• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,218 Views, 807 Comments

A Repentant Draconequus on the Equestrian Throne - DungeonMiner

Pendragon Alan Goldenhoof, after saving Equestria twice over, must now sit idly by as his world is destroyed piece by agonizing piece.

  • ...

10-The Roar Echoing off the Mountain

Chapter 10

When asked about where to go to start hunting, Twilight Sparkle had been directed to the EUPPF. Their precinct in Canterlot was a large building, complete with their own armory, training facilities, garrison, kitchen, barracks, and access to the dungeons.

Despite the clout, however, the building seemed relatively...lifeless.

That’s not to say there was nopony there. There were plenty of ponies there, they just didn’t do anything. Mares and stallions dressed in armor sat at desks, playing with desk toys and watching glass birds eternally drink from a glass. Maps of Canterlot hung from the wall, several locations marked with pins, others marked with darts.

Or that could have been yesterday’s dart game, she wasn’t sure.

A light smoke filled the air, followed by the smell of overly-strong coffee and cheap whiskey. Orange light flooded into the room from the smoke-yellowed windows, lighting her way as she walked down a long hallway formed by desks.

She walked slowly, saddlebags stuffed with maps and books on psychology, as well as a dozen other knick-knacks she felt she needed. Orion was at Shining’s while she was back in town, and as far as she knew, that left everything in order.

Still, she did not like the look of this place.

She came to the end of the synthetic hallway, and stood facing a wall with a single door set into it. The door, which held but a single pane of glass was inscribed with three words. “Commissioner Golden Shield.”

Just so happened to be the pony she was looking for.

She knocked twice, and a gruff voice answered. “Come in.”

Opening the door with little more ceremony, she entered the large office, coughing as a cloud of cigar smoke wafted into her face.

“You must be General Twilight Sparkle,” the stallion at the desk noted. He was large, large for an earth pony, even, and his smoke-grey coat and messy blond mane spoke little for organizational skill. The real seller, though, easily had to be deadpan stare combined with heavy chewing on his cigar.

“Commissioner Shield, I presume,” she said, waving smoke out of the way.

The earth pony nodded, “That’s me.”

“You are aware that there is a law against smoking in government buildings, yes?” she asked.

“Some laws are meant to be broken,” Commissioner Shield said.

Twilight highly doubted that. Reaching into her bags, she began pulling out her maps. “Slow day?” she asked.

“Not really,” Shield said, standing to come see her maps. “Bunch of petty crime happening all around Canterlot city.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So why aren’t you mobilizing anypony?”

“Because the guard’s always been making our business their business,” he grumbled, “so I’m letting them take it.”

Twilight nodded. That made sense.

“No it doesn’t,” a weak voice argued in her mind.

She didn’t hear it. “Fair enough, so should I bring hunting Alan to them too?”

Golden Shield smiled around his cigar. “Nah, I need to get these layabouts to do something.”

Twilight nodded with a smirk.

Finally, a stallion of action.

She gave the stallion a look. He wasn’t...unattractive...and he certainly was strong…

There was potential here.

She certainly knew she needed a father for her child, after all.

She took a moment, looking him over, her eyes dancing over the smoke-grey coat, blond mane and amber eyes.


A lot of potential here.

The police Commissioner noticed her staring. “Mrs.Sparkle was there anything else?”

She waited a beat before smiling.

“Not yet, no,” she said. “Now, Mr. Shield—”

“Golden is fine.”

Twilight smiled. “Golden, if Alan is hiding somewhere in Canterlot it’s going to be not far from Harmony.”

“So the castle?” he asked.

“Yes and no,” she said. “He’ll be very close to the castle, at the very least, but we can’t be sure that he’s in the castle. Now, as you can see, I’ve already marked a few tactically advantageous places that Alan might be attracted to…”

And together, they went over the map.

His eyes as grey as her’s.


“Twilight’s here?” Spike asked.

“Eyup,” Applejack answered. “I saw her come by once the guards searched her house for Al.”

“Then why is she here?” Rarity asked, aloud to the gathered friends. “If she knows Alan is gone, why would she come back here?”

“Ah ain’t sure,” Applejack said, Silver standing next to her, “but Ah think she said something about tracking Al down.”

