• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,220 Views, 807 Comments

A Repentant Draconequus on the Equestrian Throne - DungeonMiner

Pendragon Alan Goldenhoof, after saving Equestria twice over, must now sit idly by as his world is destroyed piece by agonizing piece.

  • ...

16-Going to the Grave

Chapter 16

A tale is told of an abbot, a man of God, who thought that everything God had made had a purpose to serve mankind.

Trees provided shade and shelter, the sun provided warmth and light, and the night provided the perfect environment for sleep.

Now this abbot had a charge, a youth of sixteen, and the abbot never gave the boy a moment to rest. “Keep to your studies boy. God gave you your mind to think, and I will not have you waste it.”

“Go do your chores, boy. God may have given man the earth, but you must take care of it in return.”

“Rest now, boy. God gives us night so that we may sleep. Do not waste the darkness.”

One night, however, he found himself wasting that very same darkness. Restless, and unable to sleep, he sighed and put on his robe, hoping that a walk through the orchards would calm him.

At first, the night was silent, as he expected from God's masterful creation, and his walk through the apple trees was beginning to calm him.

And then, he heard the stream. The flowing water was soothing to his soul, and a smile began to grow on his face.

And then he heard the crickets, a chorus of insects singing in the night, harmonizing with the stream that he could see, glistening in the moonlight.

As he saw all of this, the abbot became confused. Why? Why did God give such beauty to the night? The time where no man was awake to appreciate it? What was the purpose?

The Abbot continued to wonder, trying to understand this puzzle, when his eyes espied his charge.

The youth stood in the night, searching by the stream for something yet unseen.

At the sight of him, the Abbot felt a surge of rage. There he stood, obvious in his disobedience, and ignoring everything the abbot had taught him about respect.

Furious, the abbot took a single stomping step in the boy’s direction, and then was halted.

A woman, young, as the boy was, and beautiful beyond words rushed to him. The two met, and shared a kiss in the moonlight.

The Abbot blinked.

They whispered to each other, speaking in love-filled tones that caused the old abbot’s heart to ache.

And then it was as if the Lord opened his eyes. He saw them all, the crickets, the frogs, the stream, the trees, and the moon, all being there, for them, for these two lovers that held each other in their embrace.

The night, it seemed...was not just for sleep, and the beauty that hid in it was not wasted.

This was the abbot’s last thought as he backed away from the couple.

And he finally knew why God made the moon.


Twilight’s heart was on the verge of beating out of her chest. She ran as fast as she could manage, chasing down the Silver Stallion as he descended to the street.

She needed to talk with him.

She had to see him again.

She had a fundamental need to beg him to forgive her.

Forgive her for abandoning him, for doubting him, for leaving him stranded when he stood by her.

She ran.

The ghost was getting closer to the ground now, heading for a tucked-away alleyway, and still Twilight followed.

She turned a corner, following the specter’s decent with eyes wide and alert, following him with her eyes until he dipped under the roofs of the buildings.

She ducked down, coming into the alleyway, and stood stock still.

The Silver Stallion had his back to her, and was walking away.

“Alan!” she called, her voice almost echoing in the space between the buildings.

The ghost froze.

“Alan,” she said. “Alan, please.”

The ghost did not turn.

“Alan, listen to me, I’m sorry, Alan.”

The ghost began to disappear into the floor.

“No! Alan, please!”

The ghost said nothing, but continued to leave.

“I’m sorry, Alan! I’m sorry! Please! Please talk to me!”

Tears were beginning to fall from her face as her husband refused to talk. A part of her mind told her that she deserved it, that any coldness she received was worth the pain she had put him through.

She couldn’t take that, though.

“Alan! Alan, please! Please, forgive me! Speak to me please!”

The ghost then spoke, whispering to her. “Later…”

And then he went, completely gone from her sight.

“No!” Twilight called, before clawing at the stone he had gone through.

“No! Please, no! Alan, Alan talk to me!”

