• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,638 Views, 753 Comments

Fangs - Sapphic

Octavia was a very content pony, she had many things, wealth, a small group of friends, a lovely career as a cellist for The Canterlot Royal Symphony. But she never had the one thing she wanted...something wealth could never buy... but it has secrets

  • ...


"Miss Scratch, please, stop hopping around!" I said for the third time as my, now long term, house guest bounced around the couch I was lying on.

"Please stop calling me 'Miss Scratch', my name is Vinyl!" She said back for the third time.

I sighed and looked over to her with exhausted eyes.

"Please Vinyl, just go to sleep." I complained as she gasped.

"Come on, Octi! The night time is the best time!" She said with glee as she hopped up and down.

"Well I usually use the night time for...um...sleeping!" I spat at her a bit more harsher than necessary. She bounded over the couch and landed right beside me, causing me to bounce up, getting about a second of air time.

"Alright Octi, let's make a deal!" I sighed heavily when I heard this, for knowing me for only about a day, she was talking to me like she had known me all her life.

"If I can show you a good time tonight, I will stop hopping and try to go to sleep." She continued, I paused, this was clearly a trap just to get me to go out into the night with her, however, I was at the point where I was willing to try anything.

"And if you don't show me a good time?"

"I was getting there..." She continued. "If you do, for some reason, not have a good time out on the streets with me. You can make me come with you on one occasion, only one!" Now that I might be willing to accept, even if I did have a good time, I could still tell her I didn't! That way, next time I have a social event that I need to go to with no one to come with me, I could just take her! It was both getting back at her, and getting me to look less awkward and anti-social at one of my friends social gatherings! However, I might have to make her look more...presentable...for such an event like that, oh well, I could work with that.

"Okay, Vinyl, I will accept your...deal..." Her smile, somehow, widened as she ,somehow, bounced off the couch and hopped around faster than before as I trudged off to my bedroom to fetch my saddlebags and purse. I flipped the light in the hallway and opened the door to my bedroom, I had tidied up the room about two hours ago and yet I still hadn't asked my energetic house guest about my cello. I fetched my saddlebags off the ground and picked my purse up with my mouth and walked back into the living room after turning off the lights. As I entered the living room I was placing my purse in my saddlebags until a hoof snatched it out of my mouth, I turned to see Miss Scratch's lenses and a smile on her face.

"No no no Octi, this is on me!" She said in a sarcastically scolding tone, I raised a brow and opened my mouth to protest to her but she had a hoof in my mouth before I could do so...ew...

"No, this is on me, you've given me a home, the least I can give you is a some fun." Playfulness was still present , but was accompanied with a tone of...respect?...praise?...something between the two? I didn't know and I decided not to protest anymore and let her lead me out into the cold night for Celestia knows what, as we were walking out of the apartment and towards the elevator she brought up a topic that relatively surprised me.

"So Octi, I gotta ask, why did you stop me?" Her tone was something that also surprised me, it was serious and anxious for a honest answer.

"In honesty, Vinyl..." I brought a light smirk to my face. "I think we have more in common than you think..." My gaze was distant, but I could see her look over at me and match my smirk and gaze.

"You'll have to explain that to me later 'cause I have no idea what that means..." I sighed deeply, losing my gaze, smirk, and feeling of pride, causing her smile to only widen.


"...Vinyl...I-I am starting to regret this..." I stammered as we waited outside a shady looking building , dim lights could be seen past the heavily tinted windows, the building was made of a faded brick and cement covering, seemingly random, locations on the building.

"Oh come on Octi! Don't be a such a buzz-kill!" She laughed lightly. I stared up at the building and gulped nervously as I was tugged onward, out of our place in line.

"Vinyl! What are you doing! We will lose our spot!" I blurted. Honestly, I could care less about the place in line, but what I didn't like was the looks of aggravation the people in line gave us as we marched up to the bouncer, an intimidating buff Pegasus with the most massive muscles I had seen.

"Waiting is for squares!" she yelled as she dragged me up to the doors with pure elation. We reached the doors and the massive pegasus made no gesture to move, that was until Vinyl trotted up to him and leaned into his ear and whispered something that I couldn't hear. I could tell it was important from the way his eyes went wide, once Vinyl leaned away from him he scrambled to pull two VIP passes out from somewhere under his wings and opened the door for us. As I walked into the dimly light hallway the first thing I noticed were the way ponies were dressed. Neon glow sticks around their hooves, glow-in-the dark lipstick and eye-liner, I felt so out of place in this environment that I actually wanted to leave, there was only two things that kept me there: My pride, and my deal with Vinyl. She tugged me along into the main room of the building, a large area with a dance floor the size of a small house with laser lights shooting down in tune with the music accompanied by a pit of ponies writhing with each other. To the left was one of the longest bars I had ever seen, It must have stretched for at-least 30 meters, maybe more. I turned to see Vinyl starring at me with an expectant smile.

"...What?" I asked with the most un-amused looks I could muster.

"Where do you want to start!" she said with energy evident in her voice and posture.

"U-um I r-really think w-w should ge-" Before I could finish my suggestion to leave she grasped my hoof and said:

"Get wasted?! I was gonna say that too!" She exclaimed as she dragged me to the bar. Oh Celestia give me strength...


I sat and watched the bar stallion tip, flip and pour a variety of drinks with multi colored bottles, each with a strangely unique smell. Every once and awhile he would flip the bottle up and catch it with his hoof adding another mix into the brew that Vinyl had ordered, much to my disapproval, for me and her. He placed the mixer in front of us with a cocky smile and whipped out two mugs.

"Enjoy ladies." he said with a flash of a smile as he poured the neon blue liquid into the two mugs

I leaned in and took a whiff of the concoction in front of me and recoiled from the burning smell of alcohol coming from the mug.

