• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,159 Views, 91 Comments

A Fear that Came to Pass - ChingKittyCat

[Interactive/Comment Driven] The crystal empire is enslaved. Twilight fails her test. Now she's out for revenge, and on a painstakingly long journey.

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Chapter 14

Twilight was happy to get out of the concrete jungle. Even if it was for just an hour or so. The group, once departed, had to head straight to Fillydelphia. Like Twilight had told them too. They needed those bits if they were going to take trains to the locations on the map. Her hooves were killing her, and her stomach was dying for food. They rarely had any, if they were lucky, they could combine their bits to get some fast food. With ten thousand bits? That's capable of a lot.

What exactly? Ten thousand bits, by itself, could buy a decent sized apartment in Manehatten for about five years. Five years. A decently long time. Twilight wasn't looking for real estate. She was looking for equipment. Before the trek across the rolling hills that linked Manehatten and Fillydelphia together, Twilight had made an Wanted Equipment List. Lists were her best friend. Lists were also very useful, and could organize things. The list was decently long. Ranging from Canons to Pole Arms. Basically, she wanted to buy her own little army with that money, once she got it. She would get it.

She was determined. Nothing could stop her when she was determined. Nothing. Not Celestia, not her friends, not even a force on this planet. Nothing. Except herself, that is. She could stop herself, but she wouldn't be doing that. She was going to finish this. She was set on doing so.

Twilight would push through any obstacle, any opponent, anything, to fulfill her goal. Including hoof aches, which she had experienced more than enough of during the course of this fiasco. She was sick of the redness of the bottom of her hooves. They had faded while she had lazed around in Manehatten, but they were still sore. Twilight didn't work out a lot. So this journey was decently exhausting for her. Despite her escapades with her friends up mountains, those types of things took one day, maximum.

This has gone for basically a month. It was June second. Twilight had been reminded of the date every day on the news. It was a bit obnoxious, but it helped to keep track of how long this went on for. Also, it helped to know what day it was, so she could mark what days they had to leave for the next location, and what days they needed to be in a certain place. So on, so forth.

Speaking of the news, the news was brutally honest. They spoke the truth, the brutal truth. They didn't care about the public's distaste about the honesty they spouted. Kind of admirable, honestly. They had talked about that crystal drug a bit before the group had left.

Twilight had taken a couple minutes to listen in on the report about the victims. They had a small documentary, interviewing the victims, who weren't very talkative. One of them was a wonderbolt. It was decently shocking to Twilight, but she wouldn't blame them. These were pretty bleak times. With this gigantic war going on, everypony was feeling decently blue.

The group had dropped their usual chattiness through the weeks they had spent in Manehatten, which was mostly due to the fact that they were mourning the loss of everypony that did not return from Hollow Shades. Twilight missed them as well, despite the fact of not knowing a good chunk of the group. Other than that one time that they had introduced themselves, she didn't get to know all of them too well.

So, while traveling to the next destination, they held a silence for the lost. A silence maintained for the majority of the wait for Rose Dust to return. Return from Hollow Shades. Her, and about.. Ten other ponies did not return from that foreboding town that they had fought for.

Twilight was kind of sick of the moping and doping, it was all these ponies did. It's been FOUR WEEKS. Couldn't they get over this sort of stuff? Well.. She kind of had a similar situation going on, but, she didn't mope about it! She was determined to free her friends! She wasn't being sad about it. She was setting a goal. A goal that she constantly thought about.

Maybe she was being a bit redundant. Just a tad. Perhaps Fillydelphia could help her get her mind off of it.

When the entered the city, they were greeted by the exact same atmosphere. The same atmosphere from Manehatten. While the buildings were not as tall, it could still be classified as a concrete city. It wasn't very glamourus, despite the fact that the sun shone down brightly upon the city. Attempting to bring out happiness.

No pony really cared about the sun at the current moment.

Twilight's eyes darted about the street, looking on the lamposts, and other things. She was trying to find wanted posters, but to no avail. There were no wanted posters in sight. Just advertisements for things she could care less about. Like shampoo, or conditioner. Something decently useless.

Twilight shook her head. Perhaps they could find the police station, and ask about it there. First of all, where exactly was the police station? That was the main issue at the moment. If they just wandered aimlessly around the city, they would have a chance at finding it. Then again, the group did have a couple Pegasi just doing nothing.

"Hey, Roaring Gust, Silver Key. Could you guys go and find the police station? Like, just scout for it."
Twilight questioned, looking back at the battalion of ponies behind her. The two pegasus ponies shot into the air, as quick as they could. Without question. It was pretty nice to be in charge. Twilight still liked it.

Once they had disappeared, the group continued to walk. They would probably be back in a couple minutes. Twilight took this time to look about the city. See the ponies they passed by. Some were talking on phones, while others just simply walked. This city was not free of guards, though. The group had passed by a couple of them.

