• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 11,788 Views, 179 Comments

Star Bright, Star Light. - AzureHoodie

Lost on a world he doesn't understand, a 24 year old human gets trapped in a 11 year old colt body with cybernetic enhancements.

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Chapter 5: Plasma Fire

“Run, Run now Star!” Twinkle yelled using her magic to push Star towards her home.

“NO LIFE FORM DETECTED…?” The computerized voice spoke up.

“Timberwolves aren’t really alive!” Twinkle exclaimed as she lifted a timberwolf with her magic and slammed it against the ground shattering the wooden creature.

“You killed it!” Star yelled.

“They’re not really alive!” Twinkle replied and looked over to Star, “I said to run!”

As Star was about to turn around he heard a bell coming from the house he was supposed to run to.


“Weapons?!” Star whispered, “We have weapons?”

“CORRECT, ENGAGE WEAPONS?” The words flashing by in his HUD.

“Yes.” Star replied still in whisper. “Engage weapons!”

“SCANNING BODY… PLEASE WAIT.” The system displayed a 2D version of his body and it was displayed in his HUD, for 5 long seconds it scanned his body, the sound of timberwolves howling and barking in the background.

“STAR GET OUT OF HERE!” Twinkle yelled creating a shield of magic to keep the timberwolves back.


“YES!” Star yelled as the weapon set become visible on his HUD, “The Nemesis weapons? Why… ah… AHHHHH!” Star yelled as a set of metal rails protruded over his ribs.

“INCREASING BODY’S ENDORPHIN LEVELS…3% …10%... 26%... STABLIZING AT 45% OUTPUT.” The HUD displayed as Star slowly became aware of the text.

In a serious almost uncaring voice, Star spoke out, “Deploy Nemesis Suppressor Rifles… Install defensive plates.” The sound of metal moving and shifting around, clicking and hissing noises were heard all over his body.

“STAR I SAID--” Twinkle said as her face dropped and she notice the young colt. Two large triangle devices being held on his sides by metal sticks, metal armor covering his head, shoulder and torso. Little red lights moved along the metal plates and armor.

“Set weapon energy output at point six… release safeties.” Star said as he arched his back lowering his head. The triangles on his side open as a high pitch whistling sound was heard, followed by a hum and several little lights flying from the tips of the triangle like devices past Twinkle.

Twinkle turned to see the two timberwolves collapse, one of which began to turn to ash. “What the buck…?” Twinkle said as several more timberwolves entered into view.

“RUN!” Star yelled as more red lights began to fly from the triangles.

Twinkle ran towards the house at full gallop, she turned to see how far Star was from her only to see that he had not moved. His suppressor rifles keeping the timberwolves at bay, Twinkle was about to turn around when her gut told her to continue to the house… The house which held weapons and reinforcements.

Twinkle continued her gallop at full speed, hoping that everypony was still home.


Star continued to lay down suppressive fire, “Why are they still moving forward?” Star asked.

“THESE CREATURES ARE PREDATORS , YOU ARE FOOD… THEY ARE FOOD…” The text read on Star’s HUD as a yellow arrow pointed to his left, he slowly turned until he saw Twinkle Shine running into the house.

“Good she made iTAHHH!” Star yelled as a timberwolf got to close, clawing his right side. Anger and pain filled him through the wound, the Nemesis suppressor let out a hiss as the device released a large glowing blade. With a quick turn and a shift in the triangular device the glowing blade cut straight through the timberwolf.

“Why was the Nemesis Set the only available choice?” Star yelled. “I remember using an Ion Cannon…”


“Where are the Ion components?” Star yelled out as another timberwolf came charging at him. A wooden claw striking his partially covered face, Star could fell the blood running down his face.


A white glowing halo surrounded Star’s muzzle, “AHHHH!” Star yelled as an energy bolt was release from the glowing halo into the timberwolf.


“Close range sounds fine!” Star said with a grunt, switching the triangular device on his left to a long blade like edge, while the halo remained on his muzzle. Star ran into the fray of timberwolves hacking and slashing at the wooden creatures. The large blade on Star’s left taking down two timberwolves while the one on his right clipped one of the creature’s legs.

“7 THREATS REMAIN.” The text displayed in the left corner of Star’s HUD. “WARNING!” The HUD displayed in large red letters, “HIGH BLOOD LOSS.” The words flashed under the warning text.

Star looked around; the floor was littered with twigs, sticks, branches and blood. He looked up, “How long until something bad happens?”


Star dashed into the nearest timberwolf cutting its head off, “Then I better make this count!” He exclaimed as he took do one timberwolf after another. After a few minute he was standing alone in the field, surrounded by wood and ash. He sat down on his haunches; he could feel the blood run cold down his leg, his metal parts letting off tons of heat and steam as he sat in the snow. Suddenly the smell of something rotten filled his noses, he heard something shifting behind him and as he turn he saw one of the wolves he clipped jumping towards him. Star ad no time to react, this wolf was going to do some serious damage, he closed his eyes waiting only to hear a loud wooden thwack.

