• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,220 Views, 807 Comments

A Repentant Draconequus on the Equestrian Throne - DungeonMiner

Pendragon Alan Goldenhoof, after saving Equestria twice over, must now sit idly by as his world is destroyed piece by agonizing piece.

  • ...

Epilogue Part 1: The Knight

Epilogue: Part 1

Orion still remembered the day his mother had become an alicorn.

It had started like any other day. He woke up, went downstairs, ate his sugary cereal, and went into the main room to enjoy his comics.

That’s when a knock sounded on the door, and his day went weird.

He opened it, and saw almost every single one of his “uncles,” the ones not related to him by blood.

They all looked at him and Uncle Spike simply said. “Orion, where’s your mother?”

Apparently, his aunts had all swapped cutie marks, and his mother needed to fix it, as usual.

Once his mother had left, he went back to his comic books, and practiced fighting with his dad.

Then evening came and she blew up the living room.

It wasn’t the weirdest day he had in Ponyville, but it certainly was up there.

Not long after that, his mother had come down in a brilliant star, with wings.

To this day, he remembers word-for-word the conversation his parents had as soon as she came down.

“So, uh...wings…and uh...I’m a princess now...” Twilight said, chuckling nervously.

Alan simply blinked, before his horn rang, and a series of cards flew up to him. Clearing his throat, he then began to read. “What do you call it when Princess Sparkle finishes using the bathroom? A royal flush!” He flung the card aside, picking another one. “What is it called when Twilight Sparkle improvises a plan? Going out on a wing!”

Twilight glared at him. Wings drooping as she gave him a deadpan. “Alan…”

“Twilight Sparkle went to the dentist. He said, ‘I have bad news, miss, we’re going to have to get you a crown!’”


“Apparently Red Bull’s not the only thing that gives you wings!" Another card. "Poker players across Equestria, rejoice! We can finally have four of a kind!”

“Alan…” Twilight said, hoofing her face.

“I will never be able to sleep with Twilight on a cloud, because no matter how much I beg, Twilight Sparkle does not give a flying fu—”

“Alan!” she screamed.

Orion wouldn’t get that one until many years later.

Alan laughed, and threw the flashcards aside. “Yes dear?”

She shook her head and smiled. “You are incorrigible…”

“Only to you, my Little Star…” he said, giving her a kiss.

“So,” Orion said. “Is Mommy like cousin Skyla now?”

Celestia, who stood nearby nodded. “Yes, yes she is…”

That seemed like forever ago.

Now, here he stood, for what could be one of the biggest moments of his life.

He stared in the mirror, and let out a shaking breath. His armor, a simple piece that came around his chest, decorated with a single white dragon scale that covered his back. “Well...here we go…”

A knock sounded, and he checked the door. “Yes?”

The door opened and a pink mare walked in, leaving her bodyguard at the door. “Hey, cuz.”

Orion smiled. “Hey, Skyla, Umbra.”

The princess smiled as she walked up to him and gave him a hug, while the bodyguard gave him a nod. “Big day, huh?”

“Yeah…not gonna lie, I’m kinda nervous.”

“Well, it could be worse,” she offered. “You could be getting crowned princess of love or something.”

Orion sighed. “Is your only purpose in life to just one-up me all the time?”

“No, I have others,” she said with a smirk.

Orion rolled his eyes, adjusting his armor once more.

“Another one I have is bringing loved ones together,” she said, before stepping to the side.

Pumpkin Cake stood in the doorway, sporting a slight blush. “You’re horrible,” she said.

“Just doing my job!” Skyla said, with all of the enthusiasm of her mother’s friend Rarity. “Have fun you two!” she said, stepping out of the door before poking her head back in. “But not too much, you’re on in ten minutes.” With that, she stepped aside, and disappeared around the corridor.

Pumpkin shook her head. “How do you live with her?”

“By keeping her at a distance…” Orion said. “The Crystal Empire is a long way away from here.”

She shook her head as she walked in, getting closer to the armored stallion. “So...you nervous?”

“A little…” Orion admitted. “I mean, I’ve practiced with Dad a hundred times now, I just hope I don’t forget anything.”

Pumpkin nudged him. “Hey, don’t worry. You’ll do fine.”

Orion sighed, before taking a deep breath. “I hope so.”

Pumpkin brushed up against him. “You are an amazing, wonderful stallion. You will do fine.”