“She’s hunting him?” Thunderlane asked, “that doesn’t seem right.”

Soarin nodded, while Pinkie voiced their opinion. “That’s just wrong! Friends don’t hunt friends, and Twi and Al are bestest of friends!”

“That’s what Ah’m thinking,” Applejack agreed.

“Eyup,” Big Mac agreed.

“So what?” Rainbow asked. “We’re just going to walk up to her and tell her to stop? I don’t think that’s going to work, and I can’t think of anything else to do.”

“Well, surely it would not be beyond reason to try and talk to her,” Rarity said. “In fact, I personally think that would be best if we did talk. Twilight’s a smart mare, it is not beyond reason to believe she is doing this for a reason.”

Fluttershy nodded, before meekly adding. “I...I think that would be a good thing to do…”

“So we talk with her. figure out what’s goin’ on, but then what?” Applejack asked. “If Ah’m honest, Ah don’t like any of this. It don’t sit right with me at all.”

“I’m on AJ’s side!” Pinkie yelled. “Twilight should not be this serious!”

“Pinkie,” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes, “she’s always this serious.”

“Not like this though!” Pinkie said. “This isn’t your average, every-day serious. This is…” she quickly glanced around the room suspiciously, before whispering loud enough to be heard across the table, “advanced serious…”

“Sure…” Spike said.

“So what are we gonna do?” Applejack asked.

“Well,” Soarin said, “we can’t really tell her to stop…”

“What do you mean? Why not?” Thunderlane asked.

“Well, Alan’s escaped. He’s technically a criminal. To tell Twilight to stop would be aiding a criminal.”

“Oh, but...it’s Alan…” Fluttershy said in quiet protest.

“Right, but...well...we can’t be sure that it’s all Alan…”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “This is way too complicated.”

“I agree, darling. Perhaps it is best if we all go and gather our thoughts.”

Big Mac nodded. “Sleeping on it’s a good idea.”

“So we sleep on it, and then come to a decision, yes?” Rarity asked.

There was general nod amongst the group.

Sleep on it.


Twilight Sparkle was walking back towards the EUPPF precinct offices, along with a growing interest in the commissioner.

So far they hadn’t made much progress, but she was sure they were on the trail of her ex-husband.

He had not been found around any of the wilderness areas she had picked, that only really left the more populated areas of Canterlot. These would, of course, be harder to search, but with the police force working around the clock, and with no further distractions, it shouldn’t be that hard.

“Howdy, Twilight!” A voice said from her left.

She glanced over, and saw Applejack approach. “Hi, Applejack!” she said with a smile.

“Hey, where are you heading off to?”

“Just heading down to the precinct, the Commissioner and I will be working on finding Alan.”

“Are you now?”

She nodded.

“Applejack! Twilight! Darlings!”

Twilight spun her head to see Rarity and Spike approaching them. “Hi, Spike! Hi, Rarity!” Twilight greeted. “What are you two doing here?”

“Shopping, of course!” Rarity answered.

“Shopping?” she asked, looking around to see a hoofful of run-down, second-hoof stores. “Really?”

“Oh, yes,” Rarity, assured her. “There’s a little store down here I frequent that sells the best Maya blue thread.”

Twilight nodded.

“What about you, dearie?”

“She’s heading to the precinct,” Applejack said.

“Are you?” Rarity asked, before casting a discerning eye against her. “Hm, well you’re not going like that are you?”

Twilight blinked. “What do you mean?”

Rarity shook her head. “Oh, dear. Twilight, I’d thought you’d know better. Come on! Let’s go.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight said, before she was pushed off course.

“Now, Twilight, come now, at the very least, we need to get you a hat to wear.”

“Rarity, I—”

“Best do what she says, Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “She gets hard to resist when she’s like this.”

“Bu-but I have important work to do,” Twilight complained.

“And so do we, Twilight,” Spike said.

“What?” she asked confused.

Rarity quickly dragged her off to the side, down a small alleyway. “Consider this your intervention, dear,” she said, before pushing her against a wall.

Twilight blinked, confused, before her eyes focused onto her friends, all of whom were slowly closing in on her.

Her eyes danced around them, glancing between them crazily as she began to feel like a cornered animal. “What’s going on?”