There was no answer.

“I’m sorry! Please! I’m sorry!” Tears began to flow freely.

“I’m...I’m so...so sorry…” She did not know how long she sat there, weeping. All she knew was that she was alone.


Morning came early, and Rainbow Dash was not happy about it.

For some reason, she had received a letter from the Canterlot Hospital with instructions to come immediately.

Apparently something happened to somepony, and they wanted to talk.

So here she was, at this ungodly hour of 8:30, standing in the sterilized hallways, wandering to try and find the ponies that wanted her.

Now, which room did the letter say? 232?

Yeah, that sounded right.

As she opened the door, though, the pegasus froze.

Pinkie was asleep, sitting in a chair in the corner, while Soarin lay in the gurney.

Spitfire, who stood next to the other wonderbolt, gave Rainbow a sad look before turning back to Soarin. “Alright, I’ll see you when you get out, alright?”

Soarin nodded.

Spitfire gave a nod back before heading out of the room, pausing as she passed by Rainbow. “He wants to talk with you,” she said, before continuing on her way.

Rainbow looked back confused at the wonderbolt captain, before turning back to her friend.

“Hey, Dash,” Soarin said, his wing cast poking out from behind his back.

“H-hey, Soarin, what up?”

Soarin’s smile disappeared, and a he gave a sigh. “Not great,” he said finally. “Some maniac broke my wing last night.”

Rainbow winced. “S-so I guess you’re going to be out of action for a while then, huh?”

Soarin looked up at her sadly. “He shattered my radius and ulna. Nearly pulverized the break.”

Rainbow blinked. That sounded almost exactly like what had happened to her mother.

“I’ll still be able to fly, but...my wing won’t be able to take the stress I’m normally used to.”

Dash dared not say a word.

“I’ve...I’ve had to quit...and I’m handing my position over to you.”

Dash blinked, staring at the now ex-wonderbolt in shock. “I-I...th—”

“Don’t...you don’t need to say anything…” Soarin said, before waving her over. “Just...just come here…”

She came closer to the bed, and Soarin gave her a smile. “Dash...Dash, I need you to promise me something.”

“Uh...sure, I guess...what do you hrk—”

She couldn’t get another word out as Soarin suddenly grabbed her by the throat. “Earn it,” he said with a hiss.

“What?” she managed to ask.

“When I sit there in the stands, and I watch you, I don’t want to hear a single critic say it was because of your position. I don’t want them to say it was because you were my friend. I want them to say that you were the best, like nopony ever was or could ever be. I want them to be awed by you, I want you to drop their jaws. I want you to earn it, do you understand?”

Rainbow Dash nodded, eyes wide.

“I want you to be the best, I want you to be the best Wonderbolt that ever lived. I want the records shattered, and the crowds awed. I want grandparents telling their grandchildren about how they saw you perform, and how there has not been a wonderbolt like you since.

“I want you to earn it, Rainbow. I want you to be the best, like I know you are…”

She looked at him, and felt herself wither under his emerald green gaze.


“Promise me, Dash.”

“I...I promise, sir. I’ll Pinkie promise, even!”

Soarin let her go, and gave her a smile. “Good...glad to hear it.”

The pink mare in the corner groaned. “Soary? What’s going on?” she asked sleepily.

“It’s alright, Sweetie Pie, I’m just talking with Dash.”

“Oh, okay…” she muttered. “Hi, Dashie…”

“Hey, Pinkie…” Rainbow said.

“I…” Pinkie said with a yawn. “I’m sorry you had to get in this way…”

Rainbow nodded, before turning to Soarin. “Don’t worry, Pinkie, I plan on earning it.”


Twilight wasn’t sure how, but she got her board back. The corkboard, complete with red yarn and photo clippings was now in her room, and she was staring at it with the intensity of a small sun.

Things weren’t adding up.

Everything made sense, but at the same time, nothing did.

Something was wrong.

