• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 11,788 Views, 179 Comments

Star Bright, Star Light. - AzureHoodie

Lost on a world he doesn't understand, a 24 year old human gets trapped in a 11 year old colt body with cybernetic enhancements.

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Chapter 3: Download.

Author's Note:

Yay, Chapter 3, still doing self editing. Sorry, hope ya'all enjoy... ahem, I mean, I hope you all enjoy.

Star stretched himself from head to tail as he made it outside the hospital doors as Apple Bloom began bouncing in the snow. He smiled as he watched her, “So wha cha wanna do?” Apple Bloom asked.

With a look of uncertainty he replied, “I have no idea… how do you play in snow?” He said scooping up some snow with his hoof.

“Ain’t you played in the snow before?” Apple Bloom said stopping in front of Star.

“Never really played in snow… or seen it… or played outside… or with others that often.” He said sitting down in the snow.

Apple Bloom sat down next to him with a sad look on her face, “That ain’t right… didn’t anypony want to be your friend?” Apple Bloom asked as she fidgeted with the snow.

“Never really had the time, we were always moving… and when there was kids my own age to play with, my parents told me I wasn’t allowed to play with them. Maybe that’s why I spent the last few years alone underground.” Star said muttering the last part as he was rolling snow into a ball without realizing what his flank was up to.

“Not allowed…” Apple Bloom gave Star a worried looked followed by an inquisitive stare. “So your parent ain’t around anymore… and you’re all alone, sort of.” Apple Bloom stated as Star gave a sad nod. “Then let’s play outside! In the snow! As Friends!” She said jumping out in front of Star Circuit.

Suddenly as if the world stopped moving, Star felt his heart stop beating for a moment. “Friend?” He muttered, “You want me to be your friend?” He said.

Apple Bloom stopped jumping as tears began to roll off of Star’s face, “You okay?” Star nodded wiping the tears off with his metal hooves. Star once again blamed his adolescent body and hormones for the emotions he was having. He gave Apple Bloom a smile that made her swoon into a snow mound. Star quickly ran over and help unbury his first ever friend.

“Apple Bloom are you okay?” He asked as he pulled her out of the snow.

With a loud gasp Apple Bloom was on the surface again, “Yeah, I’m fine! Woo-wee that was so deep snow.” Apple Bloom hollered. They both stared at one another before breaking out into laughter, “Okay then ya gonna get a schooling in having fun!” Apple Bloom said tossing a snow ball into the air.

The two young ponies began to play, Apple Bloom showing Star Circuit how to ‘Have Fun’. They had snow ball fights, built snow ponies, made snow alicorns, and built snow forts. Eventually then noticed ice patches and puddles of water in the snow around them; which were being caused by Star Circuits’ cutie mark. They made the connection when Apple Bloom pointed out the steam coming out of Star Circuits’ flank. After a few hours of playing in the snow Apple Bloom looked to Star, who was trying to figure out the hood on his hoodie.

“So wha cha’ wanna do now? Ah mean we did what Ah wanted, so now it’s your turn.” Apple Bloom said as she leaned against Star. They both blush as she did, “Don’t get me wrong Ah’m doin’ this to stay warm.”

Star Circuit put a hoof to his chin and began to think, “I… nevermind.” He said as he pointed to the hospital. “I think we should go back in before we get sick.”

“Don’t be a baby, tell me wha ya wanna do?” Apple Bloom said.

“I’m not a baby!” He exclaimed.

“Lemme guess, you wanna do ‘colt’ things?” Apple Bloom said teasing Star.

The copper colt gave the pink bowed filly an odd look, “What are ‘colt’ things?” Star asked.

“Umm, nevermind.” Apple Bloom replied realizing how deprived this young colt must have been. “What do ya like doing?”

Star Circuit looked up to the clouds, “Reading I guess… since I really can’t build or invent anything right now.” He replied.

Apple Bloom gasped in excitement, “Ah know where we can go!” She said dashing off in front of Star, “Come on, follow me!”

Star looked back at the hospital, and then to Apple Bloom; he wasn’t the type to disobey or not listen to his elders, but this was his first friend. It took him all but a minute to relive his childhood and all the times he could of skipped class or do something fun when no one was looking. Not once did he do the wrong thing, not once did he properly have fun… it was time to change that.