Twilight had tried to ask where the police station was, but they just kept walking. Ignoring her. How rude. She was trying to make some friendly conversation, and they just spat in her face. Metaphorically speaking, of course. They were too busy focusing on the pavement more then they were focusing on her.

Ponies were just seriously rude now a days. Kind of disappointing, honestly.

After a couple minutes of walking, the two pegasi had returned. They didn't seem to be in too big of a rush. So, nothing was very important, it seemed.

"The police station is just a couple blocks down."
Roaring Gust yawned as he landed. Twilight anxiously looked forward to visiting the station. It was a strange place to be excited to see, but, it meant she would be getting those bits soon. Call her greedy, she wanted to make it rain with bits. Even though it would be at the cost of somepony else's freedom.

Great, now she felt bad. Just as she stepped into the station as well. The place wasn't too advanced, it was a bit dated, honestly. The wallpaper was peeling, and what was left of the wallpaper was all but faded. The tiled floor looked like it hadn't been cleaned or polished in a year. It could be worse. At least the counter looked decent.

Twilight looked about the walls, as she entered the station. Upon the left wall, there was a large board. As in, bulletin board. While the rest of the group loitered about in the station's lobby, Twilight approached the board. It was littered with papers, absolutely full of different criminals. Wanted posters on wanted posters.

Twilight started from the bottom of the board, pointing her hoof along the different ponies. Each one looking more intimidating than the last. While they looked nasty, it was mostly because of their ugliness. All of the ponies on this board looked absolutely horrid. All the same. Scars on their eyes, short hair, cutiemark about heinous activities.

Except for this one.

Twilight pulled a particular poster off of the board, smiling. She might have found who she was looking for.

Unlike the others, this one in particular stood out to her. Not just the fact that it had ten thousand bits as the reward, but that this mare did not have a cutiemark about villainous pursuits. It was just a sun. She did seem rather happy about being on the wanted poster. Another thing that stood out about this mare was that there was nothing listed. Nothing. Usually, there would be a list of offences. Perhaps she had such a long list, that they couldn't fit them onto the poster?

That could be the case, actually.

"Inkwell? Wait.. What was his name again.. Uh.. Quill Scratch!"
Twilight called out for Quill Scratch, forgetting his name. Good thing she remembered quickly, or this would have turned extremely awkward. The white unicorn had turned his head to see why his name had been called.

"Yeah Twilight?"
Quill Scratch asked from half way across the room.

"What is the 'filly who has a bounty set on her' name?"
Twilight asked, just for confirmation. She looked down at the poster, waiting for an answer back. If this was the pony they were looking for..

"Sunset something."
Quill Scratch stated, going back to his own business. Talking among his peers. Twilight instantly linked together the name. Sunset Shimmer was her opponent. Twilight was going to get those bits. Unless Miss Sunset had something worth ten thousand bits. Then she wouldn't take her in.

Twilight stashed the wanted poster into her saddlebag, before approaching the counter. Where she received a glare from the cop who was currently playing receptionist. He obviously wasn't pleased in having to watch over this crummy and falling apart station. Maybe, once it collapsed, they would build a new, modern one.

"Excuse me, officer."
Twilight started, trying to be as polite as possible. Even though she was currently a sort of mercenary. Kind of. She would do anything for bits. Almost anything, anyways. She needed a good meal.

"I was wondering what information you had about Sunset Shimmer."
Twilight asked for the details of the fiend. The cop seemed to guffaw at Twilight's request. Like she wasn't suited for chasing criminal master minds. Twilight could feel a slight twitch in her lip. Twilight kept her calm demeanour as she stared at the cop. Waiting for her answer. The cop stopped his laughter.

"Heh. She stole something of the mayors. A pendant. Apparently it's extremely valuable. She was last sighted at the Iron Noblehorse. It's a tavern, near the outskirts of town."
The cop informed, before pulling up a newspaper from seemingly nowhere. It did have a big headline. About the war. Not surprising. Twilight rolled her eyes, processing the information. Last place sighted, a bar.. Despite how much she hated the place of beer and mead, she would have to visit one. She heard that they smelled awful, and were full of incredibly touchy and 'I don't know of personal space' sort of stallions. A force field would help once she arrived.

After rallying her fellow ponies, Twilight headed out of the station, and back onto the street. In search of the pub. Surprisingly, the pub wasn't very far away. Just a bit farther down the street, actually. So much for being 'on the outskirts of town'. When she had approached the place, she was immediately bombarded by the smell of Mead. It could be worse, mead was made of honey as one of it's main ingredients, so she wasn't too disgusted.

Without a second thought, she entered the bar. Before promptly turning to the group, and telling them to stay put. After she had done so, she entered the bar, closing the door behind her. She could hear the awkward silence between the group from inside the establishment.

