• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,220 Views, 807 Comments

A Repentant Draconequus on the Equestrian Throne - DungeonMiner

Pendragon Alan Goldenhoof, after saving Equestria twice over, must now sit idly by as his world is destroyed piece by agonizing piece.

  • ...

7-The Duty of a Soldier

Chapter 7

Alan was silent, ears perked, as he listened to the two voices around the corner.

Throne room, 2 pm, Thursday, “it” would arrive.

Alan didn’t know what “it” was, but he did know that there was no way he could let Harmony get away with it.

He had to tell Celestia right away.

“Are you sure?” a voice asked from the back of his head.

Alan blinked.


Why wouldn’t he be sure?

“Are you sure you want to tell her so soon? When he can hide the evidence?”

The question hung in his head for a second.


“Listen, we wait. We wait until the last moment, and then expose him. When he has nowhere to go, we will have proven ourselves right.”

Alan fidgeted.

“Just imagine, imagine what they’ll look like when their shining hero comes swinging into the throne room, and saves his Princess.”

It was not hard to imagine.

“Just wait a moment, Alan. Just wait until you can prove yourself.”

Alan slowly nodded.

Yeah, yeah...that made sense.

He’d wait.

Wait and then expose him.


With every ounce of stealth that he possessed, Alan began to move backwards, as silent as possible, back towards the grand hall. He dared not make a sound as he made his retreat, sneaking back to his table.

He crossed the hall, his mind churning with indignation and fury.

How dare he? How dare he lie and try to gain our trust? How dare he?!

Alan stomped forward, blind to his surroundings.

As he approached the table, Twilight turned to him and smiled. “Hey, Honey, you’re back. That was fast.”

“Yeah,” he said, trying to purge the frown from his face.

“Did you take care of what you needed?” She asked.

“No,” Alan said, “but don’t worry. I’ll deal with it later.”


She couldn’t believe it!

The next night, the very next night, he was not only back to watching Harmony, but he had gotten worse!

He was spending almost all of his time watching the draconequus, even when somepony else was watching him.

She grumbled angrily as she closed the door behind her, taking up her son in her grip. “So what are we, huh? Chopped oats?” she mumbled.

She scowled angrily, frowning as she prepared Orion’s meal of squashed peas.

So he’d just going to leave his family behind, huh? Just going to leave us behind?

A thought whispered in the back of her mind. A little lie that poked at her fears.

She froze at the thought.

A long silence stretched on in the room.


No, of course he wasn’t. He was too busy watching Harmony for that.

He couldn’t be…

He wouldn’t…

Twilight shook her head.

“No, there’s nopony else,” she said, before growling. “He’s just married to his job right now.”

But that thought was there now.

It was there and it wasn’t going away.


Three days, in three days it would all be worth it.

Alan suppressed a yawn as he kept watch.

All the long nights. All the time away from home. So much time away from his family…

It would all be worth it.

They’d all see he was right, they’d see.

They’d all see!

Alan blinked, before giving a sheepish smile.

“Wow...that sounded really maniacal…”


The days ticked by, and Alan still kept his vigil. His plans did not stop there, though. He had begun training the guard harder, pushing them to faster and faster response times.

When the time came, they would be ready.

He had memorized the hallways around the throne room, in case the battle moved outside into the hallway.

Everything was set.

Tomorrow, at 1:45 pm, Alan would enter the throne room, startup conversations with the Princess, and wait for the arrival of Harmony.

It was all coming together.

One more day.

One more day.


1:44 pm.

Alan was up, despite being a little tired, and was heading to the throne room. Judgement sat waiting, slung around his withers. His armored duster had been brought up from storage, and his hat was proudly sitting on his head.

As he walked up to the throne room doors, the unicorns standing guards saw him coming.

Once he walked up to the doors, the guards nodded to him. “One moment, Sir Pendragon,” the one on the left said. “The Princess would be glad to take you once court adjourns.”

Alan nodded.

1:45 pm.

The door opened, and an earth pony with a scroll under his leg walked out with a smile. Alan thought he was certainly happy.

“Alan, is that you?” Celestia called from her throne.

Alan walked in. “It is, your majesty!” Alan said, before blinking. Next to the Princess sat a very familiar pony.

His wife.

“Twilight?” he asked, walking forward. “What are you doing here?”

“Princess Celestia invited me to sit in on the Solar Court,” she said. “Is that a problem?” she added with a grimace.

The tone of her voice stopped him. “Uh...no?”

“Good,” she said, curtly.

What was…?