Taking only a quick break to give Orion his baby formula, she then instantly turned to the board.

Alan would have spoke to her. He would have.

Unless he now finds you despicable after you left him.

“I can’t hear you!”

So that meant that he was hiding something. Something important.

“Something as important as the fact that he is still alive!”

“Yes...yes...it’s all coming together.”

You don’t have a thing.

“Still can’t hear you!”

“Now,” she said, aloud, “the Silver Stallion’s activity in the city has gone up drastically ever since he met up with Fancy Pants, and at that contact he said that he wants me alive. That means he either wants me alive while he’s dead, but that doesn’t make sense…”

Unless he doesn’t want to see you anymore.

“...so that must mean he’s alive and wants me to stay alive so we can get back together!” she said, grinning wildly.

You can’t prove that.

“Proof?” she muttered to herself. “I don’t need proof! I know my husband!”

Which is why you accused him of being a rabid dog that could not be trusted.

“Shut up,” she muttered to herself, before wrapping more yarn around yet more pins.

It is your fault, you know.

“We’ve established this,” she mumbled.

It only make sense that he doesn’t want you anymore.

“He wants me alive, he wants to be with me.”

Assuming he’s alive.

“Of course he’s alive! He wouldn’t want me alive if he wasn’t!”

Your logic seems flawed.

“Shut up! It makes sense!” she said practically yelling.

“Mrs. Sparkle?” A voice called.

Twilight stuck her head out the door of her room. “Sorry!”

Closing the door again, she turned to the board once more.

Truly, it was a monument to her insanity.

She needed come up with something. Some proof that she wasn’t as insane as her brain said she was.

She needed to prove that Alan was alive.

But how?

How could she prove that Alan was still there? Walking among the living?

She sighed, her mind turning as she stepped onto the balcony and into the afternoon light.


How? How? How?

It was obvious that the Silver Stallion identity was a trick. A spell of some kind.

Which Alan, the pony who can’t even cast telekinesis, can apparently find, learn, and then use…

“Enough with the sarcasm,” she growled.

It was a spell. It had to be.

But how? How could she prove that Alan was still among the living? That he still walked in flesh and bon—

She stopped.

Then smiled.


That would prove everything…


She had waited for nightfall. Once the sun had dropped below the horizon, and the scheduled rain storm began to unleash itself, she made her move.

She laughed as the shovel bit into soft dirt, lightning lighting her way and thunder hiding her laugh.

She was going to prove it.

She laughed again, lightning striking as she dug deeper into Alan’s grave.

“Why didn’t I do this sooner?” she asked, the shovel throwing more dirt up into the air. “This will prove everything!”

Lightning struck nearby, the thunder causing the teeth in her skull to rattle.

“I’m going to prove it!” she cried with maniacal glee. “Everypony will see it! He’s alive!”

The shovel came down again, water filling in the bottom of the hole that Twilight stood in, and yet again moved another shovel full of muddy slop into the air.

“They’ll all see it! Then he can drop the act! Then we can talk!”

She brought the shovel down once more, and this time it gave a hollow thud as it struck oak.

Twilight grinned. “There you are!”

She leapt out of the hole, laughing all the way as her horn began to glow. “You want proof?!” She asked, to no one in particular. “Well here’s your proof!”

With a mighty magical heave, she ripped the coffin from the dirt and slammed it roughly to the ground.

“Who’s there?!” a voice called out.

Twilight ignored it.

“Mrs-Mrs. Sparkl’?” Grim called out, holding a lamp in front of him.

“Everypony’s going to see!” She laughed. “Everypony will know! Alan’s alive!”

Twilight ripped the lid of the coffin, and smiled as she saw the empty cushions.

“HA!” she cried. “See! See! I told you!”

Grim ran up to her. “Mrs. Sparkl’! Mrs. Sparkl’! What are you doing?!”

“I’ve proved it!” she exclaimed, turning to the gravekeeper. “I proved it, see! Alan’s not here! He’s alive!”