"V-vinyl maybe I should drink something a bit less...um...deadly..." I said with a tone of genuine fear over what the drink could do to me.

"Octi...how can you have a good time when all you do is avoid what's fun!" Vinyl said with a small hint of agitation just before she began to chug the mug. I sighed and picked up the mug with my hoof and tipped it slowly towards my lips, much like how one would drink a hot cup of tea. As soon as the liquid hit my lips I tried to recoil from the taste, only to find a hoof was on my back and that some unknown force was tipping it higher, pouring it into my mouth. The smell of the inside of the mug was enough to cause my nose to burn and senses to dull just enough to not cough and spill the drink everywhere. As I downed the last few drops of the drink I felt the hooves release their grasp on me and the mug. I quickly placed the mug down and turned to Vinyl, ready to yell at her.

"Why did you do that!" I yelled at her over the music.

"I-I j-just wanted you to loosen up a b-bit. I-I didn't-...sorry..." She had a small frown on her face with her hoof scratching the back of her head. I sighed deeply and relaxed a bit.

"Its fine...just let me drink it myself next time, okay?" she perked up and nodded her head quickly like a filly.

"Well...about three more of those and we can finally go dancing!" she said cheerily as she pointed towards the pit of writhing ponies. My eyes went wide.

"T-t-three?" I said with another tone of genuine fear of the drink, one had already made me dizzy and light headed, I was sure that three would kill me...literally...

"O-or n-not....you know....t-that's cool too." She said with a sheepish smile as she went back to scratching the back of her head. I sighed heavily before putting on a small smirk.

"Maybe..." I gulped on the inside " Maybe two could...'loosen me up'..." I said with trembling confidence.

"That's the spirit, Octi! Vinyl cheered with genuine praise for my actions, which in all honesty, helped a little.


I sat and watched the bar stallion tip, flip and pour the memorized variety of drinks with multi colored bottles, each with a familiar smell. Every four spins he would flip the bottle up and catch it with his hoof adding another mix into the "Jerry" that Vinyl had ordered for me, much to her approval, and she had ordered her own concoction. He placed the mixer in front of us with an annoyed smile and whipped out two more mugs.

"Enjoy ladies..." He grumbled after adding a single drop of a new bottle into my mug. Me and Vinyl turned to each-other with a knowing smile and began chugging and the end of make believe count down. Vinyl, being far more use to the art of drinking than me, finished first with a sigh, I finished the same way a few seconds later.

"Ready to dance, Octi!" Vinyl asked me with a smile.

"D-dance? Vinyl, I really think I should just res-" I was interrupted as she grasped my hoof and dragged me to the dance floor saying:


I found that the dancing in the mob of ponies had three distinct styles, one was excessive jumping, another was just rubbing your body against whoever is closest to you, and the last one was a complex form of robot-like dancing. I ended up joining halfway between the 'Jumpers' and the 'Rubbers', the rubbing was unintentional and was actually me just trying to hold myself up against Vinyl. The 'rave' as I soon found out, went on for about one hour until, to my surprise, Vinyl suggested we go, I, however, only got a few feet out of the mob until I collapsed onto the floor, earning a hearty laugh from Vinyl. After wiping the tear from her eye, Vinyl lifted me onto her back with her hoofs and carried me out.


We burst through the doors, my body slumped over on somepony's back and my breath heavy and short, panting even, I was beginning to think there was more alcohol in my body than there was blood. Who was carrying me again? Some mare with a name like a type of record?

"V~Vinyl?" I called out unsure of who was there and what their name was, whoever they were, they were soft and warm, like big teddy bear.

"How are you my little drunkie?" She cooed to me, seemingly not fazed by the amount of alcohol she had consumed inside the bar. I cracked a goofy smile at the sound of my friend's voice.

"Doin' great, pal." I slurred to her.

"Man, drunk Octi is friendly Octi, glad to see you stopped with the "Miss Scratch" thing." she responded, lightly laughing at her own joke. She took a turn onto the street and walked down it for about five minutes, jeez my head hurts.

"Vinnie, be a dear and get me something for this head-ache will you?" She visibly tensed at the name 'Vinnie', seems I know her weakness now. She levitated a small tablet in her magic up to my mouth which I ate eagerly, I instantly felt my headache lessen slightly.

"Thank you, 'Vinnie'." I teased to her, getting off her back and onto the now grassy ground, confused, I looked around and raised a brow.

"Where are we going Vinyl?" I asked, the mare in question just smiled and said:

"It's a secret. Nice and quiet, too..." Her tone was either sultry or sarcastically sultry, I couldn't have told even if I wasn't buzzed off my flank.

"Quiet sounds good..." I mumbled in a thankful tone.

We arrived at a lone opening in the forest with thick trees surrounding us in a circle, save for an opening in-front of us that was a cliff face, overlooking the Ever-free Forest and the small town of Ponyville. I had always wanted to retire there or even just live there during my career, it was a quiet town, and a strange one, but it just seemed so...cozy. We walked over towards the overlook and I took a seat on my haunches, gazing. My head felt just a bit light and dizzy, I simply blew it off as the alcohol.

"The view is beautiful up here Vinyl..." I said as I gazed out into the stunning view, the moon dimly lighting the horizon. It felt easy on my eyes, it even made them feel heavy just from looking at the moon, Luna's moon, the Princess of Dreams...of sleep...yeah that sounds pretty good right about now...

"Yeah, I know..." She said as she took a seat next to me on her haunches. "I come here whenever I want to be...alone..." I paid no attention to her tone, my eyes were already shutting. The last thing I remember was landing on her shoulder, her shoulder was so soft....just like a pillow...

"Sleep tight...Octavia..." That voice...it sounded so...familiar...forget it...just sleep...

Author's Note:

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