• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,640 Views, 753 Comments

Fangs - Sapphic

Octavia was a very content pony, she had many things, wealth, a small group of friends, a lovely career as a cellist for The Canterlot Royal Symphony. But she never had the one thing she wanted...something wealth could never buy... but it has secrets

  • ...

Marely Encounters

I woke up with a flutter of my eyes and an intense throbbing in my head that came in pulses, causing me to groan in pain fairly loudly. I instantly regretted doing so because it made my ears throb even more. I looked around in my room to find that somepony had closed the blinds, the small cracks of light that shown through seemed to be blinding. I got out of bed slowly and felt my legs nearly give out.

'Uhg, this is horrible...', I thought to myself as I slowly walked over to the door with caution as to where my hooves landed.

I reached for the door and twisted the knob only to find it locked.

'Hm, that's strange...' I thought as I looked for what was causing the door to not open, just as I was about to give up I looked back up to the handle and found that the lock on the door was twisted. I raised a brow and twisted it back into the unlock position.

'Who would have done that?' I thought, 'Would Miss Scratch have done that? Andif so...what for? I shrugged it off and made my way to the shower, I might not remember what happened last night, but I did remember that I had Orchestra today, and a routine to keep too. I made my way into the bathroom and grabbed a new towel from the cupboard and started the water for my shower. I sat on my haunches in the bathroom for a good ten five minutes before getting back up and stepping into the shower, letting the hot water stream over me and my mind run free.

"What happened last night..." I mumbled to myself as I tried to recall the events from last night, something with Miss Scratch and...a bar? I shrugged as I grabbed the mane care products from off the shelf in the shower.

'I will just have to ask my guest about last night, it was her idea after all.' I finished my shower and toweled myself off thoroughly before moving to sit in front of the mirror to start styling my mane.

'If she does indeed remember what happened last night that is.'

I trotted out into the hallway of my apartment to find the blinds were all shut and one crumpled Miss Scratch on the floor, huddled in a fetal position. I trotted over to her in a rather quickened pace, eager to know what happened.

"Miss Scratch? Are you awake?" Her body twitched and her ears perked up, I took that as a yes, and started towards her.

"Oh good, you are awake. I was wondering ,Miss Scratch, do you happen to kn-"

"Stop" She interrupted me with a ragged voice, halting me in my tracks, sounding like she had been awake all night doing some intense workout.

"P-please...I d-don't want...y-you...t-to..." she stuttered. I slowly began my walk again, making sure not to make any noise, and stopped just within reaching distance.

"...Miss Scratch..." Her body twitched again, along with her ears flicking quickly, she let out a moan and then she was silent. I moved my hoof up to her back and pressed down lightly, her body was damp and extremely warm, not to mention her heart rate was...well of course it wasn't there, but her breathing was sharp.

"No...please...I can't...hold back...much..." I couldn't make out what she said at all, she was so quiet.

"I think I should go get Shakes..." Her breathing suddenly evened out and I could literally feel her body was already cooling.

"No...That's alright..." Her voice was even and calm as she got off the floor, turning to me with a mischievous smile.

"You can take care of me...right, Octi?" She said with a pleading voice. Either she was a very good actor, or she was actually depending on me, I chose to think the she actually thought I could take care of her.

I was never more wrong.

"W-well, If you insist. Do you needing anything? A glass of water maybe?" I asked with a light tone of sympathy.

"Oh yes, some water sounds great...I am a bit parched..." She said with the same pleading and devious tone as before.

I turned and headed towards the kitchen, stretching up onto my hind legs to get a glass from the top cabinet.

Suddenly I felt the warm mass of somepony pressing into my back, wrapping their hooves around my waist, causing me to let out a sharp yelp and drop the glass onto the floor, shattering it. I could feel their hot, even, breath exhaling into my ear, sending shivers down my spine with every breath.

"You know Octavia..." The voice was Miss Scratch's, but it was in a sultry tone that I had never heard from her.

My eyes went wide as I realized the similarities from our last encounter to this one; she was locked in the bedroom and when I tripped she took advantage my disposition. She wanted me to turn away, she was waiting for this. 'But why did she try to stop me then...I should have listened to her.' I thought to myself in desperation.

"...I think that water might not cut it..." I gulped.

"M-maybe s-some j-juice?" I asked, hoping she would take that over whatever else she had in mind. That idea quickly died right after she let out a low chuckle.

"Oh you're funny..." She paused and adjusted her head to somehow get closer to my ear.

I like that..." she said in another sultry tone.

'Think Octavia!' I thought desperately.

I looked around to the right to find the knife holder across the marble counter top. 'Too far...and obvious...'

I turned my gaze to the left to see the trail of glass, leading from the edge of counter to the position it had landed. Most of the glass was right around Miss Scratch's hooves, but some of the shards had managed to slide past and landed about a foot behind her.


I steeled my nerves and quickly pushed backwards on Miss Scratch, causing us to begin to fall backwards onto the glass pile, with Miss Scratch leading the way.

