• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,159 Views, 91 Comments

A Fear that Came to Pass - ChingKittyCat

[Interactive/Comment Driven] The crystal empire is enslaved. Twilight fails her test. Now she's out for revenge, and on a painstakingly long journey.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Twilight speculated, thinking over her options. She came to a conclusion. Some would call her extremely devilish for choosing what she had chosen, but.. If she was going to eat tonight, she would have to choose it.

"Alright. Hoof over the amulet, and we won't take you in."
Twilight stated, as she took off her muting spell from Sunset's mouth. Sunset shot this deadly glare at Twilight. There was no other choice, she was completely at the mercy of Twilight and her decisions.

"Piss off, it's mine! You'll never get it. Plus, you'll never find it. I've hidden it away."
Sunset promised, as Twilight's magic flickered on once more. A small necklace-like object levitated out from Sunet's mane. A circular object was around the golden chain that tied the necklace together. The circular object was a yellow mineral of sorts, outlined by a golden rim. The yellow mineral was darker, like smoldering sulfur

Sunset sighed. Twilight fished around for what else might be inside Sunset's mane. Maybe some spare bits.. Okay, maybe Twilight shouldn't be a mugger. She did get out some chaptstick from her mane. Twilight took that. Her lips were getting a bit dry. She put the rest of the things she found back into Sunset's mane.

She hovered the amulet away from Sunset. Just in case she tried anything.

"There. You have it. Now let me go."
Sunset demanded. She was angry, obviously. With her stuff being rummaged through. It was kind of private stuff, all of her stuff. Plus, she was now without chapstick. Seriously. What was wrong with ponies? Stealing chapsticks? What has the world come to?

Twilight stated, with a smirk. She wasn't going to take this mare's stuff and run. That would be rather unruly. She would take the mare's stuff and walk away. Go turn it into the police. Then, the rest of her plan would go into action. She would never be on the criminal bulletin board if this worked. She didn't exactly belong there, she didn't do anything wrong, and she planned to keep that straight record of purity for the rest of her life.

"Excuse me?"
Sunset hissed back at Twilight's smiling face. Though she was restrained, she was still a rather intimidating mare, Twilight would give her that. If she hadn't been subjected to her worst fears in the past, she would find Sunset as a worthy opponent, with magic to fear. She had bigger fish to fry, really. She had a shark to kill, up in the north.

"No. I'm not going to let you go. You are going straight to prison, and I will be getting that bounty off of your head."
Twilight sneered, almost happily. It was her first time handling a criminal, as well as her first time talking with one. She had no interest in bargaining. It was time for the court system to handle this rowdy mare. Sunset was still attempting to flail her way out of the stallion's grasp. Pretty determined.

"I am not going to jail."
Sunset stated, with a menacing glare shot towards her unicorn handler. Twilight was still smiling, which only made Sunset's rage grow.

"Oh yeah?"
Twilight asked, lowering her snout down to Sunset's face. Since she was on the ground, that was pretty low.

Sunset spat, launching spit directly onto Twilight's face. Not accidental spit. A huge glob of spittle was launched directly onto Twilight's muzzle. Twilight's smile vanished right there and then. She rose back up to standing up properly, wiping the spit off her nose with her hoof. Promptly flicking it back onto Sunset's face.

"We'll see about that. I'll take you directly to the mayor. How's that sound?"
Twilight asked, as Sunset's facial expression vastly changed. She had a look of despair about her. Twilight could tell it was just an act of sarcasm.

"Oh no! What ever shall I do? The mayor? Oh nooo!"
Sunset would have put her hoof on her forehead, if it wasn't pinned to the ground. Twilight rolled her eyes at this, and picked Sunset up from her spot on the ground. The two stallions released her, as she was levitated by the magenta aura.

"I am doomed if the mayor finds me!"
Sunset emphasized, now putting her hoof on her forehead. Trying to be a drama queen, obviously. Reminded her of Rarity's breakouts, with the 'it's the worst possible thing' stuff. Weird. Then again, everypony had their good things about them. Even if they were amulet stealing criminals who spouted insults like a teakettle spouting hot smoke.

"Are you going to do this the entire walk?"
Twilight sighed, attempting to block her out. She was going on and on about how the mayor was going to be her doom. The sarcasm was overwhelming.

"Do you care?"
Sunset asked, Twilight put her head down with annoyance. She flattened her ears. She didn't even bother to answer that. The rest of the group followed after Twilight. Their annoyance apparent as Sunset continued acting like she was distressed by going to the mayor.

"Where is the amulet!?"
The mayor screeched. It sounded like she was going to flip her desk. She was outraged. She wanted that amulet. Twilight stared at the sunburn-colored earth pony mayor. Twilight sat calmly in her chair, as she looked over to Sunset, who sat in the chair next to her. Twilight had put another muting spell on Sunset. This one made it so she couldn't even open her mouth.

"When I caught up to Miss Shimmer here, she had already disposed of it. I'm very sorry."
Twilight apologized, as the mayor was busy flipping her shit. She looked like she was going to wreck this entire room. This room was pretty nice looking too, with all these glass cabinets. They were full of different awards, achievements, etc. Rather interesting awards.

"No. Nonono. I can smell it. It's here. In this room. WHERE IS IT!? WHERE IS MY AMULET!?"
The mayor slammed her front hooves on her birch wood desk. It seemed like she was going to break the thing. It had startled Twilight when she slammed her hooves onto the desk.