Orion smiled, and kissed her. “I am so lucky to have you.”

“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Pumpkin said, going back in for a long, deep kiss.

They held each other for a long moment, letting only silence accompany the kiss, when another voice spoke up. “Now slip her some tongue.”

Orion sputtered, turning beet red while turning to the door. “Skyla!”

The princess laughed as she ran down the room, her mission a success.


Alan stood next to his wife’s throne as they stood in the throne room of Crystaltree Palace. Around him, where the other five thrones, the Bearers, and their husbands, and beyond the thrones stood the witnesses.

The Dragon Guard, dressed in black dragon-scale armor (donated from a certain demon corpse), stood with the spears at attention, and their heads held high.

A few other soldiers stood nearby, most notably his head scout, his sister, and his wife, the head of engineering.

Those three had come a long way.

He breathed a sigh and ran a hoof through his greying mane, smiling as his wife laid a hoof on his shoulder. It was almost time.

The doors slowly opened and Orion, his son, slowly approached the thrones.

He stood in the center of them, the eyes of the generals and captains laying on him, but he stood proud.

Alan stepped forward. “Name thyself,” he said.

“I am Orion Goldenhooves, son of Alan Goldenhoof, Pendragon of Equestria.”

Alan nodded. “What is your purpose?”

“To relieve my father of his position,” Orion answered carefully.

“On what grounds do you claim this?” Alan asked.

“On the grounds of courage, skill, and leadership.”

Alan stared down at his son. “Can any who stand among us attest to these?”

There was silence for a moment, before a large, spotted stallion stood forward, a massive hammer on his back, and ship’s helm on his flank. “I can bear witness to his courage,” he said.

Alan did not look at him, but only kept staring at his son. “Speak, Pipsqueak, Son of Thunder.”

“I have taken the boy on many journeys,” The head scout said, “and he has faced many hardships. Each time he has faced them with a stout heart and steadfast soul.”

“Would you stand by his side?” Alan asked.

“I would stand at his back, that the world may never overtake us,” Pip said.

Alan nodded. “Who then can attest to his skill?”

“I can,” said Scootaloo proudly. She had grown into quite the mare as time had passed. She was now a machine of lean muscle, able to go toe to toe with a minotaur anyday. A hoof on wings decorated her flank, earned on the same night as her step-brother. The fact that that was the night the demons invaded was no small coincidence.

“Speak, then, Scootaloo, daughter of Flame.”

“In his travels I have watched him. He has faced several creatures, and defeated them, using both body and mind.”

“Would you tell stories of his victories?”

“I would sing them in any hall with a tankard in my hoof,” Scootaloo said, she paused. “Well, I wouldn’t sing personally, but I could get Sweetie Bell to do it.”

A chuckle rumbled through the crowd.

Alan remained impassive, and Orion tried to keep himself from smiling.

Pinkie did giggle the loudest, though.

When the crowd quieted, Alan continued. “Who then will bear witness to his leadership?”

“Ah will,” Applebloom said.

“Speak, Applebloom, Master Engineer.”

“I have watched him in Canterlot and Ponyville, and seen him lead with decisiveness and ingenuity. He has been cautious, but quick, and has led wisely.”

“Would you follow him into battle?”

“I would follow him into Tartarus itself,” Applebloom said.

Alan nodded. “How do answer to these witnesses, Orion, son of Alan?”

“I will lead if others will follow,” Orion answered.

“Then make your oath,” Alan said.

Orion knelt before his father and the throne of his mother, before he took a deep breath and prepared to speak the oath that he and his parents had worked hard to write.

Yet when he opened his mouth, the only thing that came out was something he really shouldn’t have said.

“In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night.

Let no evil escape my sight.

By Luna’s Grace, and Celestia’s Light.

May they fear my blade, Pendragon’s Might.

Until my Lieges release me, or Death take me. So be it.”

He heard his mother stifle a laugh, and just knew his father was glaring at him.

Yeah, that was a mistake.

“You went down as a mere stallion, and now, by the ponies you lead, you have risen to a Pendragon. You hold the lives of them in your hooves.”

As Orion rose, his father reached back, and slapped him. “And may this pain remind you of it.”

Orion was sure that his father was a little bit harder thanks to his oath choice, but he probably deserved it.

“Now, Pendragon, let me hear you roar.”

Orion took a deep breath and faced upward, and together, he and his father spoke.

“Fastali Vistes Jotum!