“Calm down, Twilight,” Soarin said, “we just want to talk.”

She growled, getting ready to pounce. “So talk.”

“Listen, Twilight…” Applejack said. “We don’t think you should be hunting down Al.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie added. “Friends shouldn’t hunt friends.”

Twilight’s posture relaxed. “Is that what this is about?”

“Yes, dear,” Rarity said. “You really shouldn’t be doing this, Twilight.”

“Why not?” she asked.


“Because Alan is not in his right mind?” Twilight finished.


“The fact is, Rarity,” Twilight said, harshly, “is that Alan attacked Princess Celestia.”

“Attacked?” Spike said. “He slapped her, that’s hardly an attack…”

“Yeah, that’s what he did to her, his leader, the one he swore loyalty to. Now what about everypony else?”

There was silence.

“Alan slapped Celestia, and nearly killed me back in the empire. I am his wife, and she is his ruler. Now what’s to stop him from hurting anypony else?”

There was no answer.

Twilight looked around the gathered friends. “The truth is, I cannot trust him. Nopony can. He can turn on anyone at any time, and he can’t really stop himself. Right now, Alan’s little more than a rabid dog, and Fluttershy can tell you what you do with dogs like that, can’t you?”

Eyes turned to her, and she reflexively cringed at the attention. “You’d...um...you put him down…”

“You put him down,” Twilight repeated harshly. “Personally, I think hunting him down to stick him back into a cell is a nice, merciful solution. Now if you’ll excuse me,” she said, pushing her way forward and out of little crowd, “I have a dog to catch.”


Celestia needed a break.

She sighed as she read yet another report from the EUPPF concerning Alan’s wearabouts.

So far nothing.

Her Guard would normally be helping them with this case, but right now they were bogged down with so many crime reports they could hardly get moving.

A stray thought popped into her mind that maybe something was going on between the two…

She sighed.

She’d look into it later, right now, she needed to focus.

Alan had escaped, confirming her worst fears.

He had been corrupted. He had been corrupted, and it was her fault. If she had been sterner in her warnings about Dark Magic, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened…


With a sigh she had practiced for a thousand years, Celestia set her guilt aside for a moment.

Alan had escaped, and was running around Canterlot somewhere. Her guards were currently indisposed, and the only personnel working on the case were her significantly smaller police force, along with Twilight.

She still wasn’t sure how she felt about that last one.

She sighed again, putting the police report to the side, and put her attention back onto the crime reports.

She really needed a break.


Maybe she could schedule a walk with Twilight and her friends...


It was a Friday.

Celestia walked, a smile on her face, next to her favorite ponies.

Twilight and her friends were on her left, Luna and Harmony on her right, along with Shining and Cadence walking behind.. Foals leaving school could be heard laughing, echoing off the mountainside along with the general hustle and bustle of her city.

This was nice.

“Thank you all for coming,” she said, enjoying the shade of her oak trees and the cool breeze that the pegasi had set up.

“It was not a problem, Princess,” Twilight answered, walking close to the Solar sister. “I’m rather glad for the break.”

“We’re happy you’re taking a break, too,” Spike muttered, while Rarity whispered to Cadence.

“It is indeed a wonderful day, sister,” Luna said, as they continued into the garden.

“Quite,” Harmony agreed, before his eyes scanned the garden.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, let’s just take some time to enjoy life. Walk the paths, smell the roses, relax, and let your problems wait until tomorrow.”

Yes...she needed this.


A unicron figure stood on a rooftop overlooking the garden.

He watched them all come in, one by one, into the palace yard.

His eyes locked onto the draconequus.

He frowned, and a silver blade of hard-mana formed next to him.

He slowly followed along the rooftop, singing as he went.

“Glory, glory what a hell of a way to die,

Glory, glory what a hell of a way to die,

Glory, glory what a hell of a way to die,

And he ain’t gonna jump no more…”


Harmony’s head snapped to the roofs, his eyes searching for...something…

“Harmony?” Luna asked. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, yeah…” he said, turning his attention back to the younger Princess. “Just thought I heard something is all.”

Cadence trotted up to Twilight, eyes narrowed. “Twilight, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure! What did you want to talk about?”

