• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 11,788 Views, 179 Comments

Star Bright, Star Light. - AzureHoodie

Lost on a world he doesn't understand, a 24 year old human gets trapped in a 11 year old colt body with cybernetic enhancements.

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Chapter 7: Malfunction

It had been two day since Princess Luna’s visit and Star was final going to be released from the hospital that morning. Still the last two days would be best described as, “The most boring-est days ever!” Solar sighed as she trotted around the hospital room. Star watched his little sister pace around the room kicking a small ball around. Then a sudden knock at the door grabs their attention and both sets of eyes lock onto the ivory unicorn who walks in.

“Hey guys… I bring Sugar Cube Corner muffins and Apple Acres juice!” Twinkle said levitating the items in her magic.

“Yay!” Solar yelled, her wings buzzing as she was trying to take into the air.

“More sugar… is there anything with more protein that maybe I could eat… I keep staying hungry…” Star asked with a pleading look upon his face.

Twinkle felt a pang of guilt; she was trying to spoil the colt not realizing that all he might want is something a bit more normal. Star on the other hand was unaware that his new body came with new instruction, thankfully his instincts where guiding him, making him crave eggs, beans… and even meat.

“Sure I’ll get you some eggs, okay honey?” Twinkle replied, only getting a getting sleepy nod from Star.

As Twinkle was about to leave the room, Nurse Red Heart appeared with a large plate of eggs, beans and nuts. “Don’t worry about it dearie.” Red Heart said as she placed the plate in front of Star. He immediately torn into the food, muzzle first, his table manner just as bad as Solar’s. “Miss Shine… may I talk to you a moment, outside.”

The two mares swiftly walked out of the room as the two foals ate their meals. Twinkle was the first to speak, “What is it Red Heart?”

“Ohh, I don’t know where to begin…” She said as she began to pull out Star’s file. “What have you heard or know about your… son’s condition?”

“Other than possible sexual trauma and abuse nothing really…” Twinkle said as the thought finally hit her. What had happen to the colt? Why does he have metal fused onto his body? And what is with the advance technology all over his body?

“There are a lot of guess and rumors, but the most probable is that he is an alicorn… a male Alicorn.” Red Heart said as she pulled out an X-ray, “His bones are hollow like that of a Pegasus, his thaumologic system is on par with powerful unicorns and his body is strong like that of an earth pony.”

“If that’s true then?” Twinkle began only to be cut off.

“We don’t know, it’s a theory… and with the arrival of Princess Luna a few nights ago, I don’t know because if it’s true, somepony out there is a monster.” Red Heart said as she put the files away, “But there is another option.” She began as she leaned in close to Twinkle. “This is just another theory but… he could be a new race of pony or something. With all the weakness his body has… like the need for iron.”

“What should I do?” Twinkle began as she felt anxiety crawl up her back.

“For now, watch him; take care of him… be a mother for the little guy. That is what he needs most…” Red Heart said looking into the room as Solar tackled Star onto the bed. “He is a foal after all.”

After an embarrassing moment of being wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair exposing himself, and a fight about wearing thicker clothes to keep Star warm; Twinkle Shine, Solar and Star headed into town. The town was covered in snow, with several ponies already clearing the roads and skies. As they walked Twinkle and Solar met several of their friends and introduced Star to them.

“Where are we?” Star asked.

With an explosion of confetti and streamers Pinkie Pie erupted next to Star, “Well, you’re in Sugar Cube Corner!” She exclaimed his family sat with a parent and child already at a booth.
“Hello Ditzy, how are you and your family doing?” Twinkle asked the grey Pegasus mare as the group sat down inside a gingerbread-like house.

“Hello Twinkle, I doing fine… waiting for Berry and well, Sparkler doing great, she’ll be going away to the University soon and my little Dinky is doing… well as you can see…” Ditzy replied looking at her unicorn daughter Dinky and Solar wrestling on the floor.

“So who is the new colt? Say Uncle!” Dinky asked as she had Solar Ring partially pinned to the ground.

With a quick tug and a hooked foreleg around Dinky’s neck, Solar pulled her to the ground and the two began again, “He is my new big brother… Gotcha!” Solar exclaimed as she placed Dinky into a submission hold.

