• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 2,159 Views, 91 Comments

A Fear that Came to Pass - ChingKittyCat

[Interactive/Comment Driven] The crystal empire is enslaved. Twilight fails her test. Now she's out for revenge, and on a painstakingly long journey.

  • ...

Chapter 20

"We're here."
The guard announced as he looked upon the grand wooden doors that lead into the throne room. Twilight couldn't help but feel nervous. She was meeting her own teacher again, despite her teacher's orders to stay in Ponyville. Twilight was wondering if she was to be punished for such a thing. She was just stuck here hoping for the best, really.

"Yup, we definitely are."
Sunset stated, staring at the doors. Twilight could tell she was worried. Yeah, Twilight was worried as well. Who wouldn't be? They were meeting one of the most important ponies on the planet. The pony who raises the sun. The pony who was currently probably in a bad mood because she had a war to fight and strategies to plan.

Sunset turned her head to look over at Twilight. Twilight looked at Sunset. The two were just there, staring at each other. Waiting for either one of them to go through the doors first. It was nerve racking, it was. To meet an angered goddess? If you tell me that you wouldn't be worried, I'd call you a liar.

"Are you two going to go talk to the Princess or what? We have no problems escorting you back to Ponyville right now."
The guard threatened. Twilight shot him an ugly glare before looking back at the door. With a gulp, Twilight nudged the door open slightly with her hoof. Then, she pushed it open. The insides of Canterlot Castle's throne room looked the same as they always did.

Large pane windows were showing off historical events were on either side of the walls, allowing the light of day (or night) in through them. The floor, so nicely polished to reflect ponies or objects as if it were water. There was a long soft red carpet that lead up to the golden throne. The throne itself had two banners hung up around it. These banners didn't seem to hold any other meaning other than to be tasteful decorations. There were also two small pools of water that stayed around the throne as well. They were purely aesthetic.

There was one thing that was missing.

Twilight called out into the empty throne room as she entered it with Sunset by her side. Yes, there was a significant flaw with the throne room. The pony who usually sat in it was not here. In fact, there was nopony here. There was not even a single guard in here either.

Twilight, with a perked eyebrow looked back at the guard who was currently standing in the throne room's doorway. He seemed just as confused as Sunset and Twilight were.

"Maybe she's in her War room.. Uh.. Just stay here, I'll go get her."
The guard closed the door behind him as he left the two unicorns inside the throne room by themselves.

The two made themselves comfortable on the carpet. Just sitting and waiting for the guard to return with the ruler of the sun. Might as well just talk while they waited.

"Sunset, I was going to ask you something before the guards interrupted us."
Twilight began. She was going to get a story out of Sunset at some point. It might as well have been now. Twilight didn't care if it was weird or COMPLETELY UNRELATED to the situation and plan at hoof. She needed it out of the way so that way she could focus on other things. Like an assassination.

"I was going to ask if you got banished by the Princess."
Twilight continued. Sunset got this stupid looking smile on her face.

"That's ridiculous Sparkler. What would I do that could make her banish me?"
Sunset replied.

"Considering that I first learned your name from a poster board for wanted criminals, I'm pretty sure you might have a history of crime."
Not that there was anything really too worthwhile to steal from the Princess. She didn't get too angry by things getting stolen. Even when her crown got stolen, she kept a cool head.

"Rude. I only stole that amulet because, one, it was valuable and two, that stupid Mayor never got off my flank and I needed a way to get back at her. Was it a mare? Whatever. Doesn't matter."
Sunset muttered the last three sentences to herself.

"You know, there's no reason to hide your banishment from me. Chances are that the Princess will reveal it anyways."
Twilight stated. Actually, chances were that the Princess would not do such a thing considering it had nothing to do with the current situation.

"Yeah, whatever. I got banished to another world for a couple years because I was ambitious and wanted to reach my ultimate goal in life. There, you happy?"
Sunset spat. What a nice biased, lack-luster backstory you have there.

"Very much so, thank you."
Twilight was rather content now that the mystery of Sunset's origin was out of the way (even though it was somewhat changed). It was too vague to her liking, but Twilight decided she would further question Sunset's banishment on the journey to the Changeling Hive or to the Cloak of Invisibility.

The two were relatively silent until the guard returned from his little escapade to find all mighty Princess Celestia. Nevertheless to say, his efforts were not in vain. When he had reopened the door he had previously closed, he was accompanied by the white goddess herself.

The Princess didn't seem to be in too good of a condition, compared to her regular self at least. She had a sort of sour looking face (at least for now) with bags underneath her usually calm and beautiful eyes. Those same eyes seemed rather stale now. Well, in a state of war, they would be.

Her mane didn't change and really nothing else about her hair in general had changed either. It was still ethereal and as marvelous as ever.

The most noticeable thing about her highness was that she wore a sort of suit. Now, it wasn't just any suit. No, it wasn't made out of your regular fabric that regular suits are regularly made out of. This one was made out of metal, a yellow metal that was the exact same shade as those weird boots that royalty always seem to wear. This yellow, metal suit wrapped around the chest area of the Princess and a decently big collar (the entire neck was covered). This suit also reached all the way back to the hind legs, just to make sure everything was protected.

