• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 3,035 Views, 86 Comments

Secrets - Aqua_Breeze

When your daughter would be seen as an enemy of Equestria, what would you do to keep her true identity a secret?

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First ever changeling citizen

“I can assure you Twilight and Aurora will love to hear this news,” Luna said.

“Have you been down to see them?” Celestia asked.

“While you were sleeping last night,” Luna said.

“And what happened?” Celestia asked.

“I went to simply talk for a little bit, but that didn’t happen as I had to switch to helping them out,” Luna said.

“You didn’t,” Celestia said.

“They’re still in their cell, don’t worry,” Luna said, much to Celestia’s relief, “But there’s something you need to be aware of”.

“What is it?” Celestia asked.

“That void ring you used on Aurora yesterday disabled her natural ability to absorb love energy,” Luna said, “She can still get love energy, but she has to use mana crystals to do so now”.

“Twilight no doubt hates me for that,” Celestia said softly, “Though, I don’t suppose I can blame her”.

“You and Twilight are going never going to be as close as you once were,” Luna said.

“I know that,” Celestia said, “I don’t like it, but I’ll have to live with it”.

“Also, sister, why did you not give them something to cover up in like a blanket or something?” Luna asked, “Twilight can survive in the cold of the dungeon, but Aurora can’t unless she can take on the form of an adult creature with a comfy coat like us… or hibernates”.

“Hibernates?” Celestia asked.

“Changelings hibernate when they don’t have a different form to rely on for warmth,” Luna explained, “Their chitin may be tough, but it’s not weather resistant”.

“Interesting,” Celestia said.

The rest of the walk was rather uneventful. When Celestia and Luna arrived at Twilight and Aurora’s cell, Twilight put herself between Aurora and the bars. There was no way she was going to let Aurora be taken away now that she knew how disabled the changeling was. She flared up her wings to let Celestia know not to try anything.

“Do not fret, Twilight, No harm shall come to Aurora,” Luna said, “You have my word”.

“Instead, you are both going home to Ponyville tomorrow,” Celestia said.

“Wait… what?” Twilight asked, lowering her wings and cocking her head to the side.

“I took a visit to Ponyville earlier to ask about Aurora’s behavior,” Celestia said, “The majority of the ponies in Ponyville don’t seem to care that Aurora is a changeling, and, from what they’ve told me, she is most assuredly different from other changelings”.

“So, they’re willing to accept her for who she is and look past what she is?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, though I do ask that you keep in mind only your friends know the real truth,” Celestia said, “In order to protect your good name, I had to tell everypony else that I was letting Aurora stay in Ponyville as a trial for citizenship”.

“My good name? You’re actually concerned about my reputation?” Twilight asked.

“Luna was the one that talked me into lying for this cause,” Celestia said, “Pray that you do not make me regret it”.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Aurora had a long night handling all the legal business to get Aurora her citizenship. After the citizenship hassle, the group took a trip by the royal adoption bureau so Twilight could claim official parental custody of Aurora. Now that everything was legally taken care of, it was time for the sun to come up, and breakfast as well.

“So, um… would it be alright if I made breakfast today?” Aurora asked.

“Well, what do you say, Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“I think it’d be good to let her make breakfast today,” Twilight said, “She’s pretty good at it”.

“Well alright then,” Celestia said before leading Aurora into the kitchen.

Twilight was a little wary of letting Aurora go with Celestia without her, but Luna was able to calm her down. It didn’t take too long for a nice, warm breakfast to come out to soon be devoured by three hungry alicorns and a changeling. Aurora whipped up some cinnamon rolls, her newest signature breakfast food.. As they came out, their fresh smell filled the air. Twilight knew exactly what was coming, but Celestia and Luna were in for a surprise.

“These are really good,” Luna said, “Twilight wasn’t joking when she said you were good at this”.

“Thanks,” Aurora said, “There is one thing I add, though, that you can’t really get elsewhere. I think it gives it the best flavor”.

“And you wouldn’t mind sharing that, would you?” Luna asked.

“Love,” Aurora said, “When I make food, I make it for friends and family, not profit, so I put care and attention into my work. I want every meal to be something special, and I won’t settle for any less”.

“Well, it definitely works for you, that’s for sure,” Luna said.

“I have to agree,” Celestia said, finishing off her last bite.

With breakfast all cleaned up, it was now time for the grand announcement. As the group headed out toward the main balcony, however, Twilight started to worry about how other ponies would actually react when Aurora was revealed to them. Canterlot was ground zero almost two years ago, so there was bound to be plenty of ponies who weren’t going to like this news. Some would probably act all pissed off but not do anything, but Twilight was worried about the ones who would react violently. It was going to be an interesting day for sure.

“Welcome, mares and gentlestallions!” Celestia called out, “I have called you here today in hopes that you would welcome, with me, Equestria’s first ever changeling citizen! She has been under trial for the past couple of months in order to earn this privilege, and I believe she has done enough to prove herself!”.

“My sister and I are still well aware of what changelings did almost two years ago!” Luna called out, “But, it is our hope that, beginning with the changeling known as Aurora, Equestria can start to form alliances with other hives!”.

“So, that’s all I am now?” Aurora whispered to Twilight, “Just a political tool?”.

“This is just a speech to hopefully get you accepted more easily,” Twilight whispered, “I’m not gonna let them use you like that, though, don’t worry”.

“And so now, if I may ask, would you, great citizens of Canterlot, join me in welcoming Aurora, Equestria’s first ever changeling citizen!?” Celestia called out.

Just as Twilight had expected, there wasn’t really anypony willing to say anything, but there were plenty that didn’t look too pleased. Both Celestia and Luna took notice of the crowd’s silent reaction, and Twilight and Aurora’s sudden spike in worry.

“Let it be known that, since she is an Equestrian citizen, Aurora is protected by the same laws as all of you!” Celestia called out, “You do not have to agree with our decision, but we ask that you do so without violence! Anypony who brings harm to Aurora will be punished justly, according to the law!”.