Pendragon Orion Goldenhooves shook his head.

For the past few months, his mother had been getting worse.

The stress had just been ruining her heart, and now, well...the doctors had not provided good news.

His sister, Amber Gleam, had taken the throne of friendship in the meantime, but he just couldn’t sit by.

Unfortunately, this was not an enemy that could be defeated with blade or spell.

His uncle Spike, his mother’s oldest friend, sat next to him while his wife, Pumpkin Cake sat on the other side.

The sharp clop of hooves sounded, and he looked up from his seat to see the doctor walking towards him.

He looked up, hopeful.

The doctor shook his head. “I...I have bad news, sir.”

Orion sighed. “Well...give it to me, then.”

“Our latest tests have come in, and...we...we don’t think she’s going to last the night.”

Spike swallowed, tears in his eyes.

Orion nodded. “I...I see…”

“She...she still conscious, so you could go see her now if you want to.”

“I...uh...I’d like that.”


Orion sat, sleeping in the corner of his mother’s room.

The old, wrinkled mare lay sound asleep, practically oblivious to the world.

Only Alan was awake, who's tired bloodshot eyes stared at his wife’s sleeping form.

He had not left her side but for moments, only taking time to eat.

It wouldn’t be long now.

Her eyes fluttered opened, and she looked over at him with her brilliant purple eyes. “Alan...Alan…” her voice weakly called.

“Yes, my little star?” he asked, running a hoof through her grey hair.

“Tell me...you saw paradise, didn’t you?”

“I did,” Alan answered. “A part of it, at least.”

“What was it like?”

Alan smiled. “I saw a never ending field of flowers, bright and colorful. Each one was different, and each one was perfect.”

“And beyond that?” she asked.

“Beyond that was a hill, and beyond that hill was everything. Everything I could have ever wanted, and a light so brilliant that the sun could fall from the sky and nopony would notice. There would be no hunger there, no thirst, and no weariness. There would only be smiles, laughter, and contentness.”

Twilight nodded. “I...I think I see it,” she said, as her eyes began to cloud over, no longer seeing the world around him.

Alan gave her a soft smile. “I’m sure you do.”

“I...I see the flowers...oh, they’re so beautiful, Alan…”

Tears began to form in Alan’s eyes. “Aren’t they?”

“I...I see the hill…”

Alan nodded. “Go...go see it,” he said, his voice choking.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yeah, go on ahead…I’ll be right behind you.”

“Oh...oh, Alan...there’s...there’s a sea...a perfect, silver, crystal sea…and...and there’s a boat.”

“Listen to the boat pony, Twilight. If he tells you to come, come.”

“I...okay...I’ll wait for you on the other side…”

“You better,” Alan said. “Sleep now. Rest your weary head…” he sniffed. “Go...and cross the sea.”


Orion soon found himself sleeping in a hospital room once more.

It had taken him a couple of years, but Alan was soon in the hospital, his body having broken down, almost beyond repair.

He sat in almost pure darkness, leaving only a single light on to read by. A pair of tiny glasses sat on the end of his muzzle, as his weak eyes grazed over the page before him.

That’s when he noticed a shadow dance across his wall.

Looking up from his book, he smiled and set it aside.

An aura of magic grabbed the glasses, a trick he learned in the later years of his life, and set them on the book.

He looked back up into the darkness and simply said two words. “You’re late.”

An emaciated black alicorn, with a boat cutie mark walked into the light. “I have been accused of many things, Pendragon, but late is not one of them, I must admit.”

“I’m not the Pendragon anymore…” he said. “That’s my son’s job, now. I’m retired. But yes, late. You told me sixty to seventy years until we’d see each other again, it’s been seventy two years, and you know it.”

Death smirked, and chuckled. “Thinking like that is probably not healthy,” he said.

“Good health only means more years in a retirement home,” Alan said, “I’m done with healthy.”

Death laughed.

Alan smiled, before holding out a hoof. “It’s good to see you, my old friend.”

Death met him in a hoof bump. “It is good to see you too. Any regrets?”

“Nah, I’ve done well. My son and daughter are good ponies,” Alan said, before looking over to his sleeping son in the corner. “They’ll do fine.”

“Are you ready then?” Death asked.

Alan nodded. “He’s been afraid that I’ll pass in my sleep for the past few days. We’ve had many good, long talks. There’s nothing left to really say.”

Death nodded. “Come on, then. Your wife is waiting.”