• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,640 Views, 753 Comments

Fangs - Sapphic

Octavia was a very content pony, she had many things, wealth, a small group of friends, a lovely career as a cellist for The Canterlot Royal Symphony. But she never had the one thing she wanted...something wealth could never buy... but it has secrets

  • ...



My eyes opened slowly to the sight of a light, a very bright light. I quickly clenched them closed again in an attempt to stop my retinas from burning, but I eventually opened them again. I turned my head to the side to see what looked to be an alarm clock, only it was blurred to the point where I couldn't even make out the numbers. I blinked a few more time in an attempt to clear my vision, but it remained blurred.

I tried moving my front hooves to my eyes so I could try and rub them clear, but as soon as I tried to move them I found that it felt as if they might have been made of lead. I tried moving my hind legs instead, only to receive the same lead filled feeling as they remained motionless. I eventually stopped trying to move my limbs, whether it be from seeing how pointless it was or from exhaustion, and sat there until my eyes slowly, but surely, refocused on their own, giving me a more clear view of, what I could now tell was, my apartment.

The first thing I thought to do was to try and get moving, again, but after several minutes of failed attempts at moving anything other than my head, I decided that maybe I should try calling for somepony. I thought maybe Vinyl had stayed after last night...and now that I thought about it, I could hardly remember anything about what happened last night.

"Viny-" I started to call out in a loud voice, but I was stopped mid-way by the feeling of my stomach about to collapse in on itself.

'Maybe a little quieter might do.' I thought to myself before trying again.

"Vinyl?" I called out in a softer tone, cautious not to strain myself at the risk of hurling. I heard some rustling from outside the hallway before Vinyl came trotting in slowly, head held low, and stopping just before the strip of sunlight. I raised a brow at the way she was acting, usually she was happy and jumping, no matter what time of day, but now she was quiet and, well, not jumping. But I chose not to pay much mind to it, maybe she was tired.

"Yeah?" She spoke in a soft and almost sad tone. Now this, I could tell, was unusual, even if she wasn't jumping around, you could practically feel the energy she had in her voice, but now she sounded cold and shallow, almost depressed.

"Well, I uh...can't move." I spoke in a somewhat playful tone, in an attempt at trying to lighten the mood. She only looked up, shades dawned, with a rather blank expression.

"Yeah..." she spoke softly. I raised a brow at the response.

'Well...that wasn't an expected answer...

"So...uh, do you mind helping me?" I asked, almost pleaded, to her. It was weird, her lack of response and surprise to my situation, the way she was acting, it all didn't make any sense. Was something upsetting her? I hope I didn't do something last night to make her like this.

"Uh...yeah, I'll help." She said in a slightly brighter tone, but still far too depressed for the Vinyl that I have seen for the past few days. She used her magic to close the blinds to the windows, blocking out most the sun, and allowing her to progress further into my room. It's kind of funny really, I've never thought of trying to use the sun during our encounters, then again it was always dark when she got like that. Next time, hopefully, it will be in the day and I might have a chance to stop her, or else I might be waking up like this every day, not knowing what happened the night before and with legs full of lead.

"Uh, so what do you want me to do exactly?" She asked, standing beside my bed. I honestly didn't know the answer to that either, I had gotten somepony in here, but didn't know what to do now. I figured I wouldn't be going to practice today, at least not while my legs were still immobile, and I also couldn't go anywhere either for the same reason.

"Um, maybe just take me into the living room for now." She nodded slightly and sparked up her horn.

Something about its glow didn't seem right, it seemed to be a bright neon blue now. I could have sworn it was more of a faded blue before. Then again, that might just have been my eyes, maybe they just haven't adjusted to colors completely, or maybe I just never noticed what color her magic actually was since she rarely used it anyways.

She began lifting me slowly and cautiously, I didn't quite understand why though. But then I felt something like pins and needles go through my legs, similar to the feeling you get when your leg falls asleep and try to move them, but this was more intense. I nearly yelped, but I was able to catch myself before I near screamed out. I clinched my eyes, ignoring the weird, almost painful, feeling shooting through all four of my limbs.

"You okay Octi?" I heard Vinyl call out, a hint of worry in her tone. I could barely respond thanks to the feeling, but I managed to make out a strained version of 'I'm fine', though it probably sounded more like a dying animal since she set me down soon after. I let out a sigh at the feeling of sweet relief from that strange feeling in my limbs.

"Octi?" I heard her call again, this time the worry was more emphasized. I opened my eyes to see her staring down at me with a look on her face.

"Yeah, legs fell asleep is all." I didn't know if they were asleep or not, I just hoped, and assumed, they were. Although, I could still move my legs when they feel asleep.

"Could we try again?" I asked, determined to get myself to the couch. She nodded slightly again before sparking her horn up once more.

"Are you ready, Octi?" She called out softly. Something in my head started to hurt after she said that, kind of like a tiny throbbing, but I ignored it for now, my comfort was at stake here.

"Yes, go ahead." I responded before being hoisted up once more.