No, he couldn’t think about it. His wife being here was an unexpected variable. He would need to be sure that the battle didn’t get too close to her before she was ready. Much less let her get hurt. At least Orion wasn’t here. Now, he needed to—

“Any reason as to why you’re here?” Celestia asked, smiling while trying to send a questioning glance at her pupil.

“I just felt that I was spending too much time on watch, needed a break from the monotony.”

“And you didn’t come to spend time with your family?” Twilight asked, accusingly.

“Dang it, Twilight! You’re ruining my cover!”

“You two were next on the list, Twilight,” Alan said.

“I’m sure,” she added with a huff.

“Not helping, Twi!”

He kept walking up towards the throne, wondering what was going on with her.

Still, he had a duty to preform. He had to save the country, then he could talk with her.

Yes, he was her husband, and he had a duty to her; but he was also a soldier.

A soldier who had the opportunity to save his Princesses and his home.

What kind of a soldier would he be if he let them fall?

He had a duty.

Two, in fact, but he had to choose between them. So he chose the one for the greater good.

He would complete his other duty soon.

1:50 pm.

Alan was trying to make small talk, being cut off by the occasional, angry comment from Twilight.

Celestia sat between them, feeling like she was keeping the latter from ripping out Alan’s throat.

So, she tried to make small talk, get the two to begin to try and share, try to resolve it.

“You seem tired, Alan, has something been troubling you?”

Alan shrugged. “A few things. They should clear up soon, though. What about you? Anything new happening in Equestria?”

Celestia shook her head. “Not really, just a bit of a rise in petty theft.”

Alan raised an eyebrow.

“Fluctuation in crime is a relatively normal thing, Alan. It comes with every decade or so, and then leaves the following decade,” she explained.

“Would you like me to look into it?” Alan asked.

“Because you need another job to do,” Twilight commented, bitterly.

Celestia turned an eye to her student. “Is something wrong, Twilight?”

“No, everything’s fine.”

Now, Celestia, being of the fairer sex, knew immedeatly what that meant. Alan had done (or not done) something, and Twilight wanted him to recognize that he had indeed done something to upset her.

Alan, being a male, recognized the age-old statement, knew that it meant that she was not fine, and had a sneaking suspicion what was wrong.

“Don’t worry, Twi. Everything’s going to work out.”

Celestia waited a beat. “You know, it has been a while since I’ve heard from Princess Cadence. Perhaps you two could check up on her for me?”

“Fine,” Twilight said, simply.

Alan nodded. He’d have all the time in the world shortly.

1:55 pm.

A knock sounded on the door across the room.

The three ponies all gave the door their attention as a certain draconequus walked into the room.

“Hello there, Princess,” Harmony said. “Ah, Mrs. Twilight, Mr. Pendragon, a pleasure to see you both.”

“Hello, Harmony,” Twilight said.

“Harmony,” Alan replied tersely, his muscles tensing as the newcomer walked forward.

“Hello, Harmony,” Celestia greeted. “Odd seeing you this early.”

“Yes, I was hoping to speak with you, if you had a free moment,” Harmony said, stepping into the room with purpose.

“I just so happen to have a minute. What is it?” She asked.

“Well,” Harmony began, “the past is not something I would like to bring up, but...I really feel as though I should apologize.”

“Why, thank you, Harmony, but I thought I made it clear that your apology was accepted. Didn’t I?”

“You did,” Harmony said, “but I’d like to make an effort while not bound in chains.”

2:00 pm.

“So, I’ve had this made for you, Princess.” Harmony said, before stepping to the side, revealing a large cake that was being wheeled in. “I hope you enjoy.”

The massive cake, being wheeled in on a cart, seemed to glisten in the early afternoon light, as a white, sugary glaze clung to the chocolate walls. A white frosting, topped with cherries and sprinkles, sat further up on a second layer, only to be topped by what seemed to be chocolate cheesecake.

Alan blinked, staring at the cake.

A cake? That was it? A cake?

A quick look to Celestia confirmed that she was definitely interested in the apology token.

He couldn’t believe it. It was a cake! He had come up here, ready to save the princess from some sort of assassination attempt, and—

His eyes went wide as Celestia got closer to the cake, and a terrible thought entered his head.

“Oh no…”

In that moment, everything Alan knew, every ounce of his training went into stopping the princess from reaching that cake.

Time seemed to slow, and Alan drew Judgement as he entered the Third Stage of Swordsmanship. He flew through the air, sword gleaming as he pounced, desperately trying to get to that cake.

He leapt past her, bringing his sword down on the cake. “No!”