“Well, I was just going to ask—” She froze suddenly, staring at Twilight. She blinked, and violently shook her head.

“What? What is it?” Twilight asked.

Cadence blinked. She...she could have sworn Twilight’s eyes looked grey there…

“I...I...wanted to ask you about Al…”

“Sure, what about him?”

Cadence blinked, regarding the unicorn carefully. “I...I wanted to know how you two have been doing?”

“We’ve been doing well,” she said simply.

Cadence nodded, not entirely convinced.

The suddenly clanking of ceramic shingles took the attention of the small herd, as each of their head swiveled to the rooftops opposite them.

“What was that?” Rarity asked, unaware that Harmony was slowly backing away from the far roofs.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed.

“I think—”

A single cry cut her off.

A single, frustrated, pained cry of a single word.


The ponies turned, and the world seemed to slow.

Alan Williams Goldenhoof had leapt from the rooftops behind them, screaming his battlecry as he fell.

Visible dark spots hung around his eyes, and almost red, bloodshot eyes shone in the noon-day light.

A hard-mana sword floated next to him, held forward in a charge.

And his eyes were locked.

Locked on Harmony.

Harmony stared up at him, eyes wide as Alan fell straight towards him.

Alan charged, his sword glinting and eyes gleaming with fury.

Harmony stared, mouth open.

No one else had moved, their minds still trying to process what they were seeing.

The distance was closing.

And then, Harmony moved.

It was a quick, short action, a simple step to the left.

And that was all it took.

Alan’s blade shattered as it hit the ground, quickly followed by the meaty thud of a body hitting cobblestone.

For a few brief seconds, there was perfect silence in the courtyard.

Followed by a soft voice.



Twilight saw him fall.

She didn’t care.

He was falling too fast.

She didn’t care.

He wasn’t trying to break it.

She didn’t…didn’t....care...

Her eyes widened.

She watched, almost as if it were in slow motion as the mana-sword shattered, followed by Alan’s back bending at an impossible angle.

The grey in her eyes shattered like glass.

A meaty thud echoed in her ears, and she would swear that she heard bones snap.


The body sat like that, back bent backwards at that horrifying angle, before it slid down, hitting the floor with a silent shuffle.


There was silence in the courtyard for what seemed like an eternity, and in that eternity, all she could think about were her last things she had said to him.

“You’re dangerous Alan. Too dangerous. I can’t trust you, and I’m sorry for not seeing it sooner.”

She...she didn’t mean that…

She...Oh, sweet Celestia…

“Sweet Celestia...what did I do?”

“A-Alan?” she called, slowly gaining the attention of everyone there.

“Al...Alan?” she asked again, stepping forward towards the body.

No one said a thing.

“Alan? Alan?” she said, getting closer as her voice began to sound more worried. “Alan?”

She came up to him, and stared down with wide eyes and an open mouth. His mane was disheveled, and the rings under his eyes spoke of a week of restless nights.

His marriage ring hung from his ear, untouched.

“Alan?” she called, tears forming in her eyes, before carefully reaching out to him with her hooves.

His head careened at a disturbing angle, broken neck.

“Alan?” She whispered, trying to speak past the sob that broke through her throat. “Alan?”

She whimpered as she brought her hooves around his shattered spine, trying to say his name as her voice cracked and whined.

No pulse. No breathing.

Her mouth moved, unable to speak as tears began flow freely.

She began to rock back and forth, holding her ex-hus....her husband as she cried.

Her mouth kept moving, and finally, finally, she managed to whisper one word…


There was no life in his bloodshot eyes.

“I’m so sorry…” she whimpered.

And she wept.


The wake lasted three days.

Three days at Twilight’s insistence.

She...she kept hoping that something would happen.

Death coming and bringing him back, Faust coming down, something…

But there was nothing.

Alan just lay there in his coffin for three days, which was far, far too long.


Now he was to be buried.

That was it…

No final goodbyes, no last words, nothing.

He died and now he was being buried.

The funeral passed by in a blur, all of it, and before she knew it, Alan was being lowered into the ground.

His polished oak coffin was lowered by four golden ropes, one at each corner, by four members of the royal guard. Yet another guard stood nearby, playing “Taps.”

