• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,220 Views, 807 Comments

A Repentant Draconequus on the Equestrian Throne - DungeonMiner

Pendragon Alan Goldenhoof, after saving Equestria twice over, must now sit idly by as his world is destroyed piece by agonizing piece.

  • ...

23-The Price of Black Magic

Chapter 23

A twenty-sided die hovered in the air, rolling in the loose grip of bone-white magick.

Mr. Domino stared down at the destruction that was being wrought before him, a wave of demons slamming into the guards that were still on duty as well as the army of purple-clad figures that had appeared from the darkness.

His face was impassive as he watched the imps fly into the homes of the guards that were not yet up. He said nothing as the guards were dragged into the streets from their beds. His eyes betrayed no emotion as they struggled and fought off the monsters that had wakened them.

“Ain’t it beautiful, Dom?” a voice said behind him, and he turned to see Bad Joke poking through the abandoned bar. “All these ponies about to die, all this chaos about to flourish?” he asked, popping the cork off of a bottle of scotch.

“If it is fate’s will that they die, then so be it,” Mr. Domino said.

Bad Joke rolled his eyes. “Oh, come now,” he said, pouring himself a glass. “We both know those Mare Do Nitwits have been a pain in the flank for the two of us. You can’t tell me you don't want to see them die.”

“If fate wills it, then so be it,” Mr. Domino repeated.

Bad Joke replaced the cork and sighed. “You’re no fun,” he said, before tossing the bottle behind him, where it shattered against the wall.

Mr. Domino returned his attention to the field before him. “The mortals seem to be doing well.”

Joke downed the glass before tossing it to join the bottle. “Really? After Dear Ole’ Dad talked up the legions of Tartarus as much as he did, I expected a massacre.” Joke laughed and smiled. “Heh-heh-hahaha...Good thing it’s a free event. Otherwise I’d want my money back.”

“Chaos was prepared for this,” Mr. Domino said. “He suspected that pony magic might hold the demons at bay. That’s why we’re here.”

“Yeah, yeah. I heard,” Joke said before getting far too close to Mr. Domino’s ear. “It does beg the question, though. Where is our brother dearest?”

Mr. Domino’s ear flinched, but otherwise he was unmoved. “The Beast is on his way, it will be within a few minutes. Just remember, we move—”

“—only after he arrives, I know, I know,” Bad Joke replied with disgust. “If I didn’t know, I’d already be down there.”

Mr. Domino said nothing.

Bad Joke grumbled, stepping over the body of the dead rich pony that once owned the penthouse suite they were now using. “Next time we pick a place with better alcohol. This idiot wouldn’t know a good drink or a good joke if it bit him in the flank.”

Mr. Domino gave Bad Joke a sideways glance. “Your punchline was slicing his throat.”

“His voice was cracking. I was just trying to cut a smooth edge,” Bad Joke said, before a deranged smile split his face. “Heh-heh-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Hahahahahahahahahaha!”


“Alright, girls! Let’s move!” Twilight ordered. “We know where the Elements of Harmony are, we just need to get there!”

“The good news is,” Shining said, bringing his sword around and slicing at the neck of an insectoid, spear-wielding monster that had a grip that felt like the harsh, winter winds, “chances are Alan’s sword is up in the castle too. You girls are getting an escort.”

“Lovely!” Rarity said, still riding Spike’s back as she thrust her gem rapier into the eye of a chain-wielding devil. “It would perhaps then be beneficial to go now, yes?”

Twilight nodded. “You heard her! Let’s go!”

The twelve figures charged, running across the rooftops, moving as fast as their hooves could carry them. “Alright!” Twilight said. “Here’s the plan! We get to the Castle and break, girls with me, heading to the West tower to get the Elements, and the guys going East to find the sword. Once we get the Elements, we’ll start looking for the sword one the West side, and we’ll meet in the mid—”

A roar echoed, and Thunderlane looked back, gaining altitude so that he could spot the source.

“Sweet Celestia’s Sun!” He cried, before diving back down to the group. “We need to get off the roofs!”

“Why?” Rainbow asked.

“Because there’s a massive red pony following us!” Thunderlane yelled.


Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Buck! It’s Big Red! We need to move!”

“Who?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nopony we want to mess with!” Twilight said. “Just run!”