“Alan!” The Princess cried, shocked at the incredible violent burst from her Pendragon.

“Alan!” Twilight echoed, sounding furious.

“Don’t eat that cake!” Alan cired.

“I’m sorry?” Harmony asked.

“What are you talking about, Alan?” Celestia asked, as Twilight stood, fuming.

“It’s poisoned! It has to be!”

“What?” Harmony asked.

“Don’t play dumb!” Alan roared, pointing his blade at the draconequus. “I heard you! I heard you scheming at the Gala!”

“What are you talking about?” Harmony asked, confused.

“I can’t believe you!” Twilight yelled, stomping down towards her husband from her seat.

“You are lying, treacherous scum!” Alan cried, pointing his sword at Harmony.

“Enough!” Celestia roared, her mane an inferno as a thunderous stomp echoed through the throneroom.

Everyone went silent at the outburst before Celestia pointed a hoof at the draconequus. “Harmony! Explain yourself!”

Harmony blinked. “Well...I...I had said something about this during the Gala...but—”

“You said, Celestia wouldn’t know what hit her!” Alan accused.

Harmony blinked. “That was the filling!” he said. “I had a molten chocolate filling put in! Just look!” He said, pointing back to the ruined dessert.

Alan followed the pointing finger, and saw a pool of warm chocolate forming on the floor.

“A likely story!” Alan said, recovering quickly. “Who talks about cake like that?! More likely you were trying to kill her!”

“With poison?” Harmony asked, before laughing. “Yes, let me kill the Princess who has immunities to poison with poison!”

Alan blinked. “Wait...really?”

Celestia sighed. “Yes...Alan...poison cannot kill me. It might not agree with me, certainly, but it will not kill me.”

“I…” Alan began.

Harmony sighed. “Mr. Pendragon, I understand your worry, and I understand your zeal to protect your home.” He shook his head. “Looking back, I probably should have spoken to you, so I suppose I am at fault here.”

“Absolutely not,” Twilight said. “Alan has been a little high strung lately. It’s no surprise that he’s become a little paranoid.”

Alan spun to face her. “Excuse me?”

Twilight took a step forward, coming with an inch of his face. “You have left me alone for the past month! You have done nothing but chase after Harmony, and have done so, poorly! It’s no wonder it’s gone to your head!”

Alan blinked, shocked at how she had turned on him. She…why?

“Well, excuse me for doing my job!” he yelled back, pain turning to anger.

“Yes, your beloved job. Shame you can’t take that to bed, huh?”

“Stop it!” Celestia said, standing between them. “You two are going to see Princess Cadence now!”

Harmony watched all of this, and gave a smile as he stepped back.


“You have left me for a job!” Twilight yelled.

“Well aren’t you a supportive wife!” Alan answered back.

Cadence sighed as she watched them argue.

Normally, at this point, she would simply hit them with her oxytocin spell, just to stop the bickering. It was one of her best spells, its effectiveness coming in at 99.9% successful.


Here, she was unsure.

Two years ago, on her wedding day, she had seen Alan unleash a terrifying beast. Dark Magic, to be exact.

Her father had told her stories about it. House Shade, the most loyal of the bond houses, had been a bit of an expert on the subject. Sombra had taken her Empire with it. And now...now it shows up again in a good friend.

She didn’t know what would happen if she were to mix Love Spells and Dark Magic, and she was not going to risk finding out.

In the meantime, she watched them argue.

She wasn’t worried yet. Every couple argued. All she needed to do now was damage control.

She could do that.


Celestia sighed.

It was shaping up to be a long day.

The rise of the criminal scene was bad enough, but now her Pendragon and one of her Generals were going through marriage problems, and all the while, Harmony’s presence was a ticking time bomb one way or the other.

She needed a moment to talk with somepony.

Luckily, she had a sister.

As the evening moon began to rise, Celestia made the last of her rounds, coming to the lunar-themed doors of her sisters room. The thestral guards gave her a nod and salute, before allowing her entrance.

“Lu?” Celestia called, pushing the door open. “Lu, you in?”

“Oh, hello, Tia,” Luna said. “What’s happened?”

Celestia shook her head. “Oh, nothing, I just need to take a break.”

“Just a break?”

“Yeah,” The solar sister said, before easing over to her sister’s couch. “Perhaps a nap will do, a little venting wouldn’t hurt.”


“Complaining about our problems before dealing with them,” Celestia explained. “It’s rather theraputic, you should try it sometime.”

Luna stared at her sister for a moment, before a growl escaped her throat. “Last time I did, you brushed it off.”

