• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 11,806 Views, 179 Comments

Star Bright, Star Light. - AzureHoodie

Lost on a world he doesn't understand, a 24 year old human gets trapped in a 11 year old colt body with cybernetic enhancements.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Scanning.

Earlier that day, after Star Circuit and Apple Bloom headed out to play, Rarity and Apple Jack continued to talk to Heart Strings. Looking through his medical record the two mares gave their honest opinion of the little copper colt.

“I’m glad to hear that girls, now all I have left to do is to get Star to Canterlot and find him a foster home.” The green pegasus said as she sat down.

“Canterlot?!” Apple Jack asked.

“Well yes, that is where I am assigned and can better evaluate his condition.” Heart Strings replied.

“But why do you need to drag a little colt like him all the way to Canterlot?” Rarity asked.

“I have my reasons.” Heart Strings said as she stood up and walked over to the window, outside she could see Star Circuit and Apple Bloom building a snowpony. “Besides, that young colt looks like he might have gone through enough.”

“I agree dearie, but still the next few days are going to be pretty rough.” Rarity said.

“Rough?” Heart Strings asked.

“Yep! Rainbow said that the snow is going to get worst from here on in, for the next few days.” Apple Jack added.

“What? Does that mean the train…” Heart Strings began.

“Yes ma’am, no trains for the next few days.” Apple Jack replied.

“Great!” Heart Strings said as she sat down on her haunches.

The three mares continued to talk as their attention on the two foals outside began to fade.


Somewhere on the edge of town a pink mare was bouncing through the snow, her mane with just as much bounce as her step, towards her destination, a two story home with green walls and a blue roof. The pink mare wearing a scarf, boots, and a satchel knocked on the door.

“HelllllloooOOO!” The pink mare exclaimed as she knocked. The door slowly opened to reveal a pegasus with silver mane, and a tan coat, her body smaller and thinner than the pink mare. “Hey Silver Streak, is Twinkle Shine home?”

“Um, yeah… hold on… Twinkle! Pinkie Pie is here to see you!” Silver yelled into the house.

As Silver disappeared into the house an ivory coated unicorn with a sugar pink mane appeared at the door, “Hey Pinkie! How can I help you?”

“Weeeellll! I was hoping to help you!” Pinkie replied. The unicorn tilted her head with a confused look on her face, and before she could reply Pinkie exploded with a response. “We have a new colt in town… and from what I’m told he needs a place to stay!” Pinkie sang.

“Let me get my scarf!” Twinkle replied with a smile as she dashed back inside.

As the two mares walked through town the Ivory coated unicorn kept trying to confirm what Pinkie was telling her.

“Are you sure he available Pinkie, I don’t want to get my hopes up.” Twinkle said nervously.

“He has been in Ponyville General for about three day now, nopony has come for him, and I’ve checked with almost all the authorities and no pony is missing a colt fitting his description. Which is kinda sad…” Pinkie said as her mane deflated, “But this means you have a chance Twinkle!” Pinkie finished as her mane sprung back into place.

“So he was abandoned?” Twinkle asked.

“More than likely, I checked on him once… oumpfff!” Pinkie said as she was interrupted by a small colt who collided into her.

“Star!” A small yellow coated pony with a pink bow on her head exclaimed. “Gosh Pinkie are you okay?”


As the three mares talked about raising young foals, it was a comment from Rarity that made Heart Strings turn to look outside.

“Where are they?!” Heart Strings exclaimed.

“Very funny, Heart Strings.” Apple Jack replied only to be faced by a mare with actual concern in her eyes. Apple Jack dashed to the window only to find snow everywhere. “They’re not there…” Apple Jack stated as Heart Strings made a dash to the exit. As they made it down the stairs and through the hallways they crash into a pink mare.

“PINKIE!” A voice yelled.

The five mares looked at each other.

“Hey girls what’s up?!” Pinkie asked from the floor.

Twinkle helped Pinkie Pie get up, while Apple Jack helped Heart Strings to her hooves. “We’re fine sugar cube, but we're a little busy... wait, why are you here?”

Pinkie gave a smile, “I’m here because of work.”

“You’re throwing a party dear?” Rarity asked.

“Pshh no! Parties are my hobby... I’m here because of work silly.” Pinkie Pie replied as she dug a hoof into her satchel and was about to pull something out, when she was interrupted by Heart Strings.

“We don’t have time for this, the children are missing!” Heart Strings yelled, dashing out of the hospital doors. The realization of the missing foals caused Apple Jack to dash out of the hospital followed by Rarity.