The feeling returned almost instantly, but I was ready for it this time, although I still closed my eyes from the weird sensation. I could tell Vinyl was hurrying as well since I was already out the door and half way down the hall way before I reopened my eyes. I barely spotted the couch in the near pitch black room that was illuminated only by the few cracks of sunlight that managed their way through the curtains. Getting to the couch was almost like going into one of those spooky roller coasters, going from light into pure darkness, however, Vinyl's magic illuminated nearly the whole room, making the experience a bit more easier for my eyes. She seemed to take extra time and care setting me in the most comfortable spot on the couch, fetching a small pillow for me after she set me down. Even lifting my head for me with her magic, she also got a blanket out of the bedroom, and even tucked me in.

'She certainly is being hospitable.' I thought mentally. 'But she is still acting as if she did something horrible or had her feelings hurt, or something like that.'

It probably wasn't her feelings being hurt, Vinyl doesn't come off as one of those types to have their feelings hurt very easily, but then again I'm paralyzed from the neck down, so anything could have happened last night. I tried moving my legs again, and to my lovely surprise, my front left hoof twitched, even if it was only a twitch, it was movement. I tried the same with my right hoof and even managed to stretch it forwards and backwards, my hind legs however, didn't exactly have the same plan as they still refused to move even an inch. It was honestly starting to get on my nerves.

'Maybe Vinyl knows something about this...' I thought before turning to Vinyl, only to see her with a small frown and scuffing her hoof on the floor. 'Maybe I should ask what's bothering her first though.'

"Vinyl, is something wrong?" She jumped slightly at my question, I didn't know why though.

"Oh, uh...it's nothing." She said before going back to scuffing the floor. There was an silence settling in the room, one that shouldn't be there, one that should be replaced by Vinyl hopping around. One that should be replaced by questions like 'What's for breakfast?' or 'Wanna go somewhere?' but not silence, anything but silence should be there.

"Really?" I asked with a cocked brow as I finished stretching the rest of my right hoof, regaining full control of it.

"Sorry, I forgot." The pulsing came back, much more stronger this time, as if something from inside my head was trying push its way out. I put my right hoof up to my right temple in an attempt to stop some of the pain, but it didn't stop, not for a few minutes at least.

But, as the pain started to die down, I started remembering things, things from last night. I remember going to the club with Fredric to get Vinyl, the bouncer that let me inside, I also remembered the door where we found Vinyl and even going out of the club with Vinyl, it went up to the point where Vinyl and I were walking down the street and something fell, but it got all hazy after that. I looked to Vinyl, now sitting on her haunches, and began to question if she really was innocent, maybe she did something last night to upset her.

"Vinyl...what happened last night?" I saw her visibly tense, even her frown turned into something more of a grimace.

"Vinyl," I said in a serious tone. She lifted her head up and looked at me, even if I couldn't see behind her shades, I could tell she was looking me in the eyes.

"Tell me." her ears fell down, and she even took off her glasses, revealing her blood shot, scarlet eyes. It looked like she was on the brink of tears. Her head dropped and I could hear her mumble something.

"Say that again, I couldn't hear you." I asked.

"I-I fed on...o-on you." I could understand only a few words of what she said, but most of it was unintelligible mumbles, so I asked again.

"One more time, and just a bit louder please." I said again, rather eager to hear what she had to say.

"I-I fed on...o-on you." I felt my heart drop when those words came out, I had a small suspicion that she might of had another one of 'those' moments, but I didn't expect her to drain somepony, especially me. I put my right hoof up to my neck and sure enough, I felt two small bumps evenly space apart from one another, directly on top of a vain. We had made a promise, a deal when I let her move in, that she would not do this. I had told her the consequences, and now she had to pay them, but before she did, I needed to know something.

"A-am I one of...you now?" I stammered for some reason, maybe I was scared, maybe I was just nervous about the answer, who knows.

"No, there are...other ways that that happens." She didn't even bother to look up to answer me. I stared hard at her, I thought for a second that I saw a small blush on her cheeks, but I ignored it and focused another, more important, thing she was doing, or more precisely, not doing.

'Not even apologizing...' I thought with disappointment.

'It takes guts to do something wrong, but it takes more guts to fess up and apologize to it.'That was something Harpo told me awhile back when we both got in trouble for filling Beauty's tuba with water. I didn't take him seriously since it was a prank at the time, but those words carry more weight now that I think about it.

'Maybe I should have listened to them, maybe I should have listened to Fredric and Beauty, maybe I should have never let her stay, maybe I shouldn't have let a blood thirsty beast into my house and expect this not to happen. Now that I think about it; What was I thinking.'

I could feel my anger slowly boiling. I put my trust into this mare, she gave me her word, which was all I had to trust her on, and she threw it away. Well, I'm not letting this happen again. She won't get the chance to.

"Get out." My tone was cold and dead, and I made sure to make it that way.