Celestia blinked.

There was silence for a second. “I...um…”

“I should try venting, sister?” Luna asked. “Very well, let me begin! For the first time in thousands of years, I have a chance with Harmony. Do you know how many days and nights I’ve spent wondering if I’d ever see him again? How often I wondered if the pony meant for me would ever come back?”

Celestia opened her mouth. “I…”

“You, at least, have a promise! You know you’ll see Death eventually, but me? What hope did I have? Where was the final word written by Faust that Harmony would hold me again? Where?!”

“Luna,” Celestia said, standing.

“And now that he’s back, he’s been nothing but hounded by your guard dog!”

“Luna!” Celestia said, shocked at how she would refer to Alan that way.

“Hounded, hunted and watched!” she continued. “As though he was some common criminal waiting to be thrown back to his cell! Is my word not enough? Is my own vigil lacking? Am I some foolish youth, unable to see the dangers?”

“No one said that…”

“Then call the dog off!” Luna shouted.

“Luna!” Celestia shouted back. “He is a hero! Offer him that respect at least!”

Luna said nothing.

Celestia stared back, her eyes sad and confused.

And then the younger Princess sighed. “Sorry. You’re right, of course. He has sacrificed much for us.”

“He’s just doing his job, Luna,” Celestia said.

“I know…” Luna said. “Just...please tell him he can leave us be, I am watching Harmony, myself.”

Celestia nodded. “I’ll let him know.”


Alan took slow steps along the Canterlot walls, plodding in something of a slump.

He had been given his orders.

He had no choice now.

His duty had been stripped from him.

He was no longer allowed to watch Harmony, and no guard was to be posted.

Despite the free time to spend with his family, Twilight was no warmer. She constantly questioned him, wondering where he was going everytime he left the room. If anything, she was worse now, ironically forcing him out of the room at every opportunity.

This, in turn only lead to more questions and more suspicion.

He could hardly sleep in his own bed now. Could hardly stand being around her.

He hated it.

He wanted to be with her. He wanted to be a father to his son, and husband to his wife.

He had tried to do his duty, as both a father, husband, and soldier, and now he could no longer do either.

He sighed, trying hard not to enjoy the solitude.

It was wrong.

He loved her, to the depths of his heart, but she was forcing him away at every turn.

He sighed again, a verse from the Bible floating through his head. “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like rottenness in his bones.”


He didn’t know what to do.

He...he felt afraid about them, and he wasn’t sure what to do if he needed to save them.

Their don’t go to sleep angry rule had gone out the window, along with peaceful dinners, time with friends…

He didn’t know…

He just didn’t…

A gentle breeze blew by...

His ear twitched.

That...that was Harmony’s voice…

But...but he definitely wasn’t talking to Luna.

Alan paused on the wall’s walkway.

He...he had his orders.

Harmony was not to be watched.

But...but this was suspicious…


He couldn’t disobey orders…

“But you could ‘Just so happen to walk by…’”

Alan bit his lip.

“One little peek couldn't hurt…”

The Pendragon edged towards the source of the voice, and slowly, the words became clear.

“You have the knife?” Harmony’s voice asked.

“Yes, M'lord.”

“M’lord?” Alan thought, worried.

“Is it prepared?”

“Yes, M’lord. Crafted of metal from the stars, stones from the abyss, and sharpened by shells of the depths. It will be able to pierce the Sun-Waker’s hide.”


Alan backed up, slowly, eyes wide.

“That...I couldn’t have heard that right!”

“It sounds like you heard him to me…”

“I...I have to tell someone…” he thought.

“Really? You’re going to tell them that you overheard Harmony? First, they wouldn't believe you, second, they would point out you were breaking orders.”

“So what do I do?”

“What else? Wait like last time.”

“But last time I was caught!”

“Because you misunderstood your target. Do you think you’ve misunderstood his intentions now?”


“Then what can go wrong?”

Alan stood stock still for a moment or two, the droning of the two voices going on just around the corner a buzz in his mind.


He knew what he had to do.


Alright guys, here it comes, and with the passing of this chapter comes the beginning of the flow, I can feel it.

“What flow?”

Nevermind, Pinkie. It’s a writer thing.

“Whatever! Anyways guys, glad to see most of you were on the same page! I thought Miner’s head was going to explode from all the ego it was carrying.”

But, aren’t you technically an extension of my ego?

“Hush! You haven’t taken Psychology yet!”

So, yeah. Thanks for reading guys! Be sure to comment, I love them.

“And don’t forget to fave if you haven’t!”

We’ll see you all next time.
