• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 11,788 Views, 179 Comments

Star Bright, Star Light. - AzureHoodie

Lost on a world he doesn't understand, a 24 year old human gets trapped in a 11 year old colt body with cybernetic enhancements.

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Chapter 6: Need Input... That's information.

“Star you should really calm down.” Twinkle replied.

“No.” Star said firmly, “I have been calm this whole time… I want answers!”

“Then allow me to enlighten you.” A female voice said from behind Twilight and the others.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight exclaimed.
Star looked around the room as everypony began to bow their head to a large winged dark blue unicorn. He eyed the blue mare carefully; she looked so familiar to him.

“Please Our Little Ponies, tho does not need to bow in our presence.” The dark blue mare gently spoke as she pointed to Star. “Is he the young colt you spoke of to us, Twilight Sparkle.”

Quickly Twilight clumsily trotted to the large winged unicorn, “Yes Princess Luna.”

Everypony remained where they were as Luna walked through the room towards Star’s hospital bed. With a quickly fluff of her wings she sat in front of the young colt, as all he could do was stare up at her. “We are Princess Luna.” Star tilted his head as if a different angle would help remind him of where he had last encountered this mare.

“The one in the books?” Star asked.

“The one and the same.” Luna replied.

“But that means that you’re over a thousand years old or something and that’s not… possible… is it?” Star stated only to lose to confusion.

“And so we are.” Luna stated back with a raised eyebrow.
Suddenly his ‘new’ younger sister came out from behind him, her wings all stretched out and her chest all puffed out. “Mine!” Solar Ring said as if trying to defend her new found brother.

Luna turned her attention to Solar, and as she did her mane shifted, falling towards the bed. “Brave one aren’t we?” Luna asked only to notice the little pegasus’ attention on her ethereal mane. Cautiously Solar moved her hoof into Luna’s star filled mane.

“Pretty…” Solar said mesmerized by Luna’s mane.

With a gentle giggle Luna smiled and then turned her attention to the young colt, who now was also staring into her mane. Solar then tried to climb Luna’s muzzle to get a better view of the Lunar Princess’s mane.

“Solar Ring! Get down from there!” Golden whispered loudly.

“Tis fine, she’s only a child and she mean no harm.” Luna replied her eyes looking over his metallic and bandaged covered body. “Will somepony please explain to us why this colt is so injured?” Luna asked raising her brow.

“Timberwolves…” Silver muttered.

With a look of horror Luna turned to the green Pegasus, “Twas you job to look after the colt! What were you doing that made you neglect your duty!?”

But before Heartstring could reply she was interrupted. “I remember you…” Star murmured. Luna blinked and shifted her head, “I remember seeing you before the books… with another that looked like you. She also had wavy magic hair… You two saved me.” Star said raising his eyes to meet Luna’s. “You were also in the story books… The mare in the moon.”

Luna nodded, “You’re knowledge and memory is impressive, still it is a half-truth… you saved our life as well little fallen star.” Star blushed as he could feel Luna’s breath upon his muzzle. “Pray tell… what is your name?”

“I wonder…” Solar whispered as she reached to nibble some of Luna’s mane, losing her balance and slipping off the Princess’s muzzle pulling her down. Star flinched before he could answer shutting his eyes, and in a moment he felt a warm wet sensation against his lips. Curiosity worked on the colt’s mind forcing him to reach out and lick what was pressing against his lips; only to find the sweet taste of strawberries. Quickly he opened his eyes to find that he in fact was lip to lip with the large dark blue winged unicorn.

“Princess Luna is trying to eat my new brother!” Solar Ring yelled releasing some of Luna’s mane from her mouth.

“Solar!” Twinkle exclaimed pulling the young filly from the bed, “We are so sorry you highness.”

With a loud ‘pop’ Luna separated from Star, her cheeks completely flushed and visible through her coat. “Ahem… Tis nothing to apologize for… Star are you alrii…” Luna began only to notice the blank expression on Star’s face.

The sounds of several loud clicks were heard from Star’s body, and suddenly his body began to relieve pressure like a train. Loud hissing sounds erupted from the metal plates opening to release the built up pressure. Even his Cutie Mark Star popped on inch from his flank release pressure.

“Awww, Horseapple!” Solar exclaimed throwing her hooves up, “She broke him!”

"Solar, language!" Golden exclaimed. As Solar quickly hide under the covers.

"Sorry Mom..." Solar replied.

“Solar I don’t think…” Twinkle began as a wave of energy exploded from the young colts body.

“Epp!” Several of the mare yelped as the lights turned off.

A dim glow began to brighten the room, “Is everyone okay?” Twilight asked.

Everypony replied stating that they were okay, “Than you very much so dear Twilight, for the illumination spell.” Luna replied

“I didn’t… Twinkle?” Twilight asked looking over to her cousin.

Slowly raising her hoof she pointed to Star, or to be more accurate, his cutie mark. It was glowing in the colors of the night sky. Luna tilted her head to get a better look only to find that in inside image of his cutie mark was indeed glowing and was displaying the night sky littered with stars just like her ethereal mane. Suddenly another pulse of energy exploded out from Star’s cutie mark, causing the lights above to flicker brightly and a few to blow out.