“New… arghhh! Uncle! Uncle!” Dinky yelled as Solar released her. Shifting her shoulders until she heard a pop she turned to Star. “So you can just pick up new older brothers and sisters.”

“Huh?!” Star said looking down at the little grey unicorn. “Solar… you can’t pick up siblings at the store, I hope.” Star said looking up at Twinkle, with a gentle shake of her head his suspicions were answered.

“Well, where do brothers and sisters come from?” Dinky asked as she dusted herself off.

“Ohh! Yes, Star is super smart! Tell us!” Solar exclaimed as both her and Dinky sat down in front of Star.

“Wait a minute… what exactly are you two asking me?” Star asked a hint of red blush appearing across his cheeks as he slightly raised his head.

“Where do foals come from? Duh!” Dinky replied.

Just as Star began to stuttered, four more ponies walked into, two of which he recognized. “Apple Bloom, Apple Jack hello!” Star yelped out with a wave.

“Hello Berry!” Twinkle said.

“Pina!” Dinky shout as the tackle her friend.

“Star!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she glomped Star to the ground nuzzling his cheek.

Star hesitated but hugged back, “Hey Bloom, I want you to meet my… family.” Star said in a loud and monotone voice and he gestured to Twinkle and Solar.

“Family?! Ya mean ya got adopted and you’re stayin’ in Ponyville?!” Apple Bloom asked excitedly. Star put a hoof to his chin, thought about it, and then nodded. “WOHOO!” Apple Bloom exclaimed and glomped Star again giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly both Star and Apple Bloom became aware of several eyes upon them, as well as several grins and frowns.

“What is it with everypony kissing on my brother?!” Solar exclaimed as she threw her hooves into the air, both Pina and Dinky patting her back as if they understood her pain.

“WHA?!” Apple Bloom yelled.

“Not what you think… it was Solar Ring’s fault!” Star shouted pointing to his sister.

“It’s not my fault, the bat pony mare who kissed you last night was already in the room when I came out of the bathroom.” Solar replied as she puffed up her chest.

“No I am talking about Prin…” Star stopped and then looked off in thought and then returned his gaze to Solar. “What bat pony mare?”

“Last night… she was about your size and nuzzling into your neck and making all sorts of noises.” Solar replied.

Eyes wide opened Star began to panic, “Solar.. why didn’t you say something earlier?!” Star asked in a gentle manner.

“Because she told me not to say anything, and when I asked her what she was doing she said she was kissing you.” Solar said relaxing while everypony listen was staring at her wide eyed.

“Solar, sweetie, are you sure you weren’t dreaming or something?” Twinkle asked as she lifted her daughter into the air and placed her down next to her.

“Well great… now something else is going to happen to me.” Star said collapsing on the ground.

“Nothing is going to happen to you.” A strong female voice replied.

Everypony turned to the new voice, “Mama!” Solar exclaimed as Star watched his ‘new’ other mother walk towards them.

“Golden… what brings you here?” Twinkle asked.

“Silver left me home alone to hang out with Sparkler… then.” Golden began only to have Twinkle scoot in and tap the spot next to her.

“Come on and sit down.” Twinkle said.

Golden trotted over and sat down next to Twinkle giving her a gentle nuzzle on her cheek. Star looked up to watch the exchange of affection between his mothers.

“So ummm… Nothing weird is going to happen to me?” Star asked slightly tugging on Golden’s tail for her attention.

“Nothing, more than likely it was a hungry bat pony.” Golden replied.

“Bat… Pony? What the heck is that?” Star asked confused… “Did it suck out my blood?!”

Golden looked down at Star, “You have a lot to learn kid.”

“Eh… what… of course I do, I’ve been stuck in a hole in the ground for the last few years, and this is my first week talking to someone who isn’t behind a screen!” Star said somewhat flustered and agitated.

“Sorry.” Golden replied, “I’m not good when it comes to talking to foals… that with Bringer.”

“Bringer?” Star mumbled .

