• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,218 Views, 807 Comments

A Repentant Draconequus on the Equestrian Throne - DungeonMiner

Pendragon Alan Goldenhoof, after saving Equestria twice over, must now sit idly by as his world is destroyed piece by agonizing piece.

  • ...

Epilogue Part 3: The Princess

Epilogue: Part 3

Celestia groaned under the weight.

It was almost time.

She had seen it all pass.

It had started with Luna’s death.

The moon had simply begun to get farther and farther away from Equestria, and as it got further away, Luna became weaker.

She quickly deteriorated, getting sicker and sicker by the day, until one day, she simply passed away.

Not long after that, Harmony disappeared.

After that, things got worse.

The tides died without the moon, and the soon after the seas went stagnant.

Fish around the world died, leaving massive heaps of stinking, rotting bodies along the coasts.

With death came disease, and with the disease came plague.

Those were dark days, and many people all over the world died.

And then the sun grew weak.

It had been going for many years, and with every passing year, Celestia looked older and older.

Eventually, the sun could not support plant life. Forests, fields and meadows all began to shrivel in the harsh, red light of the dying sun.

That’s when things truly fell apart.

Famine struck the land with the beasts of the world becoming more and more desperate for food, and attacking defenseless children.

They were truly the last days.

Soon there was no one left.

Nothing left.

Nothing but her.

She groaned once more, lifting the massive blight on the sky that was her angry, red sun.

“It’s...almost...time…” she said, throwing the sun across the sky.

How long had it been now?

She couldn’t remember.

It was somewhere between three weeks and twelve years.

She didn’t know.

She didn’t care.

She just had to do her job until it was her time.

Up came the sun.

And down it went.





“You’re almost there, Celly,” Death said, sitting next to her.

“Almost,” she groaned.





“It’s almost time,” Death said.

“I’ve waited so long…” she said.

“Only a moment longer.”




“There…” he said.

And the sun went super nova.


Celestia’s eyes went wide.

It...It had just ended.

And...and now…

She looked out at the millions of flowers.

And among the flowers stood a million ponies, ponies she knew.

At their head stood Alan, who smiled as he drew his blade. “Pendragons! Atten-shun!”

The ponies snapped to attention.

“Pre-sent arms!”

A million blades flashed in the light, and together, they divided into columns, presenting a long, single corridor for her to walk down.

She took a moment, straightened herself, and walked forward with practiced grace befitting of a Princess.

Halfway through, this was cut off by the a sudden cry. “Dogpile!”

Celestia’s eyes went wide as every single one of her Pendragons from Alan on down leapt up into the air to tackle her, blades lying forgotten in the flowers.

Then they began to laugh.

They all moved off of her in a mess of golden hooves, before finally she was finally offered a hoof to pull her up. “Sorry Celestia,” Alan said. “But Faust says we're all Princes and Princess here. So no special treatment from us, alright?”

Celestia’s head spun, still dizzy from the sudden attack.

And then she looked down at him and smiled. “I think I’ll manage.”

He nodded, and then he looked backwards, toward the crest of the hill.

Celestia followed his gaze.

“And there stood Faust, on the top of the hill, slowly walking down with a book and quill, dictating as she wrote and walked.”

Celestia blinked, watching her mother come toward her.

“The quill moved quickly, never breaking for ink and not once slowing as she spoke. As she moved closer, Celestia then realized that this book, the one Faust wrote in, was the book of the world. The story of reality.

“And then Faust looked up at her daughter, her firstborn. The one who had suffered the most of the four, and she said two words. Welcome home.”

Celestia smiled.

“And then Faust turned back to the book, dictating as she went, and wrote these final words: Thus ends the story of this Equestria, and while many more exist, those stories are not recorded here. And then with a smile, she slammed the book shut.”


Alright, guys, that's it. That's the story. I'm going to keep writing, but not this. This is done.

Here's the next project, but I'm going to take a long break first.


The above story is a work of Fanfiction, using the characters and setting of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro. I do not own the characters of the aforementioned property, and I am in no way benefiting financially from this work. Please support the official release.

Comments ( 107 )

1. I was going to do the comic relief, but by the time I was, I couldn't really find a place to put it in, so...

2. They got their cutie marks because the universe had been altered with Alan's arrival.

3. Epilogues are not necessarily necessary, that's why they're epilogues. Also we have no proof that minor alicorns (as I call them) have increased lifespans.


Well done, lad. Well done. It was almost a downer ending, then it switched to tear jerker with the ranks, and right into heartwarming with the dogpile. The story might have ended, but the tale continues in our hearts and memories. Excuse me while I pretend to have some dust in my eye.

I mean, I could tag it on to the end, but would that feel weird? I kinda like the note I ended on, and making the end a comedy all of a sudden feels odd.

and so an epic comes to a close.

No story I have ever read, watched, or played, has had such incredible execution.

That was possibly the greatest story I will ever see. And for that. I thank you.

I think some sort of fanfare is in order, but I can't think of anything appropriate...


Oh, no, I've kept up with you since half way through book one, I believe. In fact, I thought I was one of the folks that encouraged you to look at your story halfway through this one, because it was dragging a bit.

