• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 3,037 Views, 86 Comments

Secrets - Aqua_Breeze

When your daughter would be seen as an enemy of Equestria, what would you do to keep her true identity a secret?

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Seeking answers

Celestia sat just outside the dungeon entrance for the longest time, her mind consumed with thoughts of the day’s events. She tried to convince herself that none of it was real, that it was just some horrible nightmare, but it was in vain. She took one last look towards the dungeon, sighed, and walked away. She was obviously upset, but it was just something that she would have to live with. As she walked, she began to wonder if perhaps Luna could offer some resolve. As Celestia entered the throne room, Luna took immediate notice of her sister’s dampened mood.

“Sister? Is everything alright?” Luna asked.

“Nothing is alright,” Celestia said.

“Whatever is wrong?” Luna asked.

“I just had to arrest Twilight for treason,” Celestia said.

“Twilight Sparkle? Treason?” Luna asked, obviously shocked.

“Do you remember me telling you about her adopting a pegasus filly a few months ago?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, I do,” Luna said, “But how is that treasonous?”.

“Turns out that she was hiding a changeling by having it disguise itself as a pegasus filly,” Celestia said, “Even went so far as to lie right to my face to keep this hidden”.

“And you can confirm this is actually Twilight Sparkle, right?” Luna asked.

“Nothing happened when I cut off her magic,” Celestia said, “So I’m fairly certain it’s really her”.

“Surely she had a reason,” Luna said.

“There is never an excuse for treason,” Celestia said.

“And I understand that, sister,” Luna said, “But, perhaps she had an intent to use this to benefit Equestria”.

“And she couldn’t just let me know right up front?” Celestia asked.

“Perhaps she felt you wouldn’t let her go through with her plan because of how serious a threat changelings are seen as,” Luna said, “Or perhaps she felt it best to give this changeling a chance of some sort without you keeping watch over its every action”.

“I am Equestria’s co-ruler alongside you, it is kind of my duty to watch over those that might pose a threat to my citizens,” Celestia said.

“If somepony is watch your every action, it puts pressure on you to do the right thing,” Luna pointed out, “However, it takes more honest willpower to behave when you are alone and nopony is there to judge how you act and what you do”.

“This much is true,” Celestia admitted, “Oh Luna, what should I do?”.

“I think you should take another day off to go back to Ponyville and ask them about this changeling’s behavior,” Luna suggested, “They’ll give you the most honest of answers”.

“And then what?” Celestia asked, “I fail to see how exactly that would help”.

“If the general attitude is positive, I feel you should let Twilight and the changeling go free,” Luna said, “And perhaps announce this whole ordeal as a trial”.

“Are you honestly telling me that I should lie to my own citizens?” Celestia asked, “Tell them that I’ve been in the loop this whole time, but that I’ve been letting the changeling prove that she can behave under Equestrian law without plotting to take over?”.

“It may sound wrong, but who’s to say that anypony but you, I, and Twilight have to know the real truth?” Luna asked.

“I’m not sure that’s the best course of action,” Celestia said.

“It is ultimately up to you, sister,” Luna said, “I am merely offering some advice”.

Celestia tried to sleep through the night with Luna’s word heavy on her mind. On one hoof, if it worked, it would do so with spectacular results. However, should anypony find out the truth, it could lead to a rebellion. In the end, the decision came down to how much she was willing to risk for Twilight’s sake. In the end, the decision was plain and obvious. In the end, Celestia had decided to go through with Luna’s suggested plan.

As Celestia raised the sun into the sky, she thought about what the day was going to bring. What would be the ratio of good reports compared to bad reports? She hoped the majority of reports would be good reports. She didn’t enjoy the thought of lying to her citizens, but she knew this was the best choice. After making sure Luna was alright handling more of her extended shift, Celestia flew down towards Ponyville.