The coffin touched the bottom of the grave, and...and…

“Keep it together, Twilight…”

Not now, she promised herself she’d keep it together…

She choked back a sob, and tried to keep her wet face stoic.

She held Orion close, the poor colt was asleep, having cried the night before.

Everything about this was wrong.

She...she tried so hard to keep it together…


She stared at the fresh earth, along with the new tombstone the Princess had commissioned.

She felt sick looking at it.

It’s cold face displayed his name, birthday, day of his death, along with an epitaph calling him a war hero.

It didn’t do him justice.

The top of the stone had a great rendition of Judgement’s hilt, the blade disappearing into the top of the stone, forming a cross.

It mocked her.

This...this was all her fault…

All her fault…

Her fault.

Tears formed on her face once more, and she felt her legs go weak.

If...if she hadn’t said those things…

If she hadn’t left him…

She sat, before her forelegs gave, making her fall face first into the freshly dug dirt.

She wept.

She wept before Alan’s grave, and did not move from where she lay, turning the soft earth wet with her tears.

“If only I had done better. If only I had been a better wife...”

“T-Twilight?” she heard a familiar voice call. A voice that had comforted her a thousand times before. She sniffed, and looked back towards the source of the voice.

Celestia stood behind her, watching her student with concern. “Twilight, come on, it’s time to go…”

Twilight shook her head. She didn’t want to go.


“Just go away…” Twilight said.

Celestia looked like she had been slapped, recoiling at the rejection. She raised a hoof to reach out, but stopped, before slowly, quietly lowering her hoof. She sighed, and lowered her head.

Twilight turned from her, ignoring her teacher in favor of the lonely stone before her.


Hours passed.

Orion had been taken by his aunt and uncle, who couldn’t bear to see the little colt shiver in the cold as his mother stood before the grave.

She was hungry.

She was cold.

She sniffed, unable to cry anymore.

The sun had almost set if it wasn’t already.

She didn’t care.

She just didn’t care…

She wanted to die…

It had taken all of her willpower to keep from throwing herself into the grave and onto the coffin, but once she had, she had no doubt she would have begged to be buried with him right then and there.


She just wanted to curl up into a ball and die.

“Miss?” A voice called, before a gentle hoof shook her.

She sniffed as she looked up, and the concerned face of a young stallion stared back. His dark grey coat was beginning to blend into the surrounding darkness and his soft, blue eyes bore into her soul. His red and yellow mane acted as a curtain for the latter, coming down across his face as though it were wet. “Miss, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna hafta close up the cemetery soon.”

She sniffed again, and nodded, pushing herself up onto her hooves.

“There ya go, love. On your hooves,” he said, helping her up.

She sniffed as she steadied herself, and the earth pony gave her a soft pat on the back. “That’s it, Miss. You’ll make it, love. You’ll make it.”

Twilight sniffed as she finally found her footing. “No...no I don’t think I will…”

“Oh, don’t talk like that, Miss. Life’ll go on.”

She shook her head, continuing to stare at the grave.

The gravekeeper looked her up and down for a second. “When did you last eat, Miss?”

She didn’t know.

“Come on, Miss. I’ve got some food back at the house. Let ol’ Grim take care of you before I send ya off.”

He led her away, Twilight following almost automatically, through the quiet, serene graveyard, to a small hut tucked off to the side of the cemetery.

Twilight didn’t really remember walking in, but when she regained her senses, she found herself sitting on a small couch, in front of a low table with a simple sandwich sitting in front of her.

“Who’s this, Grim?” she heard a voice from the kitchen. “You actually meetin’ ponies now?”

“Stuff it, Ghastly, she knows the new arrival. Been sittin’ in front of his tomb all day.”

“Ah, so that’s it. I was wonderin’.”

“I didn’t feel right letting her go without give’n her somethin’ to eat.”

“Right, right. I get ya.”

Twilight nudged at the sandwich. Radish, Lettuce, and Tomato. Her favorite…

She slowly lifted it and took a bite, chewing slowly.

The gravekeeper came back in, followed by an identical stallion.

If she were looking, it would have taken her a second to find the one differentiating feature between the two of them. Thier cutie marks. One had a grinning mask, the other a pained one, comedy and tragedy.

“You feelin’ better, Miss?” the tragedy pony asked.