“You know if you’re going to take down a timberwolf, go for the log behind the throat.” A gentle feminine voice said. Opening his eyes, Star could see a large metal blade engulfed in a blue aurora sticking out of the timberwolf’s mouth.

“Though I got to admit; nice body count for someone so young.” A brown pegasus said as she flew by landing a few feet from Star. “This him?”

Twinkle nodded as she pulled the glowing blue blade out of the timberwolf, “We better hurry and burn this before we get a bigger sur… prise…” She said as the wooden piece started to move back to the forest.

“IT REFORMING!” Yelled a silver pegasus that flew overhead. Quickly Twinkle Shine magical held two swords up, while the brown pegasus readied a spear.

“Timber King…” The brown pegasus mumbled under a hiss.

Star looked at the wooden giant in fear, a fear which triggered the two large triangles to merge together onto his back, more clicking and hissing noises came as a large cannon like device sat a few inches above Star’s back.

“WARNING DO NOT ENGAGE NEMESIS RAIL CAN-“ The HUD displayed only to be overridden by the host, Star. A large thump was heard as a ball of red energy and light collided into the Timber King.

The brown pegasus watched as the Timber King exploded into fire and ash; as Twinkle watched Star get thrown back by the weapon he had just used. Twinkle quickly rushed to Star’s side, she watched as his legs and back opened up, the hollow legs letting the metal pieces that formed his weapons and armor side neatly back into place and back closing tightly after.

“What is he?” The brown pegasus asked.

Twinkle looked her in the eye, “Now… our son.”

Star was awake, but barely as he heard Twinkle’s words, two words that made him feel so warm as he passed out in the snow.


Star awoke to the sound of a heart monitor; he let out a disgusted sigh as he opened his eyes and found himself in the hospital again. Looking around the white room he felt his heart grow cold until his eyes landed on a ivory coated mare with a sugar pink mane and tail who was sleeping on the chair beside his bed. Still what really caught his attention was on the wall behind her, a pair of double edge swords in the scabbards.

He smiled even though he barely knew this pony, but he was happy to see her. Star turned so he was laying down facing her direction. Slowly he began to sing, an old lullaby his grandmother would sing to him. “Come little children, I’ll take thee away…”

Star sang. Little did he know that his voice would once again draw in a crowd, as he stared into the pony who he would soon call family. As he finished singing Twinkle opened her eyes.

“Hi…” Star said with a raspy voice.

The ivory unicorn opened her eyes, her bright blue eyes and gave Star a smile. “Hey… That was a beautiful.”

“Thanks.” Star nodded with a blush.

“So how are you doing?”

He then notice a hoof reach out for him, he reached back, “Drained, but okay… How long was I out?”

“About-“ Twinkle was cut off by the female synthesized voice coming from Star’s flank.

“33 Hours.”

Both Star and Twinkle looked down at his flank, “Your butt sounded like a girl just now.” Twinkle said.

“Yeah.” Star gave his flank a good smack, “Shut up you!”

Twinkle gave a giggle, “You seem okay with it.”

“Yeah… my systems back home had a similar voice.” Star said looking at his new caretaker who gave him a slightly confused concerned smile. “So… after they release me… I go home with you?”

Twinkle nodded. “Yep…”

The door to the room creaked open as a brown coated pegasus, with a dark brown mane and tail walked in followed by a slightly smaller tan coated pegasus, and a light blue coated pegasus who was smaller than Star.

Star turned his head to the door only to hear a loud gasp, “Ohhhh! He’s awake!” The little blue pegasus yelled running to the unicorn who sat next to him.

“Of course he’s awake Solar, he was the one singing.” The silver mane pegasus said. Star began to blush lightly as Solar quickly jumping onto Twinkle chair, she put both of her fore hooves on the edge of the bed and moved her muzzle in trying to sniff or nuzzle Star.

“Solar… what are you doing?” Twinkle asked.

“I’m trying to nuzzle my new big brother!” The light blue coated pegasus said as her white mane fell over her eye. “Come here you.” She murmured as her muzzle was going for Star’s metallic foreleg.

Star looked down at the small pegasus and then up to Twinkle, “Yours?”

Twinkle nodded with a smile.

“I might be cold.” Star replied to the little pegasus as her little wings began to flutter causing her to move forward.

“Must nuzzle…” She replied. With a small sigh Star moved his leg closer; Solar gasped and began to nuzzle into the silver leg. “Ahh… warm…”

“What’s your name colt?” The brown pegasus asked with a stern look in her face.

“Star Circuit.” He replied.

“Hmmm. My name is—“ The brown pegasus began only to be cut off by Twinkle.

“This is Golden Ring, the mare with the silver mane is Silver Streak, and this little one is—“

“Solar Ring!” Solar looked down at Star with a serious expression on her face, “Did you really fight all those Timberwolves?”

Star looked around, looking at Twinkle and Golden. Twinkle looked away while Golden gave him a slow nod. “Yes…”

“That is so awesome!” The little filly exclaimed as she looked over him, “How?!”