First place she went was Twilight’s castle. She’d need to speak with Twilight’s friends first and foremost. Spike offered to make a meal for the princess, but was instead asked to go and retrieve Twilight’s friends for a meeting. As soon as Spike was gone, Celestia fixed herself a simple breakfast snack to hold herself over. She didn’t have to wait but about half an hour, if that. Now that everypony was there for the meeting, it was time to break out the truth.

“I’m going to just jump straight into the matter at hoof,” Celestia said, “I am sure you are all aware of Twilight taking in a filly some months back, but what I desire to know is how she has acted day in and day out”.

“That’s a mighty strange question,” Applejack said, “But ah mean, she’s been real good”.

“Indeed, she has,” Rarity said, “She’s also been a great friend to the crusaders”.

“She’s also pretty helpful when you need it,” Rainbow Dash said, “She was actually a great help during winter wrap up this year”.

“So nothing strange? Nothing you wouldn’t expect a pegasus filly to do?” Celestia asked.

“Well, not really,” Applejack said, “Why do ya ask?”

“Because, she’s not a filly,” Celestia said, “She’s not even a pony”.

“Not a pony?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight said she wasn’t ready to tell you that just yet,” Spike said.

“And when exactly was she planning on telling me the truth?” Celestia asked.

“As soon as she felt she could make a good enough case in Aurora’s favor,” Spike said, “To prove that she’s not a threat”.

“Not a threat?” Applejack asked, “What do ya mean by that?”.

“You mean you haven’t figured it out yet?” Spike asked, “Aurora’s a changeling”.

“How long ago did ya find that out?” Applejack asked.

“I found out yesterday when I came to visit,” Celestia said.

“Twilight and I have known the whole time,” Spike said.

“So she’s been letting a changeling hang with mah sister, and not once bothered to let me know?” Applejack asked, anger rising in her voice.

“And that’s why,” Spike pointed out, “If you’d have known, would you have let her?”.

“Well, no,” Applejack said, “Changelings can’t be trusted, we learned that the hard way”.

“I felt the same way at first, but then she explained to me just how easy it’d be to turn into Twilight and take over,” Spike said, “She knows how to go about it as well, even told me step by step how to go about it. But she’s not even tried, and not because she cares about Twilight, but because she’s not like other changelings”.

“Ya mean she ain’t done it yet,” Applejack said.

“No, I mean she’s not going to because she’s not like other changelings,” Spike said.

“Alright you two, that’s enough!” Celestia yelled, “I believe I got what I came for. Go enjoy the rest of your day, everypony”.

It had been a long day for Celestia as she went from house to house, asking everypony in Ponyville about Aurora. As she headed back to the castle, she went over every piece of information she’d received. Overall, the majority of Ponyville were fine with Aurora being a changeling, telling stories of how she’d helped them in some way or another, how they didn’t feel she wanted to hurt anypony, and, generally, how unlike other known changelings she was. The ponies who had a sour attitude about Aurora being a changeling were the school bullies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, ponies who didn’t like her just because she was affiliated with Twilight, and ponies who felt like Aurora was just biding her time for an attack later on. Weighing in the weight of each opinion, Celestia felt she finally had an answer.

While landing at the castle, Celestia set the sun for the night. She was too lost in thought after setting the sun that she didn’t even notice her own sister standing right beside her, eager for the results. Celestia didn’t have enough time to move far before she was startled by her sister greeting her.

“How was your trip, sister?” Luna asked.

“It went over well, Luna,” Celestia said, “And I’ve made up my mind now”.

“Do tell,” Luna said.

“Would you mind accompanying me to the dungeon?” Celestia asked as she opened the main door of the castle, “It’s time for Equestria to greet its first ever Changeling citizen”.

“I am glad you took my advice,” Luna said, “Now, how do you plan to explain it?”.

“She was under careful watch from me the whole time, and I feel now that she has earned her citizenship,” Celestia said, “I only hope the truth doesn’t come back to haunt me later on”.

“It won’t, don’t you worry” Luna said, “Now, lead the way”.