“There are two different types of bat-ponies; flesh, and fruit eaters. The flesh eaters are well flesh eaters, but sometimes they require more iron from their food so they might drink some from a sleeping creature, and fruit eaters just drink and eater fruit… sometimes you get a mix of both.” Golden replied.

“Wow Missus Ring… did you know of other types of ponies?” Dinky asked from behind Star giving him a scare.

“Bringer use to tell us stories, of other night-time ponies such as Umbracorns, and Lupus Ponies, and of mer-ponies, kelpies, kirins, draphons, and of a weird ghost like pony he saw once…” Golden said as she leaned against Twinkle, “Bringer said that the world is full of ponies and creatures… all we had to do was to open our eyes and reach out to them… and maybe they would reach back out to us.”

“So if I got bit by a Bat-pony… nothing is going to happen to me?” Star asked.

“Nothing at all…” Golden said looking down at the copper colt, and then over to Dinky, “And no… you don’t turn into a Bat-Pony either.”
As Star was about to ask more on the subject, child curiosity got ahold of yet another foal in the room.

“Hey I just noticed this… but what is wrong with his legs?” Pina asked, tapping Star’s metallic hooves.

Solar jumped out from between her mother and then swatted Pina’s nose, “That is rude, if you have a question ask him!” Solar stated pointing a hoof at Star.

“It’s okay Solar… You don’t have to hit anybody for me.” Star said trying to calm the situation.

“Nope she needs to apologies and a colt shouldn’t let a filly trot all over him.” Solar replied.

“Sorry Sta…” Pina began only to be interrupted by Star.

“Wait a minute…” Star mumbled as he began to think… the comment about ‘colt things’, then the stories, and finally the history books… “No.” he thought out loud. Then he looked up at the table… filled with females, and then at the restaurant… the math slowly being worked out in his head.

“Is being a colt a bad thing?” Star asked Dinky.

“Well… no, but you do have to treat colts gently… that’s what Carrot Top tell me.” Dinky replied, “Cause you know… cause colts aren’t something to have… or something… I don’t remember.”

“No it’s cause you’ll never win a colt’s heart that way… take them out to dinner, by them things… stuff like that.” Pina added, “That’s what Carrot Top says.”

“Star are you okay?” Solar asked reaching out to him with a wing, his body shuttered at her touch.

“Who is Bringer?” Star asked his voice cracking with nervousness.

“Ohhh! She’s talking about my dad Star Bringer, he’s not here anymore but according to my moms he was a great stallion.” Solar replied.

“He was married to both of them?” Star questioned.

“No… he was married to mama Golden Ring, Twinkle Shine, Ivory Wind, and Shimmer Breeze… but Ivory Wind and Shimmer Breeze left to join another herd. My sister Silver Streak her birth mom was Ivory Wind but her new herd didn’t want her with a child so… I got to keep my sister.”

Star looked at Solar, tears rolling down her eyes and he pulled her into a hug. As Twinkle made her way out of the booth, the realization of what had been there all along hit him, and as much as he ignored it, it was a sign that he truly was lost somewhere out in the universe with no means to get home. With eyes like pinpricks he looked up to Twinkle Shine, which caused her to freeze as she was about to pick him up.

“Twinkle Shine, what type of society do we live in?” Star asked already knowing the answer.

“A matriarchy…”

“And what is the ratio of female to males…?” Star asked his breathing becoming erratic.

“10 to 1, but Ponyville is about 14 to 1… Star, are you okay?” Twinkle asked.

“Do… Will I have to marry into a herd one day?” Star asked, his voice trembling with fear.

“What are you…” The realization of Star’s question hit here, “No honey, you never be forced to do anything you won’t want to do.” Twinkle replied.

Star lowered his head as the information beginning to officially settle in; his old fear from his human youth began to rear its ugly head. Several warning messages began to appear in his vision; Star was to frighten to even react to these messages. As Twinkle approached he was able to smell her… he was able to smell every adult pony who was close… and their musk.

“Uhh, Star you okay?” Apple Bloom asked as she got closer.

Suddenly he reached out and grabbed the little yellow filly and pulled her into a hug as well, his snoot buried into her apple scented neck.

“Star?” Apple Bloom began only to be cut off by the sound of an energy shield going up around them.