“Apple Bloom wait up!” Star Circuit yelled as he took off after his friend.


Apple Bloom and Star Circuit trotted through Ponyville as Apple Bloom talked about everyday life on the farm.

“And that is wha’ it’s like during spring time.” Apple Bloom said.

“All that harvesting and planting, it… it sounds fun.” Star said as he looked over to Apple Bloom who gave a slight blush and smile.

“Well maybe during the spring you can help us out.” Apple Bloom replied.

Star’s ears perked up, “Really? You really mean that?” He said excitedly as Apple Bloom nodded with a smile on her face. “Thank…mpgh!” Star said as he collided into something.

Both Star Circuit and Apple Bloom had completely forgot about the rest of the world as they walked through town, not realizing they were walking straight into another pair of ponies. “Star!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as his nose was filled with the smell of cupcakes and cotton candy. “Gosh Pinkie are you okay?”

Star looked up to see a pair of big blue eyes looking back down on to him, “I’m fine, who’s your friend… is he new!” Pinkie asked excitedly.

Chills ran up and down the copper colt’s back as he stared up at the pink pony, “I’m.. I’m…” Star said as he looked over to Apple Bloom who was waving ‘no’ with her hooves. “I’m Apple Bloom’s… imaginary friend…” Star said with a questionable expression.

“Imaginary?!” The pink pony exclaimed looking at Star with an intense stare. “Hmmm.” She then turned to her white coated, sugar pink mane unicorn companion, “Hey Twinkle Shine, do you see a little copper coated colt here in front of me?”

With a giggle she pretended to play along and looked at the copper colt, and for a moment they felt something. Something deep when they stared at one another, and before they had another moment to think Pinkie Pie interrupted, “Well do you see him?” She asked bouncing up and down in place.

“Huh? Uhhh…” Twinkle began as she stared at the colt and then back at Pinkie, “Nope! I don’t see a thing.” She said with a slight giggle.

“Ohhhh… and here I was hoping to make a new friend. Oh Well… So Apple Bloom, where are you going?” Pinkie asked walking around the metal legged colt.

“We were headin’… Ah was headin’ to the library.” Apple Bloom replied only to be cut off by Pinkie Pie.

“OH MY GOSH! I almost forgot!” Pinkie said quickly taking off, Twinkle and Star gave each other one last look and a smile before Pinkie reappeared and grabbed Twinkle Shine and took off, “Bye Apple Bloom, bye imaginary friend, we have some place important to be…” Pinkie said as she disappeared into the distance.

Star turned to Apple Bloom, “What or who was that?” He asked.

“That was Pinkie Pie… she get excited around new folk.” She replied helping Star to his hooves.

“I can see that…” Star said as he dusted himself off.

Apple Bloom gave Star a quick glance to make sure everything looked alright, only to find that the color of lights in his cutie mark had change and was changing again. “Star… is your cutie mark supposed to change colors like that?” She said pointing to his flank.

Star turned to see the lights in the star-shaped cutie mark go from blue to white, with a surprise looked he shook his head no. “To be honest, I don’t know… I woke up with this thing a few days ago. I have no idea what it’s supposed to do or mean…” He replied giving it a good smack, “All I know is that is glows, produces energy, and keeps me… working…” Star said.

“Ya woke up with it a few days ago… wait, you don’t know what a cutie mark means?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she blinked at Star a few times, hoping he was kidding. Once again he nodded agreeing that he knew nothing. “Wow, ya were deprived.”


Apple Bloom and Star Circuit continued trotting through town as Apple Bloom made her best attempt to explain what a cutie mark was to Star Circuit. As the arrived at the library Star stared up at the giant tree.

“This is the library?” Star asked.

Apple Bloom nodded, “Sure is… they got every book you can think of here, and if ya can’t find it in a book Twilight should know the answer.” She said.

“Twi-light?” Star questioned.

“She’s in charge of the library, she’s super smart. Like a walking library!” Apple Bloom said as she knocked on the door. “Oh… that reminds me, are you scared of dragons?”

“Dragons? Why would… you.. ask…?” Star began as the door opened to reveal a purple and green dragon, no taller than him, standing in the doorway.

