• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,159 Views, 91 Comments

A Fear that Came to Pass - ChingKittyCat

[Interactive/Comment Driven] The crystal empire is enslaved. Twilight fails her test. Now she's out for revenge, and on a painstakingly long journey.

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Chapter 8

Violence wasn't usually the answer. Actually, it was almost never the answer in Twilight's mind. Harming another was not her favorite activity to do. Even against the changelings, back in canterlot, she felt guilt for kicking their plots so hard they flew off into the distance. Right now, violence was the answer, unfortunately. She would have to fight for the innocents to keep their village, and not be tortured by these dogs. Heroism. That's what would be guiding her.

Into battle, Twilight was fearless. These animals stood no chance against a mage such as herself. Such a high-ranking magic user would not fear Diamond Dogs, much less a sub-species that just has a pallet swap. Twilight had a perfect spell prepared for this situation. A subduing spell. She wasn't one to harm animals, or anything. Though she had rushed in an kicked plot before, she would always feel great guilt for beating something to such a pulp.

Fur of both sides clashed, as horns slashed into claws. Wings beat and dove, while hooves bucked and punched. Dogs screeched and howled, as the magical sounds of Twilight's horn blended into the war cries that sounded in both sides. Such sounds could be considered scarring. Both mentally, and physically. As fangs bit into flesh, and the distressed cries of ponies echoed through the town, the inhabitants of the village could only shake and cower. Waiting for the threat to pass as a small war broke out in the middle of their small, isolated town.

Twilight's body dodged and moved as dogs threw themselves into her general direction blindly. Only hoping to hit her and knock her down. Only to disembowel her once she hit the stone ground. Twilight's quick wit kept her from being tackled, as the dogs were later surrounded by a magenta magic. Magenta magic that wrapped around their bodies, and kept them onto the ground. Ballistic, the dogs struggled against Twilight's magic. Twilight had only strapped the dogs who dared to attack her.

There was still a whole militia of dogs to go. Twilight was kept on her hooves as she ran among the fighting opposites. Blood had been spilled a long time ago. The ground below the brawl had been recently dyed red, both in Pony and Dog blood. Chunks of fur had been ripped from the dogs, as manes were torn and destroyed. Eyes had been torn out, and left to rot on the floor. Some of the dogs had already fled.

The ponies were merciless with their attacks. They were the heroes, in their minds. As the fight continued. The minority of the canines had been subdued and left on the ground. Still howling in fury and malicious intent. Their paws stuck to their sides as the magenta aura strangled their bodies and left them limp. Just to the mercy of those they had attacked.

Twilight's horn would start to burn with magic usage, as she could already feel the pins and needles that attacked her horn. Her own magic would hurt her eventually. Twilight had to make the best usage of her time when fighting. She had to make sure all of her spells hit, or else she would be using up magic for no reason. Only causing her to further the pain in her horn.

Though Twilight was agile, she was also fragile. A unicorn was the weakest in physical strength, and their flesh was all around thinner than an earth pony's was. So, one single claw to her chest could cause her to bleed out. Every strength, that being Twilights magic, comes with a weakness. Twilight made a mistake when running across the battle field. She had crossed multiple dogs in her running.

She was strafed from behind, as three claws dug deep into her flesh. Completely bypassing the cloak, and heading straight into her skin. They had ripped directly into her muscle, causing her to fall. She slid across the ground, her wound bleeding profusely. Imagine a thousand cats slashing into you all at once. All in the same spot. That's the pain she felt.

Twilight refused to give up. Her determination to save this town was more than the pain. She was stronger than physical pain. She was mentally stronger. Even though the dogs had tore into her like she was nothing but wind, she would show them. Her aura grew to atomic sizes, as her adrenalin pumped her magic to extreme levels. In this sudden burst of power, Twilight unleashed her magic upon everything. Her magic exploded on the town, covering everything in her aura.

Everything paused, as both sides limply levitated in the air. They were unable to move. Their facial expressions staying the same as they seemed frozen in time. Their eyes dashed around, looking at the field of purple magic that now surrounded them. Twilight was in control of this battle now.

Her face was blank. Her mane flowed in the nonexistent wind. A large ball of plasma surrounded her entirety. Her body twitched and spasmed as her eyes glowed with intense luminosity. Pure white eyes stared into the fighting ponies. Her magic twitched and grew, as the dogs were brought upwards into the sky.

Once high enough, they were tossed into the very heavens itself. Some could say that those dogs were the first animals to reach the ozone layer of this planet. What an honor it was to be them, hm? Newton's law of gravity states, whatever comes up, must come down. Let's just say, that once those animals landed, there was not a single one that was left.. Conscious. Or breathing. Or even in one piece.

The ponies were dropped onto the mason work. Onto the blood of their companions, and enemies. Three ponies were left without souls due to that battle. The army of dogs were all left without breath. They wouldn't be bothering this town again anytime soon, or any time in the future. The ball of magical electricity faded, going back into it's castor. The purple mage shook her head, as the bright white glowing eyes turned back to a regular pair of oculars.

Twilight's weakened state caused her vision to blur. She was unable to now tell ponies apart from the scenery, or the gray sky apart from the trees. Everything blended together in this horrid mess of dark colors that was just distasteful to look at. Twilight could feel herself being nudged by a blur of colors. There was a constant feeling of being drained of something.

Without another second, her eyes smashed closed, and she drifted into unconsciousness.