“Pinkie what’s going on?” Twinkle Shine asked.

“The kids are missing!” Pinkie exclaimed. “But they’ll be find… we have your kid to look for.” Walking through the hospital they reached a nurses station on the second floor. “Hello Nurse Tender Heart how are you?”

“Hello Pinkie, I’m good… are you here for a party or for work?” The light blue coated mare behind the desk asked.

“Work, do you have the records for the patient in room thirteen thirty four.” Pinkie asked. The nurse pointing to the room.

“On the door bucket like always Pinkie.” Nurse Tender Heart replied. Pinkie gave a nod while her and Twinkle walked over to the room pulling the folder out of the bucket.

“He woke up! And his name is Star Circuit, well isn’t that cute… now let’s see…” Pinkie Pie said as she began to read the files. Her smile and mane began to fall.

“Pinkie are you okay?” Twinkle asked, the pink mare shook her sad face no.


After a couple of hours of looking Apple Jack, Heart Strings and Rarity regrouped at the hospital with a saddened Pinkie Pie and a Twinkle Shine.

“We can’t find Apple Bloom or Star Circuit!” Apple Jack said as the cold weather began to wear the mare down.

With an exhausted sigh Rarity sat down, while everypony else just collapsed. Pinkie Pie then raised an eyebrow, “Wait Apple Bloom is with Star Circuit?!”

“Yeah, she’s been missin’!” Apple Jack replied.

“So he wasn’t imaginary!” Pinkie Pie said, “I know where they are… follow me!” Pinkie said as she bounced off towards the library.


“STAR CIRCUIT!” The green pegasus yelled as she kicked the door open. She quickly galloped to the copper coated colt and as she neared the colt Pinkie Pie cut Heart Strings off. Apple Jack ran in followed by Rarity to find Apple Bloom and Spike slowly waking up.

“And what are you thinking about doing to my charge?” Pinkie Pie asked as she gently pushed Star Circuit back.

The green coated pegasus pulled out her badge, “Dr. Heart Strings from the Department of Foals and Herds, from Canterlot.”

Pinkie then pulled out her badge, “Pinkamena Diana Pie from D.F.H. Ponyville branch.” Pinkie replied. The two stared down at each other while Star Circuit looked around confused. Star slowly backed up until he bumped into Twilight who wrapped her front hoof around him.

“Stay close to me, okay?” Twilight said concerned, “Something’s up.” Star nodded to the purple unicorn.

"I thought the Ponyville didn't have a D.F.H. officer in this town?" Heart Strings said puffing out her chest.

"Well they do! And it's me... Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie said taking a stand. "And this little foal is under my jurisdiction.... so you can go back to Canterlot Miss Strings!"

"I was sent here to look after the colt, don't interfere!" Heart Strings said becoming more aggressive.

As Star was watching the drama unfold, his HUD turned red, several little circles stared to show up, circling the ponies or appearing on their side, each one displaying something different. Looking up to Twilight the little circles began to adjust, then displayed the phrase; Emotional Assessment… Anxiety, Concern. He then looked over to Pinkie Pie; Anxiety, Concern. He then looked to Heart String, several words flashed by but the one phrase that worried him the most was… “Biological Condition… Subject is Lying.”

“What do you mean she’s lying?” Star asked out loud, which caught everypony by surprise. Everyponies eyes on Twilight as she shook her head ‘no’. Star pushed away from Twilight backing away from the crowd of ponies. Star slowly began to hyperventilate increasing his fears which caused a suddenly realization. ‘I am stuck here in this weird world, alone… again, all alone with more lies.’

“It’s okay little guy.” Pinkie said stomping her hooves once at Heart Strings, telling her through body language not to move closer. Heart Strings replied by fully extending her wings and puffed out her chest, making herself look bigger so she could challenge Pinkie’s display of territory.

Star’s thought were divide now, the computer part and organic part trying to figure out what was going on. ‘They can talk…’

‘But they are using animal like characteristics in their body language…’

‘I don’t understand… I just want to be left alone…’


‘I gotta get out of here.’

‘Unable in current conditions.’

The copper colt now cowering in a corner was approached by the lavender unicorn, “It’s okay, no pony wants to hurt you… you’re safe here.”

Twilight’s words did nothing to sooth the copper colt, instead her approach towards him made him panic even more. Whatever was keeping him from losing his mind earlier from being thrown into a new world and changed into whatever he was, had lost its grip; now fear and anxiety where clawing at his insides of his mind. As Twilight ran her hoof over his head to comfort him he flinched away, he then looked at the floor in terror. The entire time he had been here ponies were physically interacting with him, something he barely even knew of in his world. Every memory of being touched replayed in his head, causing him to panic more and more, his fear growing along with his anxiety. Little did Star know that his emotions had begun a horrible chain reaction inside his little body. His sensors now scanning every micron in the room, from the snow melting on the floor to the pheromones the ponies where releasing. He looked around, his eyes scanning the room and everypony inside of it. As he did a few new layers popped up in his HUD; Pheromone Release Count, External Chemical Analyzer, Magic Display Reader…

Star focused on the last one, Magic Display Reader or M.D.R., activating on his thoughts alone, the system started up. As Twilight got closer to Star, his HUD scanned her and displayed a glowing layer of purple around her horn and body, but mainly her horn. His eyes opening wider as he looked at the other ponies in the room, everypony seemed to by layer in a different color of magic… all except Heart Strings, who was layer in two different colors.

“Leave me alone…” The Copper Colt muttered.

“Don’t you understand? He’s been through enough!” Heart Strings yelled.

“Of course I know!” Pinkie yelled back.

Before anything else could be said a low whistle, followed by large clicking noises were heard coming from Star. His back legs popped open and three metal spikes extended upwards from both legs just above his flank.

All the mares in the room let out a gasp as electricity started to generate between the spikes, the star on his cutie mark started to go dark as well as the rest of the room, as if his cutie mark was absorbing all the light that surrounded them.

“Twilight…” The purple dragon muttered as he noticed the lights growing dimmer.

“Leave me ALONE!” Star yelled, the star on his flank releasing a flash of light and a low voltage of electricity through the floor.

The ivory unicorn Twinkle Shine was waiting outside of the library for Pinkie Pie, when a flash of light shone out of every window in the library. Surprised, Twinkle fell onto her flank as the door to the library swung open and a familiar copper colt dashed running straight out into town. Twinkle looked into the library to see several ponies walking around blinded by the flash, one in particular caught her eye, a white pegasus with a golden mane and tail. As she was about to enter her thoughts drifted about the little colt that had run out of the library. She turned and ran, hoping to catch up with the little colt.

Star had made it to the edge of town, near the Everfree forest and was sitting by the partially frozen river. The hoodie pulled up, now covering his eyes and muzzle, “Why?” He muttered to himself.

‘Please be more specific.’ The sentence appearing in green letters in his HUD.

“Not you!” He said looking up, as if trying to look into his own eyes, “The World… Universe… Fate! …why am I here?”

‘A boy has the right to dream…’

The phrase appearing in his HUD, a quote his grandfather often told him. “There are endless possibilities stretched out before him…” Star said out loud looking to the sky.

“What await her down the path she will have to choose… Foals leave their homes in search of this quest.” A female voice said from behind. Star’s ears perked up and turn to the voice but did not turn his head, instead he lowered it.

“As they search they are always asking questions, what’s out there? What’s waiting for me?” Star continued.

“Believe in yourself and create your own destiny. Don’t fear failure.” The voice replied as it sat down next to him, “Princess Celestia told me that quote once… she said it was told to her by somepony very important to her, but that was a long time ago. I’m surprised a little colt like yourself knows it.”

Star then felt a foreleg wrap around his shoulder and pull him into a hug, he flinched at the gesture of kindness, which did not go unnoticed by the pony hugging him. “My grandfather use to tell me that… when I would sit by the river back home.”

“Where is he now, your grandfather?” The pony asked.

“He died a long time ago, before I could see him again… my grandma too.” Star said looking at the freezing stream.

“Sorry to hear that, well, what about your parents?” The voice asked hugging him a little tighter. Star felt panic begin to rise in him, but swallowed it down, managing to get himself under control again.

“I’m not use to this…” Star replied.

“Use to what, hugs? Everypony needs a hug, I learned that a long time ago.” The unnamed pony said.

“I haven’t been hugged in a long time… at least not the right way.” Star replied feeling ashamed. Suddenly the body of the pony he was against tensed and then relaxed.

“They did stuff you didn’t like…” She asked.

Star nodded feeling uncomfortable, began to answer her question from earlier to avoid talking about it. “My father died while incarcerated… my step-father tried to kill me several times, and my mother gave me away to different parts of her family… for money.” Star said tossing a small rock into the stream. “The worst part… I was always alone, eventually I ran away and then a couple of months ago I found out my mother passed away, they didn’t tell me how… or at least I didn’t ask.”

The ivory pony pulled Star’s hoodie down, to reveal a copper coated colt with messy long black and white mane. She then reached over and kissed him right below the metal plate on him head. “Feel better?” She asked.

The colt shook his head ‘no’, tears beginning to flow from his eyes, and he did two thing he had never done before in his life. He hugged the ivory pony in front of him and began to cry, sobbing and swearing.


“By Celestia beard, you swear like an old veteran…” The ivory unicorn said as she held the little colt. Gently he pushed away from her and sat a few inches away from her.

“I’m sorry.” Star said.

“Well I’m Twinkle Shine.” The mare replied while looking at Star.

Star laughed a bit a looked up at Twinkle, “My name is… ummm… Star Circuit.” The now pony creature replied. “I’m sorry about swearing…”

“That’s oka…” Twinkle began only to be interrupted by Star.

“And about crying, and bothering you… you probably had stuff to do today. If I can help yomph!” Star began only to find an ivory hoof over his mouth.

“What are you doing?” Twinkle asked confused by the colts apologizes.

Slowly she released his muzzle, “Sorry.” Upon hearing another apology Twinkle gave Star an angry stare, which caused him to flinch away, hiding away.

“Nonononono!” Twinkle exclaimed hugging the now puzzled colt. “I wasn’t going to hit you… By the Sun what happened to you.” She murmured

“Ummm personal space…” Star replied.

“What?” Twinkle replied looking down at the colt in her forelegs.

“I’m not comfortable be so close to somebo… pony.” Star said blushing.

The ivory coated unicorn released her grip on Star, slowly he moved away from her. “Get back over here, you’ll freeze if you sit all by your lonesome like that. What were you raised in a box or something?” Twinkle said with a hint of aggravation in her voice.

Star nodded, “I like living in a box… it’s safe.”

Twinkle looked down at the little colt beside her in shock, “You must have had friends or other members of your family that…” She began only to see the colt shake his head ‘no’.

“My older sisters left as soon as they were able, and I got…” Star looked down to his hooves, sadly everytime he did this though everypony thought it had something to do with his legs.

“Look I got an idea.” Twinkle said. “You need a place to stay and someone to look after you…”

Star looked up at her, “You wanna adopt me don’t you… I saw you early with the pink one, she and Heart Strings want to put me up for adoption.” Star sighed, “I can live by myself, I’ve been doing okay for the last few years you know. I am an adu… big pony.”

“Okay sure… you’ll be okay for a few years, but what if what happened a few days ago, happens again, but this time no one finds you.” Twinkle replied, “What then?”

“I… I…” Star looked away, “I don’t know.”

“Look you need somepony to look after you, and I want a foal to look after. Stay with me for a few days, and if you don’t like me you can do whatever you want. Deal?” Twinkle said extend out a hoof to Star.

Star looked up to the blue eyed unicorn, hesitantly lifting his hoof, “Deal.”

The two shook hooves, “Great! Now let’s get you inside while I get Pinkie and tell her that you agreed to stay with me.”


“Wonderful now it’s talking outside of my body, why the sudden change?” Star replied rolling his eyes.

“Wait?! Your cutie mark talks to you?” Twinkle asked looking at the copper colt’s flank.

“Yes… well no, normally it’s just in my head… never mind. Hey! Why are you on speaker?!” Star said smacking his cutie mark with a loud clang.


Star and Twinkle turned to the forest behind them, “Um can that voice thingy tell me what these ‘threats’ are made out of?” Twinkle asked pushed Star behind her.


“So wait, the trees are attacking us? Pfft, you’ve got to…” Star was cut off by a hoof over his mouth.

“Run to that house and get inside.” Twinkle whispered point to her home off in the distance. “I’ll stay here and distract them…euh!” Suddenly both ponies were overrun by a horrible smell of decay wood and flesh. “Too late… Timberwolves.” Twinkle said getting ready to defend herself and the new member of her family.

“What are Timberwol…” Star said only to notice the forest became littered with yellow glowing dots floating a couple of inches above the ground.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, I wanted Pinkie Pie to seem smart and strong. Also please forgive the grammatical mistakes like always. I have been working on this chapter longer than I expected only because my life has been a bit more chaotic than normal. More work, less sleep... you get the general idea. Okay off to chapter 5: Plasma Burn.