this, it made me think myself similar to that of a dog wanting to be rubbed, but I didn't care, I wanted to feel the sensation again, the small circles traced in my stomach seemingly rubbing away the troubles of the world around me. I tilted my head, which felt as though it was full of led, at Vinyl, giving her my most pleading eyes I could muster. She smiled playfully at my display.

"Sorry, I forgot." She said before she started her rubs again. By now whatever she had given me had increased the sensitivity of my body to the point where Vinyl's simple touch caused me to whimper slightly. I felt the dizziness return as my vision began fading slightly, blurring things only far away at first, but as time passed, larger objects began to contort as well up until I could barely make out my own two legs and not too soon after, I felt a cold darkness beginning to creep over me. Since the only source of heat was Vinyl's body, I mustered the strongest clutch I could though the feeling of the world around me spinning, I would have guessed my grip was similar to that of a small filly, but it was a clutch none the less and it made me feel safer for some reason. I let the darkness begin to creep over me until my vision was but a snippet of what it should have been, the last glimpse of light I saw was the reflection of purple glass hitting the sidewalk. I could also make out three small black blotches on top of the roof behind me I tried to focus on them but it was to late, I was slipping into a comatose, a smile still present on my face.


"Well that was...unexpected..." Styles piped up, breaking the silence that had been established when we had watched the events unfold between the two mares beneath us. I remained silent, partially shaking a what I had just witnessed.

'S-she couldn't be...could she?' I thought to myself.

"Unexpected, you got that right." Rail agreed in an awe struck tone.

"Hey Bigs, what was with that Melody chick? She seemed to be thrashing all around at first, but then she got all calm and stuff, Vinyl even let loose the clasps and she didn't even run, pretty rare sight for a forced feeding." I sighed outwardly, I knew what he was talking about, mainly because I had seen it done once before, only once though.

"I don't know..." I lied to them, of course I knew what it was, I just failed to believe it. A quick flash of confusion swept across both of their faces, they gave each other a quick look before giving me a look I didn't acknowledge.

"Hey boss?." Rail spoke out.

"Yeah?" I answered cautiously, not wanting to go more in depth with the previous topic with them.

"You got any idea about the whole Vinyl situation with the Master?" I sighed an internal sigh of relief, thanking them for not pushing the matter.

"You have just about as good as an idea as me, I have no idea why he is obsessed with her this much. I've seen him obsess over a few things, but not like he does with her." I readjusted my gaze back to the two mares lying on one another down below, my comrades soon followed. From this distance it looked like two Fillyfoolers really going at it, but I could smell the blood from here. We watched on for about three minutes and just as we were about to give up and report our findings, Vee suddenly pushed off of Miss Melody with a toothy smile on her face, accompanied by a two small streams dribbling down from her mouth, originating from her revealed canines. One thing I noticed about Vinyl was that her fangs were very small for a Vampony, so much so that they were hardly different from a normal pony's teeth. Vinyl's eyes were still dilated, but they were noticeably different, the tint of lust was gone from her previous demeanor, the dilation was expected as the effects from being 'Deprived' last anywhere from around two hours, to two days for some, and since she didn't fully feed, hers would last for longer before she returned to normal. She got up eventually, taking her time to investigate the scenery around her with that same toothy grin, even taking time to fix her glasses back onto her eyes, that is, until she landed on the body of Miss Melody.

"Octi!" She cried out, both the fear and the regret were obvious in her voice.

The smile instantly evaporated and turned into a both panicked and fearful look as she quickly positioned herself back near Miss Melody and placed her hooves on both the chest and the neck, the opposite side from where she had bitten, most likely to check her pulse to see if she was still alive. The sudden look of relief on her face that followed gave me my answer; Vinyl hadn't killed Miss Melody, but she had to have come awfully close with the length of time she took feeding. She began to load Miss Melody onto her back with her hooves, which is another thing that I question about her when sent on these missions to spy on Vinyl. She never uses magic as frequently as one would expect, usually doing things by hoof rather than magic.

My thought was broken by Vinyl's horn flashing a new bright blue aura as opposed to her old faded blue one from before, the feeding must have given her a boost to her magic. That was another thing about Vamponies, their magical capabilities, and some physical abilities, are boosted by feeding off others, it was similar to lightning in a way, the more energy it has to expend, the more energy it will expend. The more simpler way to look at it would be the example of a wind up car, you can still push the car even if you haven't winded it but it will be much harder as opposed to if you did wind it.

I kept my gaze on Vinyl until the final flash from her horn brightened the area until I was forced to look away to stop temporary blindness. I kept looking away for a few seconds and then cracked an eye open for safe measure, seeing she was gone I fully opened my eyes and turned to Styles and Rail.

"Alright boys lets get going. I don't know about you two but I feel pretty tired." I attempted a fake yawn, I wasn't tired but I did want to get somewhere I could be alone.

"Alright boss, whatever you say!" Rail piped before turning and leading the way across the roof tops.I noticed styles giving me a strange look, one that he always gives me when he picks up one of my lies. I just shrugged and followed Rail back to some hotel that we would be using tonight. I could only think of one thing as I bounded roof top to roof top.

'I wonder how Miss Melody's morning will be...' I thought to myself with a smile on my face.