“Are you a unicorn?” She asked hopping on the bed and looking on his head. “Nope, just some bandages… and a metal plate?! Cool!”

“Solar…” Golden said.

“Oh, a pegasus?!” She asked diving under his blankets and lifting them up, “More bandage and metal plates?!” She peaked her head out from the blankets. “You get hurt a lot.”

“Solar.” Golden said raising her voice slightly.

“I got! You’re a science experiment!” Solar said a she was magically lifted out of the bed.

“SOLAR! You know better than that!” Golden exclaimed swatting her daughter nose.

“Sorry mom…” Solar said.

“It’s okay, you were just curious.” Twinkle replied.

“Don’t baby her…” Golden replied.

“She was just curious…” Twinkle said.

“She needs to know better.”

“She didn’t hurt anypony.”

“Not yet.”

“Nor will she!”

“Listen you—“

“Sorry.” Star blurted out.

Twinkle, Golden, Silver and Solar turned to Star. “I should have told her to stop… am not use to pe… ponies being so close.”

“Star.” Twinkle said in a stern voice, the young colt flinched as Twinkle gentle swatted his muzzle. “No apologizing.”

“Sor—“ Star began as Twinkle gave him a look, “Okay.” He said hiding his head under the pillow.

Twinkle smile returned as Golden gave her an odd look, “He’s had a bit of a rough life and let’s just leave it at that.” Golden nodded.

“So do I have to share a room with somepony now?” Silver Streak said from a corner of the room.

“We’ll talk about that later, for now let’s just take care of the newest member of our family.” Twinkle replied with a sigh.

As the small family began to relax a green pegasus mare coughed, “Sorry to interrupt but that colt is going to Canterlot.”

“What?! Why? Who are you?” Twinkle exclaimed. Suddenly a brown and tan pair of wings blocked the green pegasus path.

“Like you said, He has had a rough life… so he needs the right environment.” Heart Strings looked at the two mares, “Put down your wings and let me pass!” Heart Strings replied.

“Buck off!” Golden said staring down the green mare who stared back.

“You think I’m scared of you… I can have you all arrested for interfering in my duties to that young colt.” Heart Strings yelled.

“Your duties!?” Pinkie yelled from behind her. “Star Circuit it my responsibility and ‘I’ already set him up with a new family. It’s you who will get arrested you big fat phony!” Behind Pinkie stood Twilight, Apple Jack and Apple Bloom; and with a burst of speed Apple Bloom was already by Star’s bed.

“Ya’ okay Star?” She asked.

“Okay for now Abs.” Star replied.

“Abs?!” Apple Bloom gave a confused face.

“Apple Bloom is too long to say, and if I call you Apple, your sister might respond… so… Abs for short.” Star replied, “You don’t like, do you?”

“I of course like it!” Apple Bloom replied with a big smile across her muzzle, “I got a new nickname and a friend.”

“What am I chopped carrots?!” Heart Strings replied.

“No you’re a phony… just like Star said at the library.” Pinkie said looking at Star.

Everypony looked at Star. “I did?”

“Correct, Scanning indicates that the ‘Pony’ known as ‘Heart Strings’ is manipulating her physical features and is giving a false representation of herself.” The text displayed on Star’s HUD.

Star’s cutie mark then began to glow several different colors, everypony looked at Star’s flank, Star quickly covering it up with a blanket. “Hello! That is my butt you are all staring at.” Star said with an embarrassed tone in his voice.

Solar walked over to Star's flank and pressed down on his cutie mark, “Don’t hide the pretty lights?”

“Solar!” Golden exclaimed.

“But his cutie mark glows mom.” Solar said hiding behind Star.

“What was I saying… Oh! Yeah! She’s a phony-pony!” Pinkie Pie yelled pointing at Heart Strings.

Heart Strings flinched at the accusation, “How dare you, I’ll have you know I came all the way from Canterlot with an orders from the Princess to bring him there!” Quickly she realized what she had said and covered her mouth.

“Wait what?!” Pinkie said.

“Okay that’s it! I'm done with this.” Star yelled as the lights in his cutie mark grew brighter. “I am so tired of everybody telling me what to do! From here on out I make my own choices!” He then point a hoof over to Twinkle, "And I'm gonna to live with her. Not because of the pink cotton candy pony but because Twinkle offered me a place to stay... and invited me to be part of her family." He began to scan the room until his eyes landed on Heart Strings, “And you, I appreciate what you did for me, but who are you, really? And who the hell is this so called ‘Princess’!” Star yelled as his legs began to shift under the covers.

“Star you should really calm down.” Twinkle replied.

“No.” Star said firmly, “I have been calm this whole time… I want answers!”

“Then allow me to enlighten you.” A female voice said from behind Twilight and the others.

“Princess Luna!”

Author's Note:

Sorry I was reading a bunch of other Fan-Fics lately, so yeah. Sorry everypony... this took me awhile.