"I saw her throw it into the ocean. I tried to get it out, but the waves had already whisked it away."
Twilight swore, trying to be as truthful sounding as she could. If she was going to get away with this act of thievery, she would have to be as honest sounding as possible.

"I don't trust you, Twilight Sparkle. You may be Celestia's student-"
"And the element of magic."
"But I do not know you. Therefore, I cannot trust you. So. Tell me. Where is it."
The mayor continued to demand. Geez. She sure was determined. Even though Twilight had already told her where it was. In the ocean. Twilight gave a shrug, as the mayor fell backwards into her chair. She was desperate for that yellow amulet. What it did, Twilight was still unaware.

"I need it.. I need that amulet.. What am I going to do without it..? Take it raw? It won't be as good.. Oh no.. I need to get it back.."
The mayor rubbed her temples with her forehooves. What the heck was she talking about?

"I'll post a reward for finding it."
The mayor chatted to herself, pulling out a multitude of papers from a drawer in her desk. She then retrieved a pen from the corner of her desk. Twilight looked back over at Sunset, who had her hooves crossed in utter displeasure. She was obviously very annoyed to be here.

"Don't I get the bounty? I brought the one you wanted to you."
Twilight pointed at the criminal beside her, looking back at the mayor.

"Yes, yes. One second."
The mayor mumbled, looking over paperwork. When she found an open moment, she went back down to her drawer, and pulled out a decently large sack of bits. She placed it on her desk, as Twilight smiled at this. She levitated the bits into her saddlebag, which she was still carrying on her back.

When Twilight had opened her saddlebag, she made sure to be careful..

"Is that.."
The mayor sniffed the air, like a dog. Twilight quickly shut her saddlebag's flap. This mayor was really, really strange.

"I knew I wasn't wrong. My nose is never wrong! YOU HAVE MY AMULET!"
The mayor exclaimed, as she started to go around her desk. Twilight ran from that mayor, quickly getting to the door. Sunset followed behind her. Twilight flung the door open, as the two unicorns swiftly exited the room. Slamming the door behind them, and bolting down the hall. Past the receptionist desk, and all the way to the elevator.

It sounded like the mayor had broken through the door, and Twilight didn't doubt that she did. Twilight smashed the elevator's button. Luckily, it was still on this floor. The doors were quick to slide open. Twilight could already see the mayor running down the hall. Sunset smashed the first floor button, then the close door button. Luckily, the doors slid closed just in time. The mayor probably slammed into the elevator's doors.

Twilight and Sunset listened to some relaxing elevator music for a good couple of minutes. While the Mayor was busy screaming through a police radio she had stashed in her office. She wanted that amulet back. It was like she worshiped it or something.

While Twilight waited, she unbinded Sunset. The muting spell was gone again.

"You're even more greedy than me."
Sunset mumbled, looking over to the wall of the elevator. Twilight shrugged. Sunset should be thanking her, that Twilight decided to not shut the door behind her, and leave Sunset with that rampaging mayor. The elevator music was here to calm the tension, at least.

"Hey, I need bits too. I've gone without them for a good month. Don't judge. You've probably done worse."
Twilight pointed out. She turned to face the other wall, as the two childishly ignored eachother, refusing to make eyecontact.

"So, you're the element of magic, huh? You got a crown?"
Sunset asked. Twilight wondered about what sort of question that was.

"Yes, but it's in Canterlot. The princess has it."
Twilight answered. Wait, why had she not taken the elements of harmony to defeat the King? Why didn't she do that? Did they need to be polished or something? Why had the princess refused to let her take them? It was too late for that.

"And I'm going to guess she isn't going to be using it for maybe.. The next thirty moons?"
Sunset quizzed. Thirty moons.. Two years, or so? Twilight knew that the princess would probably need the elements within that time frame. With all the thousand year enemies returning, Twilight knew that if that crown was stolen, then the other elements couldn't activate.

"She'll be using it. Hopefully."
Twilight answered once more. Twilight also knew that Princess Celestia could no longer use the elements of harmony. Maybe it was a big mistake to leave ponyville after all. Why hadn't she thought of this earlier? Through her entire four week break, this had not once popped into her head.

The doors of the elevator slid open, as the two unicorns rushed out into the building's lobby. They ran past all the other visiting ponies, and out onto the streets. Where the rest of the group waited. Twilight wasted no time in telling them to move out. A squad of police ponies were rushing straight this way, from down the street. They rode in a carriage, a decently fast one at that.

The big group of ponies running down the street were beginning to get gunned down by electrical guns. They shot pure bolts of electricity. It was just enough shock to make a pony fall to the ground upon contact. So, after a good couple of shots, almost the entire group was gone. Except for Twilight and Sunset, who were protected by Twilight's magic. Twilight didn't intend to protect Sunset, but the orange unicorn got close up enough to Twilight that the shield protected her as well.

Twilight had lacked enough magic to make a big enough shield. So, as they ran, they did not look back. They ran from the city, as quickly as they could. Leaving the rest of the group behind. Twilight really regretted the fact that she couldn't save them. She was stuck with a thief. Great. Why hadn't she just Sunset in, and not have to be super greedy? She didn't know.

Now karma was quickly coming back up to slap her across the face. She had kind of asked for it.