The Mare Do Wells were moving quickly through the streets, dispatching demons with well-placed strikes and slamming into them from behind as decoys and traps were set for them.

Chess Piece led her own squad through the streets, throwing herself at the demons that were trying to force guards from their homes. “Let’s move Mare Do Wells!” Chess Piece said, leaping off the back of another demon. “We have more work to do than this!”

They leapt up, using their hidden wings to make massive leaps. “Go, go, go!”

They flew forward into the night, when Chess Piece suddenly skidded to a halt.

Before her stood the Canterlot EUP Police Force.

Commissioner Golden Shield was at the head.

“Buck…” she thought.

“Get them!” the Commissioner yelled.

Chess Piece leapt into the air, and the other Mare Do Wells scattered.

“Get them! Get them, get them, get them!” Golden Shield screamed.

Chess Piece cursed in her head. “Really? This moron is going to do this now? ‘Let’s attack the one helping us instead of stopping the literal demons that are flying around.’ Idiot.”

She ducked into an alleyway, slamming her hooves into an imp as she ran.

“Wait! Stop!” a pony called behind her.

Like that was going to happen.

She leapt again, hitting a wall hooves-first, and began running up the wall with all her might.

Lifting the bottom half of her mask, she spat out a glob of goo which attached to the wall. Her horn began to glow and the goo sparked, erupting into a thick green smoke.

“Wait! No!”

She wasn’t waiting.

She yanked her mask down again, before leaping up and clearing the roofs.

“Dang it! I wanna talk!” the police pony cried as Chess made her escape.

“Talk do you?” a voice said, and the police officer spun to see a huge four-armed creature behind him.

The larger arms ended in massive crab pincers, while the smaller arms ended in a fleshy hand that gripped tightly to a mace. It’s canine face grinned wickedly while the horns on his head gleamed and the massive saurian legs stomped excitedly.

“You want to talk instead of stopping her? I’m afraid that breaks the deal.”

The police officer gulped as the massive glabrezu stepped towards him.

“And while normally I don’t care so much for deals, I find the fact that you’ve broken this one...very interesting.”

The police pony took a step back.

And then a glob of goo slapped into the demon’s eyes.

The glabrezu had just enough time to reach up to the goo before it suddenly burst into green flame.

The scream of pain the monster unleashed caused the buildings around him to shake.

This was cut off by a hoof slamming into the glabrezu’s face.

The police officer looked on, only for a second, before charging in, aiding the Mare Do Well that had returned to save him.

“Ancient Eastern Saying,” Mare Do Well said. “When facing a larger enemy, go for the eyes. No one can train one’s eyes.”

The demon howled as his eyes continued to burn.

The officer grabbed the mace from out of the creature’s hand and proceeded to slam it into the demon’s head.

The mace came down four times before the police officer was confident that the monster was dead.

Mare Do Well took a long look at him, before she began to move.

“Wait! No! Wait! Hang on!” the police officer cried after the fleeing figure.

She paused this time.

“Listen. When demons let you walk by their side, you know you’re not working for the right ponies.”

Mare Do Well said nothing.

“So...officially, we’re here to arrest you. Unofficially, where do you want us?”

Mare Do Well smiled.


Twilight and the mares ran.

They had to abandon the rooftops, forced down both the massive pony following them as well as flying perytons and the oozing otyughs that now occupied the spaces above the streets.

“Come on!” Twilight said. “We’ve got to hurry!”

“We know, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said. “Geeze, we get it!”

Twilight sent her a glare.

“What?” she asked, “I mean it’s not like—”

A roar cut the pegasus off as a large, muscle-bound, red-furred monster of an earth pony slammed into the corner of a building in front of them, ripping the roof and part of wall off the building. In a cloud of dust and debris, the red pony landed before them, eyes both grey and bloodshot.

The twelve ponies charging them screeched to a halt, halting before the massive pony.

The massive pony was breathing heavily, his eyes snapping between the mares and stallions before him.

“So that’s why he’s called Big Red…” Rainbow muttered.

Big Mac looked around, before his attention fell on a potted plant nearby.

“Alright,” Twilight said, “here’s the plan, we’ll split into six groups of two, and slowly—”

Big Mac took a step forward. “Nope.”