She didn't even speak a word when she got up off the floor, in fact, she didn't even bother to get her glasses. She simply got up and walked to the door and left. I didn't know where she was going, nor did I care; I felt betrayed, I felt as though I had put hope on a promise, only to have it all tossed aside like nothing. You might say that I was over reacting, but I didn't think so, not in the slightest.. We made a deal, and she broke her end of the deal, even when she knew what would happen. Sure, it might have been instincts to feed, even if it was on me, but if she knew what would happen if she did, maybe she shouldn't have accepted my offer. But it was all over now, she was gone.

I sat there for about ten, maybe fifteen, minutes continuing to stretch out my body, slowly going from limb to limb, until I had stretched every single part of my body. I got up and staggered a bit, it felt slightly odd to walk, it was actually rather similar to when you get up after sitting for long period of time, only a lot worse; I could have been easily confused for a drunk if I had been out in public. I then set my body into my next task: Finding a clock.

'Maybe I can still get to practice, that might take my mind off what just happened...and I'm sure Fredric and Beauty will be eager to hear the news too.' I thought to myself as I trotted back into my bedroom in search of my alarm clock. (And my cello if I could still make it to practice.) I turned the corner to my bedroom and went to my nightstand to find my alarm clock shining a bright '9:50'.

'I can still make it. If I skip breakfast...' I started remembering the time Vinyl had given me a lift to practice, and even offered me breakfast, but quickly pushed it to the back of my mind, I didn't need to think of that right now.

I went over to my desk and grabbed a few music book and practice sheets I had been given at practice and packed them into my saddle bag. After I had finished packing all of the materials I trotted over to the one true thing I hold dear, my cello, and started packing it into its case with care. In the midst of my packing, I once again, remembered the way it was untouched by Vinyl when I had come in and nearly been fed on by her. I pushed the thoughts away again, but they only seemed to float back. I sighed.

'This 'forgetting Vinyl' thing might be harder than I thought...' I hoisted my cello onto my back, along with my saddle bags, and headed back for the door. I was about five feet away when I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was Vinyl, coming back to apologize and plead to stay again, or even just to get her glasses. I quickened my pace to the door but slowed as I placed my hoof on the handle. 'No need to seem rushed.' I opened the door, my rejection speech for Vinyl already in my head.

"Look Vinyl, I sai-" I stopped speaking when I saw that it wasn't Vinyl at all.

"Oh...hello Fancy Pants." I stood there, slightly shocked by seeing the big time music producer, Fancy Pants, standing at my door with a warm smile.

"Why hello Miss Melody, holding up well are we?" He asked in a genuinely kind tone. I had met with Fancy Pants only a few times on occasion thanks to my father's high social status, but I had never met with him one on one.

"Oh-uh, yes. Do, come in." I stepped aside to let him in, but he simply waved me off with a hoof.

"Oh I won't take long, I can see you're about to head out anyways," he said with his signature smile ever present. "I only came by to offer some words of encouragement to somepony I was told was competing against Fredric in this 'Piano Duel'. Do you happen to know where a 'Vinyl Scratch' is? I had been told she was staying with you." I felt my heart slightly drop.

"Um...no actually, she just left today." He sighed as he began to look slightly crestfallen.

'How does he know about that anyways?' I thought to myself before voicing my thoughts to him.

"Oh, well being such close friends with Fredric's parents, they literally wouldn't quit talking about it this morning when they came over for tea. They kept on boasting on about how this 'street scum' had challenged him and how she was going to 'get what was coming to her'." He explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"They actually asked me to sponsor it, probably to both show off their son's 'talent' and punish this poor mare some more. I was going to refuse until they told me how good of a reputation booster it would be for your Symphony."

Ah, that was good old Fancy Pants. Of all the uptight and stiffed elite, he was probably the most favored in my opinion. He didn't boast about his accomplishments because he didn't need to, they were fact. He didn't complain about the current way things like every other elite because he liked them, and most importantly of all, he didn't insult the lower classes because he helped them. He was both a caring and humble man, quite a rarity among the elite, and he was respected by all because of it. He went out of his way to help others, but only those who deserved it.

"Thank you very much Mr. Fancy Pants" I said with a genuine smile. "But Vinyl actually left not long before you arrived here."

"Oh, do you happen to know where she went?" I shook my head and he sighed a bit.

"Shame, I really did want to speak with her. Oh well, I must be off then, I still have to meet with your parents for lunch, now those are two ponies whose company I actually enjoy." He said as he turned to leave with me following right behind him.

"Oh, and did you need a ride Miss Melody?" He asked over his shoulder I was slightly taken aback by the offer, and he must of seen it too, as his smile only grew larger.

"Um, yes. Uh, thank you kindly, Mr. Fancy Pants." I said with gratitude, but his face slightly scrunched up when I said it.

"On, one condition though, I will only give you a ride if you stop with this whole Mr. Fancy Pants thing, okay?" I stopped myself from sighing and nodded. Why does everything have to remind me of hertoday? Why?

'This is going to be a long day...' I thought to myself as I followed him out the door.

Author's Note:

Yep, this is how I'm playing it. Octavia isn't a vampire... ;)

~I'd like to thank all of you guys for sticking with this story and giving me your great feedback, it means a lot to me so, seriously, thank you.~