"Huh?" She said in surprise right as we hit the ground, resulting in a howl of pain from her.

Her grip had loosened enough for me to squirm free and sprinted past her towards my bedroom, adrenaline pumping. I made it in and quickly shut the door behind me, locking it. It was a pointless thing to do considering she was both a unicorn and a vampire, but it reassured me nonetheless. I had a pretty good feeling in my gut that the glass alone would not keep her from coming back after me.

I slumped down and landed with a thump, let out a deep breathe that I hadn't realized I had been holding. Out of curiosity, I craned my head upwards and put my ear against the door and listened closely.




"That wasn't very nice Octi..." My eyes went wide and I was pretty sure my heart stopped.

"I thought you said you could take care of me..." Her voice was of...pity? Sadness? I could never tell with ponies, but this mare was impossible. I slowly turned my head to the direction of the voice, only see her sitting on my bed, the glass completely void of where it would have, and should have, been in her back.

"W-what do you want from me?" I asked, stuttering out of fear. She lifted herself off the bed and walked over to me slowly, lifting her glasses and opening her eyes.

They were red, of course, but it wasn't the color, it was the shade. They were a deep scarlet red and they were beautiful. If it weren't for the fact they were dilated and full of a feral hunger and insatiable lust, I could have stared into them for days.

"What don't I want from you... Her tone sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't know why.

She smiled wickedly and gave me a lovely view of her small fangs, I assumed, size didn't matter, and it was all about how you used them, and I was sure she could use them well. I started to panic and looked around the room, trying to find something to use to get out of this situation and that's when my eyes landed on it. The mixer Shakes had left for me if Miss Scratch ever started acting like this again. Now I just needed to distract Miss Scratch and get it somehow; I fooled her once, either I could do it again, or not at all.

'Maybe if I charge her...she wouldn't expect that...' I thought to myself.

I gulped and then I swiftly pounced on her, only to be met by a field of magic, suspending me in the air.

"Why do you try and stop me so much...It's always more fun when you want it too..." Her tone was genuinely perplexed, a fact that I found quite disturbing. I started to struggle, to which she enjoyed immensely, and eventually gave up and accepted the fact that I was going to die.

They say that when you're about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. Well, in my case it wasn't all of my life, just certain parts that I found as either random or vital. Some were of random days spent with friends, concerts, and even the occasional night spent with my parents. But the one that stuck out the most was the memory of my grandmother, on her death bed, muttering those last words.

'Well, looks like you were wrong...I guess my song has no lyrics' I started to tear up at just the thought of her.

'...and I guess I can get to tell you that in a little bit... I was now openly crying and I felt the magic field release me, dropping me on the ground with a thump, but I didn't care, and I wouldn't have to anymore once Miss Scratch, the one I took into my own home with open hooves, kills me. I clenched my eyes and put on a small grin, tears streaming, and waited.




And I would have kept waiting, had it not been for a rather annoying house guest's whining.

"Aww, come one...this isn't any fun..." Her tone was pouting. I cracked open an eye to see her sitting on her haunches with her front hooves crossed like a foal.

"I can't just up and play with someone who cries...and you have an adorable cry, Octi." Her tone was now playful and her eye's had a new spark to them, yet they remand dilated and full of hunger and lust.

I was a bit confused, but my mind sent a rouge impulse through my body that seemed to make it jolt on its own.


I jumped up and over her sitting body, my back hoof roughly hit her horn and caused her to howl and curl up while I dashed for the shaker. I reached the metal container and started unscrewing the lid frantically, I could hear Miss Scratch still writhing in pain from my unintentional blow. I looked rapidly for the glass she had given me but couldn't find it, I mentally shrugged and bolted back over to the, now sitting, Miss Scratch and pinned her quickly.

I all but dumped the liquid down her throat, at first she thrashed, but after about five seconds in, her arms were weakly moving and her eyes were shutting. After I had emptied the bottle I carefully got off her and fell back in exhaustion, hitting my head roughly on the wood.

"Ow." I mumbled to myself as I turned my head towards my nightstand, looking at the clock to see the time.

I didn't exactly linger on this whole encounter, I was just glad for it to be over with.

'9:15' Great, I had wasted a good hour with Miss Scratch.

Though my Symphony practice was still about an hour away, I always liked to get breakfast from the local coffee shop, but I guess now I had to wait for my house guest to wake up from whatever that drink was. I turned over to see her snoring lightly with a scrunched nose, looking like she was having a bad dream. If she wasn't so adorable when she slept I probably would have just beat her to death with the drink shaker right here.

Seemingly on cue she decided to yawn, exposing her adorably small fangs. They looked like they should have been on a baby vampire.

Mares... I thought to myself as I prepped the bed to take a quick nap of my own.

Author's Note:

Heyo, another chapter is done, and I have many more to come. Tell me what you think and don't forget to like it if you...well..like it!