• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,639 Views, 753 Comments

Fangs - Sapphic

Octavia was a very content pony, she had many things, wealth, a small group of friends, a lovely career as a cellist for The Canterlot Royal Symphony. But she never had the one thing she wanted...something wealth could never buy... but it has secrets

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Fangs...those two small protrusions were able to make my body shake with fear, it might have been the blood running down the stallions face that aided to that, or the lead pipe that was dripping with blood, or the body of a mare behind him with blood running down from both her head and two small marks in her neck. The mare lying dead was most likely another who fell victim to the same trap I was, I didn't pay much attention to the corpse as much as I did the stallion responsible for it, be it from fear that I might be another corpse laying next to her in a moment, or that the sight of the dead rather disgusted me. The smile on this stallions face didn't make this anymore easy, it was a smile, and a big one too, making those...fangs of his stand out even more.

His glasses he wore earlier were now gone, revealing two blood red eyes, I found the color rather pleasing...red, shades of it such as crimson or ruby always relaxed me and sometimes hypnotized me with its hue. I could stare at the color for hours, basking in its beauty. That's when it hit me...this stallions face...it was familiar, I remember him from somewhere...Ah! The door! This stallion was the bouncer! However, this raised so many other questions, Why did he tell me that I wouldn't fit in here? Was that a warning? Why would he warn me if it was? What was going to happen now? However as I tried to meet his gaze, I found that I couldn't, mainly because his gaze was elsewhere and his smile now evaporated, I followed the gaze back to the three stallions behind me, I wondered why he was staring them down with a frown now present on his face, slowly turning into an angry scowl, when he bellowed in his low voice:

"This one is mine you stupid lackeys!" He roared. I noticed the face of the other three stallions were now that of anger and...fear? He turned to me and must have noticed my though through the fear in my eyes accompanying the tears slowly starting to swell.

"You must be confused miss." He said in a bittersweet tone while wiping the blood from his face. "Allow me to explain, You see me and theses three idiots over here have had our eyes on you for a very long time. We even devised a system." He said in a matter-of-fact tone, rather proud of stating such an accomplishment. He then raised his hoof and pointed towards the stallion with the suit and fedora, glasses not present revealing his blood red eyes as well.

"This colt is step one...planting, I'm sure that once he passed you in the theater of yours, you felt rather...unnerved...targeted even." My eyes were wide at this revelation. How could somepony do that on purpose? He shifted his hoof to the other two behind him, the drunks on the street.

"These two are step two...feeding, they give that sense of being targeted a new level of intense, this usually makes ponies think rather rash manner." His smile now back, plastered to his face as he finally stated his role.

"I am step three...harvesting, I take that feeling and turn it against you. You wanted to get into this club back at the door up front, I could see that much, but I knew that without a proper motivation, me telling you wouldn't fit in, you probably would have left."

"Which brings us to the final step...Eating..." As he said this he lifted the bloody lead pipe with his hoof and swung it at a blinding speed towards me, plowing into the stone wall of the alleyway, shaving of a large clump of stone.

I was only able to avoid the lightning strike by a mere second thanks to me tripping over an object that wasn't important to me, my life was in danger.

Try as I might, I couldn't move. My legs had seized up, my hooves now over my face, covering the tear filled eyes of mine, as I lay on the floor shaking with fear. His lackeys had moved up and just as they were all about to, from what I can assume, suck all the blood from my body, the door opened causing all of us to turn and look at the sight.

Out of the door walked a white mare, her electric blue mane accompanied by teal highlights matted with sweat, along with a pair of over sized purple sunglasses. She was whistling a peppy tune and continued to walk, placing a rock to hold open the door just a crack with her back hoof. She was holding a large black bag which was filled with what I can assume was trash over to the dumpster. As she tossed the bag in she turned to meet us with those glasses and her tune stopped abruptly. She stared at us for a few minutes, just as we stared at her, our bodies still in the same position, me on the ground cowering under the group of four stallions.


"Bigs..." She said in a calm tone. "What in the wide world of Celestia are you doing?!" she snapped in a loud voice causing me to clamp my hoof's over my ears.

The large stallion, or "Bigs" as I now knew, and his lackeys backed off of me quickly. Bigs started scrapping the ground with his hoof not willing to meet this mare's eyes, I assumed that was to protect his blood red eyes and the identity of what he was from her.

"I swear to Celestia, every time I come out here you and your buddies over there are on top of some mare!" This mare...did she know about Bigs and his...no... she thought he was trying to have his way with me...did she?

Bigs, regained his posture along with his sunglasses to cover his eyes before facing this white mare.

"Look, Vee me and the boys were ju-"

"No, do not 'Just having some, get outta my alleyway and get outta my club you horny creep, you're fired!" she screeched at the now cowering Bigs. Bigs, this Goliath of a stallion and a "vampire" to add.

Was he scared of a mare twice, if not, three times smaller than him?

Who is she?

"Vee...please, we didn't, I-I mean we w-weren't going t-to-" he stammered before being interrupted by the mare yet again, this time in a calm...fright inducing sort of way.

"Bigs..." her voice dripped with a motherly sweet tone.

"Y-y-yeah V-vee?" he stammered, fear obvious in his stance and tone of voice

"Go." All motherly tone or sweetness in her voice was gone, leaving a cold slate of flat emotionless void in its wake. It wasn't a statement, it was a command, one that wouldn't and couldn't be ignored by Bigs, who took no hesitation in fleeing the scene with his three lackeys on his heels.

She turned to look at me, I was crumpled on the ground and still shaking with fear from the encounter, my eyes were still wet from the encounter with Bigs and his lackeys. She walked over to me slowly and I covered my eyes yet again: If this mare alone could scare off those four stallions without laying a hoof on them, I was scared down to my very essence over what she could do to me with a simple touch. Unfortunately I didn't have time to contemplate all of the monstrous things that her touch could do to me...because she was already down on the ground, sitting on her haunches, with a hoof patting me on the back gently.

"Hey...you alright?" She asked with a genuine tone of concern in her voice.

All I could do was look up at her, she must have seen those tears in my eyes because she took me into a hug and stroked my mane while whispering reassurances in my ear. Normally I would shove anypony away from me, save for my parents, who tried to comfort me. But with her, be it from fear of what would happen if I did push her or actual comfort from her embrace, I didn't pull away. We sat like this for who knows how long until I was calm again. She stood up and motioned for me to follow her back to the club, I did so immediately. Though after all this I still had one question...

Who was this mare?

Author's Note:

Hey guys, my power was out yesterday...pretty sucky way to spend my birthday, but here you guys go, the next chapter!
Comments are welcomed and criticism is encouraged!

(Oh yeah, I realize this one is short but it just felt right to end it there)