“B-Big Mac?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Y’all go on ahead. Ah’ll take ‘em.”

“Yer gonna do what now?” Applejack asked.

Big Mac removed his yoke, letting it hit the cobblestone with a thump. “AJ, ya remember the time young Eduardo thought he was the big bull in the pen?”

Applejack did, in fact, remember the young bull, and the phase he went through where he charged everything that came into his corral.

She also remembered that every time he charged Big Mac, the draft pony knocked him out cold.

“Ah reckon Ah do.”

Big Mac nodded. “Ah just gotta put another bull in its place.”

The ponies looked between themselves.

“Big Mac, I—” Twilight began, only to be cut off as the draft pony brought one of his massive hooves down onto the ground.

A massive rock, a mess of cobblestones and concrete dislodged itself from the road, and Twilight blinked at the size of it. “Y’all best be goin’ now,” Big Mac said. “Ah’ve got some work to do.”

Twilight nodded. “Uh...alright then...c-come on, this way!”

They quickly began to move to the side.

Big Red’s eyes followed them.

And then Big Mac bucked the boulder in his face.

Big Red roared in pain, and leveled his stare at the the farm pony.

Mac watched his friends disappear, before speaking to the flower that stood off to the side in it’s pot. “Ya better be right, daisy.”

The massive monster charged.

Big Mac spread his legs, and crouched, close to the ground.

The monster’s hooves slammed into the ground, sending up dust, dirt, and cobblestones.

Big Mac became one with the Earth.

Red had began to run like the wind.

Mac gained the strength of the mountain.

Red was a cyclone of power.

Mac was a tower of stone.

The unstoppable met the immovable.

And the unstoppable went flying.

Red crashed into the storefront behind Mac, and the latter turned without so much as a scratch on him.

The farm pony dusted off his shoulder and spoke. “Is that all y’all got?”

Red picked himself up, and narrowed his eyes at the puny stallion that challenged him.

Big Mac crouched low, standing ready to pounce.

Big Mac didn’t fear the massive thing.

The earth feared nothing.

And he was one with the earth.


“This way!” Twilight called, “I know a shortcut.”

Ducking into an alleyway, the herd followed the unicorn at their head, moving as fast as they could.

Fluttershy looked backwards, looking for someone.

Applejack noticed. “He’ll be fine, Sugarcube. He’ll be just fine.”

Fluttershy nodded.

They made a left, before freezing once more, with yet another figure standing before them.

Mr. Domino stared at them impassively, die floating above him, and a hundred knives behind him.

His suit jacket was perfectly pressed, his tie was straight and shining, and his eyes were dead and grey.

“Good evening,” he said.

The ponies began to spread out, gauging the stallion before them.

Shining’s eyes fell on the die.

“I am under the impression that you are attacking my master’s forces,” he said, “and this is a problem. One I will have to rectify quickly.”

The knives came down and leveled at the party.

“So, unless one of you wants to volunteer to go first, I suppose that—”

A mana-shield slammed into Mr. Domino’s face, and Shining stepped forward. “Ha! Now you’re marked and have a negative two to attack anypony but me!”

Mr. Domino blinked, and stared at him. “What?”

Twilight looked between the two, before motioning the others to follow.

“Oubliettes and Ogres, 4th edition,” Shining said, “The standard Fighter power is to mark an attacked opponent as a taunt. You’re marked.”

Mr. Domino stared at him, and his eye twitched.

For a moment, his eyes went blue. “What kind of moron plays 4th! 4th was the worst piece of gaming Mages of Shore ever released! Everypony knows that 2nd edition was the best!”

“2nd?” Shining balked. “You liked THAC0? Are you out of your mind?”

“I—” Domino began, before blinking.

His eyes returned to their grey color, and he looked back to where the others had once been. “Ah. Very clever, Mr. Armor. Very clever indeed. I suppose now I must deal with you, then.”

Shining smiled as he readied his pattern-welded blade. “Like I said, marked.”


Twilight and the others kept moving, with Twilight hoping that no further interruptions would arrive.

“Okay, we’re down three,” Twilight muttered to herself as she lead the others up to the castle. “Alan’s probably already facing Chaos now,” she said, before looking up at the sky to see two bright figures streaking over the city. “And the Princesses are having their own problems, wonderful.”

