• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,159 Views, 91 Comments

A Fear that Came to Pass - ChingKittyCat

[Interactive/Comment Driven] The crystal empire is enslaved. Twilight fails her test. Now she's out for revenge, and on a painstakingly long journey.

  • ...

Chapter 11

"I want to see what this forest has to show me.."
Twilight answered, almost like a drunkard. She felt like she was walking on sunshine, or rainbows. Clouds, possibly. Whatever she was walking on, she felt good. Really good. Comforted, warm, almost like she was laying in a bed of the finest silks. The statue seemed to pull her in closer. Twilight was now pushed up against the statue so much, that she no longer had any personal space. The statue appreciated her company, and Twilight appreciated the statue's company.

"Come with me, my child. Let us travel deep within the forest. Deep, so deep.."
The statue cooed, as Twilight soon found herself on the back of the statue. She had held onto the statue's long neck to keep herself upon the stone back. Twilight smiled, almost stupidly as she rode upon the statue. The surroundings became a blur, as the statue and Twilight appeared to travel at almost light speed. No wind pushed Twilight back as the statue bounded through the forest elegantly.

Twilight giggled, almost a little too much. She felt like she was a filly. Every single bit of common sense was numbed as she was being taken deep into the imaginary forest. She threw her hooves up into the air, as the horse below her galloped. The surroundings soon slowed down, returning back to a crisp and clear picture. The statue had taken her to a small pond, that a stream ran into.

Twilight clamored off the statue, and onto the grassy ground. Maintaining her extremely stupid smile, she approached the pond. The statue followed after her. Grace and beauty in every step she took. She put a wing over Twilight. The wing felt cold. It made Twilight get concerned, as she turned her head to face the statue's face. So that way, she could see if the statue meant something wrong. The statue's emotion did not change.

"I heard the depths of the deepest waters are beautiful. Brimming with life."
The statue commented. Twilight smiled, blind to what the statue actually meant, due to her drug-like state. She peered into the pond. Gazing at the almost pitch black waters, Twilight continued to grin like a moron. The statue's wing pushed down hard onto Twilight's back. Not so hard that she would fall, but just hard enough so that she would stay in that spot. The back wings extended, as it slowly started to push Twilight towards the pond.

A familiar whisper on the wind, and that habitual chill that shot up her spine appeared. The stone on the statue cracked. The process of being pushed into the pond was halted. The drug that had infected her had halted its effects. Twilight backpedaled from the pond that copied the vastness of space itself. The statue scampered, as chunks of it fell onto the ground of the forest. Panicked, it attempts to fly away were cut short. It crumbled away to dust.

Sparks of black electricity buzzed off of the previously alive and animate statue. Twilight blinked. What exactly had just happened? It was just gone? Well. That was certainly strange. Twilight glanced about. Her common sense had just told her that the statue had attempted to drown her. Somepony had just saved her. Whoever it was, she was grateful for it.

Now.. Where exactly was the group? Great. Now she had to find them again. How was she supposed to find them now?

Twilight could feel something splash against her face, as she snapped into reality. In front of her face was an empty bucket, dripping with water that was now upon her face. The bucket was being held by a blue aura. Twilight glowered at the bucket, as she coughed in annoyance. She was still in the same spot that she was previously in. She was not laying on the ground, sleeping. Maybe she had undergone some trance..

"Jeez Twilight."
A stallion's voice chimed. It was Quill Scratch, she recognized it. He soon joined by her side, as she glared at him. She was all wet now, thanks to him. How nice of him. Twilight noticed her surroundings were the same. Well, almost, that is. She didn't have time for sightseeing at the moment.

"You were about to fall into that pit."
Quill Scratch joked, pointing at the pit that was previously shown to be a pond. Twilight's eyes widened. Was that statue trying to shove her into a pit? Actually, it might not have been a statue. It must have been a illusion, or something. Twilight glanced over to the dust of the 'statue'. The dust was replaced by a couple dark logs. Possibly, a Timberwolf? Why would a timberwolf want to shove her down a pit? Strange.

"What happened to me?"
Twilight questioned, backing farther away from the pit. The stream was still there, it ran into the pit. Making a small waterfall that looked admitting pretty.

"You just suddenly ran off after barfing."
Quill Scratch informed, making Twilight blush from embarrassment. Seems like they did notice that she had barfed. Hopefully they wouldn't be talking about it. Twilight rubbed the back of her head. So maybe, a timberwolf had only been around when she was at the pit? That could be it.

"The rest of the group is waiting for you, I came after you to get you back."
Quill Scratch continued, turning tail, and heading off. Twilight was quick to follow him. She took the bucket so he wouldn't have to levitate it. He was a weaker unicorn. Probably couldn't even hold it for five minutes. Twilight looked around the forest. She could see the group just ahead due to the spaced out trees.

After five or so minutes of walking, she reached the group once more. They all looked pretty annoyed that they had to wait for her. Twilight apologized, as the group continued on walking through the forest that seemed to have no end. Every time she had been traveling, she thought about something. Who was there to think about now? Oh, yes. Applejack.

The texan had been put into chains, much to her distaste. She bucked the air, and struggled madly against the magic that contained her rage. She grunted as the shackles clipped onto her front and back legs, restraining her as she was dropped from the magical aura. Applejack attempted to run off, but the line of other laborers had already been formed. A chain linked all slaves together by their necks. A shackle had been put around her neck, as the chain connected to the front part. Another chain sprouted off the back, and went to the next laborer.