“Hey Spike!” Apple Bloom greeted.

“Hey Apple Bloom... Who the stiff?” Spike replied pointing a claw at Star.

“Oh, let me introduce ya’ all, Spike this here is Star Circuit, Star… this is Spike.” Apple Bloom said nudging Star closer.

Star stood there open mouthed as he stared at the dragon, as a single word escaped his mouth, “Awesome…”

“Yeah I know, so what can I do for you guys?” The dragon asked.

“Star here wanted to do some reading… So Ah brought him here.” Apple Bloom replied.

“Cool, come on in. Sorry the place is such a mess right now…”Spike said as he lead the two young ponies into the library tree. “Twilight just got a bunch of new books from Princess Celestia and she muzzle deep into them right now… or is she out on her date?” Spike shrugged, “I can’t remember since the library usually isn’t this quiet.”

Star looked at the dragon with curiosity, “Would you mind if I…”

“Knock yourself out kid.” Spike said as Star poked his tail, Spike let out a yelp. “Your hooves are ice cold!” Spike yelled as he grabbed Star’s hooves.

“Umm, I don’t think you should do that…” Star began as Spike yelled.


Star sighed, “I have no idea…” He said pulling his metallic legs away from Spike. Star then looked at the library his body almost shook with anticipation. “Where is the history section?” He said as he turned to Spike, “Where can I find history books?”

Spike raised an eyebrow, “I know that look…” Spike sighed, “Another Twilight Sparkle…” He said as he walked over to wall shelved with books. “History.” Spike presented.

“Thanks!” Star said as he pulled a book off the shelf and began to browse through it.

Apple Bloom watched as Spike walked up to her, “Another book worm.”

“That’s not a bad thing…” Apple Bloom replied.

As Spike was about to reply Star slammed the book shut as he pulled out another one, frantically opening and browsing its pages, only to slam it shut and pull out a third book. He let out a sigh and walked over to Spike and Apple Bloom with a frown.

“What’s wrong Star?” Apple Bloom asked.

He let out a sigh, “Well last, I read almost all the books in the hospital trolley, but there were a few I couldn’t read. I wasn’t able to read the characters in the book… and now it seems all the books are written in these characters.” He said opening the book he had in his hoof.

Several symbols and shapes covered the pages; Spike then looked up from the book to Star. “You can’t read unicorn… a colt of your age?” Apple Bloom elbowed Spike and then began to explain his delicate situation, and after a few minutes the confused baby dragon turned to Star, “Sorry… I didn’t mean too…”

Star raised a hoof, “You didn’t know, so you don’t need to apologize… so… do you have any translation or linguistic books?” Star asked the purple and green dragon, who seemed to light up with a smile.

“Not gonna give up are you?” Spike asked.

“Nevar!” Star said as the trio shared a laugh.

A few moments went by as Star found himself at a wooden table surround with a few open books, Apple Bloom sat next to him with a magazine she had found and Spike was busy sweeping the library floor.

“Ya do know we don’t have much time before they realize we’re missing?” Apple Bloom said a she gave a slight shiver.

Star looked over to her, as his HUD displayed the temperatures in the room, surrounding areas and in the two others in the room. It was cold, and the fire place was a good distance away, with a slight grunt he slid himself over to Apple Bloom leaning up against her. “Well then, they can just come and get us.” He replied with a smile.

Spike whistled at the two, “Get a room you two!”

“It’s cold!” Apple Bloom replied with a blush along her cheeks. “Right Star?”

Star nodded as he began to read through the books he had selected.

As time progressed so did our trio, Apple Bloom had moved from magazines to magic potions, Spike went from sweeping to lying on the floor next to Star’s warm flank, and Star was staring to learn the Unicorn alphabet.

“I’m never going to get this…” Star replied rubbing his temples, and as luck would have it his new body decided to help. A green bar appeared in his HUD again as he stared into the page, without moving a muscle he froze, letting the bar fill up. Suddenly it stopped, but it did not disappear. Star waited, wondering what was going on, then a little arrow pointing right started to blink in his vision which read, ‘Next Page’. Star was in awe, he turned the page and watched the bar filled up more before it stopped again; he turned the page again and again. In a few seconds he had gone through the whole book the bar now reading, ‘Complete’ as it blinked. The words then changed to ‘Processing’, ‘Converting’ and finally ‘Uploading’. A sharp pain struck the inside of Star’s head as his hooves pressed against it. He was in a pain; though it wasn’t horribly painful it was uncomfortable.