The herd moved forward, cutting across a large plaza, towards a building that towered over its neighbors.

“Alright, girls!” Twilight cried. “That building has an entrance straight into the Castle courtyard, we get through there, and we’ll have a straight shot!”

“Roger that!” Rainbow called, as she flew over the charging herd.

Twilight hoped they’d make it.

A roar called, and the stallions and mare all turned to see an otyugh, a monster with a body that was mostly mouth and three tentacles; two of them ending in poisoned barbs, while the third held all of its fifteen eyes.

That tentacle was looking straight at them.

“Faster, guys!” Soarin said, running next to the others.

Thier hooves thundered as their legs pumped, bringing them closer and closer to the building that offered them sanctuary, but still the otyugh lumbered after them, closing the distance much faster than it should.

The air around them turned foul, stinking of smoke, sour apples, and wet mushrooms, while it’s massive mouth opened revealing row after row of teeth, both flat and needle-like.

“Run, run, run!” Soarin yelled.

The tentacles reached forward.

And then a wave of Mare Do Wells slammed into the monster, sending it to the ground.

A squad of police ponies followed, firing spells and prodding with spears.

Twilight thanked anyone and everyone who was listening.

They ran into the building, leaving the glutton behind them, and pushing their way forward.

“Alright!” Twilight said with a smile. “Good work. Now all we need to do is get through here, through the courtyard, and into the castle. We’re almost there.”


The second they got outside, they were met with a laugh.

A laugh that Pinkie hated.

Coming around from a statue not far from the entrance to the courtyard sauntered the purple-dressed, cutiemarkeless, beige pegasus with a wide smile and smacking lips.

“Well, well, well...look who’s here.”

The ponies tensed at the sight of him.

“Now, here’s the thing,” Bad Joke said, sitting on the pedestal and smacking his lips loudly. “Dear Daddy, the one you know as Chaos, or Harmony, or whatever, wants me to stop you. The truth is, though, is that I can’t really be bothered.”

His green eyes landed on Pinkie, and she shivered as he smiled. “The problem about that, though, is I get bored really easy. So, all I want from you before I let you go, is a pony or two to keep me company. Heh heh ha hee...”

Twilight looked at her group. If they really started cutting into their pony power, there would be less ponies looking for Judgement. Less ponies looking for the sword, higher chance of Alan not making it out alive.

“We, uh…” she began, only for a geyser of smoke to interrupt her.

We are the terror that flaps in the night,” a voice said, as three Mare Do Wells dropped from the walls. “We are the shadow that hides in your mind.”

More dropped, and one stood at the lead of the swarm. “We are Mare Do Well,” the leader said, “and we’ll take care of you.”

Bad Joke smiled. “Sounds fair to me.”


Alan had ran straight to the castle, and he was rather worried with how he got there.

Not a single demon had bothered him.

They simply avoided him like the plague.

Which, considering he wasn’t dressed head-to-hoof in holy symbols meant they were avoiding him on purpose.

Nonetheless, he moved forward.

The castle seemed abandoned, with not a single guard in sight, and not a demon to be seen.

He went through, swiftly and silently, armed with a mana-sword, searching for his son.

He had already been to Celestia’s room, and found it empty, other than the crib that had been moved in.

He had been to Luna’s room, only to find nothing, and anywhere else Alan had looked, he had the same problem.

Orion was nowhere to be found.

There was only one place left to go.

And so, he found himself standing before the doors of the throne room, armed only with his sword and wearing only the armor Anvil had made for him.

His son had to be in there.

Orion and someone else.

Alan hesitated a moment before the doors, before taking a deep breath.

And then he pushed the doors open.

Darkness filled the room, the room that Alan knew too well, the first room he had been in when he visited Equestria.

The room was lit only by pale moonlight, the moon having darkened while the Princesses fought on above.

And there, just on the other end of the room, sat Chaos on the throne.

And the repentant Harmony trapped inside him.

“Well, well, well,” Chaos said, clapping slowly, “I must admit, Pendragon, you have surprised me. Here I thought you would make some move with your futile fights and complaints. Instead, you deemed it better to abandon your country to my whim, only to return once they would hail you as a hero.”

“I’m not here, to talk, Chaos,” Alan said. “I’m here for my son.”

