• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 11,806 Views, 179 Comments

Star Bright, Star Light. - AzureHoodie

Lost on a world he doesn't understand, a 24 year old human gets trapped in a 11 year old colt body with cybernetic enhancements.

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Chapter 10: Hoof Prints to follow...

Slowly the world came back into view for Celestia, the haze of the bright flash clearing from her eyes. Carefully she stood up and checked her surrounding, she was still in the dining room, still standing in the circle of snow, but something felt off… different… she felt an unusual, yet familiar weight of magic upon herself. She then notices Cadance and Luna rushing around the dining room, their mouths moving but no sound.

“Welcome to behind the veil, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia quickly turned and caught a white stallion, with a light blue mane and tail standing in the center circle. “Season of winter?” Celestia asked her voice filled with confusion. Celestia looked down at this average sized stallion, still confused… what was he. Instead on a horn upon his head, a sky blue oval gem, other than that he looked like any other earth pony in Equestria.

“Yes I am the season of winter, but you may call me Winter Frost… little Tia.” Winter replied bowing his head as he produced wings of ice and snow.

A memory flashed in her head, the same pony in front of her watching over her in her cradle; calling her ‘Little Tia’. “Are you an Alicorn?” Celestia asked as she walked towards him.

Shaking his head, Winter looked up to Celestia, “No, I am a ‘Season Spirit’ an immortal like you, but with far less power. I am an acolyte for Princess Faust and Princess Gaia.”

“My mother and… who is this Princess Gaia?” Celestia asked looking down into Winter’s light blue eyes.

Winter gave a weary sigh, “Sadly I cannot answer many of your questions, but know everything will be revealed in time… Patience is something that our kind carries with ease, we have much to discuss.” Winter said as a shoulder bag appeared out of the snow. “And I am short on time, but first a present for the little princess who can’t stand my cold winters.” Winter said as he pulled out a purple gem from his bag.


On the other side of the veil…

Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor stood in the snow covered dining room with several guards searching the room.

“Why would Princess Celestia just do that?” Shining said as he walked over to the other two princesses.

“Our mother’s name was mentioned…” Luna whispered, “Tia becomes… she is like a lost filly when our mother’s name is mentioned…”

“You guys have…” Shining bellowed before he put a hoof over his mouth as several of the guards turned to look at him, “You two have parents?” Shining said aloud so that only Cadance and Luna could her him.

“Yes, but only our sister can remember them properly; we were too little to remember.” Luna replied her head lowing enough that her muzzle could touch the ground.

About an hour later of searching later two guards walked up to Shining Armor. “What do you have to report?” Shining asked.
The two guards shook their heads, “We’re sorry sir, but me and my teams could find nothing… no unusual magic, no signs of a struggle, nothing… just a small amount of Princess Celestia’s teleportation magic lingering in the air.”

“Well… where does it lead too?” Shining barked showing his impatience to the situation.

“Nowhere Sir, it just pops in and out of the same place.”

“Well, don’t just stand there! Go bring in the Mages!” Shinning barked.

“SIR!” The guard’s ponies replied heading into the hall.

“Relax Shiny… we will find Celestia soon.” Cadance cooed as she rested a wing on Shining’s withers. He gently turned smiling back to Cadance, suddenly the room began to fill with wind… the snow erupting off ever surface and into the air. The snow began to swirl where Celestia had stood before she disappeared. As the snow began to clear, a tall pony silhouette began to appear. All the snow in the room condensed onto the silhouette and then exploded, leaving a tall white Alicorn standing in the middle of the room.

“SISTER!” Luna exclaimed as she glomped her sister, followed by Cadance. Celestia found herself on the floor being hugged by what she now knew as her sisters.

“It’s alright, I’m fine.” She said. Lifting her head she caught a glimpse at Shining Armor who was staring wide eyed at something in front of them. Slowly they all turn to see a snow white stallion slowly faded out from existence.

“Who or… what was that?” Cadance asked.

“Nothing to be concerned about; now we have many things to do, and not a lot of time to do it in.” Celestia said in a chipper excited tone.

Luna then noticed that her sister’s magic had risen higher than she had ever felt. “Sister, where does this new found energy and excitement come from?” Luna asked as they all stood up.