‘Upload Complete’, the pain vanished as soon as those words appeared on his HUD. Star began to feel a slight bit of dizziness as the data he had just downloaded was being stored onto his brain. He then felt a warm liquid began to run down his nose, he reached out with a hoof and wiped his nose, blood smeared along his metallic leg.

“Star! Blood!” Apple Blood exclaimed as she grabbed some tissues and rubbed my nose, “Are you okay?”

“A nose bleed…” Star muttered to himself, he then looked up to Apple Bloom. “Yay, sorry I’m fine.”

“What happened?” She asked.

Star looked at Apple Bloom, the worried look on her face cracking the wall he had built around his heart. “I’m fine… it happens a lot actually…” Star replied.

“Are you sure? Is there anything Ah can get ya?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yes I’m sure, I’m fine, but I could use a bit more tissues… my nose bleeds tend to last a while.” He said looking at the worried filly as she nodded. “I really don’t want that to happen again… Guess I’ll learn the old fashion way… but for now…” Star muttered as he began to download more translation books.


The song ‘Ocean Breeze (2014 Mix)’ by ‘relaxdaily’ had been playing off of Star’s legs filling the library with gentle music. He thanked the heavens that his MP3 player had been intergraded into his new body. It had been a few hours since Star and Apple Bloom had arrived in the library, after realizing he could copy and download the data from written text directly into his brain, he began by going through every history book the library had to offer…

Then magic books…

Followed by economic and social structure…

And Finally Myths and Legends, though he was reading this time rather than downloading. Star wanted to make sure he did not miss a thing, those creatures he saw the first day he arrived where not mentioned anywhere so far, so maybe they would be in these books. He put the book down for a moment to relax his eyes and brain; the mountain of books before him gave him a sour face. “Maybe I should put these back?” He said talking to himself as he grabbed some books, and began to return them to their proper place. By this time Apple Bloom and Spike had both fallen asleep where Star was sitting, his flank now giving off enough heat to keep the whole library warm. Star looked around the library, most of the lights had dimmed and without realizing it his vision slipped into a type of night-vision.

“I really gotta figure out how you work?” Star said looking at his cutie mark while the music continued to play.

Suddenly the door to the library burst open as a purple unicorn with a dual-colored mane walked in. “Stupid stallions!” She said slamming the door. She quickly began to take off a blue and white dress she was wearing and flung a set of shoes off into a corner of the room. “That is the last time I let Rarity set me up with ‘A Find’ Argh!”

“Wow, was he that bad?” Star asked as he began to put some of the history books back.

“Bad! Bad doesn’t even begin to describe him!” She said floating to dress off of herself and upstairs. “He was arrogant, vain and so… so…”

“Stupid?” Star said as he continued to work.

“Yes! Oh by Celestia mane… why can’t I find a single stallion who is smart, and intellectual and just enjoys spending time just reading a book… rather than looking at my flank!”

“Sadly all males have that kind mentality at one point or another in their lives… or almost all their lives... My point is you have to move on, that why peo… ponies date, right? To find someone they share interest with… and have fun with! The last thing you wanna do is just settle for the first guy that might be okay. You have time, your young, smart, and pretty… so date, have fun… love is complicated… you’re not supposed to find the answer that quickly.” Star replied from the far corner of the library.

“Wow, that was very insightful… what are you a love expert now?” The unicorn replied with a grin.

“Heck no! If I was a love expert my life would have been so much easier. I don’t even know how to deal with my own emotions, let alone someone else’s.” Star said as he put away the last history book, and began putting away the literature books.

“So who made this mess while I was gone?” The purple unicorn said picking up a book titled, “Ancient Magic”.

“Sorry that was me…” Star replied, “I was reading the biography of Star Swirled the Bearded and my curiosity for magic got the better of me.”

“Don’t apologize, I’m glad you’re taking in interest in magic, finally I can have somepony to talk to!” The unicorn said.