Grim blinked, staring at her, bewildered, mouth agape.

And then he brought his hoof up to his face and shook his head with a groan. “Oh, Mrs. Sparkl’...”

Twilight’s grin faltered. “W-what? I proved it! It’s empty, see!” she said, turning.

And found herself staring at a body.

She blinked. “What?”

There was Alan’s body, laying there in the coffin, rigor mortis keeping him upright as an awful smell began to assault her nose.

She blinked again. “Bu-but…”

It was empty. He wasn’t there just a second ago…

She reached out and touched him with her hoof, and felt the stiff flesh.

She pulled back quickly.

He’s dead, Twilight.

Her lip quivered, and tears began to form in her eyes.

The rain kept beating down on the three of them, and lightning struck again.

He’s dead. He’s dead and you just desecrated his grave. Way to go.

Twilight tried to choke back a sob.

She failed.

He’s dead and he doesn’t want to see you anymore!

“But...but that doesn’t make sense…”

It makes perfect sense! He’s dead! You abandoned him! He doesn’t want to be around you anymore! It took you, what, a week before you were looking for a replacement?! I wouldn’t want to be with you, you sick, disgusting mare!

Twilight fell to her knees.

She started to cry.

Grim walked up to her, and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Come on, Mrs. Sparkl’. Let’s git ya home. Ghastly’ll take care of your husband.”

Twilight shook her head.

“Don’t worry, nopony’ll know,” Grim said, helping her to her hooves. “Just...just head home.”

And slowly, agonizingly slowly, she did just that.


When she finally got home, she wasn’t sure if she had run out of tears for the rain.

She made her way quietly through the house, careful not to wake either of her hosts.

It didn’t change the fact that she felt empty inside.

It was almost as if he had died all over again.

She stumbled into her room, and fell onto her bed, still wet and not bothering to dry herself.

“I’m so sorry, Alan…” she whispered into the sheets. “I’m so sorry.”

The silence in her room lasted a long second, before a song erupted from her bedside table.

“It’s too late to Apologize,

It’s too late…”

Twilight’s head came off the pillow, and her eyes fell on the glowing screen of Alan’s iPod.

She blinked at it, before scowling and rolling over in her bed. “Shut up,” she growled, hoping to silence the semi-sentient device.

A new sound bite went off.

“Shot to the heart! And you’re to blame,

You give love a bad name…”

“Shut up,” Twilight said again.

“You should’ve when you could’ve!

You're gonna miss my love, girl

You should, it would've been so good!”

“Shut up!” she said, standing up out of bed and staring down at the annoying machine.

“You’re as cold as ice!

You’re willing to sacrifice our love!”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Twilight said, picking up the iPod with magic as it’s musical accusation rang out in the air.

“We are never-ever-ever,

getting back together!”

“Shut up!” she cried, compressing her magic and cracking the screen.

The screen flashed, and a photo, the picture of the two of them on their wedding day stared back at her.

The pressure stopped.

She froze, and stared at the little device, before slowly, gingerly, placing it down.

She sat down, looking down at it, with the picture of both of them staring up at her.

He had died that day, and came back to be with her.

He looked so happy.

With her.

She probably disgusted him now.

She carefully began to apply some tender mending magic, and the crack began to heal.

When the iPod sang next, it’s voice was quieter, and almost calmer.

“This was my hell living without You here...

Even Heaven is hell if somehow You were not there…”

Twilight gave a smirk. “You too, huh?”

The screen now healed, she held it close to her, before checking up on Orion’s crib.

Her son slept, despite the noise, and she gave a smile. “Sleeps like his father…”

She shook her head, and walked, head down towards her balcony.

She dropped her head along the railing, and sighed as she looked out on the scenery.

The city lights burned bright, revealing the hidden splendor of Canterlot.

And yet, her husband was dead, and the city was under siege by crazed criminals.

How could the world be so calm, when it’s heroes lie dead and evil rules the world?