I've got to say, you've really done yourself well, and I hope that your 40K crossover goes as well as this one.

Maybe I should put a bug in your ear: would you consider tossing them into pre-heresy Imperium? That would make for a unique story, I think.

Just think: Applebloom, founding member of the Adeptus Mechanicus!

Certainly interesting, yes, but truth be told, I don't think anyone has mixed the two in this way before. It's always the imperium discovers Equestria or the ponies were warhammer the entire time. This is more, the two are unrelated, but have become so.

Speaking of, I wish Iowaforever would update again...

I assume you're taking a break before you start?

A twenty-one chainsaw salute for this epic story. :scootangel:

Oh yes.

A month at least.

And so it's over. A bit of a rough ride in a few places, but on the whole I'm glad I came along for it.

Thank you for your hard work, Dungeonminer! It was truely an epic tale, and I'm glad to have read it.

Looking forward to your future work!

Well, have some good, well deserved time off, then!
Lemme know if you need any help proofreading.

Congrats again on a story well done!

Well, that was a ride and a half! I'm looking forward to more from you, DM. I'm not into the whole WH40K thing, but I'll give it a shot. After all, I wasn't sold on the first few chapters of this entire story arc, and look how that turned out!

Nice chapter, but there's one little thing.

“But Faust says were all Princes and Princess here. So no special treatment from us, alright?”

I think that should "we're".

Um...I'll leave that up to someone else.

As for actual books though, I am working on something, an original story of mine.

6061885 Pandora actually played Death is the Road to Awe while I was reading this. It is...perfect.

Well done DM. Well done.

what happens to Discord he was petty much forgotten after spike and................. :fluttercry:shears an manly tear I cant believe this is the end................ thank you for such an great story

While I would have loved to see your interpretations of the other villains, this was a lovely ending.
I've nitpicked you quite a bit as you've written this trilogy. But I greatly enjoyed reading it nonetheless.
Thank you for a great story.

Thank you for the amazing Story :heart:. It was quiet the jurney and it was woth the time. I wish you well and hope to come across you again.

Stay healty and thanks again

Sers from Switzerland


I still have to take my break...

There it is, the finale.
Though I haven't commented much, I've been here since chapter 1 of Novice Swordsman.
Good fucking way to end a story, plenty of closure, can't wait to see your future works.

Now that is how you end an epic. Fantastic show.

Tracking switched off, Favorite switched on. Looking forward to more of your work, have a good break. You deserve it.

Who says he didn't? I imagine there was some conversation between them, I just didn't write it.

I think Concerning Hobbits would fit the end of this chapter.

It's is also said somewhere in the chapters following, bit I'm to lazy to point it out. Just do ctrl+F to find it.
Also, I love how you ended the trilogy. Tied everything up.... but still made me sad............................ :derpytongue2:

Yes, but at that point, it's referring to creatures other than, but including ponies. People the general term for mortals.

My life is now complete. I can die knowing that ponies and humans can live as one. :scootangel:


Great job, by far my favorite HiE/turned pony story on this site (or any other). Also it'll be cool to see more of this universe (I know your done with it) but maybe a Harmony for All universe group? Other authors write side stories or something idk it's up to you, this trilogy was amazing and I STILL find myself shouting YA YA HULEY whenever I'm about to do something epic. By the way what is that war chant from unless you made up then props to you.


I can think of no better ending than this for a fic of this caliber.
Well done. Deus tecum.

It's a modified African warchant. Zulu, I think.

Hard to believe it's over. It's been a good ride, I look forward to wherever you take us next.

If only there was an applause emote.

6069843 thus ends the fic that got me into reading fics. thanks for the epic trilogy. i'm sad that it's over, but that ending (including the epilogue).... the feels man. thanks for everything. tundra spirits, lord of the frozen north, signing out.

So after reading the entire trilogy, I noticed that most loose ends were tied up at the end. Except for one. Wtf happened to Blueblood? I probably missed it, but I don't remember seeing anything about him after he was mentioned as a planned vessel for Sombra. The entire story was amazing though, and definitely look forward to your next project. Cheers!

I was going to have him come back in the last chapter and say "What did I miss?" but couldn't find a good place to fit it in...

Man this has been a hell of a journey. Two and a half years and an asston of development. This was a nice ride.

You just... Wrote the end of the world. That was dark. And depressing. Also, what happened to Discord?

I am very Christian. I don't like the term religious though, it has a lot of negative connotations.
Besides, the whole Faust in Tartarus thing is more Isaiah.

Discord? He died, along with everyone else.

6103906 Yah, I know what you mean by the word religious. It means absolutely nothing in the end, it's what you do that makes you a believer. I just used it there because I did not want to assume any one faith.
Also, what I meant was how and when did Discord die? Was Discord there at the ABSOLUTE end? Did he die when there was no longer any ponies or other living creatures to create chaos? Or did he die with everyone else when the sh-:flutterrage: really hit the fan before that? Also, was Harmony's end mentioned or did I miss that?

Harmony disappeared when Luna died.
As for Discord, truth be honest, I don't know. I just know he was around with Luna and Harmony, and gone by the end.