Luna vision was blurred by the sudden flash of energy and light, when her vision was restored the first thing she caught was an unconscious colt on the bed in front of her. “Star?” Solar whimpered, then she turned her anger to Luna, “What did you do to him?!”


Luna gasped she had done nothing to the young colt expect what this young mare was responsible for, but before she could reply Star mumbled in his sleep about delicious strawberries. The Lunar Princesses blushed and turned to Twilight, “Everything seems in order here… please keep us informed of young Star condition as the days progress.” Twilight nodded and with that Luna stepped out of the room calling out the Heartstrings and continued down the hall Heartstring close behind.

“So Twinkle… are you really going to keep Star?” Twinkle nodded and trotted out to the bed. Solar gave her mother a pouty face as if asking to with her eyes if she could keep her new brother.

“Of course we are going to keep him—“ Twinkle began only to see Star’s body glow in a purple aura. Quickly pulling Star out of Twilight’s magic with her own she stared at her cousin, “What are you doing?”

With a apphensive giggle Twilight bowed her head in apology, “Sorry it’s just I’ve never seen anypony like him so I wanted to—“

“No!” Twinkle exclaimed, “He is my son, the son of this herd.” She said gesturing to her family, “No experimenting, no analyzing, and no anything scientific. He is a young colt and will be treated as one!” She stated stomping her hoof.

“But science is fun…” Star murmured.

Twinkle looked down at Star then at Twilight, “You…”

Twilight gave a toothy smile, “Sqee! He like science… when he was at the library we were discussing dark matter.”

“Great, we have an egghead in the family now.” Silver commented from the other side of the room. Which in turned earned her three glares… one from her aunt Twilight, and the others from her two mothers.

“What’s dark matter?” Solar asked as Star started to fully regain control over himself.

“Dark matter is a kind of matter hypothesized in astronomy and cosmology to account for gravitational effects that appear to be the result of invisible mass.” Star said as he put a hoof to his head, “And can someone tell me what just happened? And why do I taste strawberries?”
Everypony looked at Star and then at one another shaken their heads, “It seems you got a little light headed.” Twinkle said.

Earning a sigh of relief from everypony, “Yep! Princess Luna almost ate you, but I saved you.” Solar said in smug heroic tone, “All she got was your muzzle.”

The memories flooded Star’s head which caused him to blush furiously, which in turned caused his new younger sister to come in closer to visually inspect her brother full face blush.

“So an egghead and a Princess snoot bumper, gotta admit, not bad for a ground pounder.” Silver said with a grin, which earn her a wing slap on the muzzle from Golden Ring.

“Don’t tease your brother.” Golden Ring said in a stern and gentle voice.

“Pfft, whatever. If you need me, I’ll be outside hanging out with Sparkler and Rising.” Silver Streak replied heading out the door.

“So.., what do we do now?” Star asked his now mothers, but before he could reply a white pony walked in with a nurses cap.

“Hello! It’s time for all extra visitors to go home, except for the child’s immediate family, they can stay.” Nurse Redheart said as she walked passed.

Everypony except Twinkle Shine and Solar Ring left the hospital room leaving it large and empty. Twinkle was sleep in a chair with her hoof on the mattress, while Solar was busy hiding under the blankets. Slowly Star lifted the blanket, his fore hooves giving a slight glow. Looking under, he discovered his little sister shaking with her eyes tightly shut.

“You okay?” Star asked.

She gave a quick nod.

“Scared of the dark, huh?” Star said as he made his way under the covers and nuzzled his sister. She quickly relaxed and nuzzled back, she let out a small sigh of relief as Star felt dumbfounded. He had just nuzzled this young pony, not out of habit but out of instinct? He could not get a proper grasp on his emotions; he was trying to figure out why… or how. Was it like when he fought the timber wolves… no that was the auto-defensive sub-routine installed the weapons software. As he though Solar opened her eyes to catch her new brother’s face of thought and confusion.

“You okay?” Solar asked.

“Huh?!” Star replied looking at his sister, “Fine just… thinking, I think?”

Solar gave a giggle, “My friend Mango Blossom says that earth ponies need to work hard or fiddle with something to think hard… maybe you should try that.”

“Maybe… except I’m not an Earth Pony.” Star replied.

Sitting up straight Solar looked over her brother, “If you’re not an earth pony, and you don’t have a horn or wings… what kind of pony are you?”

“I don’t know…” Star replied with a shrug, “But I know I can’t be the only one… right?” Star said looking down at his little sister.

“Yeah!” Solar replied excitedly sleepy, “Maybe we can find others like you… and then we can find out what kind of pony you are.” She said as she yawned laying against Star’s warm side.

“Yep…” Star replied letting out a gentle yawn and also began to lower his new body down.

Twinkle watched her two foals slowly cuddle up to each other and fall asleep, the gentle glowing of Star’s fore hooves slowly fading into the darkness of the night.

“Good night my precious little ponies.” Twinkle said gently.

“Good night mom…” Solar muttered.

“Sleep gently… mama.” Star replied barely above a whisper, but still loud enough that a tear slipped from Twinkle’s eye.

Author's Note:

Oh snap... Yeah I've been busy... So Luna shows up instead of Celestia... and she almost eats our main character. Wait no, strike that... hehehe! More chapters soon and faster, as soon as the Hiatus is over.