“What went wrong?” she asked herself. “What did I do to ruin everything?”

“That is a complicated question, Little Miss Sparkle,” a voice said behind her.

Twilight spun, startled. There, before her, standing between her and door to her room, was Harmony.

The twisted smile on his face unnerved her.

“You didn’t do much,” Harmony continued. “You were only born.”

“H-Harmony, yo-you scared...what?”

Harmony’s smiled widened. “To put it simply, you stupid, blind pony, is that your late husband was right about me.”

Twilight blinked, confused.

“He was always right, which only made it easier to trap him. And you, my little darling, played your part perfectly.”

“M-my part?”

Harmony kept smiling. “You made it incredibly easy, what with the fears you had in your mind. I almost didn’t have to try to turn you on him.”

Twilight blinked. “What?”

And then Harmony’s arm shot forward, and grabbed her by the throat. She gasped as a vice-like grip tightened around her throat, and before she knew it, she was lifted bodily in the air.

She still gripped the iPod in her hooves.

Harmony’s face got closer to her, the smile still on his face. “Isn’t it a wonderful thought? All that pain you put him through in his final moments was only a shadow in your mind? One I brought to light?”

Twilight gurgled.

“Oh, but don’t worry, Mrs. Sparkle, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to apologize. After all, you’ll be meeting him soon.”

Harmony held Twilight out at arm’s length, over the street that was far below.

“And then, with you dead, not even the Elements of Harmony can stop me,” he said with a grin.

And then she fell.

She screamed.

And then there was silence.

Harmony smiled, and looked over the edge.

Her body lay splayed on the ground.

The door to her room burst open, and Fancy Pants, dressed in a nightgown, ran into the room. “Mrs. Twilight? Mrs. Twilight!” He ran to the balcony, and Harmony, invisible to him, stepped out of the way to allow the unicorn to glance over the balcony. “Oh, no…”

Harmony smirked, and walked back into the room.

Orion was crying.

“Fleur! Fleur! Call the guard! Oh, sweet Celestia! Call the guard!” Fancy yelled, running out of the room, and bounding down the stairs.

Harmony looked down at the crying babe. “We have plans for you, Little One.”

Orion kept crying.

“Special plans.”


Twilight’s funeral was held the next morning.

Her friends were there.

Her parents were there.

Cadence and Shining were there. The former cradling two foals, one Skyla, the other, Orion.

Celestia was there, as well, and she wept.

The coffin that held the unicorn mare was slowly lowered into the ground, and closing remarks were made.

Cadence shook her head, her heart heavy. “Come on, Shining...let’s go.”

The Captain of the Guard nodded.

Celestia moved toward them. “P-Princess Cadence. A-a moment, please.”

The Princess of love looked up at her. “Auntie?”

Celestia moved forward, dressed in black. “Please, Cadence, please, let me take the child.”

Cadence blinked.

“I-I’ve...I’ve done so much...so much to this family...please, Cadence, please...let me try to make things right.”

The Princess of Love looked up, confused.

“Please, Cadence, I beg you. Let me try to make things right…”

Cadence looked down at the little bundle in her arms.

And she handed the little blue foal over to the Solar Sister.

Celestia took the child, and held it close. “I’m so sorry, Little One. I’m so...so, sorry.”


Twilight fell.

She screamed.

Harmony. That snake, Harmony!

It was him! It was all him!

The cityscape of Canterlot blurred past her as she fell.

It was going to end.

And there was nothing she could—

Something caught her.

She flew sideways, and landed on an edge across the street.

Her world spun, and she saw something purple came into view.

It was Mare Do Well.

She looked back, at the balcony, and saw Harmony grin as he stared down at…

Her dead body?


“Sh!” Mare Do Well said, placing a hoof over her mouth. “Stay quiet, he’ll hear us.”

The heroine threw her cloak over the confused unicorn, and pressed her against the wall.

