• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,640 Views, 753 Comments

Fangs - Sapphic

Octavia was a very content pony, she had many things, wealth, a small group of friends, a lovely career as a cellist for The Canterlot Royal Symphony. But she never had the one thing she wanted...something wealth could never buy... but it has secrets

  • ...


She walked over to me slowly, her smile unnerving enough to make my heart rate spike, causing me to back up into the door with a thump. I could hear Shakes and her sister pounding at the door with their hooves as well as them yelling a few things too. I didn't pay much to it, all of my attention was on the mare in front of me. By now my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, giving me a more detailed look at my room.

It was a mess, music books scattered across the floor, a shelf had been knocked over, my lamp was busted, and many other objects were spaced across the room, all but one. My cello was untouched, which honestly surprised me for a second considering the condition of the room around me.

Why wouldn't she wreck that? I thought to myself. Before I could come up with an answer my train of thought was interrupted by the exhale of the mare now sitting in front of me, starring at me with those purple lenses.

"Glad you could join me...Octavia..." She said in sultry tone of voice as she moved her head close to my neck and opened her mouth, exhaling a hot breath down onto me that sent shivers down my spine. I was frozen now, I couldn't move, my legs had seized up like they had with Bigs. She gave my neck a small kiss, causing me to flinch slightly, before she backed up and widened her mouth.

"This won't hurt...a bit..." She cooed at me, I shut my eyes tight and prepared for her to bite down hard and tear me limb from limb.




Her head slowly bumped into my shoulder and her entire body relaxed as it fell into mine.




"U-um...M-miss S-scratch?" I stuttered as her head drooped slightly until it was now pressing firmly in my shoulder.




The light sound of snoring began to fill the room.

...Did...did she just...fall asleep?... I thought to myself as her hind leg twitched in the most adorable fashion I had ever seen before.

I sat there for a few minutes in silence, I had no idea what to do... here I was, with a vampire laying on me, sleeping, what could I do? The door behind me opened suddenly, causing me and Miss Scratch to fall out into the hallway. This also caused Miss Scratch to grip around me in a light hug and press her snout into my shoulder harder. I looked up to see both Shakes and her sister about to explode with amusement as I simply sighed.

"A little help please?" I asked after a few more minutes of laying. Believe it or not, but that mares fur was the softest and warmest thing I had ever felt. I felt a pinch of sadness after Shakes's sister lifted her off me with her magic and carried her into the living room, leaving me alone to face a very amused looking Shakes.

"What?" I questioned up to her with a raised brow from my still sprawled out position

"Oh, nothing?" she replied in a sing song voice with a growing smile that agitated me quite a bit, resulting in me replying to her with a huff.

"You know, Octavia..." I braced for impact of the oncoming 'If-you-wanted-to-get-in-bed-with-her' joke that I was brilliantly set up for.

"...In all of Vinyl's time working at my 'soon-to-be' bar" She said that part with pride. "she has never touched a single pony, much less fell asleep on them, and if what she told me is true she barely has any physical contact with anypony at all."

Now that really took me off guard, not only because she had hugged me in the alleyway back at the bar when Bigs pounced me for who knows how long, but also because it reminded me of somepony in particular...me.

"R-really?" I asked at her in a awe-struck tone, gazing at her like a school filly who was just offered the last cookie in the cookie jar.

"Yep!" She said, rather proud of the fact for a reason unknown to me.

"So I gotta ask, Octavia...what did she feel like?" Her tone was of curiosity and genuine interest, I must have failed to see the sarcasm as I felt my face rapidly start to heat up.

"W-well...sh-she was v-very...s-soft..." I stuttered out in embarrassment while Shakes simply stared at me with wide eyes.




"W-what?" I spoke up to her, getting off the ground.

"N-nothing, I just wasn't actually expecting you to answer that one..." This made my blush grow even brighter.