She nodded, never taking her eyes off her food.

Tragedy nodded. “Alright, well, whenever ya come back, come by and be sure to talk with us. Ghastly and I will be hear to listen.”

“Well,” Ghastly, the comedy pony, said, “Grim will be here. I might be out during the day.”

Grim rolled his eyes.

Twilight didn’t really notice. She just stared at her plate and nodded.

Grim sighed, before moving to sit down next to her. He slowly put a hoof on her shoulder and said. “You’ll make it, Miss. You’ll make it.”


“You fool!” Sombra’s furious roar sent Chaos flying back into the wall. “Fffooooooooll!”

Chaos blinked as the room spun wildly, his master’s voice echoing in his mind.

“I needed him alive!”

“M-Master! There is no need for this!” Chaos said, bordering on pleading. “We can simply raise his body!”

“A body cannot be raised twice! This is a law of reality! My power cannot raise him a second time, and this is a rule that not even Faust would break! I needed him alive, you putrescent waste of flesh!”

Chaos winced at the mental attack, before the green-eyed cloud seemed to sigh.

“Be happy, you pathetic peon, that I have a back-up plan.”

“Of course, Master,” Chaos said.

“Blueblood will be less than ideal, but he will suffice.”

Chaos blinked, and held his mouth shut, not daring to tell King Sombra the truth.

“All I must do is reach out to hi—What? Where is he? Where is he?!”


Sombra’s voice was quiet and calm. A clever ploy, in all honesty. “What do you know, servant?”

“T-the Prince left Canterlot more than a month ago, your Highness.”


“But-but all is not lost, your Majesty! There is hope! There is hope, yet! There is Celestia.”

“Do you lack a mind as well as a spine?! Celestia is not—”

“I was able to get Luna, your Majesty. With time, Celestia could fall as well…”

There was silence for a moment, as the shadow’s eye narrowed to ponder this offer.

“I will give you one chance, my servant. Be wary, though. If you are discovered, then all is lost. While you do this, I will search for another potential body to take.”

“Of course, your Majesty, of course.”

“Do well, servant, or I will see you thrown to the Abyss.”

Chaos nodded.

The shadow faded away, disappearing from the room, and revealing three unconscious stallions changed to the opposite wall.

“As for you three, your job is about to begin.”


A knock sounded on Twilight’s door.

She looked up from her bed, her mane a mess, and eyes red.

She hadn’t left the room in three days, and only really got up from her bed to take care of Orion or her own basic needs.

She shook her head. She really didn’t want to get up.

The knock sounded again.

“Go away…” she croaked.

“General Sparkle!” an unfamiliar voice said. “I have a message for you! Please!”

Twilight sighed before crawling out of bed. Once she was on her hooves, she took five lethargic steps back towards the door.

Once opened, the door revealed a day that was far too sunny, and far too cheery. In front of that, however, was a lone guard, at full attention. “Ma’am!” he said saluting.

“What is it?” she asked in a deadpan.

The guard held out a hoof. “I received this, as well as a letter a few days ago, Ma’am. It had slipped my mind, Ma’am. It said to deliver it to you as soon as possible, Ma’am.”

Twilight sighed, before looking down at the outstretched hoof.

In it rested a small, golden earring.

Her eyes widened, and she shakily took it from him.

It was her earring.

New tears began to spring to her eyes as she held it up. A sob escaped her, before she took a breath to compose herself. Trying to keep calm, she then raised the little piece of jewelry to her ear, and clasped it shut.

Right where it belonged.

“Th-thank you,” she whispered. “You have no idea, how much this means to me.”

The guard nodded and walked away.

And then Twilight shut the door, and did not open it for a long time.


And there we go, now stayed tuned, guys. Things are about to get—

“You killed Alan! Again!”

*sigh* Yes, yes I did, and I have been waiting to write that for the past two-and-a-half years. Look, there are plans okay.

“So you’re just going to bring him back to life, huh?”

What? No. I’m not bringing a guy back to life twice.

“Then what are you doing?”

Well, my dear Pinkie, there’s a lot more to this world than Alan, and now we get to see how that world has been shaken by him. Trust me, this is going to be interesting.

“It better…”

Alright guys, we’ll see you all next time!

“Be sure to comment!”