Harmony stepped aside as Fancy Pants peered over the edge. “Oh, no…Fleur! Fleur!”

Once both of them were out of sight, the Mare Do Well gave Twilight some air, and turned to her. “Come on, this way. Stay quiet.”

Twilight’s head was still reeling as they made their way down to the street. The masked mare then pulled a pony hole cover away to reveal the sewer. “Come on, quickly, before the Guard arrive.”

Twilight obeyed, still not sure what was happening.

Mare Do Well followed, and the two were in the darkness of the sewers.

The masked mare pulled her hat back to reveal a horn. A green light shot forward, revealing the tunnels around them, and the canal of sewage in the middle. “Come on, this way,” she said, leading her down along walkways.

Twilight blinked, but followed nonetheless.

A few dozen twists and turns later, and Twilight was completely lost.

Another turn, though, and she froze.

Three Mare Do Wells stood next to a pony hole cover, all poised to jump out.

A fourth walked past. “Mrs. Sparkle,” she said, waving. “This way.”

Twilight looked between the two groups, before continuing with her guide.

The deeper they got, the more Mare Do Wells Twilight saw. She had lost count of how many there were, and she had almost lost her guide for all of them.

Eventually, though, they found themselves before an iron door.

Twilight’s guide knocked three times, and a slit opened in the door. “Mission?” A voice asked.

“Operation: Let’s Get Dangerous.”

Twilight blinked. That sounded like…


“Um...I think...Launchpad McQuack?”

“Yeah, sounds right,” the one behind the gate said.

That was a reference. From a different world.

That meant…

A deadbolt slid, and the door cracked open.

She slammed the door open, closing it on the Mare Do Well behind the door.

“Alan!” she cried, before running down the stairs that the hallway revealed. “Alan!” she cried, passing even more Mare Do Wells.

“Let her go!” she heard behind her. “It’s okay!”

She ignored them. “Alan!”

She kept running.

If he was here.

If he was somehow here…

She ran through another door.

And froze.

She was in a cistern of some sort. The square room had smooth walls with a vaulted ceiling.

A table sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by four Mare Do Wells, and...and him.

There he stood, not in ectoplasm, not some ethereal material, but in the flesh.

His white coat shone in the darkness. His black mane hung loose around his head, and his golden hooves reflected the candlelight around the room.

He turned to her, his brown eyes shining.

Twilight stared back.

“H-hey, Twi…” Alan said.

Twilight opened her mouth, and then tears began to form. “I...I…”

Alan’s face softened, and he moved toward her, ready to hold her.

“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry, Alan. I didn’t mean it! I...I didn’t mean any of it…”

His arms held her, along with as many Mana-hands as he needed to begin massaging her.

“It’s okay, Twilight. It’s alright.”

“It’s not alright! It was never alright! I pushed you away!”

“You never pushed me away,” Alan said, rocking her back and forth. “I loved you then, I love you still. I always have, and always will.”

“Don’t rhyme…” Twilight muttered as she wrapped her arms around her husband. “It doesn’t seem real when you rhyme.”

Alan smirked, and turned his head towards the Mare Do Wells behind him. “You know your orders.”

They nodded, and headed out.

Alan turned back to his wife. “Come on, Twilight,” he said before lifting her. “It’s been a long two months.”

Twilight said nothing, but merely held onto her husband.

And the iPod, which she still held, began to sing once more.

“For nights like these when we dream of all eternity.

As the angels sing the twilight symphony.

They sing la-de-de-de-da-da

la-de-de-de-da-da tonight.

That's why God made the moon…”






“You said you weren’t bringing him back!”

Don’t need to bring him back, he’s been alive the entire time.

“But...but how?!”

Well, I could tell, or you could get it straight from the horses’ mouth.


Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Look, Alan’s going to explain everything. Beginning from the next chapter, everything will start to make sense. I promise.

“It better.”

It will.

“Be sure to leave your comments guys.”

And we’ll see you next time.