“Come we have much to do.” Celestia said as she walked out of the dining room. Luna and Cadance had much time to talk and get to know one another while Celestia was gone and now busy with ‘Plans’. It was early that evening that Celestia called down Luna and Cadance to her room.

“Dear Sister, why have you… youuuuoooo…” Luna yawned, “Called us here?”

“Luna and Cadance I had a lot of time to think about many things today, but two things stood out to me the most. Your requests.” Celestia said as she gave Luna and Cadance a calm and regal look.

“Sister it’s okay, I understand about the guard…” Luna began, as Cadance began to talk at the same time.

“My travels to the north, I know it was asking a lot and I’m sorry…”

“Granted.” Celestia said.

As the two began there apologies, they stopped and stared at Celestia.

“You agree with us… our request?” Luna questioned raising an eyebrow at her sister.

“Yes, I believe that both of your requests have merit, but I do have requests of my own.” Celestia said as she poured herself, Luna and Cadance some tea.

“Our course Aunt Tia, but we can we do?” Cadance asked as the tea cup was placed before her.

“When you venture to the north I want you to take a team of six of my best guards, including Shining Armor, but before then I want Shining Armor to teach Luna everything about our current guard… this may take a few weeks and I am afraid you will have to miss a few events, but fear not all will come together…” Slowly and almost out of nowhere Celestia pulled a book into existence.

“Sister?” Luna questioned.

“A gift from our old foal sitter…” Celestia said as she placed the open book down, and staring back at them was a black creature, with several knife like legs.

“Is that…”


“Endlings.” Artie replied as his single monocle eye stared at the metal plated colt that had been unable to sleep all night.

“So what are they?” Star asked trying to pull as much data as he could.

“I am unsure… the data is there but corrupted. It is a creature that marks the beginning of something, and each light represents a life… taken.” Artie replied as he looked outside spotting several of the creatures walking about the town, invisible to the townsfolk. “You should sleep now sir.”

As Star was about to argue he felt his eyes get heavy, and what felt like a pull on his being… his soul. In an instant he was out, suddenly the star on his flank began to glow brighter and brighter… sending pulse after pulse of energy out of his body. These pulses were invisible, just like the Endlings, and began pushing the Endlings… farther and farther from the town, until not a single one remained in town.

“Sleep tight Star Circuit…” Artie said as he began to float and bob through the room, humming a lullaby.

Outside of the room sat two ponies who overheard everything, Twinkle and Golden stared at the door as the thoughts of the little colt fighting invisible creatures.

“No matter how you cut it… it makes him sound crazy.” Twinkle said

Golden looked at Twinkle and shook her head no, “The Princesses fight them too.”

“That’s right! He mentioned that… and… that explains why the Princess came to see him.” Twinkle smiled at this realization, “Tomorrow I ask Twilight to send Princess Celestia a letter to see if she can…” A hoof fell over her lips.

“No.” Golden replied, “They might try to take him away again, we keep him, raise him, and train him… just like how he would have wanted to raise his son.” Golden replied looking at the picture of their fallen husband that hung on the wall. “We raise our son.” Golden return her eyes to Twinkle with a smile.

With a nod Twinkle smiled back and got up along with Golden and headed to their room; tomorrow was a new day, filled with new surprises, and new adventures. With a sense of renewed passion the two began to set up a routine for Star the newest member of their herd. Unbeknownst to them another figure crept into the room where Star slept hidden behind the veil.

“Please identify yourself or be met with brute force.” Artie said in a low enough tone as to not wake up the children.

Slowly he passed a hoof over the small floating machine presenting it with an SD card, “I am a friend, but tell no one that I was here.”

“Understood Winter Frost.” Artie replied as he continued his humming.

“So you are him… or you will become him.” Winter chuckled at the sight of the small copper colt sleeping in bed. “Be strong… Princess Destiny and Princess Fate have many things in store for you.” Frost said as he turned to wind and snow and disappeared out the window towards Canterlot.

Author's Note:

So... Yeah. I am still going through stuff but I had been working on this slowly... also I know its a bit short... but I got all of what I want to do done in this chapter. I hope I will get more down in the next few months. Once again thanks for all the fav's, likes and follows... seriously Thank you... Hopefully I can keep doing more cross over with characters and stories that I hope I will be releasing when the time is right.

and it looks like I got featured... for a few minutes or so.