The bar looked better than the station did. The floor was complete, sanded, and looked brand new. Felt nice to the hoof. The walls were made of stone, giving it a sort of medieval look. It could be better, but it was alright. The bar's counter was currently being polished by a stallion. A couple ponies sat on the stools that were up against the counter, sipping mugs full of alcoholic liquids. They sure were taking mead to a serious level.

Twilight spotted a free seat at the counter, and swiftly took the opportunity to sit on it. The bartender trotted up to her. She knew what he was going to ask. They all asked the same thing.

"What can I get ya?"
He asked. Twilight was right, and she wasn't surprised. She wasn't here to order anything. She didn't have any bits. She kind of wanted a bit of mead, honestly. Maybe she would come back later.

"I'm looking for a mare."
Twilight started, her horn glowing, about to take the wanted poster out of her saddlebag before the bartender thought it would be a good time to crack a joke.

"Aren't we all?"
He laughed, causing a couple customers to laugh along with him. Twilight rolled her eyes at the joke. She didn't need to be in a relationship right now. That's not what she meant.

"Do you know where I can find this mare?"
Twilight whipped out the poster, shoving it into the stallion's face. He pushed away the paper so he could actually view it. He seemed to examine the picture for a couple seconds, before nodding. He knew something, it seemed.

"She comes in here time to time, yeah. What about her?"
The stallion questioned. If twilight had to beat him for answers, she wouldn't. Mostly because that is rude, and uncalled for. She would get this mare in a peaceful manor, and get the bits in a peaceful manor as well.

"I'm hunting her with my colleagues. I was wondering if you had any information on her."
Twilight insisted that she get some sort of data out of this guy. If he didn't have any, she would be better off looking for this mare's hideout right now. Instead of wasting time here, she could be out there. Catching the bad guys. Justice. Being a superhero. That sounded fun, actually.

"She causes a ruckus around here, breaks a bunch of stuff, then leaves. We've called the police on her a bunch, but they never find her."
Twilight internally facehoofed at this. She didn't care what she did to the bar. She wanted to know where she lived! Or where she could be found! Wait, if she could be found here, Twilight could just stay here until she comes.

"You won't need the police. I'm going to turn her in."
Twilight replied, rather happy of herself for saying that. Made her sound cool. The bartend seemed to chuckle at this. Another pony who underestimated her.

"She's a pretty skilled unicorn. Not every unicorn that walks into my bar can completely wreck the place, and then disappear without a trace."
He informed, his laugh dying off. Twilight scowled. She put away the wanted poster, rolling it up, and putting it back into her bag. Slowly. As her aura flickered off, she put her two front hooves on the counter, and nearly stood up in her seat. She towered over this lowly pony. He only seemed to smile at her. Idiot.

"Can she defeat the elements of harmony? Even one?"
Twilight asked, her tone serious. He processed this for a good five seconds.

He was cut off by Twilight's aura snapping his mouth closed. She glowered, her eyes on fire. Why she was getting so angry about this, she had no idea. That wasn't on her mind at the moment. What was on her mind was showing her superiority.

"Do you want to see how fast the element of magic can topple this building?"
Twilight threatened. It was like she had been taken over by something. Perhaps, it was the overwhelming amount of grief she had to deal with. Without anything but books to take her out of her world. She was taking out her emotions on this stallion, and she would come to regret doing so. It would add to guilt.

The stallion shook his head as soon as the threat was made. She released the stallion's mouth from the spell, and put herself back into her seat.

"If you don't want me to destroy your business, you'll get me a shot. I seriously need one."
Twilight sighed. The stallion, who now smartened up, rushed over to get her the hardest liquor they had. Within a couple seconds, he had slid over a shot, filled to the brim. He was careful enough to not make it spill. Twilight had grabbed it, mid slide. Holding it up to her mouth with her magenta magic.

She had managed to down the whole drink. Even though it tasted absolutely nasty. She could feel herself numb up a bit. Much better. Twilight's anger was currently minimized, for the moment. Twilight put the shot glass back down, gently. She gave out a sigh of relief as she dropped the glass. The bartend seemed much more willing to talk.

"I'm going to stay here until she arrives. I hope you don't mind my friends waiting with me."
Twilight basically just stated that she was going to stay here.

"No, I don't mind. Bring friends, family! Haha.."
The pale stallion nervously chuckled as Twilight's aura wrapped around the door handle of the establishment. The door was opened, as the rest of the group flooded into the bar. They walked quietly to the back of the room, where a large, corner booth waited to be sat in. It could fit a couple of them. They would take two booths. Close to eachother of course.

"We'll get her out of your mane."
Twilight promised, before pushing herself off of the stool, and back onto the ground. Trotting to the corner booth, where they kept a spot open for their leader. Once she had wormed her way into a decent spot, Twilight put her head back up against the seat. Time to play the waiting game.

Author's Note:

First 3,000 word chapter in a while! Yay! Also, Summer is just starting for us up in Canukland. I'll be writing all summer, and hopefully, I can pump out updates.