She wouldn't be beat. Not now. She jangled her chains, as the other slaves submitted to their fates. Working until death, would be their new fates. No happiness. No light. Why a pony would do this was beyond applejack, and she could care less right now. All she cared about at the moment was escaping her chains, and freeing these ponies. The empire seemed to change as soon as he had enslaved them, and the changes weren't good ones, to say the least. A bleak shade of black devoured the pure cyan roads, as the buildings turned crack and adapted a darker shade of blue. The previously put up festive decorations were burning within a blazing inferno. All things flammable were on fire, actually. Burning within a green and purple flame of pure hatred.

Applejack continued to have hope. She could escape these extremely dense and thick crystal shackles. They were heavy, and hard to move in. She shook her head madly, hooves stumbling as she attempted to attack the air and shake these shackles off. With the heavy shackles on, she found herself being depleted of energy. Her bucks were getting lower and weaker, and she could feel the first drop of sweat go down the side of her face. She puffed, panting as she started to get pushed forward by the pony behind her.

"C'mon.. Ya'll can't give in yet!"
Applejack shouted, as she continued to be pushed forward. Chains rattled as the new line of slaves trotted, getting back to work. Things had not changed. Things were never going to change. The amount of hatred, anger, and fear had only increased. Allowing him to only gain more power. The more of those three factors that he received, he only grew in power. He was in his prime, as long as the regular dose of negative emotions was directed to him. Which it seemed like he had more than a regular amount, considering he had just levitated every single pony in the empire, and put them in shackles.

"Don't talk. Look down. Right now. He'll punish you."
The crystal pony infront of her hissed, as Applejack's eyes narrowed. No way was she going to submit to him. Even though she was terrified of him, as long as he wasn't around, she would rebel against his rule. Applejack shook her head. She was slightly tired, but she was going to get out of here.

"Do you want to go to the Sandpaper Room? PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN."
The crystal pony demanded, making Applejack's eyes widened. This pony was rather rude, considering they had almost just saved them. Almost. Their work was all futile, apparently. She put her head down. She would rebel later. In the near future, when she had the perfect time to strike.

"How many ponies did we loose?"
Twilight asked, looking behind her. They were just about out of the forest by now. They had said to go Manehatten, and that's exactly where they were going at the current moment. Twilight had checked the map she had. Manehatten was off to the east. They would have to go the north after getting out of the forest.

"We only have nine ponies. We lost Rose Dust, so, I guess you're the boss now. Until Rose Dust finds us again. I hope she finds us. She has all the plans."
Log Chucker chatted, as the group of nine ponies wandered. This was a very boring walk. Luckily, it had only taken them an hour to see the exit of the forest, which was now just ahead. Twilight was happy about this. She was feeling another upchuck trying to force it's way up her throat once more. Twilight started to gallop, getting ahead of the group, and being the first one out of the forest.

The forest's air tasted so much thicker than the outside of the forest air. The regular oxygen tasted so much sweeter, and refreshed Twilight's senses. She breathed the fresh air with great pleasure. The group was soon behind her. They didn't seem to appreciate the air as much as she did. She didn't know why she had liked the air outside of the forest more than the inside. You'd think that the forest's air would be fresher.

Nevertheless. Twilight had to keep going, along with her group. Kind of sad that some of them couldn't run off.

Just off in the distance was Filly Delphia, across those hills that blocked Filly Delphia. They weren't heading that way, though. Up to the north, past that small mountain, and then follow that train track into the city. They would have to get past a couple hills, then they would be free to stay in Manehatten. They would probably have to stay within a cheap hotel, or find another contact, or something. Either that, or just wait until Rose Dust found them. That is, if she was still alive.

"Let's just go."
Twilight said, signalling to go to the north. Up ahead, was a large mountain. Along with some hills. Twilight's hooves were starting to ache once more from all this walking. She seriously was going to take a rest after a bit of walking. Twilight had been given the front of the group, as everypony followed behind her. She was liking the leader role. Maybe she wouldn't give it back.

After trekking over a couple hills, the group took a quick sit down. They talked about some current events that weren't related to the trek. Somethings about celebrities that Twilight could care less about. Twilight looked up to the sky. It was about mid-day already. She could tell from the sun being directly above them. Maybe four PM, or five.

Twilight looked back around. These plains seemed strangely familiar. She thought of where she had seen these plains from before. Putting her hoof on her chin, she looked into her database known as knowledge. It was on the tip of her mind. Back in Canterlot, before she was friends with her friends, and before they had beaten Nightmare Moon.. She had read a book.. A book about monster locations.. Something about rolling hills being a prime place for.. Something.. What was it..

The ground rumbled, catching everypony off guard. Twilight frantically turned her head around, noticing that the ground below them was rumbling. She could feel the ground lift. The hill levitated, as the ponies scrambled off as soon as they could. Twilight balanced, as she stood. There was something below them. Twilight couldn't see it. Though, was she could see, was that she was now up extremely high. She looked off the back of the hill, down at the ground. Everypony else was down, way below her.

She felt like she was on a gigantic perch. Twilight scrambled about the hill, as she had no idea what was going on. Then it hit her. She remembered. Rolling Hills were a prime location for Collosi. Especially underground Collosi.

Author's Note:

I can't believe you guys basically wanted to kill Twilight. Not yeetttt. You've just used up your 'not-dying-yet' pass. if you make another death decision, it wont be there to save your precious lil Twilight.
Also, quick note, Sombra has ruled the Empire for a week so far. (This is for my future reference.)