Twilight had no idea why the Princess was wearing a suit of armor considering Twilight was pretty sure her highness never really went out onto the battlefield herself unless completely necessary.

"Oh, hello. I didn't expect to see you around these parts again, Twilight."
The Princess said in a calm demeanour despite the way she was dressed. That sour look I previously talked about? That changed into a friendly smile. A friendly smile that Twilight was unsure of its realness.

"I've come here to ask a favor, Princess."
Twilight stated politely. She stood up because it seemed a bit rude to be sitting down while talking to her.

"I was wondering where I could find a Changeling Hive. I believe that if I got their assistance that this war could be easily ended."
Twilight chirped happily. Though the Princess stayed quiet. She appeared to be looking at something else. Her eye contact was drifting from Twilight just for a split second. It was fairly obvious she was looking Sunset (who was still sitting, how rude). Though her eye contact quickly snapped back onto Twilight.

"I'm sorry Twilight. I'm afraid I can't. Ever since Queen Chrysalis was blown out of Canterlot by Cadence and Shining Armor, the Changelings, as a collective species, have refused to return any form of contact in a peaceful way. It would be much too dangerous even with your magical prowess. Along with that, we haven't gotten any reports of any Changelings sighted since then.
Now that was an easily disproven fact.

"I saw a Changeling just a couple months ago by Hollow Shades. He was a bit skinny, but I sent him on his way with a cat I found. He didn't tell me anything about his hive."
Twilight replied.

"If you believe it is in Equestria's best interest to seek out our former enemies, I will not stop you. Your failure in the Crystal Empire does not shape this decision. I wish you a safe return home with a new ally to Equestria."
The Princess chatted as a golden glow formed upon her horn. A book (its papers sticking out in some places) appeared within her magic's golden grasp. It had a dark green cover that lacked any sort of word or title.

"This should be the most useful in your search for them."
She continued, floating the book down to Twilight. Twilight was a bit anxious to find out what was inside of said book but that could wait for the train back to Ponyville. Twilight hovered the book into her saddlebag. You know, for safe keeping.

Twilight was about to thank the Princess for the gracious donation before she had craned her neck down. She spoke in a more reserved and quiet tone.

"I see you've made a new friend. Please regard her with the utmost kindness."
The Princess whispered before promptly heading off. Not a single word spoken afterwards. The guard from before hastened to Twilight after the Princess had left.

"Alright, let's go. Time's up, no more lollygaggin'."
The guard motioned for the two to get out of the throne room. Nevertheless to say, they did follow said motion.

Twilight was rather happy with the results of this little venture into Canterlot. It had turned out to be rather fruitful. She got to see her mentor again, got this book on changelings, and she got a vague answer of why Sunset got banished. That'd be character development. Heaven knows that's needed this far into the story.

As the two boarded the train to Ponyville, Twilight wondered. Would she stay in Ponyville for a bit for some nostalgia? Maybe just head off for the Changelings after she's read through the book thoroughly enough to understand where they could possibly hiding? Maybe she could consult Sunset on her opinion, seeing as how she would be traveling with Twilight for the rest of this time period.

Once the two got settled into their seats, Twilight opened her mouth.

"Sunset, since you're going to be traveling with me," Twilight began, getting Sunset's attention, "I need to know something. We have two choices. We could stay in Ponyville for a while or we could head off to find the Changelings as soon as I finish reading through the book the Princess gave me."

Sunset thought about it for a second as Twilight brought out the book from her saddlebag.

"It's not exactly like we have time against us either. There's plenty of books in my old home that could be of use if we read through them for a day or so."
A tempting offer. More research never hurt, did it? Then again, there were ponies dying out on the front lines of war. Well, that's what's being told nowadays. Twilight and Sunset were usually away from the towns or cities when they got attacked by opposing forces. Maybe it was best if they moved out as soon as possible.

Author's Note:

Short chapter, appologies.

Comments ( 5 )

Knowledge is power, so I would do a bit more research.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I love how you're the only one directing the story.

5244692 I know, it's kinda funny.
I do like seeing how you take my suggestions and somehow make them go horribly wrong (or horribly right in some cases). Like the one idea with the amulet and SS, where she got both but lost all the companions.

Of course I do more worldbuilding and setup before acting than other people would.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

"Move, move, move", time's a wastin. Onwards and upwards. Get going as soon as possible.

Well, I see my writing as pretty bad in the first place (Even though it's been graded at grade 13.1 recently by my school, I still agree my writing doesn't deserve that grade). It's your opinion if it gets better or not. My first couple of chapters are really bad, I will admit. It was back when I had no idea what the balls I was going to do with this fic (even though I had a map of the plot). After a couple I only hope that the sequel to this fic will be stronger. I wrote this fic WAY back in April. I was a decently bad writer back then, without an editor to show off my grammar mistakes.

Thanks for the criticism, by the way. I appreciate it.

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