“Is that so?” Chaos asked, as the room around them seemed to melt. “Just here for your own before leaving Canterlot once again? I suppose we can accommodate that.”

The throne room was gone, and Alan and Chaos were on the top of one of the massive towers above Canterlot.

“So you want your baby boy,” Chaos said with a smirk as he got up from his throne, “now, where did I put him…” he said, before patting his sides as if he had pockets.

Alan was unamused.

“Oh, yes! That’s right!” Chaos said, before snapping his fingers. “He’s right here.”

Orion appeared in a ball of light, wailing. He was still wrapped in his blanket, but it did little to shelter him from the whipping winds this high up.

“Now, I suppose I could negotiate his release, but I believe someone else would like that privilege.”

Alan narrowed his eyes. So it was finally time to meet the brains behind the operation.

“Peeeendragoooon,” a familiar voice said.

Alan’s eyes went wide as he turned to find the voice in his head was not in his head anymore.

Before him was a cloud, a cloud of the blackest smoke with two burning red and green eyes. “It has been a long time coming, has it not?”

Alan blinked, and took a step back. “I…”

“Yes? Did you have something to say?” the cloud asked. “Perhaps you would like to know who I am, perhaps? I am Sombra, King of Crystal Empire, and Lord of Tartarus.”

Alan blinked.

“Now, I am willing to release your child freely, and in good health, for but a single thing.”

“W-what?” Alan felt himself asking against his will.

“If I am to rule, I need a vessel. A physical body that the fools of this world will bow to. Give me your body, and I will ensure that your child will live the rest of his natural life in relative luxury and comfort.”

Alan’s mind began to whirl.

“All you must do, is use my gifts, use my magic, and the deal will be complete.”

Alan looked up at the cloud that now grinned evilly at him, having grown a mouth.

And then he looked at his son, the crying babe in Chaos’ arms.

“I…” He began, his mouth having gone dry.

“Perhaps a little more incentive will help you make a decision. Servant!” Sombra called.

“Yes, M’lord?”

“How high is this tower?”

“Very high, M’lord.”

“Would either the child or the Pendragon survive the fall?”

“Not unless the Pendragon has some magical aid.”

Alan knew it.

He knew this tower, it was one of two that had a flat roof, and it overhung a massive drop.

If they went over…

It would be over.

“Thank you servant. Drop the child.”

Alan’s eyes went wide, and he turned just in time to see Orion fall over the edge.

Fear filled his heart.

Alan dispelled his blade and ran, leaping over the edge after his son.

Sombra smiled. “Too easy…”

Alan fell, his heart leaping into his throat as he saw his only son fall to earth.

“Oh, Sweet Faust…” he thought.

He’d never catch the foal in time.

Even if Alan could save himself, he wouldn’t be able to reach his son.

He needed to fall faster.

“I am right here…” the voice called.

Alan’s stomach twisted into knots before twisting on itself once more.

“I can help you save him.”

Alan shook his head, tears in his eyes, from wind or his heart, he could not tell.

“All you need do is…”

“Save him Alan…” a second voice whispered, quieter, yet somehow louder than the first.

“...accept my gift.”

“Save him.”

Alan blinked at the second voice.

It...it sounded like...Faust.

But, was it? Really? Or was it the demon playing tricks on him?

Or was it just his own head?

“Time is running out.”

Alan shook his head.

He didn’t…

He couldn’t…

Oh Faust…

Oh, Faust.

“Forgive me.”

And then his world went black.

The stallion falling to the ground transformed into a bolt of smoke, that quickly caught up with the falling foal.

The two landed on the cobblestone below, the foal crying while the stallion stood motionless, smoke clinging to his form.

His coat was ash grey, and his mane an incorporeal black that wafted through the air. His cutie mark was a shield shattered by a red sword, and his eyes were neon green with red irises, with purple smoke bleeding from his eyes.

The pony smirked before looking down at the foal in his hooves. “Well, well, well, my little boy. Let’s go say hello to your mother.”


It is a half-hour past midnight upon completion of this chapter.

A half-hour past, and every single second was worth it.

“You are silly, you know that?”

Silly, crazy, and everything in between.

“Next chapter, a meeting between the wife, and the King.”

And so much more.

“We’ll see you all next time!”