The man sat at his desk, a faint glow surrounding his face as a gentle smile spread across his lips. It was dark in his room, and only his computer screen lit the wall behind him. With a content sigh, he leaned back in his chair and looked at the closing lines of a wondrous tale. Yes, this was the problem with a good story, the man thought. You can never wait to see how the story ends, yet, you are sad when it does. The man sighs again, only this time out of exhasperation. It was truly a good story, as were its two predecessors, and the man was sad for it to end. The man let loose his third sigh, another contented one. What to do now, he pondered, and he closed the window on his screen. He sighed again in exhasperation. Closing a window would never compare to snapping a good book shut once finished. The man looked around and found a small journal. He quickly opened it, chuckled at it's brief contents, and snapped it shut. No, it still was not the same. The man sighed in exasperation again, breaking his pattern as he stood and went to lay in his bed. As he stared at the ceiling, the gears in his mind began turning, and inspiration flooded his being. Ideas coursed though his thoughts as he was inspired by the harrowing tales of the pendragon and his cohorts.

Yes, the gypsy who was generous would need to remember to thank this miner of dungeons some time. But not now, for it was late and the gypsy was tired. Now, the gypsy needed to sleep. He would contact the miner in the morning with thanks.

Seriously, thanks for getting me inspired again. I've been needing to read a good story to get the creative juices flowing again.

With Gratitude,

6110296 I've been a fan of your work for a while Miner. I like how you put an interesting twist on cliche HIE activities in the first in this series, followed by a great adventure tale with a redeamed villain from the first in it. And through the last one, it was riveting and intertaining to say the least.
That is why I have to tell you, something about how you ended it... Felt wrong. I feel like there was follow up in the epilogue's, but it didn't answer questions about what happened after. Where did Chess and the changelings go after the battle? What about baby Discord, Celestia was to look after him, but how was that going to work with her running a nation? What happened to the foals aboard the airship, and what was the reunion between freinds and family like? And on the topics of the epilogue, something not so much wrong as off was mixed up with them. I feel like making all 3 epilogue's about the death's of the main character not only just a little needlessly morbid and depressing, but the levels of finality that come from the last one where the world litterally ENDS with Celestia and Luna's demise was something your universe could have done without. People love a happily ever after, and you did indeed deliver it! Everyone is safe in pony heaven (Paradise) and will be together forever. But what precluded it, the diseased and starvation riden death of all life on Equus followed by its destruction, puts a bad taste in the readers mouth for such a good ending. It's like reading cupcakes, then getting a epilogue where RD gets welcomed to the after life by the heavenly hosts. Good ending (sorta) but all people are going to remember is "F-:flutterrage: that was some messed up crap with the scalpel!"
My rule of thumb when writing is with chapter endings, write cliffhangers of varying sizes and intensities, and story endings, finish the plot-line, but leave it open ended as to a.) provide room for sequels (which I guess you didn't need to worry about, since that was the last in the series), and b.) Allow speculation and thought to occur with the reader offer what is hopefully, a happily ever after, or something of the sorts.
I'm not saying this to tell you that's what YOU should do, by all means, feel free to ignore that. If everyone wrote the same way, this site would be incredibly boring. What I am saying is that honestly, as a fan and a fellow writer, I feel that the story could have done without the epilogue's, and perhaps just another chapter touching up the arch, followed by spinoff's with Orion or something.
Well, there is my long winded reason for why I liked the story, but not the ending... Please don't hate me for this, it would suck if my 12:00pm rant caused you to hate me... :pinkiesad2:

The greatest irony of this is that the questions you asked are the ones I left open for the exact reason you mentioned. I left those open for the day where I might be taken up by the fancy to write the story of the Exilarchy's fight against the forces of evil, or the many tales of Pip and Scootaloo as they explore the farthest reaches of the world.

As for the end, I'm sorry it got you down, the point was that I was making this final. If nothing else, I wanted to show what happened to everyone towards the end, and how those stories finish. And if I did the death of Alan and Spike, I might as well do Celestia's too. It adds a sense of finality, which is what I was going for. It was never meant to bring you down, just end things.

6118342 Hmm... I don't know. I suppose I understand, and like I said, it's not wrong, just off. I guess it comes down to personal preference. Knowing how the story ends befor hearing it kinda ruins the point. That's also probably why I haven't read the last chapter of GentlemanJ's "Journy's End" yet. I hate endings, and the heartbreak that comes with knowing the tale is over. Good job with it though. Did I hear your going to start working on a WH4K cross? When are we going to see some of that?

Eventually. Still taking a break.

6119064 But of course! I'm still on mine... and by that I mean trying to work up the motivation to sit back down and get back at it. I hit a major road block on the next chapter, and it stumped me so badly that I just walked away for a while and video games have gotten their claws in me ever since. Its been, what, 3 weeks since I even attempted to write anything? YAY for procrastination! :derpytongue2:

I actually find that the best thing for writer's block is to work on a different project. I have been juggling this one and my novel for the past three years. The latter of which has gone through two re-writes and a scrap or two...

But yeah, that's why I need a break. Almost constant writing for three years.

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