A small breeze whisked over Twilight's body. The familar feeling of grass could be felt underneath her, as Twilight blinked awake. Her surroundings were clear, and vivid. Unlike her previous condition, where she couldn't see jack. Only just blurs and colors. This was much better. The wind moved the grass softly, as Twilight laid in the midst of a tall grass prairie. She looked up, seeing the sky above. It was clear of clouds. Just a blue expanse. The sun was strangely missing. Though, that did not seem to change anything. It was still warm, like a mid-summer's day.

Twilight's surroundings were very.. Limited. Tall grass, just all around her. The grass was about Twilight's height, reaching up to her neck if she stood up fully. Right now, she was currently sitting within the tall, untouched grass. Making a small circle of pressed down grass for herself. Wherever she was, it was extremely pleasant. Wait a second. Was she dead? No, she couldn't be dead! That was just, no! She had to keep positive. She wasn't dead. There was no way she was dead.

She was just dreaming, hopefully. Though, it felt extremely real. Extremely. She could smell the faint smell of a nearby flower field. She could hear the wind. She could feel the grass push up against her gently, as it was blown by the wind. She could touch the grass, which still felt like grass. Just because it was tall grass did not mean it had a different texture to it.

Much like her previous dream, she felt unnerved. Unnerved by something. What it could be in this dream, Twilight had no idea. Everything was just so peaceful. Twilight moved her head around. She felt like something was creeping up on her, hastily. Twilight looked about the grass from her laying position.

What was that sound..? It sounded like water being released from a dam. Actually, it sounded like water busting through a dam. Twilight stood, looking about. Her eyes widened. A tsunami was heading this way, from the north east. Twilight's hooves stumbled as the bright red wave broke through the trees surrounding the field. Quickly invading the field at increasingly quick speeds.

Twilight made a mad dash through the grass, attempting to outrun the faster force. The force crashed into her like a waterfall, as her body was surrounded by a clear red liquid. It did not sting her eyes, as she swam about in the strange river of water, that only sprouted from the wave. It did not fall, it simply stayed in place. The wave continued on past her, and rushed through the prarire, and onto the other side in a flash.

Twilight needed air. Her hooves beat against the water, as she emerged at the surface. Somehow, the water was just.. Basically defying all laws of liquids. Twilight would wonder how it was doing such a thing, but this was a dream. A hyper realistic dream, to be exact.

Twilight gasped for air as soon as she hit the surface of the water. She wasn't a water pony. Though, some of the water had managed to get down her throat. Not into her lungs, but instead, into her stomach. When it had passed over her tastebuds, it tasted strange. Almost like one of Pinkie Pie's cupcakes. It tasted sweet.

"As you feed it, it only grows stronger."

"Within a couple days."
"We don't have that kind of time."
"Do you want her to have a limp?"
"Exactly. Let me do my job. You do yours."
The noises interrupted her dream. Luckily enough for Twilight, she was snapped back to reality. She was in a raggedy old room. Completely made of wood. There was a metal furnace off in the corner, and a couple paintings hanging off of the walls. She sat in a small, one pony bed. A blanket over her body, woven lazily. Mostly made of cotton, but most of it was missing. It was scratchy, and most likely infected with bed bugs. Twilight could feel small things biting her. How annoying. Twilight noticed there were two ponies sitting around her bed. One of the ponies was Rose Dust. The other being a pony in a small doctor's vest. Though, his mane was scruffy. He seemed rather old. Twilight's awakening obviously got their attention.

"She's awake."
Rose Dust informed the doctor, who gave a quizical glance to his patient, Twilight. Rose Dust was less than happy about waiting in this room, obviously. Twilight couldn't help but feel slightly dazed. Her head was still spinning from her previous actions. She couldn't exactly remember what happened in the battle. All she could remember was that she had gotten hit, and everything went black. Then she had a dream, and now she was in this room.

"Still. It does not change the fact she needs to stay here."
The doctor replied, before wandering about the room. He approached one of the shelves that was located by the furnace. He picked through the vials that stood on the shelf. Obviously looking for something. What he was looking for, Twilight couldn't tell. Though, it was probably for her wound that she had received. Which still stung. Twilight cringed as the stinging pain started to hit her.

"Doctor. We've been waiting here for two days. We NEED to leave."
Rose Dust barked at the doctor. Wait a second, she has been out for TWO DAYS? That couldn't be true. Her dream was only two minutes long. Well, then again, maybe she was under some sort of medicine that kept her asleep. Well, she was awake now. She was probably better by now. Actually, no, she probably wasn't. If she could recall, she was cut across her left flank. Twilight lifted up the covers, looking at herself. She didn't have her cloak on. Nor her saddlebags. A cast was wrapped around her left flank, covering her cutiemark. It was dyed with a red hue, from you could guess what.

She put the covers back down, and directed her attention to Rose Dust. The doctor had returned to Twilight's bed side. He was looking displeased with the situation, and Rose Dust's rushing attitude.

"If you want to leave right now, she will not heal properly. Her cutiemark will be partially gone, and she will walk with a limp for months. Because she's a unicorn, her muscle tissue will heal. If you stay for a couple days, she will be good to go."
The doctor informed, opening up Twilights mouth with his hoof. Pouring in a strange potion directly into Twilight's mouth. It tasted nasty. Like a combination of soap, sweat, and raw sea urchins. Twilight coughed as soon as she digested the fluid. She wiped her tongue with her hoof, attempting to get the flavor off.

"Twilight, tell this doctor that we have to leave right now. We're wasting time."
Rose Dust demanded. Was that an order? No pony orders Twilight around like she was a slave. She would tell Rose Dust off later. Another descision waited to be made.

Stay here for a bit longer, and heal. While also wasting time, or, leave right now, and walk with a limp?