• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,159 Views, 91 Comments

A Fear that Came to Pass - ChingKittyCat

[Interactive/Comment Driven] The crystal empire is enslaved. Twilight fails her test. Now she's out for revenge, and on a painstakingly long journey.

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Chapter 7

Hollow Shades wasn't exactly the brightest town. It fit with the name. It was constantly shaded by the grey clouds above. The Pegasi could never move the clouds from swirling over the town. The sun was basically nonexistent. The town was almost no brighter than the cave they were previously in. Though, the lanterns and candles spread about the town always gave off light. They were hung off posts and buildings, what little there were. You could say that this town was a bit empty, or hollow even.

The buildings themselves weren't very appealing to the eyes. They were old, made of rotting oak that most likely was a safety hazard at this point. The roofs of the buildings were not made of hay or straw. They were shingled roofs. The shingles were hanging on loosely to the roofs of the buildings. There were some buildings that had gigantic holes in the ceiling, so you could look up into the unchanging gray sky. The buildings usually had a tree or two around them, though, the trees were twisted and black. Rotted, and dead. The roots had been slightly exposed, as they stayed above ground. It was slightly strange. The occasional tree had a couple leaves. Just only ten or so maximum. The leaves were brown, like they would be if the tree had withered. Which they had.

The buildings and trees were in a circle. Due to the lack of buildings in the first place, this circle could be completed. In the middle of said circle was the plaza. The plaza was completely made with mason work. There was a stone flooring, covering the original dirt ground. The plaza had a large statue, smack dab in the middle. From far away, it seemed like a statue of Celestia, like most statues would be. All statues were either of Celestia, Luna, or some other princess or hero.

As the group entered the foreboding and desolate town, Twilight could tell something was wrong. This place was just a bit more.. Barren than she had thought it to be. The place seemed abandoned. Not a single pony walked in the plaza. Hollow Shades was silent. The wind echoed around the town, as the group made sure to stay silent as they moved into the circle of buildings. Rose Dust was busy examining the statue they had approached. Twilight had taken a couple glances at the statue, before she just full on just stared at it.

The statue contrasted it's surroundings greatly. The statue was obviously cut by a master, as the anatomy of the pony being shown off in stone was perfect. The large wings that were spread seemed almost like Princess Celestia's. Each wing had flawless feathers being shown off. The wings themselves were extremely large. Not to mention, there were four wings upon this pony's back. Twilight had never heard of a pegasus with four wings.This was incredibly interesting to Twilight. The faultless statue seemed almost alive. It had a pure aura about it, contradicting the dreary atmosphere of Hollow Shades.

A mane of pure silver was wrapped around the tall pegasus statue, as it drifted down all the way to the hooves of the goddess-like figure. The silver was polished to an extreme. It reflected light from all the lanterns and candles. A orange hue was applied to the silver mane from the reflection of light. The tail of the sculpture was the same. Very long and flowing, as it wrapped around the back of the pedestal that the statue stood upon.

Whoever this was, the inhabitants of the town made sure that she was preserved perfectly. Her exemplary condition was astonishing when compared to the buildings. It's like she was their god or something. Twilight had no idea who this was. She had never read about this figure. Despite Twilight had basically read every single book in Equestria. Well, that was a bit of a stretch. She had read almost every single book in Equestria. Not a single one of the books, even the fantasy and fictional books, had a character that had four wings.

Twilight drifted her eyes onto the plaque that was on the statue. Her eyes scanned the plaque.

The Blind One, Saving Grace and Unexpected Angel of Hollow Shades.

This pony died in Five-thousand four hundred thirty-two, huh? That was around.. Five hundred and sixty-eight years ago. That's how long this statue was around for. That was a decently long time ago, and this statue looked like it was put up yesterday. There was not a single crack in this statue. Peculiar. Why exactly did this pony get a statue? Twilight wondered as she looked up to the face of The Blind One. Her eyes were closed. That must be their equivalent of blind.

Strange. Twilight looked about the group, who was still loitering about the statue quietly. Whispering to eachother. Twilight could hear that they were talking about the emptiness of the village. Twilight thought that the village had been fled from, maybe from the recent danger there was to Equestria. That could be the case, but even then, there wasn't a reason to run from this place. Maybe they just left. Twilight picked up something. She had heard a door open. Twilight swung her head around, looking at all the buildings surrounding the plaza.

The pub, the building located next to the clock tower, had it's door slightly open. A small pony's head poked out from the bar, as Twilight was quick to notice them looking around. They seemed to notice the cliche. They then turned their head, and went back into the pub. They had left the door open. Twilight nudged Rose Dust, who still stood next to her. Rose Dust questionably turned to Twilight, as Twilight pointed at the pub with her hoof. Rose Dust nodded.

"There's somepony in the pub."
Twilight noted, talking over the whispers of the faction. The group's attention was directed to the pub, as Rose Dust left the association, and headed off to the pub in silence. The group did not follow. Twilight asked why, but nopony had answered her. Mostly because she just asked herself in her head. After Rose Dust had entered the pub, there was an awkward silence that drifted among the group. Hooves shuffled nervously. Once Rose Dust had stuck her head out from behind the door, Twilight could tell that a weight of anxiety had been lifted from everypony.

In no time, the entire group had entered the pub. It was packed with ponies. Though, they were not exactly the happiest bunch. Actually, everypony was hiding underneath tables. They shuddered. The lights of the pub were off. All candles had been extinguished. Twilight wanted to ask what was going on, but her answer was already given.

