• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 3,035 Views, 86 Comments

Secrets - Aqua_Breeze

When your daughter would be seen as an enemy of Equestria, what would you do to keep her true identity a secret?

  • ...

Twilights cake

As Twilight got closer to her castle, she kept thinking of just turning around and walking away. She couldn't just stay away from her castle forever, though, so she kept walking onward. After she opened the door and walked in, she tried to keep her composure, not sure which corner would be hiding her former mentor. Only thing she was sure of is that if she got out of this, Spike was going to come dangerously close to being dinner. It didn't take much longer for her to find Celestia in a hallway, walking right towards her. Suddenly, Twilight summoned up all the courage she had.

"Hello, Princess," Twilight said, bowing, "Sorry for any messes... I didn't know you were coming".

"Yes, well I am here because I need to talk with you," Celestia said.

"About what?" Twilight asked.

"I got quite a troubling letter from Spike earlier," Celestia said, "He said you were knowingly allowing a changeling, an enemy of Equestria, roam free around Ponyville. Care to tell me what that's all about?".

"Changeling?" Twilight asked, "He's probably talking about Aurora".

"Who?" Celestia asked.

"I found a pegasus filly just outside the Everfree Forest last night on my way back from a friend who lives there," Twilight explained, "When I asked if she was ok, she looked terrified. Naturally, I asked what was wrong. I wanted to help her out".

"And what did she tell you?" Celestia asked.

"Apparently, her father injured his wing somehow during the flight and they ended up landing in the Everfree Forest," Twilight explained, "And that's when a small pack of timberwolves found them... I think you can figure out what comes next".

"So, then you figured you'd bring the filly here to help her," Celestia said, "Am I correct?".

"Spot on, actually," Twilight said.

"Then tell me why Spike called this filly a changeling," Celestia demanded.

"My guess would be jealousy," Twilight said, "Kind of like when I first brought Owlowiscious into our little family of sorts".

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about," Celestia said.

"I know I've told you about Owlowiscious," Twilight said, "Well, when Spike first met Owlowiscious, he thought I was replacing him. He ended up trying to get me to believe my little owl friend was haphazardly leaving dead mice and rats in the library".

"And how does that relate here?" Celestia asked.

"He went to extremes before when he got jealous," Twilight said, "And I think that's what's going on this time".

"Did he not learn the first time?" Celestia asked.

"I thought he did," Twilight said, "But, I guess I was wrong".

The pair remained silent for some time after that. Celestia went over and over in her head what Twilight was telling her, trying to really understand it. Spike is a baby dragon, and his race is driven by greed in their later stages of life, so the story did not seem like a lie, but Celestia just couldn't think of why Spike would use the word "Changeling" when sending that letter. More importantly, why did he feel the need to involve Celestia? Something did seem a little off, but Twilight wouldn't lie about something like this... would she?

"Princess?" Twilight said, breaking the silence.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought," Celestia said.

"On what?" Twilight asked.

"Can you think of any plausible reason why Spike would want me to get involved?" Celestia asked.

"The only reason I can think of is that he thinks you might try and force me to give Aurora up or something like that," Twilight said.

"Unless I have a reason to, you can rest assured that won't happen," Celestia said.

"I never thought you to be heartless," Twilight said.

"However, where is the filly in question?" Celestia asked.

"She's with the Crusaders," Twilight said, "I figured it'd be good for her to meet others as soon as possible and make some friends".

"Having friends is something she'll need if she has truly lost her parents," Celestia said, "It will help that wound heal greatly".

"And it'd just be good for her to make friends for the sake of having friends," Twilight said.

"So, can you honestly say for sure there are no changelings, to your knowledge, living in Ponyville?" Celestia asked.

"A hundred and ten percent, yes," Twilight said.

"Very well," Celestia said, "I trust you Twilight. You have never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt what you've said".

"And sorry about you getting dragged into all this," Twilight said, "I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again".

"I'll hold you to that, Twilight," Celestia said, "Oh, and one more thing".

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Is there any chance I might see this filly any time soon?" Celestia asked.

"Not for a little while," Twilight said, "I want her to get used to everypony here in Ponyville first".

"I guess I can't fault you for that," Celestia said, "Though I would like to meet this filly eventually".

"And you will, don't worry," Twilight said, "Not like I can keep her away from her good aunt Celestia forever".

"So I'm aunt now?" Celestia asked.

"Well, grandma just doesn't sound right," Twilight said jokingly.

After the two shared a good laugh, Celestia got up to leave. She was leaving this situation in Twilight's hooves. After Twilight watched the royal chariot fly off, she walked right back inside and yelled Spikes name as loud as she possibly could. Needless to say, this summoned the baby dragon immediately... though he had hopes for a different outcome than what he was being greeted with now: a very angry Twilight.

"What's this about a letter?" Twilight asked.

"I sent princess Celestia a letter letting her know what going on," Spike admitted, "She manage to talk some sense into you?".

"If you mean did she take Aurora away, the answer is no," Twilight said, "And you wanna know something else?".

"Um... maybe?" Spike said.

"I had to lie," Twilight said.

"You actually-" Spike said before being cut off.

"Shut up and let me finish!" Twilight yelled, causing Spike to cower back a tad, "I had to lie right to princess Celestias face to keep her from taking Aurora away. That's something I never thought I'd have to do, but you didn't give me much room there, so I'm going to explain one thing: if you EVER pull a stunt like that again, you're not going to like the end result. You Understand that?".

"Um... well-" Spike said before being cut off.

"Do you understand, or do you not!?" Twilight yelled, "It's a yes or no question, Spike!".

"Yea, I get it," Spike said.

"Then are we going to have this discussion again?" Twilight asked.

"No," Spike said.

"See to it we don't," Twilight said, "Oh, and by the way, you've gotten yourself another week of being grounded".

Before Spike could say another word, Twilight turned and walked away fuming. All she wanted was for Aurora to have a chance at a good life, and Spike was making that near impossible. As soon as she got into her room, she swiftly locked the door, plopped down on her bed, and, with the heartache now getting to her, cried herself to sleep.

Author's Note:

Ok, so how many of you get the reference in the title of this chapter?