"O-oh." I stuttered, we stood there in an awkward silence for awhile until, thank Celestia, I had an idea.

"You said you're the 'soon-to-be' owner of the bar, right?" I asked, changing subjects skillfully.

"Yep!" I could tell she too, was relieved in my genius subject change.

"Who might the owner be now then?" Hopefully, I could keep this running until her sister got back.


"Oh..." Well, there goes my plan. We turned to see Shakes sister trotting over, thank Celestia.

"Did I miss anything, Vinyl was being difficult and kept muttering about something..." she said before turning to the both of us. Shakes was the first to speak out.

"Nope, nothing here, wait, you said Vinyl was muttering about something?" She said this rather quickly, eager to change topics, I understood why so I went along with it hoping to get off the subject of me and Miss Scratch.

"Yes, do tell!" I exclaimed. Shakes sister shrugged at my enthusiasm.

"Something about a pillow I think."

Horse apples, that's not a very broad topic.

"...Oh..." Me and Shakes said simultaneously as we felt the haze of awkward silence begin to resettle, until Shakes perked up for a second before swinging her hoof around her sisters shoulder.

"Well, Octavia... This is my older sister, Soft Sweeps, but we just call her Sweeps, she is the janitor at the bar." Great, a second, older version of Shakes...wait...she is the janitor? Why wasn't she at the club?

"If she is the janitor, why was she not at the bar tonight?" I watched as Shakes smile turned sheepish and Sweeps's expression turned flat and un-amused as she faced her sister.

"It was my day off." Sweeps said, making sure to put emphasis on the 'was' part, causing Shakes sheepish look to grow.

"Yeaaahhh...sorry 'bout that sis." She piped, resulting in an overly exaggerated eye roll from Sweeps. These two sure did get along well, didn't they.

"Well..." I piped up, making them both shift their gaze to me. " I don't mean to be rude but I am very tired, I should hope that you two are as well." They both nodded lazily and took the hint.

"Yeah were going Octavia, if you have any more troubles with Vinyl, give her this." She pulled out the metal drink shaker and glass and handed it to me.

"Give her half a glass and if that doesn't work, come get me from Sweeps house." She said as her and Sweeps headed for the door. After the door shut I slumped downwards onto the floor, sighing heavily before landing on the wooden floor with a thump.

I reached up and massaged my temples with my hooves.

In this night alone I've had more action and surprise than what is needed for my entire lifetime.

I was interrupted by the sound of another muffled thump, I looked over to see that Miss Scratch had fallen off of the couch and landed on the carpet. She instantly curled into a ball, similar to a dog, and started shivering. I sighed again, for what must have been the fifteenth time in the last hour alone, before getting up and trotting to my kitchen. I rummaged through a cabinet before pulling out a flashlight with my mouth and flipping it on with my teeth. I then trotted back to the hallway and into my bedroom.

Boy, she sure did wreck this place, books were scattered, my lamp was broken, papers were everywhere, even my nightstand had been flipped over, I returned my gaze to an object from earlier, my cello. It was untouched, even the objects around it were untouched.

Why would this be untouched, when everything else is trashed? I shrugged before trotting over to my wrecked bed and pulling the comforter off and laying it on my back.

I will ask Miss Scratch tomorrow, I guess.

I exited my bedroom and walked back to the kitchen, put up the flashlight, then made my way to the still curled white mare, shivering like a filly with an adorably scrunched face. I smiled at the sight before tossing the blanket over her body. She instantly wrapped herself in it before un-scrunching her face and putting on a small smile.

...She sure is an interesting mare... I thought to myself before heading back to my bedroom and collapsing into my bed. Really interesting... I thought as I dozed into a comatose of sleep.

Author's Note:

Yep, here we are. I tried writing the first paragraph all serious at first, but after re-reading it, it sounded like I was trying to hard, kinda like chapter one (:D). So I decided to write it like this...That chapter title must have been misleading for some of you...