"Are the Bronze Dogs gone?"
A voice perked up. It came from one of the ponies hiding behind the counter of the bar. The pony was a small foal. A coat of black, and a mane of gray. Kind of.. Ugh. She needed to stop associating ponies with him. It only got her angry. Twilight kept her cool as the foal peeked over the counter. Rose Dust had moved over to the counter. She gave a small nod.

All at once, the candles were lit once more. Ponies jumped up from underneath the tables and resumed their days. Twilight was puzzled. What exactly were Bronze Dogs? Were they like Diamond Dogs? It sounded like it. It seemed like Bronze Dogs made this town hide and cower. Twilight approached one of the tables that had been recently repopulated.

A mare and stallion sat at the table, chatting about something. It sounded like they were arguing, or something. Twilight could care less.

"Excuse me?"
Twilight interrupted their argument, as the two ponies shot glares at the lavender unicorn. Man. These ponies sure were a friendly bunch, now weren't they?

"I was wondering what exactly Bronze Dogs were.. Do you know?"
Twilight questioned the couple, who's eyes softened slightly. The very thought of Bronze Dogs seemed to be scary to them. These things must have made a big impact on this town.

"They are these things we thought were all dead. They've been resurfacing lately. They have killed a lot of the town's populous. They've been coming from the sealed up silver mines that haven't been used in five hundred years."
The mare stated, her heated and angered tone still remaining from arguing with the stallion. Whoever this stallion was, he had pissed her off. Twilight slowly considered this, along with the information she had received early. The Blind One died five hundred years ago, so the Blind One must have fought off the Bronze Dogs, and sealed them up. It only made sense. That was probably why she was worshiped so much by this town.

"Thank you."
Twilight thanked, before walking off from the table with this new found information. The cliche she had joined was currently heading out the door, so Twilight made haste to join them. She wormed her way through the door, and to the front of the group. Where, of course, Rose Dust was. The group had only made it halfway out the door before Twilight had started to explain to Rose Dust what was happening here.

"Twilight, we're only here for one reason. It is so we may find a certain friend of mine. After that, we have to leave."
Rose Dust stated, make Twilight slightly cringe. Rose Dust was just going to leave these ponies and the Bronze Dogs to their own problems? No. Twilight was not going to allow that. She was going to help this town. No Questions. No buts. As an important member of the group, Twilight was going to keep this group stalled in Hollow Shades until the threat of the Bronze Dogs was gone. Twilight stamped her hoof on the ground.

"Rose Dust, with all due respect, these ponies need our help. They can't save themselves."
Twilight argued, as the astonished cliche stayed quiet as Twilight and Rose Dust slowly turned to arguing. Twilight knew she was going to win. They wouldn't dare fight with the element of magic, the most powerful warrior they could ever hope for. The most powerful pony there was, in terms of magic. Twilight was not going to back down. Rose Dust puffed, with obvious choler. She didn't like to fight with anypony, nor did they have time for this stupidness.

"Twilight, we can not afford to stay here. We can also not afford to loose anypony in the group to these Bronze Dogs."
Rose Dust brought up, as the rest of the group slowly poured out of the pub to listen in on the argument. Rose Dust was right. They couldn't afford to loose anypony in the group. They all needed to be alive and well if they were going to fight against the newest villain of Equestria. But, at the same time, Twilight also brought up a good point. They couldn't let the innocents die.

Before a conclusion was reached, the noise of pitter-patter could be heard off in the distance. An army of pattering paws, as they ran across the path. Twilight's head instinctively turned, as to the east, there was a large opening in the village. In the opening, there was a dirt path, that parted the trees that surrounded the town. Down that path, and inside the trees, was the silver mine. It could be sighted in the trees, it was not too far away. Making it's way down the path, were furry beasts. Hungering for whatever stood breathing inside the town.

Twilight turned to Rose Dust, who was looking at the now noisy army that approached them. The army barked and howled in glee, ravenous for the sticky red fluid that would drain from corpses. That army was made completely of brown dogs that were able to stand on their bipedal legs. They roared in joy, as they had sighted the large group of ponies who stood idiotically in the middle of the square, ripe for the picking. The lights in the bar had turned off. The door had locked.

"Now we don't have a choice, do we?"
Twilight asked with a humorous tone, as if this was nothing to her. Rose Dust's head twisted, as she glared at Twilight in great disgust for what she had just commented. Though, she was right. There was no more time for arguing. They had to fight, there was no other option. Rose Dust's fury had intensified as the Bronze Dogs entered the town. The group took a stance to fight, as the flood of dogs ran towards them.

The dogs snarled as they stopped on the other side of the town. Making a showdown eminent. This was now a stand off. Both sides stared razors at each other. The dogs towered as they took to their back legs. They snapped their jaws at the opposing side, as a warning. Neither side would stand down. Soon, this battle would commence. It was only a matter of time. Both dog and pony waited for each other to take the first shot.

The dogs showed off their fangs and claws, while horns flurried. Wings were extended, as pegasi took to the sky, taking the advantage of the sky above. Twilight growled, as the earth ponies dug their back hooves into the ground. Bracing themselves to hit those who opposes and the offenders.The statue was in the middle of the show down.

Without another second wasted, the outnumbered ponies charged.