“I don’t know about that… I really don’t understand the concept of magic that well, I mean, yeah I understand what the book is talking about… but not how one can apply it.” Star said as he looked at his cutie mark.

“Well that’s because you’re a dragon and not a unicorn, but I can help you understand the concept of magic.” The purple coated unicorn replied as she stuck out her chest with pride.

“I’m not a dragon… Hell, to be honest I don’t even know what I am.” Star said as his cutie mark glowed with purple and white lights. “Cool.” He muttered.

“Wait a minute… if you’re not a dragon… You’re not Spike?” The horned pony asked with a hint of fear in her voice. “Where’s Spike?!”

“Over there by the center table sleeping by Apple Bloom.” Star said as he kept putting books away.

“Spike!” The unicorn yelled as the dragon turned in his sleep and muttered something about a ‘Rarity’. “What did you do to him?” The unicorn shouted.

“Shh, they’re sleeping…” Star said. “Plus I didn’t do anything, he let us in, then me and Apple Bloom read while he swept up the floor, and then he fell asleep. Something about, staying up to late… I really don’t remember.” Star said as the unicorn noticed the moving lights in his flank and the music coming from his direction.

“Who are you? And what do you want?” The unicorn asked as she began to cast a light spell.

With a flicker of magic a spotlight surrounded a small, thin, copper coated colt, with a black and white two-tone mane, and sliver colored legs. “My name is Star Circuit, I came here from knowledge and I’m sorta new here, what’s your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.” She replied.

“Spike spoke of you earlier; it’s nice to meet you, I like your library tree house.” Star said with a smile.

“Oh! Umm, thank you.” She replied nodding her head. “Wait! Back- up, are you telling me you read all these books?!” Star nodded, as he put more books away, “Why?”

Star looked over to the unicorn, “Well to learn of course… and also I need to know more about this place, this world.” He replied.

“This world…? What do you mean this world?” Twilight said turning on the lights and undoing her spotlight spell.

“Well it’s sort of difficult to explain…” Star said.

“Try me.” Twilight replied with a serious expression on her face as she sat down on the floor across from Star.

Star sat down across from Twilight, his body showing how young he was by how small he was compared to the mare in front of him. Before he opened his mouth he thought about what he was going to say, and how he was going to say it, but as soon as he was about to talk Twilight spoke.

“You are rather young aren’t you? Also what happened to your head… is that some sort if jewelry?” She said attempting to pull the metal plate off his head.

“Ow!” Star yelped his hooves clanged against his head from the pain.

“It’s attached… it’s attached to you!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I know… ow…” Star replied.

“What… who did this to you?” Twilight asked.

“Seriously, everpony has asked me this question… I don’t know. All I know is that I went to sleep normal and woke up looking like this!” Star yelled wiggling his legs.

“Sorry…” Twilight replied.

“It’s okay… I’m also sorry for yelling.” Star said while looking down at the floor boards.

“Apology accepted.” Twilight said with a smile, “Sooo… do you know what they are?” Twilight asked keeping the smile.

“Trans-gear, I think.” Star replied.

“Trans-what?!” Twilight asked.

“It a machine that transforms into whatever the user wants… Example.” Star said as he looked down to his front legs. A pair of curved yellow long triangles popped out from the sides, and let out a small hum. “See.”

“See what all you did was…” Twilight began as she reached out to touch the triangle and instead bumped her hoof into a large transparent shield. “Put up a shield! So you can use magic!”

Star shook his head no, “No, this is science… energy from the star on my flank is pulsing through these plasma conduits into my legs, while a signal from my brain activates what I want to happen…” Star began, and after about twenty minutes or so, he was in full swing explaining science while Twilight argued back with magic

“Wow… I had never had somepony to debate things with, who could actually understand… well other than the Princess.” Twilight said.

“Me too… well, I had no one…” Star said with a smile. “Maybe I should start from the beginning, you know, tell you about where I am from… sort of.” Star said but at that moment the star on his cutie mark began to glow with different colors; orange, purple and blue, along with the white and purple he had already.

“Umm, what’s with your cutie mark?” Twilight asked as the doors